yen have beeu prem ising so long, Lea've a eau, an& we wil! coe any lime and maire a nice photo o! your bouse sud the funemal, lc Io lebeing rhursdaT) morning 'ai 9.1 à te tue R.C. cemetomy ,at tii. cbanch7 Wh .n>youî pulse stops b.eating rcgula4rly , Yom immediately, summon -a doctori'for if you, don't, trouble is likel / to follow. When thé pulse- of your watch ih irregular you should'have the watch maker attend t0 it for- the very .anme reason. We. dceanout the whole sys- te m, eaal breakge oil up and adjust the works so that. the pulse .will -beat -strong and- regular, and a regu - lar pulse m'eans perfect' time. Our charges are- veay moderate, too. We. fepalr, auythlug bongbt la a Jewoi.ry Store R. N-,Dassott hiwolor and Opaduato Optiolsu -Opsite PuOUflha Ont. i DEVELOPINO and PRITI OPersonal Mention- for amalteurs - Migsess .,io1!acptes5ala visftlmg attended te preomptly. ln Port Ferry. jMiss Grow in h.lidaylug ou 1he Georgà 4 ay ~-- -Miss Ailloca Td bas loft for a Vis- - WuUeffli S w dI . in haVancouvor,,. B.C. Miss Cora whte, of Pickering, la visitlng .Miss Agne. 1Kean. Miss Nins Caml4e, -of Toronto, S-spo t a à tow, days la- leva. - . Betme iarîng n yor otlagsec Mms. John Noble bas, roturned home *Whu ;ohnsou for choice ct any tounlît Moiterude . a&lgt'sofaTs.nt hu's Court la fifle4 with gleep oint -Muskoka, Ses Breeze, jLand, I M isi tirueFl ig«ito! Troto Wu nstherein titis mont; - 1ake or Ocean. Cholce et al ines: iss mtb, of ta tewu b ~en-Go bleusRer Maesty- oats or railwi.ys. Âlso îuy youm lo-f liSllS»tbC!Oi<lba ~~ ~~~ (ta!~~& tickets te, Riverdal, Toronto, bOiv~igwt isL ii. P~INTNGAW pÂERIAGI4Getc.,- ai Stephenson's. -He m ais Wm Hilp, ef Bowmauville, bisitickets wheu preveute i Sig. vstd ih 1r.m on.Jh P.R. Bradbury, Maty St., WhItby, See Stephenson, befome traveling, ai C-oPer. vil! bo pl@ed te roosivo ordors for yor- srMias-Edua Thompson, o;, Belleville, aIl kindo et palattng, pape-anging, yu esm.visiteil over Sunday vlth. tnienils lu lçraiuing ' arnd ognwdlng. Sms ourA eHNO T PFI AD towva Ymample books. P.O. box îî,.-ti. A HNRT UI N Miss Tapp, of j Port Arthur, Io on a -W 'TEACHER. visit te ler unt, Mrs. Levi Shop- IIEYDENSIHORE. PARK NOTES. The esuto oethte Toronto Univer- bord. Soeieredéft visitons at- "The slty SchelarsbhiP examinathes wm Ms ar : u aubee .Clinf,"tlbe sununen homeofetMr. and made kueva on Saturday lat . 'The, Toronto, are vifting relatives in Mmi. R. Richardlson, *vêre :.-Re. J - Prince et Wales sud Finît Edwamd towu. C. sud Mm. Sycamone, Calgamy, vîla Blake ' Geaemal Pmlloucy Scholam- Miss Hazel Yamnoid, of Tomnt., Mr. WIIlm ydenansd Mns. John Dry- ihips vers von by J.D. Bush, of vas with Mmi. J.E. Willis ev er tho den; Miss 1&cKay sud hem uisten, Momisburg Collegiale Instituts. Mn week-end. Mmi Frnk cKy, ! Idia Hail Buh aierauked i hist lu classicz Messrs, Walter MacCarl sud RobI. Rev. Norman McGillhvray, ef t tansd moderne, sud modems sud Mitchell are visiltng with fiends la Thomas ; tbe Misses Richardson, ef mathemathes, but thse schelarahips Canngton. Whitby, with theumfniemil, Miss- Ricli. vore swarded le ethOrs by evositon. Mr, Samuliel Hood, ot Toronto, ardsou, ot Toronte. Miss Gertrudoel"mlnglo, o! tii.towID Speut Suuday witi Mr. sud Mrs. T. Thoir daughtens, Mmi. (D.) W. W. lu teacher of Classiczinluthb.Morris-D. Henderson. Crawford, sud Mmi. W. F. Cook, et bumg Coilegiate, sud te hem may bel Mms.. lumnierfeli, e! Geodwood, Hatlobur, lii, itithir i-given much credit for the bigh Place ,bu been v1ihtiug ber daugblor, b1ies ar a pies.,nt vhhhefm, ton aby ber pupil. Miss Pringlo vas Mmi.