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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 23 Jul 1914, p. 2

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s jeavelarg Ã"rm4l pi" . htFlU ]KnPwe etanast _fot r nte birt, Fuf j-a b1 alek a-d ht mfukrt, àiitl ,utenanoO ! 01 QC st hatbenge Vto P*ulNed end rs. A few pielc.O! ilse-rS. -Ir RUrit. HRee-e e t etsu1 n of kérosèetWol drain the, the quiet boy, li ~ltI~bte >c or killthVie wrigigers. Be-t tban-a- hodees Ned and 130b- Aftsr ýe and 'cil are easy to be liad. We l1s,,ies pln e s t-ithoys a-ý1l n-i 'heM tired, lebksV u~'U)~ noV use Vhiu,. Tho conclumion tqw li- big chair and eu-ni -up u -irresistabîe. We Mu tlk VSPaul'a - l p sud go 'Vo àe u csquito, Tbtis aMcuriOus' foible. belst- d!ail, Fiuffy likes Ito sle-e-p on t hs k foo !pa.ul'lis lie bed. Ned ln~ reVu-nite- uuoequito dePnives a-nd Bob ca-u sometiinescoax biRn so01 the gre-ateFt channi of! aummer. _up on thleir lieds Vo Play, but whelu deuesVsgadenVous u inte he wa-nts V-o neet, he a-wa-ye-goes weeVof h eveuin g. Wbep the sun back Vo Pau-l'*e bed. clown nd comandung Until lest suuiule-r t-beIettE v- orme-s lin ot, n c- ndoged ila a- làble sa-stern own, -but in m the lawn and fiower- bed on July tlxey movtd WeSt. M$-n.-lut reung gr,-e-n cern a-ad ripeniuig me- tOId':ths boys -bhatttiey- woubd have. noi, tfe moscluito -w111 give you le-ave VO iesve Fiuffy wlVrh frielids unbil ýo b <out, But witen Venus slows t-bey were settqed iu tube-m -e- 1 home; and stte day befons Vley ýn te eveniug cninuhôn, when hse-f, a-u ,rriWdFluffy over Vo ngît breevz& coine thirougIthVie Mxe. Bnown, 3vlio wae going to ksep ilesl othe woods, when te-Great liim ior a wl-le. asar walks overitelad and Arcturus One afternooii, a- montai la-er, 's nca-nde-ecen~t anid eky, ie o-wiieiiFluffy was cun-edul, ~uito chasesa you, is indùqgeV crnerc<f4te hmuock, lie s»a-w s pyindeers and pt you under a ag--wgf tp i rn !V puit' bouse- a-nd a bey ruunp-'he steps. htrof Fluffy cid net Ai ke etrauigel'5 s0 bOt roc! lie ran..up#taire a o ié te a-V-ie- dcii', - !h sunîie-r day hbas wrougitt Vie and unewed juist as boud, aslie eouid peérfection of te sutuner niglit. Hle ta-d always been alîowed Vo go You ma-y la-vsete hat- o!fte-day, up Vhs-ne wleneve-rlie -ha-cl mked, butne- ti- bauy '! Vte igî, but 4lis timje Murs, Brown pickec uneeyut n skie bai ofte hie-eo hm up in le-r'arnis and carried tin: thlesk a yu ilbod vius prof. downsta-ins. lu ie- ktiten te sas thic an- yor býod-nru prof.a large cl*>Ve with ha-y in ths bot. Sient or oinging, lie- autocrat o! tom, anJd', odishe s tened ini th( té summer evening arises out of! corners. Mrs. Brown pl-aced Plut! the- -tangîed green, ont o!fte-nos fy on hs hay, a-ad Vhs boy pickeý ithe- cra-Ve very canefuIaa bush,-ucuo!i te viburn4wm, out o!f > eme ýà8hinuon fhesa ft Vilsi bra-eken, up frein beside hs wagon. -Thut nigt Fluffy Nvas pu miilkwe-ed a-nd ite clover, by the on the cans. At frt ie -was afrai wild suufiowsr and te astr, anJ and cried a great deal ;but ths mee ailent itsdormn-nlel on te train gave h-i-n (bite o! hsi J - lunciteori, a-nd put cool water imi -IL cemes freinte 'close cnopped his cup wh eu he nseded i1V, a-nd a Jîamïn p-rcd he, peppy 1bcd-e, f nom V-le er a- tinie ue curbed tup lu a h dahitia auJdte gladioluis, out e!fte and OUV Vo ilsP Abowt five o'clo-ck o! trhe seil m4gnonette and alyssuin a"dnia-kes cl-ay aften lhe lad lefit Mmue.