d~ç<1 ay~s of bra4. trpped, coverablecannee, ahild withÀ r - Aft.i , pkIasla a- s--r i!e ta rdtoppéd buste, but wtè d teenotthe ly nte - p&rables wh,,-,- Qu ii'iad qitet ' a kontbe unwholesoflm <rvig At thesme tinie, 17115 bones Jesus had spoken ,against them V eA a57wU8uffécted54nd eaey-geinig mnners> the> forthem Was tVo be kilied down by cnine ,egow, and --tihe. teeth The Phariseoee--Throughouti. hi", Ithr o L Ot" ri e-oe -<n th1 ixhd u-o4rfrtone m r bread and'butter or b4y.bread and -com'e aet the usuel tume. The poor Gosel Matthew regardes the Phsr«- aug'r ince Icip .'U31* ier~i il nd4e-N mul. "el, i yu dn' wat cîl teeson dstreinlgappear' s-es »sthe meet bitter of Christ's offlerÇPznce mauel Sam. Enor- like determinati.outhatconýstiute- H< t hunry, baV' ail tÀ ithogis scmeimeeth5 'hoo cousel ow tey mght miisl ?gsly lhriled t hvati bi chi! éh.rachrisi. Brlbise h ca tetgod 'rad edbteance; bhe becomes almost a living eeis. --fortuneas- el *à t ciry el",figure,, wit¶r ,heavy flamen n .1a-i ,, us A eton bkuse oteymgte-chen froi e s iraçie, - tache -plenitifully inged ÃŽwitb ie, s youre nu . abdiomen is diýtCnded.eare hilm in hiestalk-TheJiis' ît>-i h rtîs<fL~tickly'tutte4 e-yebrows, .obadýiiig .a Vic pla o alVt~sue o V et Te hldl' lay rgy be- leaders were so incensed et Jesus Who for se0 iny yeere wes, Gelleral- .-1 adeamfa itin eusaI. as nit metg-oTcaue à lus ai. -1 ant a- 8htthycuseeoehe-lnor-iset0 ieA$ra rmy r ver-y*larbIu e e Ãs'hait eh a4aan-fe efsa. t as'tgoo ëus ÃŽ i sarin- a as-r tinet o diey one en frMoreover, hliepIoa grandson, ot that often twinkle With mermment, are m for you. 1V decayed, the teeth; it sililete any food,ýand i sh 'y e edvieým ei»fra -Ar&hduke' Ciarleis,one of tiés heroes ueually gohni an d but eedom hbard, th r ~ tui aayth apeit.few minutes atter eting as it was ing hlm f treasc9e before tie- Ro-of tise Nepoleâne iraet tise be- h. suggets wbeniiin civil-iagn clthes wl - kaà heaptt.belfor-e. 1V criese most o! the timi ,mai governer. They keew it, ras ginniîng0f tise nisieteentis century end one f thsiecourtly country gentle- No I i kow ad onedd a reiflwneig r-.Borne- necessary tVo-do*tliis, sincelie sooe f&Mo's'astise ivitor',of tise battisr f No ti non n ocee ieoa ver-y emal baby. ili sleep had "tUe right te imPose the sen- of Aspern. Ârcisduks Fredericisk m-nta aelae on ua thet there is neeed je Vhecheiiry incessantly instead 'o!cr-ying. That tece o! death. - Qflêtire oeiY'I m,tem mso!tie Sm- anc te. e ienn(avry rm hol uforunte, fr te n toerlaiei dscile- ily -wso is r-ed ,dtreare soie. who regard hie of! youth for caedy. Swe ats are de- ison Vs thee nortxitwo a Sed5e amteiirsiîe i rscele FanS Frinn, sb-reh oofy hsecfth~ !t mntnded. -That le W4 yyou wanted crying'child je likely tegeVtr-sat- or,- agente, witb thre Herodians, d4ýg noV 'dare Vo-eliminate 'freinitire hi-gIrrank, ccmprisi'ng a' dozen lo- se ment morepr-omnptly. . .partisans o! tbse Her-dwoSp r>, aa o ie eûainm nes eand neoles« thara fie generais, ti auar'o trebread ap'd butter-. Yeu, Aithough ma-rasinll s ,ityt.prted th-OiaLé gv bien. ieenjoyéd .as one- oftise meuet cap- mer- r-ght nd aten mas be- occasionailly in ivelI-o+l ei-ie, Teacler, we kDOWththnar abne ;tut'a ômnes e tVi ls !ti but niexr!omM.Your ln- iV usuel1>' attacke'artificrally4ed in:- Vms, and 1tschist