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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 27 Aug 1914, p. 8

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ù:r ce ! usM i !Brook- Mie'LofO Clb*&4 BROQICLIZ4. misn Iabl W i a-asd mine VerS.ln 5tsle h ( ill0 the,late aud Mrs. .,orm i t~~v r o .s mirnsniedbhe r ! i j au iid 5sGordon, of Pickering, on Mon- v<oal uett; a ý_to1t4iný Vlpofld, ot OshaaSHOsi , yoting - monLzg a chorus Mlrs. copne Mess Edltbè Tcrdiff!l is ong aJoe, r e; Ms. Wakersâd"Mls 1stdai nd . 8,tPIUS uStdY.fo brduisluaiiui t1o he Roberts sud Reeson, Columbus, pis onSûuy fo leSdtesi adg5pTaou-Wip-et -vstde,-r.tpin'na su sd M. Tluk, -vocaliut, 7USy _ FM r Whab 1 oheinBid. Gronwood. Dr. James Moore xmade, borcturued. LnTX5.o n capable oara'The pro- ~8~t e ~ home'. te- th ~ee wîf v ceedi, which outdto t55.15. v i 6 ~ A d t s U 1ve ' -Mi ý 1g atWinnipeg, mSaskatHospalaShi- Fuud -j3eeu studying in a Tbronto l1tw office, IwsY for twô oulu.rh. Myýtle Sttlon corresplondent. "i'vy in Au1Illubtram itise tad to Corne home for the ,pre Miss Bessie Scett, o!1<Eshawa,, and la lait -week's issue, of theGazette to l~* o buineS, hr !reuds Misel cCahOu ud tat6d that the Brooklln football - *ase tcwlnlhthe wur. .fjiersou, were with Mrs. 1scaedl o Mlite" tiios csuse d Mr Grills visit d their over- Suaday. le ouly fair t ahwvr ht Mr. Carr, our blacksmith, bas re- ('LAtE MONT. C, -dsugliter, Inr5.Cevs ~ n. Mr. R. S. Disney motÃ"rid toe~ak our boys hsd arr4nged a game to bie turned to Myrtlý Station aain. We Rev 1 VWood, o! the Baptist - SehOOl re-oP5fl5 on TUe5d y uêr~~~~~t ons l'oint and Beaverton ou Su- pae tMni o eui !welconie h1m sud bie faxily'.- Church,ocuedbsuptonS- - Mliss Woods of Trnti,43 Vîdîtin day. this week, but for sorne unsccouut- Doeeu Bright. wbo base bOSn vis- day last atter s vacation o! severul ber grandnliother, Mrs. iiarliett. Miss VauNeit, Wboolbas been vis- al!esl yte ue ohv h ting ber old finde for a few weeks, weeku. Mr.'L dard BewlP5, wc? lu em- itiuig at Mr. Henry McLeau'5,. has re- gau aldof h 5 bs'It bas returued to ber home in Ottuwuan.n rs M odfloo ployed tbythie TrIî-aenilntrudt1e om iMnî would sesm that theo shôo onthe M. ~~ uWitby, spent the week-end1 wtth for a ewMru.s Graute Eddy sud cbild, o! other foot, su Mye ar the sick lst o! late. We. are glad te ses inl vitiîfg Inafw as~ - 1M. iatad one r rensi NrhÇarmn The tman! frisnds of el8, Ail Denver, Col.; are visitiug witb Mr. "fiunkero." Tue Brooklilu eam are ber oui again. Insuedsr. F.NC.th lae on Xond G Mer r elighted te lin lase5and, Mrs. Cîis.' Grass. swr ed u atnsd We W are sorry to report the romovai r .C aii ovso Iua gradtuallY recovering !nom 1or recut Mr.nd. dMrs. George Frahkieli have 1501 sure caui defeai Myrtie et nyfrmmourtuiidst'o! Mn. D. Bla.ck and next for WilliamstWl u. hn ilînesa. -tue deep umpatbv o! the tommiý~~Ytme o pae. C tlu eaoi farnily; Mn. Black was an active hse bas secured the position o! Science Mtg; Fleming, o! UeOWMaflSlc1î, ls In-the o"us1c ibir Infant 00cu, whc should ginger up bis teani, snd bave mme fleSns ShosdMse ndtho 11JgB. cill.n r viiigat Dr. J mes eL did Turdy Auguit 20, -Ag0d them practice what they pream. obu omdtebr o t e n n r.. LMdl u n Menthe an gi.e sme- Tou dofor the