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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 23 Jul 1914, p. 3

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ot12 t 1. x-ranv3avo ..irhaj&a4 W -4hën appointed President, and took the oath of offic in. 1lhe joint~ ses- mion od Deputies -and,,Senatores. Huerta'*, resignation Was eubmit- -~ted throirgh the Department o! Foreign Relations. It was read in the H4ou8C and was greeted -with. cries of "Viva 'Huerta!"' It was then referre.d to the joint commît- tees 01. Gobernacion. After briel eonsi4eration, the cowmittee re- F rte, cet the resignation "Article-.-We accept the resig- nation presented by General Vie- toriano Huerta as President of the Mexican United States. "Article 2.-We !cail Licentiate V~ranoiaco Carbajal, Minister o'f [4reign Relations'. to assumethe Presidency."l Premident Carbajal proceeded to -'the national palace under an eacort o! -Presidential guaàrdz,, and al along the ivay was greeted with tumiultous cheering. Aiter the acceptance of Huerta'e resignation a Commission was a.p- ...,Polflted by the President of thei to~be escoît-;Senor Carbajal, bto he Iloor of tIe HRou.se. Very1 shortly Senor Carbajal appeared in1 front of the Chamber, pa.ssing thr4rugh filesof saldiers. fie enter- Êd, and _"he walked to the plat- LABOR WARINBC Striks M~ay b. Called te -Fore. Bet- ter. Treatment of Minera. ' A - espatoh frm ,Vancouver, British Columbia, . ays: The Dm11- Wmh'Colum.bia La-ber Federation de- - tided just befôre noon adjour-ment on Wed.neaday t- cei a general ;it-ike o! -,,Ibor forces m-i Britiah Col- amnbia. beça-ase cf conditions a&ri&- - ng out o! the minera' etrike 'on Van- aouver Imbane!. A referendum cf fihe unions will be ta-Ie-n during the rtoxt six weeks and on t-hie tise [Jtrike ectuai.by depcnds.ý The vote -vas 43to 3e. . TR. LINIKED UP. Aysteni Frein Quebec te tthe Pacifie -WIJl bc Ready This Fait. A dcspatch from -Otta-va, Boys: Oolingwood Schreiben, chie! con- 'iting engineer-o! -he Government retunned !roai an inspection of the G.,T..P. !rom Winnipeg te Prince Rupert, announces t-hait ail sectioix o! the lino are inl<ed up, a-ne! l be rea-dy 10 operate Ibis Fait. As the Government ha-s coniple! 1, he Ea-atkrn section this meau's thal 1he ofnly -'gap now nemainiag from H41i- tex h to'Prince Rupert ia the QucIe bridge. TWO BROTHERS DROWNE!> Due Renchedi-Shore Aften Boa-t U p- set, but Ileturaied to Aid Otier. A- deWpaiteh f rom. Digby, N.&., *àâya :. A double drowiiing, aecident Dccurred at Barton on ,Tuoesday evening. Three youug men, Ken- nella Penny, of Barten, a-ad Regi- na-I a-ne! Chaude Miner, sous of the taIe Dr. Miner, e! Doôrchesten,. Mass., vere eut mon boatîng. - Wenu retnnniug frýffi tb. boa-t lua- -amali puflt dîîing a rough son, il --capsized, Ibrowiag its occupants iu- to thé"wat-er. ' Younsg Penny saan ashore. Regina-id Miner aise swam ashore, but roturace! ho sa-vo bis brother, witb the resuit that both wene drowiied. - Reginahe Miner vus aged 20, a-ne! Claude 16.- -- EMPRESS FUND GIÉO1S. -, Monti'ea-l Board of Tra-deliaq- ready Raicîl$55e073. 1, A despa-tola from Motreal, mayas: on. of the langeaI, subseriptions even raised unden the auspiea o! tihe Mon-real Boa-rd o! Tra-de la ho- ing eecured for theid o! the suifer- oýrs !nm the sinkiug o! ihe Fmmpres3î ofo! Inelane. Already the !îîr.d pmounts te 855,073, a-ne! subiscrip- d Lons arc s-ilui omag in a-t the ratîe o! -about $100 a d'ay. the trctops Épreentedara dered Pmeidential'hov Shortly alter 8 ocIc nesday night Qenêral ôompanied by a few fri ed the .French cafe 1 been in the habit of vi « times daily for the a more, and'tobok bis usil the 'entraince. An im followed V-he ex-Presi cafe, sboulting "Vivas' Many shocvk 1him 1w the othera embraced him,1 kcissed 'him on the cheek The stern oki soldie; corne and tears filed h raised bis glasa. anLd sa " This wilI be my last favorite resort, and 1,< ne-w President o! 