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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 25 Jun 1914, p. 6

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OF OTHE CULVERHOUSE Opticalto. Jow eoy store -S ON SATUROA- lUNE 21 Mako-your àppolntmont. NOWO Mr.* Parker comrn- every montb, on the laut Saturday of the xnonth. - ~I R. N. Bassett jewolor and raduato Optiolan Opposite Poçt OMfic Whiiby, Ont WC.T.~ THIE BAR-ROOM. DOMINION DAY J[N PICKERING. fThe Pickering Women's -Intitutes, bave anranged for a big July li o ée- bratlon on ,-te od Pickering Col-, legs gnoundz. Thare will be a foot- bail gaine between Hamilton Ânylum and, Pickeni.ng, alse sports, race, etc., f oir-which pnlýésare offereti. Tea will be served froni 5 10 8, after which a prognain will ha rendened. A Scotch. piper* and, Wbtby orchestra, wilprovidernuslp, »on't miss titis opýportuniity, la hatt» àgood lime. See large bills.. - Don't forget June '27. *Mr. Parker, optician, wlll be, at Bassel' jewel- ry stoe. Have .your eyes azained by an expert. Reserve, Tuesday, July Y, for a day at Rosebank with the Baptiàt Sun-, day Sohool Plenlo. Départmental Examunations are ln progresat the Hlgb School Ibis week, -large'number' oi candidates' writing on -Entrnce oe Normal and Entrance te Facuity- Examu. The Entrance examinations were written by public uchool pupîls on Wednes- day, Tbunsday and Fniday of Iast week. 100 pairs (traveler's samples) men's leavy and medium boots. Do net Misa th.s chance, an they will b. sold at manufacturers prlces. Peel's sboe store. For New Perfection cil .'tovas and Hot, Point ,Electric lois, go to G M. Rice's. Everytbing li hardware. WHERE TO VOTE. ,,_he polling boeths for the"Previn- ciii EMettions on Monday, June 29, have been fixeti as follows, for Whit- by Town: No. 1-P. J. Jones' hamneau sbop, Dundas St. No. 2.-Jeu. Pearson's uhop, ln rear cf store tormerly occupied by W. M. Pningle. lqo. 3.-R. H. Quinton's shop,Brock St. south. No. 3.-W. F. Disney's shop, Dup- dan St. jNô. 5.-Mliss Fearsonu house, Font Witby. Mr. Par*er,'o! Culverbouse Optical Ce., 'will be at Bassett's jewelry store, June 27th. Makde yeur appoint- ment new. ROSEBANjý-! ROSEBANK 1 It is some time since Whitbyites.., had thefleasure of enjoying a day at Rosebnnk, but Ibis yeai the BaptAst ISurfdav. School will give them an ep- portunity. On Tuesday, July 7th, Jthe Sunday School wili hold thei i! a eHaeDo t e Hll alluai pîvlete is iUeai spot. -iiIe Vove am e t named it weîî. train 'will lenve the uptown station AWBroever es nameti il, at -7.18 a.m. andi iili return in the A Ba te anliesuand ealt, eening anniving at Whitby at 6.40. ADcci te want and breken hoalth. TI.' illgv odln a.Po A Bar te henen, pîlde andi fame, jl",wl iea odln a.Pe A -Doo tosorowsinand silame. pare for taking in this first excur- A Bar te hope,, a Ban te prayen, sinfo ht tRseakTe ADeer te darness andi despair. grounds are clesedti t picuicsa tor1 À ýBar ,to henoreti, uÈeful lIfe, July 111h.