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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 23 Jul 1914, p. 8

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Mir. Wm. Bl1gbt vas- o4 * busiam -~' OII VUMUI-a -W .--- trip to Eldorido tke beaglnning'of thecf tbe-rPresbytegaul#Pre iw~itot wesk. - PIeàLe -Whlch -W&8ied %~pd 'l'. bicklayrabegin their work OsiaaWa-* -lak&, There vers this weok oa 1W. 1llloW8 Dow ra I?:. .1eT!c 1bsde bued. h- irge load, whlch vas la carge cf miseya, à o _L Wltby,speat >< $DO if~ lntocro Tu«ay1,:b0irjc bit' ea.y 0iIVA h * feU. bIII% oi0vr, it mmn, BvoviaallO, 'làa a gusit ýoz lber eadl< on111!t 1o. buat»y. The i vistsr-I-lw. lira/W. J. HayerstI. *IBiO401 tiOÙjPbuyTal-pro Mr. Reabfa Hortop returall 10li Lsday; Who.h s ry ill Bt lisa.S. duie l D aa hi wek afler à Bon4's. - ' IoWes:@4ywt i Dir. Sroad md vile,-vho bave 1,. Alan. Ktiwiaen 18 vl"lti viliting riands ,tu $be vllhe a", ~ Tottfnbaai, ,li .t!ed rultivn er. ée tb oïé Slpen heBIC"Wt Mis.SaURr, O ~ ~ mie. Bell visitfriat n aNw ~ber daitgite,, n.Nsut e ctRIbss IBT Ms.Speuât nce a iMis' fans Afto Bertha "«, i itapto-J cor Vlisted la Fort Frry Ibis bolldaying wî$b ber brother, 1 - ' n... »W09.mute Urlah Jom. ' G1skse ld a nd béIi. SBo, M t y Mir. and lira Albert ChfIna0W ada4 omie'on .b. AU.-Md lu$s. * flt, of Toronto, M avUIas agy' fo ils " Wlet i otrI domwnu sChf».una Oof Hamnilton, nMda sppy ou Mr. and.lins. Broad ylaited durlng liaB&1551118E PtiC55 Mes pust ivekvwith relat sl lu ~ BPtiiduc vi oRda My, d sigrve.dm Prtyattheborn. cf Mr. the coateaclQre havaeflaabed heGroat, l i mlas etsat roiaaa ms! uMd cernant vork on- th ler-h tien, on Wdnesday, JuIT 29. A rfi bridge. goodprogra nnd supper iii o- e Miss lindonal, who iabasa a, vldod. Admission Soc 94 stoist of Mr'Brooklin,' JuIy 20,11. pOo c lis.J. EF- )lsaay for Ihe Editon Wbltby Ciroicle. put Ivo o eU, bu Sgoue to ber la reaiag Your lait w.ek'sloo u u borne Ia trrin. . 9'W all Mch pleaaed ila noticing la th. I Ur Ur Unab Jones bas purobased tbe Brooklilanov. lths very trus and. ý - onner lot o91 MlsBray's propsrty rsieatcetvi efrn t (rot Mr.a Dorhiond ntr thed asdemis. of Mng. Wm, WMats, an Wu orohy ipod eteraind aoid and h hlby nespected citîmen0c M*v- of ber finonds on .Thursday erea. liaisiiaîîy, and thene Io a Very Ia l.t. general egquiry tioram m y cf your Ramember tiae BaPIit Cburcia Gar- readens as to Who 15 tiae- aullior of don Party at Chai. Groat's on Wed- thia vsry kind retenence. xesday, July 20,. 8e0 large bill.- iarn pleaiel b laform your e- Misa Marie Holliday la viiting ers that it Io Mr. David Burms, wl$,ni frieidi ila Ottawa for a ev veeks.4 va al know as au asteemed reld nt Kt. ani Mrs.. Chas. Grass vsited cf Ibis village. la Bra mpton fo'r a few days. JOHN WHITEFO"~D C. A. ROGna?, Couardl Maager. Do Your Banking By Mail If you Ilve at a distance from a branch ef The Dominion Bank. De=oit may b. nmade-cash wtbdrawn-or any other Banklng Buins may be transacted by mail, Just a3 easily us :hough oee made a special trip to town for the purpose. WI11TBV BRANCH: A . INSON, Manager. OS.WAH. BLaCK' 0& t: r , - - ---j NeNIS TH1E3TIME T o rk that stul)bleeheld wi th a MicCormick