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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 6 Aug 1914, p. 4

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FRANCE: iDestroyed. or icaptured three Ger- maxi cruusers fa Medlterraulean. jMillion French'sol1diera rnoving to- ward, Gerritai Border,- ItUSSIA: Number, o! German vessels la Black, Sea câptured. Large iGerman force route&ê by Ituisian* Caval> ry brigade., Both sides lest heavily. ITALY : $tll, remaina neutr al. FIRST HYDIfO-RADIAL, MEETING. The firist meeting of thé series to ho held throughout the dW~rict cov- ered by the pioneer project ef t te pHydro-Electrlc'\ Çomnuswoa nof the Province to bUild and cperate elec- BRITIN: trlc railways, aswell as to genorete War fund of $500,000,000 to b. and, distribute eloctrie curreut, was vote4 to-day. at Aglipcourt..Wededay aight, Aue, Loia Kitehener lo appolited "Mine, uit .Ti road te proJected to rua liter of War.-, sor - tas4ierlT fromn Toronto, througb Numiber of Ger-man ateamaipg. de- York and Ontario Countieo witli th@ clared -prizes of wax. pr1nc1pal terminals at Newmsxlcet, B~LGUM ~Port- Perry, and Wbitby. It waîs ir Notable victory' won by Belgians Adam Beck's firat. prosentatiion of 'the -GARAGE - I Auto L ivery Cars 'for Hire Bicycles and. Repairing. New and Second' Hand-WhJeels -For Sale., wATrER-AND LIGHT COMISSIONERS1 "DO ;ýIl ELEOTRIOALLY --Why -swelter this, bot weather when you may - have Lake Qntario breezes brought right to you by p. sing an ELECTRIC FAN- The cost of'operàtýon is but a trifle, foi you may for one cent run an î> 8 inch fan for 9 hours 12 inch fan for 3 1. hours 16 ineh fan fer i à hours The gain in ccfmfort and efficiency to both your- -self and to your employees more than counterbal- ances any ,expense in connection with it. - GEO. W. P. SERY, Bupt. HOT WEATIIER SA VERS This is the timne of year you are 'wanting some- thing ea!iy'to prepare forj meal time. TRY THESE Corned Beef Lunch Tongue Lunch Chicken Cooked Ham, - - 25 and 30c tin - -~- -- 45c tin - - 1- - 40c tin Bologna. Head Cheese, geade,, -Lemonade, Lime Juice, and Grape Juice for, the summer drinks. BERRIES ARE SHORT IBReP. BUY EARLY, tio. E.WATERUOUSFS WH 1 TI împtDolivory. this p2 profess -The' Empire cale for mon,1 la DOMInion will nOt fail, gut ladly send outi her buit to, th e of the nation. blood of the Anglo-saxon na- iup, aid the old war long, ns ,Never- Shall ho Slaves"' ar and wide. I need ho the 411l b. to the death,-la order ho dread Spirit o! War, 'em- in German milhtarisrn, may be Lder, poasibly for ever. t irtaln le a peace- lovi.ng but she liai deciared war on n -her decision on Auguat 4th. lizatiori -orders sent out for mien. Enistment starts to- ,nd will be voluntayy, bundred 'thousa.nd have volun- Goverument bas hought -two o boat destroyera from Chili. Safe and Sure should b. ;our relieffrom Indi- gstion, biousness, or const- Catlon Known to b. reHlable ad famous for their prompt and certain efficacy-are Pl is A CLEVER YOUNG A-RCHITECT. Elsewhere la this paper will ho founcl the advertIsement o! Mr. A. Curry Wilson, B.A. Sc., o!. Toronto, a son o! Mm. Peter Wilson, who ha$ -recently purchased some Whltby property and who la an old Whitby boy. 