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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 16 Jul 1914, p. 5

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anae Ileei.', LV9Uiat t PtTce 50C., our price 35c. M., W, Colline, 'Sbie Store. Thre Maple .Leaf Tea Uoorn'wiil serve home made 'cake wlth 'ecdi r-P de.r offles crearnor .soda Saturday ý4tMxn rand ,-oeveiiig. W.J-.H. Ritchardsonhau piaoed one fci te WorM rao'wne Vîctrlasi ~the tria room. Music lover. will f14 a teat Ili theéseeettons plàyed wbile sloir- int, rqrefsu..emtal ea hp Ia è6r. fMr. . H. Jamres, b' Brook 8st Nortir, Ilarn prepared 'to baud)e al kinda of, work làa tiel. Jobbing prornptly',attended to. Beni. Bryma, Whltby. BOWLING. Last Thursday al1ternoIn two rinkS lof Oshawa 'bowiers 'came ever and playeda friendly *garne with the, Whit- by CIub*. Thre visitors were succosa- tui ln getting the big ind of the score, but they irail te piay tirrvy bonit tedo se.' The. Lakeshore Bowl- ing Laguewiicir w au la existece 'for several years, bas net been te- vived tis year» and - consequently mont et tie conteSts to ire, payd tii year wil 1ç mçeÇey eibitieOn games. 80 pairs of men's Urus Caif work boots, wltir no ueam ln bacir, ieavy soies, oud tirougieu t. Regular prie. $8, sale prîce 81.98. at Peels. ADJOURNMENT OF HEARINO IN For $40.00 . jThie preliminary hearing of thre case againit Ruffelio Feri, accused of end many others from 8 10 Up. shooting .John Çarbonne, a fellow Itallan, at Claremont two weeks ago, was coimnenced last Thursday evening at thre Court House before 'Police iMagistrate Jephscu, of Pick-i a ering.Michael Basso, Italian inter-, Jewiler and Oraduate Optiolan 'oph Loreto and a brother of Pari,1 Oppoite Pott fflo held as wltnesses, together with an-i other Italian, namne more eaiiy pro- fl4 nounced than speiled, gave evidence, Whi'btIby, dvlg n satln tacts;6 they. were accordingiy ullowed1 to go. Tire case was adjourned for a week or longer, inr order that Car- - bonne may ire present to tell whit lie Wo C. T . J knows' as to thre identity ( i i as- ___________________________sailant. THE CRY 0F THE. CHILDREN. The Sunday Scirool of St. John's (Bay) Cirurcir held its annual picnio There Io no more important Phase at Dehart's Point on Thursday after- a~ thre great temperance question tiran'noon last. A large crowd was in *hat one,. whlcir concerne *Itself with attendance, and the programme of -4rink -and the child. It goes back games, etc., was hèartily enjoyed. and deals with the ante-natal biight_+ »ïhlch la lillcted by alcohollo par- Ail Saints' lSunday Scirool picnic oentage. It traces tire Infantile mor- was -held last Thursday afternoon at -tality -for which our, drink system is HeYdenshore Park., Severai bus loads Tresponsible and ollows Ïbat up witb left town about 1.30, and a delight- .a black catalogue of evils in the way ful time was spent. -cf accidents, starvation, nakedness, 4isease, Ignorance,'-mental weakness, C0t1)CIL INSPIeCTS SCHOOLS. ,ýcrimnality, and cruelty that 15 ap-j nStra leno atfu P>allng. As we follow Up tlils %ne O audyate1o at fu ..of investigatipn -we irear beatlng in members of the Town Counil-Mayor upon us from al aides tire exceeding Wilis, J. B3. Laidiaw, T. G. Coiwil "bitter cry of tire cildren. There la and Dr. Warren, accompanied by five no other ingle factor In our rihodern members of the Board of Education, world which rmakes «uCh havoc of the Paîd a visit of Inspection to Dufferie 'nation's weaith of child-iife as tis and Henry Street public schools and thrice accursed drink system.