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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 15 Oct 1914, p. 3

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er Max K. Horton. It bo*ts coifiquiely to the reme o f sm~e submuarine under the. the orew of th. ill-fated d.ètroyer, miander whidvmuiade a eiu- whecouh-d b. e so wimming about L end sak thie Oernmin in th viàcity o! the 4isaster or HeIa off Heligoland Sep- elingig o the wrekae o!ftier ~.As on -the formeor ocea.- sunken ship. E9 ha6 eafely reurne tg t,ç> As Bohiermoiikoog s cloSe Vo Vthe bport. - ieland cof -florkum, where the Ger- bion took.épbaoe aM 1 -ýo'cloék m bna have a na,-val bae,end wLtuin ~noeed by the- IDti uî sixty ie of Heligolend ancd Vii. ards ou Vithe Dutkh TsJsJd nvlarsenal oid!<WilIuehn"hven, ,ikoçg, i tiieNorthiiSes, .the "d o h e ue bniaraàe 'la con- roviaioeof Frieslaind. Tii. sidered a very daiing one. wmss OWar and. tahe sea The Dutoii meNZl staff announces 1 obhe "etroyer oould -plan- that the .inking o! the destroyer oc- i'crumisng before the Moutl' cu-rred mevein miles 'O! Sehierni- l. Suddenily the ebteveoe koog end -we&l outside Dutelh terri- igh ooh0uwi cf 'ater ristorial waters. -QUEBEC TO MIONCTON. LCé.RÏ Intends te ,ý Operate Frelgh t 0Over lN.T.R. .A deapa'tch f rom MontresaiYS Tbut s~ection 0f1file Nationa Trans- conaiInentall a 'Wybet'wee-n An- oerime, ede tcif Quebec 'c;ty, sud Moncton, N.B,.-,is no- oeapletecl, -aind lt was staitedhere on We.dnes- dsy- nigit tuait ltis 'tse unte'nton c it tue Intercoloni aRilway tÃ" op- ormte f re>tglt- over lt ths coniing niier. Tii. lin. just oomnpiet'ed serves large pproodareua. Tii. G.T.R. t.reigh.bdeçartment here bas been nifle o! lthe InterCcl>onia.l' decisit>» te operate.the new line.. VIOTTON TIRADE HTil HARO. Llod George Says Other Industries will Be Buîy. A despniteif rom Loldon saya: -Davici Lloyd-George, --Clancellor o! ths Exehequer, in a speech on Wed- ne6dayt-ea Zeputationoof tue Work- ers, National Cormittesuid it was noV .at ai-I ure ithat hey were not a littie preuiiaturve-in a&nmnepst- ing .a ver-y c6nsideràble amount 'o! unempyimti as tii. wa.r progre89l. (5LEAIIED 0F THE ENEMY., Steaanslip 'LDues MayBesume -Seor- vice ln Soutih Atlantic.' A deespatcim f rom New York -*&y& Agents ini tuis cVy -of Briish steson- Ethp compainics whome veesele ply beween New York and ports li Soxmbh and Oenutral Amerlos.and tue Weist Indie were uotifled in cabl-e- gram f rom London on Wedneada&y "uht re#uiamr ailingemnight safely b-e reeumneti.Agents o! tuhe Lsonport and HdkLV ine sud Viey had- been directed te reeumne.tii. ssiing s-he- dules whicim were interrupted by th-e acevtiés of the. Garai cruis- .era TKalruhe and Dresden and- tue converted -cruiser Kronprinz Wil- helm n'i n-tiiSouth Atianti,. TV was afflumed by the agmet tat the Ger- mian war veemels had been chaed away, -b ottbled up in some port, or aa iad dismatrous. meetings wisth the, Britishi and Frenel criiers known to eb.in South Anmeiicaîp, waters. 0UR MILLS WILL BE BUSY. lluqdred Fer Cent. Extra Eqamlp- ment Okdered Ila Canada. e.Tii. deman8a ou tue industries- A despaitei-f rom Ottaw-a Baye; ;,t;hi-9 country, tue Chanodor said, The Waw Off»ce-ais u1ked- Vii.Camae- wouldib-e enormous, but initii. oct.