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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 13 Aug 1914, p. 7

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Louoic the 'Geima -ýespt4nIo qçvrsafl1* Jhe:Qpmannmme-ilayer Kpcn ni fore ihe was .&uk1iiikýthéeBrtish1 - torpedo-ioa.t La-nce.ý It. wals thse -Lance.,noVtishe- pin hiCh sent thse Germa - nine-laying uteamér Koenigen Luise to tise -botVom. The Koeningen, Luise was ont hlaying mines, 60 miles f rom Har- -wicb, off tise Coa-sVo! Hfohiand. -Tise Lance fired four shots. The. frst two. were fired over the lcoenigefl Luise, but thse tisird sna-shiC the1 -bridge.Tise. fourtis- carried awayi LIEUE FORTS REDUCE».- But Main Belgian Ariay Is En- trehed at Namunr. -A; despa-os rm ais a:Thse Germa-n shhi' *fur,haa reduped two o! tis ee forts; but tise, Belqia-nsi contInue, to- reaist- with untiriiig. energy. Thse Gernians were- a-Iei Vo -use their ight siege guns againstj tise forts o! Liege, wiich are thirty4 yearm old. Tw ofo! hem werei iIepced and thie. Gexrnan Columns bro-ke through. .-'the other forts are holding oqut. The - Beigians are mnaking a determined.reistanfce b.- fore -the city. Tise roar o-artillery fire,.hlas beeli heard uniàtirriiptedly ,a-ll around the. city. Germa-n't who sueaWeh»' .n entering tise1 circle o!f orts, r 'tostesn, ten miles froan Liège' ,d rectèd tt.iýeir fire on Dressour, an# - ,çce na-ny houffl. Uuring tise night, a-mid cries o "lViva ha Belgique l" tise civi* gpard despat-cied patrols inaDl di rections witis bugles to apnounce that tise city wouid noît surxender and thie army would Contnue its brave reoistance.' Amongtjie Ger- Imias captured in theý a4a-ck on Liege was Lieut. Baron vp-n;Yorst- u er, the young officer ,whose hau'gisty reatmat Vo! ,tise French~ insabitants o! 'Zabern, Alsace, brougist on- tise disturbanices there la-tyeai whieis weïe ;îredintise Reiebhstag andi- resuited in Von Fors4ner being sentenced 'Vosi -weeks' imprisonnient in a fortress. C" (OSULATE STOIMED. Tancotîver Moh-,Tore Down Ger- usaas Eagle. A deapateh f nom Vancouver, B C., sa.ys: A nsc4î on 'Wtdnesaiy - ,tonmed Vise Germa-n .Consulate, -' here- tare tihe big double- ea-gle !rom abôve tise 4oor and trnampi-ed il lunVise street. Tise glass, in al -- - tise doors a-ad windows o!fVise Con- - suhate aas broken anud tise furni- ture, densolished. It is reported tisatHem Von Eltinger,'Vise- Ger- mais-Consul, wiso is a. naturalized -Britishs subject, ha. resigned -ad thrown hIa- fortînes with isiadopt- ed country.- - - SPIES IN BRITAIN. T%$enty-one G(ernuaso lAre Arrested la Twcnty-foiir fours. A despa-isf nom L.ondoni sayat- -Tise Home Secretary intrcsduced a -bihlaintisa Housa of Commoans on Wednesday Us restrain tise move- -ment -o! tîndesina-ble aliens with tise object of failitating tise nemovai o! spies,. This was immedia.tely gîven a iecond neading. - Mn. Mc-' Keana a-ùaouaced tisa-t 21 spies had been as-rest-ed in tise Britisis Ishes durinig tise lastA twanty-four heurs, --cliefly in iniportgnt naval centres. Germgn ,woun<led lost~ their lg and two tfieir arma. -TueBri sh had no cazualtiea. Oapt. 'Pox, who "as in, càmmýnd, of the Amphion, was aixiidshipzýap, on board .thi. British iwarship Ql 11ope, the ônly -,Warship. which ,îeS,ýl caped destrucio n-jethe ter1ýfi6 Samoa >&tOTnad&ofo!1889. The Amiphion was of the Bcadifea, class of vessels. -The last o!-t4hse boats to.beJaunched was the Femr-, less, ând- the total Tiumber in the navy 15 seven. MANY PIIIZZS 0F WAe. Orntisers Swecp., theo Scas of Gcr- ean 1Ierq4nt Vesisels. A despatch f roiiW Londhon, says: The. Hamburg - 'American Lin. *,tamers, Kronprinzessin 1Cecilie and-:'rinde Adelbert have' been seized by British warships They are now lying at Fahn6uth, Tbç cruiser Highflyer b rought thé eteamer Ti4rbaia, fr91 ]W19 Arsfdr flamburg, carryxpga largé quantity of 1gold . #d -scores o! Q erma.n reserviats, into Ply'- mouth harbor.'Tbxirty Germent~ epip 'ave so far been oapturýàd by England. They include a imswle?, taken near the. Orkney Islands, offl he morth el.Sed6tlarià. XpÉan sus- ected of being a 'py ad ever4l :arrier pigeons werelound, aboa.rd. £he British "ieaer - 1ergrivke, :rom Galvea-ton for 'Bremen, was captured off, West Fastpet and taken ty Queenetown. .The Kemner- ick had 49,000, qu&rtçrs of wheat aboard for the' Gerinans. music AND H0Bses. Biggest Horst e At Inthe M'orI4.,at National Exhibition. T.he' Musical Bide >will be.atý,,he Canadian National Exhibition . at- Toronto fgain-, of course. 