l-as ocensruggl:ng witz -ue pou--- 1 - -f - _ ' - _ N; le1m- of lmprovlg the schools to1at8atâiP -te meet the demanda etf theDb ûe n~dtuefatsst1, and4 rentarlg, pgg ya , or Thisla the Peu le'8 railwy h,î-34U J~ j ~ h ~ . ~of Education. Two of the buildings , a nameis-i lgtng Up qà r ha Il'the application oethte-, principle oftot,ý*ub VY Futv-Vat at present ln use-Re nry Street and1 and wet oeeblock, the e2xete e5 ng o uiok t*uI tideut-tor,, Dufferin sre-are l ul <otpublice wflerhilP te electrlç rallways. 11 t Ot t ut. C.P.U. ItatiQ il conitin, s cmpaed a te n~ W euoy unicipal - control--on .pmb-Iaddtng, ,,to tilese èn Brock St autbe:,&; ïS'e ï~ ~ ots 'quirements of, the Dept-, that. te0iw yliP-01 our wtrsdIgtt9t »I ie The 1Cousait ý weze îtte -î1î%k e ' but;-e,- g syteis w~ nt pu>loowerbl~doubtful about, theý-advlsshllit i~ iysbn' eit1dcddte do Board cannot decide te make repares, temsdlng notbpubleuamental lamp fexe tue w oneiî tedrlif.d d a to c th er In th e ase et t e D f!- t a ra lw ay ? T h e H y d ro .E oe ri 1 p o in ts in d icat od , a n d ' s gges ted îb A bt sen t ,th ru eb o z e s d e tim @ - eriln etreet -school, .the Board asic o Cmisini nttlZt orce ýt'Commission and -tbèý Fine',and ig iùM -Iwag cured. WbuNie sick, I 'ths aiwa uonus. Out muniolpafLigh Commttce of Council mgt ~ ~ m o n e y t e e r e c t a . n e w b u il d in g I p o n m e e t a n d c o n t e r s e t e t h e e te n l o w b a î I a l o e t . N o wIb u t , le e 1 >k n - a ne 'steat an estimated cost of réPresectatives jolined witb represen-,11 atrcmutelalgaio. ietelISWT. ?>~ tl 0 .,. . T h e-o ld b u ild in g is la s ch , ta tiv es of a l hehe er m o a i ie-t e c n e n e s y s r ei e t c r d t i n s woi " r uIt4- le tely s cendition that in thé opinion ofth# i concerncd ln petltionlag, thé Hydro- reached. Onthat understsndln'g .it MADAM M.CH BONAY Board it would pr unwse te expend Electrie Commiss on to plan and e- was decded te eruppl'y the $1000 for "rî--le"j i.getu any cnieal u p l nretmtYO'à ,cnt«the preposed peen eee toiuach tonta lu Ibe world and wi cosdrboen paI u re.tîisie uad:po ýta osbitet,.popsi>The,,following were apipoInted Poil alwayccunelqidgeStl, OfSurstomach, pairs. r-'y u o unu h rooa lrsfor the polling te be ,ei o- Hertu f" vepl adot Witih th.Henry esImd bulding it le to the' votes 'o! .the people' This the OCter 10 N. , . ensoc N on i*c Trubll-ves. u- different. Here we have a iverv subi-1 COMMIoissionhas doue. lIf Iu uot h; o.28 Jox %w sta tial tructre,, but se vi a t eir propçsaI .but Our ow i Il we l No-!4,mJl ;N o.8 Ae . çWh. te e - 30 e m oz or- 5, t on 1 se , :5a.O nç ih d m n ag t ths r i%à t w l el,, u er b Dontald Caniron. pl.by P u t 4y a < itdt Ottawa. varin~ewltb'hi demudso! tO gl Ibs -rallaY l Wl b» The Mayor reported that 1eSw Departuxcut of E.ducation thât th.managed fer us byihe Hydro-Elecw tComtetdd hle oiof esr.Resan sntrd hv tiersaomit a ha bookao! ewes o trtd bostardLang sueflar ceai et altfig the building %md; trice CoMiMISSIO-. 1 -1- u 1 ess Rod hv modernizig it, so ar as te 'be ac-1 This beng a business venture o'l fdicated on original pl'an, rand t p ared a buc s y 11 hghoi eaet p res ceptable 10 1the Deparîmnent, would our ewn, lu, the llnaucial guccesi of cxtcnd the sewer ws uDna i e utrsdohrpoue beeýin te oinio ofmany to lug whih w -WÃ"uldbe vtaly,.ico e f rnche St.,*and lay a scwcn "Mr. George Lawrence'left last weei a 1, um tho epnon set m a, ee lrgedwh h uld 1e vt tll oueru-1 roniBrook cast on Trent' to Athol, to resume hlW studieai the O. V. a sm t exen onse ld bild cd wh soul 'w wat e gve nynorth to St. -John, west to Green, Ciollege, Torointe.. iug. Itlal estin:ated that lit weuld other ceuceru or Corporation, the South to Trent. IM.adMs r.a n ag- cost $5,000 te Improve this building,' privilege of eperating a. railway fnl Hewie Ire0s. got 15C.