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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 15 Oct 1914, p. 6

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'tire the t~rou-ble jecbes@0 bad corrld noV go about. My a4PPeitê bea ufil me, anrd I W" e 'offlg phyicallyweak.A neS*îhbor WlbO' had -ben.benefited by 'Dr. Wg-! I.iamis' 1ink Pille ativie me to try- t.hemi,and 'I decided to do so. In the iioureof a fer wekoe inote sorpe huprovearent, aindmype- zweing in my joints begaaito dis- appia-r, e'nd it.wa6snot dkng untA1 I' w'Nas perfectly curei anid 1 have Iiad- nu return of tlîe trouble." ' Dr. W'illiarus' Pin-k Pilla are aold by af1I 4?lalersiii medicizie or wililbe tent b.y mail et 50 ' enks a box or Silc boxrs for 82.50 by wriM;ng dîrect to TeDr. WiliamW 'Medicine C. roki!,Ont. «NE MILLION ME«N.- MWould Strelk Out 750 MiIeà Four Abreast. - Anillion umen! What dues trait mean 1IIow Madiy -are a mnillion meun Cai w-e grasp what an army of a million men-and îthere are several of thrn, now i -the fieJactuiully ThVi ar,îîiy, maî'chin.g four abreast, wouîld niake a eceed-up oolumn. &onie 750 miles long, that, wuid * reacti f rom Toroute Vot Wdnnipeg as the crow flues, f rom New Yorlc Vo Windser* via Toronto, - or f rom Oh- c-ugo t6 Smita's FYa--le. - Tire million -are =;obWlzed. Tiey ae*ll itOne big ma-p--bow mucli Aregrrn.t of infanbry with ail its animnal-s neitiwacons needis.ninetcon acres; a cavoilry regiment muit ihave eixtyaâcres; a-n artillery reýgi-ment forty-eight acreis. A div4,sioi neede ($40 lacres, or an squtare mile, for aIl it. iîîfan-tiry, artil,!ery, ânti otirer Or a-mp îfor a million i-no, threi, wo-c!d,,c,ëupy fifty square muiles. And hour t-ofeed thil vast array -o-f men adnîl! animal-s? Tni.e full day's rat". for a mar in lite fie,!l wcighs 4.4 pounde and efcosis aboit îhir-ty cents, includi-ng ev-ery- tIiing. Lten-$300,000 a dayv for f ood for one million eloldiers. Thise is jlist a little ma'tte-r of 8$9,00,000 a înonth Thisrfood uwo-uld wueigh 4,- 400,0(X) poîi-juatstIre fcod for <fne dan-- . 0 tons.. Onf, 'box ecrs copacity, je 1,800 cubie f eet. This ui carry 9,172, - -- ations-food for ýune day for 9,172' -me-n. Se, for on.,,million men-, é.ll wating ýinpatie-ntiy for hir grub, lit urould tarke 109 fmiit car e every daY tU bring aloufg their rations- five traîns cf twent-y-one cuirs eacrh. Andtfit-ie, ru-b-rd, on- lorten four 1ourÉ o wny ýBreakfasts Of IlOtbcr Days" rau somiething like this: Ham, bacon or- sa-usage; -frieti peta-Voe; dougirnut& and coffee-prepard by Overworked rmothers. Today's ad Tom.orrow's Brcakfasts Lbout like this: j- biroe itis p1ecIge-'tq -repocb t be nu-I trality ci! - Luxenmurg anti of Bel- gium., _V leg aàoVer'ýbeîraeteriîîic -o!ý <ivilizion Vo cirerisb Výhs -w6rks cf -rt -lreirhae been bequeéatlred VoUt by tire paot. 