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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 13 Aug 1914, p. 1

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IRIJ U U lINlWHf. dy for use dry. No mixiog ired. Sticks to the vinas or es and kil). al the Insecte and ,tobugs with ont application. only sàfe way't- use a atr.ng lorth iis Cost as a terbi;er. 10 I.bo. for 2o if -MEDICAL HALL jan Brneck Sté e whltby. Pr, Of ProesiozalCards I LEIGÂL Po] dNO@ E. FAREWELL9 K.C. v àrrister, County Crowi Attorney and lbi County Solicito. de! 'fic. South wing Court House, Wiitby. MO -sarrlisr. 5.Iciter. mota&" PaWIl et£. Bri 'ffice,.:Brock St., Opp Standard Banuk. Itoney te Loan.* 1u JAMES RUTLEDOE. Bmilstero Etc. Monty to Loan on easy terms, )'ffice lmmediatcly suuth Royal Hotel, WVhitby, Ont. 60O.YOUNG SmilrtLL. Isiuer of MARRIAGE LICENSES Court ýHouse, Whitby, or residence. 0. A. J. SWANSON Ra rri.ter, Solicitor, Nýotary Public, Panu*uane. e tc.. et. 'Oshawa, -, Ontario Office-No. 2 Kin' St. E, M~acIlie Block Residcuce-52 Drev St. Phones-Office, 32i; Residence, 326. Ie.ueir aofIarr-age Lb euse Corner drut*tore. Wblth-. I ls- ueseule -JAS. BI8HOP Oshawi, Lieeused Auctioneer. Suc- effsor to L. Pairbanks. For t«erm a id dates mpply to sef or G. Robb, WM. HAW LICBN8BD AUCTIONEER ANDIVALUATOR. Ail kindi-of sales promptly attend- e. -to. Arragememts-1cr sales osn be m dw at tho Gazette offce. TFerme reaombls. Bell and' Idepedeut -phonos. WHITBV, ONT. APPE ORCHARI> - FOR SALE i î acres best varieties fali and wntr frttit, planted seventeen years and -kept inl prime condition. Prod cing fine * quallty fruit. This year'syieldje valued at One Thous4nd2I>olIas and included ini price of property, flfty five hundred d- ollars. Located one mile from Railway * Depot, eut of Toronto. 'OfN FISHER & eo. 409-Lumsden Buildig TORONTO t SS*$,H8819 1898- Bus, 'ad Dray Business - Bos ta aIl trains. KUTOMOBILE FOR-HIRE; ahso Racks, Carnages snd 7Rigs aofa&H kindo- DAY-OR NIGET. hopes-349, 14 and 74. gtables and Officez 8 Thefin est, Arrcmy of Hrses in. the Ci The. hors. '1, ktug.lu Whitby Ibis modateail woek, sud noue lo. tee blgh or ueble.-theShow, 1 to do hlm. r«eve. People tram &blé ta bon everr ypart of -ts Couuty aud a_ uum- was secured ér tram, more ditntparts of 111e oausé,Ilut 5 Province made, Whftby thieir Ileosa, e ln sMc dl -bocaume et h. 'preiseuce oetmas utewn for lb 1eud, the herse; AMd voitIsluo(iusdera night they do se, ince the clams of 1%8. Prim., aimais exhiblted herà bas mot Smugis m& Mo supasW So at aoy Hors. Show hI bnde s is pear. To uayý thattie Sillon, tlsof Dur 'shatt, Cras' eMurray,- $iuiybro@k 'bmluand Fams, Cumbezlad, Mlf«dowbrook> iUe ia md-Langton stabes w. iargele M vIlle- 2;-ît oreseutod, la suincoient, indication Of. I day, j Wujjt he top match quality oft 11e bornes. gomamvuîîe n addition to e hes.tries, how- roir, verse. argan u mber tram mmlï- stbewhloh sweled Un . r«mi _o- lý ,the contestants te a goodly num-,m. a loi er lin oach oynt.daWlb .The efforts efth11e officers have Br7oôklu. on untining te semue tIW. bout Iramblnalnc ousiblo for tle@Show.