-W. A. Honderson. Auies r t ud etmbor. ,fora teachen ln the Hlgh SChOOl benc fMm. Adam Kean bai rehumned tb Augst nd eptmbe frtom re years, sud vas -Most pop- ' Toron to, aftlr, spendlng bis vacation Roaliu natydoe- ile-e ulan with hem pupilla. Sic bas pnov- 1viîh ils parents harm.. vairinOd shes m doe wile ok iecd horseiftot be a billaut lustruol- W. A. Montgomery, a residont o! uw a tl hesadev io.loM. W. ess in tue difficut ciasuic lau- fVancouver, B. C, is lu tovu, tie Colliu. gages, sud ber frieuds lu Wilby gueil t ofMm. L.A. Baker. Collins.iil bepiessed te leamu oft Iis su c-j Mn. sud Mmi'. Will. Kemp bave gene 1 p forA à .nR A 'f ha,. n.nilf I on a trip te tho West. Tbey viii. 14- - -rai ire'y s a Reasoi! Advertijsersý are proving that advertieing in 4-his paper brings resuits, and resuits are what they are 'after. The, city departmental stores. -are reaching out for business, and they get after it through large advts. in their eity papers. Townunmelants sliould get after the -trade of their com mun- ities by large advertising in their- town papers. Our rates are-very reasonable when, compare'd with the rates of papers of similar circulation. Quo- tations cheerfully furnished. C. A. Gloodfeflow- & Son Il NW BLL HONS. visit frichis at various points.. 179-John Neili, residence. ýFor-choice sweet (table) green coru Mrs. Frank, Ferry, of Niagara 178-R.'B. Stewart, contractor. apply at Mrs. E. Stephenson's, Falis, lu visiting berparents, Mr. I HA HI BRKEN WhitbY. and Mrs. Chas. Barton, Sr. WCTL A I E eR EN Mrs. Jas. W. Ayers and Mrs. Chas. ing wagon, Warren McKenzle, the IAyres for the Horse Show, d à DOES NT PAY. - young son of Jas. McKenzie, had bis Townspeople were shocked toi ear rs. M. Browfi and daugbter, Miss Mr. e cLdoEmnt, Soon the ohtdys amanlu lg caght n th spke~ ! a heel o! he eatho! Ms. Hme, Stella, o! Newmarket. are spending spent Stew days at thé borne T-01aêe S r nt Snaleth liasamnL e agtithspleofaweloftedatofMsHonrelic EdTratin Timle C a 'Youngstown shot another in a sa- and the large bone broken just above Ot the late K. Horne, whicb toek a week or se w1th relatives lu town. Mr., E. Stephenson1. Mmi. MeLedd, loon quarmel. The murderer had. ai- the ankie. The accident happened on place on Tuesday cvening in Toron- Mns. David Giles, Mrs. John Hay Who bas- been visltIng with ber par- wayu been a peaceable perbon, neyer.Monday et lait week. Warren was to~. Mmi. Homne had been 111tom some and MW~ Verna Hay, of Toronto, ente fer the paît three monthi, me- - I2ad a police court record, but killed asisting Mr. F. Dent te deliver time, and on Friday lait she was vstdwt m.Ju en lait turned beome witb him. on:Mouday. IIs man wbiie under the influence. et milk. He had just cerne f rom, a taken te the Toronto Genemal HoiIpa- 1 week. Mmi. R. Gormley, Miss HazelCetntadSeeprto870 liuo.A tew days age