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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 10 Sep 1914, p. 3

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1 Sl. 88IY - 5$iz & d he vily 1 I g ns nrtroope are 4il u pcains&rournd Lemberg aver Yloads encumbered wýfh Parks of Gallii), in Austria- ci axtilleiy and convoya loaded with & about ten or twelve MileSIprovisioua o! vaicus ina town. 'The Rusalan tr.o,(Psr "Te otl9unbe o< 1 ap ,a-ed toiwaid the principal; ture b îV RuÏiin rudLm bergaott o1V -a bwbtie on ,Tu sday, S e ato 150.",ý as fiereely contestcd, the An eare nmbeofficiai anncuw a, were-obliged Vo retretgave the:nu ice' cfAruin dLea , abandou.ing heavy , ad nti the previou ihii rudLm na, parka of artilIery, aud bemg,,wiicwene buricti on the bat- kle~ tlefield by te Russiane, as 14,800. advaence guard and cavalry' Thé commander of the Austrian the snemy, ieho suffeneti division, the commandero! a bri- sB bsselu- killeti, wounded gade, andth ie Chief o! Stsff of te mners, division were'amongthe killled, andi AusVriam army operatiug in 4,000 prisoners were taken. ghborhccod o! Lemuberg was* Three Russian Generale, Samn- !d of the 'third, eleventli and soniv, Martos and Pestitch, are e- corps andi part of the sev-, ported rt be am~ong thie killeti at ad fcurteenbh corps. TIhis_ LemTberg. HROT AERIÂL BA.rTLE. (lermaft Acropianes Emgaged by 'Frcnch Over Paris. A deapatcl f nom Parie avay: A f6hin.it air am ven Paris took - place ou Tirursday svening. Titres- Gemman aerc>paues liovemeti aven te capital; ant immnediateiy two Frencht machines vers sent up Vo engage tlhemi. Meanwhile machins guns inounteti on public'builIdings \ aq4 rifles kept up a eoustat)t fins. 'Bv tis:means ans o! Vhs German machines becarme- sepamateti front hs -others, andt hs Frencht avia tare fiew swiit-ly lu its direct-ion. Tire Germaurs openeti fine, to wliich tihe Frenchmn - repliet istrnuuasy. Tite engagement sesieedt-o turu Vo te tisativautage o!fte Germana, w-ito mountetiap'eM-dly Vo a higiter level, anti, holding tins position, vas saveti frein luntier attack. Re flually disappeanetinl a noTtirveat direct-ian aven Font- Romainaville, eftem a valu punsulit. The ct-hem German senoplano aida escapédth ie fine c i te gune, and'after cincling about, for a corsid ealle tinte, dis- ,appeaneil f nom Aiew. PRINCE VO'N BUELOW KILfED.ý WATCII NEW YOR HARBOR. Britisht Cruiser Remains Xcar-Pas* seuger Steamners SaIli, f A desapatcir frein New York says: Thre hawk-like watch viticit British t cruisers bave maintaineti on Newy York ,barbon vas continueti ou WedneBday. Every veaa e teriag1 port within the pa.st 48 houris has1 sighttedt Vie 1cw-'yiug, grey figure cfi eune o!fteBritishi cruisers. Theti .White Star Huer Oaymmpe saileti Wednesday moruiug bcund for IÀv-, erpool, and the Amerloan huer Stý Paul and thie Red Star bier Vader-. band -were due Vo said baer lunte day. Thte Olymnpie anti Sb. Paul booketi le-satitan 300> pasesugeris be- Vveen them; te Vatierbanti b.d noe.Tire latter had besuen pr since te var began. 