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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 25 Jun 1914, p. 4

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I ASH~URN. trget-mne-nots. Master- Oso. Hlck- I PRNT1C-BRYNT. ngbottom, cousin oi the bride, car- ried the wedding ring on a. gld- Un the préenoce 0f about 'elghty mounted, cane. The bridai -, party pueut., the. Marrtase o!Mist Jia stood beneath an arcli of white roses WIllé, Youngeet dsughter o!f1Mr. and. and evergreen. ' Aiter the csremony, lIri, W.- H. Bryant, to William Ar- and receptioni the guesti entered;tbe thur-Prentice, second -son of -Mr.,R. dinlngroom, 'whlch was decorated Prentice, o! Scëugog, Ont., ±ook p'ace wti lkrssadvrreu o Êl deday, June- 10, at the rest- )the weddlng dinner, atter which Mr. dence of the bridc's father, Ashbu4n, and M.ru. PrentieIcI t for tieir new. ont.- The cereinony ' was performed boôme -luPortý Perry ýamid -showers -O!' by tie Rev. R. Allii~, yrtle. Thbe Iontettt. The présents' retelved - by lriué was given away by her father., the bride were numIerous and contly, WIssA *Agg46Costella, -rEPSOM , cousin ShowingeLthe higli estcem fluwhieh of the groom, pIayed, the wedding ,Mr. and rs. Prentice 'are heid tby> nMarcb. The bride looked larMlng '11their ma'ny friendi. a gowxucf wlhte duchess satin 0Zfl We.al Ji4cn, in- wisbn x n b;Qoldorod with sced dpearîs,- LSO Mrs. Prentice a _ long, happy aud c4rried' a bridaL bouquet of white prosperus wedded Ille. rosesIlily of theo valley and mieri The Audley Garden Party wil be hAit fern, Her veilicf tulle wasar heid on JuIT 7. Vult for it. teilUà Ça>captrfmlmd with seedod J peaiÏ and orange blossoma. The brido's traveling suit wae of- blue PORT WHITBY. dIagonal cord siutlng wlth white Mrs. EdgauliHurris and Infant on bat îIrIMMed wlth whlto pluziies and o f Winnipeg, ire vieiting at the omeI Vw J uK&SO GAR AGE -cars for Hire B icycles and Repairing New and-Second Hand Wheejs For Sale,' L~éA A &* A A A iMMl~ "00 IT ELE0TRI0ALLY Homnes that are ueing elcctricity for lig added' convenience of ueing the following ai for curront ausot out opposite eaoh individt Let The fWhite CoaI" Do The n Washiug Machine & Wringer Tes Samovar - Chafing Dieh - - - -Toaster Stoves - - Six inch Dise Stoven Coffieo Poreoistor - Hgeating Fade - - - Ellietrie Fans, 12 inch And but of ail, the 10 watt tungsten now a commercial ouccosus. Une it for bill aup, place you would appreciate long hour b- of touet for 15J~ hoesunieof 8 csndIepop Gao. W. P. DOING IT NOW Planting Time Toget the bust resuits use the best sceds. Wc have them. Cheap priced tee&s are dear at any prke. TIrry use GA~RDE3N SEI3DS -1Y the package or by bulk. [Dutch Set Oions 15C pet quart. SSIONERS 1 ýht Mnay have the irticles, ut a cost ual item. York For Yout l1lets per hour 3 icts" ?letsi" 31cts" 212cts " s i*ct" ict a lamp, which in le, verandahi, or )urning, st a coul Prer. -EUYO supt. i MI[Mod n Ca Presh Miangle Seed A nice lot of fiowers and plants juat ini. Jno. 13. WATERJ-jOus-l WHITBY Phorne Il. Prompt Delivery. sulDonia, BROUGHAM.I On âSufrurday <afternoon most a nie1- king was held in the Brou gham scnool- bouse icrthe purpose of apontîn& offiora , and committees 'in...conuecJ talon wl1 lu Brougham Rural * $cbol ]Pa ir. Scven echocis were, repreentr-ý cd- Mr. IR. M. Tippcr, of the Dépt. o! AgrhýuIture offce, Whitby, ýwaà present. T ITh ollôwing choices wore made:- H-on.- res.-R.A. Hutchison, S.IJ. Preeident-Lydia Major,'S. s., No. 8, PickeFing. , Vice-?re.-Clayton Honey, No.ý 7, Pickering.- SOc.-T eeHoward Hoover, No. Directrs-Lizzie Anthony, No. 16,4 Marie 14amilton, No. 12 ; Edna M.id- ieton', 'o.