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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 6 Aug 1914, p. 1

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TATO. BUS FINISH. dy for use dry. No nuucxng ared. Sticks te fthe vines or rs and (illsalah the nsects and %fo buge with one application., *oniy 5afe way t-'use a .strong, ion. orth its cosf as a fertilizer.' ýs flot injure the plant JE.WILLIS aggIst and Opticlan MEW~CAL HALL chk St. * Whftby. Professional Carde iUNO. E. FAREWELL# K.C., Barrister, County Crown Attorney and County Solicitor. Office south-wlng Court H4ouse, Whitby. AE.CH RISTIAN Baruiter. SolIciter. iaay Plblte. Etc. Office, Brock St., Opp. Standard tank. rMo tey f0 n JASES RIUTLEDOE, Barrister, Etc. Money to Loan on easy ternis. Ocelmmite ysouth Royal Hotel, 6. YOUJNG SMITH, LL.B. Issuer of - MARRIAGE LICENSE$ Court House, Whitby, or reidence. 0. A. J. SWANSON- Bartister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Conveyancer, etc., etc.- Oshawa, - Ontario' 1 Office-Nom. e Kleg St. E, Mackie Block Reuidence-52 Drow St. Plaone&-Office, 321 ;- Residence. 3z6. H-aïrriago Ltoenes. A. l. A llIU - . lainer of IKarriage UMenuus corner drugstore, Whitty JAS. BISHOP Oshawa, Lioeased Auctioneer. Suc- uuor W toL. .Fairban1i-' For terme @Xd dates appiy W sel7for \.Robb, 19MI. HAW LICENS5ED'ALJCTIONÇER AND VALUATOR. AUi blu f ! a"espromptly attend- .1*0o. Arrangements for; sales oun bme.made et the Grntte offS. Terme r.aaonaýb1e. SMedl Idepeudent phonos. 4 WHITBY, ONT. TORONTO LIVERY BUSINESS FOR SALE One of the most profitable businesses ln the, city, in good business district,- -and adjacent to residential iocality. Net profits lait year $5,ooo. Will seli borses, carriages, single buggies, coupes, hacits, harnessa ad complete equipment, and will lease or sell premises. Owner iretiring from a ctive work. Wouid take suitable faim. JOHN FISHER & eo. -409 Lumsden Building TORONTO 6Soneral Llvory Bus 'and Dray Busih ,Bus te ail trains8. ÂAUTOMOBI LE FOR HI aise Hacks, Carrnagesa Rige of ail kinide -DÀAY OR NIORT. Bell plones-39, 14A&i Stables and Office: lios 'IRE; and ,d 74. W.&L.C OMMISSION -PASS- WATERWORKS BY-LAW Important1 Measure Adppling'Radical Changes. A by-law) that has been -in the pro- sold to others, non hoc obtained sur- paratlon for sereral moxths iras giv- 1reptitlously, wlthout knowledge of oen ifs fi nal read1rng*and passedl at a the Supt. or Commission.' 1 meeting o! the Water and Light Coin- When water is turnod off for' non- misslouens held Iast,.Tuesday.eveii- payment of rates, it will not 1ho lng. It le knôi as "The Whitby,. turnod on again until ahl arrears are Waterworks ýBy-Law," and ýseveral pald, togolther with $1 extra. for changes are embodiéd in it whlch are'coat o! turning on sautie. Fity cents irortix noting. ' 1will be charged for turning water on Applications for now services must a! tér (t has beon turned'off te, allow be made te the Superintendent, by'a taker to make repairs, etc. the applicant filling in a form wluch j Water takers muet prevent aIl un- wIll bo supplied, said form Including nocessary muste. all data regarding promises t0 be jWbere bot 'water boliers are in use supplied and fixtures te hoe usod. The the water taker