'Mr. A. Curry- Wilson graduated tfrom the Departiment e! Arcitec-' ture o! Toronto University laet sprlng. Ho was recently awarded fimaët prise in a cempetition fer best desIgs submitted for a hydraulle Power station-'on,-the Cascade River, near Banff' lt. m ueGvei ment wlirI- adoptic, is design. -. WjIsn -ha4 had cnuîderable exper- loces -as a 'draughtenian -with archi- tectural and engeoring uis. andi '-i teed by the Ontarto Government, ani It la coaditional upon thegranting of a. Domiaion subsidy that.construc- tien begins next sprIng. Through thé, .kindneus of Aid. Harper, in motoring Mayor Ililia, and Messrs. T'il. Col- will and-.F.ý Howard Annos ouit te Âgincourt, wë are Indebted for this accoupt of the. meeting. It was ar- ranged that Si r Adam 13eck was te speak with- other distinguisbed ad- vocates of the policy of publily owned- ad operated eleetrie raiiways at a meeting to behelti August 26-th ot 27th, In Whtby. ITALIAN SHOOTÎNG îtiÂSE A - QA11ý ADJOUJREED. Once again adieu='nient wu& made In the prellminary hearing, before Police MUgistiate Japhsoa, of PIck- eing, of the shooting case la which John Carboane,ý an Itaian, was badly wounded at; Claremfont. Dr. Brodie, of Clareinont, gave his evi- dence. Carbonse was present, but the case was adjourned to secure oth- es witnesses. THREE MONTHS IN QAOL. Samuel Floyd, an Englishman, by way of gratitude te Thos. aY3ren, whoà gave hi-m a m eal, stole a c.oat and a pair o! boots trom bis bene- factor. For tilÎniworthy conduet, Judge 'McGillivray on Wedaesd-iy sentenced the' offender te three nionths in the County Gaol, peadfng biis deportation. The 1 European trouble, however,. makes the date of such deportation douhtful, 'and His Honor made the sentence three months to await developments. DEATH 0F MRS. WEBSTERt. After an illaess of lbas than a week the death- occurred on Saturday last o! Mrs. Sarahl Webster, relict o! the late John Webster, at her home on Byron street. Mra. Webster was taken suddenly III on the previeus Sunday, aad although l al was done for lier that could be done, she paas- ed away on Saturday morning. Her two sons and one daughter were ia almost constant attendance at lier bedside.- The funeral was heid on Sunday atternoon, interment being made in Union cemetery. Mrs. Web- ster was a woqaan greatly beloved by al ber tri enda and aciglibors, and ber loss is deeply mourned. BIRTHS. SOUTHWELL-At Port Whitby, on Monday, July 6th, to Mr. aud Mrs Jos. Soutbwell, a daughter. SIcCAUSLAND- At Port Whitbv, on Tuesday, -luly 14, to Mr. and Mrs. MeCausland, a daughter. BLA NCHAFID-On 'S-unday, Juiy 25, to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Blianchard, a daughter. PICNIC AT CORBETT'S POINT. St. George's Young People's Asso- ciation, o! Oshawa, and Ail Saints' A.l>.A., of Whitbj-, spent a very enjoyable day together at Corbett's Point on Moudav, August 3rd. The weather was, ail that could be desired, andI everyone was in good trim. Several games were f ndulged lu, viz., basebail, French tag, races, etc. Some impertinent questions wfll have te be -asked, aIl answers te bc gent to both Seeretaries. Who was the Whitby,.bey Who made promises to Hlilda ? What were the names of the Couple that got ieft on.the beach and nearly had to walk home ? andi TAINTERis, DeC and SION WRI Country orders receive immediate attentic Box 65Î& WHI, A: whole 3tore clearing sale means that eveiythinag be ôffered at, a reduced price. Th is is a- half-yearly e' with us,-toclear',Qut ail remainiing mnes left' over, to n W rom-fo nw al g.oods. -Thtis is the ýstore t-hati don't ec KMppNz, OxtI., June 171h. 19*19. 