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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 13 Aug 1914, p. 5

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AWA GUN WON Ve have m'ade' a spécial udy of this, part of' the ptical, profession, 'and an" supply, their wants' ith. absoltîte accuracr, r A, MODERATE 0081. IMormon n ouff Jew.ler a nd Optician BROCK ST. - WHIrlY Wo Reptif Anythingtl that isi bought fila jeweiry store. and many sther thîngs that are bought ln other stores. If othes cannot, replir your broken articles, bring tae to US and we will repair them if it in pssible todo go. The charges wil re moderite.1T Weo buy OId OoId or Silvor and pay thi highest market pries 1or .i f you Iave any yon would 1k. nmade up into new jeweiry we wi.il be pleased to giveyou an esti. mnate,and'gusarntee that nons bt yôur old gold wili be ued. R.NBASSETT y)JEWELER AND OMA OPPOSITE New IR POST OFFICE HT Y W. C.T.U. BAD CONDITIONS. Dr.- Crozier 'made a statemeut Ilut night aVthe Inquest 0on William Me- Donald Porter, the Irish mschfust, Who died,iln lai! atter two dayu, thst the present arrangements for dealing with prisôners. who are 111 when ln gaol, and especially for dealinS witb alobholios, who sbould- be lsolated from other primonera, are a diegrace te the district. That the man died from excessve * driffldng of alcohol, wus the finding of the jury.' Tnluded lu the verdict was a- recommendation that the auth- ixities Iuvetigate to try sud discov- er from whlch place the deceased ob- tained -bis.-drink au i t wus utated thafthe mai probably druuk wood alcohol, whiicb wu described by Dr. Crozier as being a violent poison. - Port Artbui (brônlole, ,Tuly lStb, Mr. R. N. Basuett de having thle uppr front ot hi s store building on Dutndan Mt. tuckpointed. nc,. B. "A. Fisher, ef Wiitevale, mceupled the pulpif et the Bsptist Cliurch on - Suuday tait lInft.e ab- sco fet lcpashor. Scud youir orders for fruit basets- te Mcîntvre'a liurdv&re, Whitby. Dr .Bascem lias been abîcuf -from tosy> fer several days, perfdrm 1 In iug fmary medical Inspection on1 vounuteers fer service lunflic S4th Reglmont: Ur_ Parker, opician, viiilibe ah Basuefttà'sJovelry storo Auguet 20. 'Wr. Parker - usesthe ritnoscope, sud wil - I givo yen a therough daik rôou eramination. The Ont. Co. Oid Girls' Aise. vill hed a meeting lunflic audihorlnm ef flic ýPubl1o Library on Meîday abter- noon,'* Augnet 17, stf4 o'clock. A fuit athendance le reqneees to aake Into ouilderahion P. donation ho- varda flic Hospital Silip. - ROBRERT BARNES LOBES BROTHER. Thle -deshiloccurred lu Batavia, N. Y., Saturday leit, etf'Wr. Joeepi C. f9rlac, bretter et Mr-, Relit. Bernes. et Whltbv. Decoaied vas a native ed B3olfan, Eugland, aud. ah eue tlme reulded lnu Witby. Mr. Barues vas 111 but oe e eeic. Ho had been a -promîneit merchant halor. lnu Bata- vla for 47 years. lqe vas e promu. eut mason, aid itad-beouan alder- manin aBatavia. IHe leeves a- vit, a sou and a daugiter,.- 51t soulh Ohawa. Oshaug won by a score of so 8 - orà.touhalot et birds. woideu sud ,R. Alluma, of (Ymaws, tied, for igk sore fort he day, only. mliong tire. uhotte-Om tt a Possible 50. The BalMe sudscore of the Ivo teauts Ver. s »o'1o110* Ouiawa-R. Allsun47, -ý. eCs!- tey $0, P. Wordeu 47, P. Greeuvay 40, 8. Brooks 41, IF'. Olîman 84, W. Cook 28, - 1.. Patterso 42,! R. Gay di,.