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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 6 Aug 1914, p. 2

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-The ideals cf the- young Mon af i tutshows itiel! in Many Unpli Europe and cf the world, uP..tO nt wsys-cowld bands and foot, c 'withn thelaitflulten oblaeny , hesdUhes, low spirits, vitin he astfif ' en r tent tmrý A ndýa -general sens. c years, have raoted'- n scence and emof n nSiny rationalisan. Darwin, Spencer, John 'many young pe ple, s nd esp Stuart Mill were the guidiug posta ally rnany Éis, *sufer trami af on'e part -of the younrg genera- coÙdîtionü r. asa iete tion, Saint Simon, Kari Marx,* and active phYsi81 XO.rcis t06n, b Henr Geoge ere hé rophts-of the same' ge, and (hoeei. ~enr' Gorg weo (. -ropetathing liki -hrd'-physicajl'play ef another. The young, mon of -the wokta proeasann i la&thalf o! the nineteinth century, lation. But sôme people-ar in the main stoad for idoals of lib- atrang enough ta undertalce ni shi dal eo * active exercise; iheir cases muai eraliani. hï daswr' socia- deait with in a different way. ized ideala. Race and national IraiL and clelleate girl in te! boundaries wero more or lesas iub- and basket -hall or gymniauinw morged by the. greater cause of hu- will do well ta try massage'until gaina strength enough for other inant~ - ercise, As ah. feels her atrength crecuing, ch. should lot exeri Areaetiou .froni these broadl-Y paduaf1y take thoae cf mass Jitman ide4l8, ta îdca1.5 o! nA: row 10 '4s S aubstitute -for pmuseular à nationalisas- as now in u lul swing ivityý when that'i. impossible in Europe, This reaction lbas Ca 6tunwiso, jtit 3Dot nearlY &0 -efficj ou atrhbalthy personsas a 1aci in lits flood. by n40rueau nà iu On -exercice. - ficant Part o! the population. While It massage sens to «cs Bocialiai, wîth itua preachment-to! than the patient ccii afford,, remî internationalim, retains its .hold ber ,thcf some member o! your fa upon reat o5ts f labringann, often learn in a few lIealI upon reat oats ! labring en, Yw to gvery succesaful massa nationaiism i gainins grouud liememger, howvever, that when y aionig thd ididle classeat. And 9o use massage in order to. keep up fs-as thé natiouaiist uovement geai bio! supply to an injur wi'th iscauà hdviin src part tôf the body, such as o. eprai i it clubih dvisins pred- d ankle or a atrcined ni;le, ing, that, according (o one author- -is very important te find out jii itative writer, Europe to-day "ia or- what movements should b. nad gcnizing itseîf into two greàt camps or yau rncy do harm jnstead -So)cialisný and Nationalism." g00d.- F or persons-in good health thé ThLe assi adwud B aisasl nothing like the colt! mornii Asasnad- udb «8 . ath, 'followed by vigorous rubbii in of Arcid-ukol Francis Ferdinand with a rough tawel, to*keep (he c of!.Austria -and 'bis wife are the culation lu good order. But th accentuated expressions bf this ris- is too harsh for f rail people, ai ing nationalism i ilEhrope. They they will be wisur to tetuper t' showthe distinction between the batcnd trust ta thîe rough towt tobring the blood ta the surfa past andi the present idealiani of oftii. body. - Even if yau must Som youth in clear, éharp unes. In tinteý's omit the bath, do not oru cammon with assassns and would-be the' "rubdown."-Youth's Compa assmassns ,o f ,.,-.,,.lt+., 3.. 1,f *.=.-. Ion. amauuium i ro azyi ine iaGOi zwi Igenerations thée assassins o! the. heir (o the Austnian tirone- have Cure 0f Sleepleiness. --youth and en(busiasrn. Tiihe sa:- In mild cc-ses ci insonunia chans sii,Prinzip, la (8 yec-ra aid. The - 01i soune, a sea voyage, modemst Gabrnavia, eercise in the open air, tempoi would-be assassin, biois samy 'ithdrawai frein (ho ordina' 21. But.-whie (he nihilistsansdaa- activities o'fe re o-ci 'ndai 'chista ci a generation back -low (hem, minor' measumes ucat t I royaity furtiier, as tiiey thouglit, neglecteti. 