interest of the Sunday 'ira l3oyer woeein Terio u on In- 1 Don't fonget Satuir-diy, AugilsI 29, tbneentesdnin9s. Ted MerciniC & Wilsou are openingg heir fuueral was held ou Friday lagt toe'-Scbool or cburch. Mru. Blaek, li bi day attsndiii& -the funersi cf Mn. Mc- r~ewteecrent sTl! sd Cn!OclOf Grveede ems&Y.fees Canniot b. Cured LadIes' Aid, did ber part nbly sud Kay, Dundouuild St., Wo wuas Musici evelug. o rne d onSnayeeig et1 ot s rhey sannot rshtewsll. They will ho mlssod, but ourbrtr'14W o Ms. adlsu durng tee iin.Cfe aloug, lu the Methodisi Cburcb ilb r-wey to cure deefueme, sud that i str. Mscwllb nvdd OnSus vnuguz h u dinedJ?1oufbîr h the, oue teissiawa'sgain. ere wihoMrs. Boyer toys, bis fn isn eiiliIeo on siflsaied c'naditioa o! the muconu iasofi h MssFru Heduo, !Whoyfoyhnug ou grs udtea te vdd y hor opohdomeel ioa rondem Danee aceiei a msccs. etrldhoeonTurayale'a téads f èlo"deitu eso org ais.Euot chign Tube. Wbea this tube leanflemed -mote'svisit witbé relatives luibtis cre m, su t lc b rn as nices cake or M n. and M rs. J ob u M e K ittiick, oo! oulevetIi. bas offered bis uer- A geng m nt le a a o n. W i e c m crean, nd akebom su hutm Ibit leenfrycitoed enn al dtheoOHMajor Dillon -~~~ s ot!cbelisfrhe Sundsy Greenbftuk, visited J. E. sud Mr$. resul, Ad cui» the ialammationeau be taire uicheon. Disney* on Menday. beernag vii W edetroyed forever; aine cae vices te the Gevernment te propane te Claremont eu e day last week te Misa Tua Drew, cf Oshawa, sud out of ten are censedi by catarrh, whicii le noth- BIIiTHS. baeg t a wigbt8 n med condition of the muronis the local negiment for the battlefield. visit frieuds, _arri<iug on the Bob- n.AiLEFY.-On. Monday, Auguit 24, M. W. M. Lawrence spela 0 faces. 1' lb is 50 yeans sinco Major Dllon firsi caygeon express. By some misiako it ay ih redsI LnsY.W iL bSv Oneii sctr unre. Send rsfor Ie etetir etso u h nts eiddt upof.l on Oh at te CN.RDlmon, te w miss Dorethy Vlpoud 15 a two cate -A uPu sema caed by catarnh) that canot enliui5d lun the army. Ho te said te) the train did net stop and Mn. White aI thé C.N.R.-ujiamOilCi, the Hall dsys witb Inond.i&endndsayfree wiil devetone Hnnoffd Iollars for hn o!fJerry Bailey, of! a dacton iruar.buteghhdbstsoti teBrts Mr raJnsreot od . 1 cHENET*& C O.. Tiedo,-O. Empire. was sevenely eut about the face. Tho business being dons In Oliver plows. Mrs. w. IH. Elviosenad Master Sold b Dfugglets, 7.qc frcntDto. Ohw otiue,45twrstanwssopdadtemnt A nuusway delivsry hosse kuecked On SaiurdailaayouugimanPabou Ye ug ld whe ne blteprhaf er a two monthe' trip teManioba 4>10usthelospital Sbip fund.eoute the Genenal Hospital, Toronto. MVessrq. Win. Brash. ne Ashburu, Msu Ih e nh-Wst BASEDeNErWES, down snd seriously burt Mrs. Ma&. 24 yeans e! age appeaned ai the iF aud lien Maunlung, o! Brookliui, have M1sCreBi9,o etot u Mr. Harry Fontuer, o! Toronto, dison Burrougbs. hm f hsýHpis erD& completed su up-to-date Job lu ce- nisitiuig ber faiher, Mr. T'fonhh Biggs. speni Sunday witb Mn. sud- Mru. The manufacturons cf this howu mur station. Ho weuld. net work mntiig cellar floors, etcý,, lu Uiah Te pilio ouethl aiu'tik bave' !urnished the married men whe uer tell whst bis business wus sud - ous'ue rsie fs Thuruday eveulng was meut suceur- Miss Annie