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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 10 Sep 1914, p. 6

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The iýMrn riSic 'W wMçý'. in èe world have been et of-te ýt àc n bW h. ., mUy yà 13 nw e beirig tieci If oaeVledfw i i baby is ll-4he deia-Y nly cost a T i -î Ïn -"diion to thw i Zs Vry a e fneru, ,n d i n noiay :en~ % ~ r stle o xOUl 1S rUtwa-ou kth UabletS nOW &n ed Iq psag,,ýd'uèo" n colof Bfldlntenuèly tive,1eadershIP ý,rMOe1~,r nay- fil bybl edieburpIW e g.iï The 'Flrc& rck th - Grea te.d tie R s differentlMik s of rifles orc -cP..ng a MaiE.a54 pi npraïes them,' ad thâ st Vhe b l iés s1 pr e s1y at a nd nof yeflow niatt r In Ilm. tihey ddg't now el'u~ t sI ~ ~s Vs a~a2ra ~ wdSpi ilev< ceo V er i u ohe edcie iurino de.n ono sow th4 Th mhIe iclw w en t.ie w P;gJn a ~h r w r w it h A e r 4 a . r i ti r e sT e in o1- fo i.te us ogoc.The Table,2k4 itéiu riat"ie5 and 1,&t uh oliida1dlooke<ikOsr'i " 1i~, tbxrJ ~~n, ~rfg~ rsq - sst-he- Lee-EllIIftld France usesifrltl âee«04 a 0emleIlto ten,,wbr- eh ati , u es h re solk y i e i in e l - a or by pa . n i a r v s c i sho p' ie in Wb e u- 1 broke ou i n, U lttie 7 e110w plvipleu a nd th det lc .s t Éan - h . oe h o ffo.x Lay, ho culd ual eD'deUia-is ero weI pàn. t-h niao'uji h~1er. Whil-e O-enin ithl canYW s,,, UufiL n Blgufluse the Mauser Wliws'MedicineGCo., Bpkile ometllifig like normnal conditions, 8uficengîntofakeh__ vry- ýd r fl vdb otadmltigtihti fb -nd lt i-siamply -h C) Sot a chance bu~ yre )IsUer thairely di-ninihed. Publie o f- ouid catch the aldil rlght Off ad m ake a tle uccess of Rus4a r s ê s - ýwa s~~ Mu i e 'nc h a n e ý- O S I 0 1dW Os ncF M ý 'E g e i , b i n g r e à o r e d b y th e as - o re , b u t ti W - d e n t c ,n l b d u q pt= s yY e t  f lI LSo Many Ichngele hve beiè made otunes )tile BY uraelest at-thCe.13 n shhreegl tweiveomlernl ugtRutsreanintheerorin. TheiaRn goerJaP9 gFv-ofil ut' m unie. - - PrOrnu tuai flhSd Ito ht ely d epen di els reL Bi DA IO Con idabe orun s arsde Byoand 110WOt 0i r rope i e.. o ould have te be takea up o f bed nese warfildt dsc sean fc- iuh u' S 11 !*L W SO l? X D Mtreore.r, aitoreave ccy erl, an-r, a tlhebe iragazine guna ~can lshoot a<1 a1F A 1DBritsh Jack Tars- M rÈvr soe and shoip analgers and rocked, lis ,ufforlgs re o bal.Vv o n~ d-,a da r a s'3w s BEA1 et 2,000'B.âPatingndbackbtolthe Bearlieat year-3are now regulatiflgtbUeir supplies by i with no permanent cure la siSht 1 gai 1known, none lias ne rilf.T.Dt - , w-l rymuch further hs-n -th-t D_________th__rles y, -o__________ e a ýt-h deswhlnigto rat night the chlld lept the. W11010uight 1cistanc e' pGen rally ±thefa-r, eght.s-o vt il~ spe Yss ies- i. cu ning cw ers and dch b-y he C tU'5 op su OliDAi. Th R -Sicui a» nn v 4,0 ,0- -- au4font 2.2fr inclues; t-he Rus- meney recalîs some inter estiiig sei -a1ýnre-thlan re-awonable q .1t-- bukb, 110 fls nithe frcur Umt sum-nb eR forceno orI lb nthhes iIis r eta aus,00 ' fe-e 2g, ce, ntl4l tle cutu3.f UoWiig nalpnizete ouer teeAisive a-nd declining tend- n - hyare set- fer 2,882 yards. Per- - i 4 e-c 8.75 