'Mexiî Gets Away From Villa A despatch1rom Juar mays: "I would much Huerta -had remnained ': sidential chair or inà until we cou-Id get our him," Generai Villa s& nesday in Juarez, when od Huemta's resignation the only comment I came the subjeet," ho added. soldier o! my -country, cane to -express my Opi traitor'e resignation?' ATTENDAINT ENFOR( Stepped Empres Eig Pleklng Flowexr A despaitcb from Pari &tory le printed o! au n c. .,9gcurred the otiher day Lent visit to Paris of Il Bugenie, widow o! Nal Sil waa waiking ini the ,ardens, whera once' Opbeiaid -palace. She flcwer from the border. sut saw ber and said: flowera la stniolly forbie! report you." lHe dem name a-nd addrees a-ad s ed timidly, "Eugeaie.y" tendant wms struck aI eh-oly aspect dif the ageu releuted eaying - -"Tisai na-me. However nover time, bn-t do. net do il à le, on track, ýaî year or tl p1ae eaî nense »crowd etto the' for b.im hand, whîle and sevora waa over-' ost In my rink t-o the :e, Mexico,' preler that n t-he Pro- lexico Oity hads con don Wed- ho learned- "'That Is to makeOon 'II am a ýnd do not ion of the ýES LAW. -nie From 3says . A dent which on the ne- e Empress Tuilleries- pioke-d a -n attenid- "Picking on I mua-t knded ber e answer- the melan- il lady a-ad is net a mid Ibis gain. " FATAL AUTO ACCýDENT. Car. TI'rned 1'uîtie Dl) Rtide Neiir Vancoi A despa-tela frein Vanco-, alys: Thein autcomoIoile hà tunnee! a-t a- reedconer six miles eut f nom. Va-nc people wve-re cnushed und, Iurned car ah 1 o'cbock c day :nieruiug. Mrs. P c- vas kiliee! outrigat, an, baud bad-ly hurt. as w- So-ard, the chauffeur an, anoth-en passenger. -Se taken hist empioyer's cai joy ridç.- iga Joy ver. iven, B.C., tviug oqven- iThurne, iuver, five Ir ail oven a Wedaes-' inRinan l1ien bus- b .Brady varne had eut for a INTERN ATIONAL PEACE TATi-QO. 1319 Musical Number af Canadian National Exhibitio n. The big musical îîum Ca-na-dia-n National Ex] Toro)nto, Ibis .year vibi b4 national Peace Taltoo. a1total'o! 400 musicians part: in it, ane! illi a celebration of the hua o! pence bhenaBnitai United States. The baudi the uniforms o! a humt ago, a-ne!lu their counte, vili play the patriohie a dova te us by our forefa Willia-ms, o! the Grena-dl viii be 1h. couductor. 'q- er a-I tbe iibition at 'Ihe -Iuter- rea ýa-nds, yull ta-k. 'e in ilsel! Ine-d -,yea-rs ni a-ad the iwil vear rcd ycars .-m arching rshandeci- ;hers.- Dr. r Guards, zij.IjTIIIRITI' MLLE» NIIN WEüK.ý Eleetric Train Vollided lVth Ano- .0ther 0on tis V.irginian 1ai1>vay.1 rA e!-spalch from Norf~ says: An electnie Ira-lu coaches hoae!ed with peoî ho Ocean View oollided on the Virgin'ian Railva-y ing t-hnee miles- from N midniglît. Tbinly peoplea TILýCR OP-"IN, SASKAICtIEX 'l-k; Va., i o! Ibrec Mle houle! Vitb -train it -a cross- Drfolk aht ae report- VAN G.OudItions are Very POOr in 50oMe- Piaceý, But Generally are- Excellent A 4 espa-tc f romRe gina, Sask., I eops been ealIed :ipriii o my-u The crop report o! t-hoSa-. a long pence! o! intense m ka-chean oparImnt ! Anicl-i n*uouý heat villa fev ai kateewa Deartèntof griul-rainea as have mono! i b t u r e , b a s o d n r e p l i e s r c e i v e d Iyt e w s e n a n ! c n n l telegra"h t-o inquimies- as to the the province during th~ e onditions on July 11, -sta-tes that 1from June 30) le Juiy 144. ôuditio4s- a-tt.e olt Ysthey lb ilgitestdoubt.,tisesur the. et&tement t-ha-t seldom ha - -t-he loi ta-t ha-s'been.ear.iy ai, ,trop w4ips onue' Province -shoira plowed a-ad lias a-be raceï tuch eïýelence on t.he one ]sgnd fAcient subsequentci4ltiva-, ana. snobh poor conditions on . t-he jnst-ified itseif one more, othler, Fortunatehy the area o! the prove te b. the shoot-a-n1 erop ian hshodton-am excol- those farmers in t-ho drien' -lent great-Iy exceed tbat in whioh tisa-t lid prepmned oe, tbeoy are poor.: The -oulook a-bt-lue o! t-ho nover diatricts, co m~oment 1i'for sevent-y-fiVe pan cent. 'seuilment. 1 alimost too oJa-n aeag ro -t-lis - Iorm o!propamatio Oondition#.