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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 6 Aug 1914, p. 8

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~~uu w -Tb.dt4~ Br'ononks 01Satu r U*PL çInjbeula favor of JtObt, HerOn f~1~ueIsjundt et.n>01 day, August 1,, Mr.. N. i;AnçeIdvl1, eul a a 4 ~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ b 'apOLINrô,art at412. owfCaiend.gmn- Col.~ ubus, 8st, - 'eok UIý~k1~ -. ~Snd YOOurdDSfr IlgMr -NancékiveUli ad Cii W-m . yW woin -c p4as Fj dra fi Vnmïmab ,,* ilsitntü,g.ttieads *o 'MCi1tYre5 a from Oshawa bUttw*o elci agO, 1Mr. doects<4 1jRuthrdreadine to ,authole>S. ouhpCel. lnenfnehay ur it ii taKerre yI1-4 B -o n dais s euý tà lijss son, and was ta en ÃŽIL1progsedscoîteebli bouse, sevy 'Mid - - PRIE EQofPgEITr S lmCorInSoOdtt ek nnt.ode in tWus e ÃŽ1tgbltOo. hua he. 'rhe limerai teeli pj , M 'Mr. and -Miss ,Armsàtreng o! Prosà for echool purposes. 15 r y a t h L a r e c enr. fo r, 1 . p e t , ap a y me.e d y st a md wo u n tn g to u a rl 'S r e É hW r t o r M p rt U 5 lic DVl BZKS e tesent K fre:4nth afsh sliiIO nMonday to Union CemeterY. pCuspn tc Ywtl reusknumbel'- of --OU a ee ase l tnp tDvidB1elVitoU. is large contract lun Malveni, an¶lLa. and Best. U nion re atyae.wl ted nSn 80 business xto.. haï<ren etued to the village -wlth hie wîî illd a!BrohuîIon t .eague was wlatne mrgi ilctcmisol ad buins tfriW. J5SSuad lias beautiful aWn o! Mr. E.W. Webber, day lght." A by-Iaw wasntroduced adMai m Beeft SOE&WLIG N - men. ldeGoasdoof t, . a , onpasse d lix estim ates of re eipts F n h l u s n c ,tteu 1Toronto this week- bime. adMsGoonAndersn an sd On ,mil ad !ter hill-un g.agennd epn ue ftieTo b ~issMud regOttawa, A'nàeBîuilx!, of TOTuesiay,- August ±Ithundertil su- byfor194, nd incomptearvyable Divieis TRNO NAI iissldr s! Aie' Ktce's0Ctl Miss Us Paisan age Idnepedntreso!tlr Tpno Mii! Tho spbrts ot BroolillIl are organ~~~ciZ- rst, r iiga! Mn. mpicos o! the BroounsdKdo Blilît5. etod191curie. Ts wllbe ncop t iig t Iroln ane ji-. ehds .cuéé.Il!your hfrlgettiiig thin, losing and collectlnîi ni a rate .5 ii.~ nm m ~ i ins. lonfornmisO su ek2 n m nsil, Mr. Mel.WhiÃŽt6, servod fironi58O iialaesre.j itisntur.l color, or lias that ma$t ,frT.proe.le__________ isig bdl nlasi tes hitiaeHaycrst, of! lismet bootli os grounds. GoOd lifÏeéi and scraggy appearauce, the- Adjourned to fmeet on August 29.. JOr. wi -Spenmrsonto ilthRegimental Bld M. easdulueidn-dfdn1 adfait- .10El{ 1efsiso I ve- iitdin xbzidge batW t Oh wse h oliday - at the, l. Spencer, ententaluen, o! Torowu ue jitekoep the bair roots propenlyÇo n l For rates and, fulli ifr ainO 'C N Spencr Onthe Ith lTeurthoe T ervic , leld on SUn-toi, Ã"ne o! Cauada's hest humotists, uounislied. Es htyCucl p1 i th betiois KTdn Iltt 't eb TdQartOlastervtice, thaS!lu bumor, wit, soug, ston- sund li- sio*ta r.SaP i ,ýj a 81 tedd n ersud1cet.needsanad Is abuolutely barmilessa. t Council met this day. Reeve Gi!- F.