- ýA Door te bnawling, sensele6s strifo. A Bar te all that's true and brave, Men's white silk underwear, egu-1 -A Door te every drunkaîd's grave. Ian pece $3.00 per gaîment, on sale A Ba'tojoy tht hme mpata, Satumday $1.50 each at I.G. Walt. A Deer te- teins and broken heurts. ers. A Bar te Heaven, a Deor. te Hell, , hoever named il, naméd il well. WHITBY HORS~E SHOW. The nation lu bult on manhooti The eois cf the Whitby -Horse aid womanhod.-The' Bar Reomin l Show, which is te be held on August 'built on the- wnecks cf botb. -1- 112, 13, 14, are already~ busy making .The Bar Rom cannaI run witbout arrangements for a bigrer and.-btter 'boys--lave yeu oie te upane? Tbink show . Mi.' T., Cussibn is Secretary, It over. 111anti bis cbunucteristlc enengy and - - - ability bespeuk great succeus fer the event. Mr. Fred Hatch lu Presideril, aid Mn. S. L. Trees, Treasuren. The ~ Lua H pp al ; pritre lit wIll ho publiabed i h courue of a few days, and the Coin- mitte. expect te have oven a larger - ~~~SU UUU.3 ntny liaI Ibmn laut year. Letîevery- body boont for lb. "Wbitby Heorse D tur Immense stock cf men'n, wo- Show, 1914." mmanad chldrenasâfne ubees, oz- fonds and pumps, aI geatly redue4 les. 1'eel's abpo store. -4.- 'Mr. Parker, optichan, cf tha Culven- Iheusa Optical Co., il Banettl's0 'n Satunday, June 811h. Don't miss tbis oppcrtunfty-te bave your eysb texamineti by an expert. THE TABERNACLE. Sunday,- Juns 26. xornnlî service il o'cleck. Sublect ý,.4Oux WorL" EI"mlg sevice, 7 o'lock. Subjeet --Flglte Net, or Psrtnersblp wlt& Jean."1 B.. S. and ongaahsed classes et a im.AIl welcome. 'Bq pairs 01< mens Urus Colt work - boots, withL no saam la back, heavy lolà,i moud $hroughout. ReWuar p0rices$8, sale priée 01.98. aI Peel'. -shes store. -Kaas .traw bats, rogula price n$1.5 to$88. on saleata W.G. Walters'- "Sitgiday for 98e. 19ASTÈST asE O NE 1BARTH.- Mr. 'A.RBss'Cion solseuhà" lu, smm and vesse. aI KW. Co0lHs' PIAIr'H OPD. O., SCHILLER.' lInt. J. 19. -Schiller, Gomenor et the 'GelI, W8a, dg Ceokville, -ont.,, ,on *WednOUdaY, attmmdlng lte Nfuiâ rà o lbis brotbéer,'David O. Scbillar, wbo -passed away on moiday aI tbe age cf 'OS. The Iatae Mr. Schiller vas a ue- *cssful marchant, lhiCoakouhle, liar- îàg been i businemsatheiýe for tblrty- serai yeamu. lH aa aPre«Ibytenlan -and aitn ardent (loisevative. A wld- ow aid t'wo sons survive ho o n Sc tcLinoleu-ms aie ta four ydn. 'wide aI W.O. Walteru. -AT NIAGAËA C4MI. FBaidmister Cocil Gneenfield, cf thd 841h Regimetîl Band, wrltes Ihat 4h. boys araeinjoying the lite il Camp Niagara lmmensoly. The Tat- toc aid Review wena belti ci Tuas- day, with a splendid prograin. Tba boys enjoyedthelb.visit cf lb. Counly Council aid sevoral Whlt6y- people on l7iday lait. . wI a Itla sexpectedti Iatthbey wl e turn ci l4id eaniig oethIis week. Col. Bick bas Iusuad an order taI the Regi mail proced otiCanningten fflday mormlng fan a field day Ibere, aid tbay will naach Whltbi fi tbe evening. - The Èaîd wisbes te express Ils t.itsiks the ladies ai lb. Maple Luaf Tas Rocm for the, lunch pro- videdt Itm before embarking on lte boat for camp.,1 LIBERAL PUBLIC MEEITING.' Tus Libenal Association of South Ontario, wilî holti à meeting hlute Music Hall, Wiîbyt on Frlday,Jume 281h, et 8 p.m. -Mr. W.E.N. Sinclair,- M.P.P., wlluaaki a180 Re«. F.e;B. Farewell, cf ,Toronto, andi elbois. Mr. Famowell hai olti Whtby *Hgh School boy, and golti