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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 15 Oct 1914, p. 4

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lever but 1l uat aLInS rablwl y - in operatioU li: a_ very short .Mnîýe. bavu .ýOboard 18o-,en L1qnë6Wý It il; unreasonable for sny Pari egovern ptVwok lu~ os aac~ auggeet that tlb8 raiIway VJiIIInoyr atVt* Nel ou d ~ajohaving be lu operatioli. Thie is noW wrap-, lu tow a barge for service at theda ped upin l the Toronto and Ç?aster port. Wo anchored for the. nlght >ý m ýRallway over. $2J0,0X 10w Georgets-Island, anid th*e %monot-s ti Now, as to thiW lydro-EIeOtric ony was broken by a . pollcemai con>' vgead. This Io an- sIetrie agor, and lng on' board and arreeting -two men, je ffl~le eeem *te be lectirîo mad. oie for deseriig hi. tamllyaid te o Sou.wivM l-_&rO- sweeping, sewlug, other for i stowaway. se washing and maklng thoir toast- and, Net mornnIng, the 18th, at 7 a.m., icoffoe, beuldes iuing 'lOetticitY te a we îUed aichon aid satted on:u uieh! large extient fOr cOoldnig aud heating-, long voyage. ý,We llhad love!> ' wea- il Electrlclty W asppar55it1y 0117, n it* ther, and, nothing of., interest hap- w2 ln!ancy. The Hydro-Eleatnile Com- pened until we were sklrting the ty mission 'have taken ;up this matter coast of efoîbad'wy teb wItt"-a, great deal of peseveraiCe bargew ud-i o ewn .upe-a and Intelli5éfloe, .and have, offeredte worthy,, ber planks -'becoming srInceI~ --fnance the building of, electric roads ýand leaky and -hon pumps choked, and 1 through any municipality or -town we -had to -Vun. back and put Inta Nt asklng for_ the saie. There, lu no Locok Harbor, Ray of Islands,. New- io doubt whate& but whiàt thl<s elec- loundland. Arrivlng-- thereý the evin- ha trio road -wiil start f;,om, Torouto ing Of theo 20V!>, ie rem ainod there and ru Vthrough the Counties -o! until the 25th, when <-word was re- bu York -and North> and Sout Ontario, celved by wireless to lIeave thebarge n ýnaking- the turn at lirooklIn around there aid go on, wh4ch:,wedîd. That cr, by Port Perry. evening ire had a big storin, the wmîd wi To say- not.hing as to whethéhr this and wavos having ful play, aid the. pi scheme 'wilb pay or not, or whether steamer- was -toksedi about pýetty pi 1V le feasible or not, or If the tiuue !reeiy, the dýcks beiîg awash, -ci bas corne for the building of this but she stood the strain wonderfut.ly cs road or no-cit hitby afford Vo and came through al 'nlght., and un-.g Êtay out of it ? If Whitby stays out, der the mTasterfui oye of Capt. Davis it lu pr-actically puttlng anu electrie 'and the attention o! bis compétent Il loop around the outskirts o! Whitby, staff, ail went well. Next morning, M shutting us oft groin the trade f rom the 26th, ar good' number of the men in the 'Townships Of Pickering, Whitby, were sick, and .not go many of thein W part ot Uxbridge ed Reach, ieaiitng showed up for breakfast. ,In the a!