the aY<f (4ljts tr enmre e-i> pckn wolstya Vrut.fuly mpeling fanta hartabl l4tittlO<,~.iI~ - amnng hpo-tsrs mtis-onie aiotirer,aincetise sweeping and eu<4den stroke of disci mpdee mers e iii trut-WWr-dslcflaVe Arcirduke Franchi Ferdlnandpline relieved byhim o! their coin- bi 1< ids won trtfisej- iostan hrar iÃ"n tréaitf 'cd nt forget tisat -Mi orgeatié mande and plae nYiere e 1s'tz aetyandetheEsis case' Camest noVfor- anyne-'eferrling mfo,,tir uiealtoebrg rdfrîefce bron ügr bwl ýLue! sugar mes marasmue muet be 'c'ar',fuI>' ttud. V tise boldniesaof Jeans, mWho had been oümmatilY-dlà emlseed frein hs ' - hedÇoaene. t - ' noV ieucbaffected then and- Yeu led, fer -treateent ihat cures one' âsot been'dctérr-ed from rebuking iroùserrold o!. Arciduches FVredericis UbuddCofdne n ot Uldntbv-cr-dfri nma' hl uei>,otnbsnuefe Sa and urtrighteouseee, even on Ità belng discovered tiret se bld During tIe tbree year- that hc di uIdIseke h ave-dy ed -sta- >y V a o h er. Mckyen ass nso e d VOt- o ugh hie u trongetstatements ieduced tise , 51 fated hir pr-esump- bae been in tiie supreme ca mrand.à \oIJ saoro teanobrestrnulkdses B orn e e Vomr- ga is h le-usmotivé eO it for irer-saketise- deugiter- ftJ c tesl o d abr m e su ar. ik ij . S m e -- ' r ga n t t e h rs ho « b remployers. of thse rnby the ltter hies b d time ul.,asii.nd i'h- bow sigr. recover- when aikelies ares added -Vo were of the. social ritorcf Vihs Two other- Arcirdukes wiso - are Vo take i measure, witb tise result A ai o te rwnsuarho Vsdiet. In eny cirent, Vise parents Jeme.un caleéd upon to pieay e r-oie in thre tisat iV Iras accor-ded to him its un- It ~IdVshud sk h ba o edc1 17. le it lawful Vo give tribut-e U present mer are - Arciiduke Leopold bouxïded confidence and believes in 0~ Ag reitn a vttio-bo n t wait 1 or 1Vktebs fmeia d Gnrl fhma edrwh a ctutd unt ol t i ame irnieatoe tenvice, fri. jesometimies .necessar>' to Caser-, or- noV -This ques&tion Saivetor, who as inspectr-er al< bmsaledrhoenetr-tet t- mkeseerl xpriete before shows the a.tuteness 0! those Wbo Artiller>' ias doue mucir to place tiS; Vo lead it to victor-y. He la likeda aBcertain the consequences o! mis- the proper treatmeet is !ound. aoright to entr-ap Jeas. 1 hi rerInftsesriso a xeln CopnPadseHroinadfooting, and Arcirduke Eugene, Grand a-d-epetd yVh ffcr i n - - behvir. atstrphs i te pn- Apert fr-cm its leediiig, the mares cma>,iaiep eoinadMaster of tise.Teutonie Or-de, mio laebeve ail by thre rankand file, thr tr, nvivngjeian teauerosmic child-- neede the greatest car-e. Sadduceea, usually ait enmity with in chiot command o! the Landwehr soidierg desribing hie As the flnaest try., invOming tu iris textrerneu emaciatiôir, ecc other-, isad now comined of both Austrtaî and Hungary. Thre of "chie-ris de arde (watch dogse> £ chair's, constituted the Vagedy o! bedeores often for-r; tonsequOfltlYq against Jesus. The party of zelots mer- ies erved to alla>' for ieclmbtawy ed obt cbldod O!awitr igtwhn h bbs-position'shouid be Chang- held tht tereel, being a heiecr-acy, nonce ail tiseenfimosites of. t rin hie turc bas bad during tbese Childhoodfrequenti>tenonly kingthsbould'Hungarlens towerd thre Austreans terwas a ean white epreed o! ed erqety nd be sIrould b. Witli 00<1as teonV ig h ould tonteieitgtseagne thflOwcauto ibt-erlae n kp efectly