medallstlnh onatory at Toronto Uiivanity. -'Op-. politon invted. -- Coie nsep corne aIl ýaid hear, tha Important questions cf the day discuaeti. Cieo. A. Rose, rreasdent; G.D. -Coànu, SecrtarY. CALDER AND SINCLAIR FOR- MÀLLY NOMINATED. lu the Musho Hall, Whiîby, on Mon- day, »Pepuîy-Returniiig Officer E.i H. Pumdy, cf Port Ferry,, belti a uim Initioi meeting tram 12 unlil -2tô'- dlock p.m. for the- purpose cf ne- celvig nomunathon for a represen-. tative for South Ontaio nohbe Pro- vincial Legiorlaturo. Net more Ibmn about a dozon peo, ouà hadg aa-better inmmat for, -t you havt Leave a ainy l photo lawn. DE Vil z m le,-àd w. wil came és ndmk a nice cfyour ho.use' and the ifor amateurë al4~.iAaA ~ atiiii wDI pie weîe ln Senùç time sen each c caii. -Their eti. by at We the Preside were pr"e qualilied fo wau flot D fonfit, an mnion electi 1At twocc lhe nomin naines cf Il cf poiling naues of r meeting ad 201h, at tht Llght deÉ poses.Ap ooe's Stud pio S.tI tbe ball aasone lime. during tue tweuùr su ff he candidates made a ,nomination papers, sigi. ust fifty electors and by t fthein Assoclatidns, lied, and the candidaq office. In this case Il sany tl peut a $20Q s the requirement ïî Dom- une. 'dlock Mr. Purdy deciared athons- closed, rad lb. ie =nen nomlnîted, t>he liaI subdivisions with the turning officora, and, 1he oned.until Monday,Junie oheur ef 9 o'clock a.m. WANTED. nacraI for general Iy ber 397, Whiitby. pur-l The anuai excursion of the Bow- manville. Pire Brigade wilI be belti on Thursday, July 30, te Lindsay. The train will cail at points along- the lino, loavîng Bowmanv-ille at 7.30 a. ni. Be sure tô take li this trip. NON-PARTIZAN MEETINGS IN S. ONTARIO, Elght on ton meetings 'are beiu'g helti this week throughout South On- tante, under the auspices of the S. Ontanio Branch cf lb.e Deminion Al- liance. Oshawa, -Whitby,-andi Utica meetings re helti on Tuesday. On Thtirsdày meetings will be held at Port Perry! andi Cedardale ; On Frt- day at B3rooklin and Brougham. In Reach Tow7ship tbree or four meet- [ngs are to- h, d WANTE~D. A Scotch Coilie pup. Pnef en one just a !ew ýweekS olti. Apply aI Ga- zette Off1ce1ý Reniember the Baptist Sundav f9chool picuic te Rosebank July 7. DEATH 0F MRS. T. A. McCUT- The deuth occurroti on Wednesduy laet aI Sclxemberg, Ont., ef Mme. T. A. Cutcheoýýa, who was formeîly Missa Su.4an Jenes, ofthIis town. Mmi. Mc- Cutcheen was yeungest tiaugbter of the lite Aamuel Jones. She was bora neur1 Balsuin on Septembor 4, 1878. lier-i mother passoti away when the daughljer wXas but a yeur aid a balif cf ag e. She came te Whitby with ber father whoî about fiftbon years aidI anti attendeti the ColOg- uatc bore.. Af ber obîaining ber cor- tiicite bsh taught school lu Scbom- berg, Bobciygeon aid Osbawa. She was mîrnied ln Nvember, 1912, ta T. A. Mcè'utchéon, anti they setîled on a famn eir Schomberg. JusI ah à lime wb ntbeir future looked the brigbtesî, 1the happy home was.dark- oued by th~e deatb cf Mrm. McCuteh- eçig, Mrs, L. F. Richardson, cf Witby, lu a aisten. To bon aid ta tbe sorrowiung husbind the sympalhy of ail -Witby fniends lo 9xtended, -4- FirSt-OlAfU epair wonk done..