he was e- bouse o Dundas St. eat na the taI, whoe she immediatelv under- 1D.Rln ro ootad omeMse m o'e n «eIved lu the Ohio penitentiamy te Model Sehool, and was climbing in- went an opeation. Thle trouble wà i Mr. Rtbt. Neill, o! Kansas City, Mis Evelyn Newton, ail o! Tomonto, G. T. Ri.e ei e o sere a lite sentence. On bis way te *te the wagon, which was in metien,, net allayed,- however, and on Tues-mi the prison the muf demem declamed thali wheu hacdn apee. M.dyeeig m.lon asdaway. h sa cousin oet-ML.John Neill, with Newton. Miss Flomence Newton- bas O gtî A HabrCarsei5 eet the saloon h te blame fer bis fate,'Dont cenveyed the lad te Dr. Evans' She llà c lived in the neighborbood et whom they visîted. eturned te, the city witb ber cousin OOIig w 1,-t ... .458..2I. thed bil intot ben fo thej1- wre tfracture was set, and hie Whitby for sixty years, and was j Mrs. Thos. Wlkinson, Mmi. Wm. fomra tew. weekî. 2rn prtn e.- "JRNQ bbcýh epl fOi i enslewau then tknhm. h nuy widely known and loved. Mmi. HmeAnderson and son, and Mmi. Meosure,--..07m ..63p oa.Tenmegrnesth would-'be enjioying bis libety -instead'wai a.mest painful eue, eipecially fer was a member of the Methodiît lot Parry Sound, were guests et Mm.Sudy rislev fo Trot bgetqat.- ,of faclng the prospect ot a Ilite be- a 'boy.,ot about twelve yeams et age. hmb n o em aia cieadMi ..ce tom the Horse Miscellaneous Adverts 4.52am tain.40p.. Fom bm &hind prison bart. I.... womkem in the Sunday School. Hem 'Show.4ente-tr.and 7stop. btyJucinE The murdeKer hs marmied 'and bas Only ten days more. Bakance, ef husband predeceasecl hem by thimty . ANED to8.15aid 9.to5 amad .0pm. R L WWW i eue child. The 'Youngstown news- bo-ots, shees and lippens at auctien vears. She leaves a fà anily of three: ATDau95a.. 9,apers say that the tamily will be sale prices. -Last chance. Fergu- Ernest, of Witby ; Mmi. Spencer Laundrens, Immediately for House UP-TOWN STATO.Bl e.9 oeTl à dependent te a large extent on char- ion's old stand. M.W. Collins. (Lena), et Webbwood, and Kite.ofetoe Refuge. Apply te Dr. J.F. Lav- Going North ... 8.30 a.m.f Go]n ot.7I .f _______________ lty Evdenly hem isnetxnuh . ,Elmose, Sask. . Jos. White, TowOR T A ey. t- -.4-15 P.fl.f...S . i oney t e the state ln îcen iing a ' C AIi G ED W ITH SE LLIN G LI- Clerk, i i a brother. The fune al w ill i__ __ __ __ __ __ __NeAt am ouse ,OR SA E .c ii ...-0 P-- - ser wllcî h tt ag u1Aoddlo neetws Friday atter-noon, intemment te tawkemu-pe ebatuseaIl er, lstix on ftqS r.IGlgEt -r ilcs tesaealresm1Ago6 dal o nee mani- place in Union ('emetemy. The ser- '"4 f00, ctr5.42 P-t..f73 . W I W ~ I of uioney jtor. court expensei, and the 1tested in the Police Court on Mýou- vice utth oswl eai w light. Apply J.' H. JAMES, STAGES côit osaaone ae eday evening when te th ehe bouse wiîof be at two AT THE b.t.SAE o! the rnurdeer'î tanlly.