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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 27 Aug 1914, p. 1

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UST 27t 19]i KILLS ail Leaf Eating Insecte. CHURCH'S POTATO SON FINISH. lkeudy for use dry. No mixing required.' Sticks to tic vines or le aves and kills al tic insects and potato bugs witi one application. Tic oniy safe way t- use a strong poison. 'Worth its 'cost as a -fertilizer. Does not injure tic plant. 10 Ibs. for 2508 JE, WILLIS Drugglst and Optlclan MEDICAL HALL Strock St. Whltby. Professional Carde dM0. E.- FAREWELL, Ke C. Barrister, County CTowIt Attorney and - County Solicitor. Office south wing Court Housce Whitby. A. E. CHRISTIAN BmWotesr. Solctor. Nýotary Public, Etc. Office, Brock St., Opp. Standard Bank. Money to Loan. JAMES 'RhILEOGE, Bar-rister, Etc. Money to Loaiqon casy termis. Office immédiately soutb Royal Hotel, Whitby, Ont. 6. YOUJNG-SMITH, LL. Issuer of MARRIAGE LICENSES Court House, Whitbyr, or residence. ~ De A. Ji.SWANSON Bairister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Conveyancer, etc., etc. 'N. _-Oshawa, - Ontario Oefce-No.,.z King St. E,, Mackie Block Residence-p2 Drew St. 'Phones-Office, 321; Residence, 326. laser of Madage Lê:eaae Corner drugstore. Whithy no-Wltueauem requlred. JAS. EISHOP O*lawa, I4oéeue Auctioneer. Siso- ssort b L. Fairbanks. For termes and datées apply to self or G. Robb, * WIR. HAW, LICENSED AUCTIONEER zAND VALUATOR. AUik ' ndi of asainpromptiy attend- ei te. Arrangement@ for -sales ous bp ma l.heGazette odim. Tirasreamoabls. -MB d i Iadpemdent phonos. WIIITBY, ONT. APPLE ORCHAR'D.- FOR SALE i s acres best varieties faîl and winter fruit, planted seventeen years and kept ln prime con~dition. Prodcin g fine qufility fruit. This year'S yield is val ued li One Thousand Dollars and included -in pctc of property, fifty five hundred -dollars. Located one mile from Rail way Depot, east of Toronto, JOHN FISHER & eo. 409 Lumsden Building TORONTO - - - - - - - - - - - a * 4 'f * f '4 * I '4 ~1oe. Il --[ & -S--OR--S Bus and Dray Business Bas to- al trains. ÂUTOMOIJLE FOR HIRE; alo Racks, Carrnages and Bige of al kinde DAY OR NIGHIT. Bell -phone"-9, 14 and 74. I Stables and Office: RêtOSI (p:eeq I a:Io WHITBY MAN DR WNED 1%~UKALleà; 1r. -'Shnappau!f,- Toronto;, Miss'!'Dr. Warren lutroducedaoy1w$ Pickering ; flIwood Lintner, Pioker-,,Town of Wlitby., Thi sy- IN -L K EppauOGf, Oshawa; ChAT ..as. Ling _pnerlinse hawkefrs n pdiasl t IN LA E SO GOCi ONFE ENCV AT OA.C.1»end-:ýr J. Stephenspn, Mrt. G: for a peison with an aim~ t~ -_________ . IStephenson, , Stephenson, Toron-- ed to a vehicle ; -$2 for eah'dio- ~~ B. bte; Mr. H. Stephen~son, Hamilton ; il animal, and $10 for -aprso in AlfLF E . WYMANS3 SAD DEATFIBHM Mei1-&vy1r .Cretn oot;1r. and a boat or, craft of any nau.Tes Mis. F. Hawkins, Toronto ;,1Mr. and rates apply te residentsofhzt*~ Al rdMrs. King, Norwýhedoto howa cled1onood ; *Miss - Hallett, onlI>'outsiders bawking adpdln AlfedIl Wman o ts owu ti.dotorwh ws alidloud-At the Ontario Agricul'êural 'Col- Evans, Pictures suitaple for ochool ToL0nto';1fr. and 1Mn. Fawcett; w1thun