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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 23 Jul 1914, p. 5

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Price $8, salep eS »he store.- Th'le C. P. R. frei 1 being levelled offan Week. When the, 9 'bave been llnproved, t' .Qreft, a very pleasin~ Mr. A.Caniera Failis, 'and daughter, J 'it part of thé holid, aunt, IMrs. Lugton, ani on to the 'Coast, Mr. lu poor health. .- NOTICE,. Havi sg opened a tinsi .troughing- ïndgeneral laPart of Mr. J. H. Brook St. North, I ani handie ail kinda cf wor IJobbing promnptly attel BrYan, Whitby. CHALLENG J. S. Heron, of ~Baieball Club, Toroutc te arrange a gamie o! Wbhitby team i ierafo-r f ÀUgust 3rd. The ta mdiate halilnl the cit, 1once, 16 Alcina Ave,, 1I REFRESHMEiNT PR~ WH-ITBY HORS, Tenders will b. reoeii ust Mb, for the exclushi selling 'refreshmeWnti a 1841a showd 1to Apply Hersend Sh, te . hl< SertrWhitby. bi yards ire :leaned up this ;aton groundi ei W#016 1 ian, are op aY wlth 1 intend gi Camerofl b rnithing, e, repair si i prepared k ln that1 îded to. BI E. le Wycli ,would àail with 'ivic Fhoil play i Address oronto. [ViLEGE,ç "SHOW. el Up to A4 ve privile e tthe W hi 1 August 12 T. Cusss: ODUARANTEEDe GIRLS' SWIMMIN Poliowlng the exanspie a nu mber ef the young lat tOwibhave 'secuted swlu jIleges in the pool at 1t jTheï irsrt swhm wa lie] day evenlngi which wilJJbi BROU'Ott Ian lime eac5 week. r sueerid raduato Optiolanitry ebr. W Opposut oOfficeThe cmn ieai loid of rockstreet ne ti John S t t th6 C. P .1, ~ III bas beon completed, ani Wa DIWV Ihave-the adv t; -Company wili o! course cc *fwallk froni hlnok street Wv. C. Tr. U.- tation, a distance o! 5 ________________________[cmeut* sldowalk 15 ais) Ion the West aide oft, ~IELP THE KIDDIES TO HAVE A rom st% John t W4auat. GOOD TIME. <Brou, bave the contract. Ail thosa who are lnterested lu the The Youug Peoples ni Descne9 ReekHydesboe PrkBaptist Churcli open a V mrny lbave contributions o! clothlng, ac.t. t"Ti tas =» 9y O wp bles1 freolifruit. on eau- jOf Menday evenîng '1h: moai fruit at Mr. Ted'. store. Mr.. courtesy of Mr. aud Mr 'Ted bas very kindly offered -te Con- MadMs eb o Ver' any donations to hée Home. L&t îixty zuembens were engb uns al give wbatwe eau te holp- a-, .te optaiy ) long tbis poid work and give the Gamas were played on the cbildrn pleasant niemortes o!, the,'until ten o'cleck, when .days spent àah Heydenshore Park.' ment wai ae eth 2 ~ ~ ~tfehments were served,a 0 departure at 11.30. 1 Loca I Mm. J. H. Norton and Hoitn Mns. Nonton's n Hoden. Tbey are Irom F bent, Sask., whene Mn. Mn. Wm. Vanstone bas sold bis Passengèr Agent o! te butcher business' b Mr. Alex. Prin- 6 -- gie, of- Whtby. The doal wai nego- HELP WANTEI tlated by Mr. J. E. Winn. Young girl about lift Gel On ~'""'wth bousework mnrningi OtaOeMinute Washer, l makes mer helidays. Apply at caý wssh day easy. We would be pleased0 'bo send one on approval. Geo. M. ST3R!AW FOR çA Rceo. Everytbing la hardware. Qaxiyo edn KEYS FOUND. lare per ton ; auy quan,;1: -J1--A A --0 aI Gazette O0fic.. A, - bUUCZ qr keys loUnd. App~ly mi. Gezetle-Chroutlelooffice. Miss Jeani Johnston iu- ependhng part o!flier holtdays with lier aiter, tirs. Wag,i iu Hamilton. Miss Wil. ma la visitiug friendsinlubshawa. 