1V io t4le "biggest a.nd best- display of horsemanohip on this oontizWsnt. ýThose'32 wonderful dragoons, ,on their spirited horses, whi*ir;g through their.mazy figures toïjthe music o! the band, are old faxor- tes-of "the regualars" at the eair and a never-failing delight to zew visitors. ANTI-GEEMAN BIO 1'S- Mob la Antwerp Saeked German -Coifes a-nd Restaurants. A despa-tch f nom Antwerp says: Serious anti-Germa-n iting oc- curred isere on Wednesdày-. An a-ngry mob sacked tise Germa-n calfes and restaurants a-nd tore tise escutcheon frcsm tise door of -the Germa-n Consîîlate. '1he police be- lng unabie te check the dÃŽsorders, the Belgian military goyernor placed tisa city unden martial la-w, a-ad ordered tise expulsion o! a-i Ger-man nesidants. ___-44 JAPAN TO PROTECT ('OLOINIES. Aîîlioitativc Statenîctît Made by P'remuier Okîina at Tokio. A despatcis f rom Tokio says: Tise Japaniese Premier, Count Okuma, in au interview on Wednea-day said tisat Japap, if se -gene eluctanthy compehled t1o intervene, wouhd pro- tet tise Brit isis colonies, but under ne csrcumstances- wouid sise send a firet or a-n anmy to Europe. À 111NET VACANCI'ES FILLE-D. VOLUNITER FOR SERIVCE. Eart Ileaueclanp and Walter ihîn- Staff of Ontario (joverninent Office cisan Appoluted. Ansawer Cali. A deaspatci f rom London says: - Earh Bea-ucisamp wa-s on Wednes- day appoîintadý. tWsaccead Viscount )1ý Mrley as« President o! tise Coun- .ca-ad Wa-l$er Rancimnan fo take the -place o! John Burns a-s presi- dent o! the -Local Goverament -Boa-rd. A despatcis froni London ss-ys: Tise Cana-dia-n Pacifie steamer Montrose nea-cisd Gravesead with fo.uir hundred British refugees f rom Antwerp. Practicaliy ise "viole staff of tise Ontario Goverament Office iere have voiunteered for service.1 FEAR 0OF- FAMINE SUJISDlS, Confidence (lrews That th2 British (Iovernmnet Will be Able to Meet the Crisis A despateis froni Lonsdon esys: la thsainy mobilization pnoceediag -C symptons o! a.pa-nie oven tise que.- Iw th gre t mootinsissa,hut the tien cf Ifotad'a-d meney eupjshics I Govenumeat's naihway service, an- subsided greatly on, Wednesday. 'dentise direction o! committee Tiiere is generai confidence tisa-truanagera, is being openated witis- *e measuî-es undertaken by tise .tout confusion. Thse cricket anad ,ve rament wiht meet tise crisis; football grn us' in a numbar o! that tise noney msarket wil i-ot,-citles have heen -occupiad a-a camips, smnash, andt t4t Vise Attantic route wisile schioolý and otiser public wihh h. kept open for shipetî hbuildings are betitig transformod from meria. Ii»to huspita-Is. Manyasops have placardeti theïr T-he report sprea-ti by London win«dows' witis -the Cisancellor's news agencies on Tuesda-y nîgist warning - against thea well-to-,do1tisat tise windows -oftise Germa-n lioarding foo.d ta-tise detrmment o! Embassy were brokea is deaied by tisepoon er classes. One of! tisa big- tise commissioner o! police, who de- geat' stores ha imited tise amount ciaera iet tiser. wea no hostile of food jto be. sohd toe.acis persos outbrea-k. Tise Germa-n cohony i. Vo seven pounds. in weigit; others ina ometiingo! -a panic, isowever, refuse ta ma-k. deliveries, so tisa-t because ma-ny o! tisem, enga-ged in people cai-I' sy onhy wisat tiey are va-nous occupation.s, fear prejudice able Vo ta-k. awa-y. Stili otisers will be engendered by tise va-r a-ad uini thtie amount o! a-ny foodstuff nain tiseir business. -Tise American seld te Vwo pounde. Embassy and Cansulate, wisicis bave A distinct surprise to tise popu- ta-kea disarge o! Germa-n interests ia-r mmnd is Vise country's apparent isere, fiusd tisa-t theyý williha-va tV Vreýarednegs t