-have -been - 'rvdgeneral a-s il muit (beoMa fecentily l'y a-fairly aoral ra-in on culture is t-o be-, ocaf 'Jul il and a é<ni&rul4e nuniber e'mnntlyractisedin t local thowers, Solclom have-t.he trics/ -a on-i ne local Crops in ~parts o! é period IWithout eier fa-. ved ouf- ion, ha-a anad will iobor ci dlstricte nu nia-ny U course, eiw for lose dis- L ADY -IARDINGE, Vice-Reine cd! India, whe diýd at a London nursing home after under- going an operation. She *las 4 <>rseId, and - was married-te, Baron, Hardinge 'in 1890, and -lez6ves' two sons and a daughter. VILLAGE WIPED OUT, Between Two and Three'Hundred People Homeless. A IdesJpat from Cochrane, Ont., "aYS: Bet-eea t-vo and tire. hua- dmed people were rMdnered hoMe- less- as 1h. resuit o! t-he de&tlruotion by fine o! the little Town o! He.arst, 134 miles weet eofbe-ne. They Il tell atories of tbree da-ys' a-n nighta' figit with fine, nohhing but a bucket brigade being availialo.- Several ltimes they tisonghtî liat th-e fire ha-d been conquered, but e.aeli time il ripra-ng up a-gain a-ad a&nWca-ry fight wa-s reaumed. The. wind a.bmoah blew a cyclone, and men who isad been throuigh the Poretipine Èire b.- gan te ma-ko foi t-ho ailway tracks, feaing-!for their lives. Finalby il gel beyoad a-lb eontrol, a-nd every- one t-ook refuge on the Transe-on- tine-ntai Railway' Ina-oka. Mr. M. J O'Brien, o! the finm o! O'Brien, McDougali anad O'German, wbo have their construetien headqnar- tors a-t Hearst, teek a-ll bcmelessi people to bis camps a-t Pit 7, whene Ihey were ted ane! tbe womeu ane! children housce!. i They pa-ssed the nigltatnsd next day then. until the relief train annived in t-be midst et smoke qnd fia-me a-nd terie!ba-t. Hearst is a towa o! between six aud ciglat bundrEd lubabita-ats m-;:.. iy foreiguers. Most o! the dweblings were buî-it o! wood a-ad a short lime n-go . Theneara-e a1I-s, ha-wever, the divisie-nai offices o! t-he Transcontin- enta-i R.ailway, a- lange cament rene hou'se, the.-offices ef M. J. O'Brien, the contracter for that section cf the rairoad, ane! a barge houait occupied by a brother c! Mr. O'Brie-n, vho v-as lu charge o!flb-c wonk. A short trne ago a fine humn- ed eue section of Hearst. - ELECTR1{Al, EFFEc'rS. StHkling Feature of tiIs Year's (Can. adian Naîtional Exhibition. Do you rememaben bow the tiny elecînie iights hwiakled 11ke firefice a-mie! thec foliage of the trees aI the Canadiann National Exhibition a- Týronlo la-st yea-r That wa-s t-be touada-tie)n et a vendertul systeas o! elechnical -orna-monta-lion that las being compbeted ton tbis ,ear's Ex-- hibition. The Grand Plaza vili b. ca-nopice!vilhlaeectrie stars, a-ad the touadation viii ho illumina-ted, wie varions devices, symbehical o! Pence Year wyl bei-p to bea-utity t-be greju-nd-. C. P.- R. FILES SUIT. Evidence Snbnîitted Before Lord Mîersey Wili b. Adnutted. A dospatch frein Montreai, asi Thse statemeut -o! daimii i te Ca- adian Pacifie 1aibwa-y Comp-n' two-million,dolla-r action a-gaina-tj theé tcamhip S5torstad was filîd on Wedneeday by A. R. nld11, K.C. Thse statement does not itermize t-le ameunaI caimed, but states t-ho grounds on whiei the oompany, la suîag. Bly the oonsent c! both par. hies t-ho evidence taken before Lord Mersey will be admilhod la thi-d miraihy Court action, which, il la expectod, will b. boa-rd at the com- mencement o! the September terni. )IOTHER KIILL DAUGHTERS "roundi Kueeling Boside The Body ln, Edmouton Ho]Rtel. A, d-spa-tls !mmdm»pton, Alla. says: Mmm, tary Mai pf . , o t le. BeI. vas aii teda-terjhie doclsn.éd sa-b" edkifllad er four-, yedr-oldditnght-er la 'the Mgnlbor- ough floteh b&W cS Dning - théueniglat .'&a-0c bemms heard ' iail !t-he, Oildi -andi eabyt-i mmntn-~lent-opci, earivdt-oobl ia da, n0t wowa-a theenboid t Countr-y ;*rodues. Butier-Choice dair- 17 to' 19e; inferlorj 15 to, 16c; f armera' seaapr printa' 14d to 20e. oreame'y vrinte, f reali, 23 1-2to 241-9c; doc., solide, 21 to 22c. Z'g-iolots, cf ,etrfot.ly new-laid, 260 *ýer,-" 4oad dood stoc-k, M0 b '23e per 'dozea - HoneaY--4ftooind, 0- 1 I12e-r lb. Oomba, 82.25 10; $2.50, per; dozen -for r Noç. 1, and #2 for No. 8Z Ohaee-New chia.q.. 14 to 14 14ý for large, azi4 14 1-4 to 14 1-2 for t-wins Beans-Hand-pickéd, 0.