'thave been using 'Pruit-a-ives"o as a famiy remedy for many yeara. *They ire the best 2medicine I have ever tried. "Fruit.a-tives" do me the Most goi>d-they nover gripe and their action il pleanat. 11 have nsed tluem for Indigestion au& conatfpaton wîth thýebestreaulta, and 1.'herily Xecoued 'the=a to for alIhis. à 'uier ill àaman GISORGS MCKAY. 'h. enorus demand for "Fruit-a-t tives" l bte.adllyinecainig, due to thu tact tbat this wonderfu1 fflift medlcla gives prompt irefA411ailcases o! Indigestion, Couatlpatlou, $Our Stomach, E.heumatlsm, Chroufe, Hoadaches, and Neura][gia, and al Kfdney and Bladder Troubles. bOa -a box 6fsr $2.50, triai "ze25c. Sold by alidoalers or sent on reeipt of prico by Fruit-a-tii,.. Limit.d, Oftawa. AN INTERESTING ISSUE. Mr. W. B. Watson, o! Brock St. Southl, brought into this office lasi week a cepy et the Whitby Gazette of! May 3, 1884. Theze are maxiy strlking tentures about til paper, and many articles that would be read wuth intereat by the olderý resi- dents c! the town. The Churchr Directory shows thi tollowing ministers at that time: -Methodiat, Rev. e~. N. Willoughby; United Preebyterian, Rev. Mr. Abra. hamn; Ail Saints', Rev. Mr. Fidlor; Roman Catheli, Hév. Father Me- Cal; St. John's (Bny), Rev. W. S Westney ; Bapt ist, Rev. Mr. Barker, Four coluinns of the front page are occupied with a serial story, and the remaning coiumn, Sot occupieti witl advertising matter, fa filled with le cals o! the variùus merchants. West and East Whitby Herse Show te1Grie Consplracy, Malshester Fýait, areéheadings of the leading articles. 'The Model Schoel repor- also reveals , the class - standing ol the grown-,ups et to-day. St. John'E and All Saints' Vestry meetings art reperted, names et mes still con. nected with the churches appearinj- in the minutes of! the meetings. The markets show that eggs wert selling at 10c. te 12e. per dozen chiekeus at 50c. a pair; turkeys 14c, a pouud ç gees, 8c. -a pounid ; butter, 20e. to 22c. - A tew items sucil as the following wiil bc rend with interest «Twe hotel cbangàs have been made in towu this week. The mas: friends et Mr. Armstrong will hi pleased te sec him again at the Arm- strong flouse; sud >Mr. O'Leary, el Pickering, bas beught eut the. Queen's, and wvill inake great- im- provemeuts iu the bouse. Cal and sec theni whes lu towni. WVe bave grent pleasure in noting au example wortby -o! !ollowiug by others. This week Mayor Bogart presented the Whltby Cornet Band with a very handaome Basa Diruni wbicb cost about $.50. The members o! the B3and aie greatly pleaseti witt ft, as it was mucli needed. As seme ef the tewn beys were me- turuing from Port Whitby on Tues- day niglit they were assaulted by Borne e! the Bay boys thre'cvng atones at them. Fortunately the ahets weme net straigbt. Another 'weddlng took place on Tuesday niglit, Mm. James Snith to Miss M. Clark, both o! the South Ward; The prelimlnary' meeting o! the frienda et the Scott Acti was held la Rallway lo progrèsqing favorably. The