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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 6 Aug 1914, p. 5

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R. M.- office. ffe have made a special ýtudy of this part of the iptical profession, -and ýan supply: theïr wants vith absolute accutacy TAÀ MODERATE COST. Rocx ST., WHITBY BRopair Anything, 4 le boug9ht 1, a jewelry store, pnany 4tberib tings that are igt In otber stores. If others mdt ropair your bNken articles, g tbem to un and we will repair n it il lpoosibie to dooo: Te 'rges wili bu moderate. VATCHES ARE OUR SP-EIALTY. ie bey Oid Ooid or-Silvor td puy the'highist rmarketpie r it, I'f-yen ave'any you wouId ce madie up into new -juwelry W@ 11l be pleassd to give you an esti. ate,and goaràntee that none but Sr old geid wili b. usead. . N. BASSETT, -JEWELER AND OPTICIAN POSITF NEW ITB kOS? OPPICE WI B W. C.Te.L' E NF ORCEMENT. cilVzens' league ln the Lobs n1,1 nie la doinoe .rn'i. ir Al e. h reexuence. on u id- Stu reeti. Oh for Harviet Excursions to West- ern Canada August 114h and 18th (Tuesday ýof each week), only $12 te Wlnnlpeg, -and only$18 additional If returu. OnJy îc. per miile to engage- ment points beyond. Winni peg. For full information and tickets 7apply uat Stephensou'soffiMce, Whitby. 'Alec sea-side e4cursi ens .ugust 14 to- 17.ý Good tili Sept. lot. Excursions te Haileybury and pointe north on TÉ. i& N. O ., railway on August- 25%h and Septernbtr let. Cheap;touriot tický- et., te ail .resort plnts-Munkoka, Georgian' Bay, -Lake' Superir, .0ke Huron, Algonquln Park,, I<:awartha and Lake of pays; ýAl1,esori pointu -land Dr lakes--anywhere. 'Wite orse Stephenson,, Whtby, befere traveling. Buy bis Toiron'to, Rive,:-. dale atrd ail local as -well as'forefign tickets. -Heurs 7 A.m. ti9P. M. week day.. Send your erders for fruit baskets to Mclîtyre's hardware, Whltby. BAPTIST CHURCH. t - Sunday, August 9.b At both services the pulpit will bet occupied by Rev. B. A. Fisher, ofa %Vhitevale.ý S. S. and Bible Classes at 10 a.rn.t Get a One Minute Washer, it makes wash day easy. We would be pleased to ueud eue on approval. Geo. M. Rie. Everything ln hardware. 04 On this page _elsewhere will be fouid tise advertisement of Mr. L.J. Vaselesky, who bas opened a Watch repa.ining and, jewelry business on Brook St. north. PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING ?.R. Bradbury, Mary St., Whltby, will be pleased te receive orders for all kinds et paiuting, paper-hauglng, graiutug . sud ognwriting. Ses our sample books. P.O. ber 11f.-tf. WARL PREPARATION. You rnay assiet en Friday, August 7. Atternoou tea at "The M9aples" from 5 te 6 e'clock, served by the Y and friends in aid et the Dominion W.C.T.U. Dept. of Militia. Address -Flrst aid to the- lnjured. Admis- sien loc. Cerne. ELECTRICAL IN$SPECTION Mr. J. L. Stiver, Chief Inspecter eof Oas and Eiectricity fer Torente district, and bis assistant, Mr. Clark, were lu Whitby mest weçk in- spoctlug and testing electric meters. FARMERS AND 'THRESHERS, ATTENTION. -- wt à U AJ4 IF......uls "U utrri,,a osguetetts Local Option- cam ai.