must, provide and applicant muet also guarantee to pay, attach a suitabie valve or other de- at loaet 85 a year for a period O! vice f64 prevent danget (romn coliapse tbree consecutive years, or explosion under.. hlgh pressure. Permits muet hoe obtained by Tape niust not be opened when high plumbers beforo now pIumbing or ad- pressure ie applied for lire purposos. ditione te wate~r fxtures may ho in-f Arreare may he oued for .ili Court stalled, but repairs may be made ie neceseary. without a permit. PermIts are te bef issued by the Superintendent or Owners ef pr-omises are responeible Treaure fre ofchage.for râtes accruing, even whoro ten- WTrasur o reo o! chrge. etnofant makes payment. thin 48k eurs a! fn er cmpt, i oro Coiporatien may place a wator reth wrkr stife in emt or-hemter on any service whene lt le ree reurnmue bemad te thedeemed advisàble. Metere muet- be Superinfondent oi Treasurer in wrif- protected from damage hy frost, hot ing, specifying the tape and fixtures mater,, etc, installed, together with a proper dia-ý Comnuisiien shah decide undor what gramu, in order that coLnect knov.- qhdl ni tkri ep iedge o! the amnount o! waten to el heduec aeri opy used may be obtalned therefronu. fi * PENALTIES, theso conditions 'are not. complied No offileer of the Corporation, act- wiflu funthor peimif s may lue nefused. ing In that capacity, may bie sued Inside o! the Interlor face o! the for breaclu o! thie by-law, wttout outer mail of evory building - thons consent of Corporation. muet ho plàced a brase stop cock, Violation o! this by-haw rendors a and unfil fhis le In Position* the poison liable te a fine of from $1 te *Supt. shal) . net tunn on théè-mater. '$20, or Impiso'nnent for a term net. This stop cock Ie not ho usedt except exceeding one monflu. in case of accident -on for protection. RATES. Sepanaf o services are xoqutred for Thfltresord lln aeu each premises, except under Certain Thfatresorwligsrea circumetances When fixe Corporation folows: 'wlll prescnibo spocial. conditions. First tnp... ..........1$5«00 Fine, hydîants', gate- valves, -etc., Each additionai tap, unies. muet not be Interferred ivtth oxcept otherwlse specled . . 1.00 by the l ire brigade, or pensons- acting *Each bath t........2.00 with flue permission o! -tho Supenin- 'achnbservice, ...if ..mater ...take 0 tendent. LW evcI âe ae The Commis.ioners, Superinfend- la , dweliing ..... ... ..$1 te $5 entor hei duy athoize agnts If not.... .. ...... ..$5 to$8 reserve fthe night te enter and Iaspect Teb-a mrates o arie s no!a any buildings suppiiod with water servucee.the a efor vrate s ise service, te ascertain quantity o! evcs h etrrt s ao mater used and manner o! use. Wat- speeîfied. er may ho shut off in case o!fnaud- It (s prepesed by the Commission ulent representafion or waste. thet have the, by-iaw printed, and a Al tape shal hoappteved b tecopy i.of if supplied toe aclu mater Suporintendent. taker Lawn, boulevard or garden sr New andl strict requirenients will vics uetlu pnd or n er- ue oted -in this by-iaw. te house or piemises services-T They aehjnlngne ohm -rqn. fn+ýpAa ,n%.i ' ever, and wil profèét the Commis- takon as evidence that a lawuu ser- vice ic lu use. Season for iawn service use is lue- tmeen May 1sf