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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 6 Aug 1914, p. 3

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Also 'A Vienna despastch te the Ex- chaâge Telegrapli Conipany St Lon'- saya :-"After a, heavy boin- lardment by the Danube gunhoats, 3elârade was ocupied by, the Aus- tdIan troops Wedneaday»' A despatch f rom Athena,_ saya: The Serviapi Legation haa received the following telegram from Niah: "During the night Belgrade- was bombarded. ,Shela fell in vanl- oua quartera cf the town, especially the barra&cks, causJin g great damalge. -Seversi- fell o& the Franco-Serviafl and Andrevitch banks. M. Andre- vitch 'of the baaikîng firm waas woundea. floth banka have lodged a proteat afthe German Leiation." <Serviamis Retreated. A despatch f rom Vienna, says: The Serviana at 1.40 Wedneaday afternoone, blew np the bridge span- ning the River Bava, between the Austrian town cf Semlin and Bel- grade. The ,Ausitrian infantrY -and artillery stationed at Semlin, in conjunction with monitors on the Danube,'fired oh the Servian posi- ti ons beyoiid-the bridge. The Ser- vians retreated after A' short eià- gagement--with'tritling lbases. Ships, Were Capfured. A small detachment :of pioneers in co-operation, with the customa officers,. on Wednegday captured two Servian steamers laden with ammunition-and mines. The pion- eera and revenue guards, àfter a short. Sharp 1enc ounter, overeame the Servian crew and took jposaea- Sion -of the veasel and their danger oue, cargpes,. The captured a9ip's were. towed iËay by ône of the Danube steamers.. AIl-Day Flght. The invasion of Sgervis via Bemen- dria is reported to have Ïbeei' much- more difficuit. The Austrians land- ed on an island in the Danube, 200 yards from the Sorvian shore. 'They cr'oased on.,pontoQfl5 over the Swift current. Thiis was a diflicubt 'mat- ter, as the~y were. under a severe 1 ire. They crossed under cover of lan artillery and infantry fire. The Serviana rnaiitained thel; rri-Ssb ance. ' Com Ment, on Eet Pror055es ofte AtopISflS. irlit a eilort<bat must have been etth<le olebrat.oien eparla cf <lie annivêffiarY 01 tlie-fal of <lie Baétila -uhan twentY mli Vs-"n srohiaulsinlaporfeet aligamnto! fonraow ifu fnl peedpait fixe revîsuîna- stand!1 1< indicated a neir element le -asrfamO Ibmt le-crtaie te changre <ho metbcdéi O! us snet onty tn reaneet te <ho moi-Ornnte of recuis. but lu thle direct appllciitieix cf Ite desi-mcctive forces. Wliat igbt not 1hom tatirSitYeropiaTi<E de tn dreppifiS bombe and otixer deadly misales union an aruir. or a-,cern,,, or a ileat. on a fort I 'Plere -would lie mneond tothe iadovastatidii hs- an air flet -ould les-ict. - Ned of -Reedy Monay. Na-York boaste-no) ccir tling, per'- h éthai uxanir coltego mon are ineubea of 44e police -fcrce. There are la--yers doctors, dentiste,.teachere.ansi si.-on fer- mer- cergymen amntea- lubxecoate of Ootham-mien-elbowed eut, for oes rearoi ________________ or another, freux the urofaelocti fer -thlch l.1i07 er. oduoted ami trati. ed, nddrv-- e n to wieldieir <ho poicemefl'4,-'.ê>lly for 1 Ilàiasil realscle. In0-ity ion t ho Psa- cIlle Coasi. sc-ores of mon. formerly intei learned profeseleno. are eiewoetiea- se momui. sroeet ai-lWaY cenductors ansi chauffeurs for -the sa-me ieasn-ileO cf' reassi-mner. Ther fini. nt tbat <eir educatIon.la a bandîcal) but <hat 1< le a .pootive llp ot horm indiocbargktia-tubai-t' NEW KINGO0F SERVIA, ,MOrOeoxcinal-el nieclanlel dflties. Ansid ic lxne ean frpz 7-n BSotc a Policeanf recontiy took a PrneAxadregm ifrpe dearas 1 ta-w, e oeaid. te uake ofliii- li,. Kig Peters abdication h true.1 asf 'a botter. iIser efflcer. Thmeo incidents jTbe eldeit son iencunced hes eceos- are ucnili the thougixt ansi patient cen- itou. oideraticlt cf -1-e youna- Party- tlieklng cof - 3cmvinea checi a-or saril in lifé fer tbe dri-en Inte reaiiainate i ota - *e1inneinteo! a amal lJob. Thecthr laM. oinafr O ih m o ndîfs Theote AI3at <lia. El-e <bat ta nd te Tiink of te Wheie. Mx, nWillilam inilcce, <lie Brittihe- glneen moie mt <lie Aeauan Damaecroes the N1e and wuln te ewurk upen thé, controt cff<lie Euphrates ansi Ti5ris nivJi e ra de Mesopotamla. recectly ma-deta- -trip alona- thbe ilssipp)i River and 1<1 trliutuilee. lHtscommaente upen -aha-tla boina- donciiti <liat a-mat.ri-or -wema exceediia-ly fank and apply te other tiiegebeoides dam-mina- <lie Mimoespib. UlMis adles, iWbichi ucs gi-an uliani ail- ed for, te e lama-eaudience a-t Pittsliung, W4-e lluzinatit5. lRe firet sua-geated t<lai it iras "sela-cil <c boast hs boUo-m and 'work upn <liat thle loi-oea on ,lie lower roaChea efthtue river éhoul~d bc bailt e -strona- <bat tboer ccuid stand Sny poo- subie strate. He theix proceesissi teolievery fracla uitli hie audience. *ifere are yen, ail o! yen honorable mie,. but icclatea- on Uncle Samx as laiful -prey," ho paid. -You trou-Id not roeloesanother, yeu ireulsi coL permit rcbbery cf yourael-esn if yen ceuls i elp 1. but lu a senwe yen are al mwille a- <o -dlv your bandeà inte <ho national pork bar- 1*l u-iifsrniifer the benefit of yeur lndl- vIcinal localiti' Yen are i-cri- carefui tubat eachi locality -eg els ils eu. and careos of <lie total rasait. O.You muet tliink of tic whcle, cet: cf everi- individueli. if yen *-!eh te succeesi -_on'te Mssisippi. Naturteruaela; <arsisss of theliengle life, caraful of tho <i-po. If yen are carefui et the-dgingljo hi11f andi careles o! thbe type yen mil fi e '-leme Nature aucceaMt." The Eittebura-ers ara nect thbe ccli ones aihmi aht bepelit liv 11Sir iltiam'a aS- vice. oî.#o- efleaNew A id. One of tube tlub in t uxdicne<liatlia-vse 1,aken lenoz &tepas-withtn tho test decade ta Vie <stlia-of lod prcoure se a- mea-ui of determiaina- a pensons beath. lt ta noir euee<of t-le moat important test-i employasi Iby tlie life ineluranc companies in d1eotov orlna- ulethen 'a prosp)et" is e deoirable riela.7 Noir cerns a Frenc-h physIcien, Pro- fesser -Leheye. uwho a-îneuncas <liatbhs .exper-lmeits with bloosi preaune hbeccon- vineed im hlm <blra-te monkens arc more fslla-ed <han veroc engaged In pbysica-I tel., Bu- t<hatula net ail. The mcst li- portant feactums o! lits diseovemi' le a metb- od v lii h a-n employer cf brintovekens mai- kneoirhellier ho te geLtîng thle meti o!fb/e mccci'. -Seize <lie lerla. beekkeaper, libraria-n. - .-- - - ,;lavwri+ht fa-uit M. leEye&u. hea kîîwnoath <alo T Me. Clem 1 eeuciWso in m <ba . thtiret, Polecare lia-thlicadia-axae. le le preel- cutnetance of offle, le about him; laina-:, ha-i-ob-oaa bis boftàa anid bis guens. and in hie tours threuchlxFrancs ilesb h«kecai huai te make bis Own peraenallty feit <lircuzb, tt<le taping of lite position. Aguinet <hie M. Cemeneeau-ha4 enly hie pesition as a- sonator ansi <le ala-mer o! liaiia once bec preaideet o!f<lie coun- cil. Yet, fer ail <hie apparent 'weakcese, M. Clemenceau le lie areater powier effithe t-wo. Haelias bec lie dominantfiacrs ele French poetit/cg ince OGambetta diesi. Teti hi authoitv ira-achiisnged Vire yearm a-go. M. Oieenceam-waaite iseverstgc of France, 'aboss upower had oniy once bec dofilesin etwenty veara. and <lien mitheut succers. The kluelnaf t he.poittical situ- atien In F-mncccn te -opreblein ef whe<liar M. Peincame ca-e uvl<htand M. Clemenceau. Interecea iliat thle soiton uhîli hParis ii but le ucatable. lia-ssion,. fixatalc- Crabhecireporteo et lioinktna- et the street fsurfaces sdurina- a heavi' rainfa-l, a-ne netaubstan<hited liv <hecfaceo e- certeined t.broca-h engrineering invegtia- trions. The depresaiena, in uWhli oi-oal pesen4 t cet hein hi-es, wirnseau"sdby tlie overfiow of storte mater f nom i-le seirers Intoe o u-aia-y excavations. Thui thons ta nethina- te indicats<liat thbelacS la not amffli' capable e! carmying -thbe liuildIirs andi tha raffcloeSs of 1-be j ra-matest cityinleFrance. Tho sterux ca-meoose sddcnly that <lie valvce ilileli u-t axcerai mater t<c tie river ceui4 neot be controllssi ansi <ho iecwers breke undter <lie presslure andi flooed <lie, pantia-lir lt suhucyo,.'The pavement aies- undsrminsd andi cabsiand people dreeved i nte <ha. underground tor- rent. This explenixtion Io simple ansi rea-esur- ina-. Vti.t<irs to Paris neei have no fean o! lesina- theteirl-vesinte ubtert'anean wa- tera@1If<liev kéep off itha paxemenoe -e unfintseesitunnels surina- heavi- rein- NO OCCASION TO ENTERVENE. Steainshxip Presidetit Sey-s Bnitain -May Net 1Mix lin er- justiceTat KING PETER 0F SERVIA, Whmoeru-mon reports as bs-vina FRIC ES OFFARI PROOII.CIS Toroeto, Ana-. 