inchesl, and.Vile tacts about the days pîz1 and is te ur winco"peW guha frest-e. -_-e1 .in~ j s 9-P na ode ansgta rnh fe .2i-hn hodt nnywsagreat înduceniOnt te A number of uncleveloped buul-d- oe box;of G»ttcurs Olntmiot." (85sd> cunitnces tl oevgeate MR U1S es. T h e- if- mleonw acfat Ie i ahet mlean at wywe erence 'n length betweefl the sLêOrt recruitiug for the fient. "Jack ing etats are being offered ren-t lmre-l3=ud lg4luA May 171913. te say that t-e action<fteNpo ue loking o erthe sigilta at the e-nd lBritish ad the Fren h arm is a T ar" lias h r d -n lti p i ef.- e t o e -o w l n e t -k U l ~0sud OlnP ë ibir i eialPDiof d euh, our iom f big piece, but ri-ftexneingene-rlly fraction1 ver sven inches and thei. noney ince the day-s ot Nelsonece- use them tO grow epecificrope i 182-p. bqOlC. mexid pVatCad te Ptter D ug servces ta Russia n a- Fren cli 111e is ean i and tliree- cepti w-len ho lias been engaged 'in order te incre,,ise the national ,fod Chç. Clorp,..D e, D . B0tol, UiJ si . the d,te.umniaing factr tth n t&ink thaLit ,000 yards is Vhs, grea-nteas upydigthwr. e-et distance. to shoot with accuracY. t1uai.rt-r3 longer t-han ths GermaIfl. thlen apture of alavers o0Vsnn upyduj~ i.wr tiiftC The ,F-e Fx d- . uImîtBriflvea, A read1,11 C1-o-a tA Fr hrfemeasures a fraction un- days when we sailed tl S 1ih ar-gdi oféec lhh1flIu.14 i 3000OObcu 3l/t'rm 8purd e, fet, or Vo be exact, 5 teet Main, 'however, considerable for- Boa-rd OfTrae t gve sa possible -m~îdsrcino irbigs for the French rifle. This-ju 111.84 inclina. This mSy give the.n tunes were secured in the way of 'faciities four drawi-ng feed supplie leileNn c e i e lo g L e Eu fe d an adv *lta gC in close fightiflg. T hle ot by officers and m en. froLheflhIe d c s n t ep o t rle, w t h e longU d b a ert* fitel German rifle with bayonet attaeh-ed, The biget han1 of pnize nioney Warehouses in whlch fopstufs are 11S OFFERED BI18S ji IC Srae r i t fl , i c i f d a p r f t és u c h TI d' b I O s N o i Q t k y R b e o l a y i e d e $ , 5 , Brt-ha-ny. Since 1906 ha messures 5 feet 9.75 inclues, or. a on record, having regard t-o the in- stored wil l e keapt ope on week- T RUSSIA. wybPo adualY sedl)] b y a short- fraction ove-r two luches sheter individual sh&ir5s, ocred iI171,d-ysa ufihanveim tb nsrede be-en 1tel n e -t h Frenchi weapon. Thle Rus- whe the Bitish frigates Actason livry on the are day etfaiIl f<><d<3atraned and weak, ta r rqety " . ftiOE g ih sll- erwCapote t ni cl es, suaF vo ite ca tu ed a Sp sflh ini -respect o! which notice -ot aP- N p l o g m y D u j c o r e E fe wp nsed aow h T rlog L e- t-an a m a a u e e t9 icethnea o ie c p u e eiato l e ev d b fr f h ak t a e a y anu toldiers ort-houe of t-he second liii. t-le British 5 test- 1.7 inc&h55, t-hegalleon.