- J. DUFFf MR. A. E. DNVAteiwtotpoicplcesdhvn ,el bIte fletrnt r.CL ah veyoue f ci! thst i Tho Btaly1 in 5apd15 etis. lno ed equickly stopsîtéhing liead sud f ailing ford in the chair. Membens present Special Rep. Quees itraS i rmurepi iett edofc My Kn E a moos an M . Eddie Dsny Bros. have liad their liearle ,uccess!ui gardn Paty ou Weduosday hair sud hei s calp o! nthe l es! ton h e Mosns. Miu e , Goead and M ri. T rotMradt-t cmm sin. Prm u u cl F Osbsws, vlsand bitMr. scrapod aud relnislied, ale nêdnaped, en!iig las on tlie beautîful gnounds invgn thesapaditutliePuC.Siue eera n dbietdwr 3900 nta t$8, poundel', o saa wih1makes s gros! improvezuen. OfMn. Clias. 'Groat,, one sud a bal! liair grow long aud beautiful. opted.The Mutual- srnsG.oo.Fute terCnda ài eu.othvilg.The Wea-Go! abttîe of Paisîsu Sag ~ tose Mis. Co-Mr. Hans Anderson,o!sbw, towssu hcnd.!nmAHAio Tno noLIUfNoYokpnereevd$84969lute' MissesPlà polici et ws, xaelentpand thluroprofitsom A.te Apoilcyan aIl un, souu a a later lien the work. tia undo!w saltat ' could conter. It costs bu! 50C. Rub It In'iRoyal Bak, ('ol. J1. E. Farwel, Misshéi n rb l O s edeslLed.ý The supper was deliglit-- to the scalp-ail dandruf! difrappean K .C., C'. P. Ry., Reeve Gifford, lmi.bodr$g,5.hercmids- -nMran hhaebevstg M.Jh'fui, sud the wsy tihe crowd fell to 1! -your edfeels ino-tua bain ls migration Department, Ontaronio Newtd- uplsovrclaelodOS Dr. llnoad snd wl!o, sud nsd Awho lha-ve beu ls ti ta! n.homl tn ob 1 n idbtta rtyadprecl elh. cplAscain eita eea blrs. -lurton, vlited wîth M. uiAn is'i, hacomneîed tethdMi~ss Mr- twa vrymu s ppneciated. The 1 snd RobltHinton.Mui N w L n ry cotbtis a$98 hendo Mn.. -Jas. , ýd ony Allieras. rj -t RTFSTATION. Mr.Glover, seconded by Mn Mo- We wish te acqus4int hi epee eyu Mns ChyuesudMaterWhlleo! edthe pregnal s ~spiend.u. jKn teot RTEWhitby sud surrondigontr il h qiyLt utr oa bti. Ton en n doare-ssyigth rs. Tom- 01Rer. JOs. Fletcher occup ed Metirodîs! Orchestra, O! Oshiaw, suP- The football toUusIflOfl! came off ouezie, moved that .Jos. J. Thomp- the fact fliat wo bave opee pafrt r opny fitrse rt Touontfo, r ea rn Mr .To -pulpît o! St. Thomias'. Cburc pli edexcellent music, 501110 of! the on, Mouday, Civltc Holiday, 4ith 5Bon hO paid 17.10, bonus ou 114 noda c scs laundry ou Brock StW tb ,i fn erp tcuas a la teme. nm br ok l Sunday las! luntire absence o! the ne- membens aioo assistiug witli the pro- scces. Thene wene six on'- wire fence enected. Caried. Hewis Broc.' old store. Ti nuwosuisbsosit5* ii tiegrdnbarty as! £reenwood sud ton, Mn. Mibawo us ugram. 1ev. G.. A. McLean, paston. lies, but only threeteamis competOd, GMovd byMn. ascFrak, socedby We are prepared tedoalknef-pt~z TeqltLfP.siScOOBV tepô!gd time Aislargenmbnmr attn-o! the oburcli, pneslded. Numbers thie; beiug (.lanemout, - Brookiusud Mr. Goeta ru ne elaundry work. Famuly resgvnL:.DDE. H VI8MD r. su90d trs. hnAiOulargo-edte footbltonamou t te-were reirdened by the Whitby Ladies Myntie. lu the drsw, Myrtle won paid i bonus on 80 nods wine fence a! special attention. Ail wokgaatel -nenito, spent -the hOliday with the onl Civlc Holiday. Our football team, s duetit by Mrs. McI.ean sud Miss 'L- Brookliluto play fins!. Clanemont Mn. Pascoed gave notice that a!t the _______________ !ormer's parents