stiî« too th -cul tvator. I rmOLI VER PLOWS are thel atcst and best in the plow lUne, -traight investiuate these machxines at the Brookiln Hardware.J 3rooklin_ LJRL'M JONES Ontario. Bell and lInd. Phonea. - - - - - - - -- - - ----- -- PIANOS ON EASY TERNIS 'i -~ ;r a,, - - iL.' -t- -. -THE PRQBLEM SOLVED-Gol a Con (Jultivator uow aa* iredueed prie, on next yosr t.erms. Only tvo loft. FROBT &k WOOD G.RAIK N-DI)ORN BINDERS gel ai1lhe ro.They are light draft, couvenieul, and do net vaste any p lui. Oome lun sud look thons over: - if you purchse 'a Mowing Machins or a Horse Rako, go ta Frost & Wooai If th.y vereu't th. but we would. not oei t hemn. -À Onas ,Sepunato pays veli, snd v. have some gooI ns#t.o ohoo from. W. a»-i. forBrantford Gesolmne Enginas, Reufrov Woe Salsto Dtne suad gel our prions ou Binder Twine. WFe DISNEY 0I~TARI4 Ba-iandi ladepindent Phones& tise bàd [Hia, or direcét'ailcharge prepald il o )m B. V. Marlou Co,, Bnidreburg- e 'v4 t. # ndl GREAT MIDWÂAY.- f dolr.-Thers e eetissesothar mau la JakemmastaorestaIthb. ima, buct ai ere -afrail te mni' be fl lovaI the bunglar a Mbort- distaince veut of Burkston. Tbe C4.R. 0mpe- atr er, gel Mn. sert. Eeacock te, -14 wtb btmn-- al .vatoh for the .dbamea. Sp. .il"y 1put. onthe pdwatobe, bains sucocassml ,about dtlDk tb0liý very pmp bld lna a -Wagon, box by lise Uvery babine Af- C00a o. fIS).'TWbistlpbod f bwon aretlordm su dbo bite Ivo bons earbed IMm st MyrtRe aà" relleedi m -of a s2 callbnrs rvolver. Aflor somcing bien $boroubly -Bt BOvmauvliUla luone bcd vasfound thse black msk ise vore, sMd ta Ils Oliser bool lias moey bo. el. R -vus lo bs laken te Cobourg to a- vat sentenc.Ou boys - &mm crêdît for Oapturing such a cbmrabêter as clevenîy8as liay Ml. How's This?9 We offer One Hundrcd Dollar. Rteward for amy cs ft 1Catarrh that cannot ho cured by Haille Catarrh Cure. F J. CRIME 1't CO., Toledo, 0 We the nnderatgned have known P, 1. chena. for the Lait z5 years, end bellove hlm prsrfectly honorable lu ail business transactions and §n. aneillIjable to carry ont amy obligations made WALDIWo, KRWsà * & X vu, % hboiFma'le Dvuggiaa, Tolodo. 0. Hall's Cterrh Cure la iscu imternaily actln dlrectly upan the blond and rnmqaa lauxa.so the aystcnz. Tcstimniuala»smnt firoc. Price 75 cents per hotie. Sold b1 aIl drugglisa.i Take Hall'* amlly 7lafor àmonstipàtlon. MYRTLE. -Firsl sa bot and then sa cold vas viaat vs expenl.nced thea latter l'art 01 thb vssk. Hsrvesting openatioas bave com- meisced. Prospects anes ta there vili be an abundant yield, despite the drougat. Miss V. Luke, of Toronto, visitaI friends bore tant msok. Mn. Ray R. Brighat, cf Ottawa, wbo la on bis wuy ta Saskatchewan, euhl- cd on frIends bora on Wedacsdsy. Constable Jack O'Boyie bl au eanjy summons ta the C.P.R. station onT1hurnday morning ta, take charge of a suspiciaus looking charatc,vLo har escaped érom Bunketan aller ne-1 lenga morchant there of sixteen 'dollars ln cash. OYBoyie is ta0be I Co.~ralated upon the bkill which h Sused in mnking the anrest, an he -,- ns unarmol, and the convict le sald ta have bad on bis persan two -tol n- vers and cartnidges. Mn. 