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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 25 Jun 1914, p. 8

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î ~ ~ ~ 2riance wi lits biï sel lasTî.eiqualmly,i tran oartd a ýqv.thAsY- l a.n patir alli ad "«trdet b i U ooiasriUcmiteI lit erm sont'l*l'. d. MY, htm, ô,r2 t i: t lie U~ he 11C ~f w~'fi WtT D4 111D B a n orate tr Wcn5 tzrnoeorgé 'Ta M.W a. 00, l ou he-ove,*O Q i <altf l ie1he maqro. i'£Y.'t r. a bn edYnd re :'1 tit e t1 mbtio, if, uinle Idllhbd pa' u n tx Butliitan Ou ltWins pl holin n e t iri. L Ioet a-"rdl »lesùV on rih aïm aonwnef n aflic ao0m 0h ie nos iceY.cui b oùyltsgn9 =n ix acc~lt n ý ' o emle. "a' ohm rnl2ttotal twli wsOae." ~ ou n o!fiat h frui, uteb %air.u a ri orm~eweluteeor autren » o ________________________ rouix afin ataine. Mx w thh Irfa ain hourt elt antch there Isoulti oter1e. s ls uy »en Dniltionfor Iltfiçeathei' fur3, lep& nfWl o, Ca,,et sulr d ub ie -aa on %pepero PD t ~ ~a'td-Io itnh 0 am la nled M>)n e ptwsoen o~f. i es= &lorue n eil the the e oa th rrwmelY. Whý oIl & II util bslic beorni a ," JIow e Freze Cram.-Momt m- muir l dismlved liorugh-l. Uc-put ff frm 0001oEtaht tableaiWBY6tliouglihlm toth.and rmain lsuen îee Pôndthi ito ieea e ablspoful f ge riti tne a i r bu -hay eloIel rue iliOtbohe tok h &llm b t mdb wcb&itram the r<>gha manatrd-*o n,: uth isllkd WrY, c aond whlcli hto lId ti theni. andi larerta o ikoynt, n- m abeon o fve 011n8, le U cold T ho ttippepe n t i, ;a'll]o ne olla mnbonaele lo t s 'Aitscnes iaIf eWathgren pBA anter therand f e tir u1i'1 alnî >edl.tih ucm oorwMy.plusnce t tdî, warne>"ýbd ou." ha uttae.1 ~Alew iepar cfsae V t.re ofly hiled Mi tO tblesp<iifU co ntlînvîatecweat my a studio. I l e, ta ndon th e o." an do 110p -K<e td mixete Ce. oge t uai n ! odr ed uarsdone alRe- puas esp seýy1rtng nte reflt dakWLthmre.Teallaelesli nyoron il pektil l teboto e .b eoofl f aria xtae it e laverhe olinelghterlndleséaft- ,,eueds."týan emie tý i th prpaWon f te mve fom he irn-stairoon 'aoot f the houa., minutes. tn h 'uxnh st - " 'y' ' -i r f e Bristol- Ithout meeting hlm, ibdud mane I ttbseld pratlc a li levesLllthan lre di ithi- ocHAPTER x IX.;meh lf tie tai. e as h f reen wt te lWte by lStan iee ii. oiled truh- lo lke Ianda.FerMi nceart,*W05 q te Littie nogi hogto er, o "J, owon prtofsat, e itre of bey uie. mweetend te a te. uninied enougli to ti udfo n i Ni handrâ ownn th as I tho m y sefth IrriY aeW poterlet Lth lmre.The tran on mDenyoaydwn t covernd mix ht- o acknà f o wrdaualanb110 abe-w ePetal sai su ic flmiyaroud hé auPou ine amd, er ry ih et- w h1 igae t n dn re the heato turning 1ocqaiuithe tmak01e ue ly nd iklu vnle. daioorVre n lad ut ofwth bosemy dslip a wol oeendwt freze Wàédethofaninhse- rem-ndwbp Drugly fddn- Ot e rtio gh-b pu mptins the n mhw lih olltk aboutitl-pnovicaealeavy LWheWothepuboura. TIERuaîy ti à cnl hé rezrwt teltteb itl héc ld t* W il i Wrenis, ates icer ute Lte enou wl1at. h uld or are d 3for co alli -Ëht -pa ne Lit.the mnyw 1.ari te Of hlm NA ichouls o at. me. -as1 oo saand ae whin an?