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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 13 Aug 1914, p. 8

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Torno Miss Edith BroWn, 0cf- WbibYIo. * holidaylng at her home bers. - Mr. and, Mn, . O. SP.nctr le6M,- 0 -Tueeday for a trip te Durbsn, Mm-. Mr. snd Mv.. Hughes, of Torcuto, vislle! wib .Miss Olvor totie. week-enid. Miss Aàdde Vipond lefi last wek for à trip to Roland*# Mai., WherO she wil! visîl ber sjstfr. The brick work on Mr. A. C. ni- 14ttg l'ouse ta completed, and ibe- building la uow veady for the inside flutsblng.1 Mr. sud'Mns. Gordon Hall, Mrs. Thou. Hall,' Mr.. and lira. Cbarles Grass aild lfrs. Eddy molored b Pin. Point on- Sunday.. - Mn. R. 'Griffin, *ho bau been Vit~ ing ber moiber ai -the home -o! Mn#,s. ..Ormiston, left this-week for lier home lu Manitoba.- Tlhs union gardon Party beld on 'ruesdsy evening under the auspics of thé Brooklu Jnd Kednon MÀethb * odisi Churchea onthe beautiful Iawn of Mr. E. ý W.- Webbev, Was one of ihe mnt snucesanfal et bold. The -tes eerved was excellent and the unrogvam *- al that could -be deslred.- The 541h Reimental Baud, Iboueli a lIttle laIe W avivtnc, suuulled splendid munie. The vetreshmeut bnoth did a vusbing business, and the whole affair was a grand sureesa. The praceedu- amount- ed ia $91Ã".85. The ladies ntf ibe ehbuvch ave very imach pleaued ai the quecess nft the affair. bath inanciallvy stnti <therwise, -A famlly , gatiherling was held ut thue home af Mre. .T. OrmIston on Wsdneudav lAut t'a enmmorato bar *mnther's ttre. -W. HalI'sl OSnd btrtbdav. slson c ai ftise ireai- rzrandclhdren. 'RiltS. Monns'. hIrhid-av. There were fftv-nlne guegle mreeeut, fram lRrnokiin. Ottaiwa, Ta. ronta. <'ont teegi. Wblthv and Enfili. Tise day wnu nlensnntlv unen1t In raeeme andi nel l ntpreaîsree. an"sia nuiintuîos erennitf. nervd. Mrg?. Hill. tIom anad -Umînrn, <ofzYs.&a ; e flnaund, -Obslwg: -Mnu.TkoraeTa ton; Mr- sud Mvi. W. oriffan, Eni killen; Mr. id e s. Coobnaw, Countica; n.sud iRd.l sudl family, -aud 'Mr. a"d Ivs. Wllkinson, Wbiby, ani numife ethen friands frorn Enfieîd and C 1 mbus. Coi-] MYRTLE. Mr. Gso. A. McTaggmrt &0~ daugli ter, Merle, motored from Toonoulo n Saturday aud called on frd" bem. Mise Dske, of Toronto, 'vi slted frieudalhera s atwosk. Some *01k of haviug the oh! black- smith shop opeued up. iy bave complo$eC bavestig oper- suions. At, lime of wriing vailfte badly nssed. MoisMy Williams, of Pri nce AI- bert, le holidayiug wt frisudi ber. Mv. and Mus . M. lloltby,, of Manchester, speut Sunday ati Mv. A. r.<arui1eaei's. ICINSALPE. Kr. E. Redman bas completed bis uew silo. Ed. was i- owu avcbltect aud builder. War talkln l very prevalent yust Look out for the aua! Hirent Home her, lu the near future. Mvi. Louis Rogers, of Hailton, spent Suuday udor the parental roof.1 16s. Rud's xrauddaugbter aud child froni the eltv have heen risit- lng ber. Mr. Patterson. of Brookln, sports a uew auto. Nie dnessnmre livery ^wonk lu oun vIcIuitv. Miss McAvov, wbo bas been ouf. ferlng frnm blond vnlsoling for ur eval weelru, l epr10;a amo THE DOMINION BSANK OR EDMUND IL OsIER, RM... REsIDENT. W. 5. MATYIW. 