4.-Ploum--Oeb.ario -wbesOt toera. 90 ver cent.; $3.60 4e 3.65, eaboi-rd. Noewgour' fon, AU"-ladeli-ery quoted at $3.25. Manitba-Pfrtna-tenta, ile>Jute bage, $5.50, do., saccada. $5; strona- bal&- eirs'. in jute baca. $4.0. xsaitoba -lieat-Bey perta-No. 1i Nor- tian, Il Vo $1.0à, and 1no. 2, 99é te 01,01i Ontaricewliest-Nc, 2 nov. 8Sto, 87c, eut, ,ide. Auicue a-d soxtembex' delivery., Osla-No. 2 Octanie cat i at 39 1-2 te40c. ou-laide, a-ad ut 42 te 42 1-te, on track. To- ronto. Wec'tern Canada oeau, 43 i-Zo--l4ar No. 2. ami 42 1-2c fer Ne. 4. Peas-NominaL Rie-Nominal. Buekwheat,-Zoiuial. Corn-Dui-1 No. 2 Amenioan et 81 to 83c,. ce track, Toronto. Bran-Manitobuibran. $23. le basa, To- rento froficht- -Shorts, $25 tu $26. Country Produoe. Butter-Obole da-lry, Il ta 19c, Inferiet', là ta l6c; f armers' saparator armAs. 19 te 20ci creamerir prIi-se. freali, 23 1-2 tea2ML; do.. meido, 22 t'23 1-2e. Bzi-er-Cuie -lete cfet-rictiy ceai-laid, 26e per doacu, a-nd geesi atok, 2M teae2cpar Heeey--Btrained, 10 1-2 te Il 1-te ver lb. Combe, 82.25 te 8Z.50 ver doen oîsfr Nu. 1, and 82 for No. 2. Clioss-Neai chose, 14 te 14 1-4e for large anad 14 1-4 te 14 1-te for ta-tes. Beans-goad-iOked, 02.30 te $L,35 per buahli:Ne. Il primes. $2.20 te $2,Z5. Pouitry-Fcwl, 15 te 16o Per àb- ehlck- an*, brelloeaW20ta 22o, <nrkere,2id te 21.. oteices-Nea- Ontarie, 81.26 te $1,30 Der biiehel. s-nd Auerleans, 84 pier barrel. Saled Hay and Straw. Hay-3otatiene ce No. I1a&e practical- Y, nominlea. No. 2 b-rings 816 te $15.36, -on t.rack bers. Clover $12.50. Bateos tre#---Car iota $9. on traek. Ta- monte. Bacon-Long close, 14 to 14 1-2e ver lb., ÃŽe cs-e lota. llams--Modîum. 18 1-2 te 19c do., boa-ty, 17 te 17 i-te; relie, 14 1-2 te 15e breakfaot bac-en, 19c; bacihe, 22 <oe23cs bonte lesa liacks. 24c. Lard-Tierces, Il 3-4 <o 12e; -tube, 12 1-4e Pattae, 12 1-te; compounsi, 10 te 10 1-4c. MoIttreal MarkeaIs. Montreel, Aug. 4.-COre. Amenican Ne. yellcai. 77 toiSe. Oata, Canadien Western N.2. 45c; Ne.),3, 43 3-4e ; extra -No, t tact 44 1-2e. Barley, Man. feesi, 55 ta 56c. Fient Man. Sprtng mica-t patente, furetai, 85.& t e$5.60; seconde. $5 te $5.10; strona- bai ora. 04.80 te 84.90-, muter patente, choea 85ti te$5.25; etraiglit motion.. 84.50 'to 84.75 do., bago, $2,15 Io 82.20. Roliesi catm barrais. $4.45 te $4.65 .. barsc 90, i $2.05 <o $2.15. Bran. 23. Short«s 51 MiddIlir-s $28, mouillie, l811 Vo W2. liai No. 2 par ton.. caàr lots. $15 te t16.5( Cliseo, tieot -westerns. 1.3 te 13 1-8c; ft est eautems. 12 1-Z i-c 12 3-4c. Butte cixoicefft crauxry, 24 1-2 te 25e; do., eM onde, 24 te 24 1-4c. Ega-s, freali. 23 <o 24< &elected, 26 te 27c; No. 1 stock 23c. Ne. otock. 20 ta 21c. Winnipeg Grain. Wlnnipeg. Aux,. 4.--Caah prics: Whsai No. i Nonthemin, 94c. Ne. 2 Nertiter 911I-te; Ne. 3 Noern,8M. Oeie, No. 0.1V., 38 3-4ce; Ne. 3 C.W., 37 3-4c; extra N 1 fassi, 36 i-te; Ne. 1 feeci. 36 i-te; No. 2 fa. 36 1-te. Bartey, No. 3. 5ke; Ne. 4, bic; r Jacted. 47 1-2e. Flaz, No. i NW.C $1,63 1-2; Ne. 2 CW., $1.60 1-4; No. 3 C.Vi $1.48 1-2. Uited States Mar-kets. Minneapelis, Aua-. 4.-Wlieat--July. 94 tieptember. 89 7-8c; Ne. i1liard. $1,010 3- No. 1 Nortliemc, 95 3-4 te 99 3-4c, No. 2 No <hemn. 92 3-4<eo 97 3-4.c. Cern. No. 3 yeilei 73 le 73 1-2e. Oa-ts. No. 3 white, 365 te 35 1-2 Fleur, fa-cc-ypatents, $5; tiret donnea, $3.7 second cicars, $9-75. Sipmeuis, 57,500 lix rels. Dulutht. Ana-. 4.-Liniseesi cash, $1.83 5- ni-. 