*Oz;o w1225 p6 buabel, prime.$2.10 to'$2.16. ]Poultry-owl. 15 '10 16o per 1b.; vbick-1 e, broilers, 2W to 22e; turlçoye, N0 10 2 ttomsew Ontario, *2.50 ta $2.75 I Provisions. Bacon-Long clear, 14 to 14 1.4e per -lb.. Lu case lote. Hame-Miedlum, 18 to 18 1-2c;0 do.,' heasy 17 to 17 1-2c, eolla, 14 1-2 t4)o M5e: breakfast bacon. 18 to 19e; backe. 22j Lard-Tierces, il.3.4 t 12c; tube, 12 140,; pai. 12 -2v; compouind, 10 tq 10 14e. Satid Hay and Straw. .. BaIed hay-No. l'at $15 Io 815.50 a ton* on1 triv)k haro: No. 2 quotd ast$13.50 t0 $14, acd cloyer at $11L Baued ira-w-Car lois. $88.25 1 $8.75, on' .rack, Toronto. Winnipeg aial. Winnipeg, Juli 21.-Wbeat, No. 1 Nor. t.eli. 8C; No. .2 Nori.hern, 85 34c; No. 3 N orthera 84 1-4e- No. 4 80c. Oats-N-o. 2 O..,O 14c; fNo. 3à<.W.. 37 1-80; 01- tra Nd. 1 feed. 36 1-Se; No. 2 fred, 36 1-8c. Ba&rlej-, No. 3, 51 142e; lyo. 4, 49o; rejected, - 470. Plax-No. 1 $.WO. 1.42 14, No. 2 C.W., $1.39 14, No. 2 C.W., 81.26 1-4. -Mentreal Markets. Montreai. July 21.-Corn-Amerlcan No. 2 Yellowv, 75 to 76c. Oa&-Canadlan wegt-1 era, No. 2, 440; do., No. à. 43c. Barley-1 Itan. feed, 54 t0655e. Flour-Man. 'Sprlngi irhsat Patente, fta $.;aeonda. 85.10; àtrobor baker.', #41; Winter pa4tet,i choice. $5 to $5.25; atratght i-ller, $4.70 10 84.75. do.. baga, 82.15 10 $2.20.4 Bolled oat.. barrels, $4.55; do., bago, 901 Ibo., $2.15. Bran, $23. Shorts. 825.1 id4llnge, $2. Mouffle, $28 te 8$32. Ray,1 .-No. 2. ver t.qp car Iota, 815 t'O 816.50. Cheee-FPineut weterme, 12 3-4 te lu;0 llneet efaterna, 12 1.2 t10 12 6.8c. Butter-i Obhoioest creamery. 23 1-2 to 2313-4c; ae-« ënde,2M te' 23 1.40. Eggs-Freuli. t'O w 24c, sielicted, 26 to 27ec- No. 1 atock. 23c, N<o. 2 alock. 20 10 21v. United 'iates Mar-kets. - Minne 11,011e, July 2.-Wheat-- uly, 84 3-8c; September. 79 3.sc. Ne. 1 hard. 93-8e; No. 1 Northern, 8653-8 to 8 3-8c; *No. 2 Northern, 84 *10 86 3-8c. Crn- No. 3 yeiloiv..6614 te 6k. Oat&-No. 3 white, 34 10 34uneliansed. Bran, $18.50. Duluth, July,90. nsaéd--Caeb, $1.63 5.4., July. 81.63 1-4-' Wheat ýNo- 1 bard. 90 7-8c, No. 1 Northofis,89 7-8e; No. 2 Nor- thern, 87 78 1 88 3-3t; July ý8,3-. L~ivsSarkts. Montreal. J.uly 2 -rlme steers. 7 3-4 te0 8 1-2c, medium. 5'1-2 to 7 12c;coinon. 4 1-410 5 -2e: mtleh eows, $30 1075 oaci: one superior cow w ap held ai $100. Calves, 3 12to ý7v; sheep, 4 1-2 to 5 3-4c; lambs, $5 to 87.50 each; boim, 9e 10 9 1-4c. Toronto, July 21.-Cattle-Choice butch- ers. 88.23 10 $8.65; geod. $88 10$8815; com- mon cows, $5 10 85.50, vanners and eut.. tere $2.50 to $4; choico. fat co-ws, $6.50 10 $7; cholce bulle, $7 t 87.23. Catves-oGod veais, $10 tb 811,-common, $4.75 to $7.t Stocke,@ and fesders-Steers. 800 to 900 ibs.. $6.75 to 87.25; light, $6.10 te $6,25. Sheep and lambs--Ligbî e*es. 35.6o to 86.10; heavy. 83.50 to 84.50; bueks, 83.50 to $4,50. 8pringir aibe. $9 tw $11,year-t line Iambe. $7.50 t10 $8. Hogas«;" 1 fe.lb.;*85.75 Vo $8.80 led and watbýbd; 19.b5 (to $9,1.f Carm. f MATRNGE WASJU ON LINE, Consists of the Dones of a IViale 6 4 5 Feet Long. A despatelu for Ottawa, sayis: In a -are!a-t theocorner o! Queen a-ne! O'(ionuior-Streets lu Otta-wa, thon. is the moet-rcinaikablo leekiug va-ah har.ging eut on a- cbothes lino Ibat the capital ever sa-v. Il cousiats o! the boues o! a- vbale. Nearby are lte fins calied by whalens the front feel o! the sea- monsten, a-ad the big vertebral boues are strung te- gethen on an iron waîer Pipe. The yard adjoins th. building efthVe De- minion Fisheries exhibit. Tbe n-hale iately disporled itsài in the waters eft tho North Atlantic. Il was 45 foot long, whicb vill be t-he mea-urement eftht-e akeleton when it is put toather ane! mounted. The work vill a-ko ail Summer. ,1ULfe of a Statesnia-n. A pnominespt Poliblcian 'gave an a-ddress upon - 1h. lite et a st-aIes- m'an belon-e &echool. Wbon ho hae finislae! lue sa-id t-"Now, ca-n a-ny o! you teih me..hat aa t&btesmau la 1" A uitIle baud :ént up a-ad a amal girl n-epiied :-'"A elatsmain is a ma-n wbo makes Speeches." HRa-rd- bly4hat," sa-id t-le politician. "For insEtance, I na-ke speeches, a-nd e! t I am not a statesman." The littie hane! aga-in n-ont up, a-ad the. an- swor came triunpbanly-"I know; a- atat-esman is a ma-n,-vie- suakez good speeohei%!