the town are aubei a M~et a sad death on Monday,. whenf practically no water in thc lungs 'of loge lait, week ,Wâs helds'4the 'ura] were cxhlbited dn the. 1?cDonalîd I U- Bowmanvîlé Mr. T. Humphrey, To- advance of 50 pet cent.oul.at. his ano tiped ver ii ake ou-jthe dead man. He was; of opinion Teachers' Conference. TI1f' delegate atitute throughout, thelConference. ot f.C enlgoTrno es gpg and ho was drowned. Ti that hoe had not breathed af 1er going from the South Ontario~'rTeachersi' Rev. 1fr. MeDougal g ave6 twb oth- Mr s. Çallier, Toronto r, Mrs-,,Mackey The Town PrOperty ? omte ofisda1wshadiilw under water. One tbeory ia that Association WA8 Miss Jeà.ii-Harvey, er addresses,- "6Ontario's Rurai Prob- T1oronto ; Mr. Rogers, . indsay'; Mrs. was autborized to' have sgapit on isde a s cenn, ueI a n ot n-n eart failure was the cause -of death., wbo bas ver>' kidly .reo"rted t'le'1m,"I and "Rural ReconstructIont," WlkîInon, -Lindsay; Mr. -Jas. Har- ed to place at -'te apoc Modyeeig u twsntu-Anoth'er, and periapa tie more like- Confereuce for 'hbese -coluxuns. Tic'wich wz uiape(td!,Clrmn;1r n ap bridges, warning autos t on 'tii T'uesday liaI delinite word was 1>', ds that he canoe overturued, and repoi~t wlll bo especlilly "'inleresting A ver>', hnterostln drs a ouye sbi.thi o raamwe pral- ohtaind as o lie acts.Wynian, Who was a good swlmmer, to.teachers or an>' Who ntn> read i.grnb'Mn. M. Pettit, on" The ________ adbigs Mr. a'n Mns. Wymnuwene visiting hee osl fe lbtI'TefrtRrlTahr'Cnfer- Bcekeeping Industr>' of Ontario,"In *O ointeslr'o ..P wfti fniende on Scugog Island. At had, become exhausted, and finally oncje,a held at Guelph QA..,ri hcýeemphasized tevleo f ~ i cil Meeing troSgtacmn sak h otmo ae iarot u tee * DQéaC i aod bwîîcî# hteale o "uCl eîltesnngiwcm wsnca- 5.30 o'clock on Monday mornIng Mr. snoTebto tlelkei o- uutlht h. Ieoae dbc dhe farmeg. dfo$2te30pr Wyman went out in bis cause be mud of sevenal <cet tickness, and 1 viitors from al parts of* 'the prov- fThc possMbilitics of, tic dainying ~ dfon$5h 3~prmuh ilgbj, saylng that -ho woùld b. back would afford no toott<ug. Otherwiso mncc were present, am well as lhe industry of Ontario were .1uli>' dis- A speclal meeting of Town Counc-il b>' l o'lock Houad ot nlun eh could have stood on ,il wth bis studeuts attendlng 4,Ummer sciool cussed by Prof. H.- Dean, aidl Prof. was held on Monday'cvcning te con, acrirCap uba aI ieo'coc, ienbi bothr-u-hoad above watcr until belp arrived. ahý McDonald Iustitutç, Rocks bore outbils ren arks luis siden and nsad coLt ,in by-laws . .bat August2nd.194 law', «John Wlllidns, of Wiitby, ne- Two boys rcported te 1fr. Williams 1 Thc purpose 0f'-tiec 'Çtnference wu.u address on "lLivestock Induýstry."ferhigigia;y vrt,' .as O'bhîoflerenfleWl- turned from Port Perry ln ils launci. liat lie>' uad seen Wyman iu lie to brlng befère the teaciing body of Statistice show tiaI the increased of lie Incuber ' by Company of tie- Cara~n v~ T'ic family Were natnal'uius- moining, and that when ho>' passed Ontario the! educatioiùI'needs of tic value of meat Is caused, by rural de- j i is niiîru;. y M sa otnet esteotan boutMr. yina, ai ~Jon imed-hlm -the canoe had a good deal o!. community, and lh i eans of meet- population, and now wé have te lu- 'Harper, provided frteriig o b ao i epeo Wib o !aId>' setoun 9 seh ot hlm. Vcry * waler lu Il lien. [ni lieue needs. AIsd"ý te present to port beef forueised1!epn.I$80.000 b>' the 'aie& !le:.p otcknde'c hw 0u,~dto uhortl>' ho found the overturued c-IThc body was brougt te Whltby tiose interested lu edù'c;atlonai prcli-,lng fit as beforo. pi>' for tic construction of' sewers. mîignificent send-off we rcioo noe wilh ba, cusîjon, fisig pole, Ion Wedîesday mrnnnng, and tie f u- lems of tic country, ' ve of thce I'LW. Foght, Esq., of tie Washing- 1This was rcad a' ('rfit ik' idl - n ,î.î leavlnge Whiýby, etc-., underneati. Tic searci <rtie loral wlll be ield to-day (Thursday) rua cols place aùd possibilitieç. ton Bureau o! Education, de.ivered for future considcna'tion. E. GARDINERCopoa body was commenccd ah once, but t o Groveside Cemeten>'. On Saturda>' crene'g an informai two rer>' intenesting uddresses on ___________________________________ tic ahc wa fa nI> rogi, whll~ M. Wmanwasa youg an bm-reception wsiheld towelcomc tic the schools of Deumark. He showcd "' " '_______ hidcrcd lic work. On Tuesday t>' ycais of age, aid was married six del date service .A how Denxnark rose fnom -a .ruliiçd con- THE NAN4E mornnng, about clghl o'clock, iow- years ugo to Miss Ethel Williams, O Sudyatro 'evc wsdiontpopriy , h -eec ovin hieseari pat>' ound ticdaugter f Mn audMrs.~ Wl conducted In Masse>' I{all, O. 'A. C., of ben sehool syslem. Gomp rîsons'TON1 -4 I. ever th serchpary fund thedaugterof r. nd r.P, il-b>' Rcv. John McDoti#all, wio gave go ho show taI we are rery tan be- body. It was lying lu about four liamns, of Whitby. Tbey have resu!- ja Mdes,"SlllaMEuvîeto!indl rrl dcain feet of water, about tort>' rods frozu cd hene -suce tien. Deceased was an dr," 1u* wirie uakq enot dTIni. ual ou "Con..Ldy1 1is ThiswasbeîeenWasbunns îîîn lelcced b' al wo kew lm. out tuat al riches aré no't countod .Jessie Field, in hpr lectures 'ýo tihe- and SugogIslan, abut nne mies 1The ereaud-dollars thaidepscent lt in Wiat We Coufernce, taugit how muci ;mu>'i aid cugg Ilai, aoutunemils jTho onevcdonc hae le dcist can do for tie welfaýe. of, othens. j e îccomplisied b>' tic tcaciers in-'P L fnom Port-Perty. sympali>' of the communit>'Inu hein lProfessor McCrec*, , dînechor Of lerest in thc people and comnmunit>' 1 pecuharcincumtance I tiat onrow.Agricultural Educall1e, was chirf- lu wiici he or sic is tcaclling.J: - IL - > Iv K man ofth meetings.f Tic district field agents 'and, othi-________________________________ During lie woek vtils wene [rade ors gave inhercsting reports on lhe, A -'rf~IP T(~ 'T'FIE where weý got'ma>y' excellent ideas lines. Advantagcs and disadvautagesWHE PUR HASNG cANAII)rAI\i \X IEST ngthese linos. loftheI cosolidIation< wero di:oussed, and>'O T ' N 1-0 _______________plots, adgv ayfar orgauizcd. instructive talks ou .