<n s ti C cenlebut rated, Me ngelaY oug he don. Discussing tise spectal provisions, ebrtdMngaéaýYuioh .avaffiabla for Local. Option enforceý- eny sett ceai for threshing pur- Poses.,- At ceaI shed ý,Up towu Qr at ment, as cemipa.red 'wth the carryiug tise Harbor. E. R. 13lp)w, Whitby., eout of the Iloanse law, a circula isj- suod by the league says: "Grave leans are sometîmes exE- PRNR N UEWN pressed as te wisether the Local Op-SO LOTL tien by-law can , be enforced. We Tise' Board of License Commission- znalutain that 14 can and wlll be en- ers. met ou Tisunsday last and grant- * orce4, and the reason why we imalu- ed a transter efthtie Windsor Hotel 'tain this are :-(1) Because tbe peu- license from Messrs. Emers *on & Bell alties -are greater for infraction eftot Messrs. lanison & Bell. M1r. Les- the' law-t a îa1-9î usuaîîy just as li1e lanson took over the interest et * srou p it pnalie. Tsepenlt WW Emerson on Saturday, Aug- for the firet offeuce for selling hiquer1 ust let, and the Ilotel is now being in a local option district la net lees jconducted by thse uew firm. than-. $100 and cones for second effanes, four menthe lu mail. Needlese A GREAT OPTICIAN. te say -the' lawbreakers will seldom F. E. Luke, Opt. ID., ' 159 Yonge rluk a second offence. (2) Tise rlsksl'St., Toronto, will visit Wii.tby, -of getting caugist are grdater under Tuesday, August istis, when yen can Local Option than under license. A secure bis valuable advice -and scien- person found, d ruuk lu a'lecal option tiflc test as te your need of spec- distriott'-farested, . fiued $10 te $40 tacles f ree et charge. Prices righti aid -made to' til where tise Intoxi- One. day onlyv, Tuesday, Aug. 1S.-6. cant was procured. (3) Since 'Local ,Option tae btalued .by a' by-law, tise ' 'înî. T1înERNAxc,. munlcipality feels à péculiar seuse etSna, uut9 'Tesonabiliy I enoireng hat aw.Theservices at tise Tabernacle and And when three-flfths of tise votera Alnîonds will be taken by tise astor. are behiud sncb a law tise officers of Moruing subject-"Lessens trom the là w usually fiud 14 i' satan and tisa War.' *botter te perform tiseir, duties în en-- Eveniug subject- "Tise Louely forcing 14 than ta evade their respen- Castie."1 slbillty. Sucis bas beau tise cag . ,1Bt Tise S. S. and erganlzed classes at least lu thonse towns where LocallOp- p.m. tieon bas. beau Iu force. Public senti- A ,weleme to ail. Meut aroused, organized aid empisat-0 Jcally expnessed lu a good str-oug.law BASEBALL. ý-*ucis as Local Opti ou law-is the getoet pewer Iu any" cornmunîîy. On Menday niornlng thé Cedardale -team played tise Baraca Clas et tise - - -- - -Baptiart Churcis ou Heny St. Sehool grounds. Casey, whe pltched for tise LéalIlpperings visitors, was a second Walter John- kg 1 ston, sud the Banacas ouly occasien- aliy saw tise bail as it whikzzed past Stise Plate. Tise final-score was somne- Tise tellewlng uew Bell phones have been lastalad :-158-C. P. R. sta- tien; 159-C. P. iR. freight sbado. - Do net 1f'orgat - ai, wli be atý store, Saturday, Mn., Parker, optie- Bassett's Jewelny Auguat 29-. Communion at St. Johs' Lrh on Sunday, Auguit 9, e morulng service. Rev.,Jeu. *111-ha tthe clebiLant. e: Auguet. 