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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 23 Jul 1914, p. 6

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îflife andi enerky. TJlousafGs 0<A wo-i men in this country are the, vie- tims of anaemia (that Ws, bloodieue-i ness;Xwhiâ paesneither, rich1 nor poor, -on rold. Itý robs womnan cil~er health,, her vitality, ler beaitý-o1 f everything that- gives a womtan her1 charm. The chiet symrptoms of this. trouble in- clude a Oîstate for food, prostrat- ing heu.clache9,, extreme langour, loas of ý'e!ght. nervouaness, pale _çheeks, lis ami'gums. -heart palp4.- tationS, dizziless and a cntn féeling of %vretchednésâ. Thte çnly way to effeet a cure îs to iinerease th~e blood tupply-to make ît pure, rich and red . Dr. William's' Pink Pille ' ave saved, thiousands of young girls and, wo- mnen from the early fate that threat- ed them throug'h anaemia a r&v- .ges. for these pilla enrich' the blood, stimulate the circulation, itrish the nerves, and restore the energy. and pex fect.- healtli tlat inake womnen aùractive.- If you are a' victi of hdssw in anY way, do not let it.-run into a. hopeleîi- decline, but begin the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to-day. Thie following -bit ci evidence proves the wýrîth of this medicine. Mi-S. Maurice Sums, Liverpool N. 7- S., Rays: "Dr. WilliamsÉ' Pink Pil have beeîî a blessig to me. About *two years ago I was,so badly ruxi dowpx that I had to give up ahl work and go to lied. My husband and -parents. were much worried about nie as they thought I was going into consinption. The doc- tor who "as attending me changed his- medicine several times; but it ~did me no good and I began to, feel' veary much discouraged mysell. One day a friend advised me to try Dr. WIliams' Pink Pilla axid I decided to do so. In a lew -weeks I feit * ruch better and I eontinued tak- ing the pilla for a couple of months un',4l I wns again i perfect health. '~I bAieve that if I had not taken Dr. Williams' Pink 'Pilla I would J"') ne havê survived, and I shall al- wavs be v1rv gra,tedul for What they have àane fo>r me.1 Yot cari get thesepills f rei any dealer ini niedicine or by-mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $P2.50 f rom The Dr. Williams' Medi- cirii' Co., Brockvilli*, Ont. ('ZAU ffltOlVS MORE (AlIEVUL. Ruailrmid te Be Iiiied With ftroopa- fori' l4' Rturn joua'uey. 'The aszamsinatien e! tle Arcîduke Fraudai Ferdinand ae-rd is wife las netu aly resilted in iucneascd fears for tbie safetv of'the Czar cf Ru-ssa * upon 'sîc,,e-ife ne> fewcr Vle.n six sIte upte al-rz. ady have been ruade. Net ini the hitory of 'le Russi3ni railways have stici eluborate pre- ca utions ever leen observeel ta pro- tt-ct the imperiail-ahâi tIen tVIe wlîich- ai-t now being perfecteel for - tlu -returri jaurrey o e! le pc-eýr-I - fantily from tilîir trip in southeru :Aliitss a. Every foot o! the route -- and every panticle of t-ht- ppanatus -Of the train and thîe t-neck la ta be stîbj.-ctcd t-t, t-ha nc'st-carefulI i- gpeetion. As a fîmther precaîmtion agaînst any attcmpted ouîtrage on fIe part o! thc Terreiists Vhe entire - u'ne- ivili be gîardod by troopg. Oit lis Fee. - Dotitu-r-You are sttfferiig- f rom A coiplicubiori o! disease, sir--a-teat six- P tutIsuppose, yeu'l1 alow me a .diacount -on hlai a dozen XinadsLulme'iCure* Garget ila 00w.. 1Legigy-' 'Vthought yot'd forgiven -what 1- saïi-'and promnis'ed to for- getil" Peggy-"But 1 didn't pro- mise bc let you forget1 I'd forgiven Itchini Scalps Dandruff and )uccesl i- LéqdefAnew.efs. , -* 1'1. West~ of- Meteking, right to'. t, sea.board, there ii ône unbrokne stretoh of veldt-, and to reacl te Atlantic, coat there as only on,& way t6 tra vel, namely, trek it ýy ox-wa.ggOf. 