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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 27 Aug 1914, p. 5

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II around that need Th~e grîim'*à -orlà" his week gar- I i - . nored another ri' ea.. from -tbhi- X-PFOR PUINTERS,, 1 rA Injnaibre K 11 l hty nSn ,Cheap lenses niait necessariîy .Newspaper plant and Job printlng f 115M1flUImaynliarvt, m. ln hn ia, O!Cntreî- b. '-made of cheap glass. The elupment, lncluding nionoline type- t I I streM.sou h n Aseed ov ert re cost of expert ielp is such 'that Vettlug machine, ln Cranbnook ýCty, If so, bring-them to usý'and w. aérta h rp g f8 er tiheInakers of good Ionses must 1.C., that WilU compare favora'bly vill attend, to your walnts. adsmem th.M.AI.b. charge -a ,gôod price. Cheap with znany lu the West. Valued at '~and esdeamt o! WMr. Ainr aou ,gl$ie ar rnàe y ýeaPhel, benmajor, ietof ri a o!85 yao qug itY c i .c a b>' cbe a ep.. a4, 00. or $3,3 1w lt i iir y Y au h d a o better m ake' an elg t years, he hav ng , Purc ased- F i i i y o tic i l nte a e d 4 yay s r $ . ula i est abl shap p in t aetit ' ii, h os . from M . S . M , N ew ton, fotm er,>y diffoenL' - cd j yeae, Plnt mtntly cw, Ra- .propletor o! ticeGoeette n Cra sonfble:, ternis ta tie ight party. Il. icle, thé brick cottage 5nOe tre ,t GL SS S U bsnes wf me or *rite PHOTOS .1tdb~a~ you have been prami insoag log yaeaamernaWht, FR IEPI 11 N.PAREWELL SERMON.Lee a cal], and w. wll came reaîiy witbia, the; corporation,1, but Gaad lenses 'are .made upoli Ile1 annouuced that 'Rev. Dr. Ah. £ny turne anid maire- a -ie clos. to tile rl tva mak-near honor bY irst-class waricmen, x aham, who lu eltgfon h a. photo o-yon hns , he wherý the fatal..raiiway accldod ooC- Ports In their line.. Gooad lénits toratc, nf st. Andrew'î Presiwterfan lawn. cured, last wiatem. lie was amn refract Cie igit properly aud give (ihiirch, wîîî preaci lite îarcwell af upergit charaàter and great -n Cie desired resule, tiereforo are sermon on - Sunday mornlng, Auguet duetny, and tic cîrÛle ýo! bhis acquaip-. cheap iDh. cnd. Badcyci nced 30, whlch Sunday ;willý beý bis ýlarit as DEVELOPINOamd PRINTINO tancoship was wide ad amnocr.. He Good Lenies. pauter af tie churcli. for âamateurs orunde Oerofth eod. 'a W* Wo uarante. our e-4- a n oRichard Allia a.ow lenoatbeto bit. P4jN'rING AND! AERAGN attended ta prompely. eies on, ie hamestoadi , anatier, R. Brdbur,« May St, Wbiby, Fred, Io :Station :agent at Newtox- P.R.Bndbry MrySt, hlWy villeÇ andý John and William are R, N.'BA SS6ETT al kW il of pantig, iStudio* ng ar as furdaghers oeofwhm Bann ~ nrtng.SoarMme. Hodge, *iras a, esideni ai Whi t- IIEELR UDOPICANnaple boakâ., P.O. box 1,76-. - tili two~ years aga. Thc luneral 0"0811W NEfW WIiITBY -'" -wias held yest.erday afttnoon ta the 1-lortcùltural Flair Show, Sept. o eecy 19, n,,the Co ncil. Chamber. AlUni -flairer 'gmowers are rcquested. ta pro. personal acknowledgent iras flot 'Tue dates ai thé Bowmanvilic Fair - pare a flowe'r exhbi f. passible. 'The boys are with. us tbis have been changed te Tueeday and 0 week, eight Y-six in number, anid iro Wedaesday, Septembcn 22nd and, 23rd, Oaayourod tîsa fot wa p m.Wilfrid O'Connor ln thînfis- wouid- not.like t se the bays la any instcad oi the dates prevlously an- lanyè ru tls fot wa P Ueaunounces his appointiment as way ôverloakcd. The next and ut aucei FA#àide o nrk wro agent ln Whtby frteDominion Party mill be thei teswt on Ùcd izExpre-s Co. 'hie appontmetreal>. ai tue smallem cidren, alid perbiasAFLERPOT accurred afmonti aga. 