5h. vas te, have sailedti irees veeksao itit Belgisun eserviets, but the. rae- vias apiprsttly were elo* in 75- sponding ýo the~ cali. Site wQ>-tïow go to Liverpomol inat-satiof Autwerp, tibring back Aercan re!fugees. AUSTRIANS DEFEATED. Thcy Met lVlth Serloons Disaster ln SBosais Invasion. 1s, Exî,iiiin Ma Whu cenby A deepatcit mcm Niait, Servis, ivitsExiiiiiiiii Sold W eser. aays: Au official ste-tentent-, issusti Wounided Beigian Slif on Wetinesday, gives nev sud fuller lu a tiespait-it frointAmsatendam tistails o!fte battis of Jedar. Tite te 1oc"I correspondent o!fte Cen- Austrian force, IV eaya, vas coin- trai Neya at bondon raye that teposeti of 200,000 mi nsusd ielti a fa- abat wl-jet- ultimately reaulîtot in vorable position. By ita retreat 1V Vire deatir o! Prince von Bue-iow, admîtteti deleat. Tire Austni ans oue of te German generals, vas left- on tl'* fieldi o! battls 10,000 fred by a BeIgian private narnet deadiand monsetihan 2,000 voundeti. Rossieau, vite has since been de-cor- "Altogetirer," continues te etate- ated by Kinug Albert- for iris couduoit ment, "40,000 of te enemy vers iu he, baVVle o! Haelen. Rosse-au placeti hors de compbat. We bave was Iyiug badly wounded among. a sent ta te interior more t-han 4,000 group of de-ad caimades viten he inu vioin e took pisoners, anti Sav a Gerian officer standing be- have captunet 60 guns, mucit sm- side hie- herse anti studying -a map. munition, te matenial for tire Picking up a rifle f rom t-ire sitie el construction o! a (00-met-ne bridge a tiead soltier Rossean fired at titis anti a train. Tire battIs vas o! officen anti voundet i hm. 11e ub- great importance îbecause -it vas de- sequeutly provèdti te e Prince von isive. Tire euemiy netreatedti o Buelcv. Exchangînrg-bis hat for Santzeic" tire Gemutan genberl'a irelime-t-, antid tasking'-tire, general's herse, -Rcae&u -CARLOAD 0F HOUSES GIVEN. madieiis vay Vo te Belgian bines anti vas placet inl hospital 8,t Animnais Worth $7,M0 for Mfiers Girent. Front Vancouver. 1 A despalVeitf rom Ottawasasyg: A (L1MNSTEAMER tiCII canloaiof o! rses, tire gift cf fifteen prominent citizens iu Vancouver, lu lironî>rllz Wilhetn lm a Prize la on tire way Vo tire vamp at Vaîcar- Bermuda. tien. The b-orsea are valueti af ý7,uu-n -ne...11Wl" Vi&,i7.p'L% . f A despat-ciýrini New York "s.e Sir Colrtenay Bennett, Brit-isht Consaui-Geu5raîlunthis city, an- nouneti on Weduesday afternooni that he irati been informed by a- trustworthy frien-it-bat te Nantir German Lloydi steémesr Kronprnfz Wilhelm hati been ciiPtuned iu nearby waters b,> the Britisir flot- illa o! cruisers anti ta-ken, a var pize' te Bermuda. fRis informa- -,tien, he saItitati not hecîtcou- frinte-il, but ire t-irughtit to b ,ie truc. Tire Kronprnz Wiibelin sali- flect fr-ar New- Yvrk vwit-h dorkened lirts anti all tuie coul sire couit geV abont, -ountenightaof.ugoat 3, a day or sa before the decianatioli o! war bet-vesu Germany anti Great «iitain., Ste has noV yet been re- _; ufd as rrivinoe at any port., sers' chargera. H. H. Stevens, M. P., irr amnig tire donors. tUINK BY A i. Veosel Engaged la -erellî lmun1 -Six Lit-es 1'08. A t-sýpatoirfroin bondon .,ays, The steant drifter Eyrie, sugaget in mine sweeplflg operations lunttie North Se-a, struck -a mine on We- nezday moring a-ad vent Vo tire bot-tomn in t-hree mrinutes. Six memn bers o! thre crsew are missi-ag; fivr w<ore >irved. A NAIMIOWV ESCAPE - ~ ~ I F01 MG wRI ---*A teptif iL-int.on raya BORtDEAVX TuIE 'NEW CAPITAL King Aibcrt camo utrui an a-re e dea-h rluring a 'o)rtie on Mainc' )1es,,4.