4The Sunds.y School o! St. An- ;iroW's Oburcli held tbeir annual pic- mie af Ileydeuihore Park où Thuni-' 4ay -altemnoon o! lait week. The Dominion Express Ce. base pluM.da large fine delivery wagon wfth Mn. E. R. 'Biow, the local 'fla'ore-the danoe Ilta tl Pâ ~vilton att Heydenabore Par on Thurs- \day .vaing, July 28. A good or- ciestrà iu attendauee. WANTED. A Scotch Cellie pup. Profe n e juit a few weeks old., Apply ml Ga- r leale Offie. WÂNTED. By respeotable womnu, .womk by ±day or motIs. Good laundrs. ÀP- 19Y box 3761, Wbtby. This -'Satunday, Mi.. Parker, optlc. tat wgllagaln--be a.t B&SMst'i Jewel-. s'y store. Make YOun appoinîmul MoW, au ho le usually very busy, TIsoro diod at Taunlea. oxWednes- '4y ot Iaïl week Mr.. Thos. Themue, b*.>vêd hubuani o Sah ThorneO,and <faUleroff Mrs. Le«i Sh"ephéi! off ,hltb7, lin, Sbepb..rd au lthe sym- Pathy ot lier many fnleeds la bor bon-" PAINTINGAND-PAP P. R. Bradb, Mry will be pleaeed te reccii al kinde o! painting, p grahning and stgnwrithi Ëaniple books. P.O. bo Miss Clara Jackson ha lus 4 week with Miss ailiivray ut the McGil mer cottage ut Fenelon1 CIViC HOLIDAY, Mo~ UST Srd, 1l1i Grand basabail and naMent at Hevdenghôraj ing in pavilion. ,Firs- tîâ# lyverybody eôme day a the lake. Pot b6 races see Imalibilîls. THE TABER1 Sunday, July At il a.m. a memofia be held for the laIe Subject-"What je deatà Evening service 7 o'cl "Walkiug b>' Rule. S. S. sud Organlzed4 p.m. Speclal at theM Rooni-Supper served f Sa±uri!ay afternoon, Jr Juil reeeived a bot o! 1 grade choclates lu] boxns, City' Daim>' ice every .day. GARDEN PARTY Pý 'Owing' te "Iho seite 1irs. Ray, a long, tue respocted momber Wf ChinoIs, lie- gardon par CLUB. or-le mn Ldies ofi rnming pr the Coll Ild on i e the rel re are ab( on the eà ih fren i R. st pedestri. age o! gc The 'C.Fý ontinue1 over to -yards. beiug I 3rock etn b.Devez lion -o! Very 8n] ums Fani irough 1 .Bayes a een fifty2 ilad te fthe tar elarge la an adioti iouse. 1 and the1 ,e before1 childnen iothen, M Prince j Norton N. R. en te b during su zette offl iLE. tw, six d [y. Apl you bave been promis Leave s a il, sd we aIly time and nu photo of 70W how gdeug. Mr Parker from the CuIverhoufse Opt. AT BA'SSETT'S JULY2N- Mako -Vour Appolntmont Nowa L:VAY mrs.' n Rezobson was -wel1-kuow, and highly reBPected lu the commuuî'ty, BUC, BREEN OR YIXEO. c-.and will be greatly nihsmed, but. by nons nmere so than her daughter,miss Spaud your dollars at t8MarY, 'Who bas beon ber mether's boôme and you wilI meet cIle COflPanien et late- yearî. Tea tbem again. 7.30 Personai Mention. up »9a 6io25 lavei Corn Flakea a3for 250 î lb, 1fr5. J. H. Perny I. enjoying a R@IIed Oats 8 Ibafor 25c ue n oth's vacation. Mrn. Waranx, of Toronto, bas beent visitiing friends bere. Tu um's red Mr. andYourbChu.nems friandO 3RHANGII ISt., Witi e erders: > iper-haugi 1 g. Seec 017.