-Brown iuakes evidentits feudal suprcinady. lie was a-gain ll!tecl up into A-w-a It 1s ths ulgt rider, te poison pesL oen aundgiven anethen niJe. TI te pirate eL -lawn anud weods. Ye-u tinie he wagon -svopped before SEbsp, scratch, and'burnu jes stic6ks large brick house, -andite m-a-n e ied Fluiffy'-s box up thie tepe. and te-n fiee. The beauty ofte-'itedoonway etood Vihrese i-xt,: warn', nuolt nigbt, cented onu eirthit-ittîs boys. an s ta-red liiteitea-vens, le net "O-Flîîffy'," Cried the ehiîd'ni fer hs irrita-ted, iscnatching, burn- auJ Fb7uf!y aneswe-nsd"Ms-o-o -- ing toral wo bs sutaaed sxtyin sue-h a- loving ous. pingnortal -hpu h surs Ba-ck Vo Thte boy-s -bad a sau-ce-r ùe! mnelk po Wn e ý,puntu r a.Bac tothethe floo n l te kitcihen,- auJ wh ivre-ens for ite uo&quito's serf; their fathen opqned t-be box, ' unrirte roof Vo geL wha-t- there fy jumpeci eut aud raun igitt oi may. be hfad o! tesumiper lovel- - o Vhe saucer and dr-au-k andi dral nue-ais. The night le tfemosquito'e rahesY Vh o- aî W-heu Fluffy kLed finisl he Vsl - Thée Pana-ma- zone wa-s cleaned up ha walked aBowiy - titrougit tecause LIe mesquiko tuere me-a-nt roomei until lieea-me Vo Vhs 'hl The eatniden trnioryTIenite na-n upet aine -auJ wa-l deat. Tepe-i ntrioythroiugit ea-h cf tVIe ehambera wa-s ma-doean Isla-n as9 the Polar Iooked ca-neflly at sa-h tedt - igion lu wiuten. If we wisih Vo es- la-st ite came- Vo the littie r cape tepeïtL ws muet go witere te-n where Pa-u's bcd etood. T ye-arsa-go itL wa-s most abundaut, wititeut a-ny hesiVatioîlhée piii Up on t-be fot O! theieed, jusi wliere nature lis inosV kinJly te it, le. ha-J aiways doue when he witere every condition-favers its ±lired. eurleti up and began proispenity l Intatreglon thèee~ur are 110 mosquiboes. "Oh papal,' criec te boys. f -ite doorway. '-how do youu supi suO why ha-ve, the rosquitol7 Wby te -knsw iwhich frd ibelonged 1- *r - --à- 1 ._; . - %. n .q ,i't"e-Youthbs Compaulon. uval nesource as a summer uigbt? Wbybecia-td nd-ds aJ uto!MODEL cT'1TON PL.tNTA"l Lic lQauty o!fte nigittiWhy boeuuýjgljKL puu(l4Seek (o Be 1 Jeinina-ted, -terroi-ized, and sa-cru- îeidto!uirea fiee-cl? Wly itcluand scratch anJ Iu thekhopse!fsoins day scu burnI Why raies the itiosquite as a-r-a-w cotton sîupply inde-peu a.pet and be lielpîes before iV as a o! Amenica-,te Inte ,rnational - pesti W-haV ie the mosquuito,1 a-n-y- enatiomu o! Masiter Cotton Spini -way Vi-t V siouI bemasVero! and Maufacturens' Associa-tic ,wa, 4tatit houd b meter Eugland bas launcicd:a- coie-m me-n aud ceutroiler o! bis itoureî h sl.,Éeto oe folkcanbe id f . t i PaamatonplantaLion in Punial, Indi we cati be ide! fit le-ne. Çonsidering te advane-es ali ma-Je in Ibcha, it isleestima-ted FOREIIN pO>ULÂTON. before na-ny yea-rs the; Indian FOREGN PPULTIO',N. will e aliuostae large as-te A Fora Lage Pneeitite o - Cîta a ean cnop. lite -mode-i plantat- India will demensrVe- te- b CnintinaL -Cinstoem. witich arise froraiIntensive fa That te- gowt-ito!fteîoieign heneby encouraging Vr hs lande population. lu Canada- ha-e aIse add- prietorne te adopt tis systen ed-ci o otan eiminal stit-istice le Vo improve te-yields per aci sliow.by tefa-et ta-Vt bers are te-quality o!fte-fibre. atL Vie present inue ne less ta-n Titsiand -wl' be sown wi seveu munder cases>unden neview lange perceutage o! Amine-i ýy te- Departint o! Justice and- on seed a-e possibbe-, and te- in eveny caswIit s a foreignen in- cultural Department o! Punj8 voive-d. Thte Iset Canadian ciminal have te nigitV to pure-ha-SeJ statiatice available-,thVtese ion 1912-13 te surplus9 se-ed lproduceci w] .ew ite-V in tat ysar ters were no-t nequired for the eVte-, f< --52 changes anà 25 convictiorie for tribiltionl in -ter districte. uiurde-r, 01te- -pSconivictio>ns neo '1he Federaton -las se-Ou les. titan 17 weu;e foreiga- brr- wentiryeyars' lemaseo! 