&round fthé ansPrina l Sher Oe lery1hd the- 0al lcel h-trieo y a nt ago. and.rno ho - it wihd tat ail of the. can, removethe, id with appie grated, ene cup augir, t.wO Beume difing ~Ith lier tegte-a ta te a ddy miglit be like-the brief tinie we hadl youir creain mixture, aju"the4itablespoonfuis et géiimine dimsolvedRoen liad retauramenty lie ielti oeta ér ,cuit e * er, cever sdan i etruti uoeputcl e;ad eeptl a c;a M~ iiareld p e nbbînw lier.-heart-,out, ,n--my a oulder,- put he mnt uunt andan mgrn mttlevbraog crank alowly. As yeu luoreaêe the. boiiing water sud two cupe eugar uon 1PR i4etloswt ir mlp~ i? elOle e tatilithat w My gneaa-naY, morelie ro eorneaa- -peed, a.dd more-etftiie sait and ice and the. juice of t'WC leus; strain Crtaniy Iis to marry IL__ille atrnei sont onceand:nbut a s to o aieteinasibl e pt ma moa aregmço7 mixure Wen he rem i th sd freee.onc, ad e ~t astp t ai ~ tcfadotanmntlposition ne tht sli P Itolrabe t nMO tg ilit net e partai tfrom e ni eoumiteuey of a very riçh,: hiek us- Fimeapple Iee.-peel and sjilo. Sthink that lir Dame ahâuîd b made aloai. hai sha ot dmapi re I ra. aebite atis cnia remon# ththe more pleamure et1wedL lom tar, rmov th dnhe, wrk hopiuesapple aud-emeve theillard seu < itt ~er aonue anuliort u nie, bya fm r th St n luuitef uiglit aien ceosindowu with a weoden laletre ; ciicp fiue, and bruWIs-e -epulp diabllf n.i;1 a Nco s ra*dwn t a troot outalde nm o il.oer Undr teusoirumsanco,1 rsoled 1o ioud 1oep thtnkldigtah. would and boat ard. Cover with cdean ju a meortar, aclding ia little lemili te sen hlm. andLme at tout set hlm eut be giai te recaire enl my new char- paper, then with thbe eau cever, and juce~, a plut et water aid eight ta- etf the atudi9. Froni Wilson'a account l' aLe*ter cola humble suiter for' ler biand? guesod, tee, tljat lie was luver>' 30w 1. w'-turyaueioetait. bury, lu ice and sait. Cover with blespoutuls et maugar. Mir al te-water,- aenha 'tlitl.'od e1 a-osuey usinoaiy a blauket or piece cf dlean carpet gether. poundn cl te ten rnhw~thaie ern entranc ito Morland Uli es mablieli- menthe nene et flbis blitliat binan- ni' ent elliehal, anselie admittoti te 'me, and oct away lu a.cold place fer two snd freoze. white worM îal beep neen about tewii, loied for and longed fer-ni>' visite heurs te ripeu. IRa pberry Water be. - proisand 1I nd ot ear te think that 'a"man e ry day., Rer préseut positien wus et such ill em cpabilities h uldilcertain and Invidieus: but ai my vite Trenèh IcC Creau.-In a double raspbe'rries through a fine hair leeresua ie nw ,ee hogiisms îoudlemcr.An etecuae bote, eadeu pute mlk bi --eneugh et them to make thl'ec fortunes vere ore etten than not the ment of 8.11 for an av.xîous, eagelevr boleocl oe i o il, et euit o e lsfô* lisi exceases. there was that sot t Ies horsk tegether five'-eggs and oee up et pinte .of juice. Add eue pouud ef Moved by mil Ihese Impulse». I ascend- Dlanm's kiis. unasloed, unsouuit,"1 tht sugar sud atir ed-oerly snta the ooal-pwee .fuc f elle cd te the atudi and feund Wray Just liai qulvered upon rny ciecit when we suasugar, lowyînoth Mi-as Wrenaliaw Ih deerlbed.