- per rod for ter were récent guests o! Mrs. J. and thon l would ho oniy aPac- opposition te this?1If we should' 29' rode wire fence on Hlopkins %t, Duf. edupol bilin. an apexeniocoh-e oa, o The tollowing acconts were pas- Ir. Cecil Wilson, who bas been ai, A e w p lbuilding .o hwaiest ;'cua an te nC isio n t 1e ro d ed 3 .0 1popular entertainer of lae witbh lme e s t m a ÃŽ e d - t e c s t $ 1 1,0 0 0 , o r n l v a n d à p e r a t t i i t u p o n t h e s a in t t e r m e J a s . S a w d o n . . . . . . . . 3 8 . 4l ut b i s i an r u m e , a d e t r y n e $6,000 more tlian te_ patchi up the as they are proposing te build sd' .MIed..... 24.00 secure a "'talking parrot."1 odbidn.operate this line, okiga tth Snolgroye & Tier ......... 84.50 --- - The Board of Education bas opetit situation froru this point of view, C. Ted.......... ..... ....50- Tiie readers cf this Pa Per wlifl b pleased to manlad hurbuIldietin ndg.e . resar aguekng t11e do . JO. PrînglSons.........3.85 $100 thREW tlAson red, 100 as many0a that science has heem able to cure lu ail ite -dicusin o tisHeny St scoo Terelanohin é . A. Goodtellow & o . 35 tgs and that isdatarrh. Hal'@sCatarrh Cure discssili o ths Hery St. chul Thre e uohiu un l. on.. 1358 th.s uy positive -cure now kuowii ta the prbeadinsuha h rt-Teolyvtlqetonta elc W. .J. Luke & Son ........ 2.59,' medicai frateruity. Catarrh being a constitu. Muniipa Word ....... .... s.0 Itonadimiease. requires a constitutlonai treat. payers huaye b >puy the bill they arc is ,ithis-shall 111e municiplilties have MuiiplWon......t60 .' Hall'a Catarrii Cure is taicen iuternaity, 111 dace.. gfdtreytiy pontheebcSsd niucothsu te 1he given th1e privilege and respon- -te puy, in whole or in part, th e- rIngerîous y tm ceebp'etoyu the -lo n uossr sibliy o dcidngwhehe te od entre thy utup s)secriy StiUSStabbing Amrrray fotr.n ofth edsaean -igteaiu siblity t deidin wheber 11e lS bnturs thy pu up s seutltth I by building up Ithe constitution as buidin sallberepire o ýane wih te OMMSSOUOi n eu f mong ralians. ia8stsclng nature iu Soing ts work. The pro.m chat tliey offer eue Hundred Dohiara. for any -building erected. th1esale of o any debeutures, te malte The first trouble experienced witb case t iet t faits 10 cure. send for lit cf test. 'Oue or 1the other-.must 11e done, tor up auy déficit that migh.t 1belu the 1the Itulians euguged on 1h. sewer-ýl Addreats. P. j. eCHHNE & CO., Toledo. 1the Deparînent of Education insista ycarls Opérations. If th1e rutepayere age and qîher contract n t u enion-. 8ld by ailDug s, 7bc. tha euredonSaburday eveulug luet, asTk al»Fa.ivvii for constipation'. upon it.