- dia» Goverimmeut Vo provite onte ton trade Vhe distress undoubtedly huntred per cent. extra equipment -wuld b.e evere,. That- was the. only for' Ibi. Cla&nsdiain troops. ThIere trgde, ho adcled, wiiio halieconi- ua tready been provided, sevexmty *tely broken clown *tius f ar. per cent. The . ecuring of Vthe adti- - - lionail thirty per cent. fer the fleet RUSSIA'S8 BIG Lii«N. contngent d 33,000 men, and -aima the double ciquipuinut forlthe. secondl Siîhbrfètidnx for $250,000,000 N11111 contingent cf. 22,000 mon, is giving Soon Boe CaIled For. tWé.i Miitia l)epeewment a busy Vume,' - -and wil keep tue mille 921 over the A decpatch f rom Petrograd &aYs-. ganggdayan ghfoa The. Bourse Gazette learns that w-cou-ntry agoightfou ing Vo fàvoreble newe f ro>mtu e-t~ long time to ceame. o! war subseriptions wl h be invitet d for an internai lcan o! 8500,00,000 rubl-es. ($250,000,000), at five per 'AADIAN RIOSPITA7L IN PARIS ýcent. A -writer'in Tiie' Army Ga-- zerte estimaIs-a tuat-the, war with CemmiBSl10eor Wrltos -That the Oierm-auy will drag on for . year French Admire -British. beoSuse tiiewinter eaxipaig'n ca.n-not A despatch f rom (>$twa eays: have, anr intensive eiksracer. Tii. Tii. fllow-iug exbract f romn a letter fiihdng w-IIl, however, break ont f rom the Ca&nsan COmmi-eicer at againin ths spring with ils prel'teoU5 Pairie was given out onWednesdlay fury, h. , yI.- by Hon. L. P. Pelldeier: "Tehl our SIX AUSTRIAN SIIl1'S SUNK. Letoff thc Dalînation Coast-Most of Crcws Lest. A d e-s-patd'n rom Paris says: The1 Met.â,gero puli-siee a tespatcii1 f rom iAncona., i-n aly, on tuhe Adri-1 atid, - telegraphs ttu-Borne corres- pondent -oôf the Havas Ageucy,1 whieh ticaes j;thait our-Austrian trpedo boa"sendtVw-o ,Austrian iorped -boat destroyers have bec-n bo»t ch -the oasb e!f Dahmat'a ais a resut o!f 'iuing in contact witii nilieg. INie Auona despaitciiattis -h taiam-jorityo! the meniber8o! tihé orew-so!fViese six vesela est their lives. GERlIAIN MY- 00 . Taught te Bear at Sight of Red Trouse ri of Freneh 'Seldiere. A deaçia.t.h f ro(m> Paris, &a y- Tii. Figairo toile te .capture o! soum hWghY. traismetiGermait, py doga. Tii.e ainial aie wontehy 'du catet, the.Figaro says. anti 'have been taught to re-r abt tu&esight o! -the. red trousere of Frenoh sltiers. Th -dçgs aýre sailti tofÇhaye bee-n -big3ly.useful in reoo>nntouring. are -wondeeful. Tue- bravo and gai la-nb Bnitisi regimuents have boee; mu-eh admi-ret-, andi I arn sure Vhs our own soli-ra w-ilil iaIre tie &am impression. IT have juat ben in forniet by Heuo. M-r. Perley Vhs the, queeion o! baving a Canadie- hospîtal i-n Paris has'b.-» tefinite -iy secIled. I arn very plesedt t hear that. Lt was tiie nighlt (hinj te do, anti you .ouid, u<oV -ave don, il in a more galant waiy." ýNEW PURLE FO00 LAW. Farmers WII1 JBe Greatly Beaefltted 'By It. Jaueaiy 1et, 191à, wililb. the. date iohen the Amended IJa.w Bill, izum- ber 99, pa.med by the, EHouise of Coni mousfl on the 6th May, 1914, widi P it effeut, forbidding tC. ueo the 'word f l'naple" on 4fl7produici that isuot abso1utely pura uap -o! the. ma!pie .tre.The . toUowing is, s capy o!f4the Dew La.w "29A. No person ahail maaufaco- "ture for sale, keep for maie, or "'offer or expose for slias maPle "augar any sugar whicuii is not pure' "mpl ugar, ncoe ass maple syruip "a¶iy Syrup which'hhis mot Pure mapi. ",ayrup, &ud 'amy imople euga.r or "miaph syrup whieh la flot up to thie "leta&»"rd prescribed by tbhe Sixth "Sciiedule to buis Act., or, i4 sucix "ataiderd la ohainsed by -the Gov- ge-ritorin-Council, te asudh standard "as the GoveSnor-in-Couneil may "fr-om turne to timae preecribe, shahI "be deemed to be aduteraked with- "in the meaning of this -Act." "2. The word 'M&apie' shald not 'lbe used efther aiomne or in combi- "nation witii any- other word or "worde on the label or other mark, l"illustration or deiee on &-package *,($onta 