-hi, takin ]u4t parffl. ed mlk. Wiien àt thiekens, atrain lare lamon aud one t=lopo ,tlis euse uponh; couple ef chairs, anl In sucli thouglitiand récollections I of aober itit Then treeze. fing the roon with amole fron - his beguiled my Journey. A coid. motat wind an eaa ocl et -oepn e, a handoonie amber-meulied &aC as 'lo1wing, over the, Côwns as-I Croire of041 reainto -a froth, mdcl o the<Chili- - elaberatel>' cari ed ene which Ii. tei halle 1tbwn-,in an open d, h Uneful Uîunts, nover sein bofo1'o. * ilveof which enuioc the wayyde - -ed cUitadwth two .tblespooniula ot~ oî -euc ~ Wray loedJau ever, liandomre, pic- scantlng upe btuîarlocal tor Of muila and freeze. f t>' lite I liail beard lie wan ieading, sccoasfuliy carrlel r ogIifrein 01f- - BiquebecCrem.-T th reipeand ail, discarding ODIy the baves bis tait tram. ewas leoatltuthan 1)0- tnSaontnBI ge urhlg 'theo-tait giron l*~vefor Frenehtiliat are defective. fore, A loosely notted velIow silk s-'c -oa&rhtetraonhc lpe loefo rnhie.creani, icîthe wl a turned-down collar or or0flovera tliatýtbe, woatlier liai not -add j unt belor. lreezing, Asi a I oiirnar wkfuint r Da-~ nuneî l t rwhich, wi tat r1!n ,bnge tu audden1w '-or'the -worsaba&ii oende iaoronroîd e ess whben put te bed, try giviug velvet, paintine oat nilmine. whch is- thavthenfleot rhonedas a uicid lut tb.spe tvnîi u hem a Ëglass of good tnilk.- oMe ép r ea very Otrik- cnté.But the siht o f -tii. 10w-lyli ,of OTo ce gl;stiltbtleptIng ani uneonv5ntional ensemble,. lding iitealaaameng ho ern-troeO mel tweof sherry. Choùpped peoa an lssHbotes u "lio, 'Herve 1 Ithought oIC Wren- imylieart lioundfinoç wI a toyili C4Fiighl nuts eu b. dded.a ltle vinegar and naît luto the shaw wss lyluin was ies greettig, as5 and- my bleed tinglinu th my ené m bottle, aUlow te stand fer two hou-res, 1e111azly mtuck kteae i long. ibat I longed to.sprnoe out ettco a Mal Nut Cream.-Make elther -dt' ru1 u l wcr~rm , iiëbnde. j- and îound on ahead, siioutIng to Lîllîf an teapte ptinclarwrl l ad told l~it 1asunet at homo te that I wau comics te bear lier off as the French or Phl lhaiewater. Slifbody," I an wered ahortl>'. "I arn My bri4e. at crein a gve aov, ndw~cn t - s a gecd pla'n te pepper a car- wh ch I have- een extremeWlY ard ait girl I hati néon on the occasion ,f ni3 re.ady te serve fifli ginsses about-twe- e hcl utwiceayhaywork:;and ln t o heurs' tume I amn bar- lnt vîsit 0enoed the door to me. eor ver thia a maple tulttr i ng London agtîn. Bo you will excuse Mrm. b&orland and Miesa Sa.xon were pieoe-cifuntr a te rest on i, me If I begin i>' breakfast." beth mi lhome, sho maid. gUbly lu anawer yrup madle wîth liait- a pound as *s hlps to keep moèh et., e lay etl tbf aew moments, star- te mu' Inixuir>'. Woubd 1 walk into the inapte sugar, boiled wit4h a little va- Igatmeor h.&fansokdonrwi teruntilil s ope. u-tces nt In silence, vIle I1 rang the Dell and gava )Mrs. Moriani did not keep me wai ter nti itis opey ýut, oesnet Te prevent the skin f rom disco1- nome orders to Wrenshaw about niY ing.lonig.