'and Mrs. Rowe, of California,l J. Canmicbael. Miss Lulu Downey, of Toronto 15 boliday4ng with ber brother, Mn. 0. Downey. Mns. Fainbaîrn and son motored front BeamnavIlle on Satunday ad Ecalied on friands here. EMn. D. A. Hubbcili as netunned tram Winnipeg. Pleased ta sSc Dave la aur midst ugain. C. A. Goodfellow & Son, Whitby, have been appointaI agentÏ for tle Appleford Counten Check Book Co., O! Himilton. Merchants ln need cf counten check books mu>' get naine aI ehe regulurpnices b>' scnding us a nample of the -Und rcquined. Give us s trial. Bell phone 23,. lad. 59, aI Whltby. IT'S ALL THRILLS. Motor . Polo, the Most Exciting of Sports. Auto Polo!1 Did you see it at the Canadian National Exhibition last year? Did you hear the Immense cstand-. roar its apprelation 7 Dld you see those -àwonderful drivers twisting* and turning their cars with aimant incOnceivable expertuesa and DOUBETlikti<ALLt-rV WAI TORON TO OH 0*0 TOR R0 NTb -«M N TRFAL. IMOTNImplwvplD DÀILIF SERVICE 2LO'W IN EFFEOT WE5TabUID LASISOUNO L.montreal 1.00 pmin Ly. chlcago 5.45 Pmn lèveToronto 8.00 amn Ly. Detro It 11.05 pun Ar. London 11.06 am LY. London 5.al Pm Ar.-erI 1.45 Pim Ly. Toronto 9.00 amn Ar. hiao 8,40 pin Ar. montreat 5.45 pin Rlighest clama of eqnlptneng,. Funil articularsansd reaeryatîoi. from Grand Trunk Aent., or write C. B. HOEnX.G. D.P».A., Toronto, Ont. E.stohenion, Agent, phono M, Whitby Ifyou expeet M*bfa.ia~s.a yon niait niae bo a onu*= tI Ouschool that laweli.known throigg fCanada for atrlstly @STO«tminng lathe i Ce.TiaadIm -w.il j. * Ri O'CbnnOr Vas a,ïsuoensfu En. for't~al Ssateliîn trance cmusidta". Tise Mldvay aI tbe Ca»nadi a t- local Exhibition Ibis year promise to e baomslitnga0 writ. htme- VEVILRLISbout. Wissn Con. T. Ksnuedy, lias KRg I b.CaalalShovam csn am NOW 18 ýT1ME-TIllE O GET RID ~oIeEbbto atya ola ON' THSE UGLY .SPOTS. 111110 omICpîlOIl 0< he lb la c lieý l T» » 's l 0o lo nger é l s t l* n d Rû iïîà Blo t -du nlag the - Ivo W eks.ý ef iMUll à9bamed Of pour fr.ckle, No sooer a s utW l3xhbl" ôï var as the prescription othie- doubleamb e ««aWedrakng-ltie amuse-, atrungl-is guarateel, l eoreemeut vn o-malarfi!th' g4i ' ua liass boicely spots. -Mdway voîtby of Ithel'airo Me Slmply ge_ an ounceof otiine- ,vrlteathast b. ba Sgot:heagoode ho doublq, str.ngb-drom amydruggist do il. Tba-t meanstI e are: t sud aPply aà11111e of il nigt md bave"the grelt Mldvay ever put n.rnsg, sud you sisould soon sc on aayvbere. Il vill be clama, tIat e lisbe voret frecklas bave bts' vbolsomefua, but la -large ('an un to dlsppean, vbhiie * liselghter tilli, se if you yrn for tiese ieet oums f have vnlbel malirelr. Il 18sanoacf lb. plete oelO h soldemst mm tOoe - 8an OumIce savdust and t ed lemonade o UM t 01PM07 1dteaI skia1 kaov výieÎ tfindIt., and gala a' basutiful dlean cemplex-I Be surse ta sk for lb. double OFF FOR ST. -ANNE's. irOeg sOtiaine as liais la solu-l Excursion trains poised tiarougia du« guarsules of nions>' back I iWhiatby on bath C.P.R. and-GT.R. falu to removo freckles. Unes . 