- EeryhiUg mareor 5014 ras- doue on. a langer and better mcl. Sho> fn Ët tbo lutI yeaT. ,Tiere wero tliiee der, saddle.- aye insteati-of two ç tiers wern rpoi at sor. prizes offered., brook Farmas The. groundis were mont antfutlcally Crew & mu, ecorated. The. outrance arch tram A liallaugho eock street was a bower et ever- Middlewelgi een, lntortwfned wltb the t1orso hurst, Lt. C h0w colors, - purpie aud gold. The town:t 2. iges' stand ln the centre of he parmeiu; s, àg vas alsa demoated wMtb 1e ray;- 4, 1 lors. Tn front of thie stand wonu Farme, - ie mrrmy of cups, giron l! various Pn no rente. The (trand stand wufitted -1, Lttlend jwith fiftrboxés, and accommoad*-1, fttI i on for about 5Bu smts -lnaddition. rono.2 uie vas suonilidb! tii . 4th Re- BouTorox, ientai îfand, and a irefreshmeut nevtg oth wmu .conducted by Chas. Ted. niné, Sunnybu i Vî etorlan Ordor of N'urusshad ter, Hlon. Cl tent precteti on thé t roundg. andi 10, Han. Clif les 1resslev, hie nurse, vas pre dav Nlgbt, E nt, là ordor liat If anv accidents Mare Or Ge virred thé, lnuieti mlirht hoattend- mnd under.- Stn w1tli oromptnus.e.ise ntbrook Parme s fItted un mnoItde" for lie purpose W. Stilon,O an ernerecvinIlal. and an Iu- der,-Uow& hI wus givon lne ivsilors luto Weile, lKra. éwornt cf liOrdei.DalfL 15 bandas, ope 3X M-OLDERS AT MTHB 510W fdeld, Neille, ON WEDWFZRDAY. 4 A-W. G. Walteuu. 5 A.-A. W. -Jackson.! 6 A.-W. Vanzlene. 7 A .-Mn, Robson. 8 A.-.I. H. Dowuey. 9 A.-Rsv. R. W. Allia- 1.0 A.-C. A. Goedlelow. 11 A .-Mr. Warren. 12 A.-G. M. RIoe.. 18 A.-S. McLaugiliu, Oiawa. 14 A.-W. T. Tatou. Oshawa. 15 A.-T. Hatlh. 10 A-S. L. Troos. 17 A.-D. McLaren. Il A-W;. M . Richardonn. 1q) A.-Geo. McLaughiln, Oshawa. 20 A.-.T. B. Laldlav. 21 A-F. H. Aunes. 22 A.-Mrs. Kimg. 23 A .-R Vaustone. .24 A.-.I. Pisrson. 25 A.-A. T. Lawiot. 26 A-Misa MacDoninell. 27 A.-J. .1. voler.- 4--G. Andierson. 12.-.Tas. Loirc. 13.-F. W. Bull, Ouhawa. 15.-Dr. Renrv. Ouhawa. 18-. H.Allîn.-. .qT.T. Owen, hsiava. 'rie classes liaI proveti most fil- leesnc nn Wedneedav vere lie hionters. Thc lasI eveul op lie uno- trani,opnen o le atwas conloeti by twentv-se-veu honrses. andti lis dtilax atone vas veit verli lie prlce ni admIssion. ThIrleon Siflon herses, neteti crer tie ceutîneut fer heir i,,rnInr ahllv. anti nîne Kîlcoaur, (S.1uunvironk-Tarml fherses, veret'ho l'eeuest conntectanîsq. "The Wasu," a qlf ton entrv. vasi te wluner. Onîr flie herses yen-t rover lie culiro <enirmse withntt .nowhiug lte bqrrters;. .aud cft'afIbecetirfp if ton herses vers avarieti ni. Touirnine. vinuere f thé Heavrvwio.iIHt 1tnIers. vas as wardpd rly third rniseIn lu hIcerent. .qea.