- She ruaiti edihe room i nà aua we dope u od aer ration aiter a falitor blow, take a -Mam X'Yîere Yeu are goiugl- ian rn err it aço'and stee,ebr curîî Or Yeun-ubeill cown ordinary mi- îUedysar+, oae ~isChi adeuce o'f a hurry?" le Iluilred, -dark haïr erenied ln the latesi style pie syrîîp uttil iV Le ropey. On top as the door c o ed oni the mfani. aitedysacmite twt U11,ýnd looklng aitoKorther lîke a plate ina cokldw*aber, ttud lay it ou tie infur- 'l arn goînu te Bristol." tasiien papetr.'Elle beld oui -a aman, of the cream gattUer thickly clhcp- ~ Toeirigtl, eh? It wouldn't bai bad plump, much-rtnFed hand for ia tc hick part. notion for me o go, te ritod nt ak lake, lut I noticedti tat ias touch wat ped nut--walnu.s, atmonds, ik Neyer pUt parBley ite water my Cousin , Kate oratt put me, up strangel>' coit andi clammy, ani that ho: ory nuts, lielitqui.yt.wl.. for a -f'ew lgIti. Would you like i comnely, treah-coniplexloned face wore wher à uÃŽe.l Tiecys ill -rvee.an! anxioum expression whlch she strove keep deomyNlt Cr. felis oW-ray," rëpied' t'Iîl5oIte ut C'am-Thi ej muoli fresher if pia.ced lu an "o ra, eplt mphtiall. nîy te mas in Siles. mae onth sm >piniple as ma-"I ment certailil>' should nept." - ". 'Delightet to e e youMr. Hervey n'iode t-ho marp ne BI inScakeair-tight tin or canister. "Well. iliats frank. -ai any rate!" lie Pra>' ait down. 1I vas Be aorry Lîliti pienul Cl u on-furth cke If-inings et unbleached muslil observeti. laughlua lmperturably. "And was net here yesterday. But you se, of baker'à. ehoc6late, cever with arMal o h cehsbsesnay 1 uk wlmt aItes Yeu te Bristol of the dear girl had seemefi Just a Ilttle bli lie waeraddbuter ii.siz ofan ad tied iute place each lauudry "reyyou muet -i-ememnber." r aiti. 1 thouglit a day or two Ct the k;eaciti- egg ud cu su a hit f ugar day thy wîî . ~ ealheî iuthat a young girl iu wliom I ami deepi>' et the lieuse of a lady wlio vas once ou (199anda cp ad a alfof sugrq dy, heywil be rei' elp i nteresteti la lu the care ef ypur cousin, etfni>'assistant îeachers-a minsicharm. and co)k uti tÂtI is a rich- syruP. keeéping the cdot-bes cean. Mrs.Stahope OMorbaud?" Fac lu anti euitured womfanof reponsiib Pou bo ovr -auila ce reai, Dry ml the food for frylng as haven't been near ni>'cousin for no long, Ith la growing very faut, andi she re. scatter nuts over the to-p andi serve niuéh as possible. Mousture case and baven't heard from >'ou. andl'il for- qures a little pettng andi change ef ali aI nce Tîs uatit ofchcolt.the hot fat te aplutter and spoils ricn it. i reiniber a littie dancing la0~ u very thouglitful of you, il t witl b. ,iuMclieut fur- about ight the color aud crispueis of t'he food lieggar-giri you have omeliovPicked sure," 1, salai, ,peakinfç vlth seme reý glasss A ceam.up, who tusisted upon havlîîg supper serve. "Blut -Lilith wtll, I hope, havi gloseso- cram.a hen cooked. wth yu andi me lu the studio, andti penty et change frein this time for Cho-olte CL Crain-Pacea wwatedto ped hr lrewltli you." ward." it