'For reasrantis- faucory <to iteel!, (?eoenry deétroy- ed Lo«uvaiÈ1;, more or lbis n rpiete- ly. -t l iea ia i h ahr-acteni-tic- o! civilizet i nan Vo ire:humae .andti o refrain frein i 'l-treating 'àie bame- less. For roasons aIiei'aory Vo. itseif Germa-ny droppeti bomnbe in tire urrbeiegeti citVy of AnVwerp anrd caused, the deatir o! innocent ire- men anti cindrn. Rer. are tirre. instan lces mier. - Germeaculture- iras been tested andi bunti uantiug. Dellelent In Dilomacy. - erlaaps il is too peftto point out tiret uanners re tire outirard andi 'Visbqee sira-o! ei-vifim7atioi, anti Virat in tilis respect tire Germens have noot et ined toithe stand- heir. Babnt i lenot insignifraut Vo record Virat tire Germa-ns alone ro- taian a bariharie media-aval a4pibet, uhi-le tire reet c! westtrn. Europe iras adopted tIre more legibMe anti more gracelul Roman letter'; and it à. notunin rbntV o note Virai Germa-n prose-tyle is cunrbrous anti uneoutir. Taken> colloctively, Virose things. seemu to âhou Germa-n cultmure le a- lutie lilg irathre so- cial. instinct, Vire deafre- Vo- niake- tiringi easy ant ýi piat - for othe.rs. IV is Vo tire airsence e! tis social instinct, Vo tire ônabilltýy 10 untierotanti tirý attitude o! otir partioa-to Sa'discuasiuen, Vo- tirsun- uillugnets V-o appreciate tieri point o!f eu, trat ire sMay ascribe tire l-ure cg! Germa-n diplonwacy, a failure Whiichr Ias ieft Ier ainreet itlroiut a- frient inlu er heur- cf neeti. Anti succese in 4pîomuaey l one o!f-the surprenne teste o! civiliz- atien. »-M .'lrecai-m esorted expiicitly orý or imnpllicitly un behailf o! Germa-n culture seeme Vo ibe irasdoti otVie belie! tir-t tir. Germa-ns are leaders in Viré arts anti inVire sciences. Sc fa-r a- tire art o!ira-r is conceruei- tirere le ne ineedti te-dispulte tire Germen çdaim. IVle Vo tire prepar- ation [for uer tirai Prussia ras de- voted ýit5 ntmost energy for half.a- centuar-m fa-ct, ove-r since Buis- Marck lbegan Vo urake ready £or Vire eei-zing o! unwiliing S'clres'wigHoi- Stein. Anti so far as tire rt o! mu- sÏc le coucerneti, there j is 'onu neeti to cavil. ,But wu-t about thre other anti more pureuy intellectueli artsi Hour ma-nY are tire oontemporary paint- or-s anti cuIptors anti architecte cof Germanymiro lia-v. succeedetiWin wmnni-ng tire o-oeanopolitaam reputa-i tien urilei has been tIre rewarti o! a score of tireartiats of Franc. andci of irba! a dozen o!fVire artiste o! America-1 Lacking in Literature. Wiren ire consider tire art o-f lot- Ver-sire find a- sinilar . condition. GernanY ha-e mati Piilosoplrers anti isitorians o! higir rank.; but in pure literature, frour tir etàI-ofi Goetire in 183 to VIre ativent of tire 'Yeungor generatior o!ftidma-tet, Surterniannan4 IgBia-tman anti tIre re6t, lu tIre, final tcec!-tire nnteeabh ventarry-thati t sVo sa-y, for- e perieti cf uarlY arxty yers-i only cire Germa-n suthor succeedet1 ira wiuiring -a- uorld-wlie e.1brity- a-rd Reine ma-s t,'Hebreir,mrd-et in Paris, -eut o!f a-vor iitir Iri countrymen, per'ha.pe 'because ire -IV 'ra. H*ritz whIr muade tire dil- o ws<ryui le itire ifotpdatien o! Marconi's invention; but alikiougir noV ,- e four vâluaibie discoveries are- Vo -b. oredite t te ie ermns, per- rape alme as ma nys o eitirer' tire French;- or tire Britisi, Vire Ger- man contrIin iratire-,frid of in- vention,, in tire pr-activai. appýlica- tàon cf aoiontiûic discovory, iras been le-es t-han îiret o!. Frer4ce, Illées tira-n tiret of Great Britain, and les tir-an tiret o! tire United StatVes. Tire German-s con-ributed litta-o-r no- tuing Vo'tIre deveolnent cf tire- ralîroati, tire stea.mboaV, Vire auto- irrolethée aeroçdaue, tihe tel.