îge Vo Citizeuis- Ismitcl hY tlii' He w a-- dirr>ctîrîg p- a-t'eus frot Frencit Miistry. iris niotor car m -r ,na 'heil burr Sten yar-ds away, bl-wýiyig off thes t--a A tespateit fn'om Parie isys: The vieicis r t thecar. seat o! Vire Frencir Govemurent, iV- is announceti, will be tranfyferreti brnmPari-s Vo Bordeaux- Thte Ccv- SCENL C ennuent lesueti at mitnight Thons-,. day, thnougb pire Minirctry of -ther- Iitenicür, a proclaiatl» r)tbinging , titis t-o tire kuowietge o! tble people of,*-Parisa antigivingthein reusonsf for Vhs change. Tihéeà.rgniflcatit fea- ture of tire proclamation la that paris is soon t<be<c>me apivut in . te nanýQeiivi!-s betw--n tIhe alled srmiesava-ad Vie% Germa-n. For tliis re-sen tirse oveninlt na tural caunt rt emfalu hors. LIC4IfNOWSKY IN DISORAC.E. - Geîtîîl mbasttOnoi aiee Bard Books. À despaeit from iRoete&&Ys: -»erlin tiespatoi ah s that Prine Lielinowsk3ý, ex.Aiba*sadon te u'nddOp, -le iudiagrace -iehtâhV ma5TnflF.tipeoen! ecause lie ne- tewVd tiat J3itait oiinVg ti an andt tat tie Irithehtri> e4zay weuld prevýelt te tnity -o! LÎATTL!IH ýÇ4qf sud prie d"The - the neig coruposed twelfth, -50-Vit ai: i i VIcv of the - hrbaor at, th icJapaJissO fieet. 'anadians ierveil LoyalIy la thie J1~ .lU L ludian Mutlny.. Froin the Brooklyn (N.Y.) Eagle AdsacifenLuo ss is taken the following nesume -o! Thesathes ei n 'Lodon cesalbd Janada's activity lu defence o!ofteTnwaine olu it&he fighfs ig lut Empire since t.he days ai the Ae' France last week were M'atie public 1 can rcvolutian: an Wednesday niglit. The file t con- r While this le the firet time that tains thte nameneso!- men familiar N Canada has-been engageti in inter- t-hroughout te United Kiugdom r national stnife eince becaming a na- bath through -their mili-tary prow- E tion, it le by no means the first time eas andi their- social nstanding. Vin- j shc has taken up arme lu behailf of tually ail tfl rack regiments arec the inother country. In fact, until afiecteil. the Boer War. Canada waê the ûnby Amng the killeti are Robent t part o! the Empire outaide the Brit- Cornwallis Maude, slcth Viscount i lih taies which hati t figlit for the -Hawartien, a lieutenant in the eiieh flag against -foreigu attack. Coldstreain Guards, and Major In inoat cases Canada hati uothiug Victor Regiuald- Bro<yke, military Vo do with te war except ta fight eecretarv ouf the Vicecy of India. in iV. KILLED--36 offic-ms and 127 During the Aneienlan Revobution. men Canada wvas attazked oniy because WIOUNDED-57 officers-and 629 1V istili kepV the Britiash flag flying, men. althaugh tVhs Americans had no di- MISSING-05 officens anti 4,183 rect quarre1 with Canada itsel!. men. ~Duringte War o! 1812, witen Vhs Amôug te officers xnissing are brunt of Vhe conflict came upon the Lieut.-'Col. A. W. Albercrombie, of Cenadian bardera%.