'Fate onoe sent me on, a tradilig trek Up te Lake Ngami. : Well,. Lake Ngami is a&bout a thouraand miles f rom. nawhere. eo -be a littie more necurate, however, the lake lies in the northweie n nart of the Bechuanaland Pro- raten, antrea thee lit .ra ndte u re onethe »i crestenorthern part of t 0 dreaded Kalahari - a .waterlesa desert. Athwart ,the Waste. My wa.ggof and, eighte.enoxen pull it, and the load on it was on0 5,000-lb. But it t-ck e ve montha te cover thc five,'or hundred miles that lay betiveen t inail native capithl, of - e ea Tsaut the capital e1 Nganuiland. Ifalf ocf-the distance. was ove eandy,, wateriess desert, ..,and th reut through fever and lion infes! t-d veldt.' "We'll outapan bhere, 'Ntal," cried tao my nptive driver. 1 ILvsjust an hour before daw and the Af rican-eky ivas lit wth rnyriad of star-s. The oxen ive quickly unyoked,- but ivere not lowed te graz', as we o wuld be -c the =oeve again -in an heur. We were half-way in thse de-ser Wc had been on trek twelvc daýy The oxen ivere used te "thirsts, but the ceascesa strain of the %an( desaert was nmaking ij[11f fe Ti1 beasts were already looking woi and sliakcn. I sat down by the simaîl firei had kindled,. and 'amoked.'- Ever thing was very quiet. The slee ing veldt ivas hushed.- Aroundi were miles cf flat, aparsely-veg tated country, every mile the sam Net a drop cf water had we sew for two days inee we had left, X iast weli; and there Iay.thirty =il of waterle m, veldt be{ore the ne weii would le reached.* The saffron hue cf breaking d is :now tinting the easterri sky. It time te inspan again. Soon the c eni are ail in their yekes, and t signal ta start ia giveii. The sun has now fisen. It growing hotter. The oxen are coming distrcssed. The niercili whip deseends-and agaýin. It'a time for ý'pity. Water must reached 1 On and on the wreao aninials pull their load. Thes is new high in the heavens. outspan. lIn Seanty Siuade. Thes weary oxen lie underQ a-canty'sa-de o! t-lic atunteel busle We lie under hs waggen, and-d, lu VIe lest of the day.' Everythx ia pardheel andl dry. Evenywh ý &rotund us is th-ese-ndy desent.' It ia nearly suudowr.' InaIii egain. Once again on trek overÀ same unendîing_âpoeor. It's8r dank, and uiglit bninga oere mcl TIe stars corne-eui in ail their b r iancy, andl thc meon tîroiva glo i sladows over thc sleeping veldt. Whocp 1 Wieep ! sourds in . cîta-r nugît aur. A short eut-spýi A littie fine gleowa, and -we.drinl- lasty cup o! coffee. TIce xen b exliatste-d. No n-eceF'aity t-o ti theni te their yokea: tIey are, 0 ico tiret- o uneve! Anether dawu Le breaking. 11 grdwa ligut-en. We inspan e-gainý À stantled etembuck .d4îr througl the bush et-thtle sound 4 the âppnoe-ching waggaýn. The oe pied 'wearily ever hslieavy sa-i The axIes of tle waggaut- eink; t wagon sticks f ast.' The uercie whip desoends. Au eox tallsa et tl yoke, but la fiogg-ed into oebedir e-gain. No inte for pity ,Wat muet le resdhed., Wliaop! Whoap!- On and o On-e mile e-r heun-thet- is ali can travel.* Thec-sard ila e-a se- Wc are outapauneel at a we' Large, e-lady trees encirceeo, camp. 'The sun is sînking bl i tle trees and rught isapproacli i T-le oxen -have drunk t-hein fil,u are now wrapped in sluuber-po- patiente beasts o! lunden, lI have' dore "their work se- f aitîf1 sud well! We are now eut o! the deenti by- th6 river. Large, lee-fy t oversîadow VIe waggou ivîre are 'utspaîiined. Morkeys in lil banda élamber oven Vths branc andl .