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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 25 Jun 1914, p. 2

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A.'] r' 26T1~, 1914. tiPu fhÃ"uld they exiat? s5w be fQa. - 'Mee tfngsIn, prÏ> ta* ,bion. aeuepsnonq uoi n. o te r.h_____S9e CÂBRÂI-W~jI * ~ ~ ~~* < He là askinilthat he ,tud books ý.f- the6 - i t~ If he -a aoeligiovi missino hUoa hud1k opopedatlh u nyrsi tTnited -States hé' rew e d ' zs f4Ca-cauot.Secureý. free . ntry ,1Ibe bas cer:FÂMOUS ENQ(LI8/À YR. ip>uiIê ibring before It morneobjections ta ' requiring tranhfer 4cuments 1lu. teada.Ji 'Wf l thetUnited Btatea or, do theý tain dàitr orehn ~i asy ~p f présent conditions regardùnýduty4-ree fim. a bas upon .*bich animaise3v$Y Unit~ed States reiroglz ie<anidau stud .event 1là 4 arédfrom, Imà,n.y C U'thevFE. ifltExp.ý oOeDypetu Importation 0f tooghrdmre erjectedad Importera discouragd. bo0És te,- the ji~e amount a'idledgreel chance» to',nmake .advàntagebus pur'Ï e 4J bte@e 4lI'lU5 i and stallions. I maramy hdatrs lb1.e Te folwig caqdeaicni an. Mr. OÂSGBaAJN--Itb1zuk:1 am'coases wIch.àîe çen ta f ýOIl1. bQ r. tliat the'y a (1quçOtion which, -le altogether- Iréesshow thei worth of the,,Identigcatlion comnt tatn:fe iue. h'r.Beni fVM iny political signfficance, and no system adopted: . ..Alcàn Can' Import duty free afaei i iia1 oreigù 1bûye. f .E.~~ti Iebiiftproiyfr Volitical party cauld -take exception tai (a) Those- animais already Ir. 'the anl al registered In 'such .rellable knows -exaotly where h1s,¶govrnment YOunàFl n4s"1wy ra.nd politiJ kIlicate",Hii if. If there ln any grievance exliing, Jcountry attho Inception cauld net f -re r a iritht ,TeCn-,stands, kfiows tlat-it rnèaffs- tahel; - ia y -.oeni an Ç_e& ft~l gr orIfthere lisanything amies, bath have the system aepied te them ai c0 9l edo5àaferheha gt'hmt biag a to1lduy ac. i. 'E i.Col3at ii heTeplba'- Tey baiev' _parties are equally reriponsible. beé (b) The ofsrng aia T his i~o,ed la th le ndi reitkïer.Caadaa 'byqrkae htamt rd nd1'te f -ahue qh inxot trod' ty'hèl' cause the conditions complained ai braught la since upon which duty l"is i h odsaiet lfree teladu the, practiçe .>eaveé o, ndthre la ti. uii tan ter ayt have been la existence for a long dîme. pald -are reglatered without I&etlla oate.mtad dptdI te hm'b utfe, uIY ua Th'le contentions af lame wIIQ are a *tion Of their Parents; ant we. 10untrles.P d or ' sock,1s'eu su 8rs that thë7' latt6àal, Record CÃ"in. hi m 'o OIdca hirt8r.idad v u greved are- ()Obvlaugly, lanaoevent. are the - ll Ipre o tovr nite ytm ibaveïs hlm mit 'a dis- ~ ~ dae ~ adia.O i 1. That the Government does fnot parents of the Ident1ifed animaisale ifrn proe n-b tocssavatse.Mnts a, dCo# pewg C 910. dffi-n vlred thougihtaand ênfreethecusom 'Iw a tafri lentfie~of Di rsons lnterasted ln différent waymi.1,élapse 'wbiie e i lpecing tgthrca.rtoonsanwhWh fom (ime te time càG,, inother linor fo beedngpuross.(d) A mare brought ln In foal zni Thom e who cmars to Influire ino ;h docume6nts re9Uire y h ojmttee. he has been dePicteëd. 'poa.heir 12. That the Gaverament ddiegates hé rejected and the awner forced to mt e ug ortimevsw h Mme. hé Cannat oeil the animali:The Lain>ou.s K..allows himself tato bhïr trua thsenforcement ta the National Re- pay duty for fack of Identification pa- purp se the duty free entry provision, ant does flot iç4tow wliat Itlta tO cost one lury: ho *emokes tbe i.O et who in ji ord Committee-a body fnot reupon- pers, u h bll etseeLitotW5moî ntnedt el1d4ht l 1Mütlrateoly.' The Içeep makes a ciparsEvery day ns o s.l e yer elIble ta the publieciorec<tpd by if, ay itri ul atotavantaedbyyenhlelniamagge0 poft;'To ne o a 611and isobe "dci aving interesa t talWays the (e) The iredibiiity af those Who te'se avge etrbe.Amerlomn' purchkser o a aike iàùn~ithtva ag orns ndwh regard aupel a~me as thos'e ai other finprters. siga