7,500 IpWngnbe-rn xnatuung eltswhere close to Vhe- nailway, and wate titan iu Canada-,te United SLate-e ply. A modernu gînaing il] or Great BEntain. Oue was boru iu be- erected, sud nas ter. e le -4, oen iEngWand,,and te--a-ypopulatieon in te vicinitý in Cat.~.., 4e-ivilLa- esa-e o lIr-'-ýtS < 4h. i6 jrw ko tiésfo -e it4~n, Who' are ffle'31' covictions for aLte-fupt t brougitt in a-nd instnucted murde.r, and, o!thlie.,only tvhnea-'pente.. ;ire C&iian born, The nTioa- Lea-ding members o!f<tie 1 i -ty o! the w-eivntn nd the ionbl e,éthA.t -wihin &af e outid< o! Q maP, .O! t-lsee ixt Indin o-tVn crop téo tin ws ineAeu'ians iand four Englisit, bale- witheut encre-a-e-ing léaving fifteen wbst are kriewn ss uréa- nequired for food. M "foreigiuere. - 'u14euin a-Il ceuntiisêusing Accondimg Vo hes1 lasV een-suus fig- eottou anes eubscibiiig Vo t unes tose boru ini foreign ce-un- je-ct. - tri ung United -Sttpeâenda- -1 Q 1~~ -forùadA6.2 6renbt. estv. ia- 1912 thé foroîe-kgiu Feond pahr-Týiiy Wni- - - o en o f ailclasses wre n« e-aI fsing lette-r froni b 17.2 pere-n. 80 ol0. %h C ôinborn offedu4srép- t ng Mciher-Afd wb Oa.ruad4a'n born 1fonin 77.9 ps-cetV Fond Fater-He- says ht of the population. Britishi ters out-. whipped eo-often itee-an t *ide o!t Caada *'wre 19'Sy cent..eof d thetahe-r'! the c ¶~ butfaf mj11. ô & -pidfo y cent, orté PoPùi~tO n0i-n-- - - - bora f-ned 4.2 per sênt. eof thée- -T-à4-aI ' Canes Ame I"t.nuakaJfl 40"sQOiv o o MirW ,p w.k" blev'It.Iaoosbttr y49 tàhe Leigos ~raîcnî Mat 5 21. tiepi. _W t1; x îak&. ils a dife 0111.. è-ý - Text, Matt. ~on tw-~muqw~ ea~i~kOoni f thje p- Ta~r~igion to-ay s. ie- h 6;mrK - Ver~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1.Ada hyhadhesJt hn ig ndli rgtau.1iat iOUIIt1eettngfrom whaV is 'wes a lew ~~a~b o' fibi he di iog e et .ê sp nd as m h o ynow ii ti în u ap S ! . 14 il ti êoun .d in s-he ent ,brau g o s a f e i 4 iai80 S r~ g l A '* ôt t - Jeua n Zec.eu pee4e hs uto oç ~oVdaso ýrt , e ~o l~ ~ioy n~ a ay nodmostaio. '.P h elgioeligio J er s l. m And sthe yra le o!earhy Ido 'etela a o.d-rtandL irln o ts te 4 stin ii'te th t .fhe ortst> es, lis nd r erwntdutnd ,rs *dh î et pontî sp k n spir on t e nd d a t he y 'r t h e e rn l edrc u eser n o t se inons ra n< d he lig i nte fr- t ýa tai o rç i t uaesr e rfo li s fl t rond' b w e eh udZJrua- --flurusn f trPgh titis ao s o r ely m te ls r nnthie- oderi n an a s liandfl A d lO onl tm itbu th c4 flY lem or mpre ie ly iwm n the is wuyeo f si 1endr ! as rnga8-1 o Uam unt or t dafne. ie a t neof .tbs e h e li as e n more in son daprd~iis <4èho t ere 6n duC Vo Zeè1 u, an hetwho he d fourIsco -e ea a$ hie bota t ~ o.he auditc, itsnern2ie an' in il rm rale ta h gau. x-'.ihtierlgoU l» were eaç adceip ad oiesw o ta i la okdladee in e l , chronc l !thematfl at teon a f VitedprlaVt s,ý8l inte pe h ttled. o u k elre h à îot~ werns wt a oohasus. r n he I>ith e a 'sillby'nw r eitoi, lase