-Malor Wldrerr cnf 'cronto., matie a mngtl eiint rinir master, andtim cludinsm eé -Tismness Tfor- les andi Poulesg. r. P. Mcrann. Lan- castor. Ps.: T. 'n. Mercer. Tornla. -Iasq. .onn. Taimtiu. HunIers. Tulm"erg nnti qaddl'te Torse. T. .T. Voricab,. Tnrnnuto- In H. (irp '1'ron Pnrev v Ti'rhfiq. fi'T. TH. TTsasaril. Mnrlrban,- natisteri. .TA. Qine.lair. ~('anuluvîon. antiT.. Ar.COMMODnATION AT TYTF Tnth~e Rs.mSheva mtondemIt cf ulabliuo accmmodatIon bcd te ho u)rnvîdet. and'ti'loeAtqsuce! f!n vn fertimate Iu cocurluo firasq' Arens f4ir tifs nuirnnspe. (Cannentrs son fraqngfented lie Interner cf tmicilttç. Inc mIen a iendltilange stabhleo. mneIatne tic vellu. cuti tic'en 4Ire cf the Avens vos usii ftr veh frIcs. cie. 'o rietlgsfne monnuis mire cnt, atiohefe ls lt brnis < ,boi hmn o m.ieni ',I,%P,ýter"n.Ç Singlec Cal hantis ant i ~ W. T. Tlao Thos. Retida, ResI paIr Ili ta vagon.-1, 'croule. & Murrar; rssen 4, A ('n. F(lincie nonv hauuis and y heart, Tancti Mibe-i.'IT. J TItinerigs su -1. 'MA Wanc 'Il. Ttmbumsl. Tnîîrainè- qi .';kvcepuemV he norg'ad, u se nume &bly langer this yesu. wlua ors vere : tvs or cehUmng lu baruee, id a ven. Open tb Cous- kW Dhu Dalsy,, i1L J. iM- iy Ç 8, Cedar-, John 0k., single driver, mare or mmad aven, open te Couse- lie," J. J. Buhasli, Orne- a Dmu Dalsy, l..Roui- r;8, TruIze, LeslIe Hall. on saddle and harnas ding, 15 bauds -anud osr. undonrnesim, thon un- 1, Indlmu Chief, Sin H. 2,- Sumny Boy, Suny- *Eglînton; 8, Ulobeleti, xray, Toronto; 4, Faugh Suunybrook Tarse. lut -Runlans.- 1, Bie,. -ligord Sifton, MMllory- Cobourg, , Suuybrook Avlaten, Crow &k Mur- LPgllnton. -Sunuybrook r uaddle, over 18 bande. cabell H. .1, Trench, To- SFeetlîeart, ILangton il Nunters.-1, Tour- Soak Panrme;-2, Donches- lifford Sitton ; 8, Ravel- grd. Siflon - 4, ,Satun- Sunmybnook Parmu. elting, untier satitle, 19.2 -1, Mayerdale, Sunny' ; ,2, Toloniale,Cmt'J ft Fa- 8 weel Lavsîj- Murray ; 4, Brook4ôft 1'.W. Cmvker. uifes.l-HM linsclais èevW en te Ceunît e-1I,Brook- mi. T. W. Cawkier - 2, îtiowbraok Tarrns, Wbit- In harpeis, ovier 14 eot aven 14.2.-1, BeIly, M. Osiawa 2, rince, ,WestI1-111. It drf omshovu Tlnsotbrock Blrou*, Ltd., miare- or aeldlnc. orer hlan Allfrlon, W. .1. - Baron (se.w y. Aviantoir, Dnnm. Transport v lu barccc;, ever ii nt nvér 14.-1. qwefbt- tou Blroc. ;2, iitt' I"é Innee.Oln lil. 11 (at T.W, qýfVfou t TA1. ('iqfnr& qlftlou1. -"unnvimcoi Trorme:4 IoTn. ('lfflnrd- qfffn. -The alleudauce Iis afteruecu vas about Ive lieuN 'and, a gonti Increase over yesterdar's. Tic stand anti bores verefilllem, li@ ring fonce helti a crovfi sororal dcci,, andthlic roundu were pienlifuflr sprIukled vifti pea- ple. A mufgit shever cf ralnait 1.801 gave and Ma 5Luis lDryden