-the quarre1 was Vhs Connaught R.angers; Lieut. - enUirelyof British znakiug, anti On- Col. D. C0. Boger, of tteC hesihire ada ilat te etînâ abus, with oiyly Regiment; Col. C. F. Stevens, o! a bandful of British soldiers te aid. the Royal Artilleny; sud Col. H. M. At ýhe timuso-,ofthe Crimesu. W-ai Thompson, o! the medical corps. t"eomeonie filsd with patrtsiâm, but aob kno-wing mucit about the couD-. 2'OY ry" -of!ered tVo raie.a fore of;aboutOI~ ft1~ E t12,000aneb. Canada at that intme hai no -population viticit coubd stand such. a drain.' Neverteless, thons was naiset inl Nova Scetia a ISITS OF NEWS FR0 IlTEI body of- rocruits knowu as -te MARITIMIE PROVINCE'S. foreigu legion." This was doue, it appeans, by cugaging mi nsu uths Unitedi StatueVo work as navvies ountm fItrctFenPne -thbe governinent railway titen about o neetFo'Pnc to he constmucteti by Nova Scotia Lappcd by Wavcs of the bef are cou! eteration wais accom- taie pliàhed.. The men 3vere ýbrouglit' Vo tate Ralifax, where Vhey were cou!rartt- There were no deatinluFredenia- ed with the alternative o! enlist, ton for a penioti of tweuty-oue days. ment or starvatiou.-Some ' witrh su!- It is expecteti thit,000 men wil floient meane, 'reachedti hs Unitedi@aal from Hfalifax ta work on te States,- anti at-ers reniained inl Hudson Bay terminala. Halifax V-o make their way. About William Bulmer, an eighty-yeam- seven an eight'hundreti, however, tildTiesîiet of Monet-on. feU tiovn vene actuslly enlisteti. After tey stairs ant i boke bis coîlar boue. tati beèn put thraugh a certain Tite district of Baisedale, Caps amount of driliing, thcy vene trans- Breton, tas becu placed under pontet Vo Englandi andl became part quarautine as a result of dipit- cof te Britisal ny. . tlheria. The raising o! a Canadia511 egi-, Donald -Martin, 75 yeas s ad,'one 1ment at ths Vume of ths Sepoy R e- o f b ire -beet kuovit residénts o! the îbellion lu Indiawm. a more credit- county, vas killeti by a, ceai train able affair. Iunte begnniug o! lu front o! hie ôwun gaVe at Domin- Manoir 1858, Great Britain femmably ion, N. S. Adecided Vo accept a Canadian regi- n meut. A corps vas pnomptly ne- Dr. -and Mrs. Camipbell have giv- cruitet, anti entereti upon te Brit- en $130,000 Vo Dalhousie University 5isht anmy ruila, -as Vhs One Hun- Vo provide a .)untiation for a chair drstith Regimnut, or th- "rince a! of anatomy as a memorial Vo'-tiicir ales Roa&aai' emet on, the laVe Dr. D. G. J. Camp- Laten, in 1881, it wais lneiwitt bell. a-i el. Qe udF.t aniNntb~ W. Sumner le Vhe large-st tax- su ad becanie part of a battalion of payer lu Moncton, coutnibuting Vo Ithe Leinster Regimeut. - the city funds $3,190; L. H. Hig- Recruiting for this regiment was gins 'aithlt$1,925 contes second, anti 1auctively carrieti on lu Ontanio anti the Rioyal Bank, with a ax o! si,- .Quebec, beginning iu March, andi 573, i5 hi before the sud cof Junella corps of' Mns. William Dagley. iter daugh- 1,2-0(Vnen was on its way ta Eug- ter, and Mrs. Teal, perishecl ln the landi. The first un1forms. voeu vere lake ten mileâ from l3nidgewater, old-fashioneti costumes that ha N.S. Each vent, Vo the rescue of