'Notech ad- the matiers, even more tian the O odyeatigrnasa EXCELIOR" Vertisement iu another columu. The cildren, need a change, 0w oktrilemre aOhma reaf THESHA ES F peration ai the neuwi C.P.R. lin. fan the. great Pathe'a bleeig rigt traugi tuis tow. Varous sotries T1113 SIIADES 0F tîhrougi thetain given to thîs ex. uP lia Sept. 8th, mien aur seasan'e. wreJeard u i atwd NIGI-T P"' ' a dvantages tbswrn oecoe.sra n a htacmeca acrer belon. eujoyed hoe. . MRS. MINNIE R. WALKER spcd acmsthtacmeca make anceiink of reading and ..-4-- coi FrshAir'Cottage, p o ad ee d ste elea bismilead with tie hougies a1 reading came FOR SALE. Pr h tr o a eie s t eaepetrat anthd Cie thougies o! camfore. Tic An Port WoceiîtlrnYbyiad ail is baggagc at tic station,ý irsesiîgn of îailing vision -te when ilu n "Aylcondi Fonce Pumpn , imon, .4"- men she appeared on -the scene ; 'Wil!! fot Ireeze iu minier. May _b. The prize lists are out and thewiti ber, and tierc, ia tic beat aof THIE EYE MUSCLES Been at my bouse. C. M. W"ilcox. bills are being put up anaauncîng tue an argument, iad kllled hier. 'ho GE -IR D hetonsfoemn ndbi as"t South Ontario Agriculturaî Society umar even haît it that the maman '.s'.aîu~ru Tc twn' lormanandilsanset.Faim for Oshawa on September 14, iad been llteraily hacked ta plecesI Therie are îevcn muscles in eacî uni have Put lu a tile drain along tic 15 and 16. - iti a kuife or batchet. The repart oee some of tieru warking al Cie sauti side of Mary etreet Irani Asi h e ao tbemhc aea-ias sa persistent that tic Cramu uie, and straining aIl the ime ifl Hikoy0 jusi eant af Hamper'e wayn bcen lu tue mai the crard, Offices licre cominunicated with the you have'aot tie proper glasss., machine eiop. -Th i te for thc womk have been moved north of the grand Oshawa, Police, when it mas learncd The ob>cct o! Our OptUcal Depant- 1 wag !urnlshed, accarding ta arrange- stand. It leaves a lange open space that tic murden stary wes qulte nientw te a suppîy tie proper ment, by, tic Toronto-Eastern Rad- for Midway and promenade grounds. unlauadcd. Thecase was of common Glain '. And prices arc always 1.1 railway, and ticetawn agreed to The Paultry. Exhîbit promises ta assault. Wm. Wedderburn, a wheel-- vitinreah.plu h down. Tic laylng ai tic raad. be a greai attractian. Tic primes are irrigit, was tic offender and bis bc andthe blackîng a! ditches, libemal and tic range ai vanieties is mIfe tic complainant. Chief Hind, af * Uv. ParKer, OptîOlan,- WIII h. and thii: ias tic 'oaly way ai glving Oh'the ItWedrbr oe Sauray atisfactony drainage at ti:point. th lr ai9 o any laîr lu tice dW Ail cattle, horson and pauîury are mll remain ther. untill Tuesday nert, The echools' ai tic tam aopen on exhlbit bath on tic lSth and wicn lie ilil came up for hearing be- nei Tuesday, Septemler lst helth See i inentcltifn-i agsrt tOshawa. Col. N oman Ba sei 's~ ti Hîi cicl Ili h ofai nîy! Farewell, County Crown Attorney, le Jewoler and Optician tic sanie Personnel a.st, I1yuhvent a pîc t a present an a short vacatian,ience DROCE 5t, WHIT DY There wiiili e tire. changes on the and think afi exhlbiting, sead ta the tic pastiponement 'of hcaring uni! Publ, School safthe nii eair secretary. nx ek er ig'MIss Cochrane, for tic Rememben the dates, September - ! 6 third clas PMisses Newman and l4ti, lSth and lt, at Oshawa. The POLICE COURT. Lutn fr he wc prmay raome. Dieciors guarantec a big Faim. Ca.Wrw4#cle fo Mg Mlisses Pinte and Thampeon, afllant Ca.tadi~ ale eo.Mg W.'