orpresuethli approoatiem at lhe ladis. ýThs 9 sica! aumben bel u4dd %é th1e Klng," O o a*CMsfana"sd 111 nillîtary gong, 4«.Jswt as tie SUn 'rie tes heu fhlS e. Thie pnogram of "dy vau Il amy- thlug botter thon liat Oryeslerdmy, and mpproclmtiuî. Thns il 1 classes siiowu, ail t, whlih céo1ned sufficoul eniries la m he lietoaent To-day smw muiiy pueplo front a distance in lie grouns, and 1the local hall holiday $ave tie seerchaul. and thein clerlketad, familles an op- partnnty t ate d- The vlnuere thià atteruoou, Up t lima et going ta prauO,'vero!-ý 8SIngle Light Dranýgb ors-i, Marquis. Dominion Impress -Co., To- rot; 2, Emnl tGrey, Tlrutbrook Brou, Toronto#,, 8, PrInce, Tioe. Hall Columbus, District Ratidî lias.,Y ankee Mke, A. 19. Clangite, Ulica - 2, 13rookfleld Nelle, lirs. T.W. ('awker, flowmaivllie , -Allae@ R., A. P. Cfaughlou, 1111cm. Pair gh Ste4per.-Kfug and Presidont, Crow & Mfurray o, 2, Gning 4onio, andi 1% Arn T, ate & .Jones, Ottawa : ., A@Lnp!aus and Bî1piane, ~Bate & iJoue.. v LIght Wolg bos.--, Mayer- date, SuyiàN us2 Cleve- landi, Hoff. ,lîfford * Sitlon-, 8.Emp3r- Tem, Cart. .1. W. Sifton. Ottawa, Rerses lu TlaruOuse.-l. Wild Rose, ('nov & Murrav; 2. Aeroulauuc, fate & JTones. Ottlawa e 8. Casa Lama Malchleus, RfirTH. Y. PeilaIt. Aincle Pnnv lu Harness.-I, Bleu Belle, G. Miller. Tnronto 1'2. Tatir Mav. S. 1D. lzcerald. Ccinoure -,3, Tni. Dr. W. . . enwlmt',Tronto. Pair cf HunIers Co,.Tumners shown abre ast-1,qi,'nnvbrnnlk Tarins;-,2 %ud.q o. e. lifferd Sitton. Harnesi Tandems. -1, Entry, by Sir H.M. Polat J2Acranlane anti Bifflane, Bale & ;lWee; .8, Ing gnti Ptesitient, CIrow & Murray. PaIr of Roa.dtr.-1, Lady Ir,.andi Mclliv <hîmesb. W. . 1 rossm'n.1, Co- bourc : 2, TIlilan Alierton anti lirnu 'amden, W. .7. ('reseen - .1. Nellep onut Tred TI. T. .1. Businell. Omemee. le.st Pour u In uce-.,Mel- hnirne A!e'r. Tins. 'Rotita. West TîItI - ?, 111fr Msiel. H..T. Trench * Toroulo: 3. Beltr, W. 'T. Raton, T tils amues lace-I. cre- nianue. BffAe* Tnnp* - 2 Tord Roi- TTunI Team cf tiroe' Hîîte.rq.riai- tien lu nnai-- .-lunirnnlk F,'rms 9. Hon ('Iliford iln:. uu- hi'nnlr PTAmmei. Me., TU oesrnomsinterouiw zOf eWo- rnezi of Witby lu tis good -wonk wus evldnt. Contrlbutioue towarde lie. supplIes for lie St. John Amnbulance' CÇorps may ho droppeti- lnu 1h.mite box at the door of thoMapls,* Leaf Tom Room, or lft with Plrs. E. Ed- mund Starr, Dom. W.C.T.U. SupI. afýilMilit, whoio b;s woked along tie.s. IlIins for lwènty years. Mrs. Starr wlll aIsa recelve donations la- ,wardu the Canadian Women's Hospi-, tl silp--and tonward same la ibead- quarter.; The euxh annual Lib rary Insti tute et Lindsay istrict vas held at Boa- verton, ou Thunsday and Fniday, July 81. The largesl delegation vas present liaI has as yet attcuded auy of tisse -conventions, sud lhe addres us given were varti the timo and attention of lie dlegates.' ,T'ri Departnment of Educallon, lin- don vioe control Ithe publie lirar- tuo f Ounta are placeti, requiros tie alleudance of one delegate from every llbrary recelvlng a Gevernrnent grant, othervise $5 le deducted broui that-grant.