ûttsr shrill -cries. B-simd fiows' ths dsep Betîsîle, its le- thick 'sitli reeda, amidat which1 sueaking crocodiles,. Tiie road is aili -heavy, but have ivat-en In pienty; soe Ie - ptl-ti wel'-in VIe yakea. Teo-merr- we shaîl out2pan by a tmader'as b and 1 sm glad abtVhs thouglit, t it ia new a go-ad oeany days sià I have spoken ta a white man. TIc hespitabie trader is nowI balinel, And hall the. journey du.But ,we,re.no*w in lion vel, -n Amifevei i0with us. Itake qu ine that,,igît, se& fI euthe fli approadlich-f tbltdeel n malara. -Big'rek4eo& re lit -. aide.t'iecf'lpn;xn- - t-lb ro cfVh -mrauder, eut unîkeiiy. - ýProwl, ni ~. unàÎý'-An*extra loga hro - on the fires- and he 'fIl,",sVh ,queer ehado-ws on oura.fy -bow 1 A tr¶he'Jiourney'ls d. ; geeay My .1ey eyee o0pen iet daivar. r n~ae Vii4re ài. aot"out. TIn th àeta fs a chili in VIe air, and aglo Dm & & tLna bout eVorythlng. a k. the dyiag 'enbers with My leo-V il o'ckucwk h. hfla a sanudwich and a glass -of sherry. Se lunches at, 2, and dines at 1 wit'h any aSpecial gue3StB he mo.y havYe invited. Theplaecf is a Frenchman, Mareohal, fomerly li the service of the 4,(uke of AUva.> The cost of the kitolien, inclguing -the King%. table and that of the heusehold servants and othêrefuncjfiona.r'ies amounts te sOoe$i4,000 a,month.- Except on state coa sioff ne foreign wi'nes are 'drunk, Spaniali wines 7being served hxclusIvely at ail other time's except the cham.ppgne, which of, cours&e, is Frenchi. Rias Three Valets. CHIEF OFFIOER 'rUFTENEB. 'Who was lu charge of the' Storstad kt the time of the collision, and upon whom the major part of the biame talla. THE "SIMPLE BOER."9 The Iate Preident IVas a Strlkiag Example. If I know anything cf my Boer cauntrymen, &&ys Mr. Gardon Le Sueur in hie biogra.phy of Ceci Rlicdes; their nicat characterigtiec national t.rAits are euspiciousness and slimneesa (cunning). In every proposition they suspect saune trap, and in every offer an ulterior m-o-- tive; aiU their negotiations tliey will leave a loophele for possible escape. We hear a lot about the "simple Boer," but in mât inff.tan- ces lie cari, with the hei1p af the cun- ning he posseaes, hold hia own; there neyer wasl a mhore striking example cf the Boer type than the lete preaident, S. J. P. Kruger. The foliowing is a characteristie Kruger stery: A farmer, dying, left his farm te be divide-d equally be- tiveen his two sons. On the farn was an unfailing apring that both coveitey, and the brother8 colid net come te, an agreement about it. They decided to a.ppeal to Kruger,, wdon their doing sû, the president asked for a plan of the f ari. He looked at it, and then, handing it ta the eider bro>ther, told him ta draw- a lin&-that woîuld make what he E95fnsidered teo-be -a fair division of the farru. Thceider brother did sc>, net without misgivi-ng, for he feit lie was going te bç "ha'd" 6omehow, aithoùgh lie did not aee hew. After making the division, lte handed bacek the plan te Xruger. "You believe tInt is a fair divi- sien 1" a8ked Kruger. "Ye-s president," anr>were-d the eider brother a little doubtfully. "Very well, then," Kruger re-, plied. He handed Vhe plan Vo- the younger eon, and said te -hlm,- "Now you take your clioicç." Lakn 'lrie Miss Bute-Jack Timniid liaà ask- ed me if lie might cali to-night. I t'hink he wants teo telun-e hè loves nie. Her f iend-Oh, that goes with- iout saying. Miss Bute-Yes, and I'm afr-id bhe will, ta-o. (100D CHANGE. * Tea and Coleeto'Postiiin. The large army ef persans wlio b ave found relief frein many chron- i ailments 'by dlianging frymi tez. and coffee te Pestin as a daily r'beys-rage, is growing eadi day. it is only a simple question of trying it for onesif in order ta know the joy cl returning liealt;h as realized by this youn-g lady. tShe writes: rI h ad been a coffee drinker nsarly aIl my life and it affeeted niy stomach-causèd insoînia and I was seldoni without a headache." (Tea ia ju-st as injunieus because it centaine the saune drug, caffeine>. "I 'lad heard about Pastuni and how beneficial it ivas, e conclud- ed ta quit coffes and try it. -"I was delighted with tIe change.' Ican uow sleep, well -and seidoun ever have lheadache. My stomael tThe cout per eu-p of -both kffds ii as aout thé sanie. 1. tI"There'e a- reson for Postuni." 