01* - -- ,Juiy 2-9t, EAST WHITB Y COUNCIL. Council met on Jul>' ., - Members aiR pressa. Resvs Gifford la the cWar. Minutes veureud and adopt- ed. Communications vers read tram Toronto Ornerai Hospital, W. E. N. Sinclair, Dr. D.8. Holg and ffW. Dar. by. Mopel by Mr. Dearbon, secondeI b>' Mr. MoKenzie, that Dfn. Mcon- noîl bo pl $12. an bridge coatruol. Carnied. Mn. Glover, secoadol by bli. DMar jbora, movod that JamesNiMcKeu7zie be pail $10, - bslng two tamI 's valus cf coesiasep killed by doge. Carricd. Mir. McKensle gave notice tbat -ai tia. noxt nmtintg 0a Cauneil b. w/ill move ton beave *0 introduos a by-Iaw îta borno o nas>' *meut the car- rant OXpeses untfi liaserecellpt ai taxes . Moved b>' Mr. MeKeazie, secoude<j by Mn. Pmîcoe, thast lb. following ai, counta ho paid:. RouIs and Bridge.-T. B., Mot!er.9 j'Ill $291-62, John Cornish'$e, D JaisL $58.75, Fred1 L«s84.70, Gea. Iup - huru $11.50, John Luke, $7.50, J.hnM Sonlcy 813-25, Albert Short $5,00, W. J. Stephenson $2, James hFtirk $4, John Glover, jr., $3.75, James McNally $15,5Q, F. WilCoxson $5, Albert Toms $'60, Fred Lee $7.30, H. T. Cale $1.90,,Ed. Fice $1, J.W.116I- maxi $37, Robt. Scot 5.25, Alex. blcKcnzi8 $250, Fred Glover $19.20, Murton Walter $7.00, Wm. Vinson $1.5, S.' Vinson $15, A. Pascoe $ 15,0 John -Pasge.$9.10. MisceiIaneous,-Luke Bunial Ca. $6, Dr. A.A. Farewell, S. S. Ngo.'1, $150, R. .J, Luke, S. S,. No. 4, $300, A.E. Grass, S. S. No. 6, $175, F. 'E Frencb, U. 9. S. No. 5, $100. Maved by Xe. Dearbora, secanded by Mr. Glo-ver, that thîn Cauncil do 110w adjaura ta met on Mlonday, Augunt 3nd, at 2 a'clock p.m. Car. riel. WM. PURVEs, Towniship Clerk., Beautifui Har-a Clean Cool Scalp. USE PARISIAN SAGE. IT MAKES TIIE HAIR PeLVFFY AND ABUNfeAýKT. 1h is needlesn for you to have bain Ibat le anytbing short of perfect. if il în falling out, lasing colon, splil- ting, or if the scalp burns and itches, immediately gel (rom A. H. Alinor an>' drug counter a 50 cent bottle af Parisian Sage-use il - !nequently- thc final application neisÈoves dandruif, in- vigoraten the scalp, and beautifles the bain until it lu igloniqusly radiant. Panisian Sage -supplies bain needn -is Penfectiy barmicos. Il contains the exlact ci W n equired ta mako the bain sofet, wavy, glassY and t. m'ake il -grO*:-thlck il Wbeautiful. You will -iibry liko Panisian Sage. 's in ne--of tihe beSt and mail- de- iightful hit tbnls known. Mn. - Jom Pollad eas -siil tfist won't .Co i 01o. A lusly b oy iaàs tàk6f nk Ttbe la lais home. lira. XRév.) sJ.w:Tlnk lu home froin Ù_.SA' vitia ber cliden, vlsillug viti Iar min A'rUn . A. Gras. Mr. Fraunk' Vernon, of Prospec't, spani a tsv laya villa friandsliane, Mr. Arthaur Gusm sports a nw drIver. -- Mr. and Ws. Mark Smith, ,< of is- sapa qpent Sundsy at Mn.. Tiso. ýI- barry1ag people on the annuai il- grImage toe i. brnasof St. Anas, at St. Annae de Beaupre, Quebe. lhe excursion. commenced ut Whllby, and' consequelitly any people f rom pointe woit vers oblîgel le comae le Wbit- by und take the spociul trains bore. Mn. F. E. Harrison, C.P.R. agent, reports buavlng nald 62 tlckeotheIl majonity la Toronto people, but a few tram town also toak la tle trip. As a resul of lias excursion, the lo- cal holels and nestaurants vere, veil crowded ut noon. The special C.P. R. train passed liarougia at 1 o'clock. CAPTURED HOLD-UP MAN AT MYRTLE STATION. A élever arrest of Herbert Powell, givlng seyerai allumes, and his home as