ý' -Why a-me esc"es always arow 7 Who lives on our mental rese-rva- W&a.-rit-es. are,,,uaed in bunyng - mà DquItaaieçe ta-Uer -- -aa on coremony 1 I~ isre~,watîliby wdhieeoau teli "thé lesyehloeal iomsut 1 Dlïd t-ho ma- wbr - ned aiter Mny' days ecure- tii-m '.iltheospun-o! ýth-. oment t- oa-umsete go so aat D tWijg for a, poor woma-n wh<fehue baind, çm9outý of, jW! tor4oy I ..A.ig ae ar~jat6r. iWiae hor lily 'ondleneaa.- doubt Ibhis wotld .4d Mosd ralyi h -wor1ld*e aupplv. and under tUé -vlgbt haaad-, Unir h itiqaSitr m1itt ,fiot ha bad. .Tap-7 an eats a , -a dea6tI hale ineat-al-, ready. 'and Dr. Grenfedl of Labrador con- elderffi i very aood- food. 13ùt no one let has explained how thé linge carcase can b. handled lu sanitary fas2uion -with le lIMI-ted oqulpment-on-,a ivbsuing e1hip. !Un- t11 thia miracl lei.aobieved, di lesbot like- Ir thaI -wbale meat 'wlll rival beef anu pont ln any c*uatry peopled by -wbIte mon. The Most Anolant 8fihiory! Hm aro a litto -picce of ato'ne,.Ive bY elghbt Inchea and -welgrhing- one and one- lhaîf pounde. Il -was found, nlnety f eet doiv lanlthe aand that cvera 1the ancient site of Nippur. ia lb. Valley of Eu- rhrais.. On it are aome writinga vhch are saldto0 bave been put there lont b&~ fore MXojo is aupposed te bhave ivritten the Pontateuch. Thm ecbara<,ters are In t.he Sumerian language. and If 11eir .In- terpretation le 1rue Geneei le Uhave 10 be rewritan. T111 tablet dotan~t mention Adam an' Eve. It telle of th1e creation of manklnd b.v a goddees. who a.fterward becma ao0 dlaguated wltli the -way men acted thàt .11e determined 10 ripo thiem off the face of th1e eseth, but anotber goddes Iearmed efth11e purpose. and told Noah. wlio hut a bie boat and savait himasif and ie i f anuly. IL ivili be Intotini 10 Ihear the reet cfi tIs atory, for there las more eom- ini. -asi there are nman7 boxes cf tIbse tablets tbat bave not yet been trufnhlated.« Maybo tliey -will'bring us more -nova. _Maybe Adam andt Eve -will b. fournd, for iliere lu certain t o aouch people. Mystery of gîthar. Ttis nazI t.hlng is ho; tàtlk aoce .the occan by lae -wireless .=ethod,-a -wreleos telapyhonol1 À man in America taîking into the air andI a mnan la England lie- toiit9 wàiat aie aay ItbaVa it 11k miracle and yet it la enlya111evok iag of natural law. XIt oudnt have been dreamed'o! ton yeare ago. WbatW111il ha-msa ten veara .helle-Lhe.t we Canntio dream of no-w P ,fr. -Isa-ace. ecoen's rigbt band min, osys "thle -irelesi lob- phone stands ati. .11 moment on the1 threehcad of unrevealed lmmenaities." And lie furilier 4nimates t.hat it may soon take up the irbole busineas cf taie ocean cable. And -who knowe but 1h wtt1 crowd ont 1the telegraph aystem e1 the country oeeof these daye? And -where le Ibiti field ln whlch t-he wirelesopera.tea It la ia tbe boundîse thier, and nobody knows whM thtat et.ber lo. The Bible refera to it as a vold. Any- baw-. h la noV material. It le aupp.ôaed to e b aitway between that and spiritual. It le flot subjeet 10 gravisy and it effare no reoiatanoe to bodies paseing througi it. Wo use tbis baîf spirit te carry our messagea acrome the ocean. It also bears th1e igiht of a star trillions of miles. te bnlghten buman life ilth. llumaaii.y vil live la this veut tome time. Il is getl.