ten ed inard fothi e ir- cpfreliion ano apie ati n nd ev r o d r ele iet, in tibt e , oduflias' et roïd b8was n' ii W ndJerusax - N B r a o fsrunsk. di-t sq elsa r b cd eliuaifnto% s eve a roe ofs lcf haringes asOnce . re ing td- n pr Épesig o f 001dg c t d a leor 'm arch'ýik yi, thon iL le -bash e e h il b u ! ioie -i'ke5 iore d r~n e m~ a r a pd ' iy und, e rgo U.ig e - t ite ure her 'gs itl a na MCsfU9 e Th sppse tattAekigdm ffyere'bfreth aiote ~ i a of. te aedt Sea or o! -artilcymf prc ees ! unvers'liiWtO-asor'e oal ofG a n md iely o s ear ou r score ears ad , gien by co stiton ises;or y Iaaly dysr l .i n flue~ n ee nd Vhs 1toi ne o r U 8The l O -Jes had een lai-le as he aneven h~nce=wit the nan wo s &te af eio n f ue bain tits ul ens ifted opaticlrt4istia~ a h -u-l e ssi h. Bscpe a d o~ th atWhth atorke b sw. Tua d ve i e b se thner !o , d rm o m e~ n th in eigi nd t ie .T eier w e re<ý t é f« 'FRngonithZ-as cls t tadan Work sml bohe ingree itoesng, aedbyitreene wt ai eti hl pts-nU-atitpen 1 and SoCet the ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - ee wa pr aby g Nea onearunh," k.liserepeaed, "wrk, a l4 cf, hs o ae o e roes, of xeri ie s- whOn e retc rdNtoV yelgito n fV5riatieu e- aRen tIis e ig to Jcéousale ad. titeeoensir'sui n ve is e n s ui n e léàe c.r oid be met; fideran li g o nrs and adtion <>f 7e iioi bn,a o O~ -so i is he.i'letwolea b c t , tt ern ari elyébe Po sacila witen alie muen'. thb o- piled. o we are to-day oii4 Tale , n rup h ad ta t e Ringon-off heaoldestc, ea n C n re ris cusao!de a.fri ess s ,n1ac IU- mou les b y s pracigion W ich etat ey d86e ie the ia 8vid'ý dom be immediately st oPa l aof Vhes rclies, and hecanes te mltino wxifV s?;ao i lermue be -served. relg ion w sA~ ull ieis~ sct ,i-t3r Of ' e iad h eGr-ll5pr- raffebctyo nedsinto a sV teon ci f te Eura i i inshol y tero!aprac- rligon te hrefr m e &eiad reet g.'h~ias -thae an.1V evea tan ev rm h by- ie a lo tetlrat hetrihescifcs, symancrai rA S'5 ic cnd o. o g gUw"ase -JsA hai ioim n ei int ejNe (B1lllwik- ho cned UP an ote lr n o e s'ax r e -I.ait- These ahnds donc, a man Tew res ot ! h st eo!eCiigan n Mesâh onRey a-agt a théreceie forle es1 he ..Jh ' ivrothogng srcin te tbad e ere- t ind o lyfor -lying, tpsthe 4fe aulerY a kigdomTite actins ~ th~ tnpwhen iste ws l eartbesoi, to soed yinte een.'AybigEs i lae. Lt con ta iei~achri ei *oa n s'- h oe aes n Irdand Wsonipwio we iews 'i ge cd-Lte sre d ad - o! thehr ome its primitie soncepti- i ae e - Ntendet; butwer -as thei uii tue th b is f on A r a had ct-ual onumeart cite eea fr $, o , n ianm to o te n u a us msi i be t ; eligi n l mattrots tae o plgzfg fra10ii am n Arc e laus hadinet itit Li e b n dor the op ol it uien,'airraV'blé.anIn su cal es o sevices e!wors hi or suppl orn a Èns Vtepuliwe a-a be aut lie tua e aexpeence d enterbe u' esm W th ntracoe t~ jointdbsc ite chain o!flittas boue.shped;ceirth uvain1! tee-jst e goo n en a ndal i o vaers . 1 aisp Yin - lde s taLn.asi n lonns s Onhtcodo ies sou n wavs ouefrteeinie fwic i lf f h nûv Cl~~Te AOneoreur-Teudstnc ithnge-b popni dos ilreig- eygoesbo nhefred.Nt .- d ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ lo tohem k n mndit rtri ay chestad e paablese VO bit drniof-membrine VtVtze i nter n u-stolgai-haebesu satisfac- lnlieowevl!, cn ty 8+and dora il.