1 wl nî ar iS, a tiras. 110W, yOU -We are litti i for téoms lI -tmpickl donis ut e P.my ri would giving of 25-pst cent. don on Men's Watçhes and 33 Y3 per cent. Ladies' and smaller Men's Watches. sized1 Every one of these watches is guarlanteed. for three years and isnew, - .Just think, a *$12,Watèh for $8 .abriolutely guaranteed,ýor a $4Watoh for $16.. A smalu deposit wiil secure ene,,oýf these until Christipâs. IBAS SETTS WIiITBY The Place, to B3u Y. 121. rour ordemi to W. Il. Taylor atocs, oniona, cucumbers, ete. liùg-picked fresh daily. Gam- JuracliOn of C.P.R. and Pot Mayor Wllis lias caile'd a meeting ,of tbose intieéted ln. thé catrylng ,of thé Hydro-Eléctrlc Rallway eBr- la'W for Priday eveniag et this wèêk at, elgbt o'elock ia thé Ceuncil Cbara- ber. He earnetly equsta' a large attendance. Thé death occuréd on Monday ai Whitla, Alberta, ot Mm.. Agnes Béa- ton, éldeet daugbter e! Mm. W. G. Stewart, of Whthy, la hem 37th yéam. Mme. Beaton leavjes a famuIy o!' four amail cbildmen. -Thé body wlll - hé brought te Whiiby and interréd la Union Cémetery. - PRIZE BIRDS. Mr.1-arry Malcolmn, a! Whltby, bas béén wlnnlng semé distinction this f ail by takiag a larnaura-emo! prizes withbhie duoke. At Toronto Exhibi- tion bis hirds won sevemal. valuabis awards,, and ai Mark-ham Faim last weék Mn. Malcolmn again captunred soeé-gaad prizés. Thé Witby War Relief Association wIll meet ln thé Llbrary B3oard room' an Thursday altemnoon at 4 e'cla.ck te yeceivo flnlshed work. A freshi mà uppiy of wool willl hé ready. Mme. J. B. . Willhs, Président Ç Mrs. J0oa Ktng, Secmeiary. Thé I'Suruy South" Company,, an aggréegation of dnmkies, gave a show ln thé Music Hall on Monday evealag te a cnawded blouse. TIfe programme previded (neiudéd thé usual humer- eus scènes, characteristic of nègre aciers, and same cievèr acrobatie atunis. Thé compauy had a splendId orchestra, wblch suppiied thé mimle for thé songs. A Koan-Town parade book placé ai noon. PRIVATE ORGAN RECITAL. Mies Ruth Fotberingham,' daughtèr of Dr. Fotbeingbam, cf Tbroate,was vlslting relative 1h Wbltby on ________________________Thanksglvi 'ng, and'-tmeated a numnber of ber friende te a privaté organ re- ,W. C. T. U. citai la St. Andrw's Church on _________________________Monday afièmnoon. MisFothering- hum bas won a high place la ber REASONS FOR ABSTAINING. pourse of music takèn abmoad, and correspondent &ives thé foliowlD4 ber tcds wère very gad te have toasns fr abtà iunkibis opportunity o! béaming a display ressns fr astiliri .-ofetber talent. My héad la clearor. ____ MWy heant glitr. SN OTE CNRL My healih le botter. SN OTECNRL My 'pures lg e ha*o. John Cècfi Edward Ruttle, ôf Cati- My eyes are keen. ningion, wdll spénd thé nèxt iwèaiyr MY limbe are strenger. threé menthe Ia thé' Central Prisen My Ille wiii pobabiy ho longer. aow known as thé Ontario Rèforra Thén-Cè, , may 1, eughtI , shah , atory-ai bard labor. Rutilé réet- 1abstain'? How' otten bas it been, ly-lssuèd worthiess chèques la cou- .watd that Ony thé weak--minded'nècilon with a businessatransaction toigu thé plédge."1 Here le a short tor bis employer. Rer pieaded guilty, liaio!