eteange tise, ina- face iseavy wçrk, #adît, la probe-bic chinery .o! ondine-ny life Vo a- war tisa-t tht-jr staffs wilI- have Vo be ne- footing On short notis. Not,,9I 1Y iàforccd iA t. -i '-I thsé uaieon1n othe;,rmY' FACRING SITUATION C*LKLY.. I4avk .of Hyàtprla -otIp4»Ielc n A -despatchs -fsom -P aris says: Whiie troops, -move - thrlougisParis sîtreets. on 'tieir -wa-y to -the front there is.a remarké.ble.kpirit of con- fidenc o , ..generàl haW,. kç 9! hys- terical Icçtme axnong thb citi- zens wisê are beingý le!t in tise oity. This asqurance, so universal every- were in the city that French, armsý are. V-o be, vitoriçqus, is no !o~ p 44led toi by ýtise .- coatant reporta, taQopai tiser', are - BuccegsaflUy is- ing'ba-ck tise Qegmga .îima.owi general feeling tha-t Firsce, iz,sdes- týned during -iâ s ia -to get il revengefo 1870, ansd tise cwnû-. dence tisat is, everywisere exprea-sed ha-s na-de a marked impression, on aIl still marooned.-witiin tise 4ity. ïfourly tise impression 'i. g4k;p~slu strength tat;tisewar wil notl-,i4t Iorqg, cannot last -long, bgçausso Germny,* cut off as.,ehe is, v-111 goon -b. forced to . capitglate or starve to, deatis. TIsere as even a- the -pýnch o! fAmine ,comçz, if tise KaisÉer'doçss tsi,sbit. o!. his own accord, lie wi11 be forcec to do so bï' popular revolts witisin isis eni- l.0 an ÇA hI j'ýn9e 4*aV tvr, ~n -great part o!liser male popu- lao*q~n ,'ÃŽlled an& d.o<f&itiste, frosit, Parisia-n spirit is flot lost. There are bu- moroua incidents on every hand -Âove a-nMo!th etl)opsý I-tbat have ýbe-on 4sed,,4or-inap1i, a-re suapeudgd posters making'light annotuncenients o! tise eau-se o! business suspensions. Here are tise words on & ,pacard posed in tise window o! 'a- barber shop ini the Rue RIoyale: "Qur, çlents are here- by notified -tsa-t w.' have tranafer- re d our ,atff Vo Nancy." Na.ncy i. a- city on the Frenchs frontier. TUE ESSEX AT BHALIFekX. Captai. SRays Ris Ship Cea-id Ian- dle AUl Three Prowleraî. say.: The. Britishs cruiser Ess-ex stea-med in lien.' coavoying thse White Star liner Cednie. Aetise Essex went up tise barber tise passengena on tise Maunetania, whicis iad arrived at noon, raised a- great cheen for tise cruiser, Tise Essex proce.ede-d at once for tise dockyard -, where a- big gang o! men liad assembhed, and ceaiing at once Ca-plain Hugis D.R. Watson is in charge o! tise cruiser, anad Hugi Preedy is commander. A semi- officiai report fnons tht- Essex is tisa-t tise cruiser hiac been trying t-t round up tise tisrce Germa-a cruis- ers in tisese waters. Tise other cruîisers -on tisa Amenican saad Cana-dia-n coast eaga-gcd in tis sia-me searcis are tise Suffolk (fiag- ship), Berwick, Lancaster anc 13ristol. Ail the information a-n o! then hac obtained ha-d been by wireless. Tise capta-n s a axious t-s obtain reports froni Bhip mastep wiso ma-y see anything o! tisa crus- ers, and he asks that tisis be for. warded pronipthy. Thse Lusitania isas iseen in toue] witis a Germa-n cruiser, but es. ceped un tise fog. Net one o! tisa enensy's ships had heen sighted Thse Essex, ha said, is prepared foi tise wisoie three -o!tisera togetiser There is very little danger 1o! an: of tise Germa-ns atteasptiag tb Ian< at a-ny port in Canada- where tiseri ka-ne milita-ny. HIe could net ira gine tisa-t tisey would venture a- attack. CONTBBANDOF WAII. Ro>'nl Proelssînntioi 1h!ins Mutst Be Seized. Wist Tise Gazette, tisa officiaI newspaper, -on Wedaesday publisises tisenotifi- cation o! tisa ta-te o! war existing betwea Germa-ny and Enghan<l, as well as au order-in-Council signed by tise King, reis-ting Vo tise mer- cha-nt vessais o! tise countries witis wisici tise Britishs Empire is a-t war. Tise enter specifues as absolate con- tra-baud: Arms o! -a-lI idd; cie)tising-ad ha-mess o! a militany vharacter; animais suitabie f-or wàr paurposes; foodatuffa; fuel; )ïar- nesa; telescopes and fild glass. 