1s5515 C. A. DOGERT. Gasss u assarM. - You Can Start a Savings Account w1h$1.00. Il Is flot necessary for you 10 wait until dou have à largo sum cf- money. Atsaccount cao be opened witt $1.0O0aMd more on which interest L. compounded twlce sa.year. ~IWHITBY BRANCH: A. A. ATKCINSON, Manages. OSHAWA A. H. BL.ACK, ILDER- TWIN-E DEERINI BRN Pure Manilla, 65q feet î Manilla 6oo feet at *EXtra ýManilla, 55o feet at, Standard, 500 feet at- at -- 1434c CASH* - - - 114c -~~~ Y 04:c i i j' We have, no sub -agents for Binder Twlne -this year. THE PROBLEM SOLVED-Get a Corn Cjultivator now ut a reduced pnice, ou ucit year terme. *Only two left. PROST & WOOD GRAIN AND CORN BINDERS get ail the *crop. They are light draft, canvenient, and do notwseaygan Comne in-aud look then over. taseaygan -If you purchase a Mowing Machine or a llorse Rako, get a -PFrost &'Wood. If they weron't the beut wo would not sel! thora. À Cveam Soparator pays well, sud w. have sons. good cnes te ehooae froni. W. are agents for Brantford Qasoline Englues, Reufreir Weigb Scala$, etc., w. DINI3 Bell and Independent Phonei- Ilîneeof0f men on slgbi monts. Mrs. Nos!-w the b. adeal daughler of liv. iand Mis. Johnu-Lwls, - cf Brookln, ad bsd bosu a neuideut of thîs :VI- cbsitY most '0f ber 1fe.. Tbey Moved- eue' village, tme tour or five veaf a ago!. 5h. -bad bee a - agroal suffener, to tb. Rogers 'favm, t nonih.oat of bult was nonèr beard . te .marmar or complain. lier lfe Wa» a -consistent, upnliot Cbnlsîlan oue, always willing ansi anuostic lend a helpiug baud& wbonevev Most' ueeded. She was ;of a Most kludly aisposticn, sud uror- ed benseif a true woman in êver unea of tilts terni. On Sunday thbe rensaIns ýof 'the deceased were laid ta rait lu saleom cesuetery. Rev. E.W. Tlnk offileated 'Tihe faneraI corlege wau one of the langesi erer wltinegsed lu Ibhis eomsunltv. abowinoe universal reOsucti for the dePanled. Mach uvm- pV*' Is exPressed by ou. -and alfor all thébeitoaved oeesepecl-al'r for tie usbsund aud Iwo sons, whose lou laIea abe l)mfaes Caaaot b. Cured by.ocslpptlcationsà. as tbey cannot reacb the ieue portion of the est. Theree o. oneO s oCaire deshues.. sud that la by coustitu. hoa .nsedlen Deafucag lit casad ly au in. flmed condition oh the mucous llningr of the Suit 'chistn TuS-e. Wheu Ibis tube in1 nflsmed you bavesa rnsbllngound or Im perfect hearing, suad wben lit in eutlrely cloaed, Destesa la the result, a-id unleamîbe Infammation eau be taken outmbu 1thbi tube restored tealis nornmal condition. hesrlng w111 be destroyed forever. nine cases ont of ten are caonsedl by çatarrh, whlcb je noth- lnx but in luflsmed condition of th1e laucona sushaces.1 We wiii give One Huudred Dollars for any case-f If E 'mines. (cauçed by catarsrb> that csunot bc -it l'Py Hall'@ catarrb cure. send for f ree circulare. - P. j CHEUNEY & CO.. Toledo. 0. Sold by Oruggists, 7W- Taire Lillo 1Eamllv Pille for constiuràtlou. PORT WHITBY. 