-ofraén wbo eignèd thé piedge. as thé cheques thémselves wère siieni Judge If they heloagéd te the "lweak-' wltnèsaea of hie wongdoing. Rutil. inaîndod" class :-Abraham Lincoln, prevîously sérved aine menthe la To- -John Wesley,! Garibaldi, Dr. Living- route for'frand, and thé sentence ci aotone, , John Milieu, Richard Cobden, ,iwenty-three menthe ai bard labor DU L. ýMecdy, Dean Hook, Dr. Guili- éhouli! prove a strong némiader i. rie, -Sir H. Havelock, Benjamin hfim ihat thé way of thé transgréssor "-î%ranklin, Smr B. Ward Richardson, lia bard. John Bright,-, J. B. Gosigl. Sncb aJ llIsý oould b. lengtbéned ladelbiiely.1 Thé, tawn etréets wére put Inai Tlrefoe, ye"egn thé pledge, suad jvéry, bad condition by thé raine Cl gei othema te do hs samne.- Scotch last week. Espéciaily on thé thon- "Teraplar. oughfares whére thé sèw6rs bavé boan - laid rècentiy was ibis noticeahié.. At - the corner o! Ash and Dundas. Ste., f ~wheme thé main trunksewèe sh ein: $ Local RappDenÀingîs laid, the sides o! thé trench caved in from, ;aeveral tfeet hack, makingg I -dangerous hole. In othén parts cl â~'% ~the town the eath ovèr thée ewei pipes sank a good dent, and véhiclém For thé, béai galvanized roof fer had difflculty ln placés in crossing your silo go te Oco. M. Rico., thèse hbad spots. At thé l3aptisl IChureh corner on Monday, a larg - Octobcr 3ste n Pner pti c- automobile bhôcamé a tuek in thé acfl -1~,wil"be ai Basgtt's again. Have. earth,, and a gang o! men had 1te lené your ey0,s éxamined hy au expert. assistance heforé it cauld 'bé exti cated. Thé Rev. A. P. -Meazies wili cent- duet the services in thé Préshytenian SIRADAl7% PF(EK TTEREN TUEF. Church next Sunday, Octaber 18tbi DY IGT -1914.SirAdam 1Beck wilil eién îWhitbl on Thtfrsday evening at the meetini au blers bu gîig yor Threadg.old Bras.. carrénters......... 4- Tý14-Aoio h bouse repairéd béfore the coid wéa- îher. A - meetinîg o! the War Reliîe! -Se- a c'ety anrd ail ladies lntiÇrepttd wIli hé eihelln the Library 'Board reera 01n Monday, Oct. 19, at 3.30O p.m. --Ontario Ladies' Callege, Neovearber 4th, - 1914,' a pÈtnîôtic; concert wil hé &giveula thé College Concert Hall * Iù aid- - of -thé-OL..Wr elf Fnid,,Part I -Music and Patriotic Arile. Pat 1- The L1ahd cf but 1 siaê1 t'iv i ed inKIg > ri A ole',lt~,c Miss IÇathlesa Nicholoon spent tho Str*rOt 40U4bý. BIs 3A.C 1aY. ,-iay.-ron~@i @gt a * @iiD eiray DEVELOPINO and PRINTINO holiday wfth-,Migflorothy -,go11Iay t mant, who ltvd 1Vit~h M or year8, lbout 150 1 .Ai'y Information willlimitation? for amateurs at Uxbid ( pasïed- zway 1iast Wednsday,, scarceO h gladly received.-17.Ho lnga? .Miss Nora Lawler, of, Torokto, ly w' k~belre bim Severai et héelonhabe mn uatosc attended te promptly. and Misa Gros.,- with. Mr.' and Mrm.. Mr. Rendis family stIl survive, a- HOUSE TO' L7. Seire ay ten alloing.laaci, ilof - A.. T. Lawler. j~~mong.thora being-Mrs. Jas. Sawdoa LUarge brick bouge west. of Whttymnak naraymd hpb FaUs, Ont bit, fNiagara and Mrs. IRichard Pindar,, of WMtbyt (Kingston, Road),!ynsedo MU-au sis lasite adm e shp Theis, n. e Ngts of Mies L and Mr. Bernard Read, wlo formerly furnished.- phone, urlaaigco ft oi-raDk-sit eedm mal"v Wisu' tdo Evanslu week. i llved hère. Thé funeral *111 be h.ld stable. Apply atonetR..Crlà .rua l,90 wthherakstmn U 'o ' td'Mesrs. Frank Jilce'and WilI Bar- llhis aftem noon to'tTn4on Cerntery, -ruthers,. Whltby. apla oupontut orl. ncune in pten l e! n éayrea d ho. HÃ"USE FOR SALE. Within the past seven yearu lb. - ig tp o Cssrea .BIRTE..N rm c i o < genuine seml-readytiongbsbO Miss Lou Calverley and Mr. Frank -Newtiyame, boum, ii storrlèctcYand b rght bscbe Calveleof Toronto,ï with tueir NTE-tbt.fmae etem ing. Thé