1V mu-at aise b. romez poliica fredom theassssin cibened (bat lu (bos ho aiiep ligli polfici !eeom,(oasassna ! y, (nival discorniort a ucy b tho Austrian prince s3low royalty lu enougb tO produce sieuplesuightà order ta gain a king, no (o speak- C<uid foot au unvise evouing nies a king ci (hein avu natioucîity. an 'absominig game a hected dii Tii. anarchicti assassin o! the. rst cussion, c- postpoue< hou-r of retire soilnent, andi a hundred other amal slowroyaty t brek dou dparturea from tii. accu-atonie and cut onomic' banniera. - The na- routine mc-y b. responsible forj tionaliat assassins o! - te-day sic-ybcd i4iht. It ia 'quite remarkc-bl oyalty lu arder to stnengtiieu na- boy (bis is exemplifleti in-tbe cari tiouai barriers. - mon etpenieno o! àalsespiesa nigh on Ouzàday, viien tho usual c-ctîvi The entienta natonalsin-or(les of!t(buveok are intormuptedb., Tii astiéntî ntinc-ismfo comparative f reedom f rom care -that ia wbat it is-vhiob inspimuti more tban tbu usuai amount of re the as0asoiation of (lie heir ta the pose, and -!requeÙitij also more (hai .Austrian (brou.' wiil, for a' penio the(b.aîlowance of foodicad drink vld'a -gan cupy the conter o! Massage, ;specially viien practice( 10 Ieas( againandrapidly over theube tii.ord' stage.- Appamently (bore <ameèn, a bot bath, a- mustard focý ins good grounti for su-ch a& predic- bath-, s wet-pack. appîied te (be t-on truuk of the body, ahot drink for. mecsurea wbich,. by provokînga -Quit. So! --tumpomsry anaemia o! (be brain, Judge-WVlat is your occupation, -are conducive (o thé acquisition of My ma? re!reshing sîeep. Mc-uy ferma e0. Pnriacrler-I amn a bus-driver, nu> electrici(y have aIea been' requisi- lord.toued vith vcrying degrees of suc- Ju-dge-You mec-n you are (ho ess~r îtneRnie driver - o!'herses attaciietithenete Priaonr-Yes, sin. Ju-dge-Yau- are chargeci vith bit- JOHN REDMOND. ting'(bis ma on t-ha face. Did yen do 1(7 By Nature (lie Irish lieader la lRe. Priaoue--.-Cert-sinly not! 1 c'rved- anti Eves Shy. Judge-Wlat did you do, thon 1 Prisoner-I bit hlm on the uasuel One a!f(lie dominant -ad nost ongan cttac'bed thoeo.- poverful mocu-bers o! the Britishi Hou-se of Commons ta-day is John John's Nec'klacie. Iedmonci, (he leader c! (ho Irish* A ie pch set oma red flan- Nationaliat- pan(y. For fou-r sessions nel shirts guc-rc-tee.d natu to sbnink. naw, eince (ho general election o! Ho rrnined tbe sbeemn ~ Decosaber, 1910, Mn. John Redmond He emidedth saesmn oncily licaenjoyeci (bis position e! unusu-al o! (b.h gucrantee saine veeks later. power aud pre-emineuce in public '<ave you bati cny- Jifficulty vitb life-or penhaps ha lias dialiket i t, (hem 2" tube latter asked. for bu mus-a mf Ferved and eomevbc-t "N," repiiedti ie customer, -on- uhy ma-au bolder of t-ho balance ly fne t-hn mmuiu, weu va cfpolitical paver in th. voteso dressing. my vife said ta tue, 'Jofhn, bis part-y, over wliom lue vieltis wYhere <id you- get that pink cors-i undisputeti svay. Bu-t, anyvay, lie neekiae 2' ou-ld utili ho a commandiug per- stuc-lily ln the cianiber by reau at@ Foohtsh Fs-tr, o! bis chanacter and abiiity. "Weuid you«nic-ry a man whlieeIvAu Englisb politîcal vniter neceuL- lune* vs ncen*500 ayen ' Mr. John Radrnd mu-st ha giv- - 'Haw mu-ci unden 1" aie re-pliiai eu place arng (lie firet tvei1ve "Weli qui.' s-b1.menonf thle Houîse of Commuons, bis :,Wel" qlit a bt."campeurs, in my opinion, beiug Mn. "la t betweou $3,000 aud Asquith, Mn. Balfour, Mn. Ll-oyd $5,00011" George, Mn. Bouc-r Law, Sir EJ-1 "I miglit put it that way." yard Grey, Mn. Churchil, Sir Ed- "Deareast! Why did you tiuk I yard Carso;n, Mn. Austen Cheruber. wol ltmoney stand in the. way 7" bain,, M-r. RamsavM-don, i, Lard Robant Cecii, andl Mr. Phulip Snav- --Deply .ý bsorbed. don. "You- are cliangeti vit-h 'esisting Iu t-be Hou-se of Commons, acinL -amet."- itaeail bedes cf mon, looks Anti appoan- "W- al a istkiyaun houor. .' auces t-eul in making iasting anti "W-ht do'yoninea?"