dlean. Tire child noV pa>' tributs te an>' forsige Resa. For- tbere le nu nation in tirej aafyplngad aîngfrmuet be kept amerr, but Ire aiso POmer, and miththe Phari- Wold for hinci tire Magyar-s enter. ý taffS t col lin tbe eewas a ng fo sede e greet deai e! fresh air botb sees agreed-. Had Je.sus, however, tain sucir a bitter iretred as tire Rue- , tafy to dacndngolad iagodpa pleced- hirneelon record as sip- sien, ainestire>'cen nover for-geV tire ,~ '< - ~ dran utiveatin.CIrritia to keep hlte- epe air htepstn ole' iePbarisee8 devastationwmincir tire>' uffered et tire * drolt n other eation hin the timeend thi siteeppn aalcn>' w4uld have cherged hlm mith trea- brande f tire Russian Maiisial Paslcie- timeand ltchindemnedon abaoemiteir wiro et tire heed o! a Muaco - fuihe vite force puteà Il Hungary to tire lire shp o mal tocking f ull ! o ssibe. e cr-erlVo voi 8nthe Herodians support-, wr ie r nee iea--s bhard end e Bt metame chiiing the littie body, however. if dai. ' a»dsodwé eIvddtea Vhsiair- is at aiuteld, keep bot-ed the *oman govcernleiit (oPenly, dent lingdam- of St. StephenSe 184 Vaboe ater botties in the cri-b, and mr-ap they woId noVt-have agked sucii a Vo assiet Austria suppreseing tire Mag- - Yenwatedawetsfe het ed hsbab'shana p vr- me-rly. queetioza-n i sncsrity. yer- revoit. ter the dgands bthit e Irelpful 118, Je#Mus perceived t.heir wicked- Gen. Conr-advon Hotzsndras erigy-"to--balanc frat."ndou Vorithre dlbtive cis entfl>'iton -T twb o ques- chie! o! tise gnerai staff o!tise Aus- eýryIt-aae h as"Yut u amoie0tieree meadn >.camprne tria»ar-rn>,lSelikewîse e very prom- weowr scl aueiel. theVh skie ail cirer the body.-ots tinJeIhdnt np-hne ent figure Sa --tise greet mer In Eur- ý gole de e a ronacuremiien a The- opnibis cha4~ter.TIe'togtb ope. A monder-fui orgenizer, a sol- goldn diys pprachwhena r-mcul be lattered bythe conipli- de fth ise led Mer-sisalvnMlk tiencf wees sah . hnde ou Vu Tir Beinnng t Eercse. mente the>' paid hlm, and thin1 and 'Ktchener type, tnsiestng tiret çhlldlof cd. tsh al e k i d m cand y bs srie-Ie ud ot ' j( eiifn f E ee ".foolishi>' give ever-ytiing là cçp~ection miti tise -chldlood Th kngdm o cady 18bisat-o pr ub-' ri rsioendtirtoring sial)k WVhen people mirobava previOusl>' bimself airey. But Jesssaw thei Au ecstIiran hat wotingshock its legitimate demain-to be ruj1ed neglected exer-cise startt take it ne lëf e!VV chance. It la Vo him tiret temper-ately and cnjoyed with dis- tse>' are Olften met with one dif- iicly denounce t-hem a-s 1ypocrites, iras bec» confidied b>' Emperur Francis eretien. 'but neverthelegs t114) e in- fieuît>'. They comiplain tiiet alter 19. The. tributs money-The Ro, Joseph tise task 6! preparlng for the- habied, hey have waiked for a maile or &0> mani coin :in miich tIre tribute or present-confliio. lndeed ireorient seir- Vhs>' ar-e too tir-ed Wo go e-nY fartiher, ax mas pa.d. This mould probably eral meelcela pril lest ver>' quieti>' adwe hyreturn home lrhsy do correspond te our poil t-ex -- a.oa mekr- r thner C r-ismt andwhen hed, but rather the Denarius-A coin woth about e. Jnlius Motetiep-sn iMb 1 bnot fe '*rf i ChUe! of he aM gtaff of he Gem- uppoeie. Uner- tsa circum- seventeen cents, and me isarn from mar rn>, -tigpansfrte ~ lgl~tti~ tane me need noV heitate te ail- hs following verses