-lie bout vaieti 1fMr. Taylor Statten, in bis Jecture'Fleet F o,. SU PPERS minsWok By da . seepof eRd.fo pIntip.oefuso e- n "ecrorin ad Pa>'" palndHhw taisecireb>' onar. hil hereis e mci boanda- OlaygP"PS ETC Bots of a school gardon, coiiid intenesh the ing" aid not onougi' "gpli>"'lu n he UE C b>', hus boca kuîd euough ho write for Wnnipeg, whfch we reachcd a- of botter sceds. s. Dr. Robcrtsion's address on "Edu- Seily t-ho editon aj.lcler, giving an mc-, bout 9.30 a.m. That day we speil Oie moraing was dévoted bte th cation for Rural Communf tics",' was A Cail Solicited. Phone 15 o i.W ib, nt couat of a recent trip ho lhe West, in sooing the sigils of the capital of Inspection of the College campus, un- weîî recovect. It tcndechteho show ________________________________ wiick' will no doubt be o! much -'lu- Manitoba. It was the day o! thii der tic leadership cf 11L. Hutt, f liaI teaciens must have theo teront ________________________________ terost ho out rendons. Tic account provincial election, but no undue cx- Professon of Landscape Gardenlgfg of tho pupils ut icarl and 'follow __________________________________ of thé trip follows:tiIdunt prevailed. Mli radM. -HuIt gave US many valuable 'more closel>' tic example of ~r'l am At 680 .m. e tok te GandIdeas for bouutitybjg thé Ouchool I1lu i On tie seveutix of Jul>'-a part>' of gt .0 .. ohook vine Master 'when Ho said, 'ýýSuffer touriste, tic wriîer amog the num-f Truuk Pacifie for. Regina. At oie grounds , wili treest flowers and 14111e cidren te corne untô. me.,, ber, pulled out o! tic Union Station, -pla~ce' onthe road between thon. chrubi. '-'jTheI and thon ouI> 'w 17 v 'ae i T o o n o , o n r o t e 'b o u g e a C - p o i n t s ' v . p a s s d o v r , a b r i d g e s p a - I n s p e c ti n1 1a1 w e f l e o o o 1 o o n "h acvne ter o l o tSANAR nadiai West.ing a rafle>' thec bridge sesmed plot he! e Iccl t"izioi an $i poil.", Tic carl>' part o! tic journe>' 'as aearly hall a mile long and vir>' bigi. School, and lieue o! 'the' summer At the. close o! the Coafeneue l taken-ia darness, so liaI 'vo 'vre Tic train just crawlcd along ils on- school students. Mr. McCready1 was bIt ht tIhougi the week's 'vork iu bhc Stato of Michigan betore 'vo tire length. We 'vere just woll oveL poiated ouIticheoducationlvleh a'ensrnosl oerset,à I I (i'Uai v a ~ b , wvn aieh d uh oorgot wion 'vo stmrted over anolien juil ho galncd b>' lis ph O ase' te hyî a tbe ten 'ort 'illoe, rhes'ts,~Ile abkao.nâ.. graphical knowledge. Tic, castIon a ogbt o1ut 5 li L ok studenta carniet!away mai>' valUable ait»e psmmg bM.e part oftlits shate is lordl was .npkt juit a ploasail sensation te Tic usefulness o! picturos lu school Idoas wici 'ill doubîleus ba risa a ~ aawiàwh u an elwooded" wtth eîms, muples look' out o! thie windo'v at tics. deconahton - as' sum yy i ea r itiI aid~~ ote re aîirtiOtrpoints. W. icset u'Jof. th*le' chools o!the future. ~ae~ la MY oye.. ic gnan cro coniîs. Liu We got lu ho Regina about 8. a.m., wheat, harle>' aid oaIs. Corn, ha>'y eIfrPne ydsiain aid roots are ulso produced. Tic bav at 2.35 p.m. Prom there wc drovo scoed firi' ondcro, ut an' four miles luinau ensterli>' 'direction 'eomd a 'ver alloed horow lbu il through fields' o! 