-M. goules 8o. Total Soi. Witby.-P. Williams 97,,'D. WIlson 419. DavIs 29. W. Sheppard of, 'W. Caiverli Se, B. Jack«on 86,, J. 51.gb- tholut 88, W. Euh 8 s, M. malle«* '88 P. Goldriug 29. Têtaî'859. 'zewa une inute wunue, IVhma» vash day easy. We would be plombï te eend one on aiproval. teo. IM RleEvervthfile la hardware. Mas. meet(g of the vomen ot Wt- byr lu, the Tovn lffai on Sahuiday, Auguet lfftt,. at 2 p.m.-, te coimider our coutribution towards the HosMi- tai Sblp. vih the Osuadian vomen are providlug. Émxn acdoneil, Tda - Povell stsrr. e REYDENSRORE COTTAGEm SOL!) On. -Tuesday af-terou 'an auction wae ofthtie cottage and turuture et 13. W. Meraffin. lffevdeualiore Park, vas held. Thr, cottage wssa put up subliect te s reaerved bld, but thie offert were nof suifidef'te Induce Mi. Mersifin te disonnof fet . taher 'Wr. Tugh ]Rosa ruade au nler te 'Mr. Mecaffin. wblch' vas accented, sud the sale vas rut fliroli. ,Mr. Megaffin van anxioua to elsouahonce, aine-e lie luq tne bave vîit ttoflrmfCanadian. --nntinzeunt for flie seat ef var. PA-TN'rTNa ANDPAPr-RIIANGING. 'P. R. Brsdburv, Mary St.. Whitby. viii lie nleased ft ec»Ive orders for ail kInds et uaiuting, napèr-ilangiiig. graling sugd etoenvriting. PSes Cku %ample bockrs. P.O. ibôt l%.-tf. TÃ"b nrTRTrP AT ASSIZM8. Pat. Maloney, 'a gentleman of the Iroad, aupeared -betore Police Magie- traie Jepson, ef Plckcrlng, at the Court Moune on 'ldsy affernn lant. Rle was charged witb assanif. ln whlch lie ccauioued bodlly harmn te a Young man vliom liche ad met. The' offence occurred neiT Roeebauk 'on Thurîdav,. TulvSn.C(onust able 'W. Cowa ansd a counile et hls assistants gave evideure. Wm. Maw, eof Whltbv, mas aIse a wltnss, le lhaviug as- iîisted lu making fthc arrest. ma- lenes' denia.uded te lie tried 4n the Sunreme C ourt, but, as lite éloquente mvas net rable te nvercerue the ordi- narv iroerltire. he was toreed M bli entent with thie rêtrular court. Mar- lptrâte - .YMPOn felnmi hieevit4ence Sîîflrienttt,lv convincluc te commnit Ma. loues' te -aoi, te lie tried at' the ri 81 A lsises. A GRRAT OPTICIAN. P, R. Luke, Opt. D., 150 Yongc SRt., Tn 'ronto. ' viii vieit; Whltby, Tuesdav, Auizunt lStl, wbeu yen eau secure bis vatuable sdvIe sud scen- tfiSc text as te your need et spec- tacles froc et charge. Prices rlght. Oue doy nu. Tuesday, Aug. 18.O -4-- Il If so, briug ibsu ho »,»ad v wilattend. ho pur vants. You bad aise ,boer iahemnu asppointmeni< for shose PHOTOS1 yen have been promlig soilong. Les,. a 0.114 sud vo viii corne amy finie and dakre à nie' photo of yoius home and ýthe Iavn. for amateurs - attended te promptly. KILLED TN AUTO ACC!TENT. David Tope, of Hamilton, one >f the- HamiIltoin Tiger rugby players, waa Instantl7 iclled near Newcsstle tant weeli when bis motos car turued nver, throwlug hlbff ud ptuuiug hlm uuderneath. MJr aud Mis. W.-.. Luke, of Wlithv, were going east met a few rodaç behlnd Tope's car, and ln Issu tian two minutes after the se- cMent tliey were on flic uMme. Tope WAS QuIte dead whé.u th"~ arrlved, drafli belnc almest Instantaneous. MWr. T,îîre and a few et-bers raisel the Par un aud rcuioved thé blidy- -Mr. Tone was -mnarrIed man, and was on if s way te Stonv Ta,a1çw vere bis wfte and eobuîdren vere sipendlng the summner. The fîmeral Ies iaid tehave he oee etthe lret vrheld lu the, rtv nt Taltn WATCH I fIATN CONNFCTIONS., Sevtral rltizeus have compla!ned te the tlàzette and Chronîcle that the workmen on flie nover coustrue- tien are net caretul te reatere pri- vate cellar or other drains that fhey InterCePt and 'break Inte wlisu exca- vatinz for inever. Tt mlght-be wel If cifizeus weuid keen a watchful oye unon flic workmen, beeause thte con- tracter la net alwavs outhe lob, sud rannof rive evcrv detail hir- persoual attenti 'on. 