and October 31sf. The heure for lamauseo are 5' te 10 a.m. andý5 te 9 p.m. Use o! such, ser- vices Is prolibited oxcept bofireen these heure. Alil lama services, etc. muet ho shuf off in case o! ire (nuflue tomn. Writtern notice muet ho supplied te the Supt. trluen a faker miches te discontinue ail on part o! service. Water supply may lue chut off if paymeut o! rate ie net mado mithin one mentix o! nondoing bill. Accept- ance o! -billirluen rendered le faken as evidonce o!flability for paymeut. Waten muet net ho givon away or ci ed El ni lc as h( ci o1 t( ne pi ef CIVIC HOLIDAY Ai ion in many ways. At fthenmeeting it mas alec docid- id te instaîl a 4-in. mater'-main on ýuclid Street (romi Walnut te Chest- iut, with a tmo-way hydrant at the ýorner of Euclid and Chestnut. Mn. Penny Jehnston mas appoinfed LssiÈtfnn engineer at the pumping louse. The salary o! Treas. White was in- neased te $150 a year. An important resolution mas ad- pfed miten the Commission decided ýo exempt frem payaient of meter ont al éecticity usons who have aid rent fer tbreyears. The price f meters bas been materially re4uc- Id, and the change was made ac- ordingiv. Formerly six years wals ho exemption period. rHEYDENSHORE Program of Sports ?dtracts Large Crowd. The annual Civie Holiday celebra- tIen at Hleydensluore Park mas, as usuel, an attraction mhich disir forth n large croird of ploasuno-eek- ens. The meather man did his heef f o- mako flue- occasion an onjoyable one, and flue Park Committes did flue reaf. A speclal train leavlng! fthe up-tomn station af 1.30 p.m. and ne- turning af .5.30 carried fmo coaches full o! passongens, -and vans f nom flue "Four *Cornons" to flue Park aise provided transportation for fhons, irbo mished-te spend a longer fimo at flue lake than fluat affended by the train. The residents af fthe Park more eut ln full force, and fthe oc- caslQn mas a very enjoyable one. A basebali tournament mas firet run off. Thora moere three entnies for this, Wlitby, Cedar-Dale 'and Pick- ering. The flret game was played le- twieen flue home feau' and Cedardale, and iras- closely contested allue may. The Whlfhyifes seemed- te ho- cafe Casey's curves ln .gôo4 style, and but for unfentunafe'-errôrs miglut have been inneuos. TIf mas. nof fo lue, home-ver, and Cedar Dale carried off flue lange end o! a 9-7 score.ý The Wlttby lue-up. mas : - C. Mowat, 1 b.; C. Brya, 2 b; H, Pellom, 8 b.; B. Barton, p.; W. Bar- ton, c.; ;R. Coliîns, 1. f.; C. itous, r. .;A. Mowaf, o.!.; R., Augustis, 5.s. fleferee-A. Butler. ..Ceder Dale mas fixus oblged te jplay agaînotf Pikedng, and flue' W. sulting gamne mas enouglu te satis!y flue mosf ardent fan. Codar Dale led for a short time, but Pickering even- ed up, linally mnning in tfl(ast round. The g ame mas veiy ezciting, and ftho speofat ors -roofed enthusias- ficaily. The score m as 54 for Pick- ering, wicix gave fluem flue niglufte dlaim flue gold fie pins, mixici more offered as pnizes for flue minners., WhitbY and Pickering more repre- senfed(in fthe football.