Fitiou reburued home joiued tbe celons wlth a Ille insur- wben roquostOd te leavo nefused te V Mn. rhas. Jlotwass lu Feucîbux ging- ho the ladies who had Il lun,-to Guelpb )ou Sabunday. sucs cf $1000 sacb. do se. Constable Heudensen, o! -Fllint 1 dayscharge, the members of the Brookliu, we uridenstand uhal Mn. P. CoSs6e Tbe Oshawa contingent e! lie 34th Claremeut, was sont fer te h ave the Palle aud Bobesvgeon for a [0W d Columbus sud lRinsalo Womîei'e Iu- will retire ibis'Isîl fnom !armiug sud Regt., Who. have euhested for the war man arnesiod. owutknbfn lai wBk.- eside Iu the city. wsre, like uhose lu Wbtby, preseut- Magistrats Wilson chaigsd wiih va- Miss Violet Nioboli, of Port Hope, cd witb $5 esci by the howu. grncy. lie was feuud guilty- sud T salter two weeku' visit with Mn. and The Reformer savu uhat ehouW-d W55 sentenced le a ternim'lu Whtby *Mns. Pebhick, returned homeOnouMOU- 100,000 mn be requlred Irem Cana- gaol. .U iji IM ft ~ UVday. da for lbe wsn, Ihere would be ne On Tueudsy afternoon Thos. Birk- lU t~Mn. Mark Holiday, jr., bas reubed trouble lu gebiing them, judging by oit met witb au oxpeience wicbe *.s. CI.S.f,M. B88GUR . O. mAT 5W r by Mn. Cotcee. The 84th contingent 1db Osbawa iurniug frem Baluam, in his auto, C A DGET.G*iSfl 'UE**~The hssvy nain of! Iss week delay- ou Thuredsy Isat, sud lu spite o! s sud when stsrting up th i bu tatI Do Your Banking By Mal d the barvest, but did s lob of goed. pournug tain, wua ecompsnled ho the Waddll's ideroad, about C^wo' miles If you lîve av ea dtisnce f rom a brsuoh et The Dominion Bank. Mn. Bert GLeenaway sud !nioud, o! station by two bande aud a great saut cf Clanemont, lils auto skldded Deposite msy b.c u.de-casàh withirswn--or as other Bauking Toonto, are viuiing ai the home o! concourneso! people. iuto the ditcb sud turned twice over Business moy b. trasacted by mail, Just a Us stouioiMr. ourex. -*~--belons rsachiug tefne n m made aspec ltrio te town for the PluTpo5s. - M.Js iinl nlesc îi orH i ed aiinketti uutalued painful Injuries te bis WHfTBY B3ýAN0H: A. A. A NOManager.Themasons are putiug up lb.ai, ed Prsinbsck as well us otbor miner bruîmes. -.. OSHAWA A.TNBLACK, efgbth cottage. Work lu progreseiug 'Sage- Dr. Brodiie bappened te come along 1-' tesdlly. sud teck hlm home. Tom may con- IT QICILIY EMOES DNI-gratulahe himeeif ihai ho escapod lv7iM.RIIFF. wiî is life.-News. eORNBINDERS Hawe stood ýIie test-Don't Experiflint- Ask yoar nelighbor-He knows. Brkin JglIAIi JONES Bell sud lImd. Phonos.. Mre. Logan sud daugitens have ne- turued to Meutreal. During the lectrlc stonin ou Thur&- day ulgit Mn. Robt. Duff 's barnansd couhents wsre complstely deshnoyed by line. Mn. Wm. Tarvis, o! Toronto, speut Suudsy ai hie- borne. Mies Doneen Bright bas nêtunned to lie capital af ter s vIil wih !nleudu bone. mWa Mn. Thos. Peanson, o! Claremeut, called on tnieuds bere lasb weok. Mn.. Wlker and Mn. Plunklustou, o! Bellevlle, vlsited tnleuds here lait week. Mn. D. Black has moved te, OsÈ- aws. We regret to loue Mn. sud Mn.. Black frein oun midat. Mn. E. Carr hau moved mIe oMn. Black's bouse. -Oued wlth urlc acid poisons clicula- ing lu thie ead. Auti-Unlo Pilla cure all formas 'o! kiduey trouble. Tiey are se good sud so mure J.E. Wifils guarsutees them. Be sure yen gsi anti-unlo pille. B. V. Marlon on every box. SeId only ai J.E. Willia' drug slors. COLUMBUS. Raraes and Coliar Maker dit hrnehoeee- ç Miese Daisy Wilcoruon, o! Tornute, who is prepared to.do all kinds of repair- lasspendînig ion holidays ai hen home ing. (Iive u s a trial, we guarantee first- Mn. Fred Richardsou lsexspsctsd home fro einotlaud nome, turne na elass workm; ýnship at reasonable prices. we.