88'K1LLEJD 20 HURT. Passenger Train a-nd Mloo Car A despaIdisf rom Joplin, Mis- souri, Sa-ys:- Tiirty-eight Nere killeti and 20 wounded, six fI"aly, wlîeu a northbound -passenger train- ou tise Kansas City Re-ilway cr sis cd isead-ou mUs a motor ca-r, 0. los, on Vise Norths Missouri and dNeris Arkanrsas Raihway near Tip- mon' Ford, 19 miles sou-tii.0o! lie,.a-t 0 o'clock on -Weds'eieday nigSbt. -Loarn te Swlm. !li ono of outdoor pleasune, h-00AI- -.vayi -a nu-suber of dro-wng ssC d-OPsla Perhs.nse -tut--ma-b. due te _- roW hi 1tus- ba--shoater .»niod. t#e amesiltîe of tisa 'summer tiswsr f saadrJTeoe. - -< 13.e ogjtonIloa thUe masne. lt! ever. î- homen Ii ise wate - ae On leil. this îwqisl ss~tut çne re ael de4a btshqsin cs nsý,t .seôiphh The e étsémni.:Iidkews ho- ur -. "OrMw lnVb.11- MOiea--sssy, gIts spait~0 Ud Y, eoý a A ~ss, ! iriin - unîli Uerlcpt i pp, lre.l '. ono esn ti.'p 'k5do youni , bu pré iif glo1!. rle t e fnaced pona mil-no se d hlSl e hýy& s-i o!tise leel4. *ere la a ln etlst bfutaeaofl- thes-vdla# edînnorimihaenet iealythodit.d ve" t o an. pind .*ith areleoIiolteq ut aenlq4sed .iem-ln des. - M e vr in-a ofa wostrnd 1 iO eet" bofemutie surace pot s yl a bl ! ea4oauqn. Usesne leve. ier. laav v id0tofutiidtur opeI- »mnse 9,lue a <tie iiilsg ndutny li sîox<sr Alexbanodertion evae-vis res2 ve;iïMle 9 ta tuis A gîas-' ire equl- ment- u min- e pis -emsiuiselola; tt.h .tb ed inert. vflll is <poss ble t e odarà a-ndete -work o!nracueMe 1 wththege >ia éOngitLfkoasQ1enswt iag leoa -de la! is env rtaoiy2la %nn,4i#t'ha4nCtioU~¶ts csP ,;siq.illete anc o! tis ee netE mst.ovre m-1. lie le.a'bessa.add.mil-,ultfé hed-eeungs ,.regalàrd- hlm ~ ~ ' - The. civil1 sw ~ pu l art>oo' S ~uervi&!- thos l2inoisd0 afet Ion »Z25,000,é>and eï#ht5e li Mnvoa a--pt. bçue I r.s<s ey ,ee itd pop- for ber attItude ta- tise'Baikan 'tro-ubles, suad iser popUiation- le raçiser;,heteirogenel- oacosirnute &iW O! tise country. TieSevanii pl-ay-ed 'àrther Importaist 1part lis Europ affaiIre, orq ma-nyyea:rq ? bat it 'va-eon> ds1879. fIer the congrebo o! Benlisit. %lt onteneero. Servia and 1 loumftuia beesme indepenào-st. - Io Much Organitatiofl. We an iso prone, 0 empilaelze a- ood D ine tisa-t:'vsare, a-t tae poi ilhy at. 1teattous. Tht-ne is recreatioa-iin excellient thi-i. but t louessa- lareepart o! its vin- 3bue -'vion lE becomese. gareat institution. 1So iilieducaîlois; so -iitishealîls. Tiseo' asireat subWa,eare reducible to ver>' atm. ple proposittone. easily Vte be a-pplted isba . ta-hon b>' themselvl5l. Ta-kebealtilol B ntanse. Al Use ozgaaszabsoui. *tatisbîcoi l-aanaed ýdocumnente. &L. 'watt net a.dd one 0 lot to tise a-et plain prncit>lO5 that con. -tributs to <sies oatndut-Se or wbolealesj whlch tist-:usuh. rWbt-uiont- bas. aaid uruity o! air.,isater, d!ood and persois, to "viic &tarsdded tons 0p-rance, moderato exorcise and u- kindiy Sand chat-nIai dispesitioti, a-I- lias beau eiat - Ihat lis' ecessanv. and al Use boa-rda ol j hestlt.h.,eatItîtic a-nd eclie chsygient lin tise wonld 'vîilnot at tise tact 'wiUs c y aewor purpeet--Wbat tht-a? Ail -Usat-hai le Ut dont- le te enfonce t"isesmple prèoc yeffion e! he&lth nion thse peole la a "vay 0 bisai wl-bt impress tht-m. 'r-at uaay ho dif > ficult, but lt-gEilt e more dillicaît tth tuitî'OSSecOîneS bUried Isnara t mattDO I. dut>' lae idea faomview bythie ompit-i ity o! oreusnized supervisions. 1ý Prosident Wilson. of Presdent Wjleou,. a! tise UiJnted4 St-tes. la tise ritiabileHviev. In offilcial hours thse 1ut-aident *id"ta nery communicative- on ogiven to, sua-l l aU; ho isolates bîm. self a root tisai from -tise social QMe o! Wa-isinetoui. Fgives <5w opeuisisea for t-be sont o! pensoual goopip tisat tisa Anin public loves ta -aeoImilat-. cuis doi a ai audiences, Publec sud iivate. tte lebrie!