fron le - aearly ail laid, gnd quite a distance et balimstiug la Complet- ed. DENTAL W. ADAMS, Denti8t, ofnie Dundai Street, Residence No. 4, the. Terrie Byron St., Whfby.' Phone: No. 122. VE PAINTER DRATVRS in. Distance no object. TBY M.enyTiiousafd Farm Laborers Wanled FOf R R/STriNC IN WEBTURN CANADA 16660ING TRIP WEST." -T 11RETURN TRIP EAST." *(0OOl' WINNIPEG I $18.00 FROM WINN1.PEG GOINO -DATES AIIUS Uh- ' . .11 b S1 rbC o enfrt-&- aiwet-ta &zWla andi At 1ut th-Frm ilst>imt i toIl In O a, hibo' LaU and RSfentw,,in the Provincelo! issFosa SsalohaKnuon brbot Lake,. Retlrew snd Wet ta AtIda and Auueit gt- ili u. ai (b.1 ioints in Mauttobiaendi ta certain points lunl3akat- ce 1n sdÀibtLrtu.- A aIost 1*-Promsutationts cet of Kxeinatan.starbot Lakte andiRenirew. ln the Provinces ci Amst narlloan] qeie, toauaIpoints tn Manitoba sud ta certain points in tuakait- 19o, mptprelrr~lsuo lapg t. niàroet CP. * nt&wie- L Y~~~~~~~~M CO. ~araWGuaH~..ac,,.Traes Whitby, Ont. A. CURRY WILSON, B.A.So. ARCIiITF.ýT- Phone Jet. 5275 283 Eývelyn Ave., TOILONTO. UNSURANCE Fîre, Life, Live Stock, Plate Glass, Accident and Automobiles. Agent for the boit Canadian, Engliîh and American companies. JAMES MOCLELLAN Box 393 Whitby, Ont. Phone 12 ROYAL THEATRE HIOH GLASS MOVINO PIOTIIES.' Open every eveniâg. We have fnstalled a new S*il'ellqx machine, which.fi absolutely flickerle~ and easy on the. eyes. Saturday night, îoc to al. - ~ BAIN PERRIN, Manager., 'A7 r DOUBLE ~tÂACK ÂLL TS À HARVEST HELP EXOURBSIONS AUJGUJT 11 and 19. Via ChIca o and Duluth. Froitanail tat-oin in- Ontalo-ingaonRenirew and wet. $12.00 To WiMNIPEG Plus hail cent pert mile beyond. Firat excurs on aplies to ailpoint. ln Manitoba'. Second ex' cursionte certain point, ln Saskatchewaù nd ,&Ibert& and aU 'points ln M anitobi,. at Rsturnln-half cent per mile10teaWinnlipeg, 1110 8.00 1roa Wlnnlpeg to ln iser Canada. The Grand Trunk. Pacifie Rs.ilway la the sbortest and-. quiciceut route between Winni. peg.$aokaWon.Bdinônton.' 'Full particuttr and reservations from Gjrand 1TrunkÂAgent#, or write C.0. 19OBING, OONT&&CTORS J. H(OWELL JAMES Carpenter, Builder sud Contractor. Plans drawn and ostimnies furniaiied.- Repairs, Alterations and Jobbing. oignt for Brantuford Ro ollng' Box 461 WHIT8Y- Phone 149 - JOHN Te HORNSBV= DUILDER mmd CONTRAGTOR Plans ïMacle and Estimates Given. AIl Kinds0f- Brick snd Concrete, Work.- Repairs tb Ciimney Staclcs and Boilors s aspecialty. Whlt4ye (Box 91) Ontarlo Bell1 Phone 138. C. FOLLEST. OONTRAOTOR ANDO13UILDÈR PLANS. 0F ALL DESCRIPTION - FURNISHE.D. - Residence, - Thorniton's Corners Phono 41, Oîhawa. i --BoLILMIt Montres! - Toroota Vin a Cadiso Pm d Optit t i bouglit ill a jewelry fil»aily «eir Lilings tht iglît lu (Aher mstoreSfif motrei ir >ena ng tuet to ils aîtd we wil ni if 4l is peoihble to dGo. .rgesj wili be muüderate. ti-mes the.best atlIld newest grades" of rneïchandi e. at lowest >i prices. Th c:t'ble-,in ns, àý ards25- Reulralue ]ý b+er tra ate wjdewhite -table'. cnp ,oaer s:rw leas Sale P W 4Lè m $Z.25-2 yard wide, table linen.SlPrc 9 M SaePie 4. $1.25 Fast ail brând blc ibb., 2 Only. white, silk embroideed oerîs tuis egular ïàue $ Sale Pon, 9ac. Sl rk$59.