'inirngamy article of £ood or "ion any article of food ileif whiah "-or whidh remembles maple mu- 'gar of maple syrup; and no pack- i age c ontaining amy article of f.ood "or any article'cf food itwMe whh,d 'lis not, pure maple sugwr or pure "maple syrup, shall beda.belled or "marked in sucli a mainner -ais is "likely to maire perlons believe 'k lis masple sugar or niaple syrup "lwhoh is not pure maple sugar or "pure znapie syrip, aod in article "éo! fcd abelled or marked i» vio- "dUtion of this sub-eetion sdal b. "ideemel t»o bf adulterated within "Vii. meaning of tVie .Act." ofe above legisiation wML prove ofgrest benefit to &U niaple yrup Zand sugar makers anmd will effec- Stively tmuiate the industry. lem- cidentally it wl keep tiie Gavern- ment busy in following Up tiheir good and , wise ensetiment. The. groeery trade tbroughlout the. Do- minion wil1 have to be cireularized, put-bing rbhem on their gua-mrdagainst ha.ving the, adulteraited article on 4heir aheilves. Inspeotors will alo be neede'd in large numbera Vo Stiioroughly afeguard tihe -intere'sts of tiie purdiiasing public, who will Of courue expect ttc get the Pure r maple éyrup tuaet hey are parusg Sfor. With aüi the protectuive nMa- y ohiniery at eommand îthe Govern- ,r ment shouiti be abie Vo thoroughly' «. cape with the -newly-created situxa- 1tion. Aflter ahi, this newact, Vo be n effective, simply â9fods evnother in- t stance of tihe 4ruth of th ii ft-quoted e naxian: "tern-al vigilance is -the p rice cf safety. " Lg e BRITISH TII 1E DECREASE. Results of Waz ;are Shewn lu ures for Lest. )onth. Fig.1 A t-espatohIfrom Lonto» saye: Tii. figure-s o! tue Boardi o! Traite for Vienionth o!fSeptember again shiow- the reeult o! tie war. Importe tiecreaset 881,515,000, while ex- porte decreaset -'$78,750,000. The principal techunes i-n importe wer: Foot,' 810,000,000l; wool, $11,250,- 000; -cotton, 8$7,500,1)00; manu!ac- turet iarbiclta, 842,500,000. 'In ex- perts. ceai feul off $8.750.000. Tii. r-mainimg deficit w-as un manufac-_ uret articles, o! %ýhiéh colton tex- tiles figuredtetotie anieunt o! $17,- 500,000. AVIIQR I~RND 10 DEATH nadi Wourided - ermanl Pilot and Put BuIIet Th ogt1 the OasolIIfe-Iafk A epatVoiif rom Bord a s: Fre-uchaeropian.e tO~k The Germna Official tespat",iei r-oiveti by tahe on lxi.flsnmirandtwoundeti thé pilot F~~.I'1~a Dç~a'bmiiLonWéd-a"ti puit a buUlethtlrough, the gaso nes"y 9gwe'a gaiocaioco init.lino Vaik, . A .ii.êV of iméenvol- an sris doc w'iohwsaý.Wehed, opeti ii Aj ati, n tei i adine by tlioUssnds of" poliers o! iitiopt mplyImdugces FrcollontGerman an$,rm tho c-Ve Frenchiilimes. In Vie tescent tocber 5 ast JOnceirY, in tiieregion 1h.e iwutdmncntiutt of Riieimns. Lme hie pwo nilpeettby tiie A Germaan acropilane of tbeAria- flaunes i type asSende i wlth Vwé Meng' i8e,ýgeam M Fraintzce Vearliu sudi aler circânig over -thi e rimcui a sels'o!f anfcntsia Paella, -s «rat=r u oi-x wnBolli Gerniam swen.founid burmt aines wheu Ser@Qaiut Frontz, ow 01ct»Vo4h41 ie cimb 'ers cf'their MIP- 5iimot empeprt of Freneh,&viaî4xorI, chine. Fmautz' W»aSectrtet w-ithi d Pti9i<Ily bise ltiehi, Quun- tube Legipýnof!Honor anti Qu-imauli g pP5 a $ aa ]ine ano4d gave 1w-s a wardedtheVie uliV4.yzn.daJ 1for &'Oiduu fl imeVtliè tlleir «oP loik - NOT DRUGS Foodi Did It. After n-sing 1laxative -e-utcati-aitic mine-ines f-rom chUdtiomot a case o! niieocconstipation yieldet to tiie suientific foot, Grape-Nuts, in a !ew- daiys. "PFrom, early childuhoot T sufferet with auch teerible conaipation liai I hadto Vouws laxatives co-ntinuuelýy, going f ren one deug tVo -another and suffer.ing pmore oc ejs.s ailthe time. "A prominent physician w-hom 1 oonsuited ta>ititm e Vemuscles O!. the. digestive, organe w-eee w-cake-net, anti couit mot perform. their w-ork w-lienot help o!fcorne, kât, se T have triet ait diff ere-ut tinets about evtry laxaetv-e anti catiiartic knewn, but fount no ue1 4 t w-ag at ail permasnent. Ths Bsl-becoe diotisuraged ant h-adgi-yen MY cass up as bope-les w-heu T began tVo use the pre-tigeeted foot, Grape-Nula.