- On dividing up 'th e Ot p1cain -th ee d befrorb n fteDtrunngFë uet oaa- Enfeld 1w use by ti. T rniOt l ian 4 fn t ils- 75eu P hapoIeon f thethaeituis -flay 1Ie uoutCt t rbe'unslo painscIfoyok l.niuch- ore t-ha axThi<ullier 2 of efne.Tatlif- ege .Austrian 4 e-1.5ice.1This Captains, £65,000; lieutenlan, whret-5a, sîlular rug-tsofheW - pouaud s un e ,a-nd w ritt be aye- I 1 or1o -bise that Norvilfie iu atd or c r g net attached it- we-ghs 10 pouxuds 3% shows tathFrnc-h bayoiet is £13,000; warrà:nt ofciueru, £4,3W; ment-s wil'l be -mad.e in regar~d Vo I 11hv ounces. ~ ~~~the> ongèut, being20.72 inçhels the pet-t-yofficers, £,800, aud seamen Suudays. In t-he pres et nsws from the1, eki>'. "I baeravdNri 1i ayn ih r foc'vh1tO - stat-andent-rinee,-e£t-5t- p inful uwelllng. I olw d 51 ll ,dd frec e e d tt lid u Germa-n 2061 juches. the Bri-sisd aiest45 papers t2at 3ury 1 recel-ved l i et e -a e t6 egum p.5-th e Autîtrian Guin the Lt4ghtent. n usa 72i-~ i. Bel- - h is recorded that t-he jolly ta-Ta ttretinrcnj- Wihtebyne-ataoed tiie gian 9.5 inclue-anmd t-le Austnian thsetoft-ho two fnigat-es hâa uproari- -TidTb.1C Aus h à o ,t atah1 1 O Stm ain P rs o t adptrn U UIJmander le-f th e -id Bulgarisn T e muces itere trl d ad mc Autin gun ilat-le ligliteet-, weigh- fshort-est, 9.2 inclues. -inq s tues iu Pertumout-li, anond putre t-eawhBrunght jo n e reiivnd g pmor aotNevhe hthav1en alg(uô ilee a- uater0fan uno isuth n lensth <if barrel the Russia-us on aucli airs that t-hey, atually - Ie ne luo 9 paunds, aud thbe rencil -soldier have thie advanta-ge, t-elnt e omta e mg g on -the eriilO hrel sablg ai-a vlneea sdz-o hat pe aalfato ogrh the laced hat-.- Was Restored te Her Anxious Fam- ArMy, ha-s& pdgnerin tic. ucsdteoao!my-rul.N fjarya. -pe e with bayonet- auna-Il tractionrk bl c re r f hi u c d h pounds IY2 orices. F .perfe btrrand31t496.."heBel- experi inseanceve.rye di-ture-cu -Whea HpedHe, but- Thce rfle ai, h-vsmagzins. inugunha- abarrel et 30.67 ic- ot treasurs slips somewhat Sp- St. John, N.B., Dec. 1th.--Ât une here etfVthe Bakanis ii ke.tcled by ed t-be pain, it brogtm 1m ai Ti enciluatub throagli wluh eshe ln ull ftle Biil spoc h ee ftleforegoilig. time it wau feared t-bat Mrs. J. Grant, Leu;teua-fl-Wager in "With -Vhst on, ha om:l nMI-SOft e12 -latwu.hth o th atiggps othe slkoting 30,19 inches, t-hesAustrian 30.12 On Oct. î6t-h. 1799, tpur Britisli f ig-- of 3 lt aesofwadvancce iimn a the bgirnuse a u Vhes dlesel, lIoînot unusa.Titalaaecm1n rsueo -i non- P~-5 -o- ealy avge o dvanoteluesÇ-moseoc cu -li Bik-r pwsr povugevry ayt-atnuaeuarpansRusiagounhe o Geyu0iy t chairben, anid t-le et-lera have a box incist-lisGernian 29.05 juches and te--i aaEhlo rtntrouble. "MY firot att-sCks ot-ietatrdgs reliagnt Turkey, now oi v nry lcnd, rocj nSinoith on aL charger fitt-ted-t-o t-he guru jut- t-le nmodern Bnitiohliaru 25.19 inch- sud AlemeuS--chased aud captured 'ache anid kidue>' trouble begaui yearg n hi,,arsau - under th.-. tock and lu front- of t-hce. The barre1 etf t-lis Frerch rifle t--e Spansh frigates Thetis and San- ago. Fr six yeare t-at duil griawIng tak rs ntresn i p r u baO erl t-riggen guand, This changer on t-be is 2.446 juches lne1 -hnth ar aBigd. Oerehuig tedn bseen prews euib ensI iex. tanceras a rph-f acca ourt-uMVsyiedtoNrvlfCwe ntlge Maus-er anud-t-luiMarunlicluer *huldll§roi f tiie Geranril.prizes a vsritq~ble Tom Tiddlen's Ier1-e uys oif Iternpbi>'tn sitenen alhi f mr wo - -y a pibîfaycue Nevlul aGea!popershd$nhi five and wih