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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 10 Sep 1914, p. 4

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-tu Whtby in bal the lm t t tajketo cover the 5811e iPUf using 4the rallwaysbut tlb.Pl of f actore Iocated Juere eau Ively utilize these methodi of lWmar 'Courage Ne . at -lg"mp. furnish eectrieity for ight and power "at cost" to- thh- inhabitç,nts of -the municipaîity. Owing to- reductions ini the-price of moters, and to the-gencral incroase in business, il has been found possible to lower th. cost of light to the consumer 4y eliminating meter rente after they have been paid three ycars. GET YOURIIOUSE WIRED and heIp us to redut,. tue rate still further, and strike ab'low at "the- high cosL o! living" by using eleeticity inthe home. GEO. W. P. E-VERY, Supt. ---- - MAAAAAw A à à a I P NO -WARPRICEIS We. are Selling our Good ýPURE SPICES -at the Same Low Prics. -Try our Goods for Success. JnÇ.E.WATERHOUI WEIITBY. phone 11. ipt Delivery. losa two sons and two daughters - the Misses Mary and Fanny ai home, Mayor J.E., o! Whltby, and Jack, of Toronto. The funeval wilil tire place on Frlday ti3 Union cemetevy. Mn. Fred Ciearwater, or Huntsville, la visjting bis aunts, Mns. M. L.. jennangs and.Mrs. John Ard. ABUNDANCE 0F APPLES. The apple crop of 191*, willI go on record as one o! abundance.- The Dominion o! Canada and lie United States haVe tuis year pnoduced en- ormousiy. Tii. great trouble in tht there is very little demnand for aW- pies. Tii. uncertaintîes og.iii. wax have completely dlslocaled th1e apple nmaret. , Ocean freght rates have advanced 50 per cent., whlch, couPled witb tie facItinht shippers wôuld probably want 40 proteot cangooe wth war insurance, will make 'the cost o! apples laid down on tie Emg- lsi market soigi that they .wtll be a luxuvy whlch only a !ew willl be able to procure. The. resuit 10 tht the regular apple buyens are not venturing to maire purobases 5ut1 yet. . Tn a few cases heard of 50e. P«t banrel on 4the tnee bas been of- fered. Tf lb. war should qu!ckly ter- minal. tihere would probably 116 a tevWval o01he marketi, and actlvity 'would at once begin amongot 1the appiemen. Tiose wio can afford it maY Pick, Pack and store, awaltlng lie prospect o! a muaketlaiter on. Those -who are not no !ortuuat.ely sîtuated whiI have to accepi justi ,wbal they can gel, amid11e thanirfu (t they can gel anylhlng. DISTRICT DOTNGS.' Donald.Kerr pid a llylng visit to the. ho me o! -ubs lotier ln Pickerng oa Thunuday evening lastt W bld ber good-bye before leaving for the. seat of war- as a memberof tie 48ti Highlanders, o! Toronto. . H. was nol aware until 11e'came home blinI is brother, HAG, >ad left wlth the. Queen's Own.,,- We may depend on tiese two Young mca acq4ultting theniaulves wllb evedit on the bat- tle-lield. Wbile-.we congratuli. ehem on them I-oyaIty by offertn& licir servfces o'their country,, we nl hope, tht hhey May velum ln sa!ety. Wool, uowashod........ 0.14 to 0.17 Caif, skins, per lb ....0.15 to 0.16 Lamb skins, each......0.70 to 0.75 Hides, per cwt ......13.00 to 13.00 Sheepskins ............ ...0.75 to 1.15 Deacons .................. 0.25 to 0.70 Horse Rides *.........2.50 te 3.00 Tallow, rend., per lb.... 0.0O6 to 0.06 Alsike clover, per bus. 8.00 to 9.00 PL POSITION FOR FÂLL AND WINTER. We bave a sousd business proposition for a . reite eret,"'lc saiesî..nfor this district to sali f ru esaaiits, flowering shrubi, sic. Pay weekly, outit free, exclusive territory. OVER 800 ACRES of fruit and ornameutal stock uniiel cultivation. We sali îbrongb our salesuien direct to the con- sumer and guarantee delivery of frssb, higb grade trees. Our agendaes are vaînablo by rognon of the service we give aud the volume 0< businessi doue. Establisbod 86 years. Write Paibsin Nursery Ge..