(ru-e impreusioug8. As (bu National- "Wiia doyn mecn 2"istu leader riBLes ta apeak fnam (lie "I got lut-o u argument vith a -canner af tue top bondi belov t-le ma anti cid't. notice his placé bhad gaugvay on te Opposition -sitie, been (aken 'by c- policeman until I ho la tison ta be. o! a port1l' habit, vas hlai-wcy.po (ho station house.", witb au impressivu air of dignity, * auc-avity, au-dastnngth. "'1a Joues a friepd luin eet." Mr. John Redrnend ms-y perbapa, "yes, he'e alvays in neet." ho tiescniheti as- (ho onl1:- orctor lu (ho Hou-se cf Conimous. Ris style The niaiti-eb-aii-work lu tbu son- cof speech iW fan reimovoti fnom (ho -vice of a large !arnily, the nm-mbers flavweny antiamnate, vhiel isl ea .vhreùo!are tio the 1PO~uSL.jîmJç iLte&.itjho e pub l!r.L jea o! Inish 41,l 1 eill ; 021ty sdd h nrh ài. n i eé other baud, t1s~ resignation, mueli ta the.distre-se o! noV tl~o orcï ~e'.les -tlie lady o! tho hou-se. "S-y are muche! ti. rc-on 'q ce oul s-jakqd (ho mis- echool.. Mr. y a e O crtsi W natter,%, 1 sofconaeu.tie ant idt (tSasdly 'hc-teemàte statemept anti 0f -terse anu cogent Mary 7 Haven't vo aiways treateti rec-soning, emnbellioliedti vi,,pas-' you like one of the !sriIlY" "Yi52 sages mait eloqueutl>' expresîe o! arum," ucit Mary; "fa ' vo -thQadfeeling and einotion. e isaiso ias long as F'a going tai" - a perfet. eiocutionist, andthe(homo osa- 1 oii- ,i'" ba enad as ble-a h 1 Somarie ji-an'"* ~uu îsoenoe ~s atIr trum~1rc d~my~. 1uJ. W Ig' hîs h lbe ithAt wha -hliesa itI d15 i~~eÈ 1n(he ~BO*doI.b~ tweek Jtwu thé custom of Je§" çIlOh p1 Ijgahe- &ýet. r.iwiod asIgod &en -th iguh.,a.t Bethany ad- iFf au egr8n teaCOii 'ei-ioo, &t gaines, eapeciclî>r cic r eturn:-during the 'day ýta Jetuua-ý JlIshmenOf, lY - grest and 1' aeem. this For a timne the .Choee of a pro- loin ingly impossihle (asIc throngh faithx bossfe#ionwaa matemf dabt.Mr. Bethany-Seo preeeding lesson. It need scarcely-bade- lsti ýaY9 Rednmond thought of- becomîng 3 i mc., aigevsreferring - ta-thomoving cf moun. n-pmiect snd-joining (oJsi re;-Tmough,,thiga was ecriier in, the- tas -.. spoke in, figuràtive langu. ,rhoithouht aise cif16ha arsiy ihyear (han one -wou y ex--,cge. Jeasahiinseif. neyer performed rcu-~~i n(e t th1rairalefor the sa 'mo dhg ru hic isfamily wac conne ectofndf naetureaiyh àmral not both aides. Tii. nimatter d-cdd pect that the ugaveon thçotees,- ,,a or peotcuarvthiug, auç h uhjîe ho waoa astudent atTrînîty atta h eae eeotwuDneither Jesua notid' aeevez uy suggeît that there mîjht be fruit ýrmvd nonaisdiixcept et b.li Callege, Dublin, snd 22 years o! cge since in. flg(reoc (the fruit, whioh inoe onansccp oa A Re was acekt lu eat od~iboi phorlcaliy,' mis Houa. ai nizone. -befor helavs 24. Ail thinge whstsoever ye pray rIck The. appaintmeut was deciaive o!f r (.bae.And aak far-Prayer will alogive ah. Mr. !Redenond'a fate. The clerlt, ai It was not the, seacon cof fig-.- the disciples power, but iu prayer ex- the Houseocf.Cosnmons have thé The carly variety cf fige appeared as weîil as in works ianeepsarY in- privilefe oi standing near the bar, în June, tho later -crop in Augut. ta have unchaken faith ta make it ýcso or sittiàng in ý section ci the mem- The ioure indicated in our lesson -1 efficient. é. - cge bers' gallerios, durinx a debaite, was about April. - - l1vCjy-Receiyed, set- Yougng Reduioud was ta le ceeu i 14, IY this incident &tooti alane, if 25.'Weisolèver y.' stand praying !or thre gllm every niglit, watchiug we knew nothung eoIe, about the -IUaually the Jews stood when they Ml-: with -ijterost and gympa,ýthy thede- charaeter -of Jesus, 'We should b. afferecipcyr Inesn or entire ýual v lapment of: thé policy of ' obstriuc- inclinoet!