te pbeen in strage since the War <,.f other in succession, andi ail were lI12 in C(anýada. Regulation uni drawneti. forms e e handeti out on;the etiber E.LIB. Fairbanks, manager of thÉ rd*-;de, andi on Janu.any 10. '1859,tce.CampbelUto11tN.B:, brancit of tbc P 1rince 4_)f ales, aftenward King F4-. Canadian Bank of Commerce, va, le ward VIL., pres§en-ted thbe firet col- btnicken with iteant failiure virilu e ors, as the firet officiai net cf bisfiininteinanidc roVl 'life. These col-ors are nov lu the after. - Lravof Parliarnentin Ottawa. -The Fredericton* Police Depart re In more necent tite's Vhs Canail- ment summoueti a well-kuavu coin lans ent, n special corps of voya- mer1an, it epee, t War-'.7-caste. Lîsdit to IIand the officers is high, a, mute tribute totheir-heroism I. 1 ac.arefully cx- plained that this is only a partial report and ta it does not deal with theï recent ûighting, The ce- norn cornes Liom Genéral French. Speaking generîalIy. a cavalry rbri- gade contains 300 mnen while "Ithree- divisions less one lifantr,, bri- gade" would be 41,000 men-& to- tai of 41,800. The basë was accord- ingly îbout 12 per cent. At Pas.r- de'berg the British lIcs was a per cent. Further reports of Biitish casual1 ties are expected -with littie delay. As regards the men, as disting- Lished from, officers, it is known ihat a considerable prDp»rtiofl of the niisaing were wounded men, who had been sent down oontry, and of îhom particulars Were not avali1- able at headquarterî. In the nus'sîg are included those ,%Io have flot been aocounted for, and the 11eV of mïssing may comn- prise prisoners, not wounded and stragglers as well as casualties. ,sl-ad ,te - h oi6ter- aï 1aje Or. -o bav ben rceied bytire Nva cotiaS lanti CeaIConpsny it New Glasgow. .Robent Poll, o! Amierst, N.S., was smoking tnt beti wheu soins reti- bot ashes felb1 upon a celluboiti col- Ian ire vas vearing, anti st it ablaze. Hie eeck vas veny badly bumneti antihe was unabbe Vo apsak for soins tinte. Char'les B. Wright, of!-St. Johin, vas badly bunned at Shtetiac v-hile riug ta ligirt an acetylene gas ligirt on te aide o! an autompobile. He was lookiug fan an aperture in Vire tank witit a ligitteti match viten thbe gas euddeuly explodeti. WhaV la pnc6balily tire largest lob- aVen even c-arglhin luSt. George'.- Bay, N.B., wa-s taken lasV week çff Antigonisit Harbor. It weighed thint-esu pounda anti measuned tvo feet t-en luches frein ip Vu ip. Que o! te clave lin ucitlanger titan tire ontinsry lange bobsten. A double teain o! horses, tiravi'îg a boati o! lee at Nev Glasgov, N.rS., vont .tunibling k.eadjong dcvi te river bank belov tbélParker Houtes. viten Vthe wagon came toe near tè brink. Atter te hanses hati been releasoti froniteir twisteti harneen at te foot o!fte tank, iV was cis- coveredthtitUey had mianvellou-sly , scaped inijury, no boues being 1broken. Al ternt'ha vaggou hati 1been repaire t ihe res vers able tu drav t-hein boad lhotus. FOOD FACTS -ll4V t.hree o'clcck in Vhý i» fiv, or six bombat were drapp" MNE,77,NDS A ATTLJ This la the ,i1 éndid- warahlp that New Zealand- pr ese.it'?d otah<e j3rtsh Adrniralty. She went on 'a