that this onre Pr-sent joint actlon o! Vise Germen' i OUsure tise rtil the>' miii -but per-- bore Vire image and superecription and AutrIan ar-mies egeinst RusSea F Isevere t-hie feeling à ! fatigue wili cf Çtesar. and-> France. pesa -off, and e sensie o! enjoynrt 21. Render therefore untco Cee- Sirort and fairlire stands perticu-V and lightneu tates its place, sae>'a-r the things that ar-e Caeoaer'e; 1r> rgr etrAofdec fii - sovereige miro ires tire ver-y higisti Bc(,d-Tissie StorY. Breekdown." Once they have ex. God's -Th4e Important Point f severixi occasions miren lie reelgned! - " dn' mnt o e o ed" cie princd the trut-irof this theyar Christ's anjemer ie t-bat Jesu9, leir is position -as cirief of tise generail 4 on ~wbt, ent ber- -facemas ahrie edy Vcentnéthwae-l'mlk cornmm mwîi-h&Il ths prophets, held staff Se consequience of Ihisdifferences l ' puel ere ripintoe scmi.and exarcisse, and sou» begin o tiret "natidnel independence i-îo ii ielt-AcrueF-rd e- moPlender hum the>' ever xnanaged te a-n ultimata od o ieptitsndned ii bmieweotnel >'WlI mli' xcainied grand k i' t a- . t veriance, tire oid Emperor lnsisted mohe-;"Imode mie tsehttie liveit1îeut th.n. -S C et mV.fr nutieV ipune srernaining et bis post, mould, mbit shep u tie hlîsie muldfatigue je due Vo the stirring up O! tue." To him t-bekingdom cof God îo ero iégigaduiedhmj / <y se-yVo alitts gil mh idnoVm-t the maste umatter in hs systeni. If, <1k!nott neian hs restoretiôn e! th-3 agaînst iris nepiuem.. - Vu geV unde tie wee hmits blak- homever, t-bey forcs tisemeelvea Vo kingdom o! lerael. Hekigomà s t tt er-e meade! rom théire mcl keep Olt walking quiet], ieee-ca a e o h u-dleiVhsfceeuele y- -Varc f-cmthirbeeal-'iteel! wil)1 elp Vo eliminete tissas whicb t-be Jewe thoughî fwr-dy - Iliglxi ',sanee. je - Eabemthsted bcryinVo!itnuneial eeet-en efiilkndm.andlire implied le lus (ine-t Jfre "lizaem oer-,' cntinedgrad-its meet important function. ensmwer thet it le possible-t b t iten be a liarry. a brigistanduîngster-, iras ___________a____________________a n otiser, mie-ttedss ng ierau nddoalctlzno ieking- told by- iris moithari-bat asewouîd mothr, whatthegees inthedem o! God and yet submit Vo the give him five cents f-or a-dozeu l Pins rsy of om-and xcr on o didnoVwac Vole- lir uri' ieed AIJlA('S 0 F A CEN'ITURY rule of a foreign potentate. We b.- r-escmed fi-m heIoucotrrlie-~ eceite ppotun44týi c f fiersnrrn didnota palîo tuma efru V h soIt ieve 1V a ne-trai deduction fr-cm venting lier year-4ild baba. wi wbo W i orrct esmef rio' <flicen ded hizeeth de naà r an-om thengsin smp. aeseaat nsiutosccs tb ing thbegni tpend for ln ceut<' o iscr - noter -leVie îsor1 ! urpe dur-ngispechir- aimand pc'r. utand wlyo d4its)1 mne'lxii ntnr. pan g n' - 4rpowth r e wtVsikom on t ierbe se cu,,lous th.ýxencse - asy - ve n Cius cipaionle ver' ovsee t hk- it-st-afre v ets, - sai t ricaou t pashtanit - 4ainty littis nigistgowe i' t- 859 France ceeated Austrie ifSris>emn !p--- wea airdEliabeh Iugied.t the andgeaaition o! I taly. -pointed tra a fig-et- liînitv'.Iancy lii li "I don't mindging Wte bd no,--l l-n ' n gv1 rrt metsc-gi--urcrp.U to prt - i " T h e l i t t î s a mn b e a r e a f e in t h e 1 ei n 6 6 P r u s e a g a v e t - e p r - e n an.t a e r a -i - - ri eg e d i n W r l g il fuit]," ceid grandÀioer as she leid ei>,Aut1 ,aMe--u c-tige Elizabeth dome, , - thIe Vieittie -ges- Sanidoma anrd for-cei it out cf fir-cie lingse a e ne h ohr ,nrien, directing th1e -Ct-'-tlf wîn thepretythe Germ&ne -nfde-- 2lroads therc, eadjig thc' relie e-- ele udr temthr' paelats Gre*i ofeea- outm-n whieh wen-t o tise a2siistiac( flax-plant bave closed tireir- petale, ti 187 Prufflia inflieted ue and Vre>' be-Va11g415t0 France t-ho defeet, mit-b accmpan>.