o ilkte ice-vCrneapng le- Inwalhiug i-malt boy'm evera18l, W"'lese be careful whmt you on>," I A lok of unmistakable aiarm flaghe( - vit e mik, 'seen îeaingtab e u wilî find il fjar casier-te scrub saitd coidby. "I arn golng dowu te lit Mrs. Moriantis eyes. mpoonftils c. fsgar and four squares than t-e rub. Soap aund roll tîiem 13ristol te-day te ask that girl te be my "Yeu do net centemplate takîng i of! tîaker's chocot-ate lu a dailble hIhfwme.r" p uhe I. .hiaway from bore, surel>'?' she suggosted ioieri, and cook tîntil the chocelate upfra îetn a ti n rown pale with excItement, andi wmm she Io making suceb protress. And ilie lia îî~ted ani te nitur -iswashboard sud, serub them ià aih i aring at me ýnrduosî' euîtiîg-pardon me--but It lsau undersianding emutl. .1. ttu ieVue.rez ru clotbuhsnt ncnsat "What lu th. enrd are yut mkn lwmys tht phumus romain wlth me no 'mooLl about?" ho eito ýta freeze b"lunsix nionths less than twe vears. I cannot do myser and ti;-n into tble dasbier ujtil the you vli IDe vluriet te Lady Mfargaret- lustc l hes ian ta u.iteg hsuse eau be kept white by usiug ho- Lorimer; the îrairers are fuil et Il explained i nyu>cutorflnlu Iis respee Mx ur s frozen to teconsîsteney "The>' wibl have te be 1111-ad witli con- te you on the occasion ef yeur firsi -vi,31 - ý * f nuish. Take out tho da'her add rax powder !reèly. Put it on the tradictions. Lady Matige dssmolveti our anti 1 certill> untlorstood that yoi plut and ~naît tops of wiudow trame-s, ou-tep sud engagement Yesterday agred o te armuèînnt. n. 'Sf wtîipped ero-ain a '-Oh, a iover's quarrel! est ilne- "xOI Mis ao ea-lnein. iu 'i a!grxlit'lat-d itîgai,'-anîd a ' tes- etrangfr, ndecd,. tht this terrible ai Cemit sucde, Weuldn'týyQu gagembut."?P-- OpC<mfltîl tifvani, Sau îe howl item cf vrougd-oing is, se easy andi 'muelu nMy'tio t -Kenfý o erluig~jtigriiO~etf i ijl alage o-ie wte ad higo 'u 1In teilfereti jut wlen I nieant krowing exclteftien se-coulai real, - -lua-xige nsofic wtersu wlptewidesprtiad. If Is bard te under- te oi oualnt-nd h vsa»stvtîi-f~oe'u iirig thte cean unitil it lu thick ta> the stand thc peculiar pleasure whielî theuisandti li8,You didn't let me alene! a girl'Ilu àIlitli's- station Olt lire juiet1 verv '~~0 i.'wat I Il e-'olJ, respect you, anti pique anti spîtai -veui"fre-la- ~ a~ nau ~ SaOfl t fel B u'yIî t-viroYOU. luInsu>' irmys your ne- Surel>' such a Proceeduig Noull be £ ffili ad in i evnl wt,!«nkndthings ab'outethers. Bad as tionà are tee Ihig-fiown anti you're tee tegether tienealli 1-hu.Lot nme lbeg ai' frozn Pnk cepresingit itis implh ,irbd fribis lwenld- but s-eu're oee etenireat s-eu le thujjj beltel uofauch - -t-h faze pmîkic, pessng ut t s smpy as a breach Of go00dthe lest, anti canl'tsee Yeu tiolîborate- eremmsîreus plan" dowsn firiyv and e"ven. r witlu a neighuîoliness aud - gooti citizen- .1.' SettIng out te eut youa' ilroat wlvtl -"Tiieelias never been ain>' quest.i' - w'xonspttit. honditrhutethpitle useaaby adfrmout ia Protesi. ýýFor 1Heavent3salie, do't vîflime (et ijlcuiliut , ANu1 axgaret,' 111.TL'nditrbue sa-ui i tp- nms-anîty roMnt arr>' that g Hrilt ireulti bo a salal said. 