1Misa Olive Goldning Ia apending her vacation lu Pergusonvale. Miss Pearl Pansons, of Danlingion, i. viuiing ai Mr. Win. Ashby's. Miss Nodder, who ha been -111 for the past thns months, l.t t on Wed- nesday' morniug for the Generai Hos- piailu Toronto for treaiment for han eyes-. Hon fathen, Mv. .Joseph Nodden, Io suill veny Ill. Kira. Atkinson lu uti il very .111. Misa Elsie Aikinson gu ependIng ber va- cation ai borne. Mn. and lins. Lawson, of Ottawa, spenitithe week-end wltisMrlinsd bia. Wm. Scott. Mr. H. A. Woodhouse, of the Dom. Express Co., lioniveal, le vlillng hlm aIgter. bers. bisa Jessi e WiIle is s home for ber holldayff. Milss Kathleen Meyevs, of Guelphs, la visiting lira. Frank Steffen. The A. Y, P. A., of St. .John's Cisuvch, piCtbèked ai Simca. Point on Thuraday afiernoon. lira. <Rot.)fH. 'Abrahum, af Guelph, wbo bas been visitlng - ber Parents, left, on Monday for Mus- koka. Word bau been recelved from Mon- treal that Mv. tl1anry McAiIan lu vert' fil wtth ivophnld lever lu the Western Iloupital tliere.- liave -Prettv H-lair. *THTCC, 8011-r, PlUF'F'Y. A ND No DANDTRFF-TJSE PARISTAN If yaav bain lu IasIug Its aus colon, camlIng oui or aplltting, on lacks tisai enviable oftness, '*losn andi ieaîstv. do tnat uear- urettv hair lu larcelv a matier <if cave. Tf fi le tno ibl nMaire h rrnw. Tilt te iash and lrishilenoiten It un-lîîhrl- cate fi. Tf vn have dandrurf it le iseesîsse tise eealp lu ton div andI olalces off. F'rcshein lin fli#c eéa1n w«lh Parlelan qnrp-all dandriiff dîRns- nears. fallîner flair and Itchinir hend cesse. vasîr hair lu daîîblv isenî,tiîsl. Pavisian Sagre, saidliv A. ",. AllUn and aI al drsîgrauninterR. IR lîîst wbst vois nppd. .A are batle cast but ff0 centf. ITteîsrelv Mnaire tise fliai r lustrans and eeem twioeb as aisuî,dgni,. Vais onnnt, l ie iinnant- lc*d in Parinian Sg.i BAZAAR AT ROSERANI<- Tise Ladies'Aid Society ai tise %lsisha.non Presyterlun <'angregatn belsi s very sssccessful bazaar ut 'Rnsqebaak on .Tîlv SOtis. Tise fIne dtsenlav aifaseful articles tisai werej for sala bore ceedîhie leetimanv tn tise auv akilifal bauds tisai took sarI. A namiser of wholesaie firme oi Torontnansd allier places. ener- osslv cantrihutesi. The pavllon. un- ttiutlealîv decsraied' bv tise ladies, Who is ut biqsecusn af tise year nc- cîssv tbe cottages, was a basv bive dlsrlno tise ailevnn andi evenIug. Tise efforts ai tise ladies wene'appre- elated bv lise langes a ealinng.even Been lu tise localitv. Tes was served lu tise evennig. and lise tablesa irn irell Patvouizesj, aser whicb a splen-, dId Programme iras renderesi. Tise Mis1ses Jeaudroin sud liaise, of 'l'e- tcooto, andi Macfsyden sund Aussi., of Disnbsrtu, lotlonlats, were lise arts of tise evenlng. They ire bearPtiîv etoees 'Tle Instrumental '198lritlounsud soun" giron by Mis MarOin. of Toono. hhîbv iessesi thli sUdlee.' The West lIBraua Ranif funnfabed excellent miisic dur- flutit e evantngt. le@e ream aud ôlIi- en refvesimentis founsi vend,'sale. 