Poutypool, was made at Myrtie Station- about two a'ciock last Fr1- day poonlng by John O'Boyle, under Instruction fromn Chie! Richard Jar- vis, hfgh constable of aowmanville. A masked man appeared at Heny .Jakeman's store, Burketon, about 10 o'ciôck last .Thursday night, and heid- up three mcei at the point of a re-- Evsry Moal Brooght Agony 1EutSincTaing"LletttleIewyns He Cati Eat Heartily eProm Gagoode Station, Ont, colnes a Mtorcf five years cf suff'ring from i n- digestion "nd Dysnenaia-flvc years cf doctorwin uvsini--tfien 1Little 'igest-. ens"aindacomplete cure. Mr.RH.Ralph telle the story-his own story-thus: "I have been a sufferer froin Indiges. tion and Stomacia Trouble for five years. I hsd treatment froin severai ?ibctorp. 1 dUd flot find a cire until I began using "ILittie Digestets". I can hardl>y describe how much I suffered ut timlei. Hvery meal broughtj withi it more or jeumaguony and I seenxed to have a complete distante for food. I had almont begua to thinlcîîîy case incu. rable when I came acroas an advertise- ment in the papers about "Little Diges. tera". I decided ta give thein a triaL amn very thankful that I did so for had not been takîng themn long when I found them heiping me. I can now eat heartily and no longer feel pain and discoinfont after eating."1 Dae Indigestion or Dyspepsiae your life miserabie? Take-11Little IJiges- tera"-they wifl cure you or your*ney will be refundod. 25c- a littie red box at your druggist's or by maîl fron Coiennan Medicine Co., Canadian National Exhibition PEACE YEAR Amerlca's Gren tent Livestock Show Acres of Manufactures E hlipIts by the Provinces Exhibite by Dominion Government ExhibiIts by West Indies G(renadier Guards ad Dragoons'- Musical Ride >Autc-Pôlo Matches Circus and Hippodrome Dôzefi Shows la Single Heur Boy Scoute' iReview Canuda' BliggestDok Show IBAIWLON Greutest Oriental Spectacle ever presentod on Continent painting* ftom Engiaud, Scotland, United States and Canada Educadonal Eghlblte Goode ian Proces of Making Athlotlc Sports Aoeu-Hydroplaae Flgt Grand Mater Cainival 1Cseaore's Famous Band score et othe.'Bande Dou e" dconcerte DBIIy Cbuspsa and Shana. Suise Midway wor Pesa.Y.., freworim I1tsuati.al P a nit. Boo.@ -sais «» Musiehas11 mirInSouth AfMi(Ca, dated, Gala, Noemer2,1900. Twôiblaê ýmaiki1 vers 'Whl. us caela abSt~ boots. For rates and f ull information apply 10 3. . DUFP, MR. A. E9. DONOVAN, Op" esil a. Queen & Victoria St' Mfytie. Toiouto, Mgr. Tho Mutual tifs 'ufa Brooklln, FUNERAL DIREGlORS Dayr igatcals promptly b.l edtao.o ;gextra %charge for d nee. A copoe adup-to-du astock cf ~ ~ i cktsndupplie. a ays on M band to ehoose foi Ctharles, War RlOYAL' TH EA opae eryMeenin t We bave inetallel -a nes machine, wbich lasbsolutel>' ai eui> ontia. eyes.