- "Although I -had net expeclet is foot -te help amy trouble,'Vo myý grfa-t- surprise Geape-Nuts digeabt ealiy f routVhe fiett, anti in a few tays I w-aès nvincedthbat th-is w-as juet whast uny eysbe-m neetied. "Tii. bow-ele peeforme t their f une- tiona regularly anti I-xnow com- pletely -antipeane-utly cureti o! ils aiwf ul trouble. 1"Truly Vths pow-er of scienbific food muet be unlimitet." Nomen. ilve n byý Canadien Postum Ce.,- Windsor,- Ont.- Trial -10 4lay of Geape-Nuts,, ouatai-n th-e body, wonc -wonder, Look iumpIkgs. for tlje faions, littie bock, "The Roadt tellvlle" Kle reU the Shows latter- A new an* appeare front finie te fIMmo.' Tiusy re 18enuiIistw, and I fli l uman ilitereet. Btte-Ie laBaikauis, A despatt4 ren om k éa>-y-Th Monteneern Miuister. hec. lima re. cevet A despatch front Cettilnle tat ing tuaib thte Mon-eân ttr- 9s £admuig tue Anstrianson Vthe Private Automobiles Fresseol la to Fieueh Red Cross Service. In this, uneof âuto>nxtbi'latue, are«*many haindeome and lux urlc>us piessure V'ebiees, ownekl by -prominent ïmd weailthy 'Anieicamna le o waers o! thesecars have ofeéreti thern for seirvices'witii tue',Ïrýnlm R.d Cross,,sid-n glowatdi uideJ-Caa gartefrs ti 66 ue terd nt sevie.'Wiien a ecris'acceptédk.i. ,Gb fnfltdeoai it*wiVh.tue !We Cois. eibln i.Ts'photo was,= = > nartue Red Cross ie'sdqUax*yre 2nPal. TALE 0F. IRE .FIGHIIR1G tÙRAPIIIC STORIES 0F WOUJ'ND- ED SOLDIERS. A Coînmon -German Praetice-A- Deati Man's Chargc'e-Bravrry o! Women. Terrible details o! Cér-man atro- cities ait Mens are given in a letter fro n an Odham "Tommy," who ie recovering f rom hie wounds. "T arn hoping,'" he saya, "le have a speedy returu Vo the front te -have anoblie-r mack ait the German sol- duer (tuey ehould, te called sav- agees). W. have b.d a terrible time, and were in action for thre. days and' nights.- On Wednesday Vhs officers sait that S!pon .Xop w-as heaven to Vhe figing we haci on that day. lt je God hel.p our peor feliows w-ho 4.gawunded in tue legs.-or body and couit not get -off t-h. latllefield, as w-heu .retired the cure advanced aeutsîh\?tand bayonebed them as tiiey tried to cra'wl away. went tte i.top Of a billwhicb had a -big fiat top. An outpost o! a- SSotch regiment reporb'edtot us on eue way up tiiet ail -wah clear', ant we thought lhe eneiÙ'â bout five Imiles aWaY y. W.fermedupin close formatilin-about 1,20-0 stroug. Our -couimanding officer 1431 us Vo- put but taksoffadeIst rtitenhili, our ba pacs ffet atr er ehi-g ever give, fer the enemy openet fee at us withbyfie Maxim guns ffrom a wood only 400 yards in front o! us. They mo-wed ue down, 1k. slraw, and we-couit get ne cover at-au-. liose w-ho wer'- left had Le roll off tie ilil jute the roadway- a leîîg straight roat-but w-s geV it worse tiers. They bat two shrap- nel guns atth-letop ef Vhs road, and bhey dit fearful executien te us andthle Lancashire Fusiliers, w-ho wes alse in the ro)adway.>. Any man w-be goteut of that bell fiole shoulti shako hauts with himself. This ahi happsued -befoee 6 c'ciock in lhe merning. 