. C. T. U. year's staff, have resigned. Alinl- --+-... istrate Harper an Fnlday eveaing tending pupils -àre requested to be BAPTISr CHURCH. lat oa wei eciamgc ai threat- 1o ad iteopnu.Mm. W. A. H-enderson very efficient- nn sal on Tios. Jubb, Super- ALIQUOR 110W. o ad tte p.. * y occupied the pulpit on SudyIntendeni ftefco fSme Un Suaday mamniag about tires Ho for TrnoEhbto Buy iast, monning and evening, and at Trees & C. A.E. Chismtian repre- *o'clock ibm.. nien mere siot and iL- ,Stephensan's tickets. Monday, Aug1 Brooklu In the aitemnoon. sened Mm. Jubb. -Wamd wmiaramived i lquor crazed man at Port 'ust 31, to Septemnber 11, at fane ugd -Severn. agiom.ae-third,. except that on September preaci on-Sunday momulng, next. Iu t<> tic mules ai tie factory, got inta ai On Saturday- htW.Camipbell, luis, 3nd, 8th and loti, milci dates tie, evening tic choir milI give ai'an argument witi Mr. Jubb, lu tic er>', 'af Tho rold, Jas. Tymel, of Brace- tickets arc anli gelr. Alsa.cred concert, wih will include -course afi m iic e mas allegcd ta y igetr. l eeat titenmbr.hv hreatened thei prntnet bridge, John Hunt, Bacebridge, and tickets gaod tli Septrmber l5th ta oveatro1cnubrsWave t ois e SPealanitedet. Dan McLeod, ail o! whmiai eme mark- eturu. Buy ihôse and a Il tickets at I t is cxpected that in October the icead 'oi er ei ie thauh r ubwsgig t No Îng- ltk the canalconastruction gang' Stephenson 's at youn leisure, and Il dallgmegation mli have thepIeasuie h.thbugh'adthn. lJebbwas goipgt raa ifPart Severn, ment, aven la a Preventcd going,, Stephenuon aîways af iearing the-Rev. I1.H. Bingham unk l xdtath eey ptlg lauancl ta Waub *usee. Tiey re- nedeemes (at par> hnis issues. Ai ofa London, Ont., preach and lecture'jup bisi hands lu order to defend hlm- b,ç, tuned -miti tonsiderabIe mbiskey cicap tickets ta Ottawa Exhibition, Mm. Bingiani was the muibived pl.ledslie a n sdn oary Sada manin, ad *mie Setenbemllt taiSt. S e x 1pastor ai the church for three years ihreatening language. Tbe Magie- 'tiey laudcd at the dock, a quanrel cursion days only single tare. (}arod 1-1903, 4, 5- and hie has cousentedl trate, homever, found hlm guilty, .occrçed a.mong -Lie men. Theme iras t0 netumu tilI Sept. 2lst.SeStp-a preaci annivensarvy sermons here btalmdhmt oo upne a gaod deal ai smearlng, and Camp- ensan belon. traveling lacaîîy or otî h dt-etr odyevnn.M.snec.tr m i a m i e m i s e . O f f i c h o u s 7 . m . V 9 p m . B n g h a ml b asu r e e n d a y m o s t s u cn s - _ _Mr . belf. mvliiInoxicnation, i an mk-e r-uruipechr n prinmed.i m- n Blturbet. -as wmiaginiag, and the zacies Philippa went to the drawing-roomn a were kept busy servlng Ice creani, ~~. ~~ eordirîgly, foiloWed bY Belturbet, and I lhcake etc- fi r'ed nbe Saturday, Auget 29tb, M.Pre riott hurrmed away througl, the ground Te'rSd nbe WIll be atBant' jewelry store PhiilipPa wao a good muHeiitl, ttiid 1§1 thein to Purchase a large eupply of piayc*d arnd .'aniz melodiore ltte aocotn agçain. Have your oyez ezamined by for ha'f an hour, whiteie Bltiirlwt eatid tOwhlch, an Tuesday evealng, au expert' Tha,.charges wllbbl in a hig chair, Eometimt4 erii~ieig ,w theY converted Into bandages. These moderato. armLm~iatei~ e tobe sent to the St. John's Amn- .4.."bulance Corps, for use In the war. ARIVED' SAFEL-Y. It la a matter af congratulation that LOSTr. IMr.J- Wlton Whtelaw, of Bar Whitby's citizens are auzIaus to, be GCold 'rimmneu eysglasses lw steel rle, was in town Iast week visîtjng well repreuented in the ranku of those 'Iéather covered' cas. Liberal r.- ber mother.