-S, Hilda Middleton, No. ,ô; Fri uk Carson, No. 13 ; ,Clifford Hubbardi, No. 6 ; WilIie Smith N'o. 5. ComInttees were uppointed to look after pLacing exhibits in the toit, as followe :L- Grain, potatoes, poultry, flcweru and apples, nAture study collections, girIls el tsses. Some mninor changes were made lu the priv ý list. Messrs, R. M. Tipper and A.W. Slrrett, of the Agriculture Office, areé the managers. ; The AudoyGadn Party wll be beld on July 7. Waft for it. 1. The South Ontario Brancb cf the Dominion Alliance will hold a public neeting, lin the public hall, Brough-* am, on tPriduy, June 26tb, for the Purpose o! discuslng the great issue of Abolisb the Bar, now bofore the electors. ý F. M. Chapman, editor ' f0~ Mfaclean's magazine, Toronto, C. A. Gccdfellow, Whltby, and others, will [ address the Meeting. Chair -taken at Sc'clock. R. H. Cronk, Chairman oif 1emmÈttee. Public ccrdiaiiy invlted.j I Ontariç, Ladji s' Coliege ClýsesSuccessfui Year. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 'r I Fine $hots adplumps,rglr $à.00 tu 3.' -LAQIES' Fine ',Vici Kid and P atent boots buttîî o r lace,, reg. $3 and $4 Sale Price $2.45 Bargains! INFANTS' F-me boots, reLpJi r price 50C .tO .60C pair Sale Price 25c Sale Price $1.0O MEN'S Fine patent and tan oxfords and button boots, reg. $4 and $5 Sale Price $2.65 - Sale Price ~1.6O M Barguins! Pu mpra ad shuts, fine quality,,. Worth $I,50andd$--75' Fine tan boots, regular SalePimc$ e106 io. >the end. See the elegant designs in dressy shoes, for ladies,_ also in See the classy models in newest styles. S ee'the great- bargain lots windows.- Peal in- Whitby and save money in your home- town. This Great Display is at, JOHN" FERGLJSON'.S 0OLO STAND UIgn--.me Red Fiag. TER MSSTR ICTLV CASH (Cont'inued trom page 1> 1 amie worý, produced by the pupils of M CM Maey, -showlng a grasp of rouI techzique an4 a feeling o! color.M T. G. Gteene,a member of the O.S. A. , will 4ext September take the place of hr. Manly as director o! the Art depa tment, Mr. Manly havlng resigned owing to pressure cf otherth usemntri fo work. . j e<uulze h sesetrl o Many examples cf fancy sewing andj Th14 e embrolder were alec inspected, and Thou trnccn wae spent l in m time was profitably epent lu yiewiug mittee *ork.. the exten ive grounds cf the colège. j~THUItSDAY. The evenlng prcceedings boing open- Wurden Gifford was grunted the cd with prayer by Rev. M.E. Soi> uai allowunce o! $100. smith, 1M.A, LL.B., the diplomas A by-law toaniaend by-law No. 788 and pri.zeý were distributed. passed its third readiug. Mr. Wm~ Rose, ex-M.?., acted as A by-law wus alec passed author- chairnian nithe presence cf President izing the sale by the Ccunty cf lande R.-J. Sc( re. lu tic town cf Oshawa vested iu Re.J. J. Hure, thbe Principal, the ccunty, under order cf Judgo Me- laid that lhe results Of the session Gillivruy. ncw over I ad been exceedingîy gput- At the ut teruocn sessiconlMr. R.M. lfylug,anChe erplained that the M. Tipper, District Representutive of E.L. of tl eCollege Wau on@ year iu the Department of Agriculture, ad- ad-aco the diplnms of ether col- dressed the Council, explaiuing bËa M.L.. - - - Sciool Faire, and asking the usual Fine Reetdentlal Property fer Sale lu To graduais0188dus. ad <dresse& grant cf-$200. This year it is pro- the Township of Pickering-la the by Mlra. E M. CuthbertoetToronto, poeOd'te hou iix faire,'sud stilli SuPremo Court o! .Ontaurlo, lu the Who renie rto the problome t.o Le other places have asked for -themru.