111h, for thi st' Church garden pàrty ai bber's, Brookln, eue ri' for fruit'basket ware, Wiltby. av etf' tise Horsé *PHOTOS you have been prernising se long. Leave a eall, and ýwe will corneý aisy time and make a nice photô of your house aud the Iawn. DEVELOPINO 'd PRINIING for amateurs attende4 te, promptly. WiIsn'sStudio, PICNXC AT TýIIE COLLEGE. The Adult Bible Classes ýand- the Offleers and Teacliere et the, Metho- dist -Sunday School hélid a picule on the Coliege grounds -on Mouday at- ternoon-and evening. A large num- ber atteuded, 'aù'd the eujoyment' et the occasion wae entered into with a zest. Gamet were played in the qtternoon, the spaclous grounds et thse College, afiordiug ample room fer all. Supper was served on the lawn, and iu the everAlng the fun was continued. This outlng proved te be âeeof thse moat esijoyable held this year. TIEALTY TRAi'TSACTIfONS. PEOPLE W-10 BUY AND SELL. Thse folew*ing transactions ;of prop- erty bave beeu effecte.d by tise Great- er Canada Imprevenieut and Land Company, Ltd. Preperties Rented: FP. E. Farewell's dwelliug ou Dun- das ýSt. east, te twe foremen - em- ployed lu thse sewer construction. S. G. Hawley's residence ou cerner of Coiberne and Atisel streets, te MYr. R. A. Hutchisen, Public Sciseel .jnspector. 'lThe- dwelliug seutis et Mr. -Johu Rice's, en Brock St. nerth,- te Mr. George Redd. Properties Seld Walter Bunn's dwell'ig on Victoria St., te--Mr. Gee. Simone. Agents for the above are Richard- son & Richardson.. Lots seld Plaza Royal Divisien, frem thse Greater Canada Impreve- mient & Land Ce.: Mrs. C. and Misa L. Sumrnmersett, Torente, let Ne. 77. Miss Amy Gleesen, Toronto, lot Ne. 114. Miss Editis 1. Stanley, Toronto, lot No. 91. A HOLIDAY FOR THE CH1LD- REN. The Gazette believes a rigist de- parture was made when thse citizens et tbe towu formed a V.O.N. Com- rittee and brought our able nurse te work in our midst. That Miss Pressley's werk is needed has been abuudantly preved hy the -quarterly- statement which lies before us. We learn with grea-t p1ieasure Utin thse ladies' co mmrittee o! the V.O.N. returJied atrIe, peuig a txo Iweeks' v acation -wlth bis. parente Ih cre. Mr. Thon. Wilkins and -son, Stan- "iey , et rToronto', apent Monday aite r- neen, with Mr. !and Mrs. GdM.,Good- fellew. Mr. H. J. Roberts,_ of the C. P. R. of1fice,- Toronto, was in tZwn' witji frienda 'at'Heydenshore Park' over thse holiday. XMr. and Mrs ý W. J. Luke left on Saturday by automobile for-afe holidayu, 14 b#Ing the annlversary et thRlr weddIng :day.ý Mr. .and Mts. P.C. Smnith and children,' and Mr., Arthur Fllgbt, ot Toronto, were visitera, this week with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Smith*, Port Whitby.- lYrs. Macdonald, iono and daughi- ter, oi Toronto, and Mr. Leo- Coffey and Miss Jean Coffey rnotored Lem Toronto on Monday and vlsited Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Conlin. Mr. and Mrs. Steer and daughters, and Misses Eana and Luella, and Miss Dorotby Ceone, of Harnilten, bave been guestset Mr. and Mns. Thos-. Conlin, atiKillaruey Green. Mr. John. Nott, Port Perrys old- est citizen, was In town on àatur-N day and gave tise Gazette-Chronicle office a friendly call. Mr. Nott, wae 89 3years ef age on Dominion Day. Mr. Samnuel -Thompeon, of New York, wiso was on thse staff ef the Gazette and Chronficle thirty years ugo, was.lu towu àn Tuesday calling on old acquaintances. MYr. Thornp- sou is