'I '-aold by Grecers. ~TheKingbasthree valets, Vive SJpa.nih&rda eAù d P'&ne r.hman.:They Ceive 'beÉ4îa varieus pruat, -tips and -other gift. Alfenso al- ways dresses alene, an o>peratie-n whicli employa s ome 20i:inutes. H. very mudli dislikes bei'ngf u.Sed over He dresses v' r'y emartly, alwaya in~ the Engliali style and in the7 late-t fashion and in' excellent aste. He' f requentlIy wea.rs a militvry uni- k>rm, in wMh le feels more at home, and it becomes him better tIencivilian attire. He aruokes icewaantly, chiefly Ha- vana cigaréittes, spe.cially made for him and occaaionally Turkisl cigar- ett-es, very rarely cigare. He eleeps well and co.n go te sleep at a une- zent'-s notice a.nd on any oocasion an the. rail.way train, in -ha -auto- mobile, in the country, anywhere. ale ia a good ail-round sportsman, a 6plendid ride-r, a crack shot -and and excellent polo player. He als&o play-s a good game cf billards, and at Miramar, ini San Seba.s4ian he has some fâne Enghi-el tables, which are hie favorites. He ms.kes a peint of neyer " talking ghop"?-Pc>itics cf juternational topis-enat oi working heurs. V -ry lieavy Mail. 200 ta 300 leVIers, al cf whioli come under'hie per-son-al notice, Vo bc a!- terw&rds deait with by hie prive-te secretaries. The note paper for -hie correspondeue la specia.iiy ma-nu- !aetured for hlm. It la white linen paper -of the fineat quality, embose- ed iu one cor4with a diminutive "A," w1.1 the lo'yal crown in geld. H1e cannie an a large privat î cor- respoudence, and when away f roui hia, -natherle uieven allows a day te pas.8 without writiug te, her. He is trery devoted to 1er anud between them tiena exisrta a -veryi real aud tenden affection. Alfenso recog- nizes how much leeies lier fet 1er admirable tnaining., Uc- rends the Madridl daiiy pner-,,3 -of aIl shades of opinion sud capeci- ally delights lin thc Republican jour- naIs sad thos that conVain refer- ences ta and commeuta on himscif. Extraets fron aIl the chie! foreigu newspa.pera are breught te lis not- lce daily, anid ie le-s a large and varied collection cf caricatures of himset! which eiord hlm unequali- fied amusement. Us spenda unucli mouey on books and magazines, es- petriaiiy fanreig., and keeps in touc1 wibh aIl mo0demn thougît and move- meut. LikPs Miliury Marches. Alfanso's iltimate knawledge of 'fereigu politic.s aud social affaira realiy is extre-orditiary, sud is mucli coninented ou by e-ll foreigu diple- mata. Hs observes with f-enter lis neligiaus dutie&, lut le la very liI- enai-mindcd. Uc-. is net fond of mtusic, except o! bhe lighteSt kinel, andl confesses that long-wiudcd classical concerts and leaavy Wagnier aperas, bore him te distraction. WIe-t le likes'lest isaa >sitirring unilitary march. ,Aifonso la extnemely affable in nanner and pute, on no Hsd~"1e apeaks English, Frenoli, (larme-r aud Italien with equ-al fiuency. eSpanial is Vhe ouly language apek- en-int-le ps-lace, thougl in prive-te Alfenso often speaka EnglisI ivitli lis ruother, Queen Ena, wl-o, Iow- ever speaka Spanish very weli andl witli handly a. trace of foreigu ac- cen-t. Alfane-çsorOks bard and litres fer-his people and the nation. H1e la very popusian, andl l c-onsideneel a "cgood cent." ., Extreuely Deinematie. -Tho pala-ce i-n Madrid me-y le cou-sidered the iimoat democra'tie in Europe. One day le-st summner wîen Alfouro- viaited Oviedo le notlced at -the telegraph office au antique telcgraphie appane-tua efthVe nine-1 te-antI century. Turnirg te tIre pres-man wîp accompan ied lhin lie, nemanked; "Gentlemen, hazt cen- tury eue received the news in about an heur, but now in tl-e-se twetietl. century days, with aîl tIsse modern improvements, it a-pparentiy takes 24 heurs. Vo get Vhs saine informa- tien. Wond-erful la modern pro- grees 1" TIch-lut-t we-s taken ta thle pas- tal authorities, and