81.83. Close- Wlieat-Nc. 1 bar 81.00 3-8; No. 1 Noriliere, 99 3-Bc; No. Nonthern. 97 3-8 te 97 7-8c; July. 99 1-9 Scptemhber, 9i 3-8c. Livo Stock Markets. Torento, Ana-. 4-Ctlc--Choice butaisl 88 te $8.75; accd medtum. $7665 te $7-E common ceaie. $3.25 to $4.50; cancers ai cutter«. 52.50 te 83.50: choe fat ceaiti aai-eniran c~, nv O. ' iayw 86.85. railmead direcor-or (nuful!) city efficial A tiespatcb frein Berlin, says:e at te close e! bts dai-s uork, wrev the T-bHmu repnent pub- Clve;-GCio eiel. 8 10 S; cotm litîse muber tube around li.'arm, vatcli rmug orepndn pb87 <te 88.50. tho pressure aauge andsilthon, wit~h Pro- lishes an interview mitiH Érr Ballin stockersancd ftesdaro-Seers. 700 te1 fesser Lahaye's fligures, yeufn lIe then President o! ths North Germe» pounsis, $6.50 te $7; lia-ht stockera, $5 tube a-t or theisinga-rard. The brainaicrk- - te $6. or uhe bas net wirked lite brain e ex- Lloyd'Lice, in mhich he, tates <bat ie-e$.î,t-ctsnd materaS. $9.40 ocees and ma-nemi or f mm. . flie man Englend may be eîiaiineted frein the carsq. aihoe bleed preera show-s at five o'ciock poe Ls hi "- eéetalyta Shaca andsi 1aýmbe-Lia-ht ca-es. $6 <bat ho lise more hie braie te s trazaIt is oeam.î a Vslui3 86.Wfbeavi-, $4 te $4.50,;bec-ls. $3.50 patts4d on i-be bacla ansi pronciosi. place eitber mith Austrie on Servie. 84.50. serina- .iamlis. 88.50 to 89.75 byit It ta assumed htub-th<le Labai-. method Britain ha-s ne occasion whatever Pound:; yearling 'Iambe. $6 tc 88. diffeuAlntiai-es beimeen mca-i wenk ansid eeV ntresi hscne.n met- Miicb eaiu-Manket tinte et 60 te $95. wocm-. The Orofeser- insiste t ha-t hlis t nlies n h onlct o a- Montreai, Aug. 4.-Primes, 8 te 8 3- made i-be awtcm se accurafe <bat 1< ii Vter what Vum» it akes. "The hîglu- meuiu-te.5 34e -te 734e; commen. 4 shew tic mac's ocupatieut. eteîhnte n odn ay,5 1-k. Mili hcous. 830 i-e 875 sach c est uthrites n Lnd-o," ie ay MeHostein cew aiuse lelsi at890. Cal-es Tite Tigur. "4are positively tietermined to take te 7 1-te; shecu. 4 1-2 te 5 1-4; laxabs. Theuisel political conteat in Franc-e is a- ne ateps besed on participation in to 87.50 sach l e. 9 1-2 te 10c. duel cf peraonafitea. i-or yeara M.Cie- <ho mer." Herr Ballin' aise aya - -4 manceau lise bec» tho guidina- spirtnl eotetf n e's disinclination te go 'NATIONS B UIN G COAÀL Yroncli pelitios. He bas maeaansi unxa-de thtFrn iltiraera utthi roat rapidti'. irbenever itO a m er i eso»a stronger asset i» one man-n 'eemasi te him te becomina- faver (cf pence than Britain's amic- Amcrk-an Exportera Are Doing etrena- M.'Ciomencean mouls Iintrigue vit3'abedsoiin Pifl ne-BiligBatcs yanlis aroues <c upsat hlm. 1<tle sia-Id isoito. iinu utr <hat liclias posei forty mînistries- it te 5tainty" will continue for'soe tiue, AdsptltomNmYks- certain <bat lie hnli e es c oable for *he concîtîdes, but can be borne b A mumon cu ment n Tersda the electi<in cf four of <lie les t six jpregi* emn ihasrneadc uo urn nTedy douta, 0f1.htie electesi du defiance of Grasmt suec n o- bis eutbonitv oea.X- C aimin Parier, mas fidence. ths principal Europiean pomena hi ___________________________________________________ly Vo be inmolved un Vhestna Servien War had placed ordens ~ rrr 'flT b kMthis country fer large quantities WAR' E F ECT ON CA AA ce ai for their navies, mas confir WAK ~izr~izui AI~ d by les-ding ceai exportera _____________WedneÉday. The possibility o! G many, Anstnia, Italy and Fra- Offiial of inace zpiLtmet a Ottwa ieb eing shut off.f rom hs Wlsh c, Offiiai ofFinnce D~patmet a Otawa Aresupply by England being drain -Optimnistic of the Future te Vhs controvsrsy ia held bers be nespoasible fer Vhs ordens pie __________ ith American coal exporters. A de&iiatch f nom Ottawa, Says; Wheat prives are certain Vo b. TIVO WEERS AT BAINFF. Officiais oeths Department .0 Fi- afce1b h mrmr atc- inciue tethevisr t a Inlyil Russia ceases Vo be a source The Duhe ef Conneught Wlshes naxîce ar n o! ote iw ht1s'upply for hs British