înîaW Mme. Alexr. White-. who are lendlng assistance Iu every -war, Murie Xrph, -hiiy. Iaw. Mrm. Whitelaw bas been I way possible at tbus tinie of the wad. Ma ne M rp y,'0-ty England or a ew m ntho and as Emplmes need. Mr. Wlamn s la charge' of aur Just returned. Sh. eIet Montreal liew -repmlring departrnent.' Electria two days prevlous ta the departure . SEWERAGE SYSTEM MEANS fnlsh repairlng'ai low prices. M.W. of the 111-fated EmupresOf Ireland. PIZOGRESS. Collins'.A name similar to hers appeared a- Mr. F. F. Fry, of Toronto, who mong the Esat af dead after the Eni- was awamded thé contract for bulld- W D.Muckler, plumber and steaze- Press wmec-k, and It was thought byIng the sewage disposai plant for Iltter, -of Oshawa, has opened a many that-Mms. Whtelaw had nailed 'the sewemage system, was in.town brachIn bi Or : Orer orInur On the vessel and had been drowlned, on Mouday. Mr. Fry le aniloue to les may bel lef t ,th -P.J. Sulvan, m eun-I rD Liverpool was get his womk utarted here,, but so far tlnsmltb, BrodE t. Suth. Mr. ade on the Tunisian, whlch rau has been unnble to do *Oo,, since ar- Ifuckler liau noveral cbntmmctu in Most of the trip wlti Ilgit onot, ID rangements as to the site have not iVhltby now, anid Invites- Inspection arder to escape any German vessels -yet been cornpleted by the town. Mm. ,of bIs womk. Fîret clas womk ga-whlch . light have been ecOuntered. FrY-ls flow building a disposai plant .anteed at modemate pnices. Mrs. Witelaw arrived lu Montreal, at Carleton Place, for a systein over on Tuesday, and came ta Whtbyo wihMr'TAMuay1 gie. bnly ton days more. Balance' of Wednesday. TOf helch Mm. T.A. Mummav la engineer. boots, shoee and elîppers et auctlon 000 a. heton la sneninn eweae nd, 000 and$400,ooEouTsOFrage an sale prices. -Last chance. Fergu- AKO LDEE0 F EP watenworke. Thls, Ough,'t to console aan's old stand. M.W. Collins. To Edîtor of Gazette and Cironicle. some Of the Pessimiste who cny blue Dear Slný,-Havlng recelved nianyl juin when Whlthv spendq sil15,000o ALUCKY CATCH. donations for the wonk among thý,a seweruge svste1m. <aîtnPae en M1onday 11r. Lou Northam - childreu, I wouid like, througàhyotirlis-a towvn a littie langer than Whit-ý while fishlng at Whltby Harbor, had <'olumna, to thank othe many donorsiby,-but the expenditure la propor.. the good fortune te catch a pike k' Whitby and viinitv wbo have in, tionately mîîcb grater there. Mr. welghlug sllghtly oven 13 pounds. The an9Y way rememberod. us. Nazes Fry expressed the opinion that the prime was eaught wlth-a still-fishfng weme flot always reportad, aud so a sewerage system, would be a g reat WAR WAR PRIGES lod Groom Toi 25ab. HIgh Glasns Black Toi Ml. Fînest gardon Tom 50o lb. Make yaum own soup mien yu cn buy as good a can- ned esoupas ours? Chickent Ox-Til, Celëry, Tomato, Boilon,,and Pc.. lxx hite Vliogar 40.Gal. Fruit Vinegar; - O'M Gai. Yaur business friend, Wl. MEKER ]Pifone 94j WHITBY 'tic taif for sae qdoei. Monolfie typesettlng machine Included. Plant nearly new. Price $3,800. Good terms to riglit party. This offer will flot last. Write or wlre, The Sgnal Ofice, Watrous, Sask. IM'IAILIli REDLICED FARES TO TORONTO FOR CANADIAN NATIONAL EXIIBITION FARE AND ONE-THIRD Aug. 8sit to Sept. 'Ilth, 'Inoosiveo From ail stations in Canada, Cornwall, jT-1HE G*azette and Chronicleè has *carried more. advei-tising per .