* Toronto, Ont. P.&.-IEandsoin5 catalogue on requesi cubher to applicant or ibos. wisbing Nursery stock, DOMINION «EXPRESS GO. WHITBY AOENOY 1Parcels calîed for and delivered in any part o! 1h. town. Express sonnections with &Hl parts of Can- ada and United States. Clsas'%.RmBSOUbI*, and Delivery Prompt W. L. O'CONNOR Whftby Agent. Office ia X. R. Blow#* Block CANADIAN NORTHERN OPENING 0F DIRECT PASSENGER SERVICE BETWEEN TO RONTO OTTAWA QIJEBEC union Station Central (Grand Trunk) Station C.N.R.Station: and VALCARTIER Military Camp. Effective August 24th, and thereafter-Daily Except Sunday. East. West. bound 8r O5bound a.m. P.m. 9.20 Iv. TORONTO ar. 9.15 z.oo Iv. BELLEVILLE ar. 51 4.55 ar. lIINGSTON ar. 3.3o 1.30 IV. IV- 4t55 lut-. bound p.m. 7-15 12-30 a.m. 5,45 8.50 4-40 MITHS FALLS 1.45 9.35 6 .2o ar. OTTAWA IV. 12.15 10.23 pi. Noon ,a.m. etations lV. OTTAWA JOLIETTE SHAWINIGAN JC1 ar, ,-,QUEBEC Wut- bound a.m. an. zooo 4.00 r. 8.40 IV. 5.30 IV. -an. ar. VALCARTIER iv. 4.40 4-41 Service between Ottawa and Quebee City daily. Electnie liqbted coach café parler cars bstween Toronto and Ottawa. Standard sleepin g cars au elaaa coaches -between Ottawa and Quelec City. Double dally service' Sonday and convenient week-end service betwen-Toronto, 'Port Hopo, 1c Trntnpicton, Belfvilie, Desieronto snd Yartker. r For rail ani sea 11ipticktadai information,'appiy to nearest C.N.B. TH READGOLD BROS. CARPENTERS snd SBWLDERS FIRST CLASS WORK GUARANTEED. Charges moderate. Apply Dundas St. West or P.O. box 403 AUTUMN SESSION is now open in Central Business Col- lege, Toronto, and in each of itesSix Branches. Pre. catalogue explains mourma. Nrite for a copy. W. H. Shaw, Prosident Head Offices, 393 Yonge et.; Toronto. A. CURRY WILSON, B.Â.Se. ARCHITECT Phone Jet, 5275 283 Evelyn Ave., TORONTO. INSURANCE. Fîre, Life, Lwe Stok, Plate Glass, Accident and Aùtomobiles. Agent for the bestCanadian, Engllsh nd American companies. JAMEB MeCLELLAN Box 393 Whitby, Ont. Phone 12. MGH GRADE WATCH REPAIRINC. Le Je VASELESKY WATCHMAKER aidJEWELER Two Dooru South of Royal Hotel WHITSY, ON?., Ton Years Experencé in General'Work. satimateu Glven. On# Yeaes Quarantes. ROYAL TH EATRE MlIONGLASS MOVINO PIOTUESO Open every evenîng. W. bave installed a new Simplcx machine, whlch ls absolistely flickerless and essy on the eyes. Saturday night, soc to ail. BAIN PERIÏIN, Manager DENTAL W. ADAMS-, Dentist, Offce, Duadas Street, Reuidence No. 4, th. Terrae. Byron 81., Whilby. Fions NO. 1as. CONTRACTORS Je HI0WWELL JAMIÈ5 Carpenter, Builder and Co ntractôr. Plans drawn and eutiniates furnislýed. Repairs,- Alterations and jobbing. AgCent for Brantford Roollng Box 467 WthITUY Phono 149 - JOHN Te HORNSBV= BUILDFR sud GONRACTON Plans Mide and -Esti mates Given. Ail Kinds of Brick and Concrete- Work. Repairs to Chimney Stacks and Boilers a spfcialty. WhItby, (]Bôox z) Ontàrlo Bell Phone 138- C. FOLLIEST CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER PLANS 0F ALL. DESCRIPTION FURNISHED. Residence, - Thornton's Corners Phone 44~ Oshawa- TORIONTO PARE'AN» ONE THIRD DaiIy until Ssptember llth, inclusive. SINGLE -PARE on certain date. Raturn lluit--Orlgilnalltartngpoint muet b. resched notlater than Sept. l5th, 1914. PA]RE AND UNE TRE Sept.c 11-12-18-14and 18. Special Excursion Pares@ 8ep'tember 16-16-17. Refurn lmit Monday, Sept 2lst, 1914, ye .1r nL.nu 1.....tram Cn . .keê À,.an4. have