- fournament, fhey being flue only entries. The gainemas a malk ever for Pickerng by a score o! 5-0, buf -as fhey more ruinns up for flue cbamplonsixip o! Ontarioe durIng flue pasf season, if ts nef surprling, -and by ne means a diegrace te Whlfby. Following fliese games a serles o! races for fixe boys and girls mas rua off, affer mmmcix a gaineofo! ater polo, by' members o!fltue Wlitby Swimmlng Club and otixers, creafed muclu Intenest. The Whitixy Orchestra mas la at- tendance during flue affernoon, and those wmixe mre legs lnterented In flue sports mhlled amay a pleasait lueur or firo In singlng and dancing lunfixe pafllon. With fixe, conclusion o!fixhe sports, hiowever, fixa croird began te thin eut, fixe train taing a lange number and by 7;SQ ,nearly al fixe .menny- makens bal -d dparfe. In fixeeveung fthe residents affixe, Pa* rhait! a dam.a ALSO A OLIEDAY ATTRACTION. The Workmen-Song'o! JEngland ex4ý nearly mitdntght. A most promilslfg çursion, by Rapids -King to Olcoi4 feature of the excursion was the Pre- >li oia-asatue domI>nence of young people, especially ualincdens, stff out-eatery o young men, who went from Whit- workincden Up.A sti weot taV y. - y were intensely iuterested jwind okdua ground" wlltat n the aubjeot of the~ car ferry and of very. skortly .aft«er eaving Wbhitby Its great importance to their native had the majority -of the three 'hund- fown. The American girls on 'the red passengers Itôço Bowmauville, other aide of the lake proved most Oshawa and Whtby, paying thsir re- captivating, and a loi of* the Whitby spects to Father Neptune. Apart boys, did not get back from .Lock- from this- unpleasa ntnees the- trip port in tîme te catch the boat at was very enjoyable. The steamer is Olcott. Hlad the patronage o! this a Iargé one and nfiost c9mfortably excursion proved more 'satlifactory. turishbed. Hrier capacîty is abÃ"ut to the management (t is understood twelve hundred' ahd.about hall that the Intention was to run a. boat number'returned, at nl1ght irben the (rom the forth shore ports to Toron- 1surplus oi thé. Chieora's passengers te, cOmmeftcing next week, so that arried (rom Toronto by ber two !the visitors to the . Herse Show ips to Olcott iyere transferred to would bave been carried during the the Rapide King' This entailed de- three days, (rom Wednesday to Fil- lay and Whitiby was_ not reached till day. LOCKPORT 15 ALIVE TO CJAR FERRY ADVANTAGES, As a nesult o!f the excurston te r olcott on (7ivic Holiday, flue city of! Lockpent sent a nepresentative te Whifby on Tuesday te -investigafeg conditions at thé Canadian terminal1 o! fthe pnojected ra.ilway car ferryt betwoon Whitby gnd Olcott. -Mn. C.1 E. Dickenson, Pnesident o!flthe Cham-e ber o! Commerce. Lockport, return- ed with excursion te Whitby, and ac- companled hy his son, made an in- spection o! the harbor and railway devolopments bore. This action was the oufcome o! a conférenice held in the parlers.o! tbe Olcotit Beach Ho-e tel, af wbich the represenfatîve- ofE thé towm mas met by'Mr. E..J. Dick- son, Vice President anit General Manager o! the InternatÀçpal Rail- 1way, and hie Suipeiinten#ent, Mr. Geo. Andrews ; . Major 13rock and j Mr. Dlckenson, ni ý po'îrt. Hadtfle rffeprsnfation V ÏW '-*Itb been largen fthe invitationx té be talien in a special car te Loekport and thons heen accpted. Most* lntekeeting and Important deveiopmenfa of txe pro- tecf on the United States aide, in- volvlng the addition o! another of the greaf trunk Ues of ra.llway usiug the new route to neacx Can- ada, wene dlscuased, as mdll as thue relatiouship o!fixhe nom Enie Canal te fthe car ferry through frnnsferring freiglut te raiimay cars fnem the .3,-. 