1 have only seeu about 60 of our regiment since, - Germons on the Rîînii* -"Afler w-e lied ihelledthVeux a bit," be says, descrubing aieu-bs- quent encounter. "wO got lieux on the mun. and w-e drove theux -back te les. miles belî:nd whereelhe battIs startet. IVe dit give it te Lhemm. Some Lhrew- their arms up lu the air, but w.- bat seen tiieln kilI our woundet a few- heurs be- fore, so yomî cewld not blame our rîflei ifliey wet off accideutally andi flattenedt hem eut. T wilI say this, nous d! ouý seltieris touciiet amy 'w-unted Gérmans, titougl itl bock us allle l ime to keep ou! bayonets eut cf their ribs afler se- iug w-aithey dit ýwitii cul wound- et. But, îiank Got, w-e governet eue tempers and lefI thîsinalone. I 4ait w-e gel Lhe Germains onu -tue run. Andt tey can un! I think they a&l beat Doualtso'îs 300 yards record. "I tieughl they w-rs givimig aw-ay bec somnewhere in front, the w-aiy they jan. . . . 1 picket up a few- brophies, aut put Ibemn in my peck. but> I gel it blcwn off uIy back ai- meet, se I badtolediscard it. T gel oen lahe ciii., and then a herse gel -siot anti feil on top o! -me, put- ing znuý ehoulter eut again anti crushimg nY cis. Otherwise I1an fit ho tacite a few- more Germans again, tnt T hope I sa.ll soon be baek again ait the front Vo gel a but -ofmy 7-n b- k." - - es Nà-g À eiIn Charïe* rit# 4 hoe oes,of -his frienti4 Treoper 8. 4ari-1 aya'. ",The! Qermano',lebat hIIu - ose on us ini their moatteni»ptVo crusi us and: î, win tlieirvway VoPariî Tiiey -~i't sucéed atithy wôn'tàsueceet.- I lia*w esghsst.ly àfi. A- 'erman cavaibry ivisîOdn w-su roFung Our rebring iinfanti'Y whon we letlocose 0ontuehm, WhmIýn tiey si* ýui:eogingtVii. turmet anti flet, at iea.st -ail but one, w'ho came' -rushing at us wiVii-his 4lance aîtli.I' charge. 1 caiught hold o! I. lieors, whchwas hl inad with terrer, anti mýy chum i ~.juil going to rua the rider tiiroug-h wiien ho noticed the awful glaze in his eyesa and we sww that the poor devil was cload."- Gallant lUth Huôsars. is in hospita aV Alderahet. said thait the 'best thing he Oaw was a charge by a squadren -o! the. lth Hussars, w-ho wenb straight for some dismounted cycliste. -"lt seemed 'a nad thing te do,," hie'add- ed, "for Vhe Germanis, who had been (peppe-ring o, ur in fautry, nou;A 1.- ., - 4-" 4 m uscpu-ln Ursadituffs. Breadatuffu. Toronto, Oct. 13.-Fqour, Man .itoba 1rt patents 8460 ln Jute -bage; second pat, ents, Ïiltetronir -bakera',-785.90;, Ontario .wheat ..lotir- 90-per cent. pvtent, qioteil at $4.50 té Ï4.60. Wbeat.-Manitob a No. 1 Northerti, old, at811-ad new et 81.13; No. 2 old, 81.12 1-2; andi new, $1.09 1-2; Ontario Fa»l wheat, 81.04 to,,81.06, at'outaide-,porto. , Oats-ntarlo, 46,te 47c, outeidé, andi 49o on traék,'Tô-ztté Western Canada, 11;ë. 2, quoti sat14e,-andiNo. 3 at 52 14é. S-Bar le e.6c uud. *Peae-81,12 te $1.15. Corn-No. S Anierican la quoted at 82c, Toronto. Buckwrheat-,65a, outaide, nominal. Bran ".d iehorts-BOran la $23.50 te $24 a ton. aud «borté at 826 le $27. Country Produes. Butter-choe dalry, 23 te 2e; nferlor, W0 te 21e; -farmere' separator. 24 ýto 25; creamery prints, 28 te 29c., . Eg:n-isw.lald, dozen, 30 te 32e, ordin- ary stock, 24 te 27c. Ponltry-Chickene, dre.-sed, 17 le '18é; duoba. dressed. lb., 15, to-17c; 10w-I. 14 te 15c; turkeye, dresed, 19 to 22e.* Cleee-New large, 16 te, 16 1-4c, twlne, 16 1-. te 16 1-12c; old, large, 17 1-4c,, -twins, 17 1.20. Beane-PrIme, busiel. 82.90 tu, $3; band- picked, $3 le $32.Zà Potatoes-Ontarie,. 70 to 76o Ver bag, ont of store. 