'AI th ls e ocf lise enlertafument Mr. .IWm. liirw -il sÃ"m vnuay a ii«oen, of Whtbv. votsuteored. hi. serice,, sud imoer Mbis allamanaement lise an- tfleq left over wiro on dîsuosesi of. AÀvrybeartr ývote cf tbainks ,was teisered lv, tise ladies of Il i flmlarton oonregsllon tcthe lamfes .Of -Rosebsnk ezpreaivafo ulep Sp- Purlyl theii.bloodt -Boodbam'«M-NIs Impov Cloear, t.hé'.Comploxi TI.... f ee'bs n W Q1 . .mbb h1wa preciation cf .iheir co-operation lu maing tihe evenlng uucis a grand. suc- eeas. The proceeds amouted to near $300. NOTICE Punasant to thse provisi ons àf sec>- tion 191 of 1he Rallway Act, notice la hereby given tisai a certihled copy of plan veferred te ln and approved by order No. 22027 of thse Board'- f Railway Commissionens for Canada, datèd 181h Jane, 1914, was, togetis- en with cevtilled copy of aaid or der, deposlted lu the Reglstry office for tise Regigtry division of the County of Ontanio, ou thse ltis day of Jiy, 1914, at Whliby. Thse sald plan shows lands wbicb thse Campiselîford, Lake 'Ontario sud Western Rallway Company have been authorized by suld order to Include wiîisln 1he limita of the Rigisi of Way ahown on plans approved by or- ders numbers 17024 and 17108 cf lise said Board. Dated ut M6ntreal this day of .Juiy, 1914, E. W. BEATTY, Ion d6 >' Mr. Allin,' c 411 Sainàts, Churcb, Whitby, officiated ln the absence cf thé pastor, Mr. Muirisead. The fol- lowlng acted as paîl bearers -W. B. Guy, C. J. Stabback, Josoph oore, William Purves, Wm. Slnltib, sud Hugis Howden. >District Doings. T. W. MeLean, cf Omemes, lias been- engaged as Principal of Port Perry Public Scisool, sud J. A. Haâmilten,ý B.A., of Durdas, as Principal qf tihe Higis Scisool. seuon Baud won lthe baud coûtest aI Lindsay Piremen'. meet recently. Rov. Jas. McIlroy wua Inducted at Pickering» Presbytierian church ou Augu.st 4. The Uxbridge .Journal ln tiaking a holiday this week. The four-year-old son of Mr. 6O.. -Jackson, af Uxbridge, was drowued an August Srd, hy fallilng head final Into a spring., guliert Powell,- aof pontm~ool, wbo robbed the dtone of H-enry .Jakeniah, at Banketon, holding hlm Ulp aI the LITTLIE DIGE$TERS Digestion. Mosey back il they f ailà to cure@ MA &UDrmgists or dine!t omm 250. a box. COLEMAN MEDICINE CO., Toronto BALSAM. Mi.;- Jackson, af Gveenwood, toak tise pulpit ai. Mt. ZDon an ;linday nlght last. Mn. -T. Wlkins shipped a carload of point of a ievolver, was fouad, gullty b? Judge Ward, of Durham, County, He was allowed te go on suapeiided sentence, as ho was lust a youth, and blamed his crime on reading <lime novels. Mr.an Mr. one, - )'iig Hewsen Thompuon, a hoielkeeper, Mn. nd Ms. Jone, 'fUxb1dg ofaiGood-wood, was fine! $100 sud vlslted at -famnes Wilsan's IL. l wee-k. costa for - uelllng liquor iu a local Thse Mt. Zion Ladies' Aid wiIî r.eet oto ete ai tIse home af Mvi. A. Rodç«irs on,- oTiohentUxride. &SotTee Wednsda ofthi wek. ll re el-Ca. was fined $10 and caïs for mu- come.- tiiating ornameniai trees ln tise own The Mi. Zion .Sunday School lu- of UxbrIdge. tend holding an excursion ta Han- Lord Sapseru and thIe Rt. Hou. lan'a Point, by ('P.R. on August 19, Gerald Ward, ai Pickering, bave been leaving l1yrtie Station 8.52- am.,smoe oEgan oli hi Oagman il . m., Gien Major 9.10, and sugmmonedto nlndt oî h Claremont 9.20, retsîrnIng the -anme rgmns day. * Chas. Gibsan bas been appoiuted - town englneer af Bawnianvillie, ai a C'OLUBUS alary of $100 pev mouth. On FIda oflastwèe 'dath Work on the Toronto Easiern Rad- On F'rday o mut eek d aih lIUne le ln prognesu iJst weei of clalmed' one of mur aident and Mosti ftowmanville. hiLohlv reseed cdiIttqens. ln the ner-. ROIS of Mr. Thos. Wlenekisnn., ageri 73 years. 