'Pro>' tleigoss ucl ianidee-frei ~-1 wul' hrneseveuty ever the t-heost Joint-f C 't' and ti fr1ido. J1 denstanclv- ornd.sob te m f ui S.aO wîfau.; pra-ssg tiienigeit-ly jute t-he te'.ichings et C'hristiaun's en -av lerfor a'new mIn ts, I 0111Y reauon. beer., andifoi' n0o Oli 1*-irIs et .aw lier ty ew mne, 1 ave I mtie " 'aa r oev'," Trq. Mo - flc cteam iu tey wU reain heirtien t?.and 11cm. N-o main etsende marries i anti exclilmed.I," u 1r ofîet anti ma porit:ion. Fi-Il the iîcllow cen-t-ne - h vman efthai sort. The>' beleng te persuasive toues, sinklug devu on h wuith'tbe whtippeti creain, covrnthe -- the kitten or chenus girl spclies-preti>', seat agaîn -anti' jining ber b auds opuux i-tîla aye e tu puk inn' loe or wman' a *-l. otempered, anti affaîction- 'what' bpeae ike' ver>' real ani-cle olw ied bnry lu ler sotfoth tre. niouyA Cmseeovetfomu-ch e 8 . ait Pug ad ul Ã" it ,orouowlaefothslc-OY' ice endiiry iice an %alt or thre tit-oey îs e seeanti waym carbutliagttieiaartwafs but>',b >'eurml'yenéur sen anti tud ethoptenn and a Iosto'.A 'deveeaté il ClacdupSfl-the rSc f ti. -i A. evidmenngthe deie6! the Prenehliantuiwdsts tewuy the bts of living reatures under nibtue tilit aecmlete <livingsparauns been proided in wlhicb -obSeIrVe ma-y k de 10n th ue bettém ?f.41~ od.-There they ni*y remsin fo5 boums', util tii he lb'.ecoon e cua tomed to thir pr'emnce., and f6ole their uatumral x npu sein Ploy&n u aud footing. The under-water &tu4 dent Chus is!en-b-led te noe.thejif habita at firit hanld. The.ct-ber extr4eeoetobservatior is 'the construction 'of ehelter4 plattornîs in t-he -branches cf treeas where studentâs it througheut thII niglit armedith etlceflâsh- lghts to wat6h tiie doiugs' et owiat bats' sud uoctumuaI insecte. ' I-e idrprtet! b M sieut tths au iuipeIta'uconclsinrea-ehed br the studenta;a tait- -1~ pensesa aspeciai sdens.e'whereby ths-y eau deteot the. presence of W, tée e-von thougli tàey'ý canuot eeefI Thie experlee, Swith .heep wd ci tiI. viien'-beins tdrien a-rc ouu~ try. In -a place;- snlee -thepresencecS we4er wae *bol-iycuuexp Octacd th f Antralian notèt! smoecurio y tacts. Tte leading sanis sutd enr »y wculî lft their- léas sa-n!de long bre&thW. Thon theY WOU4< Sbixdaou the beaten 't-roacks at stirt rnuning through theb bruub. sometimea they W-ouiti ruu for mlle nti a haifto twe mile, r coniti -net b. atopapeti by the. dýrie 1their course invariably lemt!lug te a poud or epring hitherto *unkuevu. Iu Frouce.Che experimen-te vere imacle on za ter rat.' Firet itaeoye. ver. bliutiid by a bandage, and t-heu t vas placet! on a tu-ntable, wih wa*wiirled round' until aIl dense cfàdi*rwction ,Muast,-have -b een V obli térated- . pon be4ng releaseti, -wi4hct nîoenn'- heal.uotion, it ttartaed directy for tu8eDrd, evf- Seaiý hxindre.tl'yuis mdistant. Froé ndtodeweBre t.ken to ai tdistanée tuf threOf 1fUr mileis f rom water ý antidier -l'"t esmeti- te à ake t-hem c>xly a short t-lui. -te fluti Ithe wator. One- old blinti toit sbow- e d t-he instinct lu t-be mre degre.' yas the others. S mnong the subjects cf investiga- r tien le the slght cf birds antit-he honing instincta of t-be carrier pi- ;geon. Mauy meaber eofthie !net!