000O' ton seif-propelliuig vosseis frein Nom Vnnk te Lockpent. by means e! the splendid facîlities thxe itate o! Nom York le providlng te Lockport, more zene iute. Thxe Erio Canal b as heent deepeued and enlangefi late- (y at a cost o! $150,000,000- Lek- port wiii derive enernieus- benefit from titis vast oxpenditure on titis 1old matermav (nom the Atlantic ;Ocean te Lake Erie at Bunffaio. Whiie beiug motored about Whitby, hy Mayor Willls on Tuesday morning, the town's exfraordiuary a-ivau;tages .as a location fon induistrial etnter 1-prises muade a most favorable 1Àuplrec- rsien on flhe visiter. There aïe good prospecte, o! some o!fluheindustries D'()f Lockpont, more than one o! mnicit is monid-famous,I consxderni~g %hithy .as flue location of %-anamiiau b aiich 9factenies because o!flue intinate ie- lafionship the car ferry wtili csf ah- hish betmeen thenu. and us on this aide of thte international ho!tidaxy. Mn. Dickenson was*chvmpd xvtth flue-appoaranceofo!"Trafalgar ('açit- le," as ,lue mas unotoreù swii - flurouglu fle grounds, and as a cc>wii . sequeuce mihill lkoiy roud a dn u,,:I! er te flue Ontario Ladies' <'elege th0" lue had intended cfarfing un -i col- toge course ýat oee'o!fluhe greafest o! flue Nem Englaud educatio)nal in- stitutions. Mr. Dickenson and lis son e!t 'on flue Grand TrunR inxitcd local af feu o'ciock for Toronto, un- don flue chaperouage of Col. Faiec- mohi, who luad met him wirll cross- ing flue ake te Wlitby on Mnday, uiglut. Mn. Dickenson, mixe, les a gon- tflemnan e! groat ahility and a prom- Ilitent business man ln hie city, wiii, as a recuit of his Investigations at Whitby, uudoubtedhy succeed ia fur- ther and more napîdly advaucing flue progrese belng made temards flue earlyý reahization eof fhe car ferry tei rua fron Wlifby to Oicett. 1 Last week resulta o! bome of thé- exnnunations moe ma.de known. Tihs names o! Ontario County pupiIs mhof pnssed the zuddle schooh examination fr eotrance Mno the Normal School are given below. M. Abrams, F, Amey, M. 0. A11-r way,* V. J1. Boyos,* M.I. Brent, J. S. Bole, M. V. Brown, A.. M. Coi, Z.' M. CurI, G. D. Cronk,# M. W.. Croak,# W. Hnumnan (bon.), D.B.Har-' vey, I. L. Jones,* AIma Jolunston, M. I. Jack, W. C. Jackson, O. C*1 Kelly, L. M. Kellhngton, R. H. Lat-: nmer, -. I. Michael, N. 1. Mitchell, Ml G. Munro, J.' C. MacPhaii (on.), K. C. Mihne, F.O.H. Murta, W. W. tKroctor, R. Prouse, A. W. Picker- tÉg, C. G. Pilkey, W. R. Riddell, P. E. Riddell (hon.), A. E., Rose, A.j Reynohda, W. C. Smith (hon.>, R.N. Sheridan, C. D. Sameils, A. Sonhey, H. Spenceley, .J. W. Tico,' W. E. Tayloer, -1. L. Urquluart, WH. Warte, M. E. Watson, c. H. Weir, M.* E. Wallace. ' Those mho passed fthe upper echool examination for 'entrance inte fluee laculfies o! eéduiration arc- as foi- lors:* Ontario.-J. Boddy, Pt. IL.; E. P. Bradley, Pt. IL.; S. Cramforfh,* Pt. H.i I. M. Cook, Pt.* 1.4 L. K. Dev-~ (fft,* Pt. I.; H. Foasby, Pt. IL., R. Harman, Pt. IYý G. M. Hutchison, Pt. Il. (hon.); E. B. Haie, Pt. IL., (hon.); A. B. Johnson, Pt. II.