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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 17 Sep 1914, p. 4

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hape that' tihe reason %why Colc Sain Hughes 110W advoca.tes lte U80 preached throughlite Press, roiai ite of horeewhips ?-Orillla Packet. J text "'Trade at Home." -Thougi -thie * * * *preacbhlig may bave bDee logicaî and The generous response n'ade.by tho convincing, like. other sermons il was office staff and construrtion gang1 at nôt always followed. *At th ie partic.w the Hospital *fnr the Ins4ne toe b ula, time in. the nation'e. history. Patriotic Fund was a most generous eue, an«. should serve aS an eXamhple and stimulus to others Jo these times o! sclf*,sacriIice and patriotic endea- when se mnuchi l being said and do" in the nainle of patriotisin, it i sunre- ly ftting to give te the old text a new' cmphasi. 'Loyaltyr to the whole, * * * *expression when individuals are loY'al flrillia Packt.-'i'le business of the to the coimunilbes in w1bch they cm)IIntrv r"an not go on, nor eau the dweli, and in u'hicli they. secure the industries continu'e'to opr'rate, uîîllese means qf Ilvelihood. It js not loya- the baîî1ks are prepared ta give their alty tethie home town or community customers' reasonable credit. No% te eend away frorn that community thàit the first shock of war bas heen- overcome, and tiîat it has, been found- that commerce cao stlll 'be carried for neariy aIl the riccessaries 0f lite wben they can ho obtabned within the community. There are occasionsl on upon ýthe seas iith reasonable and times when saine ar ticles may, safety, there does not seeni to be,bave to lie purcbased outside, but tbe Ï-by reason wby funds should not be local dealers can usually serve nine- tivallable for legitimiate business. tenthas of the local neede, if net ail Lower Prices on Ford, Cars Effective August lat, 1914, te August lat, 1915, and guaranteed against any reduction, during that time. Ail cars fully eqnipped t.o.b. Ford, but. Runabout - $540 Touriug Car - 590, Town Car - - 840 (in the Dominion of canada ouiy) Buyers to Share *in Profite' Ail retail buyers of new Ford cars from August ist, »914, ta August lat, 19'15, will share in the profits of the company to the extent Of $40 te $6o per car, on each car they buy, PROVIDED: we seli and delivcr 30,000 flCw Ford cars duuing that period. - Ask for particulars. Ford ftotoà" Company 0F CANADA, LIM1TED W. J. Luke & Son, Whitby, Ont., Agents, i v-v-v-v-y' w-v 'v v'v v 'v 'vV'v' w- MWATER AND LIGHT COMN11SSIONERS 1 - Do yeu know of anything else that bas been qteadily Comiug down in price for the last few years, except Electiric Lighit? The chief business of a Municipal Electrie Dept. is te furuiolhelectricity for light and, power "at cosCt" t the inhabitants of the municipality. Owing to reductions in the price of meters, and ta the general increase in business, it has-been found possible to lower thecocet of light te the consumer by eliminating meter rente after4-hcy have beeu paid thrce years. GET YOUR IIOUSE WIRED) aud help us to reduce