- et limite, dose nfl- kaaw on dot-s net' cane whiaI ld belnq eald about iba, holde hlm. self tmu>aeaivelyin uha-ad. snd eisis to Use cs-ali ooken-on to bc asmoyt deliben- atel>' pia-ring o! pointu o! contact '*lth tise censmon rais o! Americais bumtanity. Tise capital lu net used to, a-nd le rabisen myetta-ed ý-b'. al,.Preaidiist of tsi. kind. Wben is tlke a! politice lbeis lu Uin-king o! 141.6 nation a-ad Its net-de, o! ideae, ansd haiv t qexpress t-hem lunlegitatiois. and isot o? job.', persoialiiui and tise nexi t-Section. Tise. ettineseanad vulgartîeis. tise base Motives a-ad low c»alculatu,One:o Use Commiîtise-nooin type of poltbii shrivei up before his serons integiiy. lt ie -nol Iisistlie exIiYodeï lupdt il t-m on ssiowa. -an>' trace o! moral or intsllOtual arics. lb le impy -that tise-id eetihig iu hlm sud radialie n om bisa, tise presaisce and emanation o! a epinsit aiwavs isettncîlvely iln communionl 'wrts tise fluer usiners o! tifs, t-hat a-hasbed mets o! a meàsier ciiet." F-Woots of Trial May as FarRoachlfS. fohîttet anut social intgue a-gusrt-utpro. miaet-stinlatise seisatiql otitrial la Parie o! Madame Catiisux. -'if.'o! tle former Frensch premier, for thaîstal ebooting of Edilor Gaston Caimétts. Su1011, indeed, are tise pcslltlcuisetieo! tsi. case tisat th1e oUtcoise o! t-ho trialInmay bave a fan- reaciîie effet upon tise deallisies of tise Freacis n sui. Non do -'vsbave to hunt fa-r lu Prend hs 5o1r>'taea-aIns ntancea o! qvaut 5Xuitesi éhanfle5 due te tise fraUteo snd foules o!f-'omeis, Tise moit famisar, Instance vae tise purceasofo a eoqtil necliacob>' M&ari. Ântolneto 'gilli alOIOY from, tise roy al lIscome aI l ime vissa tise 1piibiic Insasur>' aebasskmtisth Ue na-tlon 'vas lmupoerlised a-ad tiausa-ade of people in Parle -gars on tise verge o! tanv4tiois. -Tisa-t a-eto! eblis oli>'11Y tated tise Prenis Revoiutoss and brî>V eue n talissîli sud Louis XVI. ta tise gulline-lO - angars of Ica Wat.r. In tise ieateu t erm- ma-ny pensons ans . pironu e W&iiilarige quantâiee o! icea- -va- tIer and Iceut baveraes o! va-noue lflgr5 gredisits a-ad anspouloas, es, oys tise i Iroît frePres, «-Iangers hurl:inlatut turactlce -potsed cit bu' eosa-etent a&utisani .,anhin (i. Wells. cf New York, wbo f54 1otiser day saj^-Id 0001 ater eisotid ta-kg Useplae o le. '9t»vat«e. ltes water, ta-ket ýe iy dI ,e QF ~ERV1ANsWA~. ha.oîoaJltttlSS 83 itJs,~i8U4iY talion on a hot da.,inSY xgrodrp>',&ve[ry éeelOà8UL lndizetAoii.* 'Taien steidPY lE iPro- du0ce; ie.iater_,d5 j . !oex otebron- le, ,ndigeftiofl. For thsc9e *who mnêt bb. ac ïo rjbjeot to "eltosui'don sEt hokA$Y -wts.It, là piýat&bb n -Ol~100@t iiU t'ïo4eIoaàfid'e bei.1Uen-â4.lie1Nufl. .t. ~i~4U5d'b&ii NIWter oand Settinx It ,set4pe. i s, tise , beveti5ê iriven soldleirs duri ir'ir mano0eüVre5. Bautterniilk and oid-laahioned 1.monade are refreshixg and heatbfUl.' TO STOP> PUL? EIPOBTO. U.S. Mi~fWuC~ oIIdTa St. Lawrenec WIII -Be ',!Iitisd. A despatch fromn QgdIxpsburg,' N.Y , says.: Paper manàfaturera in the United States importing- pulpwood from lower Canada shipload have' bee-a.notifid that un- hess special permission is firAnted the service will be ospended until after the war. It is said to be the purpose o! the Dominion Govern- ment to stop ahi vessel traffic on the St. Law-rejnoe River egst of Montreal.a.sidphant tiseriver with exp1ogive min .es. 'Large iMporta- tions of Quebec pulpwood are r.- .quired -at Ogdensburg for nortiiern New York State paper mihîse. HOARD.1NG 0F GOLAD. Biish Cisane0lor Asks Publie to A despatchIs Lam London says: Chancellor Lloyd 'George- contend- ed on Wedneach4ay tisat. anyane Bhoarding gohd was assWitng thée eneny cf bis country. At the sa-me time, with the view of ecoxonizi1g gold and maiqtaining the integr i ty 6of the gohd standard, it Was pro- Po"edt'O issue notes of £1 ($ô),Iand lOs. (2.50) convertible to gold -at the Bank of -Enghand. Th e-wuki, be available on Friday to tiseex- 'tent cf $15,OOo,0OÃ", and after thal would be isued at the rate of $25,000,000 de1h. Postal orders are also to be in-i5de legal-t-ender on the saine ternis as-notes. He-,iad' oan appeal to patriotie people noe to withdraw gold. d NO0 WIIIE'LESS TALKS. .Us. OoverntîcntCo~es C ermnai t.1 Towerr at Sayvlhc, l.l. It was rcported f rom' Wasigtosn ou Wcdnesday tisat a-fter consider- ingtise statua o! -bise Germaa-owned wirehess tower at ..Bayville, Long Islnd, tise conrespondiag station to tise tower at Na-ien, Germa-ny, tisa State Departinent hbsscomae Us tise conclusion tisat i- mut ha clcsed clung tise Etîropean war. This decision i. based on tise inter- national agreemnt sigued by Ger- mAay, tise United States and other coitties a-t Tise Hague in 1907. 