now with tise Federal Priat- lug Ce., ef New York, ene ef the largest priuting firms in tise city. IN THE SURROGATE COURT 0F THE COUNTY 0F ONTARIO. Iu tise Estate et Sarah Webster, wid- 0w, deceased. Ail persons >having dlaims against thse estate of Sarah Webster, late of thse Town-o0f Whitby, lun-the Ceuuty et Ontario, -widowv, deceased,- who died on or about August let, 1914, are requircd te file the-r daims with Mr. W.E.N. Sinclair, Oshawa, Se- liciter for thé executors, on or be- fore the 22ud iday et August, 1914, after which ýlpte a distribution et thse estate will take place, baving re- gard te these dlaims only wicb are riled by tisat date. This netice is given iu pursuance et the Truste Act R.S.O., 1914, Chsap. 121, Seo. 56. ]Dated thse 4th day et August, 1914. ROBT. -L. WEBSTER, qARAtI HARDY, Executers, 13y tiseir Solicitor, W.E.N. Sinclair, Oshawa.-7. NOTICE bas been interesting îtselt iu the Pursuaîrt te tise provisions et sec-. cbildren of osîr comînunity, having tien 191 of tise lailwav Act, not9ce ifecured through thse courtesy et the is iscreby given tisat a certified copy l)eaconesses, thse Fresh MAr 'Cet- et plan refarred te lu aud apiprovedl tage, a thtie lake for a couple of by order No. 22027 efthtie Board et wveeks f ree of charge, and are pre- Railway Commissioners fer Canada, pared te give freely of their tirne dated l8tis June, 1914, was, togetis- and energy to supply a supervleed er witis certificd ,copy o! 'said erder, holiday te a goodly number et our depesited lu tise'Regiétry office fer littie folk, wli oenîy have our streets tise Registry division o! tise Couuty as a play greund. Tis ladies ask thé'ef Ontario, ou tise îtis day et July, support efthtie cemmunity lu their 1914, at Wiitby. werk, as necessarily some expenee Tisa said plan shiows laids wblch muet be incurred. The Gazette wlll tise Campbell!ord, Lake Ontario and ha pleased te acknowledge subscrip- Western Rallway Company bave beau tiens te this laudable work tbrougis autisorlzed by flald order te include its columus. and Isopes tisat tise wlthin tise limiits ofthtie Right et ladies will haeeouraged by a liber- Way showu on 'plans approved by or- al respônse. ders numbers 17024 and 17105 of the WeIl trained boyi; and girls make Rai d Board. efficient men and wonieu. How many Dated at Mentreai this day ef will iselp to keep our cblîdren off tisa July, 1914. streets for two 'weks? E., W. BEATTY, Visitors Hiere and Away. Mies Edlth Ellie, efTontwh han -parente. IMies Eecs, et Toronte, wi(th Mrs. J. T. Horusby. Mn. Wm. Millar, of Toronto, wlth friands lu towu. Mn.' T. Jubb and -son were lu tisa city fer tise holiday. wisat lange ferr14isa Cedandale teamu. air. L1UUU. DJJrel V5VAwGU lu Dl é. ville over tise holiday. HORSE HOW NOES. DMaster'.,Arthur, Paquette iç vlsiting HOSESOWNTE. relatives lu Motreal.