the rate stili further, anmd strike a blow ah "the high costaof living" by usingeec> cîyi tehme. GEO. W. P.' EVZRY9 Supt. NOWAR P*RIýCEs We are Selling our Good VINEGARÀàd PURE, SPIC*ES at the Same Low Prices, Try our Goods'for Success, -jno.e lE.WATIERliOus WH ITIBY - Prmt Delivery., j last week. It goes on tb say 1"49n so' far'as affordlng emplovinent it would .,be quite as henericilai 40,o Toronto's. unein)pl1yed as the Toron- to-H-amiltoh roac. Teré- il, this pe- culiar differente bctween. thein, though, that wbereaj the lat ter -le only ont o!, several great. highways availlable for traffie westward froin Toronto,thie- Kingston Road la thei onlY Publie thoroughfare eastwards ,throsîgl Ontario from Toronto to Ottawa andi MontreaLI." '1 We are glati 10 know' tlat a ineet-, ing axînlounëetl elsewhere Is to he held (nl the Agricultural roomns' riday night to take active steps towards realî.zing tbis great publie lImprove-1 ment that will mea.n se much te Wbltby. GRAND TRUNK STÂ ýN.A LIND~SAY BUÏ. Lindsay, Sept. 14.-(Special). At 3.45 tlîis-afternoon. a lire broke out in the Grand Trunk station'here. l'ho building was partlV destroyedý, the ixpterior being gutted and the ,rof having fallenin.b. The fire -was, start- ed In tlhe roof, and was supposed te, have been caused by a spark f rom a locomotive. The outer walls of the building axe Intact. Pott Hope, Sept. 14.-The Royal Hotel stables were destroyeti by lire last ýnight. Thé, origin of the ire is unknown. The tees is estimated at about $1,000, wvith insurance of $700. HOMESEEKERS EXCURSIONS Tlhe Grand Tunk Railway System1 eron 01 viLLy U, MissLyUiU lssued round trip 11omeseekers' tick- daughel !Mrlu.rs ae ets' at very low faretram stations TuI lu Canada te pointe in Manitoba, Alberta - andi Saskatcbewan, each wHiITBY MARKETS TUESDAY until October 27th in- clsvvia Chicago, St. Paul or iaî Duluth, anti-are good returning two Wbat, goose..... ......1.0 te 1.10! zuonths from date o! issue. ThrougÉ h Baî goe..... ....... 70 te 0.70 Pullnman Tourist Sleeping cars are Banley... ............. .0 .0 ta 1.25 operated each Tuesday, leaving To e- n ....... .......10 e12 ronto 11.45 p.m. andi runing througb it'e....................0.70 teo1.70, ho Winni..g....he...change...eser-..Pea.. 00.90tto1.00 tWinpgwTo ut chneeperus e-i uclcwbeat .1 ............ 0.70 te 0.75 vations in Tu tsepesmy bOats ..... .......... ................ 0.50 ta 0.55 obtaineti at a nommnai charge on ap- Rled Claver ................ .. 9.00 ta 9.50 plication ta any Grand Trunk ticket FLOUR AED FEED. office. Thse Grand Tnunk Pacifie Rail- 1Fer e w. ..32 e34 way ie the shortest and quickeet Flourper ce, wt.........215 te 3.40 route between Winnipeg, 13askatoo n, hridfei st 15Ie15 ,Cornmeal .........2.00 ta 2.50 and IE'dmonton, witb smooth roadbed,1 Bran, per ton .. ............. 28.00 te 28.00 electric lighted Sleeping cars, through 'Shorts, per ton ,......... 30.00 ta 30.00, the newest, most picturesque and most rapidlv developing section of MEAT, POULTRY AND PRODUCE Western Canaqda. Bec!, csvt., dressed .. ..12.25 to 13.00 l3eor deidngon 'or tp skCattle, 'live weigbt ...... 