-tf. m3beau spei ý arjory D livray su Fable. NIDAY AU 'otball toi Park. Dm -cnasa orci . nd finie] yu' andSir ACLE.' .1 servicev Mmi. Hunt ick. Subiec Classas at iple Les! ' >Om 5 tb îly 25. R~ ,eleon's I lb. sudj cneam Sor 211OIi ii înenss, Of " el-e111, IU5 19 wrtn relatives, undi! hgly ne- bore. the- Baptist Mr., nud lts. PelerPMrr and on, ýty ou théi par- cf, Pengu, aie on a nWiai ith Xi. i fer. Fnday,J.Hioy' Te be' held lI thé Town. Parlk, lWhitby WEDNESOAY, THUISOA-Y,. AUguSt 12, 13, 14 - e. HIgh Jumpers, Hunters, High 560 lse Stoppers, Road Morses, Heavy ~3 000nPrîzes- Dagit Horses and Ponles. i i i I If Program of Events wiIl Commence on Wednesday, . ugust 12, at 1-30 p:m.I Thursda Aug 13, at 1 .30 p.m4, on- Friday, Aug. 14, -at o a.m.. and 1.30 p.m. 341H REGIMENTAL BAND lu Attendante Each Affernoon.6 Spoolal Rates on ail Raillo-ads, Admission to Park§ 25o OM"EtMOwbr&Y for a lew-weeks. te. DEYEWOPINO andl'RINTINS f Mn. A, E. Lukesnd daugirter,-and for aateus ule, Mi' Watn6r, spent Over Suan- pen > 1 ateni tpomtl. day' at-the horne of Mri.Liu'$ par., pend attnde te remply. entas la Leaskdale. bisf Mr. and Mn.. -'E. M. Stevena, or~ going California, a re on a visit with - the @4s.J g ter'. sat., UMn. A.Rihrsn N iUso l'S jEuUIU 'Mis Dehart and Mrs. Gale. Rev. c*ee. A. ÎÎoLean,îpastor of the Bave.______________ Baptist church,' was ln-Brockviîîe o», -hop Sunday preachlng annivorsary ser- iop, mens ln the Baetist church theré. heJuly 24, will bc postponed indotlnite- Miss Grace Linton, Mr. Grant Lin- ly. ton, and Miss Kathleen Nicholson, îîn~.&Pont laist woek -with friendg dn Hami- ienl. *DEATH 0F MRS. HIJNTLY. ilon. - On Sunday morniug death releaseil Chief Constable McGrotty je on a Mrs. Geo. A. Ruatly, of Whitby tWO weeks' holiday, and his place ie from lenghy Ilness.being taken by CountyCosal ood fronthalegthM ilues.For tour Wm. Calverley.Cotae l1k.1 mot.Ms Huntly had been co&_ r.Win. Bengougli, ol New yOrk, i ' a uied toWler bed wlth kidney trouble, ah old Whltby boy, was lu town for day, and for the lait two weeks she wasa é dysVstnretisad ,ter- unconscieus nearly ail the ti'nG. Mrs. a fri dayu Mr utingu reat e n s at Huutly's rnaden name was ElizabetLhi bck to Whitby minceO ho loft ferty land, England,- and came to Canda Dr. T. D. Joneô, Mrs. Joues and . S, when but a child, She livedl on the Rev. Ralph Jonis were the guesti base liue for a time, sud later lu Of Mns. E. îMowb2ay this week. They tug- Myrtie. Slie bas been living for motored from their home, in Cincin- ' of and two da bltby. Foh teur iOD nati, Ohio. The Rev. H. D. Camer- tby baud, mourn the departure of a 'loy- o,0f Toronto, *as, with Ubm lthi ln motber and !althful wlfe. Mrs. '-. ~ -- ___ ton, Huntly was a niember of the Metb- Mîsceijancous Adivertsý odist ' Tabernacle. Th luneral, held on Tuesday, was conducted by- Rev. FOR SALE. M.E. Sexsmith. Interment vwas'nmade Fine Young pige, 8 wooks old. B. ion, lu Groveside Cemetery. A memorial Baker,. Byron St. soutb. the uerçtce will be held on, Suuday moru- 'riv' ing, July 20, in the Tabernacle., FOR SALE OR REN T. oge. 0-- New bungalow on Byron St.,- six 'On- SPECIAL MEE TING 0F SCHOOL roemm and bath, .eIectric liglit, hot %_BOARD. and oold water. Alil modern con- )Out 1 onlencs. APPiY -te -W. Butnu, WMi- A special meeting Af the Board Of by.-4. Education was beld lait week, for mit the purpose of considering the school. BOARD WANTED. St. sitatin. A lter bhad oeen receiv- Retilent engineer on sewerage werk tioned romInsectr Htchsoncallingi requires room and board.Bah e- onattention tnîpe c uci o ngSOntial. Apply W. A. Young, Witby [ans had boan done to keep the promise P-0. Roo made--by the' Board lait year that re- AT O AE tI.e pairs would be made Ibis year tb the RusselATOnuF a OR SALE, hap the public sehools. 