* j Tise grand stand is twlce as long Mts; T. W. Rosa le vsitiug Iniends as last ysar, and bas fort-y-eight box- ir- Raglan fer a month. es, and ueatiug accommodation for a Mrs. Wes. Chautier, of Toronto, lu theusnnd peeple. ' vlsitlng Mns. Lou Silîs. Tise visit by tise Presideut and Sec- Messre.' Bernard and Vincent Bar- retany o! tise Hersa Sisewte Heu. ton witis tissu parents. Clifford 51f ton ut hi. summer resi- Messrs. Jqis.n ad Cullen Penry, o« Idence ou tise St. Lawrence, Clvic Teoronto, with thelr mether. Holiday, resulted lu tise certainty- Mr. Alex. Wilson and sou, Allie, 'that-tisa $nest string et hunters lu spent tise holiday la tise ciy. Amenica will coma te Whltby. Four Rev Jas. Watt, ef Carleton, Xinu., et, tisese herses are record hoiders, visited with hie -côuslu, Mn.r Kean. e clearing witb a rider- seven feat. Only* Mie Annie Jo'bzstou aid ieàs ýt ene otiser Show lu Canada will have, Harvey wane lu Toronto fonthé bll [tise good fortune te sec tisese farn- day. eus herses this year. Mies Abbott, et Lindsay, speit tise Tise poster arrivad Tuesday, and is holiday with ber'friand,'Miss Veda sa very beautiful. and appropniataeue. Luke. Great activity trom now tili' tise lMrs. T. G.. Colwill and daughter, Show lu ovar wIll make tise Sacre- Clara, are visltlng .with Iriertdu«.'I il tary's office au Interestinx cetre. Toronto. pBoxes are te ba $15,'a pepular Miss -M. Macbsth, ' f Toronto, Je - rIée consldanlng tise pnivilegos they visItlng wtth Mn. .n Mý G. M. HOW T0- BUY CHEAPLY We are prouder of high quaiity than the iow price. BEOT 00008 AT LOWEST PRICES. Bra s , large sud brshy, 'he Fau'Patry ',Fleurp, quarter ibug 70a Corn Flakes 3 for 250 Comfort soap. 6 for 25e CarbolicS-oap, largo cake, SC - Tlomatoos ' --3 for25f Fineat Buter - 25o Every article you buy banc. le first-cèlass, full weigist or measure ansd wholesome. Your-sbusiness friend,, I I I Program Thursda I FRED. HATCH, 1 L I Lof Events will Commence on Wednesday, August 12, at -1.30 P.m. ~Aug: 13, at 1.30 p.m., on Friday, Aug. 14, at i o a.m. and 1.30 P. 4TH REGI1MENTAL BAND in At tendance Each Atternoon, Rates on aillRalIroads, Admission to Park, 25o Prus. A. W. JACKSON, Vice-Pros. S. L. TREES, Tremsuer. Miscelianeous Advetts * FOR SA LE.; A square piano for sale at the Preabyterian Manse. May be seen at auy time. FOR.SALE. Clyde mare, 6 years oeld, in bal. Sound. Her fil11e is a prizé winner. S. MeCormick, Brookin.j. -6 WANTED.. Men and teams to work by the day. Apply to R. J. Fleming, f arm No. 2, Kingsten Road, Witby.-5. * WANTED. Laundress, Immediately for House cf Refuge. Apply to Dr. J.F. Lav- ery.-tf. 1HOUJSE FOR SALE. New fram bouse, li storeys, six rooses, t-Ipie h~bath:# turuat-e, electric llgbt. Apply ~ H. JAMES, Wbit- by.-tf. *J WANTED. By August 2tb, six -or seven room- cd bouse, convenieut te publiec hool. Two in farnily. Reply giving partie,- ulars, te box 10, Gazette and Chron- icle, Whtby.-7. DENT'S DAIRY.ý Pure milk anid cream. MIornlng and evenlng dslivery. Order.now. Phone 177.-tf. KEYS PO'UND. A buneh of keys found. ,Apply it &Gazette-ChroIicle office. PARI! FOR SALE IN WHITBY" TOWNSHIP. Seventy-seven actes, lotÃŽ28, coS. 4, threo miles frorn Witby town ; con- veulent to thre railway1 stations; well uulted for rnlxed farning, dairyr ing or market -gardeahg. SuMU fruits, good orchard <prieipally spy trees), never talling stEeaml, wsll and cisteru, tramens bouse, baI" bargi and other large buildings. Seýeral adres of standing timber. AIse two lots In Whitby town. C. W. Smnith, ex- ecutor..tf. HUGH GAiDE mWctHRIEPAIRINO. Le J. VASELESKY WATCHMAL<ER and JEWELER' Two Doors Souths of Royal Hotel WHITBSY. ONt. T Te aîs xpeifence ln Cien ral -Work. estlnates Given. One es acGarant. BIISH AMERIGAN COLLEEI bsandad UCÃ"lnhiercli&lkUw_.