titié of bisi lecture wlll bel father and brother here. 1914, to' the wife- of» J.N. Notter, liglit. Apply . .H. JAMES, Wht,, quality standard that its firet sponà OnalobIMm.Jon fayad r.Smt, Torono o.b.t.sors wou d nt no t. "W. iare "Flrom the Highlanids 0f Otrot r.Jh aad s mt, otasn y-tno saId, nd w norw ilb, the H.ighlands of Seotland." This of Toronto, visited with Mr. anid -- AR F AL.satl hé Prad e n ovethé Cempaay lecture wiii be illustrated w~ith a Mra. Jos. Kean this week. AXFRSL.si h -rsdn rteCmay large number of lantemu sifles. The Capi.adMs.Gro Kao Sale Regiger. Oasne rdareuut i Il Each season we strive for som.>, choir o! the Church havi .prepared :galvern, were récent viaiters wlth 25, con. 7j Whitby . Township, - good thing higher and botter.', some special music for both days. Mm. and Mrs. Jles. Kean. Thursday, October 15-m Extensive, soul, about ten acres second grwk The Sèni-ready> talloring of , 'b-- Offering at thé Sunday services 4fl Mrs. Thonmas Conlin returnedl ution sale aof arm stock, Impie- hardwood, busé. One mile fromvil- day ts well worthy, of a trial by thé. aid of the buidn mrvnztfnd hrdytoaaîo ok'hldymne ay, gXaîn, and roots, the lagé cf Brookln. Gôod buildings, ma eetcal man of meiculous de- Admission ta lecture, 25c. in Toronto and Hamilton. propèrty c 'f George- Jarvis, lot$, young orchard. Apply ta Win. Rob.1 sires In good clothes. And our $24 0 ~~Miss Eva Blanden and Miss Ethel con. 8, Pickering Township,j- mile inson, on prémises, Brooklin P .l suit la better taXiored than mnosb $28' MOEFOTE A FN. Broughton, of Toronto, -visitèd at thewéat Of, BaIsamn. Sale at oee C.- ___________ and $80 suits made la the old retail MOR FR HE ARyUD. latter's home over thé holiday. .dcock sharp. Wm. Maw, auctioneer. --way2" Thé, Ontario Ladies' Collège bas'8 Mrs. McCrrmmon and daughtems, Friday, October 23.- Mr W S. IM IONUJMIEN TS - Cieaung, dyeizig, pressing and mo. announced a Patriotic Concert o who have been traveling abroad for Dies will seli by auction on Lot 21, parn tmdeaeple. hel i té olègeCocet Ionthe past tWO vears, have réturned cn ,l h onhpc hty 11 ofii îagniSand Xtefial Kpt In Stock the evéning of Friday, November 6. ta town. cn ,i h onhpo hty Asplendid prograin is belng prepar- MessArhran dm135hé of cattie, consistîng of mileh It wil pay -you te eali at ours M uiê uph edallColeg taent an te e- Mssr. rthr ad AamKean, o! cows and one and two- year aid works and Inspect for y'Ourlf f éd, il ollèe tlent an theen-Taronte, and Miss Agnes Kean, of calves. Sale at'one a'clock, Jas. Do' e iid ya ents. W o~do ot oa oeWlOt War Relief Pund. Thé C'ollege aut.~troose, hnshn ith Bso uciner iot employ them. Consequentiy WB ________________ orities are Soin.g Vo a good deal o!hrpant. f Tuesday, October 27.- rxtensive can aud do ailow, the agent's coern- --- trouble In thé preparation of the'~rKlét fPr r, and auction sale of high grade horses, cat- mission, 10, per Cent., which you will F U E P FR' OTI prograra, and figuves promise of hwo nnAbrMc., lVe, sheep, pigs, hay, grain enLd furni- certainly cave by purchasing tram us. . s C ÀTIOIÂ heing of exceptional menit., Réserve Ited with Mr. and Mrs. F.E. Harr!!