tour of tbe worGid ast year, lmi. the coul*5 Sfwhich she visited Esqulmait, B.C., whers tlia picture waa talÏen.. $ho mries elght great 12-inch. gunz.. SCENES UN ENGLIN D. now r favorite meort. -fur the. -41- - lagera, They know that if ariy b4g Rural Districts Deeply Stirred In event bas occurred the neighbodrifg tbe «Anxtos ,4Days. ruai'ket tôwii wil g@ive 8' famA.rly "tip" to tha postmie-tresaven the A Lo»ndon paper, just corne Vo re, and t.h"u ep t-minc handrthus graphicaLly describesWl'keptmlac- England'a tirncf>£anxioue waiting: atwheynscu-ieý While Londcn waýited for news, in S may f the churchee there waa re-1 JIAN LIÂNDS TROOPS. pe A 4-1tu-+ raa.f yr-qvr' -hich is O Etennal Lorildc - Be please tte neeive lut-o Thy Ahuighby ant icmat gracions protection'te pens onso!Thy servants andt treFleet lu which, tre5- serve. Preserve Vhem fmn t-ie dangers o! the sea andtihie viole-ne o! ite euepy, that tey inay -bo a saf-eguarti unto -our niait'graclous Sovemeigu Lord King Ge-orge-and bis Douinn and a s.ecurity for audit -àspasa on the isean upont their lawfui Apromincent 0QeOrgia physician Vîlagei lS M rItnca vent- tirnolgira foodi expenieuce there wa-s the same, tiei h-s niakes publilc. Pectatien-. Ev-erywl "It was My own experience that vde w,,it-ine for thi finiît led me t-a advocate Grape-Nu»ts Vire naval batis 'in fl foot anti I aiea know, front iavixîg "On the gre-en ci prescnibed t It V onvl e-ia-td hrt-niglit," w rites athem weak patients, that thre foo~d vit-ueset a Stmange te a wontenful re-builder andi -e- Vire villagens, Whire stoerenc f nerve andi bran ia-u , as miles into tirs near weU as miuscle. It improves tire eve-uing parper, liard digestion, anti ick patierts gain A -chain aà broughl, very rapidy, just an I dit i-H tage, anti pencitet stnengtit anti weight. t-be nevis o! the uit "I as in ucit a ow state that 1 many by tie ight hadc o give up ny ok enrtirly, 1&ip. It eenedt andl en tohs mountainé of thiste villa9e wvs-s'cl' aVte, but wo mont-s thoms cui n-t isteig -o ths new improve me; in ac,V, was noV quit-s ie hail oue tie ss as wel et vien I et-home.- eve-fngspast."9 " My foot- iltnoV stitain me, anti TIe-village post iVbecnawm plain that I iut change. sesses a telegapi Then I began Vo use Grape-Nute - - foot-, antiinu Vwo weeks I coui walk a m ivitihout fatigue, ant in i-n1v- pracýtice, takcing up bard vork 1î againI. - Since titat inie I -have fs-t aa well ant-i rtro-ugas I ever dit in ny Hife. A ' de.îaptch frein1 "As a prysiciaru w-to. seeks Vo help German casti5lty i a-il suffertns, I conrider it a tuty Vo reaciret hene are a mI tua e-sse f sots ppbjiec." Nants are publisheti unti given by, Ça'a. n -Poritum Ce., ~~.Gmalg iWndsor, OùtV -_ -o ej.eragl --Trial 10 des of, Grape-NuVa, viren ocet4pv six full pag egsr Loctiab", inOV t e-m te sus- ReicUS AuzelgéT. t.airn Viebdwok dn.been madteVo los 'Ttresa Ra.n"detaila o! the ia Look in pkgs, fur ths fanioUs befallen thte Germ lî.tVie- book, 'lite -Roa t teWehIj- o o tton v~rlle."monn morteti ille tver r»sd the, rbivO er-A now n ns ctnumnber enomino OpItr rom rmqte time. -Tétye gnulo, truAc nisflultof huma. Introo. aà voundet. Tr&4veoisfrein B Feniiiisé~oouoy. - that hal!l Iitity 6 c.la you rmwife - very eonontical lu bla k.