-fe-lvpnt-eii - f, sTî sleep.' G r edm o bher' e vo ce -* as ng 1,,, o !territory, th -t as b ent-i -ty.asieh fer c- a .,Tf5 i Settinîg ;efter-end-softer. Elize- t-be cause e! Europe's uer-ete-Ãver obean. ct-ý h.eaqic frtehr !ie e- betb ;as getting leepier and slesp- since. .t o etrhAria ie~adai5is' Nm grand- Ie 1877 Russia deteated -tbe Turks - m other s g voices as stil . E li ab th d cAivf ,rut maicea sd eu c *a fa lst aeSp. t-herightful ifru~it& of ber- itor b i 1 hclia-Ja lrge-r'a a' combnatien o! tihe o -' by -esi - e-t c hte 1zas -- r- in ih reeyat.'o! Berlin.tbeylmssî' mci e -a gven A.nEve erak.of!thse Seconld 'AP Mr-s irme Offen-Yo4r recom- nom for-gotteu, and Ital>', m1ri<tirde- <c o yeihh.aqrs.'-e-nIe ee ni-e<latiof.a er-e r-etIrer- poer, I muet tests bcth Austria and Germe-ny, la bfor Sy. uiift5d itir themiin fVhs Triple AI- Gean i. 'M'mo b ifere i.alaoîet*à &n D Maid-_-Wei,_eum, yez werenitlaemieVrs d-tm ce ,îr--Cenral o! il-a-E receomneddver-y hihi -Vome m5-, Eigland &nd' Russie,, e-r-e al--tn ~'-~ -.: sy tier." lied mitli France .in Vhs Triple- »r (ls- - - En-ente. Wl-ntwiflb. hec-xt- "Hrecons 1eri1a W'xcBclnreadeti. emiteiri1 "Ddy u r-ýac3in tirs paper wh re ks c ef W o e oran utabe1bd her îusban<1 mth 11 kep,, yhcad 'when 1 fell in 19'--' v r.~i- kie ir r.1 the ater obsér-vsd Vhs yut-va jo, - al e wus uustY VO Me-i. fai ortunete," replied L ord l îù as )> iro oferd' "I ilI," oiunterg Yacaa >l.rmleri. sire askedihim £-or- sèmne of tir@causVie i rrid -,"'iV muet havèe ien appatuted t lrs.-n-1if !Vs vr-afe . icrmlinhd a I cnom mresber -freeki - bo*o hlpÇ4 y911- f l içjy VOflueit" 5IêCanadia.a <cotigent of 25,000 mea are liere o isthe very çryY whiçb -wv wight- up ' by Vhe mu'b sur-ging about il ke foot of -tIre cro~ss,-efter tIrea acifixion ead hqrled at thle dying1 azarene ie hatred and der-ision., t *w eagerly Vhe sxcited cr-ow d'muet' 1 ays. -aeizsd upon.-tua teunit, and c - ït-h ha m iie netion f;hiy inn-st h-ae'v à cutsel it ln cèhoruýs! Ifts applica- 1 Eue mes $0 ob-vious-ita 'Point su - Le-r-p end etieging"f Hers mas'Vire an mIro Ied -madie Himesef femor fs hough ail tereel b>'tire disse-ses ihich Hs he-hiealed., Vhs sins hincis e lied for-given, tirs w monder-e o! er ykind wiricIr He he-ti erler-ed. irere mes -entbing wmicirHe eouid tt do, truc setilling, e Vempest, on re mater Vo making Vhseîbiind Vo se ead Vhs dead Vo rise up eut o! re grave. Ever-ymhere men mere à îking cof His divins powsr and eailirig Hie as Vhs Meaaieir, il nc't é. 