the papers can neyer be tested;' cti lner dairy caws and mare en- a- t theé saine saebais h ies purchase Ihiathcorsthiheuy Wh h 3. Thîs committee decHles ta use (f) The series aio- Identification )a,-durn g horses are wanted, not la the, thraugIhei. Cuitomu wlthout- delay. hie znenaging <uerk ta 'bri.ng h'imaoteoi ~ermlnpawrs threb derllnglm-per d na latheacvesproe ay-sha mrings,, but aofthhese aamT :értal powes, threby eprIvIg lm-pers o netIoaththel farms. anThe His linPortatt__ln1tot subjeet -ta ,re- round 4his -box tVo the Junehe.on aountflis o portera. thing and wauld nlot make a prima sho% ring LÉ; the place whére what thé gistratloa f'an books kepbyhss aii 13. This committee decljnes to use faiiie case anywhere-because the uni- a wants le advertlsed. No oneý traite CaÈpetitors., They cannot. force eso ~eral pwestheeb dpnig M. mal referred ta, If Il hCat soe - .caoncelve of the farmer -knowlngly' hlm'-ta record' la books kept yteanswered, < porters of part of their rlghts. It be- traordlnary marks, couIC flot be showa supp ýrting a system by whlch direct -anC with goao -o ire~cîWherel Fn 1 ig a prIrate body under no uegai Cuty ta be the same as thît mentioned la lmpÇ rt .by hlm ai atock hé nocas ta an -anlmal l« - iptended for- use t t) perform any tunction, there açe no the papers. ra lh nipoe i hbedrgstered bord, recarqlng la sucb h hpsne , a'mastacmeli a c. 16. The material la the country la herd lu made bard ta bim and b?' books la hie own country lo of no use caher ri That le the reason why 1 am ýnow poor. The system adopted tends -to whlci what stock ls avallabie through elther ta hImý- or to his caunti-y, but rî' tantiy tihen d< presenting the subject. keep It thît Wày. It tends to campailmp rltatio by athoru lu IlkeIy ta be the réglstratlp# being a voîuntary mat- ~ shipper 'tura « i .Brlefiy, the customs law givos us those ilrovinces net aiready provided elthUr higber la price or poorer ln ter, he can 11~y fori t when and as It Y gry dog mighti Entrydty free, for breedlng stack,' with breedlng stock ta buy the culte quai ty than IlneBei uIafc eeme ta be1 any use ta 'hlm. had strueký hir I1vn h oenr i ani atameitn salîmente la the ergîeta the law. Enuh bé~en sald ta show that îhe trust in Gi wpaketne necessary regulations. The, provinces that, are sa provlded, /or te No one would grudge frec Import free Import a îffectlng pure breeds novn bn Oavernor ln Counili aliaws free entry. buy abraad anImais the breeder bas ta t ose who breed pedlgreed stock ln 'lntended ta be bred ta half-bred hierds -' no'eîbn if the animal le regletered ia the Caa- net been able elîhor ta selil or ta train. the couatry nor abject ta Government la not givea due effeet ta. Ile ridicules tl aglan Register, or ln a fareign record They bolng stili' ln his handu ho ca keop ng their stud and berd books for As tor-the re-sult af the system on merciful, or. ju r cognlzed as rellable by the National. give tho completé transfer documents. them but probably ma.st people wauld the pure broC berds îiremdy la the fanunrcai e~corC Commîttee. But haro lu the Evea then bis word alone makes the subi -ribe ta the proposition that hav- country.and thraugb them on the clusser is no God, àar k rasi of th. wbole thlng. The Na- oniy evidence of what the sire and the lng eue thînge they sbould by their af animal t"o be bought out ai thom gdasapr nal Record Cammittea will not de- dam were. prad ice show, that tbey were breedlng y thie farmen for cross-breedîng, It,' ,. .dy ast cýare that the Engliah, the Amexican, Wbat the objectorasamy tbey waaî as gg od stock for the price as any ans may he polated out that the Only usQe ny ýa ,V1s tl4e .Austnallan, or the- Frencb Stud l:- eaulc( Import direct anC duty free. If ta the. country ai such bords lu tasu- ates man for's B Ok are recagaIzed as rellable. It 16. Ws want as gaod a chance ta get they cannot show this, surely