7.50 ta, 8.00 1Grand Trunk Agents for luIl partie- Lambs, each ................... 6.00 te 8.00 ulars, or write CE. Horning, D is- s rsed....2.0t 30 triet Pasn ger Agent, U nion It- oge, select ........ .... 8.25 té 8.50 ifon, Tronto, nt.-13.Chiekens, per lb ........ 0.20 te 0.25 doTrotOn.1.Dueks, per lb ............0.18 te 0.20 ALMODS. eese, dressed, per 1q.... 0.18 te 0.20 A I, MO-N DS. 1 urkeys, dresset, per lb. 0.20 te 0.25 The annual Ilarvest -ome, under Butter, per lb ........... 0.28 te 0.30 the auspices of the. Ladies' Aid Of, Eggs, new, per doz. ..0.27 ta 0.80 Aimonds C'h.rch, xviil ho held on Lard, per lb ............... 0.18 te 0.201t Tuesdav ee'ening, Sephember 22. Tea'Potatoce, per *bag ....1.00 t0 1.20 fromn 5 'clock-. Cood program. Apbles, pen barre ......1.50 te 3.00 BOWMANVILLE.Onions, per bag... 1.00 te 1.25 BO MNlLE ay, per ton - ....... ...... 14.00 ta 15.001 Miss Miahel C. Cocks bas been ap- HIDES. peintedl assistant Principal o! the Wool, uewashed ...... 0.14 ta 0.17 Continuation School ut Sutton. Cal!, ekins, per lb .... 0.15 ta 0.16 Lamb skinu, each......0.70 ta 0.75 DISTRICT DOINGS. I Hdes, par cwt .....13.00 ta 13.001 Beaortn ts rte s 2 miis -Sheepskins ............... 0.75 te 1.15 Bevrontirtei 0 ii or Deacons................... 0.25 ta 0.70 1914... Horse Hi1des ............. 2.50 te 3.00 11ev. Malcolm Lindsay, ef Col- Tallew, rend., per lb.... 0.06 te 0.06 borne, bas been luducted bute tise Alsike clover, per bus. 8.00 te 9.00 The Pure, rich blood can flow Only in a dcean body. Now, a clean body isaoee In which the waste inatter la regularly and naturally eliininated, froîn the systein. The blood icannot be pure wVhen the skin action is Weak, when the stomacli doM nfot digest the food' e~roperly, when the boWels do niot-mnpve regularly, when the kidneyo 'are strained or overworked.. Pure blood ia the resuit of perfect health sud liarmny of atomach, liver,' bowels, kidneys and skin. ,'Fruit-a-tiveb", byi their wonderful a.ction on ail these, organâ, keepu the whole systeni asu ean as Nature in.- tended our bodies to be dlean. goPrult-a-tives" toues up, luvigo- rates, strengthens, purifies, cleaus and gives pure, rich, dlean blood that la, in truth, the streaxu of life. "Plruit-a-tives"l la sold by ail dealers at Soc, a box, 6 for 82.50 trial size 25c. or sent postpaid ou receipt cf price by Frult-a-tives Liliited, Ottawa. MOWATAt %hiRtby o huS.y ISpAi-At 10,t191, toflMnrsayd Mrs. Jas. Mowat, a son. MA RRI ED. CAMERON-TRULL--At the home o! the brlde's parents, Darlugton, on, Weduesday, September 9, by the pastorate o! Blaiover aud Kirkield. Mr. Charles Ernest Eheder aud Miss ,Edna Gouid, bath o! Bowman- ville, wexe uniteti lu marriage te. ceutly. *The meacliants of Orillia have- a- -grecti te cautnibute ten per cent. et their cash receiptu on Saturday, Sept. 19, te 1the Patrletic Fund. Ornlllla's tai -rate lu 81 mills on the dollar, anc miliilesu than tisai o! Is year. Miss Emma Lela Tutihope,, daugh-. ter ot Mn. J.B. Tudiiepe, ex.