-S~ lufaction 9gliaAhtaed aI RR.ein.. Oh fer D Dminion Day cheap eutings -Se. Stc-eueno, (opposite Stand- ard Bank and Hewis Bras., Wbitby), for tickeand aIl particulans. Also sme Slep nlom for srnnmer tourhal outinp, an trips, sté. Choiesof aIlltil Y, 'boat aid ocean linos. Tny aid ue Iim beons traveling. Also buy bur local tickets -Toron- t0, firverdal nY place, laid, laket,, river or oC"ant. 11s lickets retieem- ed at Par 1 wben praventeti usIig. opportunty-4o -long asked -for-' -to I-l.th* traiteo a dealli blow in Ibis Province. Mrs. E. E. Stax, as County Su- penintandent of W.C.T.U, wu ocaUed ùpon-for a few words, iddelighted the audience with a* splendid atidreas, l ui of good, suggestions andlsarnest aippeal. Personai Mention. Mr. Allan Colwill, of Toronto, spent Sunday with bis parents. .Mns. Geo. B. McLeod, of Edmôn- ton, - I visiting ber parents, Mr. and Mus. E. Stephenson. Mr. E. W. and Mise Laura Evans spent the week-end with friends 'in Niagara-on-the-Lake. Mi. and Mis.* Thos._Coatham and daughter, Esuie, and Mr. ana Mns. Wym Robinson and daughter, Maggie, of Orono, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Aid. Confidence l any article- intended to relleve the sufferinga of hunmnity la not lightly'won. ýThere muet be continued& Proof of ývalue. But for thÈee generations, and throughout the world, endur- ing and growing farne ,and favor have been accorded BEECHA's PILLS because they have proved to be the best corrective and pr'eventive of disordered con- ditions Of stomach, liver, kid- neys and bowels. The first doge gives cjuick relief and per- mnanent improvement follows their systematie use. A tifial will show why, in ail homes, the use of Beecjiam's, File Contne To Inres T3A' A lifetime spent in handi- ing Tea enables us to give every buyer a aving of 25 per cent. We will offer, until further notice, our rogular 85 cent Tea at 25c. BUCK, OREEN OR MIKEDU Spond your dollars -at home and you will niest Surppris ea-si 0 Pfolb 2" Cern Flake afloo 2f Relled Oats Siam. for, 2U Your business friend't WM. MEEKER Phone 94, WHITBY 'bA Bolow are a Fsà,wi Items te Convinos You of This Omnuine Bargalo. Sale. Men's ,w6rking boots,' plain toc, extra heavy7sole. Sale PriÇe*1.75 Men's unIe boots in tan and black, button and lace styles, regular $4 50 and S7-1e Price$3.00 Boy's working boots, re,ular $1.75. Sale Frice $1.25. Boy's fine dongola lace boots, regular $2.50 Sale Pri.ce $ 1.50 Womnen's common sense house shoes, in lace, i strap, andelastic styles. Sale Price $1.25 Women's -cnrnmon sense« boots, sty.le. lace and gaiter Sale Fric. $1.50 Womçn's tan calf,gLun metal vici kicland pat entleathers button and lace styles, regular $jjo and $4.ooc. Sale Price $3.00 Miss Gladys Holmes, of Toronto, spent a few days tbis week at the home of Mr. T. G. Colwill. Miss Vida Perrin, -of New York, iu spending lier vacation with lier pf- enta, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Perrin. Mr.