bore.hsgnet'o eomiiated,' but did not meet wlth sue-f Ruttan ; maie trios by -the Webben wene successu n uwlnsiug by a next meeting of ('ouncil ho wiil begChreWa Mnr. Oe. JohustOum'"'scr en1-In laaseur o Brou. sud W. Tink ; mouth organ score o! oue to nothing. Tires Clans- for leave to lntnoduce n by-law- toChro rente, where lielias sccepted a. po- Claremonit. due!! liv- Messrs. Wbtelaw sud mont snd Mrtle bàittied' together appoinlt a collector o! taxes._ _ _ _ _ _ [ ~ BR S sition lu a lawyen'5 office. A service o! spociailutomas! wilWilkiuson, o! Whtby; a well acted aud Myntie -trimmed Clanemont by s Mr. MeKenzie, seconded by Mr. ________________ Dr. 'Jas. Moore suan.Gore b held for- meu a! the Metbodis! dialogue by two youug people, sud a score o! one to uothiug, tirus wiur. Pascoe, moved fonrbae nodc Browu, bave poe on a trp to De- churcli on Suuday evouing. Re. Mn. sbort addross liy Bey. J. C.Sc- ning tire tounuamelit. Tire Myrtie a bv-iaw toecnrpowen the Reeve and Mn. sud Mis. W. Walkon môtored to youug meu. Theno willlio 'lie a known Iu Brooklu. The reinoshmeut He lias played ten garnies tis sum- use o! this înunicipalit-y until thresu lle lbIOt ocuw rmTootadviie ibseclal choir o young mn booth dld a rushgug business, aud the mer, and has not had a goal scoreBd'receïpt o! taxis. Thre by-iaw was. The management ofSîwsBi - A ri .tp ii nsd nen9boo oo %Irs. O'Brien sud daugiter, of To- ,fou3 lu some way took fine os Mou- cess, wirich was mos! eucouiLaging!O oîîlows :-Goal, Norman -Whitney mir. Choyer gave notice tira! a!tireé ail enior Public School andalHîl enlie, speuit tire holiday witb , the dsy-, sud caused quite a lot o! ex-- the Baptist frieuds, especially -auslisok, Frank Cassidy and Ber! BOarne-nxt meeting of Council lie would Scrool st udente, that iL l pin r [ormen' mother, Mn.Clitnu. clteinent anound tirs! part o!tirhe tins is thilris! garden party ireid cock ç halls, Jack Holiiday, Wray ask for leave to introduce.a by-law to mail a copy of its curriulme Mrs. Robent Wlker sud- Miss Liz- village for awhie. However, 1! was bly theni for some tume. May It WBritten snd Boy Britten ; forwards, te assesu Ibis townsirip fon Couuty, snyout eio desfôrs8t qoifyr ins. Walker so oo n t iire week end o wstinusr. ih a e pisconte cntre Geoge P rka;wing, R!sei Townshrip, Debentune, Police nilag qod salaied position.A deu b *s akrsoe h eked of .ter DEATH 0F MRS. SOME RVILLE. Taylor, James Taylor, Harold sud Educational purposes, and fo haw's Scbo-)Is, TorontoOnao ~~. , - ~~~Tire sad uews rescbed bore os Mon- Thouipson sud Murray Tarvis. Roi- tire support o! tire poor. Ha fieYue&Gelrr t day of the deatir. o! Mrs. Somerville, eree, George , Houston, o!f'fforonto, Moved liy Mn. McKenzie, secdo L a!tirhe homeofo ber dsughten iu To- wbo was ver' satisfactory te every by Mn. Glover, tira! Mecounell & rente.- Sireliadt been fil for several player. Tire atteudanco was severen e r ad$~0o rdecu montirs, but- bil recovered sufficieut- bundred, - tract. Csnniod. Moved by Mn. McKeuzie, ueconded TîHE DOMINlION BAlK 1y te be able toelie arouud bh om y r lvr ha h olwn o On Tuesday iast sua took a bad speili ALMONIIS. cusby~.Geria ! tir:!oHaviugse- C0. A. DOCERT. Cor ines aaer. - and kept gnadushly siuking until tire Miss Maliel Mackey le spendiug be Rosds. sud Bridge.