- gr-pir1h, tIre* tleph<ne,-, tire ph ono- graph, -the pirotograïpi, tire moving picture, tIre ellectrit iigirt, tho soi- ing machine, andth ie reaper and binder.- 'Even 'timosedrea-tiinsfru- monts cf w-n, tire.revrolver andtihIe ma-dIlrne gue ,tire turretetislip,-Vire torldo, nt tie subaarineë, are net due 'Vo tire-iiitéary ardor o!tire Germeas. -Pair nationsuruul d b. so iboldi as Vo deny tire suprior achiievenrenit cf tIre Frenci -n tVi fie ar-teserando!fVire- ngh inlu ure science. Nat'on are nover accei- 1ed iy otirer -nations et tiroir ouru va-lua-- Itien; -and lhIe Germens uçed noV Ire surprieed VIat ire are noir astoiisir- edt o findti temaaserting-treir na-- urel seilf-appreeia-tion, witir-tire aýpparent, expecta-tin that it -uiI pas u1r2enged. Tire uorît oureâ a- ieb>t oEngiand -andti o France. IV W oult be interesting if somre Gernian, speirking'wltIrautirority, eIrcruld nowi b. noveti to expla-in Vo us Anrericene tIre rea-sons wich untierlie tire insistent assertion cf' tIre superiority of German civiliza- tion. VON. MOLTKE WAS WRONG. Diii Not ThinkBitish Infantry Wouid Di§plày Prowess. -McP.tke, thre grest CielmniaPà- e-rai, made hs ritte-ment anti put i-Vin uriting: "I do no-t tinirtire Britishb uiuantry uriliIr e abi-e Vo mai-ntI their raditional suprena- acy Ile Contenental troop nour ft-hat &a-aruies are arme-d uitir long- range ril.Tirer-e ui no longer ire thec bpportunity for thena Vo dis- play -their ureuiJknown proIl seini -hand-te-hýa-nd flghti-. Conmnenting on tir-IsTIre London Telegrapir says:-Fvery gootiGer- ma-&n rusted Moitie', urords, anti yet, ae bar as w.eau njutige-frour tare ureagre reporI of batitIie.a, Vire great Moltke urne for once urron1g irnhi-e calcrulations. Rie etatement eeone Vo have b-eu- beoed o-n a fai prie- mise o! mhat causeci tIreBriti-shrin- fantryrnen'.e, uperiority 100 years ago. IV ires not thre actuâi bayoncit charge-s, but tire tecisive effect of hi-e superior rifle.fire be-fore Virose chrargeesurer e diveoed -uilimrade tireur ego ceUesful. nIe Bnir soîdiers urere fer better sirote- thian tIre Freuch anti col deliver flires volleys -Vo thre Frnch Ir diers' Vwo. Our a'ry to-day jei uerely carry- ig on VIese traciitions. Our ume# are fer betiter irote tba-n thre Ger- meus. -Every singie wounded soi- due-rmeention tire rotteineso! tIre Germren a.eoting, aud our me-n bave a fer bigger bargeit -to aim et, as the <ema.ns Core on i-n close formration, Ireedems-o!eo- f lif Mie-eLingimentl*for -sae verywbsre, -Mandrake and BuMsernùî<PiRe. ( Inie, V6toi'c,1 e 0o 41? sue'Vitres Due tô Army of Bcause f t extreme pUrlty,i - -the delica± emolient properties and 'QTh er~lIin~èf-modern refirChlifg fragrýnce. - Asif*td withPamonbleby ticuF -:Oiiment it ils 'n àýrià,1-ýconïdinëeu id Alsace, lnéuit-cf heat- rash"s, kchîngs in 'Bëlgium; :aUdnt Soroo# ecn.tIy In ire- battlejW-oLf the-,-Marine ad -b ile irritationrs.,and -chafings. iii.