'tiecèceebrated Thc moot and corn cnops 'vere muci h et turtier advanced than vithi us in On-1 tarto. ~I ~ 1 West o! Charlotte, Mici., the grain IML..WOIK in AImy. was cul and lu stook. _____ Tic fan buildingsthirougiout lie Nttelato h ayhlf stale e'vro good, lie barns bolng Ntlebs !lemn op large hlp-rooffcd buildings, and witî gcucies ah work ho make thc bard8 à few exceptions were well palnted. lot o! tie soldions in active service Mont o! lieu 'vere pLovided wit casier is that por!ormcd b>' tie 'vooden silos. Young Men's Christan Association. Bolween Charlotte aid Batlle ,In aul tic wars of!thie lash hall cen- Creek thie country' secmed newcr. 'tur>' Ihé Y.,M. C. 1A. bas donc Mostr Here lhe iouscs 'vene log or frime, fefective aid use! ul service. Iu the tic barns unpulnted aidthic laid Amenican Civil Wan $2,500,000 iu hill>'. Just 'vet o! RtIle Creek wej cash 'vas expended and $3,000,000 lu passed a ver>' large orchard of cicr- stores ditlibuhed. During tic SpaD- rien. At Soutibend, Indiana, vIne- Isi-Americun war tic Association yards of grapes arc pienhiful. As 'did good wonk. Duning thcelBoer war 'vo nean Chicago 'vo notice thie mar- the Canadian Association sent r.r ket gurdcuing bogins. Our train presentatives 'vihi two Cunadiant mmdc a short stop Iu Chicago. Some contingents. Durlng lic Russo-Jap- J of our part>' look advanîagc of ie anese Wmn thc Emperor o! Japan lpen-t watt over to visit a fe'v o! tiiî souall>' cont.dbuhed $5.000 lo'vurds cil>". large stores. It Iu salit! liaI the Y.M.C. A. 'vork nmongst bis uold- thie Marshall Field store is lie larg- 1rs. est doparîmental store Intice'vorld. Tic Canadian Association bas no'v1 One of t'ic unique Ihing .i .thi men ut the camp ut Valcurtien, Que.,M store ls lie 1"shîeccoroom" wh'vinid 'viii serd rien ahnoad 'vithithe ladies ma>' rosI as loig as tic>' fol- contingent. io'v lie nulo. JWiat doe the Association do? Bct'vean Chicago aid Duluth 'vo Ho' docu Il serve lic meninl camp? traveled aI ulgil, urnlvtng in the The Assoctation uses a large lent.f latter cil>' aboullO0 a.m. Ini oiee nd lu a caileon, where or- Dulutihs a largoerulalng db>', buhît angeade, Ice ciLcam«, cakes, frui,post- et thoe'vesterir end of Lake Super- carde, postage stamps and other ton. Tho country' aurroundlng it la tigi for the coîventonce o! the mon ruggod ; bluet furnnces are seau etaImy'b. purciased. Ah the olier end varlous places ; short tunnels are euhtnia>' be a piano ; la tie centic are tirougi the' mounhains, aid Overr' tables for checkers, chess, etc., ' and .hitag bespeaks il a miner'. home. Ain'viere wrltlag materlals are kept atrsip 'vas floatlng oveî lie lakie and, supplW free. Aimosî ever>'1 neur thiemrfal bridge. We 'vers toIt! ulgil a rellious meeting IsboIt!. The hier. lu oni>' one other suci bridge . mon are lnteneshed, icîpet! soclill>' in the 'vont!, aid tli InhaParis, 1mît! Peniaps comfonlet! spirihuail>', France. Il 'vas bulîlfor -tic purpose aidt!hticmonolony'adir.lso of connecblng tic malant! with a camp lfe are relleret!. shrtp o! laid ruhiing outInto, the 'Wîen on active servIce,'lie y.-M barbon. Il ise'vonket! b>'molor p0v- C. A. reProantatl-ne a p .y M. or, aid carnies, its Joad!