6is Slrightoetmni A person in good isea-ithu il, ikeiy Us lia-va a geniai disposition, ambi- tion, anad eajoy work. On tise -onebaud, if tha .diges- tive organs have hteu upset bV' wrong fod, work becomes 4yrud- gery.- "Until reeently," wites a West- ern girl. "I was a rails-cach teno- grapi-!ýer, -whiýh means fult work eve-ry day., "Like many othar girls alona in a -large City, 1 hived a-t a boas-ding lieuse. For breakfast il was mus, grea-sy meat, soggy Cakes, bla-ck coffee, etc. "After a few monthiso tiis ciot I astc -feel slaepy a-ad ieavy ia the morning.s. M~y wonk aeemed a terribsle effort. .a-nd I tisougist tise work was tu' lame-too ardtsous3. ".At homne I hac heard my father spcak .o! a young feltoîvwiso weint long distances is tise 'ohd on Grapc-Nts apd cscam andI notbing more for breakfast. 111 concluidad if it wcsutd tide li over a- nuorningis heavy work, i mnight halp me, so on my wa-y home one sight 1 .boaght a paçk4ge, and exî nornilg I had Qape-Nuts a-ad milk for breakfast. 6.1 stuck to Gi-,ape-Nuts, tnd in le-sthan t-go 'veelcs L noticudidm- proveaielt. I rernember Iusael'd to -waik tise 12 blocks tb busin ess$aad knew how go<sd il was eliiýph-y Vo live. "sto my wuork-weil, did yon ;ever feel tise delijit o!fisaving con- genial *work andtVise strenglis Us , p.er-form il? 'Tist'.isow I felt. I traly believe-tiiere-' s Mie and vigin ein every gra-in o! Grape-Nuts.' '.Na-me given by Ca-na-dia-n Postuni co., Windsor, Ont. Read, ""Tise Ra- VoWellville," -in pkgs. ..,IIhere's a.een e; ver road ti aboie letter- A new, ent * a ppl are . fro t ine to.tmiU . 'fley are * .;itiiiie, true ifld fuit 1Sqap peat 'Ou ~$MILh 4*te ~hemet-strkla~eatitrea are: propel- -- - ~~~~~~~~~lern a-t Uwau zr~sd i~Iuipo _______________________ise!er ia th isensde, sa-lixed tisatit drai Qu,, îffiryss as hat hm s anls - to 1- lif ip etleaBytyait the #p gine!u air -IQuen *ar. wlo -twaye-~1sa ba .~ geseice.If't.ls 'e as quo e- s ula.is ,lQ4enXwii wo br eeWla hop'ôd 1-té Ltiî clad:,tit the tueÂ- ypon t4we sr , selYfprýt1e,b-as lantic -could be- e«paed, at tise ,rate 'o! u ceç0à èdin buEn Wn -aout an ïInnove., about 1n0 mlles an hanu. - - non trnthe5-rtll ai ~y uité ew t'O Bankf1 f W fd ii 81 o Great Britala. -- T-bQb,'Li to.sb,14i tbe,Wine seUins privi- Thiis ivas eh !wn in thie recent annoance-' leges of tise Urnlverstty o1 lord ..nd thie =Olnt. ,o!tlse is.inzsgs btrf.àday,«ionqrs-ilsat c4t.v f Se. Albaciiâ remlndso ne,4isat y wsu isepss iqr.gr, ";Den,,oMï he 1reh o14el trthse 1nk.o! EpiU1 a thOts naYî d bien appointpd cà oiaej î întly-the Oid -4 b g &a ,isp t b e o i t sj n c Q o n , t .o p e r e ailq d ,b e r s oif o f t~ o l v » p r e s , b u g e t a t oensr à-aV w caîan , b at o n e ç 4.n ps 'gp e i sk O f " E;ÃŽ Li d , b eer " belons "ever- b-ade, een colotiel'lan' àief,!ai-- prvliâk:'a very' s piar ta-p-#th--he cihif though -empresses end tprnuceeses on ..Ve 4 le çMtOon eyery batte gui1 eontinelt*'sa fie ed thse ra-k. aneenw E-%efssiie._ _ _ _ Queen r Y x4deei nedt-bat se ,*oaid___ __ Set tl51éi'o in motonc tan -ee SCENE' IST. iF~PEURRBUBG"i in the new hofos.5 s l0,"ogLv IgOo~ 8 h Quesen Mary Io cçaçpe; in, ç4el f otise Vliu ris Ntoi" fif-iteentl 6(ueen Mary's o win) Huoor,- and lit la exssected ehe wli5 wsoe< an , _- -- -Adepth f rois- St. Petersburg ation o! tise uniforni wlien Xeise ethe* ~ howigts anuiO troosse. -Queef i e a srae tolon eli n $ a âs:he.Fo -'nc l~p~cmth-sQiena Alean. ment.t$: at,-reat Brîtain a-nd Ger- obf.ftbeiastears and ie AION:mnttat, aaaowli Royai) Ewasadtef rne ,drre ioeuimos,:ox ya-iW O<>, regmment, iany were a-t war, ligeprnd but bc; intçntlons as, b~spIthse uni- placards-a-plÃŽared ou tie *8118- O! forusi ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h benobesmeeknw. city--and in'-tisa. regtàuraut-5 and Bots women eould arrang',-te -costume.,h é ods wil>lsut mach dlfficulty, thse 4iâtilnui4th. Cafes. 