-Ohio Is-, the Quee's Hotel Was charged wihbL.fvel Whltby forOiîw l1 lue, Auguet lit selling liquor te minons, boys under M ne L a WANTED. a.m. and 4 p.m. Jo..Hlen r- the age of 21 years. D. A..J. Swan- .Mrs. ]os. Bandel Passes ByAgipOb i rmvn reorn- r- »son, et Oshawa, mpresented& the de- Away. e oueEcneEUESoPbleBe WUevu o BoÉ Il gs fendant, and lentered a a 5z5;;of In t heT A ROOM Twla famhbxl10.Gaettegivnd partie- Mr.,Edwards, propr1tmi 0 ftItI IiSO Loa appellÀs guly" Tw os nesvne ntedeath o! Mary Stelzie, el- fêleizaton of CanaianITSooL Lclanid the other eighteen, testified thut ict oft he ite Jos.A. Badel, Whit- IUB o et ,0&m thyhad been semved with drinks eo teaf~a FARM FOR SALE INWHTY fWEt.63 .7. FrPtWht-atîCiLr L Olager beer at the Queen's. They were yba1i eeethmeal mu-tiîrdav TOWNSIP. t;: 6owleahegreseWofmdMncm Setsan a6.30wh ws p.rn.3 pm confused as te date, but both agmeed detwnu oa h wskonSvaysOn£LS o 8 o. 4, 8.30 p.rm. ln eltn nionn e"rau tlo r t h our y ofMm . B n det a s b re n1, lo te COWS, KILLED BY LIGHTNING, that It wastewektCvcHo-alor the Countketfntanl. FeHEoli-cl bîce miles from Whitby tovu; COU- ForEaât-6oar. Froth-6.-3.m Seae."Trnr".d Kngtn Durlng tho electric storiu ot Mou- day. The kif emation stated that entty-four .301>.. Ieave Toronto dally at f p 8n."Y r.Thouaand day inorning the lightnhng struck and the day wau Augut 4. No evtdence hostesi at the Witby House, aud wnel t r allwîy stations;lna MnraQubeaT taSgs khilled three' m lch c w s o u the farm w as taken orM e dd n c , th e case she w as consequently k ow u ar and w l or te or charod ( rl pa ly w y l m u m * g o9o to t Mo tr a a d e ur . 2 o1 Mr. Robt. Hall, west o! the town. belng adjourned fer a week. Col. 'J. whde througbout tii. district. She . re,ng o er aet gasream, vol!aid..T.uist Qa. i ous E. Farewell prwcuted. The îit or' ad been fil for sbmne tlme, but ch. fruite, good rad(inU&IP SL RGSE. mation was laid by Chie! McGotty, maea rv lgtfo itsd i, trame bouse, bank liM idtono oauuyai'tw 1 thoush she was near thé border more (llE>JIU5ohr agobidig: Sovrl 8=«~a ae jcld a~ u a Sauda.AE 2.REITEand although LLsense Inspecter Luke eOUR Oiuo Iwo Iota F. E.aLgeebuTlrings. Sauây Âgs 9-Auction sale wau present, -he took ne part lu tiei. n once, éaeh'time ase had regain- o standing timbof. '101O1t'F i oIYý bouseheld unituro, the pmprty action. A Second charge et the lame cd streugth. Deatb eccured, bow- MILO CURED la WWblt owa. C. W. SmIlt, Oz- able OpticinetÂluwTaeo-Hmlo.Msra tthe estate eft1h. late Mmm. Sarah Wind agaînît the. 'Windsor Hetel a ever, on Tuesday alternoou. Hoo.lf mgSoeWibo ieremevsTruoo Wbslema, Byron St. Sale at . oylick.- net deait wtth. Mary Steizîs wai bora lu Wurtefr *fler, TO. Tue SAgs bt.Stra,. '@Nnftostia, .Wmi .Maw, auctieneer. .,b ,Gemuegt-one years ago, Ha sa d IcOm FARIM RENT. esaA M m. . H W o d, t Os avM r. u- Wii me ahm sig it chaprg e s.f M.W d. am e luaad the âgetm ofhz arm t e mrent, lot 14, co . 2, È ick- D on 't m is e i g h m oet @ M ts l a d r t r 1 BAPTST HURH1 by rpaî{ng epatmet, 20clc em armîvaniToron~to.Sbortly al- SLICED THIN erlng Township, adloinlng Pickering E.IKE B A P T I S T C H U R C H n e w r e lai rik d e p a rt e n ta Ed p ia c e d h eb er re eai nm eshs cb u t-r yvliala g e . B a nkn k a rla m a h a t oeh s te pied tho pulpit of tii. Baptiat Church Collu'. the cmulrriednToA.nde), siýbudt erd maîe an aPeU-lp g, tbres elsudevnaing sOPIA couple livedald Teroutodoraabouook-ed_ appetgz Pmoposed electrlo car lino Il seTongeSt.TO NOFopatulr pyLelalieg lindsy, su pevG.A. hceda Brook- REIE SCIEY'ORE five yarMr. Bande! conducting a ngand substantial lunch. acros rpry, Possession t lin ïl aie. R e uptagn h A EIF OIT MDboot and sboe busIness ou the site p________oncle_____________ R pan uor, wlli be lath ulitag uA: MaS Meeting held lu the Town aow oecupied by the Eat Ce., cor- OUR jouies, Pickering.