îng t.herc nov. -wth al l s baduee. Soli1-Rohewlng Problis. What explaine th1e growing lengib nmot only of the ocean liners but of th1e bills for longer docks and deepýer channelai' The reli caue --lies a?,itie-r- In national pride nor in the rivairy of competing linco; it lies in a simple truth of space. If a ehip in doubled in length with no cbange ln lsa shape ils euolosing surface la increaseituotvtic, but four limes. while it i muer volum'à le increased not fourtimea9 but eight. The mother of le. viathaus lee concmy; cconomy ilu OrsI coustruction, economy in operation. And tliii le -why th1e ocean carriers will find thoir yielding limit only lu the lengt.h of dcesand the1.depth of chanuels. In street railways and st.eam railroade, an lu ente truck service. the îeame geo- metrIc principle la a-tways at -work. Wbere the public waye and t11e nature of the patronage allow. tie trolley cars mun ai hier anad ea-vy am the -ils a]2ad tbO bridgea permit. Our freight cars a-ad pas- cengter coaches dwarf ludficrously thOse of ühirty yeare-- agfo. On ihe great -Forth bridge, planued thtough it vas for th1e fu- ture. the beavier rolling stock le already necessitatinit a con siderable reinforce- ment of th1e flates. Iu every field Vie inventors are alu-nya puzzlitig bow 10 recoucile 1the incongat- lble-tsirength wil.h lightnes, simplik ity with precision. beituty witls couvenience. know hou- speed and accuracy or cipeed a-nd workmansliip a-t.imes exelude each - W. Muai Know Mora. Criticlani cf educalional nmethods le not a liew thiimn_. Even though itIlb. uncom- fortable. and sometimc5i-sifrea-sonable, IL le fan tram beiug an evil thiug. Thtis -riLiclem lias gnou-n breader a-ui deeper and no on. van look at 1the malter bis- tcrivaly without undera-Landîng some cf lise rea bons fortVils lucres.. ofcfriticis3m. If one compares lhe vontd to-day -vit-h tise -vorld fitty years ago-vomparee 111e thiners a man knew than vilh vint ha muet kuav nov-il beromcqs plain that education to-day muet ho a somewhitt di!- feront tising. Let one ju.4 go over th1e lilt of thinge icis a- ma-a muet knov esomeiig of Io- day lu orden ta b6 fairîr a-thome lu tise vorlit. a@s ti l, tlims wbiih fifty yeane agzonomoe n kauanytuina about. It le not*ueeesany 10 Iseop a correct chrono- 10ev. Thare are 1the elecoînt ligil, eléélrlc cstrcet cars a-ud traîna,. eleetrlc carpet sweu-a es.tlaiaone. -wirelees telegrapisy, X-ray piotognaphy, radium cure, aerc- planes. a-itomcblee.- dry plate photo- graplsv. movlua pictures. pneumatlc dlean- Ina plianta, phonotnapi. amolcelees pc-w- dan. photo engravina. auhymerines. lcng range iles. moet of tise marvelioue ma- chinas uîed lu manuacina, -mvesting mrac,iinr, typavritere. 1the air brake. type-settlng maehines a-udtgasoene en- Bers la caly a partiel liet cf thinge %vilci vers unkio-wn 114'people Mfly yenrsngo. Tiare are other tInetisaI could 11e Incîndeitin -bile list,' 'but il serves teouow'hal e different yorld va are living lun. No oaa van contemplate tbis strildigtact vithsot teolitîg bcw mueis need thora 4-e for e mev type of educatlon. C ANÀD A'S FINES8T PAÀR I. Ferma-i Opealng of Lyon Boulevard a-t Port Ar4 tiur. A deSpatolu from Pont-,-.rthur, ont#$,eay8. A 'large crowd-,oLtcil1- zone, were,,,t-i,- gueMq.!;hç~Oi- ,Counoilaet, a, ban4uet a-t .t-ho Prince Aithuir' lot.]. lu, henon of J. ,W, Lyon-o ulh~woo Wdns day cýqpîte& ,99 acres, ho t-h. oity on a 1ýDào to Wte b enwn as Lyon, bo6uleVard and Lyca Park.,' The dxivçway o! lçuz Mies, sufrounding v rentI'$jylm r e g~ir w fr !ly p.e on W.4çcsyatr a4pon, by J. W. tyci. - A < ate a#APro9f$Siol cf 81 ,pniýtauto. é efàinin' cWy 'abd- Boiardcfi-Tae, oGlciaeThe Lyo>n boulevaýrd and .p&rk will become t-he.fineat pa-rk 'lanoa 'ýo Wé1Wll-aY kl'b. unObls1thable -except amt Very -mucli ~THEICOIP'ANYIS, HQ.DINýes axe amoxg be mont valuable in trict and axe -aéattered throu îhouî téeIl-prdducint area. Ail -leiL cou3d, already- 6e aold ai. a verr be!4.y adva.nee over coet SHARS ma beob~ieda if,- 8.00 per phare. from'~h algined. but -are aubjeetto 0wktidra w lLbouî notice. Prospectue. ParticUlakre upon request. W. B. LEITON, Agent for Eaetern Citnada. Rank of Ottawa Building. Ouf Engligh LotrLTi ESI AAi !iporlal Hsaith Conférence. -- "To show -whdt taie epirit of seiesecan do whén umoyed by the spirit o~f oymprotby, and ta eall back mb obelng -the great pic- turceque days -when- architecture beldi 11e own/' 1Theme, accomding utoViseont Eryce anA the1. Marquis cf Salisbury,- are taie-duai obJeta -f«111e Impenrial Uéidth Conter- oce andI Exhibition, wividh ý-wa eeently opened i tthe Imperial Institut. iu Lon- don. Thé1 body responaîble for thoir or- ganizatlon JO thie Victoria League. a non- Party ergauizatioa of ,Britièh men andI «wemen. -wbloh axiste.