up-to-date in- struments were p'ranptly installeel. on a certain occasion before AI- fonso attaineel bis majority le was about te. visit the City of Leon. The daiy beYore lie auilive-d Vhe Gev-' ernor cf VIe cityereceived a cipher telegraun1 readingt "The King neverý elepn lome."Theuahappy fune- tio-aary wa8 ab lis ivta'7enda te understanel the meaning cof this ext,, traordinary communi%fàton,, anu cuudgelled 'bis brains ln vain-te' flndl aSolution c! Vhe- niysteÏ&., IV was Cures Colde, Coughe, 'Sors hra Tight Chomit and Homrmes. It's whea sickness cornes at nlght, when you are far tom the drug'glit or the, doctor.- that's when ,You ne& Nerviline Most, Expexiexiced. Mlothers are neyer ivithout it. Onie of the chli dren "ay have toothache. Wittiout Nervline-a oleeplessý niglit for 'the entIre household. Wltth Nervili ne the pain le reh1eveA qukekly, It may, be earache, perliapsa.a atiff neck, or oee of the klddiescoughing wfth .a bad cheat:cold. N1othing can give quicker results than vigorous rubblng wlth this old-tlme family remedy. Nerviline le too useful, too.valuable to be wlthout. For lumbago, lame badli, solatica or neuralila there Is no liniment wlth half of Nerviline's pow- er to penetrate and ease -the pain. As a- family safeguard, as some- thlng to ward off slckness and to cure the, minor flus that ivili occur ln every. family, to cure pain auywhere, you can find nothlng to compare wltb old- tIme Nervlllne,.which for farty years lias 'ben the Most wldely used famfiy remedy ln -the Dominion. The most economical size ln the, large 50c. fam- 1 lly size bottle, amali trial size 25C. AnI dealeras sn Nerviline.* BETWEEN ONTARIO, AND BRIo (terna From Provlince. Where Mani -B isfinYeur power t4): give This f aithful, leving father, Il rightfully you !ive. Be mnanly, true, and honeat, In everythilug-that's done, And show him that lis eounsél la treasuredby -his son.. Be. kind when, O14 age> aprinkies Its snowfiakes in-bis hauir, ' An~d m:ake his'last doys happy- With leving, W 1rds and care. -.E. Ilexford.. ALAPSUS LIMIIJAE. (The ùanadian Courier). A prorninent newspaperrnhn in Toronto tells a good story. He is a huge man-beth ways. When he wus in England he went te Olovelly, in Devon, where, ut the bottom Q! a steep' declivity you may catch a 'glinipse of the sea. ThCe neivapaperman, whe Icans te- wadl fatness, toïIled down ta the bottçm -of the rocks and got the view. ThJn he looked at th6 st~e road whidli lie had to climb to et'ý back. A native of the pla.ce cake aleng, and the newrspaperma. coù- -plained te the old villager that theré should be some moter or trac- tion car running up the cliffa. Ss.idthe viliager,: "When the AI-. mighty put those cliffs there Re didn't expect peopfle to bese, lazy they --ould complain about climbing up land dowfi.. Besiles, ive don't Fru writeE Coiborn W. W. di1 on eut- ri Save woln't Don't1 horse ýKENDAI SPAVIN CU bas seved a great .nyiihr tbeun beck ta oreven at been given lhp, Over 95 yeaî have prot-ed ius value. - Ontario Boys and Girls Ar ant any matera witî the-ar cil and 3fr. Mi GCroudl ilà eE. LUnCu.. "Iakn Gol"stencî;, wc don't waut any rocks 'rbu&Mraauusing 3'ouralp'a At a mammeoth ienlcn S askatoon, ra'ilway with their petriol and sinell ., ~ i.1aywl BranonMan~, rtepyer carleda ncula trffi of ny xnd" Tot,. Lio-WsrvnCrat over 6,000 people ivere present. 