- Mr. sud Mru. H. Grans tneated s numbor o! thefr fInonde te sa pîculo at Scugog ou Tueuday. BinderTwïneMr. Wrn. Scottillu preparng te In order to dfispose of the balance of cord on hand we0 Qulto a number from bers weui ho quote the followi ig pi ices while the supply lasta: -.mowld utnboyeoffsd lshtom eOr 650 feet ho the pound Per- Pound 14c Cash spoed. Wheu Capt. R.B. Smith wui cer- 60 3/4 " " " " îiiug home from is mobtlizlng dur- 550 - Y tics last Wsdneuday ulghtho badhue 64 i .,- c, d im lsfo rlu e ho be run In lo b y s 05X 5- 500 3/4los autolst wbo badu't sone euough The ualty a garaneed Doflo mis ths cance. O turntu heo wiiide cf lhe rosd. The ualtY s, uarnted. o nt m ssthi chnc . '-LuckilY hhey wene boti going slow- lY, 80 liaI nol mnuch damage wai 0000 PLOWING -doue. -Mn. Wmu. Guy'$ barn- ou the Rlch- A field cýan le well'plowed by an experienced plowman ardson place ,u sImdc by llghtnlug wit.hthe high grade-walking lows we seli. Put your son on the duning a receuh ehorn, but dld not '.CocshuttOnt~o Ftit Sulky" and he can do equally cacnr. ~ Gil a i iIl good work.. Othert popular styles -of plows we stock inci-ude- ruuniug order again. the Kid KangarC Gang -an d the Famous Crown Gang. Mies Edus EIlis, o! Toronto, isnVIS- ltlug ber cousin, Mr,. Arthur Grass. .s uo~w slaW 4 tyi ritM, AND INSPlSOT OUJR SAMPLES Rpev. S.J.W. Tinir preacbed vsry bore lent Suudsy nornIng, The Young people o! le M - odiui SuudaY School are holding a odal F. D LSN EY net Tbureday, uigbt. ONTARIO.M.MRTETAIN WRITgy Mr.sUdMn.. Hamilton, of Brough- WRI ar,.vilie iwlithMr. n.sd Mss.TR. oi and Indepenft Phone&th daudruif, tbiu, .sireay, duli sud nov-UNQETT . er will do up bo look pretty, do uot NQETTO despair. Beauttui hait, tbick, fluffy, Big Musical Number of Exhibition ls luetreus sud abseluhely free frein . Along Original Linos. daudruif la only. a malter cf cars. Grand Stand, performanceseaithe Partalan Sage !requently applied Canadian National Exhibition are a wlll work woudens. Juil ee aPPil- sourcocf uover-flaggiug interesi sud baticuý stops itchig head, neineves amusement bo thousunde o! citizens daudrul! sud ail excessive til. t who enjoy the vsnied programmes goes rigbt ho tbe bain rcohs -sud f ur- ysar .a! ter yean, as well. as b he niees be oursbxeutueeed-hemany outsiders te whem ibey coinsi bain becomes sofi, fiuffy, abundint, au a distinct novelty. Ameng the sud adiat wih1le. strchonu h ttoisaw smu Parlulsu Sage not ouly saves te hieetbsssi all.y neciesud liiimnt bainbutstimlais 1hte row eugyear lu promises tb be excepiionslly sud ieavy. Get s50 cent bottenle reiig. Ten bands, comprislng frein A. H. Allin at ence. Thons le four hundred musicians, will develop no other "Juil -s-good." the themeofe peace botweeu Canada sud ths United -States aloug original WMTEVAIE. linos. Thsy wlll represent the four Mn. Clarko