- of us sidetracked witb very little o! ternoon we reached theSstrait>s of t] ~the fanînhîg trade obtainable. Belle isle, aid sighted the firet be- L 1 For the sake o! ar&umnt, suppose bergs. LaVer there irere dozens sl -we-.admit that there wouid-be ade- of them to'be seen. It wns an ;m-ti 1 lency In operating this electri olgsgtt e hs uecn aod. Whitby's share of the cost o! t'nets o the sea passing oie a!ter Li the rond compared with thé whoie the oti!er in abmost'a straight ine.', - cost o! the dine. le so smnall, that hier At 5 P.mT. *vé nrrived off Bott1eý umnall ehure of the deticiency, i! any, Hiarbor, Labrador, th~e headqunrters Woùld be more tItan balaiced up by of Dr. Grenfebl, the niissioîa<ry, and the coivenience of having te ebeC- wihere there le a wireiess, station and trioeroad ruîniîg iorth and sout!> marine hospital. That evening ire through Our main street>Vo the laite, had a beautiful rainbow aid bovcly glVlng us service to both h Cgna- sui5et. Next day .*~as a glorious oie dian Pacific and Grand' Trunk Sta- and though th thermometer regis. 1 tions, besides holding' our arge tered 48 degees, we hnrdly feit it, fanming trade, which we-îow enjoy,1 Early in the mornlug ire had to heave aid givlîg Whitby un equal chance of VOonO account o! Icebergs. During doing business with thé f arns îying the day mrore Icebergs were seon and V o thé north o! u. tlor0ibals Thé' Town o! Whitby wilb never tu hl1è.O ukawlu n -- get a btter chance to have the Hy At 4.30 p.m. a mirage wns iiade dro-Eietric power and a municipal- oit, and lu rthe eveniig the Nonthern Owued Street railway. Dienteeted, Lightsa b.o'. u ualterahn experienced engluéers aid actunries do. e Oassed l th e .S, ouien- -bave gone thoroughly oven tItis lUne, turs rtîrning, aid 'a mission steuin- as to costmo! building, eaniîgs, etc. er going north, g0 takig* it alb in They have looked lînto other places <lthé day iras quit.an exciting eimilarly situated, and hey have as- oie., At7 p.m:' on the 28th, ire saw 1 ured' us that this road. mili puy the moon gsing aid sun setting at trom thé start. the. Saàe time l a cIr .cle of about I the Issue o! these debentures we 30 degrees, whf ch made- them appear are not takin g any m ore 1ilabilitMes as If they mers aimost together. A t by>the building of thie road. W 10 p.m. the Notheru Lights shone are .slmplY issuing thèse debentures jOut, aid a pecullanfty this tume as . as a. guarantee that this rond- wilb that we mene so fat north that they , Payopertingexpeses.were to the south o! us. On 1 hi pay ol eralge ploss ne ht29Vh ire coud isee snow on the moun- 1V woul ser O n ealmo fat hs r e T hat of tain tops ; at 3 p.m . w e passed C ape anWity pnol erty ouers o!t e ow a!Chidley, thé northeni mont part ot gaineit thJs echemé. BY al menu n L sbador, aid eîte.roded lHudso vote On the 19V!> o! October for to n st Iîslandh a snon md Hbioig Mydro-Electric h triswt Road, as hbas béen tA 5 sghted Vue "Mhno," outlned by public speakers and thé Ait pm . morsghe alogthe Io! h pness. WITBY WANTS TO BE IN aid at o pok e Bris!>BrueBn IT. ad htow he ritisBerqThéBart Supposlug that this solneme mers ayi o rmhr h it offerod to the town o! Oshawa-. )0 procoeded te Port Burneil, a coaiîng . YU tinkforonemoment that th t 8station, aid mas soon out of Slght. youthîpisng tor ou. d e - a The meather was fine and îot auy embrace tbf s opportunty? i iioIceergs ta ho seen, uyaalpn -the -conversations wlth the leading Sudyih Oh miavr'fn ,business men of Oshawa 1 fe el sure day, thed as uny auauguat fin tbhey would hé prepared f-o ure 1 ayml saydyi u ti larg-e bonÙs fon thé exVensîtan Haf t a tou heVhsthermometen road tothofthls . tood at 51 dege., and the. ses mas rd tothei r Vomi. ca<IM as a min Pond. Thé Barque ire j RE YOU BAKING?7 WEHAVE JUST- RECEIVED A SI-IPMENT ROBIN 1100» FLOUR for baking breacL it makes a big white Joaf. us send y ou a trial order. BULC~! L1et BULBS Ail klnds for piantirig from 20c- a dozen up. I -- are extra good this. year. I - -,TRY OURS. They VATBRIIOUSE, WHIITBY Prompt Dellvery. àii>, mlth: a.