no anc ply-the farmer wlth as god an animal'-'-' catch and: 011r1 rl net pronaunce au a publieabody good stuif for the saine Investiment as would support a protectîve system for la price anC qualty as he could lm- the eond. -CSr couiC be compelied ta, thît these aur torcîga campetîtars. theini benlefit for the effect wouiC -be' port direct tram abraad. Sucb a class ' verse, wibh il- boo'ks are, or are not, reliable. Aai- 17. We wanf the Government ta take that 1 hase wbo desired pedlgreeq, stock af animal local breedens' enly need ta and its eterns mals eatered la thase books, are, how- the respansibility ai seeeing lIat we tocr ss wlth half-bred herds-mand produce under the direct stimulus aof created only tc eeisr .ln' practIce éligible for entry la get ît.. they are the main support af the wbole compétition. If that be removed, anCdncs I'i t4e Can'hCdlan Regisitor kept -bYjF the, 18. We do nat waal ta have aur mgrlci Itural Industry-would gel worseè itlelunl part removsd by the dîfficulties rcsohi cýmmitteeq la tactthey are the foun- businézs la the. banCs or pewer af any anim las-or their purposes anC pay a ýin lmperîhîig direct thea tbeywîîîsoei life; andi made d' iaen books for the commlîteè's group ai Cealers or breeders.Ws hlbe prlce. lhlm .somethlng net quite sa.good as bis expérience, th, bc oke. want ta fo110w aur own course and lot No , la the most Important brècde, American -competiter may get abroad .pâ Smt,.. 5The commîtîce thus takes îway tbem follow. theirs. allunt an lnteadlng Importer apply ta lat the samne cost. M' .E mtMP trmthe Importer of an animal regie- More tban forty yoars mgo, the lm- know whether say the Percheron StuC The tronC of the, system,' thereforeTtIIIV te «cd la the Ezagllsh or Amerlcîn StuC partation fre of Cuty aiflive stock for Book or the Djurbam Herd Book lu ne- 'on the whole, lu ta' dîseourage thelarom Whe ncutM.mth IIL WU I Bo~ok, -etc., ans method af free entry. breeding purposes wis i plank la the cognitoC au rellable by the Gavr-dvdalnpre n t aeasm- af oursWe inas ut Mr.angehliii cot, Il Imposes on hlm na alternative but Liberal platform. la bis Remîniscen- ment, he will Ko talC by the cammlttee 'protectîve eîsem for the. bensfliofcusbsW hne i C" toi submilta entry la the CanaClan ces, page -44, Sir George Ras givos lIatit ~la nat, and he willi he lnvited ta 'stock aiready ln Ihs country. That which is JeIt la the barriaiers' rab- R eIster as a_ condition prece-dent ta an înterestîng account aifIes effeat on register In the CanaClan book ion these Je troc Import ai the fanmer's raw mi- îng rcOm, and the cigane along witlri 1NTERNAI frectry-a condition not autborized anc ai biseélections. breedu, a record inaugunated and di- ferili ledlscouraged and lafertor raw ile hence the daiiy task of his cierk. Cqunchl, Malg, it gels mbilt s own questioa I have boan Clscussiag bas eagagC la breeding or I mporting thît tected, and ibis Ina the face ai the de- i ist P'rem'ier. He la seeking- a poli- hujnds a power ta obstruaI the Impan- became common 'ground ta bath par-.eog f stock, a book kepl by the .Na- élared policy of Panliament. tical 'rather than a legal career, II tel-,'for it can make enlry Inho the tles. . tlonil Record Commiltea unden thibm TItis, sinies the Cays wben Sir Gea. îog teA'onyOenr L essoa II Canadian Register easy ai- bard, slow Tht Il sbould la the pracess ai tîme direct ans upon whlchboldy they are Ros stodotjr the Houseaf Cqmmons teg h tonyGnrlhl onr otherwlse, or refuse il altogether. remanso la appearnace but bave be- repre 1e1ntod. - e have &0j%ýgaround tethe apposîte mbti>.a Teppniag-stoue hs ayMr.