'Wr. Younz. the resldeut mngîneer, says fliemon should net cover un an! drain connection until lfienanrnvpç et the worlc. The men rnias net alwavs watt for hbi anre,- ai. however, se It -Au veil toelie a- lert. CNOBOURG HORS! SHOW. AVGUST IR TO-22. More Entries, Moteo se ansd le for Muoie. Thie Rochester Park Baud, snd thse band of -fie- Royal Artillery bave_ been engaged ah emormns expeume fa uuppîy munie fer afternecu aud evening coucerts. -hie preceede et fh& shov,- after expenee are pald, vIll be given te file soldiez-s oet tis district, vie go tethie var. More race, flat sud hunIer, vil be a1 great, feahuréecf this vreu sievo. Reduced tares on, li raiivaYs. 1Wilso' Studio -- k 'r:' * jj, M 'I THE HOSPITAL SHIP. Onfie front page orf iMe Issue vill bu men a'requeet for donations to- vaiefihe equlpping of a Hospital Ship,,'vhlch bas been oflered fa Gm«t Gritain by the Imperial Order Dae- fers oft hie EmpIre. Mrs. Lsiulav, ofte hiOrange, Who Ile amembt of fie Toronto Chapher, reeeived an aPpal ritemhe Secetary, Unr. Bruce, aaklng for donations from Whitby. tArrangemmet have bem made whereby meoral Iaffloofthtle tevun vli receive, donations, aud 'plates Vili aIse be plaoed ath 'ie doors of the varlous churches, 'for tAie recelph of auy contributons. No donation in tee amaîl. Everyone's austaue tu asked, for hile meut wortliy objeet. ITOURS FOR USE 0Fr1ROBE. Attention oethte vater hakeriof the favu ls ealled tfathe-fact that lavu services inust lie used euly lie- tvecn the bhouri eft5, ho 10 a.m., and 5 ho 9 p.m. Thte nev Waterworkis By-LawM remently pamed makes it a violation eft he lav te use a lave service at any thier bour. Reuldeuts ofe t lc ev vid de vel fa take note oft titi. as a penalty et $20 aud coshi or titres monthe'imiprleounmt mas' lieIuiposed -for s vicîstien ef tht. bp'î.aw. Further, il sheuid be vIsrictis' eufored, as; 1h la mauitu.tly untir te titôe vie do keethie ru!., titat thiese vlibreak It ieuId be al-Ioved te go unpunfshed. Severa! lavis servies bave beon accu ruuui ah miA-dam'reoenhîs, but thia vas evidenhlv becsuse et lack of knovledge etofthe by-lsv. Thc Cent- mission piopeses o diuributc copies Of f tO ail water tueransd an ex- cuse et ignorance viii net thon ie nr.EsT'Dr.;NT 0orUE MDCA ASSOCIATION. A pamiphlet lias roaclied tic cdl- for'. desk vhicit proves ver! Inter- @atiug, lu that 1h Inas reprint of an addrets deiivered by Mhas. P. Me- Gillvray, M.A., M.B., of Whttby, Preaideut eofflic Ontario Medical As- sociafion. Dr. MceGliivray vas, la i91., olected toteicposition ef hou- er b! ha t1eliov practitonera, sud nreaided ,everthie 'sesions et the Conventions this year. The addreis, vile deaiing largely vith t att ers ot mnro Interest te eprofession fisu ho a layman, Ie cbiefly Interestiug te Whitbs' people because Dr. MoGIiU- vray fakes tflic onrtuuitv of deai- lue at nomie lenctl itiliflch e wri