- nl k tehno aVh e5 a becem so tiffned hatti-e tonly dsoh Rg e ligon thal ng e iu. W r eil9i 12d t Nl e abii t o hefcevants dar- u xbr camp. ly-oEvonethen Vh e a urit a sonm tgroawattider fa. Veare a n pa r o a nian'e 1 e Leassed- - s teitne n iinasi th bo ofla m todtiigih- prc wihi h rac eyliasapae nslprt o i a'hi b e ncs-t in o her e o fndoeut 1 -nator livs Ou times reduceLite an largeuy-o, witd w11 be wortiti' f r t anntte, W s.,there hs r-'tre uppenes arVo te litt i , t idb apabcal idipt lue n ! Vl A e peniinttd h proll ,ji eët tôn , ioton achi .aenjoy-erV ,nt he oes in d lee r ex-tth O L T e uit # c ies -i n g eretn into the rsf ie-Id olow o ngite 0 a et ytc co r wIsr t r lie re ceivhe:kno ii.Èl' elu a jon; exveif te caxnotucure thite n p un s- p u bdwa te -hee as ite ak e p ne and dltandes.cntry -goe erue-thte Lod pliee t e t, n>80 'i api5 D 0 e rcer1,an H'eei s deutio in he n arettupobo piat ie V e'etitan oa. lie 'h eelag. R lgo tek bou -txe tenlrs. of th i n h ie o ws n as fr- oe11a u ictcaeso croi ad lu M lborn oud 8. u raterbt ohig. R liio igtl'oberdd 1 baiprwenstretre origlAat tracter.P te - .1 h ii huchini 1- - id s - hat i-s "d -b sin ss, fi! t e Pars tec es ses Vo ra ve - Cu r-al dea nf la, s iiie fo 'iive n - h c as i n o e r igoa s er orh e a n da11 erec te5 îH e ss-fhr p opleaever isnc sein, fon4lnss e nd amirat i nparte ths lU -iealp h rouble.inA mon hicit neptio i l i e otend rein.t; isu t w r tisl- oin b for VitechgentnebipuacidndOWflamaitiand iuonsptiO u5 orn, a tien hfo iibo n is acf indiv ofdu a g eenf anc tem w reig o fn e s a g n wi ih ae t ue rittsp r Hie s h tie e huo pa n g cltue , a fan h a-p oe e cnducgthe Bieu , a'w euu ingple ci an-r a . u"- e John H y e arêfelu e d the Jwwt h e ft i epiial a Ial patl uicig pa i!-gut-erh hl aa thtle cerPublieam Vo prtty -ses Holms. tur- t r~rst"wr iedsils ineadc'mesi alwa that tobhVo ranmitbit sondaave luexpHvlgreeeivd e ridomn e goidtin te etoudead it o intofie hs boues o!te bhead, orXah o e- coxnmandend tat ef thm-se nd. ~~~TIsle Anndo -'thaumne e at e as , h oe o tihe pron.ipîS !fVite telepitou ha-t nverssua14tha l gies ad on s ndtthme t s ond, wab roeat hg e uncsaeng cnici ei g ! pr gi hi e u rnpl.The isbonced sies, Vie ckw s a e paybleutOful appratu-msubtaniftete ntse, and S o la ly Dhaecr nea.si lng F awvr ant sa 011 l nint e antling. o-f Vhs Unle ke Seh oes-n b e e eniy, r bii- e hat tepifenedt can seectoranyd p ar ent s sow rdu in gscniu . W r 1Ènýi 1e , ~ 'Ta he -blia plan sbytrade"in a mi r nam i te ne]cy.tig- Vhs id that hguiv s im n o e l. Lieln umbero! cahse ! m e re a p r o m nsl the atltr of wia 'seuvinss tteu l ig Sed cf iStephnsonaue Site ite etuehenelappatits and menlo!eeini.rs- pathtsr ofice-ns Jr do . V e- oV i pv t a ar esutc t reud n T ! t oesua-il ne itlpul in a ub i b a eItpr t i tows Vit dL if90nd if tha y, the i o u rt n-k. ea l s b e d r tbof p ro'y h i t ad uh ie fajo m e nlv uci 'h eg re s d c o in s ,lac e al io g f e c oi' c u rrta le e xnsi onm igio n o th c er a -rId loffi- E ar in g e aeeV qlll w oru. 11k, Te p uds A po n 17.q a Wh re slThek sprd mandfet abihty o! prove d o r p e tsit ar n e r e cenli te d f scu of ie A tOe e ! ry ie poplar. t Ed. t i bot i -eendolas. r_ cnty a-o, o e ureth -ord plel___aeve Vhs tn h firosservantasgainemoforthlm I osO r)t utacapof farOi land - yeao rne Tolîis a-sn ga- ri nf in .Rîs brl ieon rc wl liked 811. hi h a t i i h in d m tha e r, nesst very usefui.