65 te 60e iu car lots. Provisions. boko.T>osfor -Me. speet-paid. Trade àipy;ed,- Ants wanted. ' . DAVI ES 525 st. P'..I 81t -- Montreal. te $725; learY good, 86,50 .te $7; ge0d4 modilum, stockera, $6 to $660; cOmlnOan, frein4.50 te $6; gaoscows. 8$4.75 to 85., MtAkers and Bprinwers eeId 4t SM I'o8100 W ouix fêehoice feringa.'wlt.h l«004 at $55 -te $65 andi cemmon te medium - at $40 tô $50. ' -i - 1- 1 " Catves--Cholee, 8$9 te 810.50;- medium~, lro>m $7 to .$9; eomnbon, froni 86 tO $7, rou<h «rasa ,calves -$5 te $6. 1 heep and ýLamn6-Llt#liV*Ixep ew.5 xanged froni $5.50 te 86.25; hea'v7q8hep anti buekis freni- 4'to $5.25; ctulr Iront $3 b 4;yearllngIa.mbo brout $î 7 te $7.50, c ff I; la m e s, e t .,$ 6 - t e s e . Swine-HogS we- t 8915f ,fat$88.50. te 88.65 ted and 'watered, antiet $8.76 off cari. Montreal, Oct. 13.-A few cf the bout eat - tia breimght 8c; meditin.S1-2, te 7.34c, eommuon, 4 te 6 12c; lean canner&,.'3 1-2c': 0 ul,4 1.e; mll-cowe $40 t10$80 eu avs 410 oc: edee ,4 1210e5 .4c i 'laxabe, 7 te 7 12ImZoifs. 90 1OO0iOCOD People Cheer Troops -Parai- lnk Street$ of, Sydney, with heir ifles but hey ddn't, Bacon-Long cles.r. 14 1-4 te 14 3-4e cpe A epthfen ebun s anti atteirti.lHesarbuttroyde th-uhlb 'lu cse<ote lizMedim, 20 te Another rema-ekable demonsi'atiC>n and lte th Ruars odethrugh201-2c, do,, beavYY, 16 1-2 te- 17e; relis, 16 t >r a o era d lv.- te 15 1-2c; break f st bacon, 19. 1-2 to 20c-, tôýk place'abt Sydniey. on- Wedmues- thee ws nt aGeran ef alve. bcks 261-2. queet akè 12 -8c. l du',osenthe -New South i Walee Tii. Fusilier spoke en-tiiusias-tically -Lard-Market l uitaeks12 4 t1-Be y h o! he ravry ! f. ,renh pae-tierces. Complounti, 10 te 10 1-2e. p»rtion of: tâe Art expeditionbary ant woman. "Even wehile we were Saed ilay and Straw. forcessp aie ti. cy ateneta. being shelled in the trench,."' e Dealters are payinx as fellowe for car Bsns a nirl-ss.d~I eaid,~~~~~~ thycm upt eu nsltdeliverteq ou track Toronto- tn,»and al tii. -main - Vhoroughfareis and brought us fruit." He saw car t, on tO89wee ecrae. riabeore.y~r f rm dstnc Gemas ayne- av-No. 1 new bay lis 815.50 10 816.50 on alýlowed their workmam special frina igstonVesgeround. ynt-ta Trntanti No~.2 st $14 to $16. leaive te enabie tiem tod- cheer. the.- in fguesonth g-ud.Montrogi Markets. - trop. bis estimatet that oyer Saved by au liseh.- Montreal. Oct. 13.--Corn-Amnerieat lfa. 10,0 peeple witnessed tue marcli. Tootng avaîynin ~2 yellow, 84 ta 8Bk. 0ats-Coa1adian West- A Totingcavaryma nowin aern Ne. 5, 5 1-2 te-6e; Canadien Western Jiospial atSheenc-iffe bat No.,3,54 1.2 to 656e; o. 2 local whIite, 50 ~Q1W O NWR ,hosita m horc.1iff, ha anto 1c;No.3 lcalw-ite, 49,te 49 1-2c; No. -N--W. amazing escape, which he describes 4 local white, 47 1-2 te 48c. Barler --mn inod a.etrhm.H n icm ed63.;- mating, 80 1-2c. Fleur-Man oiitefrSrvcWi !iis ia etrhm.Ran i.o-Spring wheat patents, tintae. $6.70-, sec- outerfrSrvc 11 rts rades were sudtenly abtacked by onde, $6,20 @utronc baker@s, $6; Winter Army ln Franc*o, wiiooutnnbeet atents, îc)loce, $6.25; straigbt reliera,, 2,000 iÉUhiens, h utubred ,.7rto 86: .tr.-q«bt reliers baga $2,35 te hfrm Tnois.s theni by about 30 te 1. "'ue i.i.95. Reileti oatearl86ta,90 Ad-pa few f uslia wcr iet wee giIbs.. 83,20. Bran. $Z6. , Shorts. 827.- Mi. Thee so4is of. Premier Asqjuithm have fe f v ta wr lliwr gl dîngî, '$3. Monilise, $30 te $34l. lia No.~frsriewthVi lcping like mach around their 2,eer»tn, car lots, 817.50 te $18,50. <3ffle olOunteeT'frsrieihte flak,"liew-rte, "heysî-t m one est erns, 15 teis1614c-, inést Bast- British aiirmy in France. -Two o flan,"-e wite, "bey 110 MYern, 13-4c; Butter---Cliecest ecreanuey, herse down underneati nme, and as 27 1-2 !r273-4e;- ,seondas, -26 4.4 te 27 14. them arenuo-wtrs.finig :wituh tiieia' he feu I 1ivas flung inte a tree wiîh etock,-26c; e.e2eek, 28e; . 