-month dùriug 191ý4"-Vhàln for sev- - ral years. Ther's aReason! Advertisers are proving- that advertieing in this paperfrings- resuits, and resultà are what they are after. -The city departmental - .stores are reaching out for business, and they get after it through' - large advts. in their city-papers. Town merchants should ,get after. the trade of their commlun- ities by large advertising in' their town papers. Our rates are very reasonable when compared with the rates of papers of similar circulation.. Quo- tations cheerfully furnish-ed.. C. A. Goodfellow & Son Misceila.neous Adverts WANTED. Laundresa, iîsedia'tely for Hanse Refuge. Apply ta Dm. J.F. Lar- HOUSE FOR SALE. [cm irame banne, If stareys,mI amn, 3-piece bath. lumnace, elci Mt. Apply J. H. JAMES, Wbt. "-t!. L'MFOR SAÈE IN WHITBY TOWNSHIP.' ;evonty-seve acLeS, lot 28, con. 4, ee ailles froru Wbltby tawn; con- lent ta tire. ralmay stations ; U sulted for mlxcd iarncîng, dary,. ,or market gardcalng. Smahl it, gaod orciard (prluelpally upy es), neyer Iaiîlng strcam, mcliand ten, trame banne, bank -barn and ter lange buildings. Several acres standing tuber. Aiea tira loto Wbitby toma. C. M1. Smith, ox- ýor.-tI. qar ta ment, lat 14, con. 2, Pick- arn.- and 4 p.m. Jas. Holdeat r' ag Township, adjoning Pickering pretr. -, po lage. Bank bara Witi atone uta>- Leavcs for Broughiamiai 10 a.m. ,ý ibres e es and neyer failîug M.Edad, proprietar. ang. Proposed electric car hune MAILS CLOSE. 'on prapemty. Possession ta ugb ai once. Apply ta Go. H.- For Wet- 6-30 &-m- For Fort' whItby- es, Plcker ng.-9. 1o430.m. - 6.30 a.tu 6,3.00 a.m 8.30 P. M. 630I- ASSESSOR WANTED. For £LiC--6.30â.m. J Foroohswâ--,.30 P.mn -pplicatioas miiili e recclvod ai 8.30 P.m. For - Narth --6.3o a. m Toma Cle±k's office, Wiitby, up Sepiember 7ih, for- 'tic position aseusor for tic Toma ci Whitby tic yoam 1913. Applicunts ta Chaima pplcatins. POople wliom we bave fltted CiaîmauAppicatons weh eYt-glausstend ticir FOR SALE. -relatives and friends Ca us, as ewspper nd ob pintng pantticY do dail>, it is convinclug mipaer id jb pintlg pantprco! Chat aur mork is latis- Train Thne Tables G.T.R. WHITBY JUNOTION. Golng W egt.... 4,52a.m. GoingÈaat.....2.a0 a.m. ... 0.19P.fl ..7.40 PAU. - ... .9-30P-M ont-trinntopat-Wbitby Juncia SC.P. R., Going iCit-g.5soi.:1Going East-g,9.t a m 5.42 P.in.7,38 p.m SPECIAL ROUND TRIP> FARESJ PHONE:. mili b. in effect an certain dates - RRIAGE TO NEET AL Ail tickets valid for retun until Tues- day, Sepemben î5th, 1914. Ful pa. lin hn 7u ticulans fram Grand Trunk ticket agents«I 9. ltoesn Agent, phono 30, Whitby <PUNDAS ST., WIEST- F. E. LUKE9 PTNI1AN 15;0 longe St .TORONTO LivryCartage and Teamung. I have recently added to my wei-. equipped Iivery stable, a heavy team and dray for' ail kinds Of cartage and teaming work, and wilI be pleased- to receive orders, which will have promp LL Seranton Ceail Egg per ton -At Hlarbor Coal sheds 50, cents per- ton less. "SCRANTON Coal". The naine guaranteen 'the hRg.s qulity. - elRl Tel, and witzîesN the Magnolflgnt andlispfiHng- '4MPectac('e, Moblliza>tlon of Canadian Troops Rt Val Cartier where the gl<'rie,, of Wolfe andMontcalm Iencl a I)fitting eni ronment to , Preffent, D)aY HiiftZOry inthe Nlaking.- Steamner, IlToron to Iland ',Kingston" Ieave Toronto lJty at 2p 'Di or ThoaUand Islands, Montreal, Quebee ani the Qaue. nay. Toronto ta O 1ntfflan d roturo$2 Toronto taluebso sd .et,,,n TopantO t 88918111Y ad rstw'm 47 Above rates Ifllide rneala, and berth. Toronto_. Hamito . Moiitamr' Steamers leave Toronto on Mond&yiq ad Saturdays.. Pro= 1 MaIlox, Saturdaya. Topant, te Montd AMl udetupn Whighy- I For particular apl I agent or addre 11aPI to local ticket - uu .A pD. J EnWIIuEVANS PuMp Manufacturer SliOP end KosîIdOeoDUaiStre. WIITBY Thre doors mcii a! Wbitby MRouas W. ge'proparcd -ta lt»a arn Agent for the Ontantoq ed Magne Cream Separ WHTYpboa. Na. 80, fmdss 'T 'q 'ý bm 7.25 6.25 ïWAR

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