- turé, thé propèrty o! Mn:. P.J. CuA- A Coli Sollctted. ýAN"4qO'uNtES HIS this date for sure. son last week. 1 fey & Sans, lot 1, cen. f.',P!ck- W 1j .j l Mr. Fred 'Madill, cf Wlliamstown, éring. Lunch ait 11.30, sale ai, 12 Whti ant fn. REMO VAL - THE TABERNACLE. Ont, paid a cal oit frténds ereron1 o'clock. Win. Maw, W. B. Powell, IliU flluU U*-oisNwad adsmy THE TABERNACLE. Saturday, en route te hie home at auetionéers. ohsNwadHnomy Sunday, October 18.' Ciaremont. -*- * --Office. and Works Appointed Optical. Parlors ia ANMVRSAY AN THNK- Mr. John Rose, of- BowmanvilleFO SA . Opposite Standard Bank, Whitby. teNwDmno akbid OFFERING.ws~lT'nfrté ia.M. Fmame building 40 x 26, brick otdcu serics il h hidluSamuel Rose, of Toronto, was in buiîdîcg 16 x 16, 'a quantlty ef lunuî. yen cannot do better than attend'the ing, 70 Y0NGE STREET. Ann versary sricsw l h , o l nth f r th é h aliday. ber and t umber. App y t a R.G. Car- BRIT8 H M RC ? O L G o n r K n t; T r no numning and ç'vening. Sermons Will m ' rrriéBogtava ted tWiby o 9. 1 . onrKng Trno thé Tbernale onSuana Mr. Ea r Huton, o ana ules hty o 9.Yonge and MUhb1cl!tse, ToroiPte, for a a 0i- vbée nez»usos Sherthand Course. 1Paîl Ten lu uew bepreached by thé Rey. H.S. Os- w1h Mn. and Mme. W. A. Brougton, FOR SALE. j 2ren. We ask you te write for particulers. barne, B.A., B.D., of Bridge Street on Thanksglvlng Day. A Né.1 rndJwlpaircok r.T W. Waue eï.e. Principal. 1 Msoet oe ofCh urch, B ellvilé n. iMm.and Mme.-Thos. Wilkins vlsited aboyé, ln gaad condition. Aise one o______________Ba _____' a>oncsuen o!ear.ur oa lcameiItheir daughter, Mme. G. M. Goodfél-1 h)one cutter, nearly néw. Apply te DoLifLE TRaCK ALL THE WAY and i élouont p earYo l é. 1 alon Menday. They wèro accora-1 Jas. Smith, Part Whithy. T ON Os A * rial music will>hé !urnished hy thé ORONTO M.MStnlyOWlknsTRaesEAL chair. Spécial invitatio-n- tealal. Mr. and MTs. C. Séldon and' Mr. T. t. O O T Th rsesae sigfrtéRobin Nicholson weré In Hamilton Eight romeid cottage 'wlth garden Fm auatrr suTh rssarkler ng !n orlsetheo ènaa ttnlgtémrand fruit trées, possession Novenuher rfl au cuesThe Internà tioiial Llmlted usa hIolrngo e estan nWdei ttnigtemr st, 1914. Aise twe town lots fer Caniadas Train'of s,, erirr Servi, e $600,00, trusting that as ln former niagé o! Mm.ý Frank Seldon. salcnulystae.Frpnl-éccesseni ste B. W. Evans Leaveil Torofto 4.40 p, in. d~aily, arrives, Detroit, yeams it wiii amount -te neariy $700. Mm. and Mme. Gèo. Waltèrs, 'Miss sae nrs ppîv ute d. Fornésparnie- Slîop Dundus Street, Whîîby. 9.55 1).w. anid Chicago 8.00 a mu. i ulrs ppl te .- . JnesbaressMORNING SERVICE iMomning service, il o'clock. Sub- Myrtle and Mm. Roy. Walters. and Mm.r kr hè ér eto hty a. a CToroto Si. ., aive erotY.5.i lect-"'The Dignity a!, Work." LeasTr ntooronti'S rearrvsDtruist .pu Enngservice, 7 'o'clock. Sub- W te reparéd ta instaî odo rn Lest T rain uiootrto a i and punpsair shrt noIce, ieaattend toa ail Chicago spa.3Iilau4uring iiup'>lil "fe.Lae l5 narvstirit 5an. nd ject-"The LoeéWe Trust." f________________ _________________fkneftiens witjl praCplTi!!, foT Western e5ts and Service at. Almonds at 2.30 p.m., vin_____________________________________ é lrng I~I~ ' Age tesfor thé OntarW wind miiilliý 91a90 . FOR mONTREAL taken by thé Epworth League. f olneenglues. fLenvem Toronito i. rM., 8.30 înfd lpin. iiiy. Thé officers and merahèrs o! thée J Plons-BelI 50, Id. 0-6.' brecvtitfi TC, i i. -twge l t eèxtend their hearty thanke to ,te - Distri1ctP"eet efrÀ i. tienr a od te lTeachens' IO Isnsn tW E45tVhillo ~n t, pon3, hitbjlont tien adbera t th Assoctie' owt B.A I 1~C a ftDýân ion t, hoe88of1lte, n and Collège wha se willingiy helped T e UXR l UIDére ,o f-Canada C 'uuL IIl'o nuin 1 te make thé Patriobjo Concert a suc- o tbuet. t Obéstnit and Stove per ton $7.50 0F CANADA >_ A ~ A ~~rll Egg por.ton 7.28 saved its, po[icy holders $roo,eoo in its ifIheU [dGLU a 'iU aiU PFauCal ton6. 