mark-et. ln the Austro-Senviuin mer mill have that event Vhs Western fan-mens Do 'Nbuch Flishimg. me serions- effeet on écnomie con- whose crop promis-es Vo be shrt, A de spatch f nom Calgary. sa ditiO"na in Canada. They admit that W'li haveéompensation in <h:fotorm The Vice-Regai party, iueludiag ii E urèpean irnmoe particulai'ly of highsr prices. IV le net believed Dukeofe Connaugbt, Vhs Duel if 'al hs pom,>ers are tirs-mainto that the. nufactuning industries audhs Pnincesa Patricia, left ( hs tray, .mIl make it Ipnaeticaily 'will be affected by hs mer, but that gary laVe Tuesday niglut for Bt imnpossib le for hs present Vogo-Vo better prises ans Iike y o prevail.irbere Vhs party -will--ay for London money iaraket. - Ia this con- for manutactuned., goo i4Wàr, et meeks. IV is undenstet that neetton it is cliluediboirever,f that course, îa «neyer. a,. goot thins for Duke iishes Vo do a good o! fiqI i I.not o! Vths banssought for ths hs salaried consumers, iwho are wbileli-hs Mountains, auti e p reseat year have cUbeh'r hesa bat- îikely Vo pay even bigberpriesthan wmli be pitcheti at onsetf-the mu ed onr-are un hs handuÃŽof Vhs uadsýr-- Vby do o-day ton meat, fleur, and ain lakes. ,Atter Vhs stay. ia B wniens -other necessenies of hife. the party mil1 proceedt o Vhs cos utr-ungarian sr~it ndvlpeto Vent o0teCoti- IRadical rapers itacipate theitthe Ii ô"5n Ztos er pus tu o puian rèlseit s ,zni.n evbeen WI-feUu if 'telJIUCIiV<dèlOIÃ"XUU western Canada have beezi orderçd- inent Statemints ~mâde len the original Home Rille -z ill will be- 1'<ite to 4yJeoimai oft,4s J3y the WVsr Department to mobil- House of OÃ"nrmon mightý màke lt corne las.' u atenaÈVcally under the' tItand our êmekt-1t?àlO J arm wrmit S- ear Vo the wonld that domestio ?rliamesnt -Ait when -te. -ession i -,au tryoh COifary S*C pear.aûeic n Po6tneu-oîtyj Que-cut,, rsnt ge.ule rot ti ttznnt by vanuounçing that N irad buidt iu j te ~c. -the. acountryuibh entiàgéd uited Mr.ont,' tlhisesiosi cnl anornd.Iftie . he rileî o Mar.-f Lw A si ater's antor nMr, B cEr is esson is nu y a or e.If1the \q hl rifa was of -tea-rrmuLannEward. Gey ate- or onParliaenftt c ntiiu"odefeeideinitely. thefa joue iin ze aî'bor na *.r rybf..Primn ae-tebl sdf ré dfntI VrmasteriGefleral on 5aturday fori O i'f gImmLeter STR1JoE N FR01E a tour of inspecioýn thr.bugh Vthe Oui_____________________ West' Ïhe Coroner's jury found Dx. C. rboy Souls Have MCyoïr. tOl3011T*S RNI K. Robinson of amwèrth respen- -mnonc ie ther ddaMes ir Roberi Bad. AK N>D&I en->owUtheoWef acout, rune a as IT 18-SAlD- TO BE CAIJSED BY AY RZ sible for the deWth of 'Miss Blanche ot,. e ar bts Vaind bit- L. Yorke on Juiy 8.forts'or At~y lads are srnias' stock. poui. RCAIM -john Christie, a London Electnie try. fruit, snd -goenera farminir, masrkt Co.,. -lineman, fell forty lest-and sr~rde oe,'andf eâitr t borneasr lu was almo&t instantly killed. when a' ovenieae domtnion"o. ~ f~ SmlrCs eAsc n o-adLwa4 fA badly'r'tted palebrolce off. Teyaz-d ide nt ard f e S mb aeto send San. olns fA. l Mn. C . îAtkinson, since its In- îeâde'«'dnif mielad., vbe psLroi leader. raine Is That of the Serb cepton Speritendnt o the Tu àab atea lo! geven îte Su partnerobdv 1cr ceon Speinenen o Vs o . sud lhuaé a tiffe boins of 4-Sprovinces. -Alter being on strike <for four ±ono Boy'Dominion, lbas been sp- wu. ~I î oen are elected dyehêenswekili ounye luteao ponec eeral Field Secretar for andi Lorea town council ,mii'th n-aycr.Y The snienWfSevDan1t ekas hes havee nreu'iers-wof he UntedStates, wlth headquair- Thb 'body conducte die affairae0ofb.0hAenin roice o Bsia-hd ~ a veoî bas en ised wbyk tersit atNwYokmUil sdadniinisters J IueMce. oThey'a &B tr tNwYrbçiddtibeir muntige tu pubi1e and their Hç>wegvina owrd Vthe Aust C eo 'altlee.Fr Lieut. -Col. F D. arqubar, procedoinga are'condn,,ted on buesu mienyb oinpsrede Lu that of funatclFoe D.S.Q., military acetr lV ino& bIg eian rac n hsGnnnP ovinces èIy a di . e isonl ës a H.R.H. the Duke cf Connaught wlll ulntoHoo-f oLA.ace and Lorraine toward ',er As The frut fonn.J ce a yin onor -fG r s s precautonary measure Vo ontinue in the saine eapaiyt' ýpyascfpaelet~nfx n -:niany, making due - allowancesfonretVhluheerad!sa- his Serena Higliness Prince - Alex- lîi .oegk1né nutione occurred -a4t MUths w armer temperamhents of ths et ever intewhaven, a dairy ofherer an~afTek.he hmonfSaturda.iuy ofgeorge>as:respective southern coüntries. Aus- kasbeen elosed. Canada is perfecting dixe plans le oron, xnrcbaood for 42,600, aubecrýbed tria in 1908 annexied the Provinces forit prtin heic ptro o te e Gea Ditin. 