'Iluf acti air, ws don't want any ver- bll.Zi7iistéi01W.ar by-iaw provldlng for' Sunday etreet D.B .Kna!C. Winnipeg la gettlng more than 10,-I 000,000 galiong of water daly. from-111Va k Woman asbrPsjnitJA Its arIloivn aeSie There were a total of 1,283 40ollee court cases dlsposecl of la -Wiînipeg - Cali i g ilealJI RAIIN WITII &RE A . during the* moath of June. At Harding, Man., t-he Nantheru ele- --sriet 7asae SgtWvn vator, wltli 4,000 Ùushîelo of grain, wae READ THIS VERY CAREFULY. Iitann rtsae ih Wve burned to the grourid. "e eraIwattnat eict.Ito Soun(l Waves. _ A little more than tivo weeks ago It "ator er sudwas tenandy tlecia Sn ititccasi Iclt wns clilmed, more than $10,000,000 of! otclradwsesl Ie;a 8"Igwt h asi;teils Calgary ail stocka chapged banda. yeliew palier, pîmpies and bietches on triu-mph o! science in the invention Edmonton opened public -play- myl face were net only inertifylng te iof Vhs "opteopîone"' wl iehl la-s been grounds fer chlîdren, and wiil have uuy feelings, butbecause I t'hought uny demonstrated before the Royal Se- a staff ef instructars an band. skia would neyer look nice agaîn 1lciety by Di-. Fournier d*Albe an DIct gaes nd iot achneshav grew despendeut. Thea iuy iPPetiteEnlhmn fHu entdcn. be barela nd lmahine havlecî ar lled. I grew very weak . Yarlous 1i1ha ofHgidtese. stands anrd obncEnmistp ~ngnotîneiga. reunedies, pilla, ta-nies and tabiets uI Dr. d'Ale esa-s that a blind 'unan tndegan oac oni a hinaman, e' l.tried wlthout permanent benefit. A ahotîld be ab1ie toread oî-dinary At egainatian o! tbita hiam u s tiit te my siater put Intoauny.banda bocks aund rewspapraby sotund. on anIalaftrwrd sbwc tat t asa box of Dr. Hamilton's File. Shelie eprincipal of translating Ilight' sunimrln terarda"es. a I wspiaced reliance upon theni and aow 1 v tasudwac.W1l h At eilint on ablelgerwa fne -at tbey bave màde me s well womau aýst ondwvs hl h forEdmavton a reolver i n Ils pas I would not be wlthout thein wlatPver ct9s nstriiunent, which cifecta' $10 frhvn eovrl isps they uigitt cosr I taund Dr. ilamil- tIc translation is net yet develcpe session, theugh he sware a inu bd tea's PIlla by their mild yet searchlug! ta ils poteutial capa-ci-ty, i.; enable-s ~ ~~i'~%t den. t Wn-action vcry suitàble te the delicate a blinci man in Bil-mingham net long Inp ,thermiio anwe fcereWi- carcerofawaman's nature. Tbey iago te cautit the number o! nurxses trie lutlu motut t Jne. inceas neveu- once griped me, yet they estab- befoire hini, and inv'estiéatos!th ef 2 ovr th sane muLu uas yer. shad regulanity. My appetite grew Ro 1 Soei ôty have even umade eut WfIllIam he apt on waty fan-keen>-my biood red auud pure-heuvy 1 o Wilia Hmpon awelty ta - nsday my ka a s dclpeareand ; inp fpilt. er, ln the Mortiacut district,. neàr rIngsundemy I I syc lup ad n-1T4_devic consista-of a per-ferat- Moejaw, was mun dewn by a C, P. R. wnilnkied as wheu I was s girl. Dr.!t-d d 1r-k whicî rote-tes in fi-ont of a express at a crosslug aud kllled. Iiaîniîtan's Pls II il"r ap.Te-P-t At Laugitau, Sask.,- flue destroyed Ti. Pi1i taI"- pwflNe-ttlm.Tetypet the~~~~~~~ PeeTheefeuei l u abave straigit<orward htter be r"<ad i plaeed facing, the liglit Na tnlelWeae or lllad et 40.-reomMrs. J. Y. Tadd, vlfe of-a wAell- tîr a r M-. A anail, inbensely' Natona Twe thausaa busaeloss ef w40.atîknawn miller la Rogeravîlie, la proatîngthe flgt as-n Irtg were des toed sel f h aufficlent titat Dr. 1Hamlltau's Pilla are' rgtln o ih. aI.-n -ý6ih weredesroye. 1a wonderfui woman's mnieicne. Us the haies lu tIc -disk, traveils froun Ia Calgary, 700 babIes were entered 1 nootîer pill but Dr. Hamiitons, 25c. oee etter bth le ue'xt. and the type ln the baby show, and 260 pnizes were pe o.Aldaeso h aar-rel-stelgto ca*3e-qu awared. n pecentge pintstheozone Ce., Kingston, Ontario. ai.]Pergvs'chr girl babies easiiy outciassed tihe boys. _____ cidt. Eac.Ittigieachr At Manuvîlie, Alberta, fine wlped ont - ac-c'itic -etru. sieh-ltis leard by a business block wltî a losa et $40,000. Mll1tEB. LE. ut'--o!f à'teliuiutne. The retider John B. Burch was the heavîcat loser, rnîi 11l(1<imawli t ltll f de elch ettezr, bais $25,000 generni mnercilandise stack T- 'uy iVary NWitlîii Ner-- trnsîdeî'- te, be able t fl'-r;w the pirit. being uestreyed. îlIî'g. W. R. Gamien. a Regina gardenet-, ables tory eb was