- -Ril t Ta have anc'a case coasidened by came la fact a disguised protecîlve Boa ag la mmnd that tbe Intending peine ai the campase as ta thé encaur- lin h m reoewyM.Lui te comm ttes a, ne muet he the owner system ion sudh stock good or baC Impaer 's fres entny lu thus made ta agement of ires Importe. Sbould we Smith has, got -on le all the more of the animal tendened for fre sntry. masmy Kola the country,--wllettfiireCadpon (a) an bis belng a British sub- nol swing back anat only uay, but remarkable from the fa-et that a'1 LsenI- , luI ta say yog mueI bava pîrted lbe bardly credied, but 'that I lu soc ject rés'dent la Canada, (b) on hie mean ires importe af pedigreed stock, the time h.e b i-d to sa-rn hMe liv- ýAI whose hou wit'h your money anC bave purchased -willi le seen aiter light bas basa awnlng the.animaiaCd (c) an bis be- anC sec tholt thc farmer gets whît thedia g, nover ha-vin-g had the good f or- hoo dine 1 Viiat 1h; animal îbroid and have sa fanr throwa upon the practlco as; applled lag alý1e ta gel tbe National Record law gives hlm. No matter le more tan- tune to be born nich like ailiers in the gue.s t ool eou 1ltted rourseli ta Cifficulties bo- ta thée tbeory. nme Isu Comm tise te record it befare bie gets reaching than this upon the materilPalaenrI. When ho mate bis table?1 Whab 'fore ikno*lng whethen the commîttce Thene are a certain nubro tfree oùtry, Il abvlausly takes but lîttie prosperlty ai the country. niI alid wIl îailow Yeu -te get ouI ai tbem. books or bond books ln faroiga coun- ta delay,dee a or obstruaI hlm ln hle A thoueand PoIled Angue or Durbamn maiden speech k -waa cieuseas guests i W'hat tAmangst the termes h Imposes at trioe la which -the breodore record the endea Z'o ta obtain It. bulle lla the West brng clown ton urnes the most briilia'nt on record, andtbhauti What t'g Pr «ent are the producl ng ai wrItten blnlbs ai ibair animaIs. Oi course It Amo ngst the finit requiremeats of their cost ta the eblpplng points Inside one great newspaper alludedt b hîm be gainet?1 To 'tri nifers of the animal fromn the olg- Coes nat fallaw tht animale thora ne- the N tlaaal Record CammItteo lu that ai lbree or four years morely through as "another Premier at the miaring dhs kingdlom Inil breeden ihraugh every owner corded are valuable ion breedlng pur- tnanui ýru ai île animal tram the brsed-, Ils incremued welghi and qualîty af post"i h nie do wn fa ths Importer. Sud Cdocu- poses non Iliat nlany natt8sauecrded er up ~e the lmporllag awaer muet Ko their stock. Like Improvements wauld dite tii. intt m nlu are nat usual la transactions are flot valuablo. To avaid entering furaised, tht lo ihat- a itie tram talîaw ires Importe af Calry catîls and 4---~~ ' al ersn rel ' aing ta ihoraughbred hanses, are on aay gnauad poeeIbly- Cebatabie, the band t banC muet bKoabtîiaeC la wrlt-oethanses. Thase provinces mastI la ' N (ED BY THE NECK. Las essnJ, lIn maycasesnot procunîble, anC discussion may ho limiteC by asuum- lag. ilsrequirement lu nlleged by' need ai beter saleabie stock suifer rtis Co- vn t.udis(Epeser9 -o Dme ny uourable by paylng Ing that an animal le net valuable for the committee ta e eeusany far the the moult ram existlng conditions,. o hn foîý thom. The meno Cemand for Ibem bnoeding purpases unleus se necarded. purpos1oai deatiylg the animai. Now Thai the 1mw lu not applied f le ar. HunCiee ritGt E te dciple la many cases wouid preveni ihe pur- Certain af thsse books are recagnized for the pimary purpose af craseing on Wby Il ehould flot be applled bis ta Dle With Mr. Carnegie. their wny ? Wk chi se ofaia-dCeirable animal because by the United States Gaverament- as hali-bred stock, If the animal can be explained. Why a privais lady exer- Th.mnwo'resgd ad ecni i? fonilga buyens do nat need sud Cdocu- Ieing rellalle anC a lst ai tbose sa pravedi ta le onhened an a ianeign ne- aises part ai the tuactions af Gavera- Tem- h nesgoumtncgiehm aits'anC bbc' e«,Iler nover bas 11cm. recagnI zed lu published by tIaI gav. lhable record, île chIai oftîtie lu a ment cannai le satlsiactoniîy expualn- then refuses toaaceept them (s a talking 1 What 1 .A Canadian buysr aImpeting witl