- y' tut-ion are ïnlined Cc conusider t-hie Y. a phenomelnon et'O far sight. They a~ have heen 'taking bjy triangulation tahé height te Iwhich birtis soir, anti » f roni ihat figuring out t-be radius -of 'r vision they: att-ai-n. e hA Laek oft Tact. d I iwilcenfosa hi you," -she said, ýe "that I amn eider t-ban 1 teck. I l ,O be t-hirt-y-Vwo ou my noxt- bi-rthday."- ce "Really?1', ucreplieti. "Hardi>' any oeewsould guess uthat you were n more than thirty" "n4TEiat's t-be la-at time," ehe said, -w-heu he hati departeti, "tat l'il e ever try te beu*ice te a brute." Native chit-dren lu Che Alaska acheois under the Uniteti St4tes Bureau et Education become mcoen- thusiastie oor tue perîonal hygiene Iapn t-bat -t-bey f reqiientlji b engteibi fat-bers aud brothe6r. te sebool t-o'have 'then put tlirTolugh aie clippiu-g sud cleaiungi proces oit thebe aà&xdf i the teselier. 'IM fluhIliti'! -Ruin ..A(ia-cf *orvay ha. a' iiiacdii1'Te celm tsellier )Ira.Mathuido Ëod bà,lien ut!. secrtr -c ti opnuItitaeon ié aklou h' 1 $4, ow Y . iyu fuafzýýry o!f %gland, Who bas jms-t ceebratetier geventeent ,f mi1iSonaie in"euhine, today lies romInen in 'thaV c>utry iaut Z arù to speak Enali# sud pla,te Pilîne thef t.Pett£èeatriael ua ebocteri--be raulcs cfthe, conhul Qu~uVicori fe S$in la the. miitextrav î ant in! bedressedi quacen lu. ,urope. Site uyaber. di'em l Paé ati peuineo-teus thi180000 *à'year fui fr clethes. ii. e ýiet--of -tue' ýGa-rden cfo Jeu-ny", ,Mu-iiedleve ue,rs go by a, lev* haitblvmen Lu France, prc>vides mnore tha a'million-gitta ànriielrytoehsbp girlsinu t-haC coun- Mrs. Ress aGlroy o! New--York city*, i sedu4eatùig lierthrec ciîldren an4i making a eomteortble living, by seIliu« eludero for une iu making concrète, ûrepnxoeflng *snd-filler -or floore. W-honlier husbanti dieti ah, purchasa brneai d- wagon sud beèa.n hauling ashes anti cinderm, andi noWrlIha ton vagons anti driv- ers inu ber emploY.' -SIGUT BY WIRELESS. 1Miny Mile. s ay., The anniilton of apace by t1w vonders cf modern science us be-enx carried a Istop for-ard by the. t.'t1 pihone 'las doie iu Ch..tranmisiioll cf seunt iIs nov equalled byaýn in- ventio 'n fer tue tranuiain of! light by vire .' " The nev Invention enablea th-o image of a-ny ebject Vo be tranamit- ted anti repioduceti befere..t-h. eyes of a speetator mile" a-vay, just &s. thbe tetephene tranummlts ant irepro- d uc.. t-be oues o! t-he voice.. The'inDventrr Dr. M. A, Loy, a~ London, Engla-nd, censtilitng engi- noer, las lven a short diescription of Ch. apparat-na sud iethod et the nov wontier. 