-Every- to tire Higir Sohool. Tire purpose of .body's Monthly. jthre visit was that thre Council might se. for tnemselves tire condition o! I bbqpthre scirools, ýnd judge wiretirer tire application of tire Board for money e for a new scirool in tire Souti' ward j Local uéppenanrgs and for improi'ements i3thre Iligi Scireo sirould ire granted or refused. F __ - Some weeka ago the Board preseated tire request te Council, iroping te Tire Cathol Churci garden party get on witi tire werk during tire pre- 'wli ir hed Iis earon ire sent vacation. -As yet tire Council o!i b Thelday Auuel n teOven- iras n et acoeeded to tire requeut, and lng o urdy uut1t, tire tire Education t)epartment iras givea second diy of tireHorse Show. notice of! Wtthirolding tire publice 0 - . scirool grant. Tire grant was i'ili- Reserve Tirursday, Juiy Z3rd, for ireld laut yearg, but atter a conference 'tire Methodist S. S. excursion te witir lie Inspecter, at wilirom- Bliverdaie Park andý Toronto, by iqpe- ises ver. made eof Imptovemente te ciai C.P.R. train. Tickrets, adulta tire scirools tri s year, tire grant vas 1ch ildren 50c. Se. large bis. paid. Tire Inaction efthtie ('ojucil iras -placed tire Board inaua èaibar- 'ne araslgposition, as il lu nov 'tee 'GtaOn. Minute Washer, ft makees late to maie tire contcnîpiated lm.- 'Wasir day easy. We wouid ho pleased rvmnsdigth acio, te senit one on apprevai. Go M. prveets -uig+ri- actiu -Rice.. Es.eythng l hardware. WHITBY SWIMMING ýCI.UB. COMING. F.E. Luke, OpI. D., 159 Ycnge 'St., Toronto's aine opticlan, eanuire tCensluited about your eyes at A.- H. 'Ala.drug store, Witiy,- Tuesday, Juiy 21s1. For elgiteen years he bas been coming te WhItby, and-when you cet spectacles Tfrom bintiey are Ilgir. Don't forgel lie date. Tues- day, .July 218t. Ceaumencing on Frîday, Juî;vy 17, classes %viii ire conducted la tire even- Ingi as tollovu 7.80-Learnets' Lessons. 8.15-Elementaty Lessons. 8.45-rAdvanced Swinini'îg andi Liv- ing.- 9.15-9.80-General Spiasir. Svlmmlng Drill andt Lifc Saving Land Drill on Monday sigirîs 7.30tu 9 o'clock, la some uuita.ble place te be arranged later. Rescue Drill nnd Release DriUllul tire water are te come bn when 'tie memirt become proficient. Crawl, overarm, aide and hack strokes wili he given later. It la probable thst stci5s may ire taken wlieneby cert'ifi- cates may he awanded te members of tire varlous classes. Learners, to -. ~~. '~' swim one iength o! tank ;,.,.eieentury -4--one dive ani Ive lengths ; advanced, Mn. James~ amr h rshe one dive and four lengtis, and ai -Pwths a lm eer, wbashreasvcredleast two different strokes. Water andi bas taken up iris çîlities at Mr' pl may iretalien.any nlght vien - St'phen.qon's express office. one o! the lessons wiii ire le! t eut. .Tire Club is lortunate in havtng au a Memher Mr. Alex. BettS, vWho WaS Do' nti miss. Mr. P4arker, optician, for some yearsa an Instructor in irere .july 25th. Mr. Parker, cornes swimîning la Edlnburgb, SCOîiaud. obr(e a monti at Baasett's. 'Always Mr. Betta ln, an expert swimnier, and the last Saturday. j iii taie charge o!,tire clauses. 