- o ei' -oriiiofil of. n'et ccass ofn o heafigures o!nd.ftve p n ow fa- e Vhs i ev lr kd hchaeruabecivdlTeekugIlaii jnt. ersa-ow ite Brir cres-Teaedet e t:11 geiIfal ae as banke or *a trade. inceaffin flo- ausseag abmaateontfroble. so ot-indwic, hoevperthyat ny ita-treig on s ti hllsln- 8o er o s ithe ns-d o let ae r ing. umber cf priva-Vssthdierulere Skits e! -e re gi on'a e x veml lien wo e noVlensuitablesinecVhs govPhil- F Mp a-ng tbcasee o! fanÉe pi e vsin uaJyohnld uirg ho yea y hot -ped eros oldhv mct o d5 r thaueed bytitenhabItua-I use o A ecet cae, andeue by hno mhe n abnctt ar uiwrn y el nialprctiin Va cf.e ,t-pecý,1. hld ganstth cetun l, was te convition!- a Hlm-e k. tinc asd cai h provincialet totrasrevenues.d av ar- 8, 19. Tte e m lte rd spofit, - F t eh ld a d h t h o r g rteibn es V hs e ea-pv rep n n o n ise < d o ic rc Lt ii -Hne w prd ed wi fhlke add itiealne a n ecrj~ in elakiitn ee itnuiey ofe- biclii e nchfvoe POO~ 0 1.Te thd servant mks, of- -oonttesscso!lneni csaaintVte ru ud r hlm.Oe ,,e na d d e h s- i sb au e len- c p !bo e a 1 ai dW be a cur of ieruts l- e y biîg tu k ? nse n S V-, u o eX e He even tthe tmesîf' afre sc tadct.onVt nccPwt a ubtt otepo ie ep cpecltr vl1 r ubis ha t le y ha- e k e hue h o hsaralybatfu paatssi d-eetcae.ad twyD-raig ob lea'e vns es sa!ly. Hie hîntrk aiý ha e ieAnleon o e ellnt e ho d o! re-eviug The newrea- dozeîl c ascipessi, ndflekra in'e spons iil0- t etyn le l ve.owevafen, auylistria c l t Vohepacee t a al ele c bt anhicliareru i s w choed u d -b nates s t li-s an o n n ! t J m l a m e t h o s d i s i n g - t e r b o bt h t î vs y e r a u a l c h l l a n - t h et u k l rV h o f a sc i t e at l o t I- I m ieW _t q i l - since a d ain dabta-ld u wa-s whi h rcePa lino SleThe tele hThe noe&pe- aeil lee t -bers i «aitb heailflieLs ld- f nt , 1w humt b e ufthe a sferti eig# 1l11 dent, jîgsTheeThe fseranlts o yoro n h utecafni -a.lt er. if5Tiw ru 0 es-ns- cie gicde o ! s rcum il i ied nb Fed- A~~~~ ~~usefgtt'IieI'tlo'ifl !t C miuts ol theC<- conditionSnb n Oeiiw aorn. i iev en thethg i rq srvntais or iVa es in t ae Vs uovtefigue msor v o e aiu -dnw Lal-hf osihaeiondtemknd lm. N1Vlabenpvdthtnyigwn Vos elre that Belngo eilnThelackdant wi t l lt reis ar nj u s~-l !qaiiain o r- h tc- e ge n o -cl d l of a o equally ceuîcenued an as d - Aiu hrie - f is-ar. a .ed f-o obio. TieceievanV espinnleo! ano -t- ; a stier ma-y ta-vs ben witolynyoritor a rt o! V hhs m ie a-n en e be49 t p tat op Vothei. M -voat ew 3 ac ~ek reug, euccesefuliy g ~ ~ron o poducedigures haverbe, oe e so re iadeo hifn ba-. Ski butiifrhet-beiie vedrhlmxVoe- >ed t e-ti, lo eal d ca s eable stplîenoanwihiu Ve sa nd c -Vnnt ! to- 'h asso!m s odie rs- a egrac- E eun o n siî i-o ln va- iltr a-VThe-tinteee of d e e-test_______made________ rli. Vhtte lnit frm ? n 'oyfrwig es er-muiaudIV sseeso 'renee,,e9s meri f Vte srvat wee no conistnt cyicuuusl luVitedometie ititory witet, ofl, drfpct e, fs.o rut h a- n deled ua-V 'the. ygOVrn -Lysongret.goe aew r w-i ruening ne takensfrita eus h letad ncet ian l i uninceesthad te-day thons e casV metaduoevert no lSS5 b s a-i 1Àj batsgir es lVs-ie h s ir esb od are l ' s ie remvincilde -vhsvre gvsteinuui îy an itwiis ne- ies.sr-ia oeu- cua e utloffiersf notah e pe- Th nannW eird-wIl.p o rbl itli as 9h.rpTho e sua fter roiit, eTIe aenogdyr ian-ent r ge-u tsh se e u itea dopnk !ton o Vi -ior f enesWheidn e a- liting f V s paetbeor lng nt- a nolues