-Geo. M'oore, I o u n u alIi o 'T'mat Funs Should B Depositedend came. Evenything possible was vacation a! homo. J,ýJ hmpo 4 oehI 0 u u Trut FndaShold e Dposteddoue tira! loviug bauds ceuld do te Mn.-W U Oke ws at Bowm5ui'ihlO e 'W hnisn$. JsP ______________ endaaBovint ehsut lu . onionra u. Sc usor 557relieve ber sufferng. ou Monday atteudiug tire lunenal o! Ralp- 3-0 Win. Street $1.50, Ou!. When paymt eu cmode, paruglrofssch transclIo% malybe noed on Decçased, -whose malden na&ie "55 Mns.'W. Hlalo.Bridg Co. $16, W. 1Il. Scott S27:585, Phonoe1lu Orsse Cnd mroêiê i1i.thaneuod, hc uhmbcue rcihto @tlrWf ci Elizabeth Gîbsen, was borni in Gieen- Send your'endors for fruit baskets Getlme, WHITV BANC: A A.ATKNSO, -, and was lnows by s large te Meîntyre'B hardware, Whftby. listingeI. OSHAWA A. H. BLACK, - o! e lien1te lu tbeimmedate nei lias Rowe'-spon!tirhe holiday wi OU o A T E NTOUR ~NM......... _____________ bohood, bth befoe and alter ber elativeslutrciy marriage .te-tire late-Andnew Semer- Setters! frem tis 'ueighlionhood tg Mr. John F. BcçOMrDR ville, Whro predecéfýaeed. hon several took,- lutire excursion to Olcot!t n The wet cVf 7cryeam ofteuo-g ------ years ago. She had been a resident Monday. ,bthIta Mb ylhCbwTl tUt Ã" o! Brooklu fer tire pas! 35 years. Mn. Boy Marcombe aud Mn. 1B. Ly- OS c«ý o M»Porna Of su="a sua irad reacbed tire age, o! 78 ypars, oua, o! Fort -William,, wbo bave lices Tob qiti etrs&ereC reator Canad 1UL~[ansd every day o! ber lite was spent visiting the fonMelr. parns .bore, T e ngvelteni a IOHARSON&RIOH X IS T R E iiM B lu doing good for eirors. Sire was s have takeî- asttip to Montreal sud diiM. eke.Hee ebi ete good, kind neiglilor sud friend, sud Nova Scetia. liu sat tliey did for hlm: Bell phone 193.WH TY ( To work that tulible field with a McCormick stiff toe tir cultivator. aîways wilng te heîp thoso lu aeed. Mrn.sd is. hIbur Dînguisu spcn!to New COLZXAN OV . - ..10,.'..I 'i ll»44 No bard plo'igfladipopnyctiaengtatrreoigie She was a fine Chisltian womau, the holiday with their psreutf ber-e. aa - sire* crep. By uisg a stiff tootir cultivator, youm cave dollars in timo, oven aud was s memibor o! tire Presby ter- Mn. sud Mrs. B. Mason were bore 'z umSmimgs long time troubîed with the oid metirod of sialo plowiflg. fan cirnc, Brookîlasd oneofo the witi tirir parents aven the holiday. blootlug citer Mâle, snd nMy tonue lire!t five members who joined tire W. Miss Violet Hall lu on tie aick Wcal2was coated. Seelng tire Little OLVRPOSare tire latest and liest in tire plow hune, istnaigirt F. M. S. bore when it wa fins! or- lis! 3IX esters" advertlsed I bouglit s box, PLOWS atzed tiy eyrsteck Sce lthat mtrouble aWay, fo tire world's greateet inventons. - our American seigirlors. CaW sd szd m'leasao Sr aes- -bt IStoltithabx olt stb Invýestîgate tiese machines at the Brooklin Hardware. tbor e oebrgaddui- KDE HAAH nug m ir, ete boxwudntb ten, Mns. J. E. Kerr formeriy Miss Io, cauued froinitire biood being tick- mre a groat irelp to iny body. Yeustrly Tihlie, Robson), ot NewBrigdeu, At- oued witi r uni acid poisons circula!