-: A co r *thé o o"amuonrg the mon "'OIt-,yosu, vemy. WUy, nMy v, Borniitrd von B' -cau tice an olti, worn out $10 Ïat Imperfal Cthaucol apni$15 on I, sudm se i-'ook thon, Gen. von B - anos sgeias nev. d-urng Vhs siege c 0 A teuspatehir«nm Pekin, C-in, says: Japaýn bas. lantiet betwee-n. 10,000 anti 15,000 rocps front cigh- een transports *bt Luug-Kow, a nevly-opeuet port'about 100 -nile uort-b c! Tsing-Tau. This la de- cl&redti o have ben doue in viola- tion df Chiina',E u-eubralIt,'. The German Legat-i-on iras pnQoteste-d- to. tirs Feigu Office against an iu- friugenrent o! Chiua's ueutral'ity by Japan. The protest folk>wed- Vhs ia-uding cuf a Japa-nese dîvision at the newly-opened Chine-se port of Lung-Kow, t10à miles nortli of Io vcast townse A de&patoli from Washiugton tense air of ex- says: Chinese ofie"Iai&bve cafecle ,ere the people the at'tention of Ameroan Constilar îoe firbt uews of offircers aL Chee-Fooý to the banding the Noerth Se&. of aeveral thouu.nd troops by, Ja- E&littIe, village rpan on Chinese tenrito?y at, Lung- Snot.ohist, "I lCow, near Tuang-Raien. This, e scene. One -of Chirieso officia1ýs daim, is a disýtinot had cycled sjix violation o!f neuitr&iity. st itown for anl4 àjust returned. ýout from a cot- CIA U1E GRAH1AME-WII1TrE on, this he read AD.11IL OF TÉE-AIR - tâmatuin to Ger- A ep&th .£o L nd ot!0- liibicycle AdPp.chfcmLode ayat to me thaît half Claude Graharne-Whtte, 'the n<>ted lu*tered- round, aviâtèn, hart been appointed, a temn1 Ws. He told me porary flight <,Snander in the Bri- same for savernI tish navy. Richard T. GaVeps, ~b recently- resigned f ro'm the éRoyal office, if it pos. Aeno Club, has beert appc>inted, a. ,h instrument, j,, temporary ffight lieutenýant. ig German Casualilies' the H.ague 53Y-9' thle Princess are stopping at the lista which have Hotel Adîcu. rpalg They The great inillinery and- dtese- 5ppaling. making, establishments in the Ger- ler tihe auth'Ority man capital Are now wholly given enerai. staff and over to tihe manufacture and sale ;e.s lu t;he official i ai iu'rnîng. They are inaike<1 &R !'attemjt bas '"y bY Weeping ivoiren and- childz; a vrteterrible ren, and queues aofinournera are over~i Vh ufront, every OeeCMadin »Ombre mters, wyhich' have -sihades. aan aroee. There The ahadow c>f the calamitous the. fact that teV 1 hsbseiso e hentie city. Prin-. idte, admain ees von Lippe, at the Hotel Cum-. ,,ouay those liaebrland, ,eceived a tele&tÏM ý et ' ,*iner eue eveuing informiu bMhe Berlin jpjoriii UIO that her- bwo sons had Iafle-z -& already lu draped Liege. Forgetting ehe wu",açIprin )UspicuOUs 11gttre ces?djn -,a public, dining-room, ahiâ iers lis Prince sybfbd aloud.- Only one 1a ïe, < hz'elow, Lazruerby ed hez' lipis, '1Oead1" Ltr 1r.. iiibose bro- Rrinces.:was inforin.4 ithut lert LleboW9w, skillb4 y'ourger brothers inad belnkjj of Liege. He and at Obarleroi. - i El o Li -s e e '. mw ffliat an M.D. Learnedi Throughout the c *11. ... -0- au in MA iiiiiv c4ivereu vy iyicwuiajiuc-

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