abat lu the ieg by a stray 32 -cal led mar-i-igea-ble ae a bre bullet suand Mnet know It 111le l rliel diftentc Yttiic.iIre WoutlLas', faud bs hasfusl f boadabut woIn Austnia a "ýman" and - 'wonîian" Iy maîre., a very imîr-ahAti . b "utad. hôurs Inter. -1 ]y blrifiicd sud <ut I liciut ng inlua Building permuta tan June, lu Wlnl- are supposed ta be capable co! mai- refne.Sit-- ht oisvrould peg, luvalved an outiay et $1,560.000), ryîng and conduuctîug a home a! net hlîal. aithonglui 1rrud tnt-nj diffe-rent wblchIo l $315.600 bas tlîau for tic their 'own frein the age of 14. In mediq'iîeL. Dr.Alb-Il uidv'.ýe'd ie telie saine m auth lu 1913. sud $1 650.170 G ny tIc age m u t lec e-t least tMien4IID ng r e i ,e re. 3 rilut- ut t.- o bass thali for June, 1912. 18 years. In Fr-anietIc man must better', uîîil alter Iue"tna.lt ne Edmonton capitalîsta want ta bulld lcaiat leasi. 18 aud tîhe tomau 14. ba've'heal-d ar-el hîsI of ail. the bair ta an electrlc rond tramn that clty ta Na- ,rowing-well. and îcO NOT NV'HYTI-t an tla unn, adIsanc a!30mlls, ud romand in Belgiumthc sainie. In Spain nsoet aays ile ra',-e nlu borse wound-'. ise' te have t-be raad lu aperatloîî by the- husland muai. have' passed his wvinout. t l.DL(-. October If they get the neceasary per- fourtecutî yesir, and tbIs ivoînu n lher mission. twelfth. IunHHungary, fer Romaî Calgary's municipal street car sys- Catiiolics. Vhe man mu-st bc 14 years tein la net paylug, sud tle reason las and the womaun 12; fer -Protestants- ths falliug off lu pàtronage, .lu May, the ian must le 1R aud the, woman "Iin-e'uig e'yiil ! 1914, 70,000 less passengers ivene car-. ". InGreece iue mari îistbe at le-te. rled than lu ths saluàe month lei-1913 5 nGe2 h a i.s*b ý WIlliamn Morris, a Winnipeg 'baby. -leasi. 14 aummera and thie wome'n 12. WatshenafÈ, .dln1 fell 60 teet an te a hard surface, sud In Portugal a- boy Of 14 la considen- I-uWIVsbt ntatadir tyas unhurt.- The next day, James t'd marniageabie ard a wcman cfLstyorapute" Everett, a Winnipeg mn.uf el 30 feet 12. In linssia and U' ]aî3' a youtî - NO, iy- credit." on to a sott surface, sud was belleved unuat refrain f roun matnianrvill s to be fataliy hurt. - l 8 i dt TOU C wi naUGoIST WILL TELL 1011 At Nipaiîn, Sask., somebody eut yer g a oanTny, urne Bye itensetia'furied,. Weak.'tery Sydney Keepiug's ivire feue round timtil aIe is 16. -Ey udrnultdBy d; uýwztn- lis farnm Ie o6-foot lengtba' There 'ý-- i man ildurree. 'Murine, Eye nemnd-C9'o., Cb t-agt,. ivas ever hait a mlle o! the fence, sudI Drendýully Afraid. ' i the Mounted Police will try ta flud A iawyer fer a railway campanY Lêsa - happinesa .rcsults f rom ac- out wita was se industiaus. once had to defcnd -hie employers quiing a thing than front tIc pu- G eorge W u-lg ton, a W inn ipeg engi. f rom . t e c ! r o n -g i n c n su . aser, workiag for the clty ilgbt de- t tlcae of a ,ge far e gligece i sut partaient, was kîlleti whea an engluetlicse f'afr rwhec-t hie ivas drlvlug cnasîed tîrougî a was, dcmolished at a croseiug, not kiaiard'a Liniment curé$s Dluteuphr. bridge It wns creBsaag aven the Winni- witheut bodiiy injury te t-be tari- peg RIver., er hiniseif, whIe ias driving. .'The After. the: Uloneynleoi. There are 1,869 certiflcated lueur- occident. he;ppe-.ned? et n7ight, and ',NiwddIwas worieéd fer nearly auce agents la Saskcatchewan. Durlng the principal witness'for the rail-.,thIre -yearsfer fear. Iiwe6uldn't get 1913 the people of that province pald a wsanodmn h ou fer Insurance la prenaluma the 0m waf wasa î Iel man w es n yn $6,239,329.97, ad lasses pald- by the guard & witî a lantern te, sig- Mrls. Newedd-Wliat are yotr compaules totaiied _$2,937,430.77. nal trIe 'appr-oadli of trains. "Now ït-h n~ng ç! Dow, deanr Miss M. E. Snownal. efficial court John," said-,'Vhs lawyr, !"4did you Ne>.wedd---Thinking Ihow» foolial 1 stenagrapher at 'WInaipeg for ever, swing yeur -lentema whea yon eaw. wr. lains ysars, dîed at Regina, aften a long thecaret coming 1" "Y-e sir, VIat ilîness. -Site was daid te be ans ofthe I. did."'