'eas banded Crer Il' cf Boa"nia and Herzegovnina over A proposaI bats been mIàd for Vhs Xlniwihw;,poo-mIemo ft1h. Cenesnar? Ooxnnnttee as wxc h aIeerie n mnsîurovement cf. the River -Nith as Nïort'h tlniwiinws poo-agi eîx neiCaI people.. - h edexrisdaC ed alter the Titanic disaster, as a f Tin quai-t, 0 blewaa -in h olday et- trative "protectorats", since 1878 or as Kingholml Quay, at a cost of meaa ! eeuin geatt'r safety tire lu l'on*ft i cain iiDiYunder the terme ocf.the reaty oflabout 810,000 waJîeran incel.P -e; t1aDu ac ecBrlînl. The inhabitants cf those IrlheAllea Town Council have tete icantrve. on tube As1c l a55of ec,B C The mines of Quebec Province Lard. B3baw. Subirer Bonn, rneibei- Of <the twoe Provinces are Serbo, andi weroue d a-public xxtioe warning hous have yieldsd a production ef $13,- Ifeuse of Couomeo; M,.IL. erkie. uecrt-aoy annexed moat, un« -igyt the lholders of a shortage cf water in elt tbe Càomlttël0,'It17 EBritiain, ee wligyto fU,qSl in 1913. These figures show uery of tib iigeikr ioety. aa insi rtumr Empire of the Siava and the, Czechs. isonie districts,- an increase' of nearly two million Branîccýmbe. autibcr cf <thc liiatioiT of the Servia, whose racial affinity av While ho iras posting seine letters -dllars. As usual, a4bestos lads ashngon biy FeMor andi lier historie laim Vto thetertr John M'NÇenzie, Glenalmond, an rahl minerai ptoducts, Vhs qinntities other ofliciaps of thbe munic!uaftitv, in thsir cf these annexed people, isued a. old mn»cf 77 years cf age, suddçn- ext~ctd racingthevale f offlelal robes, aftr erh'eeb ccol cd1il*calI te arms. The poirers, howeyer ly collapsed and expireI. *383,54.dreti. wlio uad been atlh tord f o li O intervsned and induced IServia Vo1 The noir seirage purification works Running short of gasoline 1,200 theUnitd fiates an4dOruatBzrtilî wit'hdraw ber treops trom the Au-s- cof the Gem»n District Board cf Con- feet in the air, seven miles frein the Party 'roeide por mto tjh ng, ~trian frontier, Turksy ,neanwhile tl e Jakha Ayu ae o south- ghore of Lake Ontario, R. or. whre tede eluant dor aet -the mmedvelopcd a grievance, and demande 'been fommally cpeaed. Brussell and a eolored aviato t-Dic fTekuadd eaoib - d compengation for thes bas cf A cas cf suspected anthrax Oe- dent voyagin f rom Toronto- irere .nJî ~ wahnce these Provinces, the Balkans Still ecurred at Neýwtonlees, rcsulting in, Obliged Vo make hurt-led descent in ccstoir'a are buried. - onxpising at that dine for the the death of a bnllock, the care >their hydro-aeroplane into the lake At %aee DEimabt ivc. anxs pr, h Erpenprto c hihirsermte. and wcre reseued, after tbey had mew Pomtion of the citY 01 Noribau ton. of the Turkish Fmnipirc. Austria About one lxundred - employes -of been in thseirater 22 minutes. by tie spot wlxere tie emligatifix wao's{ uh ecan fee iikyMsriggnohman-'. a Vhs stemer Gare» (ity f romtoue teck beave o!fliii. -feila'. îb. centen: suh ec n fce ukyMsr.Hgibta n ucl the teaer arde Ciy, romamy party was reccived bî thbe Mayor and $100,000.000 for the two Provinces ico prÃŽintcrs, Glagowr, havé gene on P o t D l o s e i r m c l i l f N ortuba n gni i, a g n i q e t o .strik e fo r in c re a we d ira g e s. P or D a bou ie.01ae 4. A rcéle rc d lunceben . t i n T he death cf M . F ranklin -P t r- cd i 1 fixe Gixi at eon'LtSltid 6 reat Uninain. Tho MMayor ansi ocunittee 3nembere -then <lî~inNtStteI