'The-transmLtter is a screen - corpomedofio!oils o e le- nuun, the elctricai. reaistance e! whicb varies acordiug te the lightj t-ha-t touches it7' Over t-bis scireeu I ;î "~piseeà a syudhronousiy run- ping roiler consistimg cf a numnber of pieces, whlch are ait-ennating cenducteors a-n dinsula-ters. ' The relier i. driven -b>'a- noter cf 31000 revelutions a -minuite, andti the resui-t-ln'g' -ur-arions o! light are t-nauni'tt-ed îleng a-n ordinary con- dcitng ira. The receiver- is nmade up cf a- nsenies cf oeils epermt-ed by thle passage ef pdarize4 light 1ehn'oug-b thin siats o! steel anti at ithis receiver t-ho objeet which is be- fore the transmnit-ton le raprotiueed 'as a flickerîng image. The p5rocese Le descri-hed a-s a- "ki-ue«uatogra-phic applicat-ico! o L cominon electnicai principies. "'Tha m ystem hlas been testuet th-rough a reistance equivalemit- te a distance ôf fourÉ1 xiesbut inithe 0tppVofln Dr. Loy t-ier- L m r ason -9çiîY lË1 'làr greater dàisac. - "The tomesetuehmi ioc vich thereè. arehuu&eds of grâ49di.- a i c i ~1 41 I 1; ýhcuit!b. epihie t-dvlse a viie-1 ëoumittiyseif 'wotlié prohecY Chat i fifty yeara people, -weil iook b1ack uri-h iider at:the'daye wh4eu 4.i-t wa.s necesmar>' tcb ata-pr& c uide iunurdier tome hum. W-ho li l.p- de-y arrive&coansider ho* Lt,- -vIl- 'Obange 'the ConditIons-ef warfare.1 (ma4gma ethe, alteret! metheds et iitary operations wben you: ean- ,ee what La happening inilesa a«a-.> At presont tue image repreuei is of about the tdz. ',whieh t-l' eyelet a camera veuit ake. It showvrI-t aVions e! light anti dxade somoewhai in thbe degeee oft ali-toue bick,j biut it-does not mepecuce celer. - Dr. Lo* la vei- kuewnù Lu ýLon- don as a', consuiltiug engineer'aTKtt bas engagedinu labcratory rese-arehl for the Geverumeut. A nu-inhr cfi inventions stand te bis cre4it, iu-'i ciuding the, iow. high-pressîire nmo- tor anti a ýhigli-pressure.petroi en-f mine. Tii e,e-rimenta iu conac- tion with light by 'Wire have ex-ý 'tended over five -ye..re.. In the traâsiitting esoen l- ,,y i> be nepluced b>'y dia-' ngntcmaterial. The. cost of Vhs appa-ratus is" considerabeastb ,conductiveetions of théeroelier are madie etpluatunum. ROUSES F LASS. There'l Be .No Wood'lu the Arelli- tecture cf thie Future. Fa-i Scheerbart, the. well-kuoskn German writer, 'proph-sies thadt the. arçh.itecture o! the fuîtutre w-i- .be of glass, a-ncl thattii. worid viii be inhabiteti by a hippy raem living un- dien- the geot6i -Influence et iigh-t. "The hoînses wili bofo!glss, eh says, "wî-tb ail 1wooct elhninated), "The furniture viii be -of! rought' iron anti the framework cit the' buildings viill e o! iron andi ruste. proof, irbile t-be iratis vii be of double glass btensure wa-rmtb. sut! f inany colons iu erder tc-bafie Lu- quisitivo pensons. -"Tbe buildings wiillb&bha-ted b>' electricity' ýD.ud the valu, 4cora-ed lu Tiffay inajoîlca effectua. The poreh cf every homne vili have three. sides of glass, a-ut there viii b. -glaegarden hemmsvîreone may lie ntihe aushlue by day anti the astmruigt by uigb-t." -Herr-Scheerbart draWs a,-1,rilliànt 1word picture o! n city. with stores, dhueheu and public buildings of ,-lase, ail britliautty Iighted lunian>' S1colora !1'. S-Brun Traut, the, arch't-eet, huilt a wpalace aloe these bines atthe Col-, t "I i t t! I t--i-s 1,'

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