eerpara-d bil vrs- 2,orprpe, Nw ng-im ig aroi;Tit e i evethe SU comi egmoned offier juet met o n Fion frc o6 Asidao m th Agni-Led ès Vni, Vit- cliats l em.isritu favoableontfvre ,r nrd dwitic ossvr ihme t anieket ! ad-adaiho gt e e d s sie ne otr -e iOn e - T he whigtrse eba t o Mcosume [ro«b will enatort Tiougor svrlyar huele u lte as n sieit u d W i see etpha e pae cla-i Vt ~n ! smee otV Vt rbllessu-twy- eavantmyoungerof;bst heen a-m c e! immirVeil diegr lado. Tii ed aral'~ vr wt-teci rnl e 21. Thé ýthrd oiteheneeccom withlia-vsulrage tuoru exc se. HenavnorhiStepitensOi r sickle o "ft. iia a d ec ine su ce s- acases inalon . - s! iel etdtbndba!tsow r 'areoi~ 31 yer5 ul, auatyethiehbard ef ul roduent e Ltoe of re aptvi b The fee a ngThC i ypc- aemiartet i hiht-lo d VhsisttWaltue -been ttizeloeran tathsi fla- s ar ase ge-eCh W58. £1. îiuus aceS Mns. Carter- had suffered fr am wl85_vears oid te1tibè ezd n-taia f en sup- rheumatieiiiuntil she decI'a-ed taVth etnLwso I-ios ierfear Ofo! v-crowdiSlS', n h b leei<ned<ffseer ! h-Tid uar xa- I 1 V ~h- .d nopaiene iVhit" ut te youfgeÉtnmari u inte'Senate Vo 'remilidedi e!fVhsfet'ta ~~~Field-Atileny neeut- ommaàd- o-NwJazsd yiu' ~arelysit - ealwaye agr40 he !weasr a beard, and Senator -Sutitey- îilv.ig till ensoýft&i0ýiUot 5r5*Yer erut odeuhrese.1' eso y.i0possible remediesl, a-nd when 1er land o!fUrali, on-ly a few yearg old- pO~idpTin(Ithé-Briilf-rEml- Wsncet ueti4ewikh teé,recruii dertaitïbt- m i1g o Vs biit,éd sister wrotetat -site knew o! a. cure en, are aVilI unteoucited with fit 1j e, ishowR- thaob ti L itlSat- Wenk . etaxted. exprlem-irz i' ts etot Vobetiatbal ie rid iL gea su- tra- ! 'd t trmly amouig thle rie-bW tby- rea-se&i' Woin sy trikirig the ria-n ,James-r-Yees1n by ex-'ce's anà -We.uld te11 liér ailabut A nibh hýer, audome citap o! its- wondeur!ullfmine!r teiolUrosS, Ver Vhs hdwiih.,a bridlé. 1té T -ierTe a-me oebidLt- - i onbe neV I&I~ Mr-. Cré aprd~he ~êstr' glfèePi#oiits fertile soil, sand its heà.ltby <i-thenfeoed hlSo.oa-du -xdjen lektinoV, s, p h m clum rdii h a ýW a d o Federa.- wàesa.l eéxciténiefl-t. p oV long a-go on te stbjecL < ! oMae ;ye-Lte'5re- p-r5qUTGilile dowuu ln, Vt tbe'aid d ethe ies-miChior w yetrs NwE i~u he exei-aimed, hbardo -a--ss-xuien nunbetheefpeeplatlihsru tinglups'c-noi5 use lie eserIV.à . !4* minuûtes,,afVên lier 'Wl d cuwear ehiüiCC s, mugi) dIy oVth8iVLsAt. ' ý )g~fgkne- ed"utilVsn-abidl h. millon gste bac ~'seb~ t-e bo se, "do riy a'~. M/r Setato , hi tis lit populatin of! >ly L5 peneoift Vo e-nit, feu ,.froi- - szha-uitibn. E - JM W+x- pt-p pigeon. Titsv-t on the fèlu ttebut that * crferin-eaIé " -te square xnul.e a* compared Wthb kielied ,hlm intthite iti "a4on técuit #ithe rr*~ anu!c~ n~tain I .m e ixousLt>imer "efl riw-y bù.y," eaWldUn- 373.3 pe'nosaou« ite' sé- quare mile kewsmd-otlerwise.mitl,t'5tS I - In(1aotit hV1, I eùld hardy WaiV eleke, "whe a ume sk -lie Uuiited- Riligdoni. ý~h eeruýit ivm&ireniýoved (o ryIk ubad te pro- fer Nou Vo -geV be-e." - t~e~Wiou5u~e~ o he, ifield -hos0ptal .feui ii.n r.C~odi- w, osIc~ "Well. Otrolirie," --began iter sis- evr up t1fére in t-lat part lot thie -eti- hrgW.1 oo0ei iepresent 1?r uîy huabaïd and 1 ca-n' e l t1à 3à dmè t h îngn ib 1 1og edi lO Ver,- ele4eticity -'ccn Vr im > t'n en ii btý& e 4tÀ ht" y ba ne T U '1 k l shkiP g e tes us for sitec-dc oniue rs tlvtu cuime Hsanu¶1&-r(U&r iyda i; d, ite oiycer Vofive weeks' i t-moke or drink or go.ou dûe k Cate nterruted ber. xt~ciiEs o -kiio*ing yu-« o! 