- 'rhe oxpenses of lie del- sgates- aïe paid hy tic Governmeut. 'rTe work <if a Lihrary Inatitute le lis pretaîlou sud discussion cf library wvan,_anti meliodé to extonti île usefutness. Pensons who are ac- cutome to tle li 111e libranies lu lipper rocuis of buildings can scarce- 1v realife viat a ifve facteri a Iihrary' may becomo vien Ilt Ionoved eut ln- to lhe open, icli as a rosI rooni and ae a centre wlîerc infnmaticu on'al toples nia! ho gaineti. At the pre- sont moment nianv.puhllc lIbrarles are simplv uIorebnuces of curreut or standard flctIon, sn far an tic public are ceonnei. -fer whlo tipre .mar ho niany excellent worifs unon lie sheiven uDon raluable +lopicu. ther are books liaI are unreacl and prac- f4cslly cf ne valuetonthe people, be- cause lier de nnet tuîAeheni. 1U lieue Lihrarv Tnsftit,smethetis are <lscusisetifor irnnrnvfnirthese endîlins. ami for rendprlniz everv hock içervlceable. Tic anual elertion foffierq for tie TImisur district tnnk nlaec wlth the fcllcwlnz recuIits Prèm., qarnue1 Firniir. ot e ýVice.-Prfs.. T. F. Clrens, Rlaaverfnn- qecretarv, 0. A. Tanoe"lev,keflid' WVit',,fbve Cnmmlttep. lfs T7,dwardcs. Manllia -Mrs. r('aMer. repplnn uilg Miss Vracer. Whithv : 0. TieniIslt'r, amliirn M - Gîi Mrîc. Thte npyt annuial mpeeinst rill.1p helti ot Wihf 11w fer tfie Little Onese A s;utervlsed holIday far the 11111e folks cf Whithv vue neemi hlcltav aurxoundings ii i 1w heelti at lie Tresi Air -rne durlua Aucusl, un- dtie lcausuices cf tli Vlorn Ortier cf Nturses.. Thec Gazelle anti ('ircutle has heen asked b act se Treasurpr for this funti. andi ail mon- ers recel yod viilhe acknnwletiged lu tisse columne. Mrm.' Ç4un her . ..... $.. .. 1.... 0io BF.TP ... ..... ..... .. .0 A Triond ....1......0n 'hltdren's Trfnienti .2.00 . . . . .. . .... . . ... . . 2 8 F, C...............,.. .......1.00n Tice Wrrii ('ifdren .....M Pastham of.f vpn - .00 ('lldrea's F'rlend, twn frfrrim Miss ('ormsck - .. . ...-211 J1. T<bng. Te.. ..... , -11 5.00 A qrmnsthixcr ..............7M A 1Lit1le One ........ . .... 50 Mre. Winler lasI veek gare a lec- turc i te cladIes cf tic town, n T1irsI AId tle i tureti. The Infor- matn o ntuaInedti ereInlu is- 5 full of pracîlcal Instructioan liaI ve pnInt heroili Part cf tie tait, andi yl continue Il In au r next Issue. PTRST AID TO THT TNJ1URTD. ln finit nid ve muetl kuav' analniy, or' aI lessl somelbîng cf th. general structure of tic hu man biidsr. We celt-ttls generally In aur cammn ucileducatbon.t 'rihe next stop In te learu about bandages andti ticr applIcatIo1n. Ths unes cf s bandage are , 8. Ta Mr splilulsanti cher appar- parle. 