- If thée vote goes lu favor' could be abeolutely aseured î~ slo hc ae oa isI et repaire, 1the Board wil endeavor! tin wOshawaotiu t x Hosptal, hi Ilite hangiug A niitao' Notice to te niake over t1he old building. Il by-law would carry eaeily.. How-j by a threud, and Antoni Bonjourni- Creditors. th1e vote goe lu f uvor o! a inew bu ild. ever,- Itlaj impossible tor anyone te sud -.ioeeph Rosano are lu custodyo, - ng, th1e new building b 1e erected say beyoud 1the shadow et doubt Ibat'1the former charged witb doing lb. Notice la hereby given pursuaut tb willbe oden. n(fup-o4dteEnd therevnue wold lwas b sufi-stbbig, and the. latteF with drw- R.S.O. Chpter 121, Section 56, that wîî 11 mdem sudupbo'ab, ndt 11 reenus oul away 11 sffi jing a revolver wheu an attempl .wae aJil -reditors and others -haviugI thepus tendn n ilcjoy the cient to' meet th1e charges upon 1the made te capture Bonjourni. dlaims againel bhc estate et Jane bet facilities and equipmeut thal rosA for siukiug f und, operatiug ex-I The affray occurrcd about 6.80 en ~Horne, laie o!f1the Township et Wit-, can e povidd wth teým)ue. ýese&and p-kep.Saturday cvening. Morav was ou by, in tire Couuty o! Ontario, widow, Tieus Teabcsud up-kca ep. idi t Dundas St. east, iusb weet-oet1h. G. Aeceased, who ied- on or about the Those ~ parents 'whe have cîdon -Tebn ht-a 1 aAi hl T.R. station in comPanY -wth-'sev-' 18111"day et August, 1914, r e going t ecoo re'aurly es1-Iestlmatlug as caret ulIy -us 1t1e en- cral et hie frienAs' Benjourni l n ure eIo b ol nead r oiu. te see them advance rapidly arnA gineers can, allowing fer every prob- gaged on another job in lown, sud. de>lver b< Eruet R. Hrnme,, Whltby, te page from eue grade le anither."i able charge aud placiug the inceme wae passing th1e 0111r Italieus, when Ontario, 1the adminlatrabor of 111ee-, Theybave perapeoniyfew y paas1u a vory. modemate rate as compar- pr11. pedUp lo Morav sda1 ~ b:iA ~ t5r -te attend echool crethyar rb- cd witb ether Canadian rouAs in op-' lahie pooket teo omplY with thc re: dresses , aud descriptions with fuli. a pelled te become wage ouersns lun bm raies, 1the eilmates showa large, quet, whcn euddeuly, wltheut pro- parbiculars of Iheir daims, sud th1e, in iown home. Il Ie ImpOrtant thaï; thebt surplus each year. This surplus, if vocation, Bonjourni plunged a hutte nature et the security, if any, ie..d fwyasSol esetudrteearucd, lat edve og he laIe hie abdomeu. by theni, dlcertifled. munciplites,, uon bais f cst Immcdiately ail wue lu confus-ion. lAn ak uye oiethtatr U mei favorable conditions that the, mncialtis, uo abs e e Bojeurni lied wltb two men lu pur-, lbe 5th day ef November, 1914, 1h. Tire, i' iewn eau eupply, for th1e bt'y' sud duit, sud was capturcd ucar F. Heu- said adminîstrabor-,wlll pmoceed le Accidentm girls are td e he menmcansd wo.-1 That the munlcipalities would have iglock's resideuce. Others calleid for distribute the. assoet 111te salAd de. Agent f men of affaire lu 111e years te come. tpay sny large part o! 111cm ýguar-1 assistance for 1the wolinded man. Then ceased amoug 1the parties eutitled nd Amer atee 1qut 11kl. fter te Italiane whoi had caught Bon- therelo, haviug regard only toe 111e However the vote may go, it sla t.leqie oîeloI teeJeurni becume excited sund hurried dlaims of wuioh 11e shall thon have Box 393 laIe, flu the esson te go oun wht the sheuld 1e a ,deficitiIn any yearthe11 back te 111cm wounded frieud. Th eir hadl notice, and Ihat the. said admin- work o!siten mprvln orbuid- urplus o! any etben yeur could 11e prisoner aI once seîzcd 1the oppertu letrater- will net 11elitable frl.R0 ln. hewrkcant e ndra knaplid pn tnlity te escape again.j salA assets or any part tereof seR Y 'Ippte1 up .o heeq jýjd ûr This lime he wus pureued by Pie- i-tributcd te any peneon or persoui l O l u