- heavY uirebi On. AI ia. theilj incli. steel A'w ln~ V tons, parted, but-w1)toad, b>' tb arque unti she 'goýt ber _slls set, nd as there was at fair mmnd blow* g sh. came aioîg, v.ry mou. Our Sept. St!> ie artved at ,Pont ieleon, ail 'thé mon in go>od coludi- on, due Vo the ligbht dvry ai;, mhich ae an 'Ilvh'gonating'effect. We recelved nems by. mirelezasnd illJetmn e meé tad te al huitds. Thé, wi more a good *nntured,' 'friendly rowd, aid - aniused' therneelvecs viV! boxing bou-ts, mrestliig, - îm-, ýorptu concerte, dancing, card Layhng, photographlîg, etc.- Great -edît 1,e due Vo Capt. Davis for the ipab1e manier I hich hé ù'avi- ,ated Vhs shlp. Port -Nelson lu 2,000 umiles '!rom falifax. IV bas -a population o! 500,! nostly single men, nd very !ew ira- neu. A nailvoad le being buibt tram Xinpeg, about 800 miles distant, tf irbch part is aiready buii t, aid th balancé is under construction. Large docks, etc., are under con- tr uctlon ut tVhe Port. IV is inteided to 'be the outiet for thé grain grown, In Vhe n orthenn part o! Canada, nd Ln time milI ho an important place. Yours Vnuly, T. CUNNINGHAM. Of 1%-* Or FUri,Add la Th. BIeod, Maîy peoplede net nealize that the Oi is one ef the three-great ecumins- tons of waste: mua-ter freinthé body As a malter of fact, the. 8kmn ids N;t syseirf mreTke<(a watemalter), ttan ý the Kidacys. Whek there ia XidneJ'rouble, Pai lit The Back and cndiflC,lmay net ho the faut of the kiducys at ail, but be4lue'Vo fauity 8km -Action, oér Constipation of the. bowebs. - «'Prult-a-tives" euneçw«k s!>ore, achng 13dm.>', mot 0mb>' because it etreîgthens theo. organe but alisebe- cause .'lruit-a-.tivea'1 opens the boweis, smeetens th> stomach aid stimulates thé action oftue ski%. "Fruit.a-tlves"l s seid b>' alldeaiers at 500. a bex, 6 for $2.5o, trial size, 25C. on il be sent postpaîd oun eceipt af pnice b>' Fnuit-a-tives Iimited, Ottawa. - TAYLOII-iEDMAN. - Trhe -marviage took place on Wed- îesday, October 14, af *the 'vesideice o! the bride, Sania, Ont., o! -Mr,. Tuesday. Louisa Dedman and Mn. Reubsu Tay- lor, a! Whitby. Rev. Mn. Ashter per- CLAREONT.!orméd theérnnon y. Alter partait- CLAREONT.iug o! a dalnty nepast, Mn. and Mrs. Mn. Fred Madili, Science Master, of! Taylor. departed for a short hoîtey- Willia-mstown High School, visîted mioon, accoiipanled by a host o! bis parents bore aven Thankeghviîg. good mishies from their frleude. Af- Mr. EL W. and Miss Laina Evans, ter their- returf they wiii reside in o! Whitby, vinited fIonde hère .on, Whitby, whene t hé groom bas mahy> - ------------ ari fniende. $100 REWARD, $100 Therxeaders of tht. paper wiii, ho pleased to learu that there in at leait one dreaded disease that science hem been able to cure In al ts stages, and that IsCatarrh. tLah'Catarrh Cure lthe ouly positive cure now known to the inedical fraternity. Catarrh hebng a conatitu- tiouai disease, requires a contitutional