- and Mis. John Cooper have been spending the week visiting friends around Brooklin and Colum- bus. Miss Gladys Johnston left on Sat- urday morning lat for Iltica, N.Y., where sho wlil ;-iend the following three weeks. _L) Dr. and Mrs. H-. MeLean and Dr. and Mis. J. B. Johnstone and child visited last' week at the home of Mr. R. Guthrie. They made the trip from Niagara Falls, Ont., by niotor. Miscellaneous Adverts Site, M. W. stand. FOR SALE. lu geeti conditien. Apply ta Collins, ln Ferguson's olti WANTED. Laundiesu,' immediîtely for House cf Refuge. Apply la Dr. J.F. Lav-1 eny.-tf.e WANTED. 'A number cf duceku a tew weoki olti. Wil) psy you your ewn priçO, Apply to boZ 10.8j Nitbh&iI Iqel, WANTED. -A reliable mai cf good address and ability te icI as-o-un representative in lb. Counîy cf Ontario. A spien- 4di oponlng aid permanent positiom !Cr the itght mai. Stonae & Welling- toNunsoeryMé, !-rrtoL-Ot.-8. B OUSE FOR SALE. Nfew trame bouse, li stersys,si fooffl, 5.plaee bath. funnace, aisciri ligit. Appiy J. H. JAMES, Wbit- by.-l. DENT'8 DAIIRY- Pure milk ad eream. Mlonhia Mmd selng aivoy'Onder aow. Phon@ 177.-Yf. voit SALEO. 1 Bayer ad Maauy engins wltb usparator andi selifleader 1 on. straw blowsr, mamufttffd byj John Gooti- (sou, gafns.- 1t Cever Mil, mailsby the Hall Woks, .Oshavap with tan% and trucks. 1 Ensilage Cutter, atie by the WllkinCo. 1i Onu Grlnd or. Maoe by Matt&ewImodes & Sons. ARI in goodruusag ordio. Appilt4 EN Y tOBIÊSON9 Erooklln.-tt. REAL--ESTATE FRN .JONtýeS'LIST. &Mvoal boum, Md biding ilots fot Mals la Wwttby., ïaimi for *90salelthe Towmsfl Of Witby aid -Ptckening.- - - RANIE. JONES. -WHITBY. Womenis - dongo .la.blucher" boots, regular $2,50. Sale Fric. $1.98 Women's- patent pumps,. regular $3,00, Sale Price $2.25 5o, pairs women's patenttan and gun metal oxfords, regular *3.o0 and $.5o. Sale Price $1.50 40 Pairs women's dongola kid o xfords, lace1 style, regular $ 2.75 and $3 o0. Sale Price $2.00 Women's white c a n v a .s pumps, with covered heel and straps. Sale Price $1.25 Women's white canvas but. ton boots. Sale Price $2.00 Gxrowing girls' button boots, in patent and gun metal leathers, Iow heels, sizes 2 34 to 5. Sale Price $2.50 Misses dongola lace boots, Éizes1 IL to 2. Sale Price $1,,50 Infantes blaék and taii lace boots,,sizes-3 to 7ý*. Sale Price59C Infant's-o.ne strap pumps, sizes 3 to 7. Sale Price 75c Children's- tan calf sandars, sizes 5 to 765c, 8 to loji 75c, i11 to 2'90C Women's white nu-buck button boot 's,* Goodyear\.ý welt sole, regular $4.5o. Sale Price $3.25 I nfan t's soli soles, the new kind that neyeir slip,, ' l black, 'white and choco- late' colors, Lbutton and lace styles, reg 6oc- & 65C Sale- Price 39C Women's box caif. lace boots a goo.d strong, boot for, every day wear,- reg. $2.25 Sale Pjrice- 1.65 See our. bargains in ,trunks, suitcases and club bags. We can save you a dollar to a dollar fi.fty on any of our Unes. ,AUl new stoc~k - BIRTHS. - Oui paper is pretty wel filled ±his EVER-In Whlty, n Modayweek with advertising nnaýter frein June 22, 1914, to Mr. aud Mmr. a.1lte Liberal - adiae nt eseent W. P.Ever, a on.olectien coutest and fnem the South W. . Eery a on.Ontario Brandi cf .-thé, Dominion AI- __________________________ -liance. The. County press, of both pitical Complexions, as well as 1h. Tendrs or Cnstuctin o independent papers, are useti lreely Sewers and Sewage Dis- i'by the Alliance and --%I. Sinclair. posai Wdrks.