-for the pllmpooe of pa'imetlng doser union botween Britlish aubJeets living ia différent -parte cf tse woend. En-thusaae Tvpenie bas been miade 117 bath officiel aad *unofficlal bai dies la svery part eftishe -world -where laie Britlih- flaz ie oîe4vt ta' 0ex- change kacu-ledme aàâ "dees o -eh auii- 7.ecteashagar-don citle. andsaàburba, -work« mea'a ilieusqs i mla~oo ~01~ ~ fancy and bealthi eel daa tho. PUI4 -as -wase. earaer. There le ne-, tuii Me tan lterchangé oet'ideaft understanàlnx. oaei Other andl practca IwpeiaUn c thj naurele far =oer efective<- au pople are genersily aware, *With,,Rubber Ais Comas Mllnt City. Sir Hfeary Blakce preuident of,1the fo1lrt. international Ru6ber aad AI-lied Indue tries Exhibition, booRa forivard te à day wie euteeta of London tfl b. paved wii.h rubber and Oie brain faS vonsequen~ upen t-hoeIncessant noeof et in.thott ousrhfares -wilbcamftalmized 10 thee a<1- vmnt4age cf hundredo of 11lousnaude-of people. W.heu lb. exhibition '.vnslet eld - la Loadon, tbree yeuurs aga, the Idea mighi bave been dismissed aa utopian. but avne then sucb strlking progreee baa beeui made, bolh lun1the manufacture and th1e use. of plantation rubbsr, Ihiti Sir Remr Blake*us vision may -well beo-within thý The exhibition ittsoîf, uvhlcbh las l(he ce- ÎÎCiai upport et. more tian ty GoVeru'ý ment,. afforda abuadant- evidence of thé progrese whioh liai beu made. One roon4, -a -writing moom-de complotely funnished in rubber. The walle aLre covered ia rub,- ber skiltully dlsgulsed as w.allpa-per, thée victures are mounted lu rubbem frameýu a-nd the carpet lis of 1te samne aIl cou- querinw materiel. Tic tables and cimîrd, the blotters. paper -welepita -and lbIter yack, thse inkesfande -and lise penhlde~ are cf mub"ber, vbîle lb. eleciric tablý, ia.tnre are of vulva-nite. -i Tho houssu-ife will probably examine tise -window vurtains carefully, for hbe' e at lasi .ee ili imagine -th1e utility 0r£ rubber breaks dowa. But as a matter of fact, tic daintily vurtaine, like every- ihinir else, are,- ef rubber, attachedt l1 rùbber rings, and hung on a rubber polý1. The debt of -the isporisman -l a lmo«~ every kind cf field game la th. grover corne even more prdnouneed if the effort t' utiliae rubber tor la-wn tennis courte vrovce suvcestul. A specîmen court brie been buili in the aunez ýat Agricultural lialInî order that tie experts may test th1e rubber surface for themocîves. The. court ja m-nde -la square blocks of rubber zrowu on a, Briltih lantalion and they have been laid doivu so varetull-y tint tic surface le almoat as levai ais a billiard table. So, ztg Philip Gibbs, -writing in tbhc Daily Chrenicle says. il leaeaay for the inaus .ho -wuli stretch hie imaemnatioa a-nd give çlast!city Ita île miunilto conjure hi) vielors ot a rubber age. Workink out Sir Henry Blacesa eadiUng Idea -to lt1 ultimate conclusions, eule may gnaop 1the fulil meaning of the future. Disa8ters at ses would no longer take -their feartUl toli of lite, for rubber built chipe miglg- collide vils no verse resull Vhau a eau-- lion off a cuehion. A rubber capped avia- tor faluina head foremost upon a a-ubb&ý coated road would' dusl bounce ni bounce. A thousand accidents of grievous cou- eoueuce lu modern lite vould ho -qulte trivial. -The vaiter vho- spille -taie oup ovar onee u- s uit woulit merely h-vo ta bnlng a rubber sponge and vipe One"$ rubber coal. If thé1 fanhions of -vomena; frocks chenized from ehc-rt skirte Vo long skirle -thay -ould bc stretched aa easlý' as elastic bande, or.vice versa. Old clctbeý_ olI furniture any o!d lng about tb. hou7e. couId bc sent te 1the manufacturerýP aud produced again la tie foaim cf motor Lire@. eolf balle. ia-ir combâ or