treat- ment. HaIliisCatarrh Cure Io taken Iuternaily, acting dlrectly upon the blood and mucous sur. faces of the system, thereby c'estrpyiug thë f oundatiou of the disease, aund giviug the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature lu dolug lso work. The pro- prietora have so much faith lu its curative pewers that they off er anc Hundred Dollars for any case ihat it fat!. ta cure. $end for iist.o! test- Imonials, Address:F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo. 0. Soldbye!! Druggists, j5c. Take Ha11'o Faîullv Pis f ior constipation. The Board of Education To the Ratepayers. Administrator's Notice to Creditéts. Notice in herehy given punnuant Vta R.S.0. Chapter 121, Section 56, that all creditors aid othors haviîg camm againet thé estate o! Jane Hrne, late of thé Township o! Whht- by, ite County o! Optavie, iridoir, deceased, mIta died ou or about thé l8th day a! Auguet, 1914, are ne- qiued Vo seid by post, pnepaid, or debivér te Ernest R. Hionne,, Whltby, Ontario,te,,admnstrator of thé os- taté o! the' naid deceasod, theln Christian nmos and surnames, ad-1 dresseés aid descriptions mit!> ful Ladies aid Gentlemen pariteu~iar i 91SLLVL Oc1iai, ana mne Onceagai andforthe ast îmenature ot. thé security, if aîy, heid Onceagal ai forthémet ue y'^ thoni, duly certified. bétore thé' voting on Monday, Octo-i Aud take funther notice that at.r fer:19, the. Board o! Education Vakes1 thé 5tib day o! Novenihor, 1914, the. the opportunit>'ofo!cllig attienttoit said- adiniustrator m iii praceod te to thé questions concernng Whitby distribute Vhs assets of the said de- echools whicb are as-ted au thé bai. ceased axuoig the parties entîtied bote Vo 1,0 givon to tue electons. théee, baviîg regard only Vo the Thé question -as Vo the South ward dlaims a! mia>hé shahl then havé school le a dlean oie, and admit. of Itad natice,and that the sald admîn- but oie aismer-elther yes or no. A istrator mlii noV h é iable for the nom building le asked for. Thie elec-1 said assets or auy part théreot se tors are Vo say irbéther iVtle te hé- dietrl-buted Vo, auy person or pensons bult or îot. The Board titinksits o! ihose claim ho shahl noV then a!>ould hé hult, anid advtses théee-c have récelved - notice. tors Vo vote that way. ERNEST R. HORNE, Theve are tira questions as, tat!>. Admnstraton, b>' Henry St. School : A. E. CHRISTIAN, 1. Are yoî lu favon ofa! a wWhlVhy, bis Solicto. building ?- Dated October 6, 1914. -1e 2. Are you lu favon o! alteratIons to thé presenti building ? DNA Thé. Board bas déclded that IV mii coat lu thé uighbarhoad a! $5,000 W. ADAMS, Diiitlet, Office, Dundas Vo put Henry- Street School lu a Streeflideme No. 4, the TUT... condition acceptable Vo thé Educa- DBTOf St-, Whitb>'. Phone No. lit. tilou Dopatm ent, Bof ore any. change- Peau hé- madé, plans muet hé appnov.d CONTRACTOR13 by the Dept. Architects say that i t ls unwmheé Vo put ite altéerations Vo j* HWELL JAMES -an oid building fi fty. per cent. Zi! tbe cost o! a îew building. A ncm build- Carpeuter, Builder sud Contractor. lng Is entirnatéd ta cost $11,000 an Plans drawu and estimates furnushsd. a little avenVwilce thé cost o! alter-- Repairs, Altérations aid Jobbing.. aions Vo Vhs aid building. Rigent for IBantfou'd Roof Itig If a majority. o! -thé éièctons favor BOx 467 WHIITm-Y