- (o tbinlc hic ccli petuliant.i prostration was sometlme ued c or.po iéh.c Fae.u b'd ii é<ited 'he Hi,ý words would Mem ta -have beon occasiona o! great importance, aà at ýçT pôicy 0 isean 1onauylsubjecit, spo ken because ha- -was _irritcted (the dedic1tîton -of(lithéemüple (j en- or at any (lu., tlat at ail -tended and, diaappointed,ï' Why chould -one Kinga ..54), or w-hon the Pefationer un- to înterru-pt sud delay the regubar curse a îre? But' we kno-w enough wcs in, groatï triouble, Qne rnovement o! business. -o! the life o! Jésust a eause us t ForPgive '. .'tlat your - Father ige Teek Seat in 1891. tre afuîther epaato. Thoik.alc;r-ho iis iu àenma7 forgive .Cnsqunùy trRucod as meanin6 of ian>'1iansworda Y1-Forgivéeo 25a îenlcn neento alaxeMr. ieod s h o efound, no-t i-is isolated 'ti<en te the effcaey «ofprayer. N-c redwea sentences, but in a situdy o! ail hie one ca-n really receive forgiveneas 0 en jTfeb, 2, 1881,, hé took hieseattechi Te meaning of eue act from Cod unleat hai bas a p nient 1f-as a Pamnellite for New Roscita afhng s Tii. ihl u-hatan rpe prt gu i it Wexford borough extinguished b droo! a n peran n cb. rh tly undbear an a pr o spirtta b ou-w îst Mr. Gladtones redistributionbdoracte dn onrl wenomred ihao orioesvo ete o de, _______________ u cal gnrl oevr, Jesua willing God might be ta forgîve, of frequently chose enigmatical meth- the offender wou-Id noV bu. able te a ia cràer tu compul men ta think receive pardo aln sleps or t o teacli (hem &.forceful lesson. sessed a haàrdeno.d heamt aud an un- The sin whic-h Jeaus bcd se often fcrgiving spirit, oldo ea ing found. it neceasary to reprove was bis ow cod iitbsfrie ng (bat ci bypocrisy. Home is a treae. Thesu limitations are pIc-ced at g-V- uilty ftissie thiug, and Jesus upon hlm by human cauduct. nd t aeshe opportunity afforded him _______________ tho te pi-' -ronounce judgruent lu symbolic él, -, v--v ujuan this prime fault of a te- cîas wîth wbom Jesus aud bis di.s-- [L cpeswul ontnycorne in nit c4ntact. fffl -,r - 15. Tbem that sold andýthem that tiiiii Iarm . . bouht n te tmple-Thia traffic siscarricd on in the outer court et(ho tomple. It consisted in the bu-yiugand selling o! animis, in- Il hat the Separ ator leanti. Lte e~~~d for sacrifice. It saved (ho pib- Wie h a who lias iearued grimaeVthe trouble o! bringing ail ,(the rosi, value of the separator leo (beau (bings witb (them 'freni their, tisuaîly emphatîc -iu hi-a praie, . o! itn homes, aud w ( herefore a li rarely on the feininine aide of the. lie convenience and bad (hoe sanction bouse tubat many of tihe advauiage-s m- o! tbe chief priesta. But the. mer- are moigt signaily apparent. t-- ,cenary spirit o! these tradera led It concentrates the time cf work - - ' (hem ta abuse their priviiege, andi into diefinite heurs o! the dayà n a. jeSs edSmon4 .the Nat£onaliut (hein business was cbaracterized by tbeue are short. There are no 1,Leader. desocration, greed, sud fraud. a heavy rniik cana corninglhome near Moeyhngcs-hcnge oeyra henolon heur, rank with (ho ccidity -conaideration, chne oe, 5iV- a! the ir contents. scheme o! 1885. Ro was thon in hîis ing tii. eople,,,th4, smalier- coins Ai tlk utensi-Is may b.' taken d twnyfi!th yean. It was a memi- tboy needed lu maký ïg nisll pur- cane ofi nxaring -b -mme hur ,a oraîday that Feb. 2,18s81, ilathechases sud cao gojylu those who ad du-e hringh eingîn- le aunais o! Parliamient. At.9 o'clock came froin a distance Hebruw coins esaytkephminrd hy (b tat Weduesday - morning Mr. in exchange for the Greek or lic ae scy(wee t es Lu t!rde they li $peaker Brand bcd terminated a man'money they bcd. brougbt witii re aeot gtae br- egi wt eriob ai ittin g which bcd iasted continu- tiies. Tedr henwr estdlus ously over forty bours, dcbating Doves-The offerinîg of the pon Thont-he sun acalîng w-hich pute y the motion for have te introduce who coulci noV ciford ta bring sheep on (ho finisliing touches may b. giv- le, tho measure of (bu Oladstonian or oxen. au througb (ha entire day. - e-Goverrnent for the better prbtec- 10. The. court o! thie Gentiles, de- - 1t le a great time gaver in skim- tien o! persan and property iu Ire- sikçned as a place where strangers miug anti caves mucli bandliug and ~land, by refusing te alioww any mîghtý corne ta, wonship, had corne rehandling o!f(the milk. This may mare o! tbu obstmucting Nationalist te b. used as a shorceut by those àeem 11k. a emaîl matter, yeV it la members (o speak, andi thereupon pc-sing (o and fro with vesselt or reaily a very largo one, and much )t peremptemily putting tbu question, packages. ô! the old-tiine labtyr ini ccring for JeThere was thon ne mule, written or 7. IV la noV writtcn, MY hougs milk lias beon a-bolishied, provenS-y -unwri(ten, (a juati!y (bis unprece- shal hbc clied c- bouse ci prayer for thbe separator wbolîy ous-le. . [den(ed proceeding on tlie part- a! ail (lie nations f-Se. Isa. 56.. 