1Ho stated that un- Exebange ica for scalor Whitby A lous repaire were miade the grant land. Apply Oshaewa Garage. laid wuld again b e withbeld. reet. The Board considered the situation, FOI SALE. ,roll land this motion by Goodtellow- Fv passenger Hupmobile, lu good .James was passed-Tbat the Secre., condition, or wIlî deal lu Wbltby or tary bc instructed to advise Inspec- Pert Whltby real estate. J.C. Hyde, Il the tor hRutchison that this Board had Whitby. v. made a request el the Town Council . H0USE WANTED TO RENT. W jý-for money fer a new school iu the Alolrel ~uewne o m th obiWrbtthe loni adnt<n Whithy. Apply R. A. tlutchlson, i aud vet granted the request. But 'they box -335, Uxbridge. c aild bad visited the schools Iast .week, c e-and it was expected that at their FOR SALE.. ol n-meeting on Monday niglit tlley will A good serviceable bedroem set, el rn. deal with the matter, when the. cousistiug of bedstead, dresser, stand, fil a Board Will advise the Inspecter fur- springs sud mattres. Tbis bas ben e' ,rn- thr ar1e.and hi perfectly dlean. Wltb a tresb Re- It was decided that members et the ceat of padut it would look lsk3 niAw. u-Board should attend teCouncil Also a bod auglug lamp. Apply atT thel , meeting te support, if necessary, the Gazette office for particulars. applihcation of the 0Roard. WANTED. I are The Whitbv Pebtr e here of Laudes meltl o House dr.Tuesdav. A report o efunshed of Refuge. Apply to Dr. J.F. Lav- Ai- by the Clerk wIll bepublished next ey-f week. IWANTED. IF A rellable man of good address and DEATTI 0F R.TO O. abllity te sot as our representative îelp Oh Thunsday lait one of Whtby's.lu the Couuty of Ontario. A splen- UM- oldest residents passed away in he1 did opening and permanent podtti - fe. penson of Elizabeth MIcMillan, widow for the rilght man. Ste ne & Wel fng-g of the late Wm, Robson, iu hem Sist ton, Nurserymen, Toronto. Ont.-S. year. Mns.' Robson bad been iii fer OS PRSAE dol- a few weeks, and her.death was not HOS1FRSAE unexpected, lu view of ber advanced l'4mw brame bouse, li storeys, six )ply years. rooms, 3-pimA bath. furuace, electric Elizabeth McMtillan was bora la liglit. Apply J. Hl. JAMES, Wblt.- ING lEnniskillen, County et Fermanahib.tt bye Ireland. Her parents were fflgbland DENT'S DAIRY; for Scoteh. -She came te Canada lu Pure milk %id creMA . Momin Ad FARMqFOR SALE IN WHITBY TOWNSHIP. 1u Seventy-seven aeOLOS, lot 28, con. 4, 1re miles from Whltby town; cox- enlel3t to tbree railway stations; veli sulted for mùzod.,farmling, dalry- ig or mnarket -'gardenlng. Smnall 'ulte, good orchard (prlnclpally SPI tees>, neyer iailing stream, weIl and Lsttrn, frame bouse, bank barn qnd ther large buildinga. Several acres f standing timber.. Aise two -lots nWhltby town. C. M. Smith,ex DEÀTHS. rHORNE-At Taunton, on Wednes- day, July 15, Thos Thorne. RUNTLY- In Whltby, on Sunday, July 19, Elizabeth Graham, belov- ed wife of Geo. A. fiently, in-liez 63rd year. LOBSON- In Whtby on Thursday, July 16, Elizabeth McMillan, widow of the late Wrn. 9bson, ln ber 81et year. IIOMESEEK ERS EXCURSIONS MANITOBA, ALBERTA SASKATCHEWAN y-4, Tumay antü Octobe 2hh. ' 11 Winnipeg and Retura-'$6 E'dmonron and Rptum 48.00 ?rons Toroto, and Statiees Ws Md -do th cf Toronto.Popi*eh f rem semtions Itas: of Tras Rtun [Lit (vo Moab& Puucutam geg<mdns RAIL o« OCEAM dàcts f rom Cauadian Pucfflc Tick«et aM a wdt G C M L'R là 11. D. P.A.. C.P. Ri.. T.nalb O[Agg FVF~ F. E. LUKEO A full assortment of reform and shell eyes, at right piic-ýs. 159 Tonte St. TOSONTO BUFBACTýZdG OPTICIAN. BRITISH AMER-101N COLLEGE- Lesdi lu no Inuene 'Bsu.cc.gsfuSigrd. noss pec(ahIUlnh rogg £ Pitashort- bmdandi OommerclslOu e ct., PsU-Terni opene-An. 91M1. Write fer otîr catAlogue. . . an Pri nc!il, Ynnge 0cOiUto., Toresit0. -, »)UzDAS STr., WEs? \WHNJM Entrios Close Auge 89 Train Time, Talile. 1G.T. R. WHITBY JUNCTION. ....7-40 p.,u 4.52 a.m. ahi! 7.56 p.m. Proôm Ton- ente-trains stop at Whtby Junction at 8.15 and, 9.55 &.m., sud 9.80 p.m. UP-TOWN STATION. Going North . 830a.in. Goiug Soutb . 7.sa.u 5 1o5 P,Ism C.P.R. Going Vet-9 5o a.: 1<oisig Ea i -9' s5a m --42 PM7.38 P.- STAGES. Leaves 'Whitby fo a.m. and 4. p.m. Jo prietor. '. Leaves for Brougl Mr. Edwards, propri MAILS CL For West- 6.3o a.m. 1 12.30P-mfl 6.30 p.m. 8.30 P4.l For Eaut--6.3a &.M. 8.30 P.M. 1 os. Holden, pro-1 ýhm at 10 a.m.! letor. LOSE. For Port Whitby- 6.0oa: n i.3> p.tu FPor Ohanwa-2.30 p.m For NOrtP--6.300O.f Toronto, Canada, glithi gh grade cbur.,eio and q ilfy ougeole toearn gooq slarkas. T h y I n l de h e C e n tra l B ni e ~ o e e Yonge toerrard &u., and si, CIFY CBranch S3chonl, Urrculum sent on requtt Enter any tino,. W. H. Shaw, Preoilient.' QNTRAOTOR AND DUILDER PLANS 0F ALL DESCRIPTION FUMNSHED. Residence, Thornton's Corners Phone 41, Oghawa. Livery, Ca! age- wwuuu.;. -umpm I have eceutly added to -my we!l- ,ftean es equipped livery stable a heavy team - 1 and dra>' for ail kinds 'of caýrage aud' teamiug work, sud wili be pleaied te Threa doors i redoive orders which -Will have prmtir r pea and careful attention. - Is up PHONE 61. altspd t ORRIOýletTO MEET ALLI TRAINS, gn o h John (lmbletcrt c Write far Prize Lstta T. CUSIION, bus, Whîtby Scianton Ceai StM,>ýSize aud Egg per ton --7.00 Pea CORI per ton 6.25 At Hlarbor Goal shcd-9 àO cents Fer ton less. -9CRANTON Ceai". The name guarantees the .R.BLOW, BelAe.NAHoDAe~ 4 STAN Ai lr Whi;by, vocation Tt-ips -7 Many 'IelightfuI crlsee on Lake, River, Ouîlf andl Ocean. Rochester, Thou.aad Islands# Montreal, Quebec and Saguenayjtiver. Stear-ner<, leave Toronlo'ilailY at 2 p.m. Specitîl Service dly except SuuiîIay at Toronto te Montrual and return $25, Taronto ta Quebec and rotura 34 Taranta ta sgueni yând returs 41 Abore rate., incIule mealo-antfberth. Toronto 2Hamilbu.- Mantpeal Tourigt Steamers ]cave Toronto on Mon. 41laye,' Wedlneodays, anti Saturdayio. Froi Hanmiton, Wednesdays and Patur- day. Torento ta Mntréual and rature *10 Hamilton ta Montreal snd retura 20 Ab)ove rateu Indlude meimad bytu. quelleo ta New York Ste '.Trindad - lea"ez Qaebec for New Tek .1 24th, Ang. 7trf and 21.,t. For partlculari apply to local- ticket agent or addreum HrUGI D. PATERSON, G.A.P.D. 40 Yonge tt, Toronbo. En W. EVANS: iManutacturer irl or Wmbly Roum. Med l- ôInstili Wood -nc tu -short, molle, abme go SU' hindi of am L i Mr. Parker cornes ever, r the here Iast Saturday' in month. ýHe will be again SATISFACTION mAIN f, FRED. HATCHI Proi. A. W. JACKSON, Vle-.Ppes. S. L. TRESS, Trfssurer. Chestnut per ton $7.25 ý w Oiba«A at 10 V-qv

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