ernnMent.. matieniofaIindifference ta the larmer If od. No partofai iuuîject's iglils triai ta shopkeepcns anad ma.nufa.c- What dit thcy1 foreign buyers, blierefare, libors unden Thal lu exacily whal we wouîd lika bis légal tille le gooC cnough ta pre- sheuid hé laken uwmy tram hlm by"ýa tuners in ali la-ads; a navel wa-y ai when they reac se eral dîsadyafuges: ' the Gavernment bers la Co-publshu a venit any ans from taking theaimaila bdy net aaîwerale ta the elechanss enviag such delinquents les detcnib- was ho mate '(TIers lu île certalnty ai deiay lust ai etud booksu>lIaI bbey wauld ad- tram ltlm. Thatlélgal tille lu nellanranC wbich-cannaI Ibrough the courts ed in a cunious lihîle a-necdote told IN here ciid they whýedlscussîag wih the committee; mit. Surely thora muet la la the hetter nxor worse lecause ai thes dai le aampelled ta penform îthe Coties n"IeMmis iWlia ik a h.thyh Thers lu ihs posslhhilty ai ielng wlole w'orld seestuC or-hard baok aI docuiments. Mareover fia such daln asslgned ta lt ion tle simple nealsan i h M,, ofWlia ik o ht yh unîblic ta procuira tle documents ne- thatla le aable. If the Gavernmeat af af dacumente coverse leral points m a i rh i tlea privais lady anC cannai le Te a aCinmn h uo hip-Nowdd QU'lzsd-i:fte day would do as tls goverament whicb Cdenthty Ie most llkeiy ta be lait. campollod ta perfonm any more ai îhe ToewsaCiamnwoto i 1)Thora Ithe posslbillity ai bing ai mny ather country la CoIng, aCdpub- The tesîimony Of' ibose wbo îîu'thIe dutles than mi ebooses. excellent likeneses in cia-y, which aayons tram th un bi ta satluty the-commitîse; IlsI the IEt, ils Canatdian - loyers dam lred ta the sire or the animal - A bni revlew ai the circumetances, ho afterwarts calanred, anti they ing 'him ? Whai (ci) Wbllsb île duty ires eniry ques- would le on lbe same footing as any bm nle flot always avallabla. In many suggesiu certain modîflcatioae as le- were al-together weIl executet. To coit af disciplesl flan lu thus held up the animai bas ta aller luyer la the wonîd. lreeds, the yaung are takea tram tle lng lmperatively necessary.1 thîs ma's shop Paît a-ad I. went disciples regard le bonCeC or Cuty pald under praîsst. The Canadian Governmeat net only motîer-s anC nalsed by band or piaced l. The Goverameal should publleb o ee ipromncs W on T htddÉ 91 The resuillu la an animal un-1 doesunet publiel sudh a liel, but It wib 1981ter niailers. The ideatity can lisi ai ail fai-elga records whichare sehe xnomac W on T iaLdth doultedly regstersd la île Engliel or1 does, nat lîseit Ceide wheiber any onîy be înaaed l l eîma I eeaî eoazcla eîîs R n Creisnena the ship wouit try t.o' fcll tbe ýAmenîc-4An tC'okmCpe- p u oegasu nlr oauaeto-wa eeo l pt n a-adl teauol nîlea nmlNitnhm-itn frh otat fe anigt soîilfar a gîvea capital, therefone mueit 1 ed aI the m loment-lu thmi by aits 'stock. Na matier ly whom rscorded e IgtyowonisCeeean<rdldronA teeagvetî me chawsti.S be 4)f an laferlor claie. This applies aiof mIssIon rg lertlan commission,! thons are prabably lnanay bard baok whethen the book lu conceived ta le ai nuch trouble, mke-ntofe'ace, able.acused lVW whIt her you buy mebraad an on thl irstiy of îlheGcrernmeujt, anC second- j quie as -maay worthless animale as record ai lbreedlng experlments or a Yn tk &muteha nae irack la, anada a forelga animal ly ai ihe National Record 'Commuites, thers are -maC anes. istary aif itle- ne pa ,fa aesiui e agdemant af him i racing ibere ln baC,. soe . Importonu sufer tbrough . hIe The danadîan hmporter bldClag at a .As a vo.iantary matter there wauld 'uP' téoprovide fan hiF Il. The National Record Commhlîse lîegality, If theru eue ndaes ae abaEgi-Csad a ia-hon1Wcla aIm fbîwn J is master suy oa Clailn that is esrem lu fiocossary la expased withouf buvlng any legal ram- ivantage nas counpared'wltl hie Amner- esiter' thgory, Ih le anly when tley ît'u No wonder. we coasiden our- 'order