$.ePriceI IWhite and cream net embroiderifd overdresses. Regular value $ 6oo. xcFcoycto ç rce îe W S~~~ale :Price$2.90 SlPiel2 ~E25 Pieces of dress goods, black -and colors- among te lot. RoIlgular values 40c. to 75C per yd. Sale Price 29C 75c Double £o-ld,. strzipe ratine clress 50C Boys' ýdenim. pânts, to fit ages 5 e goods. to 12 years. -Sale Price 49c;SlePic 9 Fi5Dozen children'- blue and white check print dresses, red trimmings, 8 oensft is sotdszs v ofaes t9 OyC.. eulr on string. .Regu iar value 20C Sal value 319cSalle Price,12!c- 'bargain in Swiss and silk embroidered blouse ,fronts, S20 doz. to select from. Regular 'Value 50e to 75o each. I Sale Price' 24c 5CPc-n Angle, black and tan, Men's silk and lile sox, ail colors. ~ l cashmere hose. Regular value 35C I~ rocetSale Price 43c sale Price -24c g Spools Coats thread for 20c Sale Price 43c, Aieubr i tc.$11.25 Yard wide silks, stripes and I O3ipch torchon laces at . plain colors. 4c per yard@ Sa le Price 98C 9 Tremendousreductions in Men's -and B e(yt Wear sitsdu istteW ltros'rayt Don't fail to i the W ay e store dur- ing tebig 13i ysale. m Whïtby, O ntariu 0 r ARCHIVES 0F ONTARI( WATCHES-RE OUR apCIALT'i. Wo boy OId GoId or 8,11vi and pay tire hîghest mark-et pi for it. If yen have -any yon wor lîke made up into IIOw jewelry wîill hopieaied te givo yen an es t mateand guarautee thot iioneb yeur old gold iiili b. used. .R N. BASSET'. JEWELER-AND OPTICIAN r polr NE'W IiITB' -W.eC.'T,. U. A ci.szcnsa ldgue- in thre là,% .Aylnier la doi6ng gîo o.) w rt -i Local Option iù mî-.ie,rTi i',-,ù on'p. Discussing! the specî.îl prov availabie for Local Option et iment, as eompa.red Y1ýth: the ci eut. el the license law, a- circul sued by the league saya: "Grave, fears are sometimes pressed as te, whet.hcr the Locý tien by-law ean be- enfercedý zuainitain that it cti anrd xviIi- loreed,- and the rpason wby -me tain this- are t-(1) lieca-cotli alties are greatier for. ifat tbe lau--a la-a-N' tualvi stroug as lt-s penialtie-s: I p ler the first offence .fcer slHg n local option district N zno -thian $100 andI- ests _f-or ,ýffence, four mon Thslun lau. Ne -te say' thé a~lraîr çl risk- a second -offe1ti-C (2) The of gcttitig caiight- are rreafer Locaf- Option thark under licerm persen>found clriink iiIdlol district is arresti'd, fiued $n10 and made to telil where flhe cant was ptocîifed. (3) Sincre Option Is ohtained ha- a tîv-iaw municlp4litv- teels at ptrctliar se And when -thmee-fifths -of the are beblnd such a law the -offî the law usuall!. flnd -à is safèî -botter te perferm their dutiec forcing- It th nte evadle tbi i _Çity.Sc has been the cA least In those towns where Lt itlon has been ln force. Public mewnt areused, e-rgaiized -anrde IcaIly éxpressed-,lu a good atrt --ncb as Local Option law-1 'grOateft, power la any donimur The tollowing new Befll Phonc been Installed ;-158-C. P.1 te;159-C. P. R.triglit aI Deünt lorget Mr. Parker, fan, wll b. at, Bassett'sJ atore, Saturday, -Auguat 29. -Holy CoMmunies at St. '~Bay ehurch -os Sunday, Aug -suer th& memning service. Re Fletcher will be the celebi-ani Reserve August -Ilth, fo: Methedist _Church garden. Pl Mr, Webber's, Brook-lin, on east of the station. - Soad - your orders- for fruit 'tueMcIntyro's hardwvare, Whit -4 -4 - - 4 .4 4 4 -'4 4 '1 4 -4 -4 4 A il «wmmmwý

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