-, G.V. Longfield, Pt. il.; E, D. Lee, Pt. II.', K. P. McCam, Pt. IL; N. Mc- Domehi, Pt. Il. (hen.)ç L. N. McLjean Pt. ii.; j. S. McGreoe, Pt. I.; M. B. McCuihoch, Pt. II.r, S. Mook, Pt, il.; J. M. Mustard, Pt., 1. (hon.); H. B. .Mee-ker,* Pt. 1--, G. W. Robin- son, ,Pt. I.; W. E. Shior,, Pt. IIX; T. M. Senley, Pt. I., mithout aigebra;, nysen, Pt. I.; M. A. Thompson. * Pt E. L. Sexsmifh,* Pt. I.; A.L. Ten- nycon, Pt. I,; M. A. Thempsen, Pt 11I, (hon).; B. 1. Vickery, Pt. IL; W. F. Wardt. Pt. L; MX R . Veitch, Pt. Wlifby p upils. A HOLIDAY SESSION 0F COUNCIL Very lîff le business *as doue af flue Toma Couacil meeting on Tues- day eveniag, for flue simple reasea, thaf fluere mas lit fIe te, do. No doubf flue holiday season made flue, short meeting melcome ln any event. .Dr. Warren mas the only absentee, heing callod amay af fheluhast me- mént. the Ontario Municipal Associatiod requested, by lettonfluhat delegafes, lue appointod te, the aunual meeting te be held thîs monfhln l Toronto.; No action mas taken. Mn. Colmili -gave notice e! a by-ham te regulate flue icening o! hawkers and podlars doing business lun flue toma. If mas poinfed ouf that flue Counfy collecte the icense tee ln snany Insfances, and.fthe toma te put te al fx.iteh nexuce eevlng ne' refurn. Thxe by-Iaw, to e b proparedt, y fixe Town Solcitor, wil emedyl fuis grievauce. ý,~ ý- - 7-r -The Finance Committee passed sev- oral acflOUnts Canadian Engineen...4 4.65 Jos. White ...?........ ..... 71.10 John Mà.cCarl ......,.... ..29.88 Jas. McLeod..*............. 28.00- Jas. Sawden ....i...*...8.,40 H. Watsona....... ........... .3.00 Dir. McGllivray. - ... 5.00 Jas. Smith ....,..... ...... 5.00 R. G. Oke.......... ......... 57.89 Robt. Barnes .............. 48.30j Clerk Whltehlad prepared'a by-haw deahlng miflu fle registrat ion of milk dealers and inspection o! ,mihk. Thxe hy-lam doos not require -a lbouse tee, but merehy Imposes, certain restr-1o- fions and conditions. If bilad been approved by flue Board o! Heèalfx,1 but flue .members of! Couacdh mene feeling ln fixe holiday mood, and a -fier. ms noe IMMediafe hurry o put flueby-lnm threugix, If mas ne- ferned te a ýcommiffee, tf6 horeport- ed ou aitunezfmeeting. The Couneil adjounned at 9.40. BOýC Fleet Focot Outing Shoes.- ACali Solicited. SLU PPERS PLJMPS, ETC. Phone M en's Work Boots' a 'Speciatty. ili, -Whitby, Ont ~THB - .%~ . ESIVIIW. 0FCAAD TORONTO WHITBY BRANýCH- C. à. MeClelan,Mmaager. m dms h at gD@mwil. Drookucita.A etta. Anrv.;L.u QooOshawa (J. P. Swena. Manager), iickert ad!s Py New Mapls Syrup Pure, and Highest Grdethat that can be made, Gallon Tins $13,38 Au T. LAWLERý WHITBY, ONT., Phones; Bell, No. 47; i-ndependent,-No. 47 S eed Potatoes For early we have i. EARLY 0HI0 EARLY SIX WEEKW and IRISH COBBLERS For late DELAWARES GREEN MOUJNTAINS and VULCANS Garden Seeds; New and cholce Our Bulk Seeds are the finest obtainable. Wu B. PRINGLE &.005* WHITBY ONTARIO --- --- -- --- --- -- u ~ i jWRIIERS -DECLARE THEM RIQHT PA'ràPER, PEN AND INK BOUGHT AT ,w. Je, H-8 RIOIARIJSON'S BROCK ST.- W'iIITBy, STATIONERY-0F ALL. IL o- 17,1 CHASING D SHOES' find the services of this baûk-of inaluable amsi4aucinucollea- igdrafts, etc- ý'i v- 1 8lé- I.P Whilbig ont.

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