1reiimit.Ti.ti-dwh ia lO getforce. i managedt tegel up var bac, crNote,26to 6522oe,3e.Po ompes eteîy rec-overed from a serfOiS g re l ar lotl] 1,0, tel6d t. - - th e oopl and crawl a littîs way away, ad Wnnhpg Grain.ile-sfaldtepetutctr tiieyehot -me through ths tiiigii Weýinr.inez. Oct. 13-Cash-No. 1 North- - But sffll 1 craw-led -on among the No. ,3 Norhr,98 14èNo.tbe4, 1031-4; -G1No. ASHP SN trees. They shet at me aigain and 6, 87 1-2, N. 6. 82 3--c tee&~ 79 14c. Oats - -N.2CW,49 1.4C. Bariey-Nc. 3,6c; aaet Bm rdin Rsiis tiien left me-wibh t-wo lîies clea-n xo4. 60 14c; uejecte-d. 57c: fe4d, 55c.pj aj>uil Buhrtret R ît tiieough mv hat." -No. 1 N.W.C., $1.13; Ne. 2.C.W.. 61.10. Bailly for the Euemy. ('rawfing Under <'orpses. A jnitsd Statue Markeie. Pte. - W. Bail, cf Vhs 2nd Seul-h - Min nted Ot 3MarkWets,1had' Adcpao frm Toi ay. Pte., W. Bal; o the2ndSout Mineapll@-04n.jý3-Wbet 3.4-adThe beJi -ofwns xpress-d ait the W-ar Lancashire Regt., is at Netley Mos- $108 37-4; Ço.-1 Nortberu, 81.06-to $1.07 4 -Ne. 2 Norbhern. 81.03 to 81.05 1-2-, Deem: Office on WVed-ueEday that tue filer- pil, womndet in the ehbew. He ber, $.07. Cern-Ne. 3 yel 10w. 66 te 67e. rîîsrComrn anmd 1wôo w-its.'Is-al ovrLoge heOai--Ne. 4 whi-te, 43 1.4 toe 43 1-2e. Fleurý main crie om lote M"n fel ted jus gttlike siiep. aner patent.$5,60; tiret cears, 84.55; 'chler German gunboats ha-cl 'e,6n lot. Mn fel deadjuat-ike seep.second'cleara, $3.15- Brau. 819.00. 5niniaOhiBy.Te;Éo Ourreimnt asth fietjnt1 Duluth, Oct. 1.'Wea--N. ard, suki ioC-i a.Ti aa Our egient as he irstin he11.07 7.8, _Mo. 1 Neetheru, 81.06 7.8; 'No. 2 nese arumy lias o-upiedt hs Shan- firing liue. eut w-e w-re îiroily cuL Nertberu, $10Q3 78;. Decemiber, 81.06 7-8 luTunceiot-- fa eba li up. Very few eîtýape-d. se 1ilh)... $ed-Clie-Cl 1.34 1-2; Tn ara frwsa hi I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 13 w-1v4y uk fo-Iwasuaî bal! a mile cree-ping opveî' notiiing ILive Stock Markpie. - - Toronto, Oct. 13 -uteLher eattle--Choie but tead men in trenèbes. Bulle-te weighty sreers 618.25 te 88.50; cholec baud and shelis came dowi uon us like bute-bers*, 88 te $8.26; Qed bulehers'.$75 to $8.15, medium. 87.25 t-n $7.75; commen, ramu. I even had to lift dead rme; frein $6.50 te 87.25. up anti get under îhem fraey- llfera-ýGoed ro hoce bieifere, $7.75 tc 88 25 - me-dium,$7,265 b 8 7,70; common, An officer was just giving the orter s575'to $7.25. te charge w-heu he was struck tead, Butcher cowos-Cheice. $6.75 te $7.26: and i is ageotjob ws did net ced. 86.25 te 86,75, imediumi. fren 85.50 and t i a oodjob e dd nt1t-o 06.25; cutters, 84.50 te 85, conian, $5, charge. or w-e woult have al been te $6; canner@. frein 83.50 te $4.65. Butcer -bulls---boee. $7 te 87.50: gooil. kile." 1660 te $7; medilumn.$6 te 86.50; common, $8te 8$6. g $tcst and Feeder--llea-vy sciecteti I)ID $2,000,000 DAMA GE. 1feaders. 87.5; hoeebeie hety stockera. $7 Germîait Croi8ero' l)evastation in - T T~ Fritueh Pacifie Colon y. b LL E O t A ~ ~ ~ LI 0ep FORruCS»Frnis- aays- Two lives were lest, $2,000, - 000 ti-aux-age w-a6sdumie. 