son bas caused profound regret in Militants again attexnpted to en -aient teOt-lic country seatt cf Eami Bpeiier. This purchaqeby ne means sct- FÂinburgh musical circles, and Vo a er Buckingham Palace. aW-hoff arcemtc1 -were related te the irash, tled the question. Tumkish hold On host of friends, and former pupirs- The Prince of Teck il arrive gdirtnffi. aivtam 'lcrW e the h Balkans lias aine been brokenj Scotstôn Parai, Auchterhouse, sarie thn asexpctd i te ovi-e o!cturee were t-ken cf a'» the by the irar. Servie dreanis cf a! Eorfarehire, was the seene cf a dis- a, D m o. 1, <-ro.uco ile iand te de wrate , ad bte reunited Se rb .race and a unifiedi astrous c la r ti nwhich caused A great lo*dcu t in the building Se'tAxli kingzdom. Austria steo in' damage estimated at about $15,000. traes f GèàtIria'i Thimpnanamler',cfont cUfiaOfl enliiecofcf h&racquisitibyon .AI The site dhosen for the érection xn.frmTh anlye!s of -Pa, rtumn for il bania sI£t-r the late Balkan fvftm,1 cf a public hall fer the Bridget-on. ; 'Isrore ht a seutlement tlani andi Wa-îz-, sinruetive if no e nau e f fo e hnse district cf iGlasgow ilabetVhe corner i. greabe to hsUlanteshahee tulriviW: Do=mést4c ervaiit-% head the 11t4t. plan -,! securing a seaport 0on theoj oiLoadon moad anid Suaxar treet Lreached over homie rule. mendJgt. bhigliee-uterginVlof.adn i.Mile End. PoeD oape- y Eanl andi Lady Grey acted as inaihon. After asriculture comee ceai in- BrnVn eethl<hAuf Sir Francis- oel uno, r- ;. of t tarcpingvnt h Innbut nexit terp escti e saM'Y of--tria» Mlinister, w-ho iras rspnident(theT>y'lCtt shWatsr' . ods.a<asachtoniien t the ficialis. national andi loFaI1. Thce4e number bl r<aArtinanxt~ I o h wa i~iln nvisiting .-ane ian tahr in th ucmre tban 800.000 and ci-cea-cthie total emn- befrteAsra neanc Colors Society, and.who is 81, baks th udiî rae r îeBenia and Hrzgviaplye W.RvlColonial Institute, Lndon. ;/Ovc-d In ei'-bthle b, ±aerzsortbemrrà hi adee'sdugt cd ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ to 1»Dbiîrete wtes nduotrir. bo!d geins. He igaored Ge d 2 ser .edinDulinwbn he odesof There 9s tid cte be tenIOtdon'-atth<le mo- the taiioa oic fearryn g Ut Much damage wa-, done by a ire ths niotera wio irere killedcri Su»n- ment a se-t m0ré 'îoîî1tui th-2n ieoriginal bu r radtionalipoicybcflteiHgps- a Bat - 1 day were conveyed shrough theo Set3'Iof DIodo fa1na. Evenin iithle ceux-, r-g mena ohy cf aggressicn Vo-f prson on buî xn thepro- manity cl tbe 1dlericb and of f,ciet~Y wardes the Balkans. He proceeded peirtyof pisndamsiie!, n kttëea i a d' tInet revival cf lie movc' first by obtaining a railway conces' .th f, pisaniaborsperished n. mene6-t tward tetellectulil iintercgtsf. mubaanttemic u-in Ves fies. United st»tes. tures li London. wWc li'l ' iet <jtirioffla sia.irbo has a large nuniber of Winnifred Blesser, aged 2, of o!dan Ac reowmo itferrinatt n tbt Srbs rothnabrtriprrtory, and con- Backgneens, Tarves, fell into a pot d,~o Aamo ieetatre natpc ibeNtk c < o atwfl ie n ta e rb miih ýuo frei Xe Yor 4eEnglnd. of the dcili-rounid of lunch. tea andi bail fesses Vo n nb ito euntir fboln.ièad was se ternibly ..-scperaInte le eek -nd aiSHriliam on tbi race wi rZiin the confines Ot bcrned that she diecI in-Vhe, Chi.. Geea.Saturdnlas ., beforce& usi! e onpraeticalY n thatnsHsitlAeren everwcxean -a-o la leader f elty.- lier beundanies. Rusais bavingbt rns optl Aede Se8veral Americans have been imar- Maxyirnotliers ti sott-ca udraeprestige as Vhs result -of ber ra -mes McKinne aed fourteen, ail- sueerttensi ite taJou ts d Pèe mlcedi teUntd oliri k-: oned in1 Austrien towns. thve4r itdt e fr et eo avanpra witb uapan, hove ver, did not inter-.mlydinVsTntd4oleis 4. Mme. Caillaux waa acquitteti of Ztares. ERinart woMefl.oVrILize debating fera. She sVilI keepa up a constant Clelani, -was iaatantly kiîléd irlen ,w the change cof murder. buec îein -idla rltheu intriguie and~ distuirbance among herlbe irasbritunethctoso g"- President Poincans received