ne sh t- in In caIib-rè again tiiere la mue- grounti waa broiiglit-t-aliglit, 'su d ur~ al.ut c o te vepa in as ut casily become a- d oin e t- fs-etor in atlunefs-mu>' pai n eu d>, u 1ae , bt fo tia liy h- e fi eca tr dgrs, adurable.uI uaeth enoerviceeryf-biiUg.,butrt-e present w a . n e larg fot- y a s w th g e t a c e s th -e h lr r l ., w e ie o e riant Wagner w-rote, "a ta-ni. -eththe nny eue ca-nihope forftra -ready fer luse t-o be cdiserged eu sian la the auna-Il-est .3 ich. Nex-atle ao - ovyt- lie1sf t-bat came f nom Dr. Hamlto'-,,Telrefmyszebt-e et-50.t isaitncsdc1nSiJ5 -fast-ias luo cari Pull tlie trigger. The 'ru sze hal t-le Belgin, .3 1 - o r aure ro un Plym ouuth ice t-o( the P US of Ma rali .e and Butte a t, lu Lieute au W gn rw ot ," a l Free-l ca-nyin he ubecigit c-srt-e-ues t-he B itishi, 30a, the G n- Cit-adel. The folowhug were tLuei-stead f belng bo'wed dw11 witl pain, ha-qe generaIIy kuewn Il101V l N IL IAIL S ? tril aristlat u-wU t ridgex and t-le Britishlinut-hein 'man, .311, and t-le Frenchl, .315. dividual ahanes et the luckv recip- t-o-day 1 arn strag, et ploedd - longiijoet Vp old, wluiclhug>a- -n.Tu Mga-nscarry t-en Cârt-idges A!tlough t-be Frenchiirifle jein in mta: Caipt-ins, £40 let-e aetîeseep aonsidy.Lt prope louîg e a oyed pOç>uîar aune thofY ao-e.Tre msi ai -An argument- rade againat thle nearly every dot-sil t-le largeat- of mut-s, £5,091 ; warrant offBcers, £2,- t-es abertle d it o-li> bndbout- Bilgla t'et-ie utheniecf îst 1t 'onuxle Swa-WmfCma ltib' f -l Feulirfl i tlut -ts b~ ae b tli w -rin urpecl 98;pe-tyofficers, £791; asu 5 h nk aGenerll Rado Dimitncf th vi- mou t-batik ytewarngEr-peà '6; etYht-btday t-at- 1 beard of!Be0 Kirk longlis sub u h rnc il smnad marines, £182. grand a uMedicine as Dr. Haunlit-otl'utan cf Kr ls, antd t-h. coin- Iov ogwiiluwsra-tiow Je bc-imthrcrnahe balance is'- hlunged with'sa-ch.eh-at- nationsa, it- uses Duigtlse reglnope rat-ions Filla." nde ofteTir Blaa m ymn in t< > n ia - n f e s e r e u lt h e e -n d of t - l i o - - i W l t i I i c a p i l m ' 3 n t -~ 4 . O ~ ~ , suedad t-lat this ha-s Vole tae-n Te Smallst Cartidge, aga-irut t-le Spaniar-da. Drake se- Every wouni ould ue t-boezePille Any. inoconsd-er&t-iun bytemnuigheeurdfriscwaMly t-le sigsanda reguianl>' because gaod bemlth -pays, "The eofficers and soidiens cal1 t-he w-a-r e-etdyfan utoisorcrewnlst4aloimS-h tegn tiaeoruc adrwhich messures 2.95 luches. >,e urd o ise w&uay ~and it's good, vigoreuls beait-b tbait mNpoentcli.n onyo -at wre s&Ake t aor the guru. -la is- ul adrcartniclges s-ne m-ade in t-wq ws-y, of pounda i-n t-howay of pnuzo mondy cmstaai b s r. HauniltnshNploul 5 e-5O, et c hson-nSiAlfred Turn-,lteIsetr pis-cd in ted artrigeu n e witii à pifl d uu-Cu and one and nat-ually ha-clnu dufficulty in Mandrake sud Butterut Pille. rer- tbiole 'Pi-t5rWitrt -tofe to b.d ei an fo92 th Ç1 t e fle nd isgeneilal îuild te that <of Ge enuil, wheu tle u bî7a--o tube one Lor-maa bcr,- be ie iv wî C. donte on , w i e w t h i ha round bullet. The round got-ting m ou for luis voyages, a re- t-be le eo ! ik Ki, , Lu e B -r G e tbut-n b s 18 ,0 uun u ctrurfes byaons a hargr it-s bullet- eart-nidge weghs 447 grains mark whie-b alueapplies te Lodhe --Nboreof -but aKls eca-uele l ascuplG-t-e.