-9. .~u Sundy, Augut 801h.Hall lait Satumday by the women lu-i.eret ofYonge and *Aguei streets. _______________4 eg tTrno * terested iu the Hospital ShIp F'und Flfty-slx yeams ago tbey came te IES -'Put a ring ameuad Augut 201h on wa well attended. Wlth the centri- ~hty, ad rmid tebore-________________ ivery, a tge.W V N your caleudar. Mr. Parker, a' thon- butions se genemously given Saturday since. For a -time Mm. Baudel. cou- surtoplae ougbly elabîs and expert optfchuu, nigbt and collections tnom ail cburoh- ducted a botel on thie site 0t tus DOUBLE TEÂCE AU, Tu£ WAY that day. Make your appo(ntmeti weme able te send $150 te the Fund. Evans. Later, ho buili lbhe presentBO E EER' XC SIN a d T am g.Pu p M natre new~Mm.Paner erns evny ent. Te aounl ba sice ee~increased Whitby Route, and Mmm. Bande! bas itthbenmaeLt. te $170. Relie Society wai een bosteis evn. since ~ Rond trip ticketasLeoonts lu Manitoba, akt' aercnl dddt yvi-5 t,$7.AWal:RelBand!ciety au a bt5 ChfcagoSb Paul, Dnlh1tbi equippect -livery stale ,hayta vsdMudne udsS - WHITBY WANTS IIIM. -aise fommed 'witb the following p11- predsceassd bis wile îy egieu Saf1 Ga' or 25G smlan ot e tioa,~ali Comnpanyv on l stch -_ aday un-i-o o~ r 27th, inclusive, and dra>' fer al kindao atg n lIB 'B.. Miller, 851 Wet King St., To- censrs. 'Since uat lme Mr,. TuThody. PMsa01 foa25 low laa. 'toaming womk, aud.wl epesdt I. d<m ete Ub ou .'lonto' was armested by Deteotive i'mesidenV-N!ns. 'JV. E. W11115, Bandel bas assIstied Its mohber ru corn F"Ilos a for 25e1 Timeugh Pulîman'Teuriît Sleeping Cars re ceive ordenswbici ilhv]rmt~ x rp~1 utj e 'Creomouýeo Tuesday at tue requeit Viere-Ms E. mi. Starr. conductfng the ohel, and has quité te WINNIPEG ou above dates, leaviug 0~ thie police o!flVitby, wieré'hhohIS Treasurem-Mms. R. W. 'Allen. upheld ths blghi reputation It always- Toronto 11.45 p. m.- Ne change of! &. ad careful attention.îflpminshr oa8 -aedon a charge. o! deraudifig J. Sgecretary-Mns. 'Y, ing. enjoyed. l]TIfLMT W OTSPO 'J. Fltzpatrict Out o! $38,45 iiY ineans "A tund bas been opened for tie Nearly bal! a century Iu tie, caps- Your business friend, TeRTU2'LSTTOM1T5 PHN 6.*tait nkidm z - ,of a wothless chqu.vomi o! tht s Society, wlhn ctTthevdnethîîauî o Grand Trunk Pacifie RailwayisCRIG TOMT I.RIN.ptlg ~ERî~U F~LV. doubt wwlll ho heavlly taxed thhs 1ber Cuests gave Mme. Bauds! an ac-o WM the shortunies anEdmk otef. o n 1 b/ t Agn fi I Otrl fg Mr. Vivia Williams, whe la eugag- will b. gratetully eceived by the ever the Ceunty. Everyceoneve Peu HITBY oeît resatlons anid particularsata ail Grand 1 h ed on thc aew buildings 'atthie Roi- Treasurer, Mmi. Allen. 'Ail wonn etknew ber esteemeci - aud loved ber. Tron kt ofieo te J .HRIO r~Ssm pilai -for tie- insane, had the mlstem Qouf,town may enrolf ais membeni. Hem bouge bas becu a home-tote)e ,sehnoAet phone 86, Whlby IJXlNDÀÉ ST., WETHIB a lemld p - l[Whilbyt j, 1-' - I I