1w-o veiselos were t§unk andti-w-e blckt§ of butai- nees lieuses sut reaitenoew-ee te- stroyet by Vie Gemnnin ruisers Scbarn-horst and Gnei-sen-au, in 1 1-r-L --r11.mtjas mu -91e Enerry F or irohduukc' Murder, A ceapatcoh f rom Bordeaux ELays t The Ne-nes Wie-uer Ta-gebiatt,, a eopy K4f whiliohhecaz.rri-vet -f rci Vienne, <'sys t-h-at te indict-me-ut a-hegiug hîgh treason, anti covi--n-g 37 page-s. lias been rltdct -t2à pi- eonerik wlo- â'te, ciarg&d wbî-h-itg been c-oncer-et i-n tie muler o!' Archituke Fraucis FeStjinant, t-h. heir-apa-re-ut -the .A trian tliou., let Sairajevo. -4 'i - t 4 h -4 -t i -t I -s ~J 11EFIGIING Unable to Check Movemeîlit Drive Him From France Desigiled to- the French colony of- Papéete, Tau-i- - teapatoh. frein Paris -aaunthie u--t. i-t is ùfficielly an- ti. Refuige-es fmrm bcthe i titBàffling every effiort by the G(er - notincedthtIt lic-,Gern*îaîs'are- e- t-be sbory on their arrivaI hée'ounru-ans te -break liroigi Vie--r limes pîig 41 or n crps, tl resONrve Wed-nesëday, ' aboard'Vii. Unnin Northern. Frane, the ail-le-s '&k d Il 1.,o oe hn200,0 SIeamsipCoipany'a limer Moanaw, tcadily foroiug tllme Rigitin-g9 min 'ir lie, puafr -e i f rom Au»-tralia,- -h iêtuohed at wart Belgium. qeu.Joffre's re uprrnnbe. - Tahiti. nrIa show t-a liaVe, le-cmu-ats -havse; rhriist Toward Belgiumn. lîeen uîmable to. çcheck thds lerov'e he ,allie in.tiver thîruat towaird -WASO'N 0F TUE BALUTC? fmen, w-loi istde-ignet toisaev Ant,- Beligium hiave'islted coul-mter flan-k- L~i-S~ Athorf le - -werp, forc t-le evacttion ci Bruts-, irgôéperatiotiby -tii. Germ;nl§, sesanti compel -tht' Germains Vo r-fre b heeeumy îorthwaird o Gerîan Nval1ay -tire from 1.rancde if they w-ould re- Arcai ami fo0ught i-ndeciiiv'. cevahry BritifsFIeiet llm Pr<'paring.* tain Belgitini. 'Tle officiai . Cor-,ensagenient. &11 aloug VIbi.Belgieri A tespateh f roux Copenhiagen mu-nuctiOn giveaVbie aillies - -hopes fuioptierý tow-rt the euaPti.- Mean-: sa:Counb- Von Reventlow, tue t-bat ths i1ong-eweitcd- deci-sion e!of[w-hile -bhey :impeci-exi their situamtio>n Germain naval :-aulhocity,,- >,nIVed- ithe Bsettle of t-he.Ai-an.. w-iifb-as 1-aItiithi,îge othe battlle -line, in ne-stsy decaret lait V -- Belit.edif lithVe BRatt-ote i.thet -egio > e Mwhretemu fleet~~ ~ ~~~ i- rp-igfra n Seven Rivera, ha about'te be, resoi- tietblw--of tuleGeruxqi-s* bave Ba!ibic 'Ses. Tti-s, - h. dýsa.î iog of.eu-lprnarcs,saÀcàx b een p arriet danti where- tlie allies w-ou-lt imalte necessalry a navaldbaie tueè decision <>n t-lie w-est- flaîîk anti p»sitions -«,st in pre-vious day*. elther in, Deumnark or,- Noruray. Mines t-nifting in Vie Baitieý are -_____ m ar nd G e0rnany' Itby way ' t ~ E ~ tn r n r i G;jedeeër -anti Warnemiueiide. e ro T-a -Tr' Ateplc front- Bord.aitx Baya Ma8rcel. Brindejone td" - MoiiU«*Àss tue note"o:- isaic vuor> again nieiitioned ^in ah ortir oft the taiyý for',mairvelhk a'<lity i-n a.- 'tom ll reig 'coJitieslee, de- sp gue6 -!, i. ue», ne ni-beu k'orste alospe-yne e> diticuns; e, beai me-a 4e co- gdit Sie nues ae maptioimd i--, -Vi -ane eonesr alr eund ire -%&e rerunf omne-o' nd-véct ms ;womed tyung. ome oubdi mnu woonde d rng. hebobad -n A. tespaiti o'Poee aar.,lpsigb.we iA% Soi-nbDenis, anti wfcn '-t e cdr'Wd a 6 Snd bei. iemoter w-aa h-sa-rd thePEOçihiepolice toge ar~e kepI. 1 rushèt oeut cft"er blouses ote of tue.keunelis'w-as- WOul strfet. Lt lBewebuovse 'thle railwa), f ragment,.<4!-the bonb. -Mttion, where abomb w-sa troçped, and sevcmm-.yea.<?-dd child. apparentliy with the intention o! ex.. struck b4 siEiaidpOrtim plodiug on elcn-'tuainiQdei' witl - re- bemb, but w-re liot lo ser'vists mhiieli-ia. jmi-t aioût ,Io jured. A -F~si1 8 s4aut. The bàei ae itesnac&k peared EboutýtM itastt and. no onewas iujuned, but fie aube acentedto.tea. Waa Some 4duaiage Vo propeiby. lub.oand o ed &s'w-i U' aeop5mi t ht aind; f c4 i ~'rencIu

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