g.l he w o r k c a n ot 1eO uO n d e rm o n l h e e e u .1 1 , e s i atr o S c iY , w h o u s e d a b ic y c le t eo ! h s edo fh s a l e at e Plus b n erndtistiy umwos ca1, oshllno Ae s-Y'ilb umedr ns e mn-r çg "' ventake hlm. SiciIY caught up t jhave » neceived notice.Weh eywll 1enqure frIbs ea. would go a geod way lu reduclug 1the Benjourni ut Wm. Wcslk' h RETR.HRE a 'e amount o! taxes te 11e ralsed each deuce ou Brook Street soulh. Bon- Adminlstraten, 1y acnAes Som1e Etrroneous Argu- yean. Thîs-le a point net 'tio1e lest Jeumni 1usd been Joined, by Ressue, A. E. CHRISTIAN, ades suad wheu Sieily pal e o l.Whtb, i Shilin - mets nswred. sigt . sen-Rsse uledarevo 4lvek a ted O tobe 8,191. - apld Stai nton spont SimdaY~ 4SURANCE r Life, -Live Stock, Plate Glass, and Autgomobiles. for the best Canadian, English .rican companies. JAMES MeCLELLAN Whitby, Ont. Phone 12 'AL TH EAT RE 01188 MOVINO PIOTUIES. Open every evening. ,are installed a new Simples which i. absolutely flickerleu oti the eres. aturday night, loc to ail. BAIN PERRIN# Manager HOLSON & SELDONI rUMN SESSION pen in centrailfBuuiness Col- orento, and in each of t Six Write for a copy. W.93 Premident, Head Offces,89 t., Toronto. FALL AND WINTBR.' re a sound ýbuiness proposition for a irgette saleian for this district to os, sinail fruits flowering ahrubs, etc. outit irs, exciuive territor. OVER 600 ACRES jornemental stoek undler cultlvatlon eugb our soalesmen direct te 1the con guarantee delivery of frasb, 111gb grade agencl.sarevaluable breasoncf lb. gio and th.e 'olumeF oS usines, dons. 85 jear.. IbsaM Nursry Go., Toronto, Ont. lie catalogue on requeut esuber t mntor those wushing 14 nery stock. INTER '.TOURS TO THE LAND OF ishine and Summer Days nia, flstlda, Loulsiana, Etc. ed. tris leave T6ronto dsily, direct oonnüection ait Detroit Fà lo for the Bouthera States, Dhicego for.Ca1tferniaetc.-1 1 t lnpatin~ a trip of any i'ôùýd,ôpj'ut anadian Paqillo Aient. who wile la»d m~tio WALT,ýERS w -WATER AND LIGHT, COIIMISSIONERS Z Do yen knew of anything cisc Ibat has been steadily. - ceming down in pnice fer the st few years, except -Electrlc Light?- The eltief business of -a Municipal Elcctric Dept. ie te - furnish electricity fer light and power l"at coul" oteh inhabitants e f the municipality. Owing te reductiona in th1e price of meters, sud te the general increase in business, it has been found possible 10 lewer the cos4t-of liglit te 1the consumer by eliminating meter rente after they have .béon paid three yeans. GET YOUR IIOUSE Wl RED and help us to reduce the rate sil further,',and strike a blow Sat "the high cost of living" by uuing electricity- in the home. Gao. W. P.- avaItYo supt. I TREA8L/RER'S SALE-0F LA MD FOR TAXES BYirtue of a warrant under the band of the Warden and the seai of 1the Corporation. B oft1e County of Ontario, dated the îzîh day of Septeniber, 19:4, coinmar ding nme" aad ~ the lande inentloned lun-the following lilt for arrears of taxeu. thereon seZu toh;- I hereby gilve notice that-unise stch arrearuand costs ait sooner paid, I shall, lu, compflance wltb 1the Aisesment Act, proceed t oeil by PublE. Auction. lithe aid lands, or so much tbereof as 'may b. necessary for th1e taxes, at th~ Court -House, lu the Town of Wbitby, on' SATURDAY, DECEMBER 16TH, 1914 at the, hour of tweo oclock ln the afternoon Part part W )4 of E % Par Pt. Villagejot 10,, Blk A, Pickeninl belngN TOWNSHIP 0F RAMA' Lot Con. Acres Taxes Comte 18 F 50- 10 38 -2 54 ze G 10o,$13 43'$2539 14 G e $-983 e2 50 2 L zoo i3 86 -2 6o TOWNSHIP 0F MARA 'ý Lot Con. Acres --Taxesi- Comte 10 12 \ 87'2 50 12 .12 100 9 59 a 5e TOWNSHIP 0F BROCIC. Leot Cen. Acres.'Taxes couts 29 Al % 2 83 2350 9 14 34.