2i~ Presbyterian Cirurcir, also rendered until further notice, our two heautiful numbets on tire organ, eu . la addition to acting as accompaaist egiar 35 cent Tea at on severai occasions. Soies vers )tire Metirodiat Tabernacle chroir MrretrdbyMsAW .Jako, f i5- J. S, Hogg, of St. Andrew's; Mn. -E. Hazel, of Ail Saints ;,and Mr. W. BILACK,' GREÉN. OR MIKEDI BC. Ruttan, tenor soloiat la Chalmers .Presbyterlan Cirurcir, Toronto, for- Spend your dollars at rmerly of tire Baptist choir irere. Eacir oeadyo ilme t o these was much appreclated and 1 en n o iime greatly deligbted tire audience.j them again. f Tire choir sang two antheme. Mn. oRuttan and Miss L. Evansgave a Surprise Soap e for 25e y duett, and Mn. Evans piayed a cor- Corn Flakes 3 for 25e [,net solo. bt Rev. G. A. McLean, pastor efthtie Rolied Oats 8 Ibm. for 25e ,r churcir, occupied tire chadr, and withr- i hm on tire piatformn sat Dr. Abram- bain and Rev. MX E. Sexsmitr, Pas- Your businesg-friend, is tors of thre Presbyterian and' Metho- 18digt oiiurches, reopecliveli. Escirof a, these gentlemen spoke a few wOrds s IVULLIILU 1, o congratulation. Phone 94, - WHITBY tI Miss Laura Evans wii ocupy lie position et erganiat, as hefore., [E Gazette and Chroi earried môre advertif tit, during '1914, thanl years. Of -8wa tIstiwsrkso Àri gfid lwaïs.a Let ussow ouou arge sbortment Of WÂLTHÂMS ~ oid Gold, Gold.Filled- 'i .UAf~.Silver and Nickel J W. are juet now I offering rnany eS- I peciaily you haveibeen proinising soilong. M. G. Argall,' H.iFP. AiIdred, E. IWO1 Arneld, D. M, .Brodie, -R. M., Biek, a Leave a eall aud w. wili, corne L. E. floddy, R. Bresdin,- F.R. 'Bam-. i j any time sand nrské a, »ice fezth, G. J. Browii, -L.-,M. Beyd, L.- 14 photo efyour. hou..anPi . .lBumnhazn, M. -E. Carnegie, B. F.. 13 Ian ~M. couistou, G. >1. CoiuIls, F. M e Foxgtç, -W. ..Dobuon,, C. H. Dae,la O~V WPNO uIlhJTI S. Le~ Daci, . L.- Dalgelsi, A.- A. a for anateus - wy,. . . £*eeaon, E. M. -Hardty, "t. '>~' Hodgson, T. .-R. »,rJ'pu <.John- T ito, I~. CoUng W , , Ce 9edsuti 'R. : Mî lpp,Ï. 0.La, M ler, . L. .1 MW Ioi%~tfuI ,Mfler ,,M.'l1' Miotard (bion.), L'. R."a MKoffat (ion.), A. R. Z. Mence, M. F-1.-. McGrotty, .R. E. Nuttlng, W.' F. V 'O'Belr, . . aro t, L. J. Fier- s'O ers, -M.iM Schofied, L. L. Stepiens, ' -e.Rlcbatdon, 0.i-Uo. Steens, . 'F.. VOTERS' LIST COURT..0 F BE- 51ker, A.ý V. Spoffard, R.E. Saund- VISION. ers, M. M. Scbofleld, tL4,L. 8,epirens, Hia Honor Judge-McIntyre pro- M. M. Switz;er, N. Tâck, E. Ver- slded lait Tirursday rnorning at the ,non, J. E. VallGntyne, M. M. Wood, 1i ,Votera' lst- Court et Revision la thre0. F. Weriy, D. . Waugh*, A. R. pie effica', of Town, Clerk White. Ina all Wilson, È. M., Yui. 189 "aMes were adted to$ethre list, and- 94 'weoe- removed, leavlngau, in- ' çroase of66 naines more Iran lasI Personai Mcntion. ab% year. Of tiese naines. 182 were add- ____F ei cd and 65 taken off at tire suggestion M.LidofN 'Yrl isi-an of tire Censervatives, and the Li>!M. ar, f&W eisvut trlsUd48aded-ad 9 emve l ng tnienda ln touwn ja eau~ -i 8 dtetan «2 rm el. Sisos Mena Sté0v>rt, et Teronto, 'fil Remember tire date!1 Wiat date 'P visiting ber parents bore. Friday,1 Juiy> 24. Wirat f or-? Oid> Mn. and Miss. Snell spent a few fasirioned gardon party 'on tire iawn days la town vîti frienits.th of tire Baptlst, parsonage. lNon4 IMr. George Ham;, of MontreaI, was vu Miss Ml a visiter ln *tewn, 'tilsweek. W0: Miss Marguerite Neill was home lni THE SEWERAGE SYSTEM COM- frc)fn Toronto on a brief vieit, fru MENCED j Mrs. L. U. Beýrd,.and son, of bMon- tre treai, are on a visit. witi Miss Ham. Cie, Tire corner of Dundas Sit. East aivd M Dr jresi iigM.Ott Auh Street was tire scene of! tire tutu- jMs 'Dr Y Jresofistn M.e ing of tire first sodith ie îaying of and M rsi A. H. Lye in Toronto. la tire sewerage systein. Tiers was noj'Dr. William Philp, cf Hamilton, ec oeremny, irowever, in cennection ivisiteit iis brother, J. R., boere iast with tire starting 0f tire werc.