7, T!hW cream is in much botter con- thbu-Speaker; but (list it was "iu Lu wbich it ils, predicted that .trang- ditàon for ehurning and -of uniforni accordauce with (ho evident'seuse ers who worshiped GOc, as well as ciuaity. On. o! the prime recam- f (oles.,ewbalbadie a(opî-mendations for the '-'mter maker is The Hotîse met again atC4 o*ciack, ileges o!f(lie temple. The Jeshctathaay my-b R eetbing witb excitement, and s-f(eî corne ta, regard (ho court o! the !lIeoprut -Mr. *John Iiedmoud was Lntroduc- GentLies, which was (lie seat of a ofte uc-me grade. ed as a new recruit cf the Parnell- universi worsluip, se indi«ferently e can attain this mund ouly with ites, a ceof uuparallelud con- that they aîbowed Lt ta be used by tbe bu ut facilitias. Tha cnes-m gauge fusion aud diserder took place. the traders. IVe caunot tolilihow fixed the thickuess cf 'the creasa ab- Gladston rose to give notice of a often straugens desireçi ta coie , soiutely. resolu-tion investing the Speaker the temple ta worship. but (hure The id u-e for salting may mus b'? with a power of closure, tlie power' wcre some who accepted the Jewieli as risid au for bread. The creani wbicli Mn. Braud h-ad that morning faith, and vo kncv (bat -certain can easuily bu kept a tuheascame tm - J exerciseci arbitranîli, on bis oawn Greeks came askiug ta sue Jesus. porattire ever *y time by the. tse (if respousibility. AI] the Nationalit Jesus faIt (bat (bis part cf (the tem- the ice or cold vs-tes'. A"nd thus meumbers rtcf- eae haodrpe s eia l-ote rs ho-buile-lu aî«.s aJI. cc so-t TO Orulezr 'te mountaîn roezr yod- ta wéuldbe the,,.,ount o, Doubt--Meaning, ta lie 4ivided mi. o carne trei a istance te war- (hein lamba. This resu-bts lu -per- tj di( e ,a L ýOr'"utL lup n(he tempvle. adteturbation c-t -reeding (i-me. B aa waîîî . ùeclu is gThe chief priests u te Tva veeka o! -negléct wiIîmec-n ta uc-mnvth i ng tu me praciseby. but acibes-These wore the authoritaus ciaçdc10l35 of floeb and losa Of th 01Tidav sh? patted my dog on iwiîo bcd îold ota ho tradera tho c-. n ed nrcoeig'i. d (ho liaad. Isn't that au encoîîragiug, nîght to carry on their business L u tm u ec ircvr-L. d aigu ?" -'Yes; tliat's the ne't t-ing 1the. temple court. Since the yards C('es Freshben TieeaY . S te patting yoîi ou the baud. Yoîîr 1cf Josus were a rebuke c (heçm as f CIE tu-rn wili eime next. vels-s te (ho traders. tbey resen(-ed For covu te freshen twice a vos-r t-hie invasion -of (hein - estc-biished roally sonnds 11k. natu-e-fakiug, Ilits nnlversuny. r iglits. Tbey aisoena titted the but tha-t lu just w-lict,-bappeus to ws Tii. palm fanr absent-nnens main body o! the. Sauledrin,. andci cc that fre hen lu (ho fa]Il, vrites ch is probe. . a leamaedaGer- (berefore 'saught-hbo y iy gh n .F. Frechoif. lu inan. 6b1Y <4ay ~~ ne- des(moy Jesus.-. Bc-ue Good foeding and carefiil atten- foi edh iéPlacing c large bouquet multitude stoed in ave -Vtihe pow- vinter; (heu Lu (hoe sprlng vwhen sol on his desk. "Whc-t doos this or o! Jesus and the authority cf bis the- green herbage cames tho ru-le otl mean VI he askeci. "W-hy," abe teachinz. cgc-u tfbe macnufacturme cf milk me- VOl exclairned, - dont yoiu know vbat 19. W. loc-mn !rom Matthev (bat ceivei a freuli stimulus. . s (bis is the -auivorsary of yaunrnar- lie vont ta Bethapy. Tu ,ybhfrdig uemikla1 itige? -""Ai, iudeed, la it- 7' said 20. As they, pa>ssed ,'y in te(ho lo sa nt y lkfept up ter a ler (ho professar politely. "Kind-Iy jemigettunn aJOI5.O flo*i o nykppfralne me kow wen ornig-Rturnùgý.o Jrusâem.poriod cf tume than -would other- del me newviin ounrnue round, 22. Jeans answerng-Replyîngt puci I viiIrociprocate the favor.-' -the wonder expressed in iii la. - ýiV athuce bu-rn t(le soson o! k ci remark.