-M. P., of- Orilîba, 'waa marriedti 1 R. C. Dunbsan, o! Guelphs. Rov. T. Rosa Sarton, pashor of the Uxbrldge Baptist Churcs, Iolunl Scoilanti, vilting lus mother, who la A mare bslonglug tb A. Flarri a, cf Uxbrldge, was drowned lu tise elo- trio llght 'pond. A l£ttle sozg o! Fred Chsaplin, o! Uxbnldge, was drownod lun1the Mill race., Beaventon andi Canuington bave bad tag days.. The former ralseti $175, thie latter 8371.90. ofIt lu .uot toc early uow 10tlilnk o! YOur Christmas carda' C.- A. Goodfellow & Son have some o! 1 e Meut beautiful sampl e s ever offered b tise public,,-sud are now . ready 10 taire orderu. We have_ 200, diffrent samples te cisoose fr6in,, wlîb pnlces fagu ram a dozen up. This = ltisyeur name and a greetlng pninteti on1the' <ntide o! t1re caïd. Leave your order'now sud gnit i0o& ycur Mnlt. ,De livcry wIlU ho emade whce-éVcr you please. The main thiitg fi te gel your drd chesen eaily,, se ha 81e articule: kinti you vont 'will net b. out Of stodk. If -y@u~ leave i til 11later,1the :stock inBy bO eciti Out. Cali -anYway and look- over th1e- amPle booksataIthe Gazette office. ~'A yea go U~he couldteat ~TWO years or 5o- h &V VI 4L17e f uC , uric I of Ca nadia,, businress' some thing tba* were marring ibe féý1ir sheet of our, prosperitye -pecqIatiôn i» enetae exces.sive persosaIextravagarce; ýveî~ ~ turesomerness à in acrrd& enecy to imprudent busiress expansior, Too- day- Caî,ad&'s sirength is sbowiîg S itseif uanistakabIy. We bave reco;w ered our seIfocoî,fidence and courage., Our business men who advertise owe it totbemselves and the times to cor,- tinue thýir advertisirg. Advertisen,ènts' are declarations, of purpose, courage.- and service. An, absence 'of adverti.d A ing is an indication of fainibearfedness' andi of enmergy in a stâte Of collapse or suspense# Strength -shéWS itself in ae'tiouà", in advertis'kng, AP0SITION FOR FALL AND WINTER. We bave a nound bu,.inesa propositionfor a reliable enargetie saleuir-n for tbf. diprk't te seil fruit tises, aali fruits, fioweritig shrub,@e. i'ay weekly, outfit froe xelnlitie rritory. OVER 800 ACRES of fruit andi ornamentai stock unilor cultivation. tvo ssii through oui saiesînen direct to the con. sumer and guarautse delii'ery of frosh, highgrade treos. oui agonciesare raluabi. b yroason ofLte servièe w. give sud the. volume a9 basiuss*i dons. tstablishied 5yeaîs. Write P.Ihem Nursery Go., Toronto0, ont. P.5.-Nandsonie catalogue on roqunt oither to DOMINION EXPRESS 00. WHITBY AOENCY Parcelu cajled for and'delivered in any paC2 of the town. - Express ,aonnen with ail parts of Can- Charges Reasonable, B.nd De Prompt. W. L. O'CONNOR Whitby AI bifice ia E. R. Blow's Block CANADIAN NORTHERI SOPENING 0F DIRECT PASSENGER SERVICE BETWEEN TORONTO anti VALCARTIER militsry camp. Effective August 24th, -anti thereafter--Daly'-Except suuday. Eaat.W.at. bound Station. bound a.m. p.In. 9.20 IV. TORONTO ar. 9. 15 p.m. î.*oo Iv. BELLEVILLE ar. 5.5, 4.5 5 ar. KNW ar.'- 3,30 4.c -SMITHS FALLS- 45 .3 Iv '-an 6,0an. OTTAWA IV~. 