- At'week. noon on. Wednesday a gang et aboutj Mrs. Seccombe, of Toronto, çt A twenty laborers, neariy- ail Italians, ber littie daugirter, lu visiting her cor commeaced to excavate tire trencires, 1aunt, Mrs. John Hialop. spr and by evening a long attetcr Ladj- Rev. A.E. and Mrs. Mclntyre and alt been opened up. Tire laborers, it 10 baby, vlsited Dr. and Mrs. Adamu C08 said, are being engaged at $1.40 pet iast week. . Ai day, a very iow wage -as compareit Miss Aima Warner, 'of Fort Wil- Ga! witir last year. Mr. Young, of tlre liam, Is visiting irer aunt, Mrs. A. staff et Mr. T. A. Murray, i5 to be E. Luke-. resident engineer. He has arn i1tenl -ila. W.O. Joiraston, ot Tonawan- e town, and commenceai his work.î*o Mr.~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ý__ a R.B twrtrNotatr , .Y., iras been lia towa visiting ery la . eR. B.Stesertatsecompi - ' rer mother, Mrs. R. Rosa. is erybus * hes das cmpettng Mr. H. H. Rebinson, of Chicago, arrangements for tire carrying enof ? an old Whitby boy, s4à in tewn tis ,tire wvork. That ire is a hustier is week renewing oi4"-ýèguaintances. ahi evldenced by irs quick work in seur-1 Mr. Jack J.,King, ,0f tire Gazette- la Lng men and getting-..hem down to irhronicie staff, is irolidaylng at tre dld work. It la gratifi-ing that one '%yho home of iris motirer, In Ailiston. for bas mnade Wiritby iris ireadquarters j. Mr. Leonard Ruttan, o! Gelert, and ton for shine time iras been successful ln, Miss Mary Ruttan, aiso of tire Hala tendering for tis work against some iburtoný district, are home for tire of tire iargest contractors in tirevatinb Dominion. i Miss Dalsy .Jones -and Miss Agnes roc 0 Witmore, of Toronto, are visiting ig NEW PIPE -OR(4.A N DEDICATEDI) n town for a fcw days thus week. iv. BY BAPTISTS. Tirey leave shortly for a trip te tire Oid Country. Sunday, .Juiy 12, was thre occasion Messrs. W. J. H. Richrardson, A. on1 wiiditire ncw, pipe organ, built M N. Rosu, J._eny, Wm. Ayres cvg for tire-Baptist Churcir by Edward , and Frank Bryan left on Monday for 17'1 Lye & Sons, o! Toronto, -ças for Niagara Rails, wirere tirey wili at- the' f rrt tirnt uaed ln tire serice of tend tire annuai meetings of tire Ma- Song. The instrument is aweet- sonie Order. Tire party made the toned, and suited te thre size of tire trip la Mr. Richardson's motor. sel cirurcir, and yet is as powerful as Tire foiiowing irave been visiting bl, coult ire wisired. Tire woodwotk- lu Mr. and Mrs. John Nell recentiy : 10 finisired la Oak, and tire visible pipes Mr. Roirt. Neill, Peterboro ç~ Mr. .S1anî th, are fxniaired ln ahades ofl mue wii.h Neill, Guelphr; ML. Natiraniel Neill, an gold trinuninga. Tirere are foiit-een Brantford, (brotirers -of Mr. Neill); by stops, and over four irundrcd apeak- Mr John Edelman, Chicago (brother er, ing pipes.- lot Mrs. Neill); Mr. John Pion, et AI Tire instrument was instalied aiitatire American Ciile Ce., Toronto; HI cost of $1,100, inciuding an !tei and Mrs. Ed. Gregory, of iindsay,, motor and hiower, and i.