è.ié {ê'now en, i -a lu -SzulwFryMi day.' reu Feàn FarMai "Tiranke -e.: -the. aviator-,," ire r etse 0wa. Onmutodtirumo e la.V's, "we ihave-woï our vic'Lries, 0 0bU5 fs.lt8-. and ii -ethanks e Vohlm Vhat ' a eur aye w&w*illt>. able Vtelrut N -FCWRICE tire Gormane -oùt o! Franco-. In My P~S11I~ FCW1D-E opinion, sufficient'lrae undt been said cof tire important part.aviatioù ha-s ieant Death or Everlasting Dis- playedluIbi ir-r 1VisVuetir-t graee ln Germa-n Ariny. at firet wre urre a bit taken by sur- Pun-ishument for courardice i-n tIre prise.. Tire" Gerla-ns irat marvel- Gaemn' army et thre time 0f thre louily orgeniacdti.heir seriel army Tlrirty Yea-ra' Wer1wag so sevýere a's in silence. Tbey ha-vo more S5W.- te, ho lerocicus. Ina tir. year 1642 tors tiran ire expecte-d, and ha-ve éx- tire, Suedisir Geuera4 T-drste-nseon collent craft. Consequently they etormeti Leipzig, A force intier wrere able a-t the sta-rt to count tron o~an- !tr GadDk splendid scouting service. T'hey Léopoldi gave. himuifattie before 1h. uroreover cur- positions-, ab nigbt, gae !tr iy bu-t duuring thre anti at daur tiroir artillery shouru"' engagement tire- MadIon.ishe regi- by deadly work rour caref-ul and meint &ecame e udcienèly panic- aecurete had .beon tire reconnais- etrioken, ant i fed. i>n4s Punisirment àiediately follored. - Then ire put into action- our ad- Mhle-n fila.regixier aid asain asi- miraible axmy of -tIre air.1 urne s eic, 'si-zotrrrgurnsar not long before it renderetiOx0eP- roundeti it, anti trled it by court- tion'a-!service Vo :Vhe'-heatiquartere martial i-n -the opena fieldi. Tire ver- st -aff. It'playeti a decisivo rule in du-eturas tIret tila. clonel and tie thre- battie o! tire Marne. At -.tire captaine sirould. die by tIre sword, present moment it je e àpreclous adtri vr tu~rmnamn h auxliay-oo migt- ilcstay Tinon-eomumissioned officers and men dispensaMe -adjunct Votirte vior- eh-ou-Id b. bauirgeti. ions maoir cf our trocrps. Tire ste-nu ver-di-V rs cerrieti out "I hve ben mstrutet Vo rnae Vothre latter, except tiret at thre re- reconnaiseances un many occasions, botir in tire east and the nor-ti. lu que-st o! Leoposd tire m:e-n rere, irot spie c tie itese fre c n in-eteati of iriagedi; Col. George enemy I baye iroon able utc report ad onishe inreaineforadea7tr ire tire situatjon of tire German -troop3,. hti suouh.r vera for a padon. note tIrefr movements,- estimateThsuvosure olgti-V tiror nubersand mporanc ,,t quarters With otirer couruiantis, andt I a-m cunïinced,Mat I have beeritr egmurt eeegie t uible to be of grpAt service. namne or brinmer prestige. «I-n Viose" "Wiren tireurar i. - over, ono of nstr.iasnaleaiv bu the fiuiest:pages - iistory wiîî tellVo be "brave. - Coirerdice mnut of the role of tir isrr"eltirer ie-ati or everlastiug dr-. AI-Io! tire above applies to tire grae. aeropiane. Tire airman miro g{veeý iris experiences asserte tirat the Very Quarrelsome, Neiglibors dirigible, air-sip iras net prqveti a Names o! the parties are Corne and succe-se. IV le atthe urercy of any Toe-botir very unbappy tili tire trouble fàquadrou of aeroplanes, andi Ie wa remedied by Putne.nrs' Corn Ex- does net believe -etiras any military iractor Any corn «ces out o! business in future. 