2. Tao retaîn dressings ln' licir placs. 8. Té Si sulints and tiller appan- 4.: To, oorroiselemsIve mduseular 5-' To stop bleeding 'ynefu of '6. Tc protect vaunded pail's tram Fuýýv . Y dll nu ,ne-..U qmrm(r eage are xnJuty or Gisea8., and a 'greatl' maniv eau re paelrod lunaa 4Y b.sIther extenal or lntsrnal; 9mal SPAoe. The ativantago of a tri- The, symptoms etf hemorniage are the. angular bandage ln tiat-It coc a ely actuar appsrue fbod awy be made ott -f àa 1arýe haudkerchlet, sen thexternat ýandsoneelîm« iln- aid lu therefoLe well sulted for orner- terna! bmorrhage as n lubeedlImg , znev bandagIng. ls methoti of ap- froWi the lungs), and the. ooutitu- n)l catiôn can hé easilk ioarned. Tom-tonst effecta nmars or leu "sver@ ocnrarv reslg anhaappileti bet- wblch follow lhe lois' of, bbeod (au ter 1w It than iv' rolier bandages, lfaluffug), which . lu-Idicmtod by a and fIt can b8edm for almoat every icolti and ctsniy ekin, pmlid -taee, di- curMnose for wM cb a bandage in re-Il. ullf'l nt reua qîîled, ntian asllig. ~ bathInr.u, eeêgutan sd * ulmoul Thie trianrular bandage can - ho ai- 1 Iimpercipthbbo puise, dfzzlmèe aud lIsn "11Md AR a whntle lii .a hread fold1 f coneiuouses. ' The qu'ccer -the nr a narrcw fcld, and In OVOLV cage050'bot i e p Tonnd lis the bndagre b lied In s reef kuot. yncopo. Tt can ho uaeqd te bandagee, te-tp 1] (To;bo conciuded neit week.) * THE 1$AME To'REMEMBER' PEEL'S-SlO -STR WHEN PURCHASING BOOTS AND 5SHOE5Sý Fleet Fo' SLI PPERS Men's Work Outing PUMPIS, ETC. Boots a Shoes. Specialty, A Cali Solicited. Phone îlx, Whitby, Ont. ~THE ~ Rs~joeu SToe~D BAONK WHITBY iBRANCH Now,&MapeisSru pure, aind Highest Grad e that. that can be made. S l moeq go aMr powicb i Eusps heil ., cw emicai aMd empocuiowwhe. ih Bunku&&b andm..yodoesmnu.s Gallon Tins $1238 A. T. LAWVLECR WHITBY, ONT. Phones: Bel], No. 47; Independent, No. 47 Seed EARLY 0HI0 DELAWARES Potatoes!1 For early we have - EARLY SIX WEEKS and.-IRISH COBBLERS For Iatè' GREEN MOUNTAINS andVULCANS Gardeneed New and cholce. Ounr Bulk Seedsare the finest oblainable. ,W. ,B..PRINGLE-& 0( 'WRITBY ONTA4R19 NOIC et ImpolalOrdor Daughtors of Thoý Empire HIAVE SENT AN APPEAL TO Mirs. Laldlaw The Grange Te Seoure Gontributions to the Hespital ShIpf Associated with 1f. Laidlaw are Mr@. Willis, MnRatch, Mn. Allen, 1fr.'Goodfillow and M.Foley. No enhocriptian Loo emaIl ta help in this splendid work for aur soldiers and. sailors. Donations ray b. given ta any of thèmie ladies, or after4 churich service may b. placed on a Plat. at the doan of tbe. 4 varionschurchs. Mns. John Bruc, Hon. Treaurer of the AÀsociatjon, deuire. ta have oubscrptions in within ton day. if possible. TiAOL MARK* MMUMUMUMNAPID 1130

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