-i oue uig h esno n Thrineiy Waenig. Saitb unte (boni, Have îauth l in ha rcs u bsle i -Wiilie (to -botter God-,Tho (hatuglita -o! Jeaus ceen chie! -supe-ionity o! win(or over oc- yor ~. r)-Yoaýd ge be h,, ( -o adf~ tt-nfrom su-nmner dsJlying., moren eu piee. -what -wO expe( aaheevadthat freshon n lutho spring ........ wi(h'h 15 o llewiu'g an-46rgivouese 11Dw itqu-ikly . lu thbe- b al-I ,u4îeu IV would (c-ko e o rrt ds.c~acnition 'Wfanswem Vo p~et (b r ajs, ne longer present; 1 e h( (Verse 2) lnay,be given, hors au (h., éiaépldcr r caver the source of- mcny a ma-n's 'subfIoie frnimi(cko cfd ameo!àa4hyo -_ 1 - du*ring thbe ,wiu4er,oo0-that (i wIC>i.--s hich we are not g-ijve , üthl CU 1noxt i'ear 1(he animal ýwi11 be stW lc- IY "Be glad ind eoee-Par Why not, indaed 1 Who that, has eye. to uee, ocrs to fhear, and a hear t 't understand, cati look up- ýon the world these summer days, andl not reopond to the admonition' -of the Paal-misti Behold "aur Sbrother the suix," ag St. Frinicis -called Lisn spreading abroad, the M oplendor,!hbis radiant ieams by 1- daýy, and-aJI our littie,-brother:, the i- stars, ending clown t'hé 'benedic- d -tion of their, gentle raya by nightl a, Look UPon t!ie eart'h teemîng with d grain aid .fru-ît for theoustenanço 'r df èvery, living-,creature 1 "Yonder- t, is the cea, great and wide, wherein are things creeping -irnumerable 1" ,YSee "the hilIs w.hence cometh our 'e&rength"-"Iilies ci the field, how ýthey grow"-the trees "whichGod s ing amont the branches!1" What need, of mnian lunsatizfitd 4,y iCý world li w&ich ho lives, what' do-; 9;c.ire unanswered, 0 What i DoaniUnfuifilleJ !" n *" Lord, how na1nifold' are thy 'works f In -wisdarnihast (hou ruade 1 -hem ail; the earth i. ful-i f hy DoYOU angwer, me that the world -0 irgly as asb.ea.utîiul; and s-s useful ?, I anawer yo-u in tuïri, that nothing la ugly or terrible,.Save to Inan' ignorance, pride .and fear. la mian stiil -baffled and at tiines de- atroyed, by the sea 7-lt is because he lias nfot yet learned to bow his proud spirit to the laws of wind and wave! Doea man stjIll tremble at téliIghtning 1-it is becau.se he i-as flot yet completed hi-9 certain -task of taming the thunderboit tO wîsleiiu y utne cataclysms ef tom- The enc-il's on thbe tho-n us-Jo, flood and eamthquake 7-it eis GoJ's lu Ris heaven- because h. bas not yet unveiled tube J Ail, aigbï witii -thbe world! " secret ai (hec. migiety mystenies aif - -1ev. Johin -Hc-ynes Hcnlmes, boss useful. Suc-b deteriaration lun c- cov la alten grec-ton iban (lie on-j tire value o! ber miIk iproduets.y protection du-ring (ho su-turer VQýuL1 , (Ë mantha, viien labor may.be usetu botter advc-utcge iu the fields', _- v-hile during thie vinter mont-hoa.0~ la-bar can find employment. Sum- iVenderfui LIgbts. mer dairying lias absolUtely nothing Wo'll sal dovu ta White Islandi ta commeuti it. (hie moruiug andtc«tae a iook c-t Food is about the same prie lu tii. ligbthouse," ccxid UuclePau-. the su-miner a. lu (ho vinter, 'while Constance andi Marion Bill vere wintem labar le cheaper; (hi, with vieiting (hein gs'andinio(hen lu (he tho increc-sed price for rwinter pr:- East, Their -ovn borne vas in (boe du-cts,niakea vinter dairying liv West, acut (ey bcd erne c-Iltub. fan tube more profitable. long joumney wîtb Grandmothem'Hill a-nd Uucle Paul. 'Thcy iiad seen ms-ny venderful thi,.,ge, buti they. -- - - - - - u hcd never seuc-abight hou-se, 0-go zsaibiug àth Uncie Pa ul vax the bout f un possible; ac t ey 'man Fashion Hints sune (bat t(b o bave a happy Uncle Paul hoisted (lie sal, cand soon (bey were sailing away <.owarti White Island Light.