ta ldeatihty the animais and. ta edy short of IxterIsrence ly Paril- iIcan ce peior.The latter can uately sek tla Impose Iheireysîom on allersohut emk buQl up an Idéal Mysieni of roglutra- mient. - ibo'y an anImal guarîntsed ta le re- wluodo aôt need If thttiheir ileorles A minister, speating a- holiday ln Gad gives t-3 us' tlinr ,'The_ cauât r' lu nat suffichently 'iThe artic-le ai île tarIf dealn with -carded ln *onOaIfIe boiok s cagized Inteniere with tIc nîghis of otbers andC buill etstock teaia pt sud a syslem, Cuiy troce nlry tor breedlng,.uDss. i overnmeat.The omrcn teeybcôeo n uleir- ,ék;.)tofIeadwsouWAk sonVIT Il a qeuîonale wheiben thefrs- is leàveu h lao the Gavernment ly Order net. He would like te aCC some lim- 'anas.iqg,. dfeinaeythrt aieiLzars-l give offset ta the pro- 'alions, as îouamy: Couf asatr sult ai the voluntary app -g lafm!housé Ion a drinka îk.La&us? Wht book~s are oniy records.et breediag ex- vielan. T-be Gavenamont PurPants i wiio utl msmia cm a -tho- i lr reat se appf i tleTef-ue' 1e gave 'hum a large tive positions on p.riimebfsV la 'couatries wbere Iley Ca Ibis ly isaylag thaltfroc -entryXsha11pou tbI ue sel er î gantes r aion- of tcair eedriJ yfcabem ftifeielrepr.~'î~ir ' w ieW.spenet whsen -tàie ii~~ bsa eu sucesfulîl us aIhogranied ha animais awned by Brut- CutY fres entrylanto canadaori Àdu s ai e îèr sa :iFté mfly qen 'ý i's hirst a nu'uûbe ofDives ses froin Ilîbm' baie boeu valuýntury, Tîsirvalue 1 lAl subjçats rosident- la Canada (a)' hae wilgluaraîliee la funiisixail the iblia can lié aured' 1atmid. îltie' .nt7 -' -dép -do s4l jtrsy o l eptto oni h nIa sngilrdl îeOa ocu nns nequîred la Canatha for - country -wlll lave remeon- tucongratu- pige ge ountii'i.¶1emnWa i 1 seand inteetyi- Qi tiiose, Wbaho ai .eis1t rfor tue ireed, on b uyfeety1-Tht-te.hv-oýos 1> Cjtr tèdthtà i wr au rih e usrt~, T__o~fcto eure aaysephp lradaCnc uyfo an ii Xd05 aifloue late itseli; ia byhp-od o~uultrntctti h ie wer a s igh h 110m Te ~ r le5niatjoT1esei.Dijjnl01lel eNtinl ecired in the UnitedBiaies, or or' beileve tht- tîey aea C e s0ute, vory strnage (i heinmann&r e zo le Watdi lee îyti 9oýr t. o- e~ imîn~- 1f aîîaîaîNatonalRe. l el1 !pqiionally. on my say tle leasi cust la Coubi. by thelr eid-"My goot lady,>- yare ths fuet?1Whatn ,,.9 ~ Cannutes' il pOilnsoaubahiiranC Buttaiiesere paaiswîîî l esire ta fonce -île sýtezncen albenu pigu so excited 7" The farmer's wîte hs secn reu louri[e wlo e1)o letnÊot the air and m ee r point la îuy e tîk eiovoa ýa 11e point -retuslng 'bm repubied "Sure, (t'a ,-no wao eunVI. ~ci»j~ »ibear>', th y tW o fl i- Is ut f4llp short ai wlatI de-Pot at eçýI$vely raies at an auction. He free entry. Ifthey beed as thsi eyl-oerbt i;i-ei-e W vns- i i Q 0Ib c1I iogînas aIliMu 4 4 tnttlyo publication ai a lisI- af chances aLdeîay and af beîag refused pi-mties tend te discaunage the Indivi- lci alyuar rkn u ivlen e . of Whai, brC yhen,çeicrermtkthç a4yani- ors7ga 'recorde rsdogpized asrellle Ires e T îls Beamy do le ls more imtor bre not lit OiJnustPQg rt [ tcr mitesY.iî as al î e mumavadoIfale asualIportrand ta droite a .4gay au mref- tigei ai Tîe eyfqntiy b hi'e o'vernmept, second- thtion band: tondu aufficient. But if le 'protectIon ifonrl în 4a 5I5Cai-'ai ako f hi ku ytqg;e #s ho go tbe -aionza roadyore te cu>,ieraxeyt uniya hi wg '1nt lu'> ç4letaewodontnpgemi-te igarecord kelpt lits dom elîlan hiCs, ho must content.taccVI'he ystein an ôtIons wvould Ko By Proxy. h a iti o et swtthb b mb Intothisyg- abraid, 98reiiabl'eIfthtIre is a 1Ca- hImsîf hI bÃœyîng an lafanion animal. expîînablîs, because îy gettingevery XMaute-.Carlins e agetwmndt1 a~ tni ,a tra ,Tii. y bçIipve aCIAn,,record, for the breed, anC islly poe asîee î' a ~ ~ ~~p dc,4 ît t îe l tîg nga pivte lady lierearanabefore Il s caseu vwil e'cnshe aua e, o oné Inat hef mpItIo bnele pol f oflashion. tonasVh Pa folȔ0iqW it M ' aqlegal i ige 0; otcop eing tlem ta the com Ites, he-cannai gei thern ta e rrsysteza wltlswhat, can le Cane Be-ri-oshe egc an Lez X-T o,~ ~~ M wî la 9 J!q uo r,îievpreoff pp1Clljy 1aj -,Cefialtel>' an pronounco bOtoreband, as ta wbetber un or the sysîoza ot ires Importa,chkea miVn-Wom anlejrw bi>oI~n~hlvcope~4r îe ql~b11?or othlerwlue ai any If lie puichase-se malandC mciian al- would le gone. Unthl tley baveslown Maude r- Oh, neo! She bines a promehet a cent-a oRxeyt oreI I yeu ln the case ai ane mai, I1 tiould camle la duty free. 