'hlie late Mr. Wilencksn had a Paralviei qifroke o ver a vear ago. whieh left hlm in. an almout heilo contiln. T-le waR wattd on bv a lorine wifp and famllv, whn did evervthlnLr no.qrthie fn make hlm comfartable. TleirieR hiq widow he leave* a family of three diiuvhtPrs_ ani two sonq tn mnuîrn the Ioqs <of a kinii htuhand ani lnvine father. The funeral tnnk nla re on Mt-ndov after- non last. ta flic qt.Pal l emi'- taty ani was nttended bv a large numher of rplafIves id friends,. Rev. A NEW TERM opens Sept. ict in the popuilar Toronto, Ont. This irho,,I enjoys a great reputation for glving flrât.clsaa lnotructloa n l Busi ness andi fhortband suhiects. Lt in no wonder o.crgratiuates readlly get goal Positions. 'This s the coUlege for 3-ou to attend. Toi-day, not to-mnrrow. iVit/e for or catalogue. Cor. Ycoge a%" 1charles ts W. J. ElliEt. Principal U GMLSIEKERS~ E X C URSIONS M.4NITOBA, ALBORTA SASKATCHIeWAN- fiaàb Tneday. uoaWOciobm M516 . cémmb cdoe ad Rertu- 43.00 Prou, Torne u rf0aW Puomrcn.ian euL4iLoe OLJ c ài. G. MURPICY. i.PA.C!?.P".ToJ Rabt. McLaughlln, of Oshawa, bhs iziven $5,00n ta endow a bed luinthe. Muskoka F1r", 1inptal for Clon- rstimpti veg. Thë contract fnr the 1intericp wood- work for the new Onverumeut House In Toronto bas been let to W. .1. Trlek, nf Oshawa.- 1WANY THIOITRAND MEN REQUIR- FET) POR TEfTE HARVEST IN WESTERN <CANADA. Appýorimiateiy fifteeu tiseusaud men will ho requivesi from Ontarioo b ieIp In the great wovk of havvestlng Ibm western crap. and praclically tilt P nttre tank ni traiiupnvlug Ibli great armv of ffarvenlers te tise Wési willI faîl fo tise lintai lise (anadian Pa- rlie Railway. Fetirnanu from paInta (n Outaili fa ManitnaIaqactclhpwan and' AI- herfa wHI ha rîn. sud sueclal trains ncrated.- makiug tise trisp In ahoat fliirtv.nlv liasure andi uvoidlnc anv eonre ai carsor transfène. ,TisSu ,whlIli vshor tisu n'allioter rasie. "<laIfne Trio, Wesf." $12.410 faWin. stueur. "«Retîsrn Tnp East." $18 frAn, Wlnnli3et. rn rl C PR. arenin rraafnoe ,,frlasIn pnn"i4in wftlisrans- nortntion we$t af Wfnnlnec. (IOTxnGDATES-. - ATTalUST 1-Pranl Esut cf T<lug- eton. shanat TLake., Reninoir lu Province ai Ontai o andi Gasisso tn aitl uafnis In Maniioba onîrý. ATTG'T.T S 1-II'nom TClugsiou, Sbar-- lot Luake. Renfnew suid irait te AziIvin ansi Saist Si. Marie. Qni. ta ail siinis lunMalltobsansd cestain. naInts fuis9akatciiewan andi Alberta. ATTaTIR'r 21-lrom EUt of 1King- stan, Sisarboi Lean sd Refre*r.' ln- Pvnvfneest N Onanlosd Quéec. toa sl points ln Mani- toisa. sud certain utifuts u lu ma- nlcheiran and - Albera. Pte... qep nearesi fi n.R.s .Ion wrie M G.Mitur. Infiet ps-. Firaît-sand- fulliioi,>i4iion ar.pIy to- I. i.I)I",MliA B. DONOYVA N 8PPeial Rep. Queen &Vle-at MlYrtie. Toronto, Mgr, New Laundryo. We wlsh te _acqulia: thé people ol Wbiby 'ând sarrounding