- iJOHN s t BECKR --~ ~.T ~ __ - berta, with whom sho lived until JglOirHrN.AniUi ilacr x~am rtlgwtrPui.lielnCpwrsefUrt.fare. Wl AKU E~Februany las!, 'sud oeedaugirter,Mrs. ail forma o! kldny trouble. Tirey aaeldmas o! 74. L.J I'~I /~1U1 > Ontariod w on erchbs axdebo! Toto N aresgo good and on aune tira! J. E. d'Little Digeters" aid the feebloe eo- 35an acre, guaiate t h Brookln ntaj.-wimsieia uel e oelnce WilIs guarautees thoni. Be sure you mwclito digest tire faod Pcrfectly. Tht. jnv.uîmeut, locatdl Wib -Bell sud Insd. Pione. - eavlng Brookliu. Tire fiueral tocik gel AntilUric Pille. B. V. Marlon meas etua! Yu Cas esjoy every inu~li place on Weduosday iroinitire C.N.R. ou e1 bx ol uya!J . e hesruth out of wirat you Every conceivalerqilffi station on arrivai o! il a.m. traisnWli' rug store. ' lLtte ian ohr mp ________________________________________________from Tonto. Intenmes! took paeWles rg tr.atye takea"th ieee"adohrimrvmnseub kIL flF ~ln Groveside' cemetery. 14ev. Mn. -2ft. a! y055 tiisggite or by mail fo - * Fowiie cauducted tire service a!t tirePORT WHITBY. - Coeman Medicine gor Toronto. 588. M I L ~~~grave. The psul bearens were lier lins. A. £avis sud lier ti ch ild- - -0 V i'Â" K IM 1 ~ U UI U~ sou-in-iaw, Mn. John Pencirard, ber ren, e! Hamilton,, are tire guests O! MANY THOUSAND MEN REQUIR- Bell phono19 *I'D - lW W M M tree grandsons, Msas. Bert, F~rank Mr. sd Ms. Richard Goldring. ED FOR THE HARVEST IN jeeieune W ]n aud Jolis Pencbaid, sud Messrs. F. Mns. Frnk Smith and two chlhd- WESTERN CANADA.- - Scott sud A. C. Elliot!. non, sud Mn. Artirur Fligit, o! To- Appi oximately filteen thousasd mes route, anc vlisng àt Mn. James wI i eundfOniutario te r A AMAp I)ealnensCannot bc Cured Smlth's. wl the rgr workot a'etfg ie________P_______ wyt ir deauc i he y caniiot reach tie M. Sam. Thomluies, of New York, Western crop, sud pacticaiiy tirhét0111eDcl BRANO brA~~dlanaed lalal. :a ise dtr portion of ti:82!r.Therr à loe i s visitiug iris mothen sud sister entire, task of tratisportlng thise os waocred sfoud tbat is by canstlu- am e ln'sen atr etw i lgu Pue anll, 50fet ! - 14EustAS . irdcoiin obe.lie u cos tuemà 0< U"c" isss dth nd Aileen Asirby aîl to tire lot o! thre, Casadian Ps- 4 4 end wba Itlu iel od, ne carihe spcn! tire week-end wlir MisJury aific Rallway. COUNTY-0, NÂR Manila 6o fet a!em-it. /a' s dbnle hIflatsion eau bc taken lu Toronto. Excursions broiPoints iu Ontaio Eitr Mnila 50 ee a - - Ioyeijcc stord oeer ie aeMisses'o Jessie sud Margerte 99hlsto Manitobas, SaskstcrWnsd i 84 e00s ngbu i Iflme cndiio o9Ltein4OtOMane, of Toronto, are a!t Mn. Jas. opersted, making tire trip ln about Clar, witlyinJs 8 e.S Sta ndard, 5ofe t44 igbti nimdcniino h uoaMge M B-9 WC will five one Husdred Dollar& for auy WilIia'. -tlirby-six heurs sud avoidiug asy MNU. j, April 9, Ny4 'ue8 Webcrii-el y al a atrr cueSed or f<mecMrn.sd lins. John Draper, o! change o! cane or'transfers. Tis. j1aiy 8 Sept. Sj, O0 , o.1 Wehave f0 su b