'ARi carrieq ie-wr. -ls* eé.uru -elw a ~uaan'unc and "Long live -Kinsg George -Aud Vhe busby. -Quaen, Mary .Ipoke ,reisark-ably ' -lat Brits atoj .,imé weii la thee gor«eous shakco and «sat' of Vah nain- -. ume tise Pl1th ta-uceen>reicimeni bo! Pruaseian cf-studenta au-hworkmeu - climbed ligsaus.o! -w-bIihsheaietatise bonorarY t'ts os!o ieGnsei .E mbassy colonelinla hie. '-tite ofe h,-e --Qicen iezpdna 'prtrait-, la -the rgi- -Ïnd.tone.the,-gold eAglef rom tise mentais of go Prussian royp.1 dagoona, o! tise. of -wbh ise le -boibàry coIonë1«I 't h ie- u t fRu iag-stfa. isyA thnmav .piepiadorament, of-the,auseroom et u ie-usa iag asv tiheadciiarters of that reuimçat. andsat-n ecin a group o! the eôffieeri-ivavwaiedrink her àiséa.tb atter s i -ar epcin ,drinkinz the bealth oo! UeGermais emlper- horses led by men, wças lacked to or and empreas. , pieces with, axes and>tise.. debris The Daus - o! Angy-ll as colonel a ~ tecnl ofe chIe ! of tie A nyli and StAuherland igil.- hurle iat h a S . . , o fe landera wlflot linia bscb an eaey mat- tisen ývas madce o!,tise contents OfL ter to wear tise leatisený':bonnet' o!fisertie masy dan-tsu.Pws Sookng a Molo for Creator mLondon. made. 10 put a- torcis to tie .uidirsýgp ondon le isuoyiig a o f fun ove tie -but in ou uted police routec .htie oV- troules o! ip London Counity Couneîtla ers. Anotiser crowd later txied'to- thefr- ueamis. for -a motto for <reater Loi-rpani efomneatteAs don. T ht-tu' hve Rot à>a hsbeld . or r at tearmar a c s he A s ail rikt. but a fittng imotto, le a ore trian Embassy, but tiat building wor.. and thle malter o! tise nigist motta was tostsronl uadd >a-ad ide pensonai bonor , btat .'e- 70 i l Lise frîvoioua slde o! thse patter tbsat one UIIU UF OGHT. Clefly isoard. RKS SUP BO 1A -poDutlâa uxgeeblon in sabtban -traînes 1a d buses l. A ay merny and brlgist. * Britlish Gover iS et T vkeOs 0ver At tise louer Temple t.he c-hala fa-lien, utisou a cluotatiots f-rom Dunilar'oe am on -Twvo New Dreadnloughs. - 11onden;o-"Bxempiar,, Ldestar amxd Gy. ni rpaie of i33 0 u 10 I"gare,' hsawev r, d sp te 1roin Lo d on says « n !ot tiset àldene o! haro. l-ls oedTise Britishi GovernmeatWI pyl At telrden' Suburb. -wbers dite lal ise nrigisborhc*4d"oo!. $25ôOOO,o0o-for -more reai. morëe arnest.-tise inost ap. tise two Turkisis battleships being tproved la Iron thse London, passage sa EBrownilnsie "*W arln"-"Sins.II t.ings onstructed in Enghis yards end fdone, «reat tinoe undone."e hc ths ae vr h-n s Tise Oit, -mui. 'visa l.htnk tbis.selves tise wics sst-e vr h u pedigreed Lndonens§-borni n tie purple, whicis as been renamed - Agin- as one mtght saY-bave soise ecurritous Court is coxnph1eted. The otiser, e mottoes rady for tise upiaat L. C. <COsais-n 11KdwihIilb nw "*Next to a good thiag.' le oae of Use mid - .dwîcs"iib nw est. A Tbroirmoit<ili strect 1inan. by tise un the Britishs navy as the Ern, lu aid of hie& B C La-tinu dltioniary, found nal -spee.Te r irt tie followink fro ns ('lot-o. 'vii -sexprese- e r y c m l t d h y a e frs - es nia-uv viewe o! Outer Londosi:-'MJýens ciaas battiesis- suUurbana lu corpore arbanc,- whil'hiiay - be trauslssted rouglsly as 'hiaving ltbobth prince o1 Wales Io «ake is ,Duchy. FRANCE 1EGAINS CITIZENS. Il Amon tisa.isreaxaitioiss "vicilare bis- ise made for t-be celebratiois of- tise cor-Ntv- fIscIran a luug o! age of!tise Prince ofW-ales nexLtuv$o AIic-Oris a thà o en o! i OtheKllsoahaif, bUt tisef deuiesFroeito-l hir feti theai neé ofa uonda tise proît Ulltispotcfa nrdcd o of the '~ncc next yar. -suprofabl nod e n Thbe X'itees of thse estabsi durigsgthse Iast WednescJay to confer Franch na- year have taken. adv a ltaire of thse favol'-tinltyo navso!Aaead ablee tate of the Markevs to make is-toaiy nntvsofAsc n vesbflsenis wlsicis are expected to yield fjôrraine enliiting in the French sonsiderablo profits. One recent, tranpac- am.Svrlsc eaoswr tion consisted in tisa purcia-se of $400,000 .ry Se rasik entsw e worth o! securit-jes. Thse estatee acitliu- carried. to their- seats. as they iated capital and profite at pre;ent large-- were unyihhling to be absent f romi. -ly exceed $5,000.000. A Cat bMay Loo0k ai a King. thse historie sessioIi.