the worl extend,eaatward aîong . sbould be ! gôed che&raho2ldLkeep n tho Kingston -R ond as f ar as Whithy? a eat Britain inl at war: Canada up the couage for whîc tby hae Z gY4SVly Z 025T,;AW u.4 zs Now that theCOttt11CtIOU Of the Io at war. Thousando upon thons- been nDOted un4h.pai, ad sioud "dideco me&aPuit.... grea hopitl o th lae f ont'o ands of our brave soldier boy are go alter busines with the expecta- lt Oes" becan id deann awu great hopital o tii. lke fron l outh od and cnat eo-lI, lyC2L w the. town Is so f ar a&vanced that it fighting with ai hil courage- for tien of getting 14 an tt c' c j commecj tàking' lu expectd several of the cottages h cutyj mt-and the.until 4tbey' bave sgo bigiiiy about th ei Abotfler ~t O l 1 Opf L s h o rtef reedom aiscrdi. So tîvea" formea enrl bres-down an ,wil be ed for occupancy by win- homes they love 80so ry What are talking bard Ities 'and slow sales b maw îd<g g W redady dee agresiven s Calesy ught a goild'many dollar'. worth, the ovemmentmigh be lu- ive iberlly r or moey ad ou the ight into th1e enemy's demain, they did'ail that you clai for thùni.---- whytheGovrnmnt igt b in gie lberll orourinoey nd urand drive old "ard tines"- out be- Their action las w pleamat, coiaed duced to include the. road inprove- foodstuff, and this lua great aid, fore he bas a chiane, through the aid with other ia4iu#,, tht 1I bammony mett hty- ato t r-but alter l bav ent been i- o! Ialterinand fi lgublers, teplesur, ee W etobe m.. gramme. Whn It la fished, the juring our own position by ins etrench huuniself. The ackbonc o!f aticulart auited to M.wo meioAIL Yt1S 3' .1U T 00 3 2 0 godroad 'from Whltby- to Toronto santly * setting up an- uncalled for our national prosperity is a Gibral- accofut bir mild and geitie acti,Iw godtar of stresgth toe4the financial sit- and I trust tht nome other women -I wlll be found as- valuable as ani' o! walYo! "lhard times"? We-have been uation In tis countrv. Sound from miay start- taking "Vruit-aconsent ath e the wonderful transportation de- boFrowing trouble and- crssing bad top to bottoni are our foundations readingmylette, and if they do, I amn veoprnents we seln use or advaxic- bridges before we, have^Coôme to theni. the farmers o! this country are ts s l w atfiersls w e".e a lng to the stage o! realization. Whea Il those who stay at ,homne had th1e mahistay, and they are not pessirnha- l u .W. N. XBL14Y v a ootic. 'They wiIl have moîley to spend na i n al w a t a ntr truck can ]nad twe -or tiaree couragp of the men ait th front we and will spend it, but the advertiser ru-atv" are sold by' al tons, 0f gooda ait the factory door ln eiiould have none of thiB s pessiristic and business nian must go a!lter the dealers at Soc. a box, 64or $2.5o, trial %.l -Wib n nls hnhl idIWe h aainfr-6ze, 250, orsentoposaidon receipt of 1é7 f ~ ? " f~? ~ ~ I' nQ *Whivtb an nlu hnbl ay trembling whlch thre4tens to shake business. "ersal tu' e Candia f n- ice by Prult-a.tl.s Limited, Ottawa. t e «"' farLU ;lhiçr them direct to the City con- the' very foundat.lons !of business en- er PrOsper i awl. !m sume. tat wli tîllfurher terprfse. W. do not know Ibard 'But our blg manufacturing Indus-: t ur. th a dat stl traetb nîes" adtries do not need to pIn thir f althi OSHAWA. - rhave, for t e p s w y a s bbcman adantgeaWndbythere Io no good reason te4the !anmer's money only,.. ,T1e Whe a 41eucootopne o Tes -en;oys qver Its rivals for Industrial why a few o! those glvea to the ex- have the. beat opportunity ln historY. day last h was found they were not jW eailshment. 