homne doue at the new tynoitai for flic Insane nf Whitliv lathor. T-lia reterenre l. - etcorne, essqentiai- lv tne icmfdfcal work dnc there. The addres"male" vers' lnterestlug rtadinz, sud teflctdfr's thankrs are due lic Doctnor e lincpv sent hlm. VA'NDALS AT 'WORK. A case ef malictous vaudaîlîni came ho, lght lit vek. Tiurlng the niglit fIie seme unruls' youue moen made a raid on flic gardon of 'Wr. M.W. Wiil- eor, sud vantouis' destroyed or dam- aged s gofnd deal toflice vegetahion titere. Several plantesuad bushes voie pnlied up, trame. horuesi over sud a geucral dligturliance created. Ne;t aatisfled vit t tiis, the vandale removcd flie note frem flic ales of a couple et vellea belnncsri ate Mr. Chas. Tnd. Mi. To e rt mornite dise s'cred fic tct sflu lm. ho avert a sevPre accident. ii. uncali- cd for sud delllierahelv m1alcIeus set vas very anning hli theto gsi- ficuien concerned. 'Mr. WllIcox ,vas e.aueed mnch trouble 'and expenge te ronair the damnage, sudS-'r. Tedoih valtiallo ime, as veilias liaving fa nurebase snie nsrts for lTaveiticies. A reward luq effet cd for the appre- bhensien of the guilhv Parti«a. Tf brouelit before a Marletrahe tbey wvouid lie scvcrciv Punieled. zmlvJr Of lu puzs, Peormm us meoemoy, by speuf a! rqus, Mulet. et bythie Rsv. Canon Harper, ILA., redtor oft he.Fallt. A large nuw. ber 0 ofrMenesils eprê'entst h e coremony, upecial mue being rend- eed- for the occam o. %èie cht Wms beautffli doeorated vIti loy- ee Tlhe. prmehs er.uîrou md hed athie O tble bride ou Brune! StresS. la the aftmsoon tho bappy ouple lotI-for Torouto,.u-n TOulée for tie ThOusaul'Islande luthe st.* Lavreue, vhere they iuteud bpeudiug thefr ieinmoon.- on %Mer returuthey viii b. ah home ln Whit. bY, Ouf.-lfuuhsviîle %I'restier. JUNIOR MATRICULA'pîON R!. STJLTS. Tie resuiheetoftite Junior Matricu- lation - siatfou. nhave bu mi kuevu. Greup .1 iuciudes fie usines et aIl vie passedthe fui! matricula- flou; Group Iff hose whlo paeeed on ah beasf une suljecl; Gronp 1I,11 fliose wbo passed on ail, but ne- ceived minimum marks ou onis' elgit or more. net neeeviug fuil matricu--, lation. The follewing pasod lu Ou-- harle Countyt Gru .-M. Abiram@, W. Harmlan, D. .1. ilTeildav, O. C. Krelly, J. C. McePiaii, M. G. Munre, M. T. Mich- sel, M. I. Mitchell, W. R. Riddell. P. E. Riddeli, C. D. gamells, W. C. Smith,. W. r,. Taylor, M. E. Wal- lace. M . r. Wafaonn, fr. 9-. Weir, W. M. Warne. Grotp 1.-E,. Y. Pergusen, D. 1). -Toues. Group 11-.Ames', M. T. Brout, -Y. S. Bols, . 8. B. revu, E. M. Ç4url,f -A. MW.irex, L.M. rving, H.V. G;reog. T). 1B. Tlsrvey, 'M. C. Hlall, C. r'. T-avkins, Ir. A. Khthorne, .7. W. .Toliuaten I. L. Joues, IR. H. tati- Mer. M. MIddieton. 1K. V. Mimne, Pl. O. Til. lMurfa, G1. W. Meînis, CA G. Pdlîkr. W. W. Preotr. A. Reynolds, A. Ronlev. . oi, R. N. Sher- i dan. C. W.. Seutes, 3. W. Til", -. TA. Triuiarh , 19. Wlliaâme. A WEQnTITTtOtim PO vOL- TTWFEERS. The sxpoeted iappened ou Satur- day lest, vies, a reqiluitieu vas Vosted, callIng for Velunleere.The docunt vas cnied lfn t toi- iovlng terme : "ApplIcation,- viiili e received bY tie uuderstgned efficers ah tthe fol- lôwing recnulthig tatione until 12 n'ciock uoi on Ttesdsy, Anguet 1l, fer volunteers for everseas services. Tic Force viiili e Tnuela sund hâa flic statua nt Britisht Regolar Troopa. Enrelîment ilIl lie veluulary