- On the ýstrength e! thisi ableat court -stenographers In Canada,'etmn h awc vnhec~ aud,, whe f orced to gire up-ber occu-1tsioytejayrwnhscg patlon tîroiugli 11I-,health IastDIecem- for. VIerailway. -1Re:teckcctasion ber, wss- 1prssented wlth a purse eftot thank the witness. 'Mc t $1,600 by iawyers snd court officiais. obleegeel t<> ydu air," replied the' woruh-y. 'a' g lad 1 -could' helt _____________ vou an'. thecmpnys'ir. --s te 3~en ur aw r iTm w yen -were' aehamed cf lier ' T1uat vïew of thbe caise had temandhe'O miht-basem A-week later.-wc toak Posi nxew -home. LilitLh 'was 11ke atresh toy, BtLLanx about, f -' dancing tram ane roimuit muolu -eased and excited t4 t i l attguc.' -fy lier ce relnsta'ted Wrensba-w. wbo, onairy politqte t bis xiew mi -rtuîned lioSaie, and eux and nariar-malS. Wlth se tabiabment,. ae Lit-h urig- tord, te grsEttify t-le deuire S "te ride lan-ber.-own carrlagý Ieavput ilu -sa thse etei -«s oib band -lustailled and for'a ime the usecf di ini the -seveth heaven. ' <laya atfter its arrivr!i, -LiL we -were drivinir ùp iegen t lier old, inetructreaus. Mrf.1 land, in a madeel ban&om An d Ma. Stanbope liai buté Ibe eut direct. I At this, Lilitil. with ber et pride, -Wept outr iglit ib lnahber prettSr ecarn,.age in atreet and 'When we rea-C --weùid net be- comaitrted. But anotlier surbriàe'.wA us, thabataftertiaa'fl. Bet.rE My wife@ tsars -aWay, a, up ta aur door. and :a viei inte thle drawiug-roell.- The visiter wae'LadY -Mai Lilit, torgetting e r-tenu se us 1,Or. railier., te as. Y Tdxere wus ne touch of e e bîtternese lunlier ton"., 0- nept uumlzed 'with u srwe. flexion- vexed me- Wiiy Fo b. over-wbehuitd witli the 1 £.romu my cousin?- -She bas cerne teo se y4 - tly "Ladies ,ealluuPon1 bq.enot thbe gentiemai hyou'li have a lot mqe ai t-bat social stuif.* placd-iY ~Bu. ican't -uo with h lcoe red eyes. Yox bit until 1 caule DlmckY' 4e * unto a uce 'eood humear- teeunaucli about beoià for if yôn do tae e la sure she 'wae once so sweet on -Sils brake off aur cas ",oh, I daes'o! Bût -? eade me oheé'wantcd'-te! was under ..t-he sofa atlt-b talklngta o<yenin'tho etI - - - uns.and anybody t-ould il eye obe was urr love -wth ftuc rau aff Iaukhing,1 room. 'shilo I LIOlv dLec te tht drawung-rom. Tii expreffiafli Lilitlh cOnsta - i ur very vigr wereF "- up ut the car of a q~nsiti Iladge wag crîlk-ai zand exrreMe- I kn! --tt. o witaasr ab)il f-ati frnre--onn tl.e wC Wr lui--' fut îvr. tutil aLt I ea relation aî ~,e 'D Lt'iilithlî'ad of ,calltig 'every ,>ur- bY 4-d n- u!wdiduu.wstet fhr BIut tjl-j() teune whatever lst er imuuseivo ,ways, tuv.iorabiy roimuent-ed ul Anot.her re'un. andI o IV dared ta ewî ev-euî t4 et"cret-IY i-egret 13Iadge'îs v lerribly clear-ugliîttt judge of charaeter. -Wau' t-bat*in our married l1U ' 1 Y ed the, parte tu tk Ilre nch preverb., _ia toùilb ra un Q tend la icue-ther;e le P k.eee, ând ane _who ta W id eh. net.lain~ far-seeif n a e t -cfhere tira atxny r.a6~iqonatO Ic ý"vstîî !upon nMY Wif.t3 siui ad t-bat: wvorFblî -die tar1ler as 1 would. in ber- lite tian aL-"vei uaid far eterything .é -kind"? C 1ý Wîtbi these -t-baulzts - tirred' tbe drawing-ýroai -sigit ot me. and came ti cardiality. she'1usd not aitered nm turne. and yet to me oh tram thbe !sdie I uim bair. wat, a darkersbide a tShbionable nut-browr admirably wit4 -be-r br tswti-coiare4 'relvet gov Tbree ttngs g en ý-for ans. Ltatshe l6ok rage. nearer tirtY than was 'fuil et meanlu.n teeiinS - snd or a- t-li, a.-distiuioLion about h Ie wbhch I 1had tarmi acutm dtua peciatti ghe*was ahakini' me askhWliW IwU.a-ri, TORONTO

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