iook bbe services lu the natioualities -- Amenicun, French, Baptist Churci bero sud ah Green British sud Canadian, sud witb bbe River ou Sunday. Mauy o! the hean- wuvs o! putnietismtu al bas swept ors enpnsed them Mlgb appreclation oven tbc country, bbe scene c cf hie sermons, especislly Rev. B.A. depeuded upon le creaansulmon- Flsber, pambor o! these chunches. phorsoe!funlivalled eutbusiaum Af- Tbee wll e achage f tachrs er a short programme by thoe iss- Ther wil be a c au~ e o! eac e d ba uds, foll ow ing the m atch ln o heres a unuar. Sciolaru ougbt te o ie acmaiet 0 egiuua proficieut. A 1-dy receutly said that arthe a lpigbts ofui. Thontaui- ber suglft 12yesm od, airsuthed Sgts gs ut ipes apeil- Piuerd'under 812tesore n ld ake aionaedSeuad Sto rasdapelue hakea charger 8cfes grsdr.sCloiarkesu oe nI onf.Jhck. Thé ad aplth advsnce salsry, sud Miss Tice le io C"Peace, Perfect Pesos," and a buge isaecharge ah Whitevale. Go l 0~ - Colihi lia Grafon . [RlOlftIl The, Patricia is a compleke self contained Grafon- o,ad is deserving of a greatdelfaenLo as it is the firut fully eabinetted instrument, selling ai a price below îhree figures, and is bouaîd 10 ap- peal to the man of moderate means. The Cabinet is Mahogany, and the Motor is non- varying non-vibratiflg, with ail exposed metal parts heavily nickel plated, and plays three Records with one winding. A demonstration of the reproduciflg qualities of this instrument'gladly given ai any time.- The LtetRecords Now lu Stock - R -.-L aw r ef,.e-, Brocokl, - - nt* A NEW 'TERM saved, Its-poiicy hoiders $00,000Ol, its opens, Sept.,î ît in tic popular firet tep yeýars o! -'6usiness by selliiig them, without-profits policies, and hiving ail premniums paid direct to bhead office witbout commissions. Prsmîums - col-. - lected wexe $389,o00, instead (i! $489,- .Tono ..t.... nt. cee. Fcu te n - ôother Cauàdian.- com - panieis re-ceived $I8,:499,695 lu- their This Scbool enjoys a great reputation tor j finit tes eri' mainly for with-profits. -gving flret-ciseeistruction In Butd .e- e nesand Sharthandsabjecto- It lu no poliici, aud paid iu p'rofits' to -Ipoli, lwonder our gradlusten readily get gond hodr1 9,5.Thi obnda- ponition».Tf1lmsl the college for y.u to h les $ r5 o h i o bnd a - attend. Jo 0day, sot to aiorrow. cumulated surplus over obarciolderi' i e for our catsîogue. contributions wvae $79,707 at't icsund of -their firit ton years. Whici books b#e.t- Cor. Ycage sna 'W. J. eîtîcît. te you ? Charles Bts. ~ Priacipa 'Irhe Equity Lite j, the total abstaifi- crs Company; If interested. write for further particulars. The nasa who studicesbie own interute wii patonzeTh IIuyLAssurance oma- ftpîenabbcS renth t i Assurance 0o.IPB5- - L.W. DUDLIBY9. fM. SIJfliRLA*D, Aet ProesMent,. ees aae Maxiamm e4efitWtb.Ot Minimum Net Cost -or raies and f ull information apply to Myrtle e. Torcuto,,Mgn. [hom Mutuai Lite 08uf:NeYr WC wish' to açquuiut tbe people of Wbitby sud 'surrounding country witl-. the fact that we have opeued umpsa first- dlais lauudry oun1Brocle St., Wbitby, ilu Heurte Brou.' old store. 1 We are prepaned te do al lunds of iauudry work. Famnily ordens givenb special attention. Ail work, guaateed. Parcels called fer sud delivered. Chartes War - Whitbyv On-t, Have Vou any Property For Sale P- your listing form. .................. ........................... ......... ........................... ........... ............ . creator CanadaIm ovit& LUdi Ode ON& ICHADSON SALES RICHRS HAR ARSSONMANAGERSý Bell .phono 193. WHUTBlV, ONTARIO Imd. phes70. -Farms, For Sale Upwards of foirty farme from 25 acres up, and at from i, $35 an acre, gparauesd o show- s«isfaclcy resulte from.,- investmeut, lecated lxx Whitby and Pickering Townshipe.4 Eyery couceivable requirement of soil,' buildings, onchard and other improvemeuts can b. met lu the varied list oflered. 4 NN9 NiHIT DV 109. - P. 0. Box 394 ,esidence, DuxidasS. West; vol. 52.-. ,ANITOBÂ;ALEERVJTA SASEKA1THEWAi< Tmedav usd1 Ocobm SlVt. bc"M aipM sud koturf-i e miouton land Retif - 43.00 ro Toroûo, mmd 8SifflW~ i M £b-o f Teme. goediae : ~rr~re~LoCAW MURPHY.d IExclusive ter'riiory. - HigÉlest commn Write Ic STONEF & WE -FonthillN, TORONTO, -OFCA] LNÀDÂ petato bugsu li'hon The-only Safe ýav poison. - Worth its coCO',2 Doos net injure ibu 1Jb. u I DruggÏst and MEDIÇAt. INO. E. FAREWE Barrister, County Crown County Souici *Office south wing; Court A. _E. CuRES Berri eter. Solicitor. Noti Office, Brock St., Opp; -Mouey te Lo Mouey te Loan on1 e Office immodiately Sout - Whîby, O - G. VOIJI"GSMITI ~- lsSuer of * MARRIAGE LTC r7 Court Heuse, W-hitby, D. A# jeSWA Ba~-rnister-, Solicitor, N BaConvoyancor,e Oshawa, - Office-No. 2 Kinug St. E Residence-52 D Phones-Oifice, 321; Rg Marýriage Li cessûr tr L. sud dates appJly to 5ý-1f1 LICENSED 'rCi ANEÏ VALUAI Aikinds of sales pro~ - ai le. ArrangemenitsI be made. at tic Gazette- -Tfer=a reasonable. Bell and Indepeudeni - WH-ITBY, ONi 4Bus and, Dray I You c&nnot do botter than attend tii. SIttlnp et Oouijlg Donne *RITI8H AMUIGAN ÇOLLEOE OOUNTY 0O TRO 1. WHITBYNiu E.L. EsodoflEil, Clerk, WIMhby- Jan. 18, Pib.- I, Ma.t.4, Apnil 8, May 4, June 8, .july S. sept. 8, Oct. , o. 1. , DM o,Jam. , illosI.. dasrk-Jai. 14j lob. 4, Mat. S, APL. do My e, Jime4, -July 'à, Sept. 4, O OV. 8 v , Dec. 8, j»a. , 1918 2. BROUGRkMMX. QbMMil, Guuwm woM, clork-JU8- le, Esu-, ,MaÃŽ il, lo1s. 8. PORIT FERRJY- IJ. W. Bunnbam Clenl- Jiq ,Ma. 1, UMay Y. July S, sept. S, Nov . ,J"8. il, 4. - UXBRIDGP.-- R. J. Mosse, lji- bridge, Clerk- Jma 10, Mai. 14t May 13, July 14, Sept. St Nov. 80, Jan. le, 1ois. 5. CANNINGTON-hM IL FOulai, Cauig er.k-JUil,9,EUn. 18, May 14, July fi 8Sept. * >IiOV. 19, Jan. 15, 1919.- 4. BEAVERTON-hS8. A. Palt-ý mn, Besv.510o, Clork-49JSD..S nu. il, mai 1e, July ls ot 5 Nov. 18, Jan. lit 1sus. - 7. MIPT BGRtovE -DabmitKOad goy ^1lotJUIYlit 9, epi. , Mev.ý; li, 38J a1, 1e1s. Ev l J, . . E. tÂEEWDfLo; due t mepouo. » mDaiaqurt me 04, lis. 18 Yonge and XMl Sts., Torom4etO. for a Boni- néon or Sbortband (jouruo. - rl Terni lia0 Io oe. W* aak ou to wrltýe for particulars. 'i I I MONUMENTS of alD09Ig8Sftd latofll OPt IB Stoot Do.* a liaiby mmli. Ws bt le PUt eUuý, wblok yoo wllc he AColi encitad. -AUTOMOBILE PC Rige btf alltki DAY dNIG :Bell- phoueà- 39,1 Stables auid O WeS Farms an real est 4Q9- ,Lumsdesi !pluIivmO Ur UNI AI TORONTO - i ImprtntAnnouncomsent We are-able to ann6unce that we have engaged a' first-.class mi -. 1 qL loèsnv :---15- -- .. -- - Ont ario. RE

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