Phono 149 alteratlons they miii hé made, aid at thé bomest coat consistent mit! = JOHN Tt, HORNSBV= good mark. IV înight hé that te SUILUER and CONTRACTOR cont o! meeting te- Dpartinént's ré- Plans Made aud Estinînates Given. quireménts wouid exceed $5,000, aid AUl Kinds bf Brick sud Concrète Work. on thé other baud the cost mlghtb h Rîcpaits ta Chiumney &iacks and Biera, lèse. - 1 a speciit-ty. Eléctors sbould voté f.or cither thé Whltb)y, (1Bo5 91) Ontario ioew biuilîlinz on ,the H-enrv Street. Bell Phone 138. Iug. Thecy shouid noV givo botb ques- tions a inégative vote; for this moubd mneati invoivibg thé 'B3oard o! Ecluca- Mion andtI tomi lu d!fhcutles mtt the Department o! Educalion, mbicb mould meau acious hnjury Vo oui schools. -Suc!> au action moud practicali>' menu the düsmiseal o! Vhs -Board o! Edication, tornon Board can carry on thé management o! the. ichofi éxcept fn harmaîy wmît!>aid undél the direction o! Goverument regutft- lions. - - IV la an- enroiieous idea thatlPre- 'xails i ome-mînde that 'thé eltAzeua cui de! y-thé Governinéntln thé mat- te tof o!chool' accommodation, oq!OPý- Ment aid staff. Ail scitools are under -Goveriiment coutroi, and o! iOèéO5- bit>' muet bo,- - Eleoiop of WitbY j aould keep titis ln mhnds Thé. W5itby Board eof ducatf on Ibas fonveaue bm u der the ,- 1118!1 CFOLLEST CONTrRACTOR AND BUILDER PLANS 0F ALL DESCRIPTION -FUiiNISHED. Résidence, .- Thorfltoli'sCorners Phono 41-9 Oshawa. A.,.CURRY WILSON, B.A.See ARCHITECT Phoneo Jt.,5275 TORONTO. THREADGOfLOBùoso Charges m6derato. > Appi>' Dunda s e. Wstor ..box 4o3; JUUH GRADE WATCH REPAURUNO., Le.J,,VASELESKY- WATOHMAKER aud JEWELEB Two mus utb eof nI ota! ,111 \~TEARE RP fer VV îuy CI/ arrowding- district of the 1- I s I -Appeford. ounter Oho k c o HAMILTON, ONT',-. a~d ill be- glad to0 submit. sa'ples, and'quote prices uporn a»y qu ntity or style of counter ýcbeck,,book. Mercl,&its, if your supply .is gt-tio ow, pborne s and we will- do tht reste - eshal be. pleased to quote you, upot, &ny job of prirtirg, you.- may- requiret. G. A.GOOJ>FELLOW:t? -SON Mr. and, Mn. Torouto, were in INSU I Fire, Life, Live Accident and Autor Agent for the bes n d American coml JAMES -M BOX 393 W hitby ROYAL- 1 HION GLASS me Open evel We hbave Imatall machine, whfch 4i and en;y on the Ceï Saturday nfg BAIN4 I..' I NIHOLSOI [INDBR1 phoesi 30 AUTrUMÎN in flow open inii loge. Toronto, and Branches. Froc nuonrem. Write fc Shaw, President. Yonge et., Torontc W. C. :"tuttUî,o! Vowi on Maitdny. qANCE Stock, Plate Glass, mobiles. st Candiau, Englis> panies. IcCLELLAN4 y, Ont. Phone 12 4 rHEATRE IVIO PIOTIJES. W-y evenjpg. led a new Simplex abselutely Ifiiokeniesa es. ght, l oc te alil. PERRIN, Mamâger NA SELOONf -SESSION lutrai Business Col- i lu eaeh of its six catalogue oxplains For a cap>'. W. H. Rlead Offices, 393 - A PveSITIO~N FOR FALL AND WINTER. IVe bave a e11nîd 11 le§j its ît, p ora relia bic eîîorpet.ie .