12.15 10.23 ar. VALCARTIER IV. p.nio ,Noon a m Servicebetweeu Ottawa sud QuesoCity dably. Eleotrio liglteti coaclu eala parler cana between Toronto aud'Ottawa.. StBlandard s leeping cana aný class coaches betweeu Ottawa sud Quebe City. Double dably service, e Suuday, sud couvenbeut week-end sex'vbeebetween Toironto, -Port Ifop, Ce Trent-on, Picton, Belleville, flesenonte anti Ysrkor. For rail andi aleamsbip tickets, anti ail information, spply to neareut C.N.R.0 ruit. bound p.m. 7-15 12.30 a. ni. 5.45 7d stations v.OTTAWA'ar JOLIETTE SHAWINIGAN JCT. Phono Jet. 5275- 283 Eveiyn Ave., TORONTO. i F I s W. ADAMS, Dentjs$, Office, Dunda Street, Reuidence Ko. 4, the Terra..1 IBYronSt.,- Whiby. Phone No. lU.- CONTRACTORS J. 194WELL JAMIES .zarpenter, Builder ad Contractr. Plans drawn sud estimates furnisheèd. Repaira, Aîterations sud Jobbing. R10ient for antford Roo1lng1,t BOX 467 WIIITUY .'Phone 14q» .=JOHN 'TisHORNSBY, Plans Madie aid Estinsates Givon. AIl Kinds 0f Brick-sud Concrete Work. Repaira f0 Chimnoy Stacko and Boilera "' pecial ty. ýWhltby, (Box pi) Ontarlio lvgry Fire, Lufe, Live Stock, Prgàte Glass, Accident aud Automobiles.,' Ce FOLLEST Aetfor the biut Canaduan, Eagliah CNRCO N ~ gent. JAMES MOCCLELLAN PLANS Or ALL DES<Ci Box 3e3 W , itbY, Oat- Phono 12. FURNIS.ED. - Residence, - Tisonton' PhonePOsa. fWeiNO GRADE WATCH REPAIRING. 4,Osaa Le Je VASELESKV ________ WATCHMAKER andi JEWELER Two Doomsouth of Royal Hotel Ton Years Experises luinQenerai Work. Estimates givon One Y8arg.Gusauntee. - HME-SEEkIr ' -ROAL FHEATRE E XICUR 10.00,W Open every evening, MANITOBA, ALBEWI 4-00 Wehave instalecî s new srmpîez A p.m. machine, which is absolu teîy llickerîeajst - e. 8.4o aud easy on the eyes.Eu*0ta à l 5.30 Saturday-night, soc te ail, Winulpegand Rt .aa 5.20 BAIN PERRIN, Manager bfn 6. _-ý_ý -441, .RIPTION ys Corners v ~ ~. ~* TI~D(~LI1~ I ) - -i -frorn 'Ou the 1 Ont-ar 10de the qu ity oft 'Ru'la TH READGOLD -BROSO GARPESTERS amd BUILDERS PIISsT CLAtIe WORJ< GUAaANýTZED. Charges moderate. Apply Dundas St. West or P.O0. bax 403. AUTUMN SESSION in now o0en bu Centrai Business Col- loge, T10oanto, sud in eh-oaiIts Six Branche Free castalogue ep&n mourses. Write forsa cojir. W. H.l~ Shaw, Presidout -HeaddOffices, 393 Ycnge St., Toronio. A. CUIRRY WILSON, B.A.Sc. ARCH1TECT OTTAWA *QIJEBEC At the a T., the --Iected fer President- Cor. SO R ec. Sec.- ,ý7rS. C. 7A.1 ardson, r 'ýup ýS. o! Work Ami PalrMeý Press Wo'ar Flower, F Mav Thompi ;an slisti Éis, d Mr,.and M taken up reu iy occ'tlpied B3yron ald F1y paper, iy- papef fia at J.E. Wil] lin. We can zu .andi ranges,' 10owu lways The patro .'NatIonal- 1Ex yicinbty was prédiation he Bave your properîy fit -eyegîasses bj andi optician. SAL S;atunday, male o! bors echepro Myrle Shah NWM' Ma*, -a ,Repýairs ha' "Iare flanking Andrew's cl were pulletiel new> -ons bû 4eOing-tihe WC - ion't !org 8 upper te be Tabernarle Qrlth; Crote OA 19, 'w W'W 'w 'w 'w 'w lu, IV Il Iro&y ho cm «t threesquare meds imd sometimes one O'extriel because Chamberlaln's 'Tablets cured. Stmmh Troubles and gave him a good digestion. You-, try them. 2k. a bottle, All Dm ats and Dealers or Mail. 991 a ý by( 1 gel F.&I ', J" 11, 1 'Rgnilý A m A 4- %Vl- 4 1... c INSURANCE

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