<nom aide ho ,mon, aid minuster cnsf. side 'ut a helgit o! t«n feet or 50 'Itual help la ho ra , above 'vater. Anohber of tho clty'a 1Pain aid deali.W uuusual tiug fI Its "Incline Rail- To undorlalce tiiw iî 'va>," 'vilci carniez one fiom thiclarge oxpense upon lie aton, business part on tbc laie front toho ence lie uppeul le sont forth for lie belgits behindt!hle cil>'. fiancial aid tb support tii. vonk. Thts rugged grandeur forme a magr It mu>' be tiatin hiWitby and ri- nMSient back grouit! for lie lmpouhng dunt>' there are 8oM wîo 'voult! lue structures o! thie cty proper, aid ho coitribute îomcbhng to tifs. havlng gainedt! is emineirce oie can 'vonti> cause. If so, (contributios look on aIl sides ant! ueo lie cil>' may b. sont $0 C. -A.- Goodfellow, as rom a balloou~lIncomlng do'vi WhItby, -conespoîdiîg imomber, 'vio I couatet! oie hufidret! aid tea eleps jwii fon'vard tie lame to hout!quart- ait! tee! certain tic £teèp Incline of ans, -Toronto. lie cament sido'vaîk woult! maice, as mauyï. more. The pavement In 'viater must'be pnachlcaly useless for 'valk- Mn. and ins. G. M9. Goodfellou' ers, but la no dobbIthe deligit. of spent Sanday'l Claremosut 'vitit tie boy wlth lhe toboga.fem. WORK ON SEWERSI MAKINO PROGRES-S The 'vet 'vouliez bas interfered al sewers, makes a. note exacti>' somewiut wi'hithe vor on se'vcr 'vene lie intersection on Y pipes aïe construction during tic pasht tn placod, and iow deep these are. This days, but douillesu tie raf a has record 'vili ho bic possession o! lic sotteîed thie grouud for a few incies corporation, thua maklng il easy for aI leaut ton lie diggens. Up-to-date citizens teta Ip lie sewens 'vien de- about li miles of pipes bave icen stning to connecî. Mr.: Young lu gir- laid. lug ail bis lime t he .'ork 'o! su- Work ou tic trnk sewer 'vilci ponvision, aid ho lu kept bus>' in- runs uorth frorithie site o! lic dis- dcod. posai plant, was bcguu two 'veaks The Couneil hais iad'a problem ne- mgo Monda>', and 1,600. <cet o!lis quiring muci conslderahion ini arrang- gecwer bas been dug. A 30 inci ce- ing for mone>' required, to meat cuit- meut pipe lu being laid. Tic sc'ver t ent payments,. peiding tic suie of Lu being construcIdd tirougi lie' debenhures. The adrent o! lhe 'ver farm o! Mr. Robt. Skeep. 1h 'vilI at tuis lime has made 'fnaial fustI- run almost stnaigit nonth il il'e in- 'tuIons more independènt lialihe>' Idruectu Trent treet, when il 'viii wouid otber'vise bave beau, ant!mon-j jog 'vcsl'ard b Ash street, aid e>' la b>' no moins as .free as Il wu. thon' continue uorthwand. Wieu lie lime arrives lie sale o! rua soulh iliinoan lbe G.T.R. bridge 'iti some diflicul>'. Fianciai re- 'vien il will go caut bticth disposai ponts indicate liaI corponations(are plant, cutliîg Ibrougi a nuse of finding difficuit>' In seiling municipal grondwhee or ifty fe<ot tic ex- debenlures ho adranlage. Tlh. situa-j caratlon 'vill ho 28 fo t!deep. tion mn>', iowever, case up conslder-, Tic. 'ork Ihat lu bcing: donc b>' ail>'.Tic firut scano t>! lhe 'van Is, Mit. Young, the reidoît enginear, in subsiding, commerce and trade are! lihe Inîcresîs of the to'vî, will fi reîuru(ng b ualmout normal coîdi- future ycars prove Invaluable. Mr. 1 tions, and moue>'mu>' become casier' Youig keeps a record o! tic depti o!) lu a few moitis. MRS. BANDEL'S FUNERALj The luieral of 'tie imte Mrs. Jos. B adel, boIt! on Thuruday moruag o! lâit week, *s large!