14 will not alone 11e aggeration o! evils should be allow- te increase output and wage wrar o5 fuil as expeçt, especially the' e n g t i g t pp i e ç nitor car that ed 'to iree wî411 Our national Biansemesb anacrlng 'upper ±tooms.' Thy tmustres are try- tueswit pseegerand plaelng on th1e Market millions of ing to accomînodâte ali the ciudren ____________ --- ________dlas ot !gou f elin 28 roonis, 'without going 4te the ________ - brought from Gerrnany. Bulld up a expense Of fixing up the extra room, W hat tb.ey have a o e li buiesnwadcapture the fort- decided upon à41te Board meeting I. a _________________________________________ ress of! "trade."1 It la the dutv of lon Monday night.Nw - a ia .u Ve h 'n 'o o ta . this country to st.lmulate Its own Mr. JohnMoffatt, f rom.near New - -business. No manufacturçr can afford castle, has been appointed policeman to slacken bis efforts now. Boster 'for Oshawa. Mr. Mofatt is a young V up ; show your strength mn action, man about 35 vears o! age, stands w hat they ,ha-v e..at uy a rand win 'stronger by pushing th1e at- over 250 has. 14 certainly looks as atack. Wiien this war is over the thougli he- could. fil tic bill and --e"Vou e r c winners In 4the business i wonld wilI b. would make, a policeman of-which 4h.eL - on Ford Cars ~~~the men who stayed lun4the fight when town shoudnet beashaxned. MrLIm a s b t e ti e fo f r er .l Low r P ice _th. Most difficult toget. We must David Pankhurst, -of College 11111, a m Effective August lt, 194, to Augus: lit, .îgî5, and banisb this "bard times"t talk or we native o! Oshiawa, havlng been born guaranteed against any reduction during that tîme. wili only bning about the'disastrous and llved here aIl bis life, passed a-1i Alil cars fully eqnipped f.o.b. Ford, Ont. sondltion* Business makes "4the way at bis home very suddenly. De-. Runabout $540 otimes," and business méc inake busi- eased. iiauI hmcan employee tu the, W here th6& Undatin fn to a 'ruigCar 5 90 ness. Wage a strong campagn,-ebéer shipping roomn aI 4the Malleable Co. je lh an Townri840 u, and show 4the people liaI limes for a numbero! years. -m lxthewDm Car - of - 840 ly)are gond, and that you are ont te wlierand mu.er (I. tbe ominiono! Canaa only)win with a good article by a thon- Ueai.Alw ai1-4A B y r o S ae i Prft Ugh campaigu o! adverîislng. Such wHVBB M RKETS LU sured, L5opef~uAi O m y JUL a campalgn cannû o se; 14 must rut rIwih on de ci AUl retail buyers o! new Ford cars froni August lit,. -Wn, and the stronger the Campalgn Wet al.....10 o11 1914, to Augut ilt; 19q, wilI share in the prfits of!thas no "ard thenest.nmes Ad-B anl...............0..00 to 1.5 sr cu ew t d f the company to the extent of 4o t6 $60 per car, on "adtms"Frel d aly.......... 07 e07 each car they buy, PROVI3MD we sel! and deliver vocate. Beas.........04 .5i usiness i 30,000, new Ford cars during that period. Rye .................... 0.70 40 0.70 h n i u e Auk for partlculars. Mn. and Mns. John Hopper, o! Or- Peas ............... ...0.90 to 1.00 beg od i o rbu i filla, are visiting with relatives in Buckwheat................. 0.70 to 0.75t ei u m o t o k e th ' ' For»d A otop Company town. Oats ....m.................. 0,5040o0.55 tp r ottom iniee 0F CANADA. LIMITED 0 R led (lover .......... .. 9.00 to 9.50 Ad ets g iso d W.. J. Luke & Son, Whitby, Ont., Agents. --Mn. and Mns. J.0, Walters and son FLOUE .AED FEED.bu ie sa retrne hoe n1Wdneda, abusiFonesps.ct:.......25to .4 z pending a weck with Mrs. Walters' Chopped feed, swt......1.50 te 1.50 Parents, Mr. and Mns. J. Augustus. Cornmeal ................ 2.00 to 2,50 workman for this pir o e -0.- Bran, per ion .. ......... 