'Moat.HigIr hiniselt. And nom, )ehold! uhen Hie own ieo! dis- r-ess mas cesHe seemed tu be'as eîpless as alanvb led Vo V-Ie feleugh- r. Hle had been, seized by tire'sol- iers o! Ree tried -b> the Se-che- mrin, C'ondenined by Pontius PlIate, ied je ignomy tirrougs thle streets of Jèrusalem,^ and at le-st nailed Vo the cros-and neyer tirroîngl it ail, appe-rentl>', hed lHe been abis Vo overcome -Hie enernis.WhaV mon- der Viset thie mobwme-; te-rtIed and at le-st became mae- itir derigion and scorn! Sursly thin an wes e charla-tan w-ho -had be!ooisd there thvie -lea ISVV 1 0 T -- 'ezarens ! NoIw e i " birere 18 eoething higIrer41'«dD Iý'1" Ja ler le t-hs worId t-han thé ntics oft self-presèriatioii andthe n bitionso! efineet.Nw','e undrstand tirt tIe iaemU4 c -w-ho thinirs noV ut him-Self bt - -otier, ad gladi? dies if nedb0 tise-V o t iie r e m ey i v 5. - ' 5 - -. that tirs essence of!lit e le Iovs ýand< tire-V Vie ese nce -o ! love la 1ervices "Fr Others', Sakes.' - - The freman wo ,<d es snatýèhifg- - otiri';f roc, tIe -fmes, the soei1er mire p riehes in , dut>' m inou - aBves Vh s ar-rn>, h s physicien mio ,s rc-- cuabstoVie plegus fr-cmwmincI- he bas *aved unnumnberedviCtiliiSthe - prophet miro l i.4ain for tIre trutir micirsavez irumaity-tIreee, ead noV hs sef-csntr-ed iigt mIo, saveu iri ome skieet eny hazaird, we re- cognize ae ýtie spremé exkempler-e of tie raet, And me heul Jesus as supremne dlong mcen &eoarne H. pree-ched thie gospel o! sielf-se-- Ifie as iV bas- neyer- bue, e prescherd berfore or aine in, hume-n lister-, a nd, -botter aVili, pre-etisedti gos- Jpel Vo tise bitter end -without lUncli- îng. "He zeved ctler-e;isimael! .ce- not se-vs" Ths e ws hs bitter teunt etths - dark hour of Jeas>s 1deatir. But tsr-ough ail thre ages mInirh have been glorifýed -b> Jeauo' 1pirit it lis become t'hs perfent tri- buts ---Rev. Jo.n Heynes ReInmes' 18 TRE END 0F ÂLL MONARCII- upon the governinents their proteet lES AT AÂN D ? and condemnà tion of this. unholy - and unjuetiflable war. They eiob- - Peche upn athroe a Emer-a.bly will acmplish but litte 'Ma Perced uon thrne s Emer-this laVe date, but their, nunibers, r, sits the old nian of Austria, and the intensity of their prote,t, whose ' few remainng years, are, is fu>fl of xneaning to the autocrate riumbered, yet lie has a lively n- who have been instrumental in, de- eret in Earth'e affaire, and, fear- luging Europe in innocent blýOd. ing that hie passing might be fl- When the gree4 etruggle ise*eidéd; Iowed by a division of hie empire, and thee rùonaà rchs withdraw their le determined to act quickly. ariies and cunt the cost,- monar- A frenzied fanatie slew a prince- chy in Europe of the outocratie Jing and his consort, and the old kind -will face ite a of judge- man hought hie could see behind nient. the wanton aot a plot against'his WhaV ail Europe i% flghting about dynasty; bitterness filled his soul. je noV worth the life of"-a single -Arouind him lay Europe, another soldièr. already killed; no wrong name for a vast magazine, of explo- bas- been committed - against. any sives awaiting only the spark to nation that the war cari alleviate, release its disrupting and destroy- and, go far as kîiown, only-England, ing forces, yet this old muan, with and Beiuni, wihose territory ha& treînbling hand, flung the lighted been invaded, have. the eglightes. Lorch into its IfidmV, anid o-day the causei for war. Even the lives of roar of cannon, the scream h<f sheil, the A-rchduke of Austria. and hie- and the rattle of rifles, tell the sad W~nsort did not -eall for the. sacri- story of the old man's insane deed. fie of the lives of the thtouands -of' The crimEon stream, already