îilemmn for tl lâriret to soli fruit trocs nlifuilbwru aiîbetc. I<iy weelily, outfit freu, exclusiv toirritiry. O)VER 600 ACRES of fruit and oiîîk1î1eltal si.oek mouer cultivation. Wec sell Ilrough ouir >ilremieiidirect tii the coni- suie or alii guiiriuitee îllivî'>y ffroî igg:io truc m. oir Agt-i(ii ire v>,aliblt>b>' 'cason oftlii servi ce we give ar.d the volume tel busiiness donc, Estfthlblied vt s. W rie Pelhurn Nursery Ce., T>riuîtu, Ont. n pplic-ioitr finie iliiig :sursory stock. [SO:ikC- 1 F 1 WINTER-TOURS TO THE LAND OF Bunshine aÙd Suimumer Days Ocafornit,- Florida, LouIsiant, Etc. Limiitie& trains leave Toront o dsily, maklng direct conneotion st Detroit sid Buffalo for the, Southern States, and ai Chicago for, Californie, etc. 1Those coetmplâting t fo!ay nature ubouid comnult Cnda sll Ticket Agents who wili b. plas.ad te attund to sil- dotailu ton wlth yortior wrWeé TRA ES'UIER'8 SAL E 0F LA ND .FOR TAXES, Y virtue of a wat rant under the harîd of-the Warden and the seal of the Corporatçun -pr! the Couhty or ontarlo, dated the -ilti day of September,-i914, corniar it) Mille> ýB 'to levy upori the lands mentionet inl the following list for arrears of taxeb, tlîccoîî and coutsai; herein set forth ; I hereby give notice that uzîbess. stich arreart randl osts :i suoner pald, 1 shall, ln compliance with the Asseogment Act,- proceed Wo seli by Public huctioti, tIie said lands-, or so much thereof as may ho necessary for the tnxes, i t he Court House, in the Town of Whitby, on SATURDAY, DECEMBER 26TH, 1914 at the hour of, two o'clock lUthe afir-rîoutn pRrt NX3 Part W 3ý of E > part Pt. Pt. part vinugesoi" o BI'k-A A, Pickering bclng N 4,4 Village-iot 69, Chure!> St Whitevale beig S% 31 <TON Part Lot C PL N 4 Lot Cen, Acres Taxes' Co'sts 18 F 50 10 38 2 51 ta G 100 - $1343 $2-59 14 G 50 $ 983 $2 50 2 L *xeo .13 86 . 2-,6o TOWNSHIP O-F MA-RA, )-' Lot Con. Acres Taxes - Conte 10 12 5 -8 8> 2 50 12. 12, 100 - 59 a5 TOWNSHIP 0F BROCK. Lot Con, Acres Taxes -Coas 19, l - 83 '215a 9 -14 24 31 38, 328 TOWNSHIP CF-,PIC KERING Lot- Con. -Acres -Taxe Costa Total 1-2 89 $16 o2 $12 33 16 46 Total i,' 37 12 09 Pýat or-Unpaýt Un paL l'Fa Pat or Uupat' Pat Fat Total, Pst or Unpat 5 533, - Pat 34 66Pat -Total 1>at -on Uupat Si Ï%3 3 3 29 34 82 99 30 2091 20 0' We -ca n se moîey pi buy.at onc a special. "Discount on Mi and 3 or. Ladies' -Men' Every ode g-uaranteed- -aid is- iîeW. absolutely- -$24 W -A.small C -une of thes( BAS Th vP REASONS A correspond renions for ab Myhbead is c - Yy heav1iis My béalt> -,- My purse 31Veyes 2 My lleb I abstain ?F -laid that " - - sigut thé plefgi I inVo! mèn Judge i Iftey -iminded" cias -Jo'huý.i Wesley, st-oie, .JAn 'M D, .NMoody, rie,- Sir"Il. F'ranklin, Sir John Brîght,l list coud ho Thenêtore, you -- -geV others t-o Tempiar. s-O your siii go ian, àiîlb - rl. 1la be cïi- n 25) K Thalnlsgivi rathen quiet of visitons - thte exceptlt -the ît-reets Do flot J e WATER AND, LGHT COIIMU1SSIONERS'» Do you know of anytbing else that has- been st:eadily coming down in price for the last-few years, except Electrie Light ? The chief business of a Municipal Electrie Dept.: is to furnish electricity for light and power "lat cout"t. to the. inhabitants of the municipality. Owing te reductnionu the price of meters, and to the general increase in business,. it has been found possible te Iower the cost of light to the consumer by elimin ating meter rente after they have been paid three years. GET YO:UR HOUSB ,WIIREL and help us to reduce the rate stili further, and strike 'a blow at "the high cost of living" by usin g electricit<y in the" home. *GEO. W. -P. EVERY, Supt. @il Àr

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