- 338, 328 TOWNSHIP- 0F PICICEING Lot Con. Acres',Taxes Cests tg 1 1 Ji 4. Total 12 89. $16 02 $233 '16 46 Pat-or' Unpat - upat Pal Unpa F ai Total! Pati or Unpat '37, Pat 12'09 Pat .Total Fat or Unput É533 Pat 34 66 - Pat Total Pat on Uspat I ( 353 *329 34 82 ein$ S% 31 29-94, Total Pateor t, ,W.Go s'a..s~ r h~aIrrLLJ'j .avei- Hait 1î. Whltby, (Box 91) Ontario cf fru than Bell Phone 138. .sstr ROBN 100) F TICIC, OFT, FL'UFPY,' AND NO tree as.09 ROI ODFO1R DANDUP-!USE PARI SIAN C FOLLEST ictab5isbee SAE.A1!IT6R, N BUIL.DER Write Psi colon, tl, Pin ts atrLANSOF ALL DESCRIPTION applice us send ýi ou a'ttiai order. l' sthatd.enlable,.,seoftînes, 9glosa -ns orer landreb'mngeutasphittlp ,4onF ,RNhE sud beauty, do soi desair-pPthoRsie e TOrntusCorer bain le 1-argl . malter> e .. -on 4f hwa IIITUIR%'~yy~~~It le othiblumû. Itgrow. Ifl b le * DUL I DUL~ ! .harah and briltle Bolton t up-liib.l- Â CUIRRy WILSON9 ..o AJIJn4 ftr pantng rom20ca dzenup.The fikes ff. Freshen up theaoclp-WtiItbz2à ,Evelyn Ave., ds ferjà ntig, fiom 20ea dozm, up ThSsge -ail dandruft disaP' OONO ne r. a, tligh a~ &g p Plins jt.5275 TRO T are ~cta god tis esse, your hain la' doubîy besuti- fui Ple85Sage, codlby A.H.THRE&DGOLD BROS. ~îêo TRY OURS. Ailin and ai ail drug couILtlOEBye ARUTUSce BILEU m. what yun ld- arge b 7158FIBT C"" 5WORK GUÂRAI(TEED). kn coosabut *50 onts. It 9rinai a tsCharges mdrt.and Buff j , , ---11.bi arn n se em u A pplDundas St. iPý flO iiiq. ATE 1iO SIý*aou cannot ho dla8polnt- pl Those 4 4ArHITBY lui - -.W mueif qRSADEWATCH ading Com'menûoin Saturd WEE -~boy in tl)is--tyr pendablew able price. INTE fYOU. aui wat-ch, )no. We have1 able te' uell es for so lI - -MENSUSIITS -:Regular value fromn $12.50 -to $20.00.0 This is tiLe most lihC 'ral offer wé, have. placêd before the public of ý,sýouth' Ontario during " Our whole career. of twenty seven years in the town of Whitby. LADISAOMSE'COATSý We have bought at - a bargain seventy five Ladies' and Misses' Coats. This is an oppo rtunity to buy your winter coat, in ail new styles. Ail new clo'ths-- plaids, checks, astrachari and bucle cloth in cardinal, brown,- tan, grey, blue and black, wortli in regular way $12.50 to $17. 00. For 7 days only'- $91090 Corne to the Niue Ninety 'Sale- The regular- T..wil11e Mme. W. J.- -Qn Wedsesday 44111, utlial!-P TRIED TO1 SYoung feil '%vwas urrested1 mas could set juil - pendiugt Pleus Court.1 attempîs-to ki * Young masnt 'hie mother; stances would would neyer huA 11e iot - .o! liqiier.-0111h -ýTh Rev. M. --'u th11e jser'y -chùzch seit l * - irlswantec ph at-the Ev Fruit and Vir 'MIre: F. E. 'W ftor seyet -frieude 1ope 5 mecovery.- 111gb Sehool- erill was lu and Thurs-a Mm. Wîldrid on Brook Stj - - comnple ,ie, ai~ dence. -- -Geed -winti evaporating th1e WhitbyE will-net 11e Fruit'anA Vi1 - Tue muny MIutyre w! 'that 1e à le alter 1 >Iug( çeveral -moobl * Lost fromn a brown wa1t Reward If ns -' maien blini oft same. Ch~ The. Whtbi wll meet fn on Thnday te raeei ,lupply e! J. _E, Willi UKnzt.sècie Ur %. Jeweler and - Oppesi Whitbyl 7 DA4YS ONL Y 'w Ir ýw v 'V Ir v 'w 'w IV 'w 'w 'w v 'w lýF v 'w 'w 'w 'w lqr 'w lulli" §týA - - - - - ý- ýw- --7