à. alTerni 0 et ritefor our catalogue. Mdcffll Sto., Toronsto Entries Close'.Aug, S. Traift Time Table# G.T.R. WHITBY JUNCTION. Golng W est... .4.jsm.rn. j oing Eait.,..5.2 a.to .7.Hso.mn. .... .3.05 p.M ..o.e5 a. m. ... 619 P. m .2.07 P.in.j....6-53 P-In :-...740 P.Mi. 1 . .. .. 30P.n SundaÈ trains isave fer Torento. 4.52 a.rn. and 7.56 p.m. From Ter- ente.-trains stop at Whitby Junction at8.15 aud 9.55 a.m., and 9.80 p.m.' UP-TOWN STATION. Write fer Prize Lst ta T. CUSSION, Suei. Whltby S~caoCai Chestnut per ton Steve Size and Egg per1 'Peu Ceai per ton $7.50 ton' 7.25' 6.25 At Harbor Ceai sheds 50 cents per ton Iess. " -IJâRANiON Ceai". The name guarantees the- Whst quniity. E. R. BLOW, WVhi;by" Bell Tel., i Home Tel. 14.- Uoig Nrth.. 8.o am. Gi nIg.0outh ...7.18 a.T ..4:95 p.ifl.1j .p.1 . ___________ .6 4 .M .i I1.05 p.m C.P. R. Golng, West-9 so ans. JGaing East-g.i an i STAGES. SrÀISJPLN- Leaves. Whltby for Oshawa ut 10 I-vr-:cM arn. and 4 p.rn. Jou. Holden, pro- Levsfor Brotigham at 10. a.rn. Vacation 'Tripa Mr. Edwardu, proprietor. 1000 Islands, Montroal, MAILS CLOSE. Quebec and the Saguenay Steamners " Toronto " and "i iton liav'e Toronto îiaI1y for Thlonaidauînd s For WVest- 6.eo a.rn. For Port Whitby- ansd Moutreal. Week daymatôp.m. direct 12.3aP.rn. 6.30 î.-= to Kingstoni. Surndaysat . nvia char- 6.30 p.rn. 6.30 P.i51 loUte, part.a! Rocheyter. 8.30 P.i.-steamer i"Rochsester" lea'es Tronto Or Est--30-m- For Oshawa-a-.3o p m, for Thousand- Iulandse and bMantreai On For ast-.3oans.Tundays, Thursdays asUd Saturdayu at 2. 8.30o1).M, For lqqrth --6.30o L m p.M, %la Charlotte. --.11~~ F. EB. Luke, Toronto's able Optician, at Alliu's Drug Store, Whitby, on Tuesday, Auguist l8th. Don't miss seeing him. 0 PTICIA>N. Fe E. LUKEÇ Y5 onge St. TORONTO Livery, Cartage and, Teaming. I have receutly added te my well- equipped livery stable a iseavy teami aud dray for ail kinds of cariage and, teaaiing work, aud will be pleased te ireceive orders, which .will have promnpt aid careful attention. PHONE 6s. CAIRIASE TO,,MEET,,ALL TRAINS. John .131mb/et DUNDAS, ST., WEST WMNBY i urunw la Mantreal sad Fgurn MP -Tarante ta Quobueand return 1U Taranto ta Saguenay and ratura 47 Above rates Inclnde meais sud bertis. Toronto - Hamilton - Mant.ui Tourlrt Steapersleave Toronto on Non. dajs, Weduesayt, aud Satîîrdays. From Hamilton, Wedueiidays and 5atur- day. Tarante ta Montrial and ruturn $19 Hamilton te Mantrean d rsturn 20 Abovs rate@ Include nieas ansd bertti. Quubea ta New York at. Trinidad"I leaves Quebse for New York Aug. 7th ând 21st. For particulars apply to local ticket agent or stidreas HMU 1). PATYRSO< G.A P. 40 Yonge k, Toronto, E.B W. EVANS t'." Punip -Manufacturer Shogd'galenc,,Dandas St . WIIITBY, Tbres doors weut of WMhy Boum.. We are prepared te Iistail. wed m trou puupa ou short notie, a"5 - attend te ail kinds of re- pairing, Age4t for tise Otarlo w14 oeil! gil n miLes ad tle o. saeM WhItby. BDAY9, 'THURSDAY FRIDAY- August 12, 13, 14 Nigh Jumpers, Huntors, High IàààY0 . S= 8 oad Homes, Heavy i ie ugtHron mbd Pnies. Il

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