-Ill lx-, free (sister of Mr. Neill). of debt, it lu expected. At t.ie services on Sunday, iMr.1 Mi [nicipallty cf Townshrip o! Whitby. Notice la irereby given tiraI I have ransmltted of' deiivered Ijo tire pet. cns mentioned la Secilon 9 o! tire *tarie Votera' LiaIs Act, tire cop- ea required by said section le hi otransmitted or deivered o! the Ist, made pursuant to tire uaid Act, I .ail peruons appearing by tire lasl evlsed Asseasment Roll e! tire sait aualclpality te h. entîtied te votA n tire sald munlcipaiity at electioni or membens. eft lie Legisialive As ;mhly, and at Municipal tlections ait tiraItirhesaldist vas lirst poit td up at my office, aI lire Counl oom, B3rolin, on tbp 27tr day c June, 1 914, and rmains tirere for li ipection. Andt I herehy cali upon al 'oters to lake Immediate proceeding bo irave any errors or omissions coi recteit accordlng to iaw-. Dated ttus lOtir day of July, 1914, D. HOLLIDAY, Cieni Wiltby ToWnsil Th~re's (Re~son tÀdvertisers are proving thaýt advertiling in this paper brings resuits, and resuits are what-they are after, Tecigt foprtbusneastrand are The igt -eprtmenloes..an they ge-...tri through large advts. in -Ïheir,-é!ty. papers. v me Jh6t huk e -trade.'of their commun- arge, advertisi.ng in their. ers. rates are very reasonable, apared with the rates of similar circulation. Quo- ieerfully furnished.. Q.odfellow & Son. Scranton-- Ceai>ý Chestnut per ton $7.25 Stove Size andi Egg p'er' ton 7.00 Pea Ceai per, tcn 6.25 At Harbor Ceai shedis 50 ents Fer ton less. ,,QrRAX.TON Ceai". The name gua'rantees the highest quality. -E.R. BLOW, Bell Tel. 9. Whilby Homie Tel. 14. Iow * after -the Iities by kâ town -pape Our1 Iwhen com papers of r tations chi Ce CA. Train Time Table. G.T. R. W14ITBY JUNCTION. Goning W et... 4.52a.m. Golng East.,4.o.n'0 . - -'707 P.lO. .1- 6.53 P.IO .... 7.40 P-.l .... 9.30 P -0 Sunday trains leave for Toronto 4.52 a.m. and 7.56 p.m. Prom Tor- entq-tralns stop at Withy Junction at 8.15 and 9.55 a.m., and 9.80 p.m. UP-TOWN STATION. Golng -Notth ....30 a.in.1 Going South ...7.15a.ut .4.15 Pin. p.-2.5W C. P.IR. Going Wet-g ,o asM:. Going Eaîi-9.15 a Mn 5.42 Pol. 7,38 pin STAGES. Leaves Whitby for Oshawa st 10 J " j 1 a.m. and 4 p.m. Jos. Holden, pr-o- B Leavos for Brougliam at 10'a.m. R0O a DIVISION Mr. Edwardu, -proprietor. 1 ohseTouadIlus MAILS CLOSE. Moatreal Quebec and ~agueaay River. For Wet- 6.30 au. For Port Whitby- Steamer% leave Toronto 2.00 pm al ai2.30P.rn. 6.30 a.m except Iunday. Prom July lot dally 6.30 P.oi. 6.30 P.oi 8.30 Poi orîaw-a3 pm SPECIAL SiERVIJCE dFor ltBt-6.30 9-m- Steamer% leave, Toronto dally, *oz pt 8.3 P .mpr. For North--6.300.ni Snnday. at 8p.M. for lKingmton 'Thoîn'.pd , i lçands. Montreal, Quhec afi Saguenay_- ____________________________________ River Points., 'Torono -iHamilton - Nontal Steamer *1Beilevilie' bjaves Toronto on MondayÉ,. Str. Ildity' of Ottawa" luaven Hiamilton and Toronto Wedneds. Str. " City of' Hamilton" ieaî es Hamilton and Toronto Saturday. lit.Lawrence Gulf and North Shore Routés Fromn Montreai andl Quebec tb Gaspe, Suxoinernide, Chiarlottetown and Pictou, N. S., andI point. on the Northt Shore of ýhe (Guif. Quebso to New York Str. *Trinfidad " leaves Quebet Ju. lot 10IL andi 24tl, ÀAug. 7th and 21at. For parf.jcuiarî appi>' te) loailticket agent or addure,. HUGII ID. PArFRa<N, G A.P.D. 46 Ynge $t., oronbo 'En W. -EVANS, Punip Manufacturer, a, 'i r! 1- il r- c, Leads i a nin ecean'uccesafnl irad I nes.LSpecil.iz n aregg Pltman Shoart I hand and ail CommercialS et c. Fali Terni opino Ang. Blet. Write for ur catalogue.I Addreoms Il W. Wauehope, Principal, Yonge i McOIli St..