28.00 to 28.00 r DEATH 0F MRS. ROBT. WILLIS. Shorts, per ton . ...30.00 to 30.00 W zf The dcath occarred on Wednesday, MEAT,- POULTRY AND PRODUCE WE W"W"WWSeptember 9th, o! Emlyn Souci, rel- Bec!, cwt., dressed...12.25 to 13.00 E let of te aaten an . ileso!in her a tLb, lcacikh . 6 .50 o8.00 W hen the Canadiin F r e r s e s 8ctho! 411elte roban ills, ofn 11cr Catîe, le cht7.. 50..... 8.00 so WATER ANDO LIGHT COMMISSION ERS!1 week's duration. Hogs, dressed ..........12.00 to 13.00 A lL I1 Deceascd, who was born In Darling.- Hoge, select ... ....... ....825 te 8.50 Ail i ton, was weil and favomably known Chickens, per lb ....... 0.20 to 0.25 L _____here, having been a resident o! Wbit.. Ducks, per lb ...........0.18 to 0.20 Do yu knw ofanyhingelsethathasbeensteaily by for tbe past -57 years. She was a Geese, dressed, per 14.. 0.18 to 0.20 E Do ou nowofanyhin cu. hatbasben neadly woman o! a quiet disposition, a kind Turkeys, dressed, per lb 0.20 to 0.25j 1onigdonipierte ic L ighe yer, xt tic hbonry Sre Scando lwhee, re-Potte, Per lbg.1..._... 001.28 e0 ready to help ihose la trouble or Eggs, new, per doz.....0.27,to 0.30 -nccd. Her husband, who taught in Lard, per lb............. e-.18 to 0.20 deceased ber 16 ycars ago. 511e was Apples, pcr barrc ......1.50 to 3.00 a member o! st. John's (Bay) Onions, per bag-......... 1.00 to 1.25 w The chief business of a Municipal Electric Dept. i40te Church, and had always been a faitb- EHay, per ton ...........14.00to 15.00 à q #111wrîte. - 1--a sà.-moun.ne wrIC2J~ i ojposite Port 6 - W hilby, -W. C.- T. îleoen busy -throughout -: 4uring the past week, 'visita to local unions, -Co. WIC.TI.U, Conventil ;at'-Prince Albert, -Sep -Ail day session open E ~ rs. F5. Ward, o! Tora~ ýand - lnteresting speaker, address in the cuenipg. Attie annual mnetinM by W.C.T.U., heid at t Mrs. .Win. MNarshýll Stipts. of earL mut f 6prts-of tliç vear*s wonî *vcry -bright .and? encoum. S parlon meetings were sý - rally asw~ell as tiWanci r substantial aid to the' -lunubermen,, work for ti -~ - ! li Whi.c'lave trulfil *helping :in the home V * Flower Mission ainong - -. hut in ohés, and the i' tee. - 'I Thue Evamî.gelistic (,' idone gooui work bv cfi uiai song services at t] J Refuge, and 1aisoî takin . live there. The concmrt * purpoSe o!- raising f und VaBso430w.ll .attended t] -of good things- could bi -The- work.in.-connecti Frances Willard Holame Toronto, Is also ,èncc W.C.T.U.. Travele.rs' j ber who meets infomti limbe Union station, tb 1 -young women 'ýVbo ar~ wllhout definite work c :and mucb -good -bas bec way. Hler- salary la i -- .0 Surprise Soap wrapi M3e- makeits aîbow a sur r - by thc help o! mny 1 r- oughb basbeen riuedf S andit14 l. hoped that c t1 - jreiued 10 bave anoiher -stati-on. Any -bousekee Surprise soap e can - If ina tis-work, hy aend wrappers to the Supe ç- 99- armetMrsI luily received. - < ~ Send your orderf te Melatync's hardwar - PURSE FG Fifrne contalning j round; APPîy- at Gazi W.e au supply repais and ranges, also stovî -bows always ln stock. v no ur uTn it in eaid 40 be lthe purpose of the Ontario GovernlflbIttua aid, 40 tAie out-ot- iiplo~y1ii5t, h45wuter, to begla construction o! 411 provin- cil systeni of good rôadi on the sec- -t f rom -Toronto tW Hamlton. Tht lo a good move. Would lt not be well,. though, for, our mýuniCipal ..1 i. l..4...4,ýPiIIt t t _Il 1 You can 1-1 ai] the Erilih-Armny M S, -rg nthe -c GrafÃ"nola. ýWe sltock-Gn * $100 eac Our record sel the rîargest ùu *Ontario. It is a- plea-surt to- demo-nstrate -the quality ainc b ity -of the Grafon Joeor ad Gradual

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