fer al rauks." Thon .follovcd pliucai qua-i- tiletcaMs, etc. Thc ace limit la 18 te 45 ycara. and term nf service fer duration et flic var. Tno e ipresent about tventv vliiuteers bhave nasaed flic local plis- o1ala ewaniluafn. and have, baîcu s- ,re1ited yLvleut. rIverv. Prnm thée q4th 'Rcciment-12.9 men vîlientrain fer flic mohlizatin- héadotarters near Ouclice. Or eurxeo. If doos nof nécessarils' filov thLt licesuge a volîînteer la acrentcd lierelie viilibe acrentei fer sactiv'e service sud takcen tnte, ic st he li ar. T-levser, if la; ouite certain thsit a larce turner- tinn ethflouevoinffrlnz vhi lic rboacu for flic Canatdian Contingent. 'Recruifa are stIll iheni taicen. AI- tleuri flic ortiual erder called for elinie fi lista uTiesdar. turther o'rdPrs w-m. given vb1hil eniztlicncc flic inld. 1 An amemd ritnrd-lbas licou on diîtv it flic Armouilea fer ucarîs avwec. twn men at niai't and twnono day dluts'. 'Thic(levéement viii anare no nreattfnîtns te rnuthr l safety cf HOW TO BUY CHEAPLY --We are prouder cf high 1 qualît ia ielypi Carimollo SOaPe Tornatoew Finesi Butter farne uab, Oc 3 fer 2sc 250 Everyarticle you buy here lu firet-cli ..,'full weight or î measure and wholesome. -Your business frieud, Wl MEEKER Phone %', . WHITRY I e i I I iý 1 Miscelianeous Adverts "'R SALE. Clyde mare, 6 years old, ln tbal. Sound. Her 11111e Io a p rize winner. S. Me~Cormick, Brookiin. -6 WANTED. Laundress, Immcdiately for House of Refuge. Apply te Dr. .1.F. Lav- ery.-tf. HOUSE FOR SALE. New frame bouse, ij storcys, six rooms, X-plece bath. furnace, electrie lght. Appiy J.- H. JAMES, -Whit- bv.-tf. WANTED TO RENT. A fuinished cottage at Mcydenshore Park, fron September Sth to Septcm- ber 3th. Two adulte. Appiy, stat- Ing full particulars, to Mils M. Blal- lantyne,.Grailuate Nurses (Çllb, 858 !Bathurs;t St., Toronto. WANTEII. By Augusf 20th, six or seven reom- cd hne. conveulent to publice chool. Two là famliy. Reply giving partie- uiars to box 10, Gazette and Chren- fic, Whltby.-7. TIELP WANTET). Men sud weuien wauted ln every City, tôWn and village b! large C'an- adian Mail Order Mouge te shonw samplieR and mail rirculars te peo- nIe living lu their territory. Posi- tion wlll psy $15 weekiy for a fe.w lheure' work. Outflt furnlesed free. The Cnume-rn Associationi, Windgor, Ont. rAIfM WOR SALE TM WTTTRY TOWNSHTP. Seventv-seven scies, lot 28. con. 4. titre miles from Whltby town : Con- veulent te fliree rallway! stations : weil sulted for mlxed tarmtug, dairy- fng or m-trif oe.rdentnir. Spsil fruits. gond orcliard (principalir upy trees'i. nover falInc streain, wel sud ristprn. tramne bouse. bank barn aid nther large buildings. Several acres of standing tlmber.. Alec %two lots ln Whitbv towu. Ci. W. Smith. ex- oeutr.-tt. 08ON ORADE'WATCH REPAIRING. La J. VASELESKY WATCHMAKER and JEWELER Two Motsu Southm off Royal Hôtei WIIITBY, ONT,. Tontesrs Experience ln Osucrai Work. Ensilatea Given. On@s Years Guarantea., BRIT8H MERCANCOLLÉE ILoa<is lna ga influence and auecessfui rd. pa en pectlizoesin grgg i PitmanÉSo rt. ban an isl ommrcil ubects. laU Tenu 0 Au. oit. Witefor our catalogue. jIes iW. acho Pincl, iongs& MeCkiii Sto...Toronto. INICHOLSON, & SELOONI Pbes.jas WHITBay Train Time Tables G-T-R. WHITBY JUNCTION. (ofung W eut-.. 