a Iaeln cien t thi' rcadinir mcciety ansi the Serbs along <hé Austrian-Russian debris whibfl ri h of 75 greet reception on bis return Vo humble t'i,,king bee of thte- mid-viiteriain. boundanies, homever. There bas, The continued dry weather bas' a,Paris. are. thenefore been a constant 8ense ef. been very- seriopsly feIt ini 50111 i-8;_4_- injurm on the part of Set-cia and eastern» Dumbarteahire -villages@. (IIEATOR'S BAND. PHYSICIANS ARE PUZZLED. Vhe Serbs owards Augtria. At Condorrat irte b s arl 1e; -- Oxercome of Resentaient. te the Inhahitats' ab 8 cent e <oniing to the' (anedien National studying the Habit cf Chewing the 'fli assassination cf Arcbduke barrel. 1 Fxhibition et Toronto. Tengue. Ferdinand, heir Vo Vhs Vrone e orto n fesc e ro onstructiason SGuiseppe Creatone, irbo iith bis To eher ne9tng e d aenthe Hapaburgs, and l'c 1g oThacidemoepropteCldeby Glsgoi 85. e oest h aada ain te be a processaboluut as unllkely to 1mife, the Ditcbes ôf HohenbergofbrdevethCyeetes SA aiinr -xitionR fo th inertdlybeahbitosannba-oudb msagude'ubra1c esn-Oswalti and Commerce Street, bas rm lire shah know hemV c. W e me !thsvolixaye studied it, It, fifth cÉf wlxmaehbl o i ite al" w b on mors afford te ses France crualu- doesanet spning frem an alinormai duity. h ihrwlc n o-11-94 i eo el. TheVi- er- ed, by Griany on hs balance cf mental codto and bas no tendency siderable proportion of Vhis nuin- cent stamp ul bave on it a bemis- nce power upset againat France, then to creats suchk iV seema <cdlisens ed- ber froini illa and mines moid be peewt eaefgr n'h oeal Germany cibl oud 'n'cien eyca fford te ses Austrie- tery nather <ien gcquired, and lo ai- serioualy feit in times of induit-ià,l 1sf t holding an A merican iflag, andi in- Hunga-ry crushed by Russie. Upon meut 1lnts'e are udincuirnaitivitv irbile thé cunteilment o! i'- on the night a figure bearing a Brit- ethat issue, ahouîd it aeVob se-pbasae nta I ran mbte habit - dadd tte ahoik si i hs e oclesping banda Vod ama o! oea klndlorsanother Sagathe mculd ba teemislphere. !On Vhs ive- ce erna by arma, our frieu41-..and T5~he. habit,, irbicli cunioul lu-ae a hmployes etsapmib igdfgo our enemies mil lad that witnk cetes Vhs idiosYnCraSIwcf-humai'gne- sud act with oes acord." Vu-meï, eema o f intei'emttVo Vhse .NR.ORDERR QIMNF tyfigte spirit o! peace, k psyèhoiogIat rîathen -thail teh phy- -[wxth a dove of peace flying b. orè - 'BOY 1HORRIBLY MAIIIED. sd-, Bletatecoctslmo pi-TtruhTains Edmonton to To. IVt - ion that Ita cure. If cffeed, et mli, la romisWhem Delfvered. Ten-year-old Lad Ran ia Front of Vo lie eogVslio !mntlsg despatch frein Winuipe ,Say$s: - Soins Other Day. ay: Ri ahe i oWer. ¶ihe OCanadian Northern 1ailivay sys: Ridsa * -rni4igsq bs as Ju t p iced an order irth'thue Never give up. h s ATh pte re in Kingsso n ilimya lhy Shé S iles. Canadin firam s for m ore h s» a :I don't; I tell thein o co e C a- Them etsn-year- o l s n c la m - m illion eada,ha It dolar's w orth of a nund-n xt eek. Cal- Shemeromu, rbo lies ner O I "W-hy doesthat lady grin se every eupet ufcetV pto LuI!, burgh, iras horibly injured on Wed- -imn, ufcet opto tw oinsd asheh isf-es a ty ouwa s"ri--m o t m o d e rn se rv ice b e t ire n T o r n - r t.e a two ntday.Whilebis fther ras d iv- She knoua sI'm getting on1y $10 Vo aud-Wiuipeg ywyc h-p Vhs' img a moirer. lu a fieldt hs boy rau ywyo ing in f ront-o!, the machine and iras awekS lnsfrin A1rAthur te Sudbu ,~ Mr.,-Peewee-I sel,.. ed thîe'* Ïd.- amp ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I knee o.Oefoeete "u lyVsgi "I la prbable. tha:t through train yeuf ha d oil iwn-~ ~~~~~~~1 of h ta ot alne a iias engtiai d o her once ad ili rua flrom Edmonton Vo To - i is Wife-Turu &round,-1~j- an- ff the b mer eut, of Therdcos rk V'ann lefeuad mr o'ssona.hi qipst1 4.e seseit 0 I can teli qw at. offct TheV recover. nled Wçfan ee ftrro T t agaona m areà iilionairs." ivrs. - F.- -.toreyt.Wrn'w4hfb 'l

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