- Eunbroîdprpd P4!ttulcoatg. "Whc-t does c- higlithause look Embrondureti net pettîcoats are like 2" Constance asked, as (bey one cf-tube thînga (bat have penîlut- saileti ly a big ship (bât vas lying eti fnomc- last su-miner. They are et ancien. ms-de,- usually, almnoat vithout fui- "Wc-it anti sue," uc-id Uncie Paul,- nosa. Some of them. are gared ac-notidiug bis. beai, atidlookin-as if littie sa (bat (bey flan. about tbe a ligithouse vone sometbýig vom y aukies. They are scallopeti aiang mysteniaus inJeeJ.' . (ho lower edge and eceb panel on "See that fuuuy. atone taver bu-It goreow oanau mbroidared design. on (liat Iedge :"'excisimati Marion, Sumetimes the panels are joined ass sie poiuted (avard a rocky is- UIth rather hus-vy tubreati lace. baud. 1VO W S 5k Shint Walsst. "'rhat'q the lightluause," saiti For (ha you-ng girl nothiug - Uncle Psui. "Laïok ou-t for you-r 's honda"' And tiie littl il ruh mrue camfortable (han a vsh silk e ' (ltebotaste girs maocin-- sh i t - w i s d r s s T h s e r o k s r e s a it s w u -n g a v en a u d U n e e P a u l mnade Lu one piece, auJ thora are guicied the sloop (avard (the wharf. i bey pieas-nt(hae kists, vhich ana There ws-s a ms-n on (bu -wharf, cut rather short, ta -make (hem more whoia-lied out, "Gladti (a ee you comfontabie auJ practical. TheC.1 waists, -tacs-ne pies-ted, sud are fin- haptain Hill ' aunu c- amoment he isheci witb (uunJovu calans. A Iadi roacbed dawn an-li-J dsvuýng us-tur hit o a sichai ou cf he ' arion sand (heu Constance le1k, e lu or sThe sii s onedofare safeîy ou aboie. - sil , i wo n. h e ilk us d a e "C orne aven (o sue ny lighthcîuse usu-aiiy o!f(lie stnipeci patterns- -t i , mine cand the govému-- stripes o! pink, blue, green on pae.mns7 ieakd ih npti ioletou vite.nod and a pleasaut littie iaugi. ('rcje Sweaters Popuuîn. Hoe led the vs-y u-p e mou-glipsfbh The sumuier sveater o! (bis sa- ta (ho atone taver, auJ t-bore lic ion la noV viielly. clingiug garmeut openeci a Jooansd t(bu bittIe girls tadp a! white and colored vonsteci. !olioyed hlm Luto s- kitchen. It It s macle lu variaus (lin, silky fa- vssthe cleenetit,_ shinleet littie nrias--thue leuoe nov îîsed (bat s'oom (bs-t Constance auJ Mariaon ooks like crepu-anit haugs baose- had aven seen. The stova ahoite-- ybe(lie hewvst. Soanotimes it i, like c-nirror,a-sd tu',vabrasa kettles made with cu-tavay front. The fairiy twiukleJ viih'hniglitnesc. -On ;eeves are cnug s-bau- t he vists anc side o! tube room (hoe enu -r )ut (lie collana tu-rn licck comf-ac aheives filled vith silv.cry tlus, and ]y frmmt(b necli. even the chairs andti ahi. uoeed- Tan and Buekskiii Shoeiç. bnl.uht. - It's ju-etbikce c- picture kit-chan 'e .Onu o! (bu moat -attractive shoas jeclared Marlon, admiringiy; andi un tennis is matiee! white buck- Cc-plain Môrrison as Uncle Pàu1 kin ant an loafiier combinuti. The cc-lied the liglithouse keeper, amile. an le useti s- t he tees anti heels, aJnad&1ausd;emeit id somatimu s it je introducet! in -tbiuk it c grec-t compliment. ie way a! straps for dcootan,j Thon lie led tbu vay up a nanrow 1raugh (ha centre of t(ho sloe, 'atone stairay, -anti into a11(11e lut (ho Cao and.heel.arra'ngement af noam viienethe big>Iamp'utocti. un leather (c-les mu-ch cf the uoii l Cntace nd Marlon- bisteýnec c-t veuld otulerwise flu on tho eageriv (o thb> stany o!f(lie lamfp, efeuiceleuu bu-ekskin, anti sathebuIouw Lt vas liglitetiovory uight ab âocs c-ne little troublc - ta keep suneet, andi kept bu-muing until su- leau. nurie, ta varu ships c-wcy ftom, the Baga for Ail Uses. Jaugaraus rocks. Bags are an ever preseut part o! On (ho sal hame Uncie aîil aId omca' s dresu, bu-t boy (bey (hum aliotît the Jiffereut iM(ito.uses'» icuge!. Nov, vu na aie'd (hoes-long the caet, wbene Icmp s-Item - mther hc-utbcg mu-st bu reserveci -tamp. lika (bueuoe (bey list jusuV1 nr shopping, bu-sinoss or (ravel-j seen, wanned trc-ve4ls on 'tube sec-, ng. For c-ll aber (linos a licg o! auJ kept (bey fron danger. Ho (olti 1k, veivat, beetis. chiffon or somei t-hemc-heu-t (vin lightsa ct tho en-, lier. fabric la u-sed. Silk baga andti rance o! herbons, auJ- sbout revolv- ilvet anes, taa, s-ne even used for ing iigbts. ppg.The head bagu are pan- "Aud does (lie governmen( ovn Psi. most gargeaus ofai -l. They 1111(lie lightheuaes 7" questioneci re matie vith intricate patterns Cntne _eoi lu ead'o! al caons.Ever one" -nwndUnl -d<ut And filth, knowî nat the ha1ms. la! àuilight and froeh air, borda la: Cities, or~ practices thoeooiruptiond 101 the fleshi Is mani atilt 'doomod- tc poverty i-lt is becauge he lia not ,Yei learnedt! t sharoý in justice and intrey the Ïbounty of Ood'î -pro- vidence! >Dçes mcanstili 8hrink <romn death i-lit is -bïeauge he dûos' not ses iii dé a th(le entrance ta (ho îMan's ignorance, pride and 4ecr- thus 1 answer you the charge!I YThe Wliole Hlstory o! lMan -haO. been <the tale af ie discovery of unseen -beauty, his' explanatiôn -)f unfathanxed'myctery, 'bies con-qëes cif uninastered terrai,. Famine 7- it ha* <isapp#eared! Pestilence?