country with' the fact that ve bava opaned up a Eirst- -1 clas laandry, on Brock St., Whitby, là Hecwis Bros.' old store., W. -are pre paredl to do ali kinds of la'undz-y work. FamiIy ôrders given special attention. Ail-work guaranteed" Parcels cailed for and delivered, Charlo -s War Whitby, Ont' NOTICE TO STUDENTS The management of Shaw's Bas- us '-chools, Toronto begs toadvse ail Sunor PublieSchool and &H High f-ohool students, that it* in prepared to mai a copy of fte curriculum té any one who desirea ho qualify ina'a shor& period of ô or 8 inonîba for a ood salaried position. -Address Se ba's Seho-le, Toronto Ontario. Head Office, Yonge & Gerrard 8ts.ý O F CANADA-- ssved its policy hoîders $ieo,co jein firatÏ _tén years - of business by meli them witboat- profits pol icles; and bavi aIl promiumi psiddirect to head of[ wîthout commnissions. PremiumsC lectad were $389,000, isisteaci of $4 oo. Fourteen cîber Canadian « panies received .$18,49,695 in tt first U(n yrais inily for -wlth.pe policies, and pid in, profits te 1pe holders $9l,5o, Their comnbined cumulated surplus over. shareboldg contributions was $79,-lo7 at the -end their first ten years. &hh looks to you? The Equity Life istgtetotal absta ers Company. If interested write. further particulars.- The musu'wbo atudiei bisown lutereste patroze The Xqulty Lit, Aasnranoe Ooat wbeu 11e wants Lîfe inurace. - L, W. DUDLEY, - - il. SUIUMMRAND, Asutldn 5Genswal Sisa ~tL&nt. resllant Torosto.' IDISNEY BROSï Brookli, . IEMBALMERS AND FUNERAL DIREOTORS Day or night calis promply attend" ed to. -No extra charge for distane, IA conîpleto sud up-to-date'minci of sakets sud supplies always on band to cbooae frorn. .- -ssss -.sss.ss 555555U'ESSssu Have Vou any Property For Sale * Ifso, cnt ont sud mail tubi coupon for ou&'lis:ing form. Phoe a1» GSeotar Casads Improvemant and Land Co., LilhW, BOPk st. * Gentleme,- 1 bave a.... ............................ r male. KindIy seud, y.mur listing forni. - - - - - - - - Groator Canada Improvoment & Land Ce, RICHARDSON à RIOHAROSONS, AES Bell phone 193. WHITBY, 1- ONTRIO lnd. phonep 70. Farms For Sale Upwarda of forty furm from 2.5 acres up, aui nt froin $35 au acre, guarantecd to show @atisfactory rewults froin investmcnî, locaicd in Whitby ail'd Pickening Town '.hips,. Every conceivabie requiremeut tof soil, buildings, orchardl aud other improvements can be met ini the varieu l ijt ofloreil -wrM. - P.0. Box 3 lesidence, Dundas- St. West. Toreo.Canada, gin thigb graecoreuas qThli yonngepl aearnodsaIs Tyhincude eCentral BusTues'll0e,% Yonge1& GerrardSti, anix Cty Brsncb I 1914.any hlm.. W. H. Sh*w, Presîdeut. 1. WHITBY-Mua E.L. MaedsIoul, l------- Clsk, WWatby- Juilà#8, Fel. 8, 60YAS Unv. 4, Apnil 8, May 4, Jus. 8, July 40, Se pt. 8,.1.8 o. ITBYj olska onsnr opinEon e 't05Me an ucansop--- iy ue.s>4 mmungcs. Ptu tsutrouxbinnf£0 eev A y W W l~ssfor MONUMEN TS- CaanagtamClak-Ja.* Mm. l~ Iof ail DéIsiaand Natflgl May 'if JUIy 5ilSNo. $, No,. lI JAIS. la, leu. - u'U psy PO té wolkm aai lmpait for i. ~ ~ ~ A DEVET45Ï.o.. . a r bn'e i mdhg by " 5, ~svuit~,ClubJas.S.Bot eMPlIm, Macantq ver. 1,p12.Myl, JI1Sp 0 u emlwb u NOv. ni, Jau. lie118." 