>' at.teut!ed b>' t*lallvos, friends ant! eitlzeuus 01ti@ 19'vn. Tic large ggaing o! kepr&- sentahive citizens hestifiet! ho-tie igi esteem lùin i deosot! ,vwu iu$t!. Ai thi. oovshoot! about lie ioýteI, or fUet! iLs roonis sud cor- ridons, -.p.ne, couit! oveieun ýconversa- tions, about lte iabg beartet! 'omu vbo- for. so mai>' yèaru hadt!'een lue amotiÙ onte eboarderi hi lie hueaid .agood ,Samarîhun ho scoes aid Imidreds cf tUn neet!>"vi. "àle to ber, durlng lie, years. Few, Il an>', 'vonti> applicauts for ieîp vere sent empt' a'v y. Ait! beid tii utlisenhattous iolpîg o! thie ,t!>' 'vwas, te loring huma i kint!- -O5 f a -large-beartet! 'omait, 'vilci1 multlplled great!>' 'lie value o! t6 e. ï guI. l'ortit 'vile le bave llved ~ o ssia 1e !kut!nei undilelp- fiU'ess, aidth ie sweet memor>' cf lins. Bandel ulîl long remua-a valu- e!possessin 'o! udreds 'vie kuw ber litl=gtely.'lThe Ilons!l tibues j -!ues vr iMmnu ad TSf>'beau- Thie pull bearors 'veto Mr. A. Ban- del, Mn. Lou Bandol, Mr. 0. Soeet, Mn. Chus. Burton, jr., Mn. M., Col- lins, <(Berln), Mr. J. Mornise>' (Newv- castle). Tic fianeral procceded f0 tic Cutiolic Churci, 'viere Rer. Fatier O'Concor conducte the service, Inlerment 'vas madc lu thi. R. 'C. Come- tey Amaongot tie large number of! rela-1 tires aid finonda who altendet! from out of town 'vore tie %ollôwlug:- 1 ,Famlly.-Mrs. Foy' aid daugitens, Torono ; Mr. and Mri; Lou Bandol, Toronto ; Mary andi- Jo.. Bandol, To- ronto ; Mr. ant! Mns. C. Burton, jr., Wbltby çMr n ud iMns. A. Bandcl,c Whitby; Mnr. aid Mrs. O. Soent,1 Brookli; Mn. ait! Mis. M. Collns,1 BerUIn; Mr..«and lis. N.J. Monnise>', Newcatle. Unle.-Johi -Walz, Toronto. c Couiu.-.Auma,. Albert aud Ber-1 .ar Snt M". PIllp, M". Cola,1 M. -Grosse, -Wm.- 'Walz, Fret! il- lips, John Kaîz, George .Kelz, To- rouab ; VuM, Moulansd Mu-ss Rol- 'laid, Mgotrl ; Mn. >Chas. King, Mn. Êarthau, Vu. Macdouald, Mrs. Pie-1 $i>bONOP WHITBY JAN. .-i C. JA. McCI.ilan, Manager. dS nté. e 13i ownaavIII. oB"In (C.- A. MeOIlanm. TA,.as-~ era.t. t 'mOtlawa (J. P. Sw.uaManager). Piek-ris am oit->' Pure, and Highest Grade that that can be made. Gallon Tins - $I38 Au Tu LAWLER' WHITBY9 ONT. Phones; Bell, No. 47; Independent, No* 47 PRICES o! some articles bavc advanced since commoncoment o!the terrible war là Europe, but some articles of food romain comparativel>' cieap. SAL14ON TR0IJT AI) WHITIB ÉPISH are now ai cioup as. tic>'.wore yeuasugo. We have weeicîy siieuns of these deliclous fish. Parties needing them wili ho supplicd b>' ieaving their orders.. 1BUIS BIRRlES of choice dry qualit>' are offeret b>' us ut, close prices. PLUMS su,çlCHERR.IES bure been'failures bore but 'vo bave been supplying tiem froro the 'voit, below lait yearls pnices o! the, chicest quulify---beef,' iulmb, vomi, pork mnt toderloîn are fumnied ut a ver>' small.murgip o! profit. We are îow'supplylîg-uuckl'baenies ant timbleberri. Wu B. PRINGLE & WHIT13Y ' NTXR1-0 '1- No. 8 WffITBYI W' mliii ha g muid I. h.~kpu.

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