qagents for Binder Twlne crculers.», o. aeo ~ iceing, came dowu to take lu bbc will lie a day ehorten tha u auy tlr Dc ,Ja,1 85 thsya.Sold by Drugglits, 75c excursion te Oleet! osnlionday. route. Take Hll'& samiiv Pi l. for constili.tlit. Mr. Nodder sud iris daughlmen are "Going Tnip West,"1 $12.00 te Win-. SAAMs . .Mcot. ____________bath seriouii i a!tiroeir home. ntpeg. "Return Tnip ,East," $18 Clark-Jas. 14, Fel.IlisSA. ]MYRTLE. lins. Thos. Penny sud sons, o! To- roi Winnipeg. 4, May 0, Jus. 4, Jul ,Sp.4 PROBEM SLVEDGet Cos Cutivator ow a lis. StlckneY, o! Port Perny, vis- resto, are a! Miss Perny's. Congunt C. P. R. ageénts regardlug Oct. 8, Nov. 9, Dec. ,J.8,11 -TUE lRBE OVD Gt- onCliao o i ted Mrs. Bateman roentlY Tire A.Y.P.A. o! St. John'% churi paticlilars lu cousection with traus- 9. BROUGHAM-M leosnGro1 reduced pnico, .on uexft year terms. Only two loft. lins. Burrel, o! Pickering, wa5 tire ha ecured a tennis set, sud mauy portation wes! o! Winnipeg. wood, Clerli-Jan. 11,Mx S s las of e. l , r a esK n ,ploassu! cveuigs are belug speut in GOING DATES. -et, JgIl it7, elpt. il ov 1, J s FROST & WOOD'GRAIN AND OQEN BINDERS gel ail the 1fr5. week.148,o minHad rcilgb ie mentrns unden tire A GUST il-Prom, Kingstont, Sirar- 111. cro. Tey re igt daft COvOier, adidtn direction o! Mn. F. Giover, studnt ýot Lake, Renlrew, sud West to 8. PORT FElRRY- '.W cre.,Thearlokemlidat o nve niu, u.d lt waste any grain. Saak,isespendiug the suine i thO inucirarge. Azilda sud Saul! Ste. Marie, Clrk- Jas. Il, Ic 1Mis 1 - Coe lusud ook hem ver.Mns. Geo. Boss. - - Ont., to ail peints lu, Manitoba JlSep.,No.1,as1, -Miss B. Batomnan sd frleud, fJa! - el.8,N -if Yeu pÉurchase a Mowiug Machine or a Herse Rake, get a Ottawa, are visitisg with the fim Whitby Township Council. oiily. 195 Froat smotiz.AUGUST 14-Froni Eau! o! King- 4U. IGE .J Moe n & Wod. f bhy wren' th bes wewoul flt sel tem, Mrnd lins. Campbiell asd daimgh-Cousclilme! on Itodsy. Members Province o! Ontaio sud Quelic, My1,Jl 4 et ,Nv e ten, spent tire holiday a! Mn. 0. al poe! ev u~h chair. Min- t i onei Mauiob elà ~.î, Jl 14. - Â,Oream Separator pays well, sud we have somue good eues te Downey's. oalpit nMntoaol. jn g 95 chooso frein. lins. Tiros. Wilson bas moved to AUGUST 18-Prom Kingston, Shar- 6. CANNINGTON-Tb. 1Pets - , ~~~~Claremout. We regre!toeloue lins.> A NEW TERNI bot Lakne, Ren!rw n deW sudWt Csunt tlekJsoMx We are age nIs for Brautford Gasoline Eugises, Reufrew Weigh WÃŽIlon-,nd tamlly broui our midst. opn Sept. t lu the papular toail pint Su lu St b u MayL 14, July il ept ,Nv 5 Mn.sever'ugu, roli, fore mileàcrtain points in SMatioa an Ma Sosies, etc, Metirodiet Churcir gardes party a! L10csudaibe n ntasktcewnS. BeAVRT?1C919..Pae Oas! o! tie statios - ~ AUGTta . T21-Frets East o! King- 1 M, BOsveit,- IrJs. , RAGLAN. Mn. Gardes HeIdgson speut tire week-eud -at home. ,Mr. Clireuce Hodgson lu holiday- Ing s! hOýine. The Laies ' Aid meeting will lie heid on Aiîgust 12th. Ice creani sud fruit wililibe erved, altos viriel a <od proeso w vii i dven, couelut- IL Ti. e o ro oaagt reutaiifo gllu irio5 InttactiOn lu Bus' setssud horthaud cubjects.