* Saturdu>' nigh4t soc te BAIN PERRIN, Simple: Ilck~rIap Oo,I .".NOTICE 1TO ýSTI The managemeat cf Shaw DOMs %Scools, Toronté opeg aIl SeniorPublie SeboolWmid Sobool atudonts, tua-it1hlap to nmil a ccp>' cf its cnurii sxiy coewho dbures te qua: short penlod cf ô or 8 mont g ocd salaried position. ShaieA 8hoýIs, Toronto Head Office, Vonge & Gen Have YVou angy PrmýPeity For Sale P' If go, Lut ont and mail thial coupon for-aur listing fanm. ---g .5 -s N - + Greater Canada Impýovement & Land Co,. RICHARDSON & RICHARDSON SALERS Bell phoiie 193. WHITBV, ONTARROIO d. phone 70. Parms, For -Sale' ~ward$ýcf forty larms from 25 acres up, aud:at'from S7 an crp, guaranteed to show satisfaetory resuits traom îtsvestment, located in Whîtby and Pickering Townships. Every conceivable requiremeýit of soil, buildings, orchard and other improvements can be met in the varied liet offcred. J. E. WINN, = W -HITBY Bell phone 109. - P. 0 Box 394 iesidence, Dgindas St. West. Coi. Farewell was In Kingston on sili 3 n1 cort Tuesday attcnding a Con.veuîIon af- - the Independent Order of Oddfellowu.- Mr. James Mandçrson, o! f ct; COUNTY OF ONTARIO. i speilt Sunday with hl is tr, Mis. - 194.Aloi. Witelaw. 1. WHITBY-Maa E.L. Macdannofl, 6 EAS Clark,_Whtby- Jan. 18, Fob. I0 Nur. 4, Apnil -5, May 4, Jais 58i Jaly 8, Setpt., -, Oct. 2, Nov. 7,' Dec. 4, Jan., et 1o1s. OSHAWA-Ia E. L. Msdonaa1l CoRrk-r.JÏ. 1d, eb. j Mr ,Apr dM, X anet» 4, July 4, Sspt.4,- Ot,,Nv 0, Deoà8à Ja-, 191M li lRoGs.M Glec, Grs. ~ f4 s s t u r Co*, i lit ..Jm. tuMiMay 1 l9 .101 8u, sept. S,1Nov. là. Jn. r . 4.' PORtMPiRR- LJ. W urnb UK tÊUti- bridge, Clerk- Jan.169 Mau. ,lie;________ May 18, JuRy 14, &0p. 8, No. I, j»n. le, 19. MONUMENTS S. 9t1 CAN INgTO-TbL.99 hs t u»wa " gl' var lit o m Bq&k-an0, U«. 1%,@aiugsUItea »a Na le, lu.y*q*Ne.S utL 80P 1018a" d ïe i Bt me. 8 ay Ad 'Juy 18mUsl m r m , P*@g pl lm. 'A, 8,UN By orUWIIvol 9. IL .1;u Vol 52-Ne. al1 Leaf Eati POTATO BUG Ready for use. dry. .required, Sticks ta leaves and kilîs ail th p .otuto bug-s with ane The oniy nafe way t- poison. Worth its cost as Docs fiot injure the fDrauggist and MEDICAL HA Brock St..e INO. E. EBREWEL Baerister, County- Crown > - County SoUciu Office south wîng Court H( A., E. CHRIST Barrister. Solicitor. Notarv Offce, Brock St., O'pp. st - Money to La J-AIES RULIEOO E, Aa Moncr oLPan'on e. Offie îmmedîuteiy south Whitoy, ont tai OING'SUIT Issuer of MARRIAGE LIC Court Haîuse, Witby, D.,A. 3.JW Barister, Solicitor, -No CQnveyancer, eC' *Oshawa, -1 êi e N . 2 King St.E, Residence-52 Dt) Uarriî'ge Li< - A. K. <ALLI5i Isauer of Marriage Li Corner draa aUcrIONEB JAS. 13IS Oshaa,.-*Lioeused- Ault ecsor ho -L. PFuirbanksL Mud dites appi>' *0 self Wbiftby. WM. MA LIGENSED AUÇTII AND, VLLUATE AU AId ils of salas -prO ad to. -Arranïgçmenta b maIe t-b. Gaxtla Tonn aeionable. M ddaI ndepcndenl WIIITBNr-ON TORONTO LIVERYU1 FOR SA One of the most--profital In, the city, in good bus anid adjacent toreésîdéntia profits last year $5,ozc -h>7ses, carriages, single bi backs, harness and complq ^and wiil lease or sell prer is netiring- tram -active ta ke-su itable fa rm. JOHN FiSHIE - 409 Lumsden - TORONT lu .s and.Brà'y 1 -Bu9q to al] tra AUTOMOl3ILEF( tso 1a k ,C arri. Rigs of - al ki DAY OR X~ phOn~-9--39, I Bell Stables ai, Phone 103 a-mate, Canada Improvemaent and Land Co., Llmfla, Sroc& st. Gentlemen,- 1 have a.........................for sale. Kindly send your listing form.~. NA E............. ,........................... A 'RE~............ ........ ............. t, VIEIE«Wmwr £r - M-- 1 0 . -1 -- 1

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