î empticd it ixs opened sud muet-ler eADundonal, wliotwherlu conma, clip <grins. Dudtneldfwrot wIl-neco mandiga Gedrieral Tu-ruen,, 48,0s-W 1ci of c&r id e netd ne t é T eGerm anu were t-ils fret- te 0f t-le t-hityeiglitgun figate Pal- "W aiter, this Inife is blunt- and Succe lfl Student. t-le t-eritra~ R o -tsI srn t c l-W -l rcl -A ope ra-tedl in t-he sa-me ways-tli tlr&t. S ia li~~~ue thae -e n u u o id a d F a c foi wed o Stle r G e a s hi apn s t -o Plymuof thei lrn hapid the st ec sa- k ir 1,' W h encw-s -le s-s c ne-n t -ha ch des 7800 wlrte toc pi hu1uc a eni mo-fler tiiumtY. i.s <i The Brit.-li argument-ngainthea ti ald Thswsi195 3aèhmratl n-ieIlesn 11l tdtesrptekieu ho ath atcre fti ue 7,0 miagazin(' was ta h e h ascesin asTeWsmntrhero, undonbtedly t-le Most popu- a-nd' Ianl KitceiC' a~teutn_ reling 'bin rils tten ech sh texample at once . lt-s dvainu-.5 l ecullnse TlWstiira-e an leader etoufhuis i -n inBuga-fls-Z haîf a' million. rcag 1irilsatrec ht-bhat- it-fatt-a-rs t-he tnajeotory sand Gazette, snd was regarded 'by thle The Fortunate Capta-lu. ewsbm nt-ilttItwnf "Fachtauatve-r>'t-- tin t-lal-le mgzne. But ii andecen- ncrea-ses coneesquent-ly t-le danger sailons as aucli s tri-sud i-n t-ha wa-yRewsbrintelte nof*"aceh !Iiey ,isliould d raw o n it hei n t c is iots spa ce. T ii. that- lie w-asa - alwrze nay s "h su p pose y cu sa t at - t ha sp- G rad ez o n S ept e m b e n 24, 1859, - n d 300,000 M el , t le t al i l t- e e - ine mhe cagzrne!.iBgt mea- retepnimonev. . af tor - se-e--Su i corses-t t--le Milii ond Une beinu ,0.00mx-Rs s1: es 3.22 incisa wlith -t-le round huundsted wit-h applications frein tain's table 1" fea scsiuco adhe vk utadoteohrrespoMied )Mrs. Neunit-clh wîtlidig lieutcus-rut- on Ma-y 10, 1879. Ho t-heu sud uïh r inrsreSanhoi,' c o oû tn ta r riflemeui- pou __ __ __ __ __ _ uul t n e w>g t r it-y. cilstiigusbcd uinself as a stude t lzed , ab7kt-. u u t2 , -e vi av e irrieî~ w si-vn InisesI)ifere-ee. 431 and 369.0 grains respect-,ely. ÀVP U LA.a -h cley-fteGenrl45ooomr ~ltl1u<im )fern. The, Britishi us-e a round bullet s-nd 118A VPOiIUS ATAn ASTmgrva &C ICA O, UNION PACIFIC "w -hepit-lusanriexu ion ut E st-e ,li 200,000 splenddr gi--g t, me- . . -, à.L ý. - 190^4. g o d n b raw% n .- I a e u d esig n ut, i p e w t a g o ld e c o d h e F e ch r f e a m z w it hI1 w în g s , ul .e a " L i r c r v a s e n 7,evelocit>' f .,8 t se-co d gree f i a rai nisacrfO - cri-sp -sd sweet, in mois- cnt-a-second Wl-th-e round ble a ieaot -ots - egu -, Yes, we have s lange stock o enized by Rssi ail Pa u.SitiNii5 cirîunte -,CS I ath A i- M en i'ii~ ture prof pac ages-SI rifle l 2,050, t- ft-l e Britis-l a-d t-lindesigni woul-d 9go fan t-o 5su- pens." yanong the ofces h -idsud d wae s- epesbl fu-tie ine ei."d '-'oitîrk 01 -u ~ ~ ~ r o Belgiri a-c' tan t-e assertion t-list-i-n t-le ne- "G4 -oT re c su b ad?" a-t- Saint Pete-rsburg s-nc'w re cru- uItiiate t-et-(-n e ob e -ix wt w ays ready for tle a l . \uust-iniau rifles 2,034' s-uc't-he