442z.rn. GlgUa...5s .... .7-40 P.iii. ....93 P Sundsy trains lave for Toronto 4.52 a.m. and 7.56 p.m. Prom FTor- onto-trains stop ah Whitby Jîmefion ah 8. 15.and 9.5e.m., sMd 0.80 p.m. UP-TOWN STATION. Golugr North.. .«Io &.mn. CoIng South ... y.r5s..r .4-15 P.ii. ..1 p- -.6-40 p.m. 1i. . pi C.-P. R. Coing Wet-tý.5 :&.M. CoIng Ess -.u Islnm STAGES. Laves Whitby for Oshlava ah 10 &.m. and 4 p.m. Jeu. Holden, pwo pristor. Leaves for Brougimt a 10 ar. Mr. Edvards, proprichor. MAILS CLOSE. For Wet- 0.10 5.111. I L30p. ni. 8,0 P. M. . For vost--6.302.m. F. E. Luke, Toronto's ablo Optician, st Allun'. Drug Store, Wbitby, on Tuesday, Augusit lt. Don't missi seeing hlm. For Port Wbtby- 6.30 S.M 6.30 p.M For 4orbsw-4.3o pin 169 Touge St. TORONTO Livery, Carta-ge and Toaiing. 1 have receutiy added to imy well- equipped livery, stable a beavy team and dray for alii kinds of ,cartage and teaming work, and will b. pleas.d té ABFRÂOTII4G1 receive oraer sud careful ai ARRIMUE DUNDA$S S Scranf on Ceai SveSiXe and Egg Per fonu 72 Pea CeaI per ton pur ton- legs. ",SCRÂNTON C 'i.-The Dame guaranisso 5h. sh.ds higliet quality. - Bil Rom TelW. W 1. Vacf onTrlps Qubcsdth0 Saguenay a 1 ners Trno ud'igtn lesvpot, dafli for Tbousand YT1,dd sud ontroul. W.ek deys ste6 p.m,. direct 10o ligon. Sundayo at 2 p. ia& char. IJtePOrt off Roceat.r. sear cst r" cve. Toroato for Tosn oa d dMontréal en 14,60 n furdyosu aturdays At 2 Trouto te Uotr's u am srapa Terni. te Quel., sd estiMes 4 Teu!ets te S&*"-oy sud estîpu41 Abovr ra ifolOdO usais sud berih. TowlOd tamesla Toronto on ken. day, Wdnsday, ud ys a nu d a . 1rom Hauto n, Wsd FUas u St Ten t ee teesi &sud es Above rat« s ld@ ù usas sd bWi*1. Fer prticoarsappiy te louai uis.t, aientor addrousr Huon ID. PaO ..., E».We.EVANâý Pump aufacturer Sk*pmm Idoc u mb om%%6* s, vmicn vill bave prompt We qart o etilv PHONE 6c. mn om~imse &gm t" ete u un"mcese Gîmblet r., WEST WH1ÇBY,,phoSii.le - - ' - - - - -. - - -- - ~ -'-"---" s -. . - - - - ,- .' - - - - -. -- --- - r -* THE',Gazette and- Ohro1i.l.e has carried.,,more, advertising per month during 1914 than foi- sevý- eral years. Advertisers are proving that advertiging in this paper bringsKQ resuits, and resuits are -whiat they are -after. The city departmental stores they eaching out for business, and te'get after it tlirough large advts. in their City papers. Town merchants should get after tlie trade of their commun- itiies by large advertising in their town papers. Our rates are very reasonable when compared'with the rates of papers of similar circulation. Quo- tations cheerfully'furnished. C A. 6oodfollow & Son f - ~ t 4 i -~ A NIGwr SMIOOL POR FOREIGN-l «ERS. A prPPôfotnu(son ffoot fa fab. 11mb , duriug the comiug tall, a ight ebool for foregner. Mayor Vil!!. bas bee approached by loverai Po-. laku and other uon-EMnglish upealung people lu tovu, Who have asked -If It would net b. practiable f torsun x chool for them. They feef the lack ofta proper kuowledge of Eg~ 11mb, sud, turuhe, not hsviug had the, adrautage et much schooliug iu huIt owu lauguage, feel the tgadvariuaun much more. keeuly vies It le uTeese sary to transmet business lu ngliel. Thel r childreu are get<tig the boue. lit of a good primmry educati onu l the Canadien Sciocis, andthie Par- 1 1 .1 1 1 1- ' il ",WON ý j --V- 1 helituut'per ton silbo 1 . à -Whilby F. E. LUKEs

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