hables' foadinz ttIlea, eccording t(V ee fni. media-te requirements, becanse rubher neyer Ic.3es tls esential qualitica. and îe cai5ableofo!nunucroue trautimutatione. Traik at Twe Cents a Second. ht vilI cost a penny (tu-o c-ents) a second for London tae peak te Berlin -w-heu t-be direct telepione cabre -bas beeh laid dorwu. Eqstimating on thie basis of 1the bcavy coet of th1e ca-bic and -lie ropable amouint Of traffic ou il. -lie Pcetmae-eneral dotis noV aI pirescal t--Low tht cabre vanl par if a faeo f -leis than 14a. or 164. ($3,50 or $4) tcn a liree. minue' conver- sation je cagd -Both tlai L don sud Berlin gencral post offices are auzieus ta lavo a dire t telephono cabic." aid a pool -office col- cim1, "but noting defluite lias been et- tIed. The s.cheme le , -) rn a teleplie cahIe cf the most motlera type. frcm la convonicat spot oil the Suffolk cost -te Emden. Thtis will 11e au extremely costly undertakinit. sud a faâiy îigh fac for ueiug -wilI 11e necelssary. But v. aýo anxios tbmake laie fac as a-easonablc as possible. and 1.1e Pcatmsaten-Generi i1 _Jl- _1a1;-t +_ng -ta-c i4t-aou M14. THEl GLOBE IN à Canad.t, theb. niure ianà thé VorII Thfe army worm is devastating felds arouad Brantford and in Bur- !oid township.- - Thirty-six pupils-f rom Vthe Petro- le& Publie fkbçýol wrote on tlhe eq- trance exirni1atin.d ail paseed. W. T. Smith,'a farmer near Prus- - 1sia Smsk.,- has ïeoiyp 2,000 boàres - t .îh-a!la te largési altalfa 8-ereage in Canada. A Young riyver dtver, Auguat r' henier, .*às dièwned when à party o f five were capsized on thse &s- Sissauga River near ]Blind River. Thomas E. ElliotI, B. A., FPn cipal 0f the RenoraILigh choF h-as beconie Principal cf the Morris- bumg Collegia-te Institufe. The body o! W. fi. Marston, tihe Hollingee essayer, who disappear- ed some inolutbaago, was found in the bush with a bullet haole ina-1he teku&eha LUe! not bic-w tise pro- per passing signîal, the license o! Capt. W=. Thc>eui<sn, uta-star anad tug owner o! Sarnia has been sus- peuded for 60 d.yp. -Building" operatione have been commenced on a new cernent- mil1'aI Medicine Riat, which, whien complet- ed wiil have -ceaI $2,500,000 vithla capaoity oi- 4,000 barneba- daily. *Mns. Win. Dagley anadlher daugh- ter Bessie, were dnownued a-h Bridge- water, N. S., when trying to save -Mr-s. Teeb, o! Pt. Medway, -who aise_ pcrished. All weî-e iu bathAng. --. A -censîs -bulletin itates, that- Ihere are 600 Eskçimos in - Ungava and 1,360 around Hudson Blay. They are said to be pagan iii namne only; eveny one over ten is able to read religions boàks. Mr. E. A. Lancaster, M.P., Chair ma-of tise Railway Commilhu-. of thé Hobuse o! Cornmons, antiotlnces -is re-iremeat fIra>= Parliament. dc- laring the sebsionai i-ndcmnitV li- adequate f-ar a mn wlao devotes lris time a.ud energies, te tle, pu!blic. Austin Dî'ewnick, a- prisouer in the jail aI Princê Albieri Sask., couviete.d of muîider, w-as ;-anté-1 a reprieve unlil August 13, by Judge Browa. Dnewnick was f-urad guîity -o! murdenîng a f eji-;,w en- pieye iu a construction Mcamp. A man now in jail ah M*eos- nin iiiays. Drewnick was net guilty. G reat lBnitain. - The lious.e!o Lords rcjgeted the plural vaû-ting bibi by a majonily of 70.- The A ustralian tcam %vou them MacKinuiu Cup -at Bisiey after a - closeiy contested match.' Timely intervention -e! his butler savcd the Secret-ary o! State for Scotiane! a souud thmashiug by a militant. The police at Stockton..on-Tlees seized-a-lange ancnunt of ammuni- tien coneaein l cernent'ba-gs con- signtd* te Belfast. Navigation bas been miade dan- genous ia the Sandusky.Chýannel by the siniking of a big ste-el 'scow eowned- by the Great Lakes Dnedge Compa-ny. - A passenger anad freight, service betwecn Newv Yor~k and Si-n Fran- Ade Thée-, 1from C s ia-Fs: aaIaor Both, Disappointcd. " aso disappointed that »I1wu~ ont the othier day you called, Miis 9910- wm. . fli sure I'd finçl yon-, beceame a& I turned'the corn,r 1 u*w you go iP 1

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