Rus- ilgion sud suuperin 'eýmte t b e nst-it-ion- -cf -iih te n--. o kt se n o iw it." tîusmst-s for t-le Czar, t-le Libers-- "If t-le B e n -s- E ga d T e lttc gn - in1,985 feet ieodéiesu -oDr oniet -e- You ouglit-ta kuicw uit-. I wast-or frornit-lisTunkiE yoke. -'Plis ai-aov $l0,00ad ,Sun-yeu- 'Wlne nmn- en etaiecndnDrrentien tant-isai aov r, Open t-ho packag le-n ariesofheau-iu aceturesthîe ac'ng t-ho t-honday that- Kipiig f ai-r iuvolvedt-lic tlienwise amiable eId d, sut 'd ul--w l h arj" i.a erIg h ont d h erbyevil are s I c nta tis .h-l - k v-tle srie - Iea, rtswith a treneltaut peri" and astut-c RadoDii-efinpi--stBgadrulc G-my,-em~ - 'jffy.>addcrea or iik-Tite Brid sdthe Sîun. mouatrous lu t-hein u-gliues. _______________ n~iyb a litt-e uga.Thle olda ag , "Happy is . At- t-le foot- f t-hnbig ipeO are ad ea wMI tRu si. liro le- - o rakfast, lunch or imiet-hat-t-le sun mimes on," »t-wa aalier eues-, sud an autluority was mga-lu emploYed s an offucr, -O E I O 0 T i 0~ I Brènbdiô ntance, takes idelb-ng ut t-le lunu hàwa "le distinguie icdîmlflinluvan-riSNO EVC Oti~~i~p: ou Zky indhi w-r a-pt-ai-n. --*TENIi lier ~ ~ aluIu.d tii. ,a'. ,, i ,og an .influence i-n asur 'niairu u ay nh w - tlier andbe -lecneiuh- ie -ti' oon received prOnue-tioli Bu - - P O 5 t - ,,unny. R~~Ain o ier mar eror î ig put t itis ut-uostwit-h '- er5cne rw uo u-n u -sT f> lê 6-O t w a-ait poi-ls.i t---lIi \55d__ ___al_ _ -"______ - -le was enr-bed teethlrut- u-~ b________ t rd u e f- sudbe edu iraw n - - On(4 ar. for .t 11.35cOif' OPE 8.5 - K uuvvASOP-boy----as ecicliationwti usi. csun o .0Lv 10T14 t joyfý,î lié ry naî uiyu - d n weuu~ -- d-t tt-nfloo d the -.- old ey nda -.eui rio 1 VhSear ,a te ; xie b g 1 dthed bvwde1e in $ie y i4£0 wili ',' t h-Yeu, z eal or bi li rtan utlso U--b - a .eOUmde- ndnli5 P$YtonaeiON. n ararnd r heeo e -i }'estsuif&l Iwih he d* I id eaché -etid$ - -7h - brd 9 : £4 1.u 1I1 .-- Il.-----.- îssvE had bro'i4t abo t-a , ng Qv r,.' h8t 0---o ciia-.- wt Isa M e ( t o ,> eîiuR as-t e l ) -e e goàd-teuuie. .-.--.r lier ls-atuig N&aIAFW SSIISV> NIWSISIL 1; - Y - f -: vr oun Ib 011. v 1u- uta tie 4 lar- - noi 4A5 :7,%bo ne ou oie kept. Beitu -theugh iel se Primnome, ho I1 begnUted by pi Dauleiè,Who lu. -e en t sud ud una-trimoniai pl - 50 lthe'ii.uue ha nresoive t tlicie irai-i . turbet luto a eue t.ing, esua coutff do est-rn for at-hen el - -thie. z oof. IN uioncealed it-. Phliupa sa b-. but, abs c« wrhetbler Duist or had 'deswa M2o cont-ented t-bi ttete-s-tel r' hsppened te afternoonain d414 net inqub t-hein t-mme; -hd s-Uinow. Ho eteps t-bat -wc dJsance of hl SOne aflerna rnage snd Dpi aud an eider - - --gentleman lu inluqtned If Carws-ndiue v 'as a-t'home. npebythe ho epoko ub wol On.e venini woeo sated *liere t-bey< lferenco ta - - dra-wtng-noor b>' t-heir fs-t Wbo lias - e - h re-ed-tUn - misEing trot L t-ler,. soi& meaneue d ber imit-Or s-uk Dale- B Iîturbet. -woubd requî ms-n te-Wil walk wit-b nos uondel -ed s-t-beri1 t-listshe te not ailow1 - i-oson. - The eietel waa time-f father ae i ered neasoi 4> hIt you'- a TORONTO

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