ý, Toronto. NICHOLSON'& SELiDONI KJNOURTAI<BRS Pi.as 3 WHITOYV REAL -ESTATE ]FRANK E. JONES' LIST. Severaihbons and building iots fer sale lia Wbllaby. Parmi for sale ln the Townghip of Wbitby andPInckertng. F'RANK E. JONES. WHITBY. 5HW"U81NE88 SOHOOLS. IToronto, Cansti, give higli grade courses and Iqualilfyyonngpopi to eangpoilsaarie. IThey ncliide The central -Business doilegi I IYonge & GrrsrdEts., and ix CityBrancbI Scél.C uunsn nrqet ne any tine. W. H. Shaw, Proiient. C. FOLLEST OONTRAOTOR AND BUILDER PLANS 0F ALL DESCRIPTION FURNISHED. Residence, - Thornton's Corners Phone 4É, Oshawa. mIvery, Cartage and Teaming. 1 hrave recentl-y .added to my weil- hp BdJ CId V, equipped livery stable a heçavy, teain and dray for al kinds of carfage and WHI Tay teamning wonk, and wiii be pleased te Tiree doons wesl cf Wh- neceive orders, wirich ir ii have prompt We are prepared t te la and caneful -attention. ~pmso hr PHONE 6s. attend' to ail iidj CARRIAGEý TO MIET ALL TRAINS.,' pa'lnîng. John gCuimblotan th DUNIAS ST., WEST WHITIBY Pirene No. 50, medet 'uadaes tre ditby Houle notice, al»e viné Mill, ais» rions 1Arnmj. . Eis, Honor reserved, judgrnent asuto 6 edaim,. until lie ceunterCiairn ta Mis"lane.ous Advetts LOST. A black and tan pup. Finder wiil case telepine '100; ýhitbyt STRAYED.. To lot 5 con.,$, Wlïtbyý, on -or, çM1 JInc 269,oe - roan boitfer, en ar old. Parties -provlng property 14 paylng expenses may take beç 'ay. Wun, Jackson, lalsain. FAPX p t OÉÀLgý IN Wi-1J'BY TOWNSHIP. lsventy-seven àOLeS, lot 28, mo. 4t rue miles frein Wltby l ova ; con- aient te tirree rallway stations;- Ml suiled for mlxed .farming, dalrym. g or market gardeaing. Smal ilto, geood orchard' (pnlnclpaiiy spy ees)., nover failing stream, weil and itern, trame boue, baniiarn -and her large buildings. Several actes standing limier. Aise two loti Whltby towa. C. M., Smith, ex- ator.-ti. FOR SALE. kgood serviceable bedroom, set, noistlng of bedstead, dtesser, stand, rings and mattress. Tis iras been il Io perfectly dlean. Witir a fresb st of paint It would look liks npw. so a good hanging lanip. Apply at mette office for particulars. WANTED. Laundiess, immediately for Houso Refuge. Appiy, to Dr. J.F. Lav- .-tf. WANTED. kreilable man of od address and Uity to act as our representative tire County ot Ontario. A splen- dopening and permanent position rtire right man. Stone & Welling- n Nurserymen, Toronto. Ont.-S. HOUSE FOR SALE. Kew frame irouse, li sutorÊys, six ,rns, &-plece bath. furnacée1ectric, ght. Appiy J. H. JAMES, Wit- DENT'S DAIRY. Pure milk and cream. MornIng anfd ,enlng dellvery. Order now. Phone '.-tI. FOR SALE. 1Soyer and Massey engin. witb îarator and self feeder'1 one straw lwer, manufactured by John Good- au, Sarnia. 1 Clover Mill, made by iHall Works, Oshawa, with tank id trucks. 1 Ensilage Cutter, made rthe Wilkinson Co. 1 Grain Grind- ýmade by Mattirew Mooda & SdÉs. Il ln good running order. Apply to ENRY ROBINSON. Brookln.-tf. VOTERS' LISTS, 1914, Oood Values# I We cun eil you a Trus in à Solid Geld Case tiat you vwiii be proud cf FARE 1.65 a- - . . 1 . 1 ,V ý ýr

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