2 5 first ten years cf business by aelinf, HO DRINKS UIa ..IUIIU per onthera withent.pmoflts policies, and hvn HOT D INKSaIl preminras paid'direct te head'office, For Cool Weather. i yHE RexalI Storçao f Canada, 400 of the'leading Drug At Harbor Ceai sheds 50. cents, witîuout- commissions. Preminras col- r -['Stores ini Canada have unanimoualy agreed to con per ton les. "490RANTON Iected were $389.000, instead cf $489î- CO O ,B V I, tributeto the Canadian Patriotie FundFIVEPERCENT. Ceai". Thé name guaranteées thé cao. F ,ourteén ciher Canadian- cora- COC ABOV IL panies received $18,49,695,.in deir al 5. t re It l-Idr-Electr ic railway propoal tien.ý Sir Adami may-he called thé father o! the 1-ydre TPower System o! On- tario, anti bis reccrrmndation o! ibis raîilway should give a gýréaI deal o! assurance te thoe who are in deubi ho-w ta vote. Thé meeting will ho- gin sharp at âght o'clock, as Sir Adam has te speak ai Pickering thél sanie evéning. -J. W. Lyon-, Guelpb, and ethèr speakers are aneuncéd. B3APTT$9T CIIUROR ANNIVER- -SARY.-ia . Ha'sDçsr," (W. B. 'YeatsYý. Ad* On Suaday, Octeber 18, and Mou- mission 25 ceais. day, October l.o, thé annivérsaryo! 0-4-thé WhuIby Baplt4sChurc ll mii h Thanksgiving Day was Celeb)iated marke'd by thé retuma of Aa lormeri athém quletly heré.ý Théeustral quota dearly-beloved -pastor, Rev. '.H~ Cf le tos ae nd wenl, but w th -Bnghamr. Durng.thé yane 103' to due xepin !thé evening crowd 1905 Mm. BIugham had chargéý-o! this ~tbe stme*t wono a, Sinday apîèan- churcli, sud won the love sud.respect acs, o the- satire, comnsunlW -.Mm. Bingâ, - -+- - bm (s - now pastéror et -he iamet DO o nt l -to gel your -*inter Baptist Churchln l Lonrdon, Ont., sIà n saPPlY cf, potatiomsand othor Y«&ga. bbcorne ont of the most pop~ilar- Sables !reru a :Wwtfy grower. W. young preachers ln lthe Province. 1ffé givo Yôu a square desi, Good mime will pmh at bothservicesoei -ui-I -14di qualfty saud full weght. Dolivý~ iday an ul lecture o4 Mondayeve-' TEA or COFFEE Served ai ail heurs. I Ii Afternoon Teas a epecialty Chocolatés snd Ice Oréam. Maple -Leaf TEA ROOMI WAR HERE 18 WAR AGAINST HIGH PRICES m Iil Goods soid tîere.iust am low as in any City store. Wondierful values ini Toas 25, 35, 40 and 50o. Rich lied Salmon 180 Chéoe Pink Salmon, 2 for 250 fresb Green Peas, -8 for 2 j-Surprise Soap, 6 for- 250 BEST 0F BUTTER AND FRESH EUIS QUAKER GATS TILLSON'8 GATS' Yeur business'friend, WMm MEEKER Phone 94, - WHITBY al'Renredies and other merchandis. manufactured or' ioI-d by the United Drug Company, Lisnited, Toronto, fromOctober 15th. to December 31st, 1914. Tin. action of thé Rexail Dring Stores cf Canada bras been undén- taken eo-operatively, becanuse asa coopérative organization, tlîéy réali7é how mîîch monoe au be doué unitedly than individually, aud it las been taken for two reasons-to fulil a humnane duty in rais;iîîg a fuird far tihe relief work of the Catiadian Patriotie Organi- zatioîî, and a patriotie dîîty lu au éndeavor.ta keep a large staff o! Canatlian emnployées bnsy.. The 400 Rexail Stores o! Canada iiiake an appeal to your yMpathy anîd support ini tbeir doubly wortlîy cause for luce asing tire fu d of tire Caîra'iau Patriotic Orgariization andi for the sup~port of Caîirdian orkineîî ieaîse - Tirs !tîid tlîat woîîldl le raised oeth ie basis o! last year'e business caîr he trei.