- Il laflot ceneraiiy known that tisera le no .ixht of personal udience o! the King ('anal TralYic Dccrensed. and yet it is a welii aecornized point o! con8itutioflSl Jaw. A -despat-ch fro'n~ Sault Ste. No coutmnnetr lit the ]and Ca'»' ,lam ànly marie. Mieh.. says: Freight traffic eucls vrivilexee as o! riig.ht undes' knglixh da-w. Thee matter sla o i ý1ecia1 -Privi- through the 'Soo" Canais for thse lege even to thie mombers of the Ruseof$ nioiath of Jiy -s8,1Wed a cIecrea-se, 5 Commons -wso nma-, have occasion to conl- suIût the King on aate affir. Even in of more than 3,000,000 tons -from such eases thIe audience ih mît personai thlat of tise saine montis hast year. to any meissier of the Rouee. Freedom of accee.*. as it i.' conetitu- accordisg to the itatistical report tions.lIy calied, le ailowed toensembers of just compihed. Thse total *was bthe HousoK Commosse through the- par- sonality of'te Speaker. The Speaker 8~,830,2563 tos; as compared- àrith dlaims thse .pilvilewaô from thse Cro-wn 12,278.124 tons hast year. The Inove- throuch theI bord C -a-pceilor at. the open- ment for July was kreater by 242,- inx of every Pa.riiatnent, the form of re- hni Jin es]ps uest being bat lt-e Comm ns - my haves 175 tons t a n J l e e S 1p s sscce&s to hie Maestysl royal person whenf sages for thse nionth numbered ever occasioni eh-aill require.- Trhet tie o!- Speaker, as appled. sorne- 3,077 and the otal nulmber o! Pas- wbat tu thle bew.-lderment of thse ordinary sengera carried was 20,462. inortai. 10 tbe one issemiler of tise HouAis of <ommoina w.ho neyer by an*i»'ehisilci uake a oeaeais. rea-lit-marks hiti duty of répresetinFl5 is felow nsmbe in lu ts M artyr to Cons ien e. way ln neceesarY interviewe -With the mon-. akei- arci. He is e peaker lux them at. - We n ry ake o. Mmn. I irin't in Elle case of içeinber.9 o! thea Roue o! dirtv roni choice. lInm bou-3âd by. Lords the iriviexe* of audiene il' sna. as tie Pt-rs are iidividuaiy biere- honor. Yer giee 1I once wrote a tes- ditary couneelioraof tise Crown. lb ,seed timonial for a soapmn-aker and pro-- not Us exercisesi ibrourilthbe Lord Chan- cellor. who. inded. le uot alecesirily a Mise-d to tisýe no otis er. njeember of -tht- lou.e o! Lords at sii. M ad an-W e 1,1, why don't yoit use To FIY 180 Miles an iloUr. it-t ? Th'-e Rsoc&tof a iut-w design 1cr an aero- W'earv \Valkes- - gecause, mutn, Dlane capable or cros.'ints he Atla<fti.' «as ou1 V-lew Iaqt week t vihe offces of- the thuie frrn failed aboust five years ago. Aerial League ol thse Bribis;h Empli-e tn- Kiiu-geway. lb l cf a, r evolutioflSfy type. I Vvry Oood. axnbod.vin-z saveral ae ideas. Tisenma- chine pctwsmea oa hot laped hull, fromi ~t ydu~tr iacàim id e of! w bic li t iow andi terri, pro- - fer gath er- ,,a , nu gl t r lect planes,<oneabsorkath ie otiser. in t§ucih eh, W-ho are your 'ancestors ? 1a wa t-ha-t there ile -a -g.ixsgwYY 111111111vr-1do'tkno9 'v 1 throu scis th e m idd -le o ! t ie trlic bu s'. i e 'd n k o . 'v The remarl5ibl' feaifre of tht-e pi.ne1 ne er -nad tiras t- oiook theni up, ia tl.at they are hinged and cisu Uee Father-Take lier. Y(yu'hI cd ndepetdently iun." eh a -ay tiat th re je no neeti for a rudder on tse mine.be subie t-support lier. ahi right. Germn Rseris Arestd- A despa-teisfiromi London asys : Germa-n resarvis from i Canada were annested on Vise arriva-Ia-t Avoamouish on tise stea-mship, Royal George.- Tise British Governmeent ha-s ne- -qnisitioued ail aircr&f ithl ie K iag- dom a-ad is mobilizingtisem a-t ise Hendon Aer odrome. Seutrieseat Doyen fired on a in wh assupposedVo be ta-mpering, witi tise telepisone systemi. The wese larrested un Lo ndon.- he admiraI commanding tise Inilsis -na-val -division reports tisa- tise Irisih dsûcyard %orkers ma-de a' splendid re 'sé -to tise ca-il for extra wcrk. At Be-lina tise National Volun- teeWa gave an entisusiastie eend-off to tisereservistî goiag t'O'ID- th Iar' reëgimenta. 'Tiie band o!,t4is .lo ,ù1 teers esc.orted the. resrvistsj t, he station a-t Bltwc cIg,

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