'evn.ýVe rlet"aret 'C a o li -ne- S m ilth -, T h e ' -o .h . n h t < L 8 i t n b b * ai1. e's besI t5L O fl& 9~LL Y îî t nY-tue !v y e e pt a-s W ife- -Dbe.V lu ve y e tr ordln&rýy, !o 'tei1Oi -work V' - r"meII IwaibV, ) ook for MY wai snuekb gansd it didn't tiemonug' ol_ itsstik lfihcigoIl2 #M4 -thé Ste- the 19n th hai OUweit etwie" siiVé mniaf f-OHg ieF8 oh~-M en n ýe ome smte-!.Vofsdti es ! 5kfldb', -1*hnsi- With ybur W&W1in' Ia.l stor-- bette-r t irig"DlYý' ÉO me Pt'qté mit t r'xiteith u theway of'- ftc- don't k261w, ïm&i.: ~t s switc C«nhler4 Ote î ont' - ci'aretes~" ~OW nd uoi~-~heheiéàtefi a-dngfl'Ã","'yItî u d; % uii "t m cc-refr V" ell cnoug te ept upnow. 9 a-hv gréatîàledhîlI4liuihe 'Englisit le Sigl-n-,"tcvy'ô>ubellieesin V'hsAt 16 a- ronsaiit4gir L.e'Piw e ould ye àl tnie lgrea ten liSYvdcbe Vie wsi, Ifl u ed te t;-ii- 1 t ï1fclthk re o ý-è- naryte iU à' à r ' be1 o i~ kd~ ~tit5" o otk to.~-5 x s v r~ enc- eaîd~ pnV g at- 1ei* ,r-'"' Wed f nom er eipper; teiâ ea I oW-thîLt, btStévelison -had- ______ 185hi~~j,~5 ~go tfâde~indddlé"6f basf a-«i-fo s- plnc . e-Vt-laymxuf enIy",0 oi'.Meî ntfoeem a cln, -.d1a>W , t ý , - - -I 1. an uu ' namneor oli iieput -id121 to 17. Francio rLIen appointed Preside r tse oati o! officei Uin ( Deputies anrà ted Vîrougit the -De Foreigu R5ela-tiein. IV- - te Housesand -,,3 cries o! "Viva- Huert then ,refers-d Vci Vhse tees o! Goberna-cion. ported, acceptiîig the Intéfeliowng Venins "Article 1.-We a-cc nation presenitýed by toruaiîo Huerta as Pr Mexucan lJnited Stat "ArViole 2- ec Fr -l'ancisco Carbajal, Foreign Relations, t-o President- Carbajal Vhs nat-ipu-nglpalace ui -f o!Pre'Wideutial guar a.long ite èway was tumulteus cheening. Af Verte acceptanc resigua-tion a- Commis ~~ointed by V-le Pres C? tbe o esconrt S to ths loor of Vhs sirtly Snox a-ritaj f rout- o!fte-Chamn through files' -o! soldie ed, and as ite waik LABOR WAR1 -- Stnike 3May le< 'alled :-er - Irreatment of A ,despatoi f remn Britisht Columbia, sa.y kel Columbia La-bon F tided lusVt efore- neon on Wenesday- Vo ca ,;tnike o abofreresi ambia- beçause of ceD tng out o! the zminers' cuver Islandi. Air ffe unions will betake -aext isix weeks and &tVilkc actually depend va-s 43 tLu 36._ N. T. P. LlNli e> 4< lu Fronti--Quebee t Ililli be Reiudy TI uitîing engineer o! ite returned frein ai> inspi -G-. T. P. !rom W'inipî Rupert, anneumucesital o! Vhs fine lune liuked- be ready Vo operaVe V! t-le, Goverume ttlha-s c~ Ea.ste-n section itis 1m, Dnly gap 110noeinainin1 fa oPice JùiperV1i faridg' -n e TWO BItOTI'EIS 1D o neM10 Jholeî hn t Setk but ltuiine4 te IA desuitch from 11D occurrned ut ôuto u'veriîig.'fhree yowîîg net> lerry, o! Bant-on, nald 1111(l lau(1e3) 1iiuer, la-te Dr. 4)f o _Mac4s., wven- ouf - -iuotc - Wheuueturning f nomil -umaîl pint- d1111ring a- r. ca-psized, thu'i gits 0 Wo the water.' yolin, rashone. Regiîial Mine ashtore, but neturned S brother, wiVh V hs J'-esul -G er kat.ciewan Departoisat Lune, ba-sed '> replies telegra,"hitVo unquinies conditions ou July il, conditionis a-VVhesom .t'hs âtatement4tWseId( e-nep within- oe Provil tueli excelence on the a-nd such puer conditi< ôtiter. Fe-rtuia-tely te e-rop in-wlièh condition -lent gnea-tly exceede th& ofloca] %,p %0,811 u "All in Chro

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