-luauatter cf tue Estaute of A1oxtud- ,Ocountreon the entaerlng Of the a couple of yours M1r. Tipper hopes or Margach. graduates Into tahe lil!.o! the, world. tac cover tue whole Couuty. Ail expen- Purguait -to tue judgmont ,and tui S118 urgedl thoin te flnd eut theîr 505 ercepta prizea are defrayed by the order for sale lu this matter beurlug equlpment ý and take a defllte stand Goverument.. date the lSth day cf June', 1914,there lu laver o! wome's riguts, whlcb Dr. 0. P. McGillvruy aud lMr. W., *Il biii ohd by public aucti ou with she descrll4ed as the spiritual keep. A. Broughtou, e! the Wihtby Board .the apprcbaticon«f G.Y. Snuitht Esq.,i Iug O!rt90.boule. "Ito your bauds,"0-cf E4ucatlon, spoke briefly on the Local Muster o! this Court, ut Jas. shesid, "has been gîtiio pirit.saune'subjeeta cheol f airu.Grdi'Hoelti.Vlae ! ual koeplug cf mens lires#." Pickeriug. at théi. heur cf twc oeeock The PreositatÉoon Was relleved by lu the afteron onu Wednesday -the the. lntersporsou c f Musical Items, làth 1 day cf July, 1014, by Wm. Miss D. Pitrlck sud Artahur Blight, 'Mawo s eu e path e l beilnde IB40 "T e4ng I Losa ansd !lUs. and premiss ao n ae big1 le*& Hayes, A.T.C.M.,'orne cf th@ - ree-quarters et au acr more or« u'wmbora ofthe faculty, la aSidollL Tbo Uoada sudBridges Committa s 01 , ! outh part of Lot 'N'wnber s0lo, "Bolero," boing receive wlih re il». olue tl= a t 58SPentJ Twelve in tabe Second Concesson of Masu»i approciation. A prou$ation luacommittco ork, the TOWUahP of Pickering lu thé Vas Magete Milss loluay~ as QumAIL evOtÉng Session was held, att County of Ontario desoeibed as fol- Of May' cf a slvr modal, douted by whch Dr. Moce preseuc the te lova : e11, cf W hýbY, sud kuown as the itiOn sd A aesm eaa -pat.d t he rdis a ce cf t h aînau POwOl-StarF niodal. 1Mr. Wilson IntrOdUOed a bylav to âad fifty links ou an angle cf uorth 'At thé ICORClIon01, Rft. John MMS the Cofst, fer rasing muons> oonyîurdgee 9t1ri suh Locke, ez -Prfesutor, theo Torusto fer ordiuirY 0pndituro. Ho Cx- v o ur angl «ea id o , OnSoth cSufroe6, n.some îefldt ouar plalued the nesi cof a ponley cf te- siteen degrees veut tiirecals marhe cmplmeug'ng Dr. Haro sud trmcmuu tu thie CountY'm ano.9 tc orth le vmmty-%our doe.. -ML ,ebr Of tahe fautaYou Lbthesud seught tac IzuPres tahe Cneuni sIone hassemuy ftv llna Margea propos. cf the College. vitL tiieneceaty cf adopting-aà plun 'theuce uotiu s t dgyeoslenst Ti. oie~ wilroopn u e Te Cf,>OURIny. r ttabrOs chaliâ te thé front'cf sali cou- Couci oder4 h..emova1 t o sf mtaboue sou ,Vt&vnyeud- ,. I ~AiOnze SwitzOt frein Uihe u N goo-et can ety-fu e- Refuge te sema, institutio ofrIbe l uÎ t outaie p a fbegluing, - Adouvnd esio ounity Insane. gthgwliiaatlc i t ah CoUncil. î'>"~ passaidefinng tue go" serocf oalai toéthe Counat reeurorws 0cfan acre nuots or ' Th onil inendo RIDAY. e. Ti. ouci ouvue c Tssay The Wsrden to heb Couneli tac1Outabl property>- there le said tac afterncou. 1us$, buta owlng to l ack 0th-Lketac visît tiiegn au-h ag nd mbt! b oumde! a W edrkiu ay qur m iormn t s!cap.Although the w0ather dw0llin9 bouse about 82 feet squarea waa ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ w maet enedymrin. wsIclemet, a Most dOlIgbtful vltii a brick kitchen sttched 14 by- i#DNESDAY. tino was spent. 16 foot aid woodçhs4. 10 b>' 20 fuot. Dr. BrodIe, of Claremont, ased for SA'rURDAY. There fa aise ou sai property a $100 te aid u tahe work'oet thoCon Mlra. Perry, nurse àt the lIeuse er biacksunltb $hop 20 byT 80 foot snd *tinuataien scool there. Refuge, wau grantedl a mouth'e louve stable 26 b> 806leta. The delegeteg cf tahe Provincial of absence. ThIs preperty a> lstuate on tahe S h o o l T ru t e s A sso c ia tio n p r o-. S ev era l co ~ m ittee rep o rt s ' w e re Ki n g t en 1 R o ui -a b o u t o ue , m ile e a stsu ed h e r I e p t.t se a i u n a d p e . cf P c r u g V l g e ni t r u n e Mesrs. .oere, Ro-gun, *Hoover, On motion cof Msro. Sparkesuad ee-hit nllesý weit frein tahe town ai Wilson, Morgan, Doeson, MpNabb snd Wilson, tahe periea llowance was O! WhltbY. c ~ oser wo~ pp luod a om lte~ Iucreaied fronu $4 te $5 per day,ani Tn e electri c streeta raIlway, truck C w. a by-law was put ±Jrough, makiug the necessary uinendnta. The purchaseofo!nee dozen chaire wus ordered., , -In the alteriicon