'i hl vle wu ldse hat tiers1 nurse ta do it eeleeecm igt 9 îý ,- th ir al e' I-wo'd e - ---'- ~5 ".v r e g a ~r u t a l l _ia a s a a t j L f Lseatimàent 1 Vîna - ng o! hI. donial. ýs o thiik-of V emo-on h rencese. Mo.et PecO been- the itroagiio <od on li n la the sense aly o inl ofmt rs t i. gl roý e sain-t& ~~iieve ~th tIiatthDine hsquiet virt-ne of g.,men ~~ied~ ~~ oprteb'rnPure women. The rcaI beUeven l rdm'deastemr a-pdtoade- Iii rI v4ee evra]in ~~ hia3,nryersbe an's*ered, "bis yn -At in' the eense41xat teoted f-rozatewud eTtpo t at Got w il swtr TrUsIt in - ed invalves,- va b:is mi S, aaiuytheir funicis the be'iiei that behjnd theStÙ~P8,nd- Lm,ttlueir emvrOaplracesees o! natural lite iýers is Ri as Ù ewas. A Dvie W 0dM a-t W deepy 'Èr»"uded upon ne-lity- trust, in Him is kinthat no humma n ihi ca sCoxare- et- in e-orne dd evionbnd ils .prçcepts aùd- pn kv re i n e o ! e v lo ti n a s s' b u l a -da ' i h a t o v yed, a commandoan dis- 4e bnma heart cian moaure ita eti ion. scape. Iec tàee .kùaowletgé, -trust in .Goci rea-iy a divine mind'te le "boa won- le ehown,'by *the action tierful,- for 'lis l'untstanting."l le people when Got hhiagh, I cannaft a-ia unto i. he . Apnayer is un- Thenefore is hs pz'e1pared - for the desire tiiwarted, a-wlul, btle- mystenlious, a8nti even te- imbitoa Doefatod! him thie terrible. Nahig ,n ffie. univensul 'pi-ocess Oaùistunb or' a business enterpnîse c-onfount.him-. il at gapar ,in , -a o h il ît d ie s ! i a- t o le , e v il it le hl m a- w i d m i a p p h i oec t;hse'na wiiewr- at fe.ult.. If an, event seems ta b. on Vths 'Deity a -hua- cruel k lu -his lave whicl is bin-, tun an a master vho H ooeupnVsh ,anýces- atd dIýem. Re clamons tha-t chinges,.o1 human ex-pýence aven ot ike trust in a-n~ s hgazes at nigîtupnhsno- k, lias been boIra ed. ments ai the 'heavenly spbl'ùes;- fo ble item at ed is would thiak a- lit'le aiqutin et. H.Reeven gees se ing VI. benoficcace ai the ana uS A )n bo asserî driat there te aller. _Came or-row -01 o nma peints teo'lis Ina- fmi-lune 'an succes, death an lite-lt Cof that, the w orldit 15 a] 'I.î iii. sam e. -H'e truâts in God, naehine..- wjioh Lii- andti herefore lie- truists Jite; whi-ich a. liti. urne, eniy ta le simply the thing that God i(s do- ush lirem rut-essly -in iag. ."Týhough herseiay me; yel will iviacet that the uni- I truit in 'him? 1" ' Ye , il . is ý<nly à infinitues of space When Gat seems ta alay me I-lit I ialilies aI tire, was can trust . ri 'Hirn, for' trust beginu' to uerye the potty di- eniy when kaawiedge fai1s; jut ai )Pitifully insignificant ths stars shine aniy when t-ho. sun enow te-ses, by sat (s gone! - Iev. JohTn Hayns- i-ut it 'je Maving ta Holmes.- SumWo[ tESSON rUNE 28. The Secking Saviour Goldenl Tcxt, 'kel9. Tbl Ta0. iitt ee i Ve mne a! is coin- hnit' TaleTal.-kingdem uk te -le bound 1I Wbat1 e tias Jesus initiet tay wiil u-sber- in hieernal kiag-' t lit 'ho notice whon dam? How sixouit 'hie disciples pro-' t ilein places, at thé.pae or u-ay lit le uay ta he Lsson 7 XI.-Te Fnen o! Si- Sdit he -atvise bis ners.-Why were tue. publicas o [ici he ay wouit thus muai liiked? .Why ÃŽid' Zý,uiu' be- iî whaî dit 'le liken inient i6m? Wha-did lieaoh ia ai heavea?7 Wlom VIepanabis 'A te Pîmnaisse ad thle iguosts in t-lis par- pubican ?*Viuh whom dit 'ho dine î? .ut Jenîiho? How wus Zaohaeuscon.