broad- hie own people. Thus the war as- ening into a river, le sta.ining the suimes the aspect of fratricial, hor- Fcil, o! every old world country, ror. and civilization is pushied back Vo- ILt thrusts ite brutal flet into the- wards mediaeval darkness. face of a civilization f rom which the Two other rulers, fearing the spirit of modern culture and of stability of their thrones, hiave working clas fraternity was faat joined issue, and have dragged in- sinoting the lines -of hate, and to the scething strife Europes onliy back "o!'the fi&t are -the jealousies great republie, who, though desir- [of tbronee -none too "étire. ing peace, finds war forced upon Can meric& watch the- strugglie bier and lier territory actually ifl unaffected ?1V je impossible. As vaded by menacing hordes. chaos strjikes'a continent and con- jAnd in England, where denio- sumer h civmet !acn cracy ba% made o! m4nrlybu uy, cur sympathy je quickened, svmbil, calmest o! ail tha great and we must feel ini tirne the terri- powers. striving t43 the very lastt o ble stîýain bf Europe'gi los*. W~e are a vert the tbreatened cataclysrn. brothers, and -war nmuet cease: b las been forced into the maelstrom Man bas girt the world around wit.h fand baî; joiried-ber« allies to swell cahilek-with steam hie has eut dis- ithe crirnson m-treami to a devastating tance'to a !raetion,-he, bas made 1 lood, the atrnospbere the bearer of his. l nt, thie wbirlpool of belluni ,nessages,-in short bee has frater- lethale bave been drawn the litti c nalized the bumain race, and this e nations, to wbom peacce je the only fratricidal war will go down in bis- Sdesideratum, but wboee territory1tory as the mort unjuiEt and inez- >- unfortunately lies in the patbway cutable, of ail wars known to ma'. of the inighty contending armies; In the enormous issues at stake, *but as seemingly intent that none- it is not nerely France and Rùve-ia, ýshall escape the general devasta- or England, we bave to contema- etion, neutrality treaties count as plate, but the dcstiriy of European -nothing te tbwart the ambitions o! civilizmation, which will now be de- If the maddened ruleirs who have cided by the force o! arme. " plunged Europe into this unhojy Aà M BICE. w war. DneCl. u..0 94 à , Thus three men,-Emperor, CzarDevCl.,ug10194 rland Kaiser.-have kindled a fire e uinder tbe fabrie of civilizatioii A Lînhl-ot the -Lily.ý that in a short tinie will consume Bermuda gene-rally is calleci "the a what generations o!fnmen üannot land of the lily and the roîte. The. Ileptere. The mien who are marcb- British soldier, who-1 serves - there, e 1ing to)-dayý under their respective bas nicknamned it "the la .nd o! e bannLrs, and wbo are payîng the 'spuds' and nis, as the cultiva- le-lst drop of patriotic blood for the tion of these vegctables foemni the of uplçeep of useless dynasties, hiad chie! industry of the> inhabita.nte. of1-ne voice ln the issue. Tbey beard Alvbough le clim&ate le- tr'opima ry1their countrys cal1- to arme and there je net -a single wi!d WA-inïül in i nobly responded; but the die iras Bermuda--noV even a, sxnal gram. P_1cast by the jewelled binde of ru- saake. Neither are there any he ers wboj are fer froni the dangers trains, tram-car,iq or motor-car.