îendoliîrly irrcreraed if evéry main amidweînan in Canad-a iili hel) a lit tie l'y the simple proess iof purelasiîig UéxaIL Goouls at tihe Iexîtil stor"it. Ni' iree'l ta give sliace in ti i annotiricéeet toenerihasize thre Iliglr tîîiality of licîjaîl Toilet andl Mediirial goods4. Snfieieîrt ta siay tirai. 7,000 of! the lettdirig Drug, Stores iii C'antada, Great Britain, nutnllte Uritel.)tates plattitirir persoital tand rcîlective reptu- tatiorîs hehliîd i hem ;tîttt thre publlie ini I l'se c'îînrîitriese eidorse tueur) to tire exteri.t of sevteal iiiillioii dollars würuti f poreirases. a year. Better penods are net Made, and yon take fia isk. iu bnying, for évery Itexaîl Store il, retîrrn youi yourr îoney if any itexall Produet is not elitirely satisfaetory 'and do it, too, witliout thé sligilest abjection. Tlrere's a full list ef Rexail prodtrcts rvaiting for yen at tire Rexal Store ini your town. Asic for it-kindiy paso thé worul a1on te yaOur, friende. It-ia thé onileetive purchases af ail tirat .wilniaké ttisRex&il Storw.Fund fan the-Canadian Patriotie Organizatiein work a big eu@.' Tiré Fund will ho' collected tram eaeh ReMail Store >.a Canada hy thé United Drng Campany, Limited, Teroato,'sud wil b1 paid, by thémn direct ta thé officers of tirs Canadia Patriotie Orgaalzatiou, sud tiré amount se coliected will be pnbllshod in this Ppper when paid ever. Rexaîl G-oods are wmade ini Cauà da u yu4n.prcr -them in youm ;towrn,ýnIy frora A! L L LIN The REXALIL Store -- Or by Mail froura anyRexal Store in Ojinad United Drug Commen, Liiuited E. R. BLOW, Bell Tel.9. Home Tel. z4. Impfegnable Strength, Maimum. Do-nefi Incomparable Dividends, Minimum -Net Cost. Fer rates andl fuil Informiation apjîly te F. J. DUFF, NB. A.-E. DONOV AN. Spca ep. Queenu& victoria u$th., peilMyrtle. Toroînto, Mlgr. The M tual LifeInsui'ance Co. TELEPHONE DIREG0TOR1Y. -A New Issue-of our Offic- iai, Telephon'iieDirectory '1s -no.w -being ptepared and the copy wuifi closc within the next few days. Oidors for ---New Connections, Bch"iges of naine or address, once. e Toronto poli ien yeand pai i i profits te pelic holders , nd . The-it rô cs obinelin holed surplus0. aen shmehodens'> contributions was $79,707 ut the end c'f their firat ten years.. Wirich looks best- to you ? The Equity Life le thé total abstain-. ers Company. If in terestèd write fer further-particulars.- - The ntan wha studies hie ewn interesta îili patronize The Equity Lif.. Assurance Couspany when lie waîîts Li,11eInsurance. L. W. DUJDLEY, M. SUTHEBRLAND. Agent, Presilent &è General-Maîîager wîîîuîy. oui.. oeî~ is the Kev.,,ote utf this Institnition. Ourc graciales 1bccecîl becaîrse tiy hav-' iii. celveil corrd preparatin. Toranto, Oà t. - Il h l N l ti l)I l I littl R ut i l I l tt r- r h)uaines, -i.ii ,aril.u"t att uli wîis.tisfy o.l - cor atiiî'îWf- J.t E ior uîytiin se 111:'l.s 1Priucipal Livery, Cartage an, é Teaoeing.l I have receiitly added to -My weil eqnipped. liv ei' table a heary teai and clray fer à a i ddaof -cartaie -an, teamning work, and will be pleased _t recejvè ordens, wbichk will bave prornj a ud caref ni attention. a t, Fa f i ai, f -i Sf t; i -' be repoirtéd to usat JOARIiGE .0 ýM )YI Igi hn il 'l