- [The JounneV ta Em siderot by hie townapýeple1 Wlat Les.-son.-W.Verc were effect dit Jssus'e visit have eOnZacî- going 1'a n thla finut ch enu sq 1W-ho met t-hem onl Lesen XIL-Tle Great Refus. îhy dit bhey fail ho -What didtheI. ioh yn halçr- 0fi 'ha t- er te t-7 ask Je 'nss?1H&w-dit ho say that hs dit ~ ~ ~ ~ a l tac th m ailiveci? Wha;t <iC-Jess elt hlm persuade bila too t do 1 Why dit Jesus make tMis fied Emmaus? How deniant of hi? How. dit hsei-nier known t la 1, 1recéive it Wihat 'dit Jeans say of' y g o ta t ell1 V h s a e w a h s a g e - ri c h e s tad -seen and heard? agro ihs Tlie Coul oiîacîls- POINTED 1'ARAGRAPHS. 1Jesue dit-courage -- [îeugiitessiy Iaiiow- ,Same men, arc unabie te bolieve ýdid ho sîy ai the a wobrd Uîefy «aY. hip? How must his. A mnan ianv necessaily honest d ail allier Ihing? because ha is paon. e11k-an a =-aa Wliri1 Human nature sets a.a-inn p ma llow liai witheut jtge of lis neigubor. 1e coul i fi-aetimes, a ginl does a Young T'he Lest -Sheepand an a-aagreat favon by jl-ting him. -WhaV didl Jeaus say Botter a waman withl nosy checks aio every humtaxi than a- mn with a rosy nase. iappens ia heaven Cupit is wiue. Rie leatis ths can- iner, nepeatsl Witii pie ho tihé mita ndatthen quita Vhs diCd Jésus lls egame. Mhat ià té- ey aiof Neyer jutge a marniet mar. byhla îVlîy didte wo- a-t-ions when lila way frain home. lest coin so 'highiy?1 j liss a aman keepanig the lebrale ils recôvery? 1 wanît wviU sean bauve himi the 'lie Prodigal Son lunch, . ,esson)-Fcn whlatiAnd any a.hors.las been bâadly' son ask lis fatlen? j.naed becaue moaey ta]ked-te the hf,.-t tamake esuch a jjockey. di le de wiien hubi hi . wun't.for tIcwemther lots of i'at l'e akàdt i People,-WCud ae Mo ogxeuEe,01 oe was le dniven bY ualking. [amine?1 What-did - Fn-rni the fruit dealer we.-get ou? do?1 Whut lisurns *jams-.and.tram th-, wat gooctadea- romn this parable? j er we gel oon jarnija-ms. lhe Unjust- Steward. lItraan easy.matten tefili ee-' it b)y astewurtî Q01jail yo.ha totAo iudkika a.vage bewîrd in île pan- j4qg,,,n0,hen wait a. littie.-' Vhat dit lis master Wîth fia exi'_èpùfon-aàÎ cbocoas.e Haw tiid le oeek caramneis ther. lu aaî.hing bweetsr ta is future ?-W.hat dit a girl Vlan love*$ yeung drnem. f'1dim*? How seludIt lb s weil b inako a- goont art--. seivyes? i.hat use and.( s -uawWlt remembreri that aif t-le maaey whicl (t luij;he finish tuat neally-ceunIe.- î- Many aman makos a Irepnu -- -ha Riel Man atdeffort .to necognize fila dtt se It & were Dives anti he -vyillin a --oston. te tpdge t- ene hlair, reepec- sa-i-tIi Whut;hI'p- Leson n-', i Itiquette,- y det?1 Wht dit She was a iife^ girl g-4&very4,- iwe lce ai to-- lie. t Wî.s tue liai'Urnle slip ha~ ie pray that La- basa n a0' i ,nice, and eho bad '- permitet ta o? -len eaefuhiy inýstructet oy t w e . this wias ns- b a e. .j swer was m ite ta "If t-ly a-eky-ou te dine withi est? them,"-epa-!Jad,,-sad, "you inue V -Unpoflable fer- emy,'N, thm-nk yen; 1 have alre-ady 1J'esus uay0aI ior- an<' uq e tdit t-ho dis- I1 iurne t out ,juat- as papa lia-c mi Wfiai dit ha iaa'tieupted. iprtant than tVhs,"Came -along, Ma-rjorie," aaià< faith ihat Cid ti e iVie iends fate'i- you.mue--t er aflaithi low have -a bite with us.>' sucb Gol-goiica- "No, -tlxank yau, ; Saîd bthc iîtlJe se u inuge r girl with aignity. 'I have e1rea4d %ue Gra-tafrl -Sa-bi-s. Let Jesus as ho ap- . in villageq Wiy One'ofLa by'e fi-at ambitio-is.ý psileti talIvela iraget a-Il Vhs pie ho -can eult âueh a Place? What dýidthse" lp- ens -bseeah Jesus b -odo? ,Wheré dit le sent there? Why dld -ho not beal them, at once ? -Wbat happene as., tley wvent t ta hs pnist-?,Haw nany retunnedt tahnk Jesuls fer, jvhut he- had tons ?IW iher«e a' -Vhi r. grateful man come fi-ar-?, Leuson X.-Th5 ('omiag o bi% Kiixgdom.-W!hat did ils Phuanisees msk Jesus a-bout -ie kingdoiiû?ï'WÈàt, s s s 'i ~ b e 'f

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