18Parosai., Wh" é ou 7. PI'RGRvE.. Dale L.aaNly avebypuurcmlg ro Amormly, Clak- JeuT, mai. 1. --AOC .hI Uap , Jl 1 et 1 o.ma ~ 137 Orée, J. Z. FAEEELL - CIO* 09 >no - wmS eslu aI~bv«. 04, ton81. - - DMite Stam a b- 01, 52-X'7 KI LLS ail Leaf Eating Insec CHURCH'S POTATO -BIIè FIf1 t Ready for use dry. No mi required. Sticks ta the vin leaves and killsaail the insects potato bugs with jone applicaý Thse only safe Way t' use a s poison.. Worth its 'cost as a fertîl Des fot injure the plant. 10 tbs. for 25c. j. E. WILLIS Drugglst and OPtie MIEDICAL HA1- iBirck_ St. a Whl Poessional Ca" LEGÂIJ MN. E% FAREWELLo LC. Barrîster, Codunty Cro-wn Attor-ney Cointy.Solicitor. Office- souih_ wing Court House,'Wl A. E. CHRISTIAN BhrlùIsr, solicitor, Notui Pubile, BE Offce, Brock St., Opp. Standard ai Money to Loan. JAMES RUTLEDOE, B3arristef', Moiney te Loan on easy terms, Office immedey south Royal E~ Whiwby, Ont. a. VOIJNG!SMITH, LL. > MARRIAGE Ù LCENSES Cnrt Hjouse, Whitby,-or resides De As1 . J. SWANSON 1 SBarrister, S4licitor, Notary Pub COaveyance, etc, etc. Oshawa, . Ontario 0 ffice.ý,.Ne. 2zlCint St E, Maciel * Rcidene-jzDrce t. lPlàaSe-OtMce, 32v; Residence, amer of marriageIA mese Cerner drugstore. Wh Niowitéesseu required., JAS -BHP *m e OsawLieassd Auctioner. susor fb L. Fairbanks. '-For, mi daim seply tg self or G. R 'LICHNSBD AUCTIONER. AND VALLIATOR. k- A!18mof 515promp$Iy ni, M ;J 0.Arragsments for -sali M M amIdpudqpbom. WtIITBy. ONT. APPLE 'OICHARDI FOR SALE r2acres best varieties fall andw fruit, plapted sceeuten years and --iru primne condition., Prod cing qualityfruit This yes yieid is dg in price of property, fifty- five hsý dollars. Laýcated one mile fromRa Depot, çast'iof Toronto. JCHN FISHER &IE 409' Lumsden Build TORONTO Cenoral ILlvery us -and Oray usn8 13us toaitrns ais6 aacks, Cariages and 'Rigs of al kinds DAY OR NIGIIT. phono-S9,14and Stables and4 Office: 1*O WI, NO MIS T14ETIMI3 To worlc thatstu4ble field with a %cCorrnick stifftoo th çultivator. No hard plowing if î-trd j, priperly ctlttivited, righc ;itter remnovîrsg the crop. By using a stiff tooth cultivator, ypu save lal)lars b im ie, over the oid method cf shalloW plowing. OLIVER PL3WS -are thec latest and beest in the plow line, straight from -the world's greatest inventors. our Amnerican neighbors. Cali and investigate these machines at the Brookili HadWare. UR1AH JONES Brooklin -.. Ontario Bell and Ind. Phones. -0e a a a a aa a 04b **a*. eee. J.1.WINN, Bell phono 100., OSHAWA-Mlms B. LMaedonei Clark-Jaa. 14, Peb. 4, Mar. 8, Apr. 4,Ma ley, Juwe4, Juiy de Sept. 4, 0.1. 8, Nov. 9, Dec. 8. Ja, 8, 1919 2. DROUGHAM-jg. Gleoa,,rG@@& wood, ClarkýJ-JaIf, Mar , May 6, July 7, Sept-9, Nov. 11, Jas il, 1ois. 8. FORT FERRY- J. W. Bhumban Car*- Jua. il, Mua. 7, May 1, July 80 Seut. SN«. 19. J»a. 12, 1918. 4. U±BRIDGP, ...R.J. Ilomr, Ux- brldgs, Clork- Jan. 10,U. 14, May là, July 14, Sept. 8, Nov. U*, Jan. lui 1915 9CANMNNGN-T«. RL Vo««,r 1 1 VA-AVA-AVAMm'w lww"www Il Amy'. ................. ............ , ............

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