- IL is né- wodrOriiradmatOcîrealy geL goect positios, ns i lte college for you to attend. To'4ay, uL ot .nlroW. Write for Our catalolie. Cor. Voge si w. Bolon Quebec, te ail points lunliani- 7.. tWERGyLOVE-,D5DIl L«ud toba, and certain points lu Sask- Al Clerk- j1, NM. 1,~ atcirewan sud Alberta. Ma.:1, iyhSpt1,le. For full particulars regrdtug 1,~ 05 transportation West , o! Wi#npg, etc, 00 eaes!C.P.R. a'etor 1EY Osran$ J. M. TAIEWELL, write M.nG. MXurphy, sritPas- Ca- * = -eI~es onger agent, Tononto.-7. Datedas ai Uby,- N«v. M Di. Day on nigtalis popl ted ed to.Noeracrg fordistanceb=. A- comlote su up-to.dste stock of ca8hets sud cupIi swa5on hand to choose frein. epty Foir Sale P upou for our Ijistine form. and Land Co., ýLlmltod, Broo St ......for sale. Kindly coud . ........ .......... vommt &Land Co. kRDOGNI MANAGERS. Mirqio nd. honm10 or, Sa.le om 25 acr es up, and at fromi ýw satisflctory resuits from y and Pièkering Townships. bt of soil,' buildings, orchard emet in the varied list oflered., - WI-ITBY - P. 0. Box 394 idas St. West. SHAW'iS BUSINESS SCHNOLUI' Toronto Anaa iehg T4 ore n il ltyotifg eoPle to eu god salauiés. TheyIflIudeThe Cent Bnleu oge, Yonge & Gerrsrd Sta., aud ixOtyBrane sohools. ýCurculum sent on reqeo.s ntr any time. W. . ýShaw, P49dnt POTATO BUG0' FINIS Ready foi use dry. No mi~ required. Sticks to tire vin' ieates snd killu. ail the insectï potato burgs with one applica The only safe way t,% use a si poison.' . i Worth its cout as a fertil, Does sotinjure thre plant. 10 Ibs. for 25oe -J. E.- WlLLW& iDrtgglst and OPtiC EDALHALL Break St. * WhIl IJEGÂL- INO, E. FAREWELL, K.C arrliter, Counîy Crsà Attorn ifice sot mu ort use, A. -iCHRISTIAN saiorister. Solicitor. Netarir Public. iffice, Brôck St., Opp - Standard M oey to Loan. JAMES RUTLEDGE, Barristot -.Mouey bo Loan on easy terni )4leimmectiately soutir Royal -Wîbituy, -Ont.- 6. YOIJNG SMITH9 LLU Issuer of MARRIAGE LVÉENSEý Court Houce, Wititby, or recîdi 0. A. J. SWAN9ON - larrister, Solicit6or, Notary Pu - .Convéyancer, etc., etc. Oshawa,- - Ontario- Office- No. z. King St. E, Mavkit Rec.idcnce-52 Drew St. Pbenes,-Office,ý 3zl_.Residence, Ilarriagée LiUéna< teuer 0<Msrrtagze IU.ruses Corner drvue, store. M S., tneseerrrquire<l JAS. BISHOP. Oshawa, Lleased- Auctioneer. es ort L.ý Fairbanks. For end ,datet apply te self or G. WM.*IEAW LICENSEI) AUCTKPNEEIR -AND VALUÀTOR.' Ail kindu of sales promptly a ed >te. Arrangements for «al be made a!the4 Gazette office., Torais easonable;- Bell -ad Independeut phioses. WIIITBY, ONT. - APLE QORCIJARI FORSALE -12 acresbest varieties falL and fruit, planted sevreuteen years and O~iora1 Llvsry Bus an~ Dray BusIne Bue te aIl braisa. -I 24 - 4 MONUMENTS Lwo:ka à" i Iusecfozyouuu b»It' be mIaedbya.h.W. em?Ioy Ibb l-P0%co miy we i* poe cmi., wffl you Winl Mtf 1,7nyï vby prbatmg [rom ». iA Ges I olicit.dd UTBI lE FrHi aise Hacks, Carflages an, Rige of ail kinds DAY OR -NIGHT. Bell, pheu es--39,-14-aad Stables as'd Office: ARCHIVES OF ONTARIC TORONTO E - f W F. DISN1W ONTARI. LJR-lL.ILJ ýà

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