- Sealed tenders addîessed te the Mayer e! Whitby, Ont., will ho n .e- coi-red up te the 29th day of! June not Inter than 6 p.m. Conînact Ne. 1, Sewerage, compris- lug laying andi jointing sewreis ap- pieximate quantity 30 inch 8,000 foot, 24 Inch 2,800 foot, 20 inch 800 foot, 12 inch 4,500 foot, 10 inch il',- 500 teet, 8 inch 28,500 foot, tegether wlith the constnuction ef mauhôles, etc. Cc.nîract No. 2, Coustructing Sew- age Disposai Works, comprising Tanks, PilIers, .- Pumping Station, etc. Plans, spccitlcaîions anti aIllnoces- sary Information may be seon at the office eftIhe uiderigîed engineens. ,The -lowesî on ny _tenderi - not uecesi;ariiy accepted.J. E. W!LLIS, Mayor. -T. Ahrd M4uriay & T. TO-Wes, CIvlEngineers, - ý !ý6 gg gt, W., Toronto. MiNls. Wn-r.J. Uerbincht, -wfeha been. the, guest ef ber parents, ?.' and Mrs. J. C. H-yde,- fon the past throe mnouths, le! t on Tuesday. fon her home lu Nelson, l3.C. Hen sis, ter, Miss Launa Hyde. acco-r.pariléd ber. SALE REGISTER.. Satunday, June 27tb;.-Combina-tion sale'cf hamness, nlgs,zetc., heusebold articles and other geeds, aI Disuey sale yard.' IL yeu have anythiug- te seli see the auctione at once. Sale at oie o'olock sharp. Wm. Maw, auc- tioneer. Dunlng 1912 Ontario shipped -about 238,000 bariola cf apples west, er_ a- bout 48 per cent. cf the j total 1 Lm- ports. Demoistritions I prunlng and spnaylîg bava îawakened a deep li- teront ln fruit growing, XiotabIy In z- Ce-FOLESIINSURANOE OONTRAOTOR AND BUILDER f Fine, Lifo,- Livo Stoç1k, Plate Glass, PLANS- 0F -ALL DESCRIPTION Accidc1-nt aid Automobiles, FURNSHED. .-6ent for the boit Canadian, English Residence, - Tbornton's Corners anmd Amnenican Cc Mpanims Phono 41, Oshawa. BoJ 9 JAMES MCCLELLANt - Bx 9JWbitby, Ont. Phono 129 Doi~ion Dg Fares I Scianln-Ca etween AU .tatloiuhla CanadAseaft OIPortArthur &Bd te Dearul end P«4 ttbbi nNeh.EBufloi, 01NOLS ME 1FAflad ONE.?HRD go"dgofnysd re- 1U17 .trnlituiÎ tamnggJaly s Ilo,.sbkrs'Excursions Eouad t.Ip tic""tt. oih Western C*nD"a vis ChIO0egt. Pl ,D~uh or Saints AM Nsfh.1Ns~ates e.on ;à* e echTuels'y ul aticlus sud remryatlous htu Uraud Truk Aeut, o wrteC. lu. HousINO, D.P.A., Toronto, Ont. I. 5*phiue Agent, phono $0, Whltbv Livery, Cartage and-,Tea.m ing. 1 have reccently added te mnY well- equîpped Iivery stable a bCeavy tCam »md dray for ail kinds of cartageanti teamlng work, and wiII lie plea*ed to recv eorsp which will have'promipt andi careful attention. PHONE 61. - GARRIAIE TO MEET ALL TRAIS., John Gml~ DNDAS ST., Ohet"t-per ton 8.5 8toveO8Ize and Egg per ton 700 Pea Ceai per ton .25 At Harbor Goal sheds 50 ctt Per ton leis. "iRÂlNTON Cei.The name guarantes the- higbest quality. L. R. ILOW9, Wbisby Bell Te.9, Home Tel. 24. E. W. ýEVAN %]»P Nanulao$umr SbOP M d.u Duada.s %0* Tire doors veut osi hy HOUs. W. ane preparae ta il -vagWood 'rOS PUMPS -on short notice, al» -attend tb U klindg 1o Agent for 1h. On tarloimwdiI WEST .-WH1ÇBY' pi Break9 Tac MISSES POWELL WhltbYJ STUART & ARDINE~R - and- SIGN WRITBERSi- jCountry' ordens receivc' immediate attention. Distance no abject. yBox 653, WHITBY -Y ÏOMETHING ENTIjRELY' NEW IN WHITE MILLINERY Smn'art White Feit Fmats il Il i .1 .1 fiý-iimau r

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