- il, ls ldmite<l ta the remotest cornera o! the .earth! Floôdsa f-they - are being. harneased! Peiserta 7-they' blosom like the oie! .'Thé e? it is-almosi oc>mpletely hiei-f Paverý- t.y i-Vhe beginning -o! the nd-1 0 bere ?-What a hietory 1 Anid -tiuis history. ]et ime teli YoDu i gn n,ý until (bu power of (he unaverse 15 mastered, ite deepeist secret un- vefled, sud its higheât law obeyeud. And then thaîl we b. able ta prove, what thie poctzand seers have ever geen,thàt 1106dià god, And- 11.s wondrs nercies are overal 5 -So ýbe glad with a mi ghty glad- ness, and- rejoice with exceeding great joy!, Sing ta-day and- ever- more, as liftIe Pinna sang, on New- Yuar'e Day in Asolo-- "The. ye-ars atth. spring.- Il-ecday's at the mnor-f; -Tihe marlfing'sat seven' The hilîside 's aw-pea-rled;i ýw+0 -The ra politL du-el o! porsonsl imonceauLb h trench -poliisz. ninristen. witoc coemian oceuni atronc M. ci-rn.z mr-vsious gnou- t tha&t hc ban hliv Certain ic-i ho th hseluctton o! dents- Of tise hi@ authoniti on A1de>spatal narnce are 'nei the Au-stro-Si nço serious ef dit-ions lu Ca a Etîrapeati if nil the pý ARCHIVES 0F ONTARI( TORONTO A Vienna. despatehi l1hange-TeIegraph Con doan, isays:-"After a lardment by-the Darnu Belgrade was oéceuPied trian troops Wednega. A despatch f rMAm The Servian L2gation the following tclegram * "During the nxght boznbirded, Sheils t:.-quIflrters ýof the t-O rrackg, eausing9 Uevellfuon the Fi md \.j vitc-h batiks vth the bankin wounded. I3oth bank a protest at tie Ge A despateh frin The Servians at 1. afternocn lew UP th ning the River Bava Austrian town .01f grade, The Austri aril é tiitiûied, conjunction -wth rl Danube, flred on thi commento peebratiofl mnParise§ O (3 fail- of the Ba.tile I ~ ~~ fi er»01 i n Dmi fture flew at foulsoeedV it ndicatedl a newee Avtlacertain te chaugt ne .only iu reémet of 1oo .but 1AIllie dir vbombo end other ddI 'arniv. or a. Carno. o There -woui't ha no eud - that au- air' fleet woula 1 Need of RoIdiy New -York boas0t«-no 'baim-tliat iany coilege o! t4eI)OnIleQ-_fore. TI doétorj;. dentitfits. ehe mer Clergymenl among1 Gotham-iÏeIi elbowed 0o or aother. f roui teua * theY were tadumatd 4a3d ento wîeldins' the POIl 11narieiai reasones Ina. 'êJcill C<at., aeore 'Of nme learnad priofessioIns. ar motol'leaf. itret sTalwg 0 cbauffeufl' for Ibe le' rasir loney. T1-Y fil eduatifl e abandîcal positiýve hein -t einiî more, exclusillymeuh2 inBostorp a pol1icema degcree lu la- ,sa el a better, wiser offo -0re 'worth the t-houwzht aidertioiio!, the yon leIavinir *cbOOl over a 911uremnieitco! a emali sir william, Wilk-' i- ineer who buill the. -e NUie aud wh11l -outrcil tti es -In srtil~~ 1» 3 alontie tu MelSýLi8 t ributarie'.litMe onmm beiur done vilta thnsbt4s *dammni Bi wnçea il i ed for to a large audi was illunxinatltlg. Ko 1 tac -na el te beirin ont Uk p-,thas t !e 1e Y rea(ches o!ithe rlver d oroue thaïetbOic- OUl' sîbie strain. Beé then proeed*d 10' >bis audience. luen honoýrable men. but buý is hiiYle t'ai rob 0110 anotiier, you- robbery o!fon'l lit.butlu a Osenc e Y dl o yur banidg- into the i-uaf'irv for thie hi vidual lrwaity Yo -,ai 09 the totai l ecuit.- ý,You mafi! thiuik o! ver', individuel. if Y( adthe istft. Gélrfl' o!the éjuxtu ','ue. IfYOU are <'su lire aud crls !u hulýre ,.aturtuced 're litteburilrs art, v~mirht,.*berefit lt' Vice, fcelYla oua of the thinoco in taken lontg MtlS Withii thi Liet1ig o! blboosi # one <f the morst in11pOT hi' the life il;-'ur 'n"'e f à.ng i-h r . 'ro,

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