- h3.o heeat ge and the NoV even mcori,_ieyclerelo- ý-o! their empîcymelit and tock Up the old-faa"oned - "growlerl. ' 'NoX of the weapons cof war against their capta-fn wo6uld _take hés ehipý into ie brotherft. Bermuda without a perfect kaow- cejBeneath it -ail is heard the mut- 1-ecige cf the surround-ing watees, a- rdl terings of popular interest and ps'o- the isla-nde are ,çuirrounded 1;, an 1- test. except in Russi, which is still à lmost 'mpréinoblè-'hatural -lort- ri- Isomi-barbaric a.nd eager for wa.r. ress in ,lhe for-of great coraïl 9A There, deniocracyv bas nmade eniail r!efs. Shipe rapprahp 1~l ba eedway, and those wbo have agi quil in a zig-zag course -between' tated in its laver have been hunted Vwo long> rowo of bucyx, whiehi in out and sent l'o Siberia. guide them safel.' inVo lhaibor. a- In Italy the working classes ~- jr breught such, pressure to bear on Tepoia a! me bier rulers that Vhey proclaimed ber Th- - fg l -af niy neutrality, and evenin l Germany The wioked, witty prodigal me- ., houand-ofme»andwom n par- turned and in. hie old niannel' ac - - 'eOr upoti o UCCi-. -I The arrive-I-c! tirs- Mraught ion t'erliaeent ne.'ised b>' touanda o0 ple, mho ù e!neot Vhi-ra-tening - -Asies- - miat miii go doue - fycePg intire anc-klà ef Parliement. His Ro mas arcompanieti by cort-VCf îdragooùns ait tise customar>' gîard Vh Ouvernri--G "Honorable Gentîs tVe: ;;entJenien of # ir-ry.-'gravc' events ing t-ie interesta cf ai dùininiùn.s hae-&tr- -proroge-t-on. TIns ni break o! war madie i lî'nperetiv foi- My >' extr-erdimnar> iie-sur -- ferîce o!' the -hounor a o(ur Empire. Mulasur-es' as me-y r-sq tion and alproval o! thre neceeiary legisla miii be submi.tted fo-r am Obiser- bis ai Atva.me--ures mil tiulf(r- Viste public sa be presentet t-e you "Gpntlnni>n (if t-h. -moe ns, --1Est i mat ei-w-lI fora you t pV vdef whieh- bais bieen, or b> ' f, iscet-break -ofb "Hon. - GAnthemen o CLisîtîeien elf th erH - ;ions,-The _ýriicel ivhich me' bave jus -arouserd t-o thle fuîl and lbyel-,Kkhciiav at-ed t-bs Canadian p "Fr-cm cier-y provi 4eed, froc airer-y co respense Ve the ce-ll heen al! t4at couid Ib S spirit, mnicis Vius an* inspirePs ais-Jhie Ma- fies Virotighoum Vbe ---Mar Le aâ£ured't-bat tIoru-pel t-lie commOn d- 1ailt te str-engtber th Tri kbe pcissestsioe- anti the icssngsof Briti "srepr-eentatinr- t>'thRb ing,1i mu.st a~ Si'îîo!n of kaand e VI * pîncil spirit breacithof tIrefli, hi -Tiu r cntiçe> 01cf eti> ai-nus. th<' bais s i leeîlltion. -The ip ist-, a f tire- Pi'ioroMinis "Virat i L S C eientý that a suer rîojt exceet 000 ha giant-ed t- hbis M e-r-de defr'aying âriy r-e n !a.>- beincur-reti bY aintlioi-itî- 'Of t-he Cr ir dxîning tdue-af'ili e 3,1915, fv t1imiît- d '.li it-,-cfCanarda, '.une cons î nîllira:->'ipC> lleS C nouiva r 1,li74 1-li .ile, (kvew-ar -('nti fie c 1 l> it- <ex i cfi, iS - t' - r- '1' b - 1 - 1-Q--r' 6$ - rit ar pi- 'd rnder a inâtat)~f 0c yr-gallo Ifthe -îrif-of :Iiritt1-S 25 iper -cent. -Inle epeci raiset) fr-tien $2.40 Vo $3 in, tise ad valo)renli du-t urneche-ugeti et- 20 p-ercen 'Lime ipure &d fi .c),p., aesinrereaetF ~24per cent. urlerV ta!! lud fr-oc 15 te 172 ireder thëe Britisix- pre-f Acio einer-eaed to $e,.00 peri- alLori. 'on alcohohice per-fun bott.ès- tire dut>'i-s, reisk Vo (30,perCent.; in ila] thre specifle duitY p l m1 Pemî uichanged. - Onspirite o! nître the- A RCT1VS TORONTO