ex-Warden Fal- owdcwn ddressed- the Counil brielly. Ita wus reconjmended and carrled that the considération of the propos- al thut the Couity centribute tac the cost cf sewerage o! Wbltby Town bo laid over tiil the noit session. Sevrrl more ;reports were adopt- ,ed, and tahe Couneil adjourned untal November 24th, JUDIeIÂL SALE men's. ~I in the - ~OLLJNS is laid just ncrth and almcst ad- Ince have eutored thLe twb agd' i joining tahis prcperty, and when built mile mntarcycle races. AGreen wlll be a great convenicuce te this Horse Race for which 'tbre valuable property. prizes are offored* will Lenuotherut- The prcperty wil l e offered for traction wbich will Croate Intereet to isale subject te a. reservod bld which bersemàen lu tahe Countay. A' long liat. wil be fixod by said Master. '_ f geed herses,. and some wltb. a The vendors shail net ibe obllged te reputatcî on thLe "Isde Ulocf the furnish- auy abstracts cr title deede Couuty-ure entored fer tabla event. A: net lu their possession. tug-of-war for elght pair di pauts la TERMS :-Ton per cent. wiIl be anotaber fMature. Alec aî baseball paid dowu ut tahe tîme of sale and tournament. Lunch and refroshineuts thLe balance -wlthln tblrty days ftem Served on tahe grounds. Single fare tahe date o! suld suie. -Ia aIl other on aIl ruilways. Keep that,,dàte for respects the terme and conditions orf Oehawa-JujY 1let. sale wiU Le the staanding-conditions of the Suprême Court- o!fOtarlo. em br the excursion to Rose- Furtiier partrculars may ho had rop, bauk ounTuedayo JUIT 70 udoithi A.E. ChrIstian,EaWht, olL auspices 1cf the Baptintst SmmaI tor Icir Petitioners, the. Union 'Trust4 Scbool. Couic8ad have a good Mmo Cornpuny, Toronto, the committeo,_________________ and froz» G. Y. Silth, Local Master of table Court ut Whtby.-1. AU~AP The sdvantages guatante o acits Pollcyhoiders, minufor man, hhrcughôut fts entire business. by TeEuyLI Aurance Company are much pester for tlue preiums paid th'"n-h 7agie la- sny ether Compan>'dcing i es-. CnadaL -This tteci aï a tawhich caneot ho successfuuly dispute&. EXAMfLI,-A! 5&go Of twety4bhrou neit blrthiay The Equity Lif. charges $43-20 for $2,Occc lurance on-the T*etýyPa met L(e-lanwffbevelry. CaasCetupaies charge enaci>'the. sau= aucunt sud almilar. tirm a a Tuetyýé Paymesî -Lite Pole .At $W~.00, -whlle the ussual caish 7vaue for the. otier plicyat the same tua la $120. L W..DIJDLU, .Sfgjj wtoi sO~ DOMINION DAY IN OSHÂWA. Noverlu the'hiutory Qt Oshawa bau tb.ee beon- a galazy of stars of the calibre of those wbo wlJl t4ke paut fl the St. Gregory'. Club Athletic Carnival la Alexandra Park on Jùly lit. Tih. cream of CaLnadla's atbletus -Gouldlng, the- world'a futeut waik- er, Ala", of St. cahies holder of 10 Mile Canadisa rmord;i Troui- dot snd Phillips, middle distance champions 0f Ontarlo j McGaynln MIoriarity, sud a core of othor well-i known sprinters. Th~.e t mt U- en inotorcycle ridera la, the Pror. CURED8 AT UVENTYJOIIl t u . ohn .»flekS, Wlth It aSffli hàow 11fit o Th" itti. Dkguts mmore teotho ressu- If 7nm W".thom a ehamos, id Mv. hBéit.Hue l is Wtsr*I1. Ne* Dumdee Nor. 10 IM0 dg N I¶«ea og lme broumb dw5tl blosfug ltu uad jmyts wais au stal Selugthe" 'Zi D * g e s t e r a " * d v é t f s o d 1 I b ou g h t a b o i , ~j~ h aU thattroubleBoty t ebowou1d mtb eMonh, so- mest to you for more. Th.y are a grest hel> te my body, yougi truiy, JOHN P. BECICIRL Zxcsm=y wrtiug wlth peucl, belag auio umi f '74" -. 77 "IMUtte Digester" ai the feebleec mach to digest thè food perfectly. TuuAs mesaisf tbatca cu mj yeveryua, id get thetrofgiz l c f IZatyo at if You tek.a "Litte Digst P~ 2&-- at yurdugtorbyn ma il oc P col=mairMedine., Toronto. la Bargain Lots. A uto- Livery MATER ANO IIGHT GE) Seed Potatoes - 1 [Il bi 'LADIES' -LLIN

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