24 hord-if "Prtnam'" e applied-try it, Lame Baek« St'engitliened Stifliess Taken RItght Ont Was Relioved ln an Hour, and Cured Over Nlght Al la!»o baclu? .Quite unnecessaeryg Ai yFna-vo to do leto mb on0 ervi line. It'asismpiy a ironder for back- nche-relleves after one rubblng. "No- tlring possily could cure a-n a-drIng baeik faster tira-n Nervilire," irrites- Mre. Arthrur Kobar, of Lourer Chel- sea, N.B. "I ea-ught coid and iras 50 prostrated wmur pain I couid not bond over. We a-ua-ye have Nervi-une a-t home, a-nd I -had thre painful region rubbed- thoroughly - wulthi -egrand liniment. At once.tire pain depa-rted. Tire la-mees ira-s rapldly reduced a-nd lu a-n rour -I iras able to be about my houseoork. I iras rubbed a-gain just before rettrlng, and* a-oire a-s usualinu tire morning witlrout a slgn of my bacir trouble." There lis no sort of muscular pain tira-t Nervlue men't cure qulckly. Tirensande airear by ht for rireuma- tlern, neuralgia, scia-tica and, lumbago. It sinke to tire cor-e o! the paIu-rlglrt tirrougir muscle, tissue and nerve-it penetra-tes mirer-e ne olly, greasy lini- ment ca-n go a-rd lnvariablY cures qulckiy. If yon have an ache or a pain aryihere-use Nervilne-it mil cure you. Fa-lliy, ise bOttie, very large 50c; trial ie 5.a-t aIl dealers. Woulti yeu sa-y tira-t an architeot r-isos l ilueispree.sMon pst because Whrenafor-e;hpt ur r v Ss-fe uren.t'i-rte Clirnres wAt,W luti4,Wa qfouirti-tireýt 4rè (Crrneee iïad 'buit .forte aoing thëirctionta$uiç -n rCdm 'tie okib6ack w. ~ut. cormi -andi irsd 4eft!h-ét ' e>ot- wiaeia-thé nslaafieiapàrd Tire-M!iking of a Hero. -A seasouedo-Id ".-ait" uras a de- votet admirer o-f a yeung micldy ,w-hoi serveid on - h-a eaune u-arship, says tire Lordon Citizen. An acci- dent eccurreci-a> man overboarti anti e galiaunt reecue- by one of tire lieutenants, wiih brougirt a ha-nti some Ietter o! comumenti-ati-on from tire Admirehty. "kt'. a nice th-ing Vo get e letter 11k. ibhtirat,"saidth ieeldti a-r-Vo Iris youug friend. "Yeu oughit te have one."y 'Well, li have tu wait my chance,"sa-id tire rrritity. drop fr-cm tire riggin-g, anti yen umrp I-n -anti re-scue me.-" "But I caun'-t ewm-we 's the re- "lNeyer yen mmnd," £,aid Vire vet- e-r-su. "I Iho-id you up tii! tire boat ,INFOIRMIiON FOR INVENTOIIS Me-srs. Pigeon, Pigeon & Daris, Patent Slilcitors, Montres.!, report traV 105 Canadien Patents mer-e is- sueti for the ureek end-ing Septenrer 22nde 1914, 71,o! which iwre gr-anted to Amenicans, 21 te Canatiians, 7 te residente o! Great Britain .anti Col- onies, anti 6 Vo resitients o!f roreigu Count-ries. A man miroca-n disose o! - iis troubles forea consideratio>n is a genmns. *î'rrrdsu Liniment Cure Dandrugt. l'Henryv, youlook .verypae Wirat's th irtoubie M"-II ira's stung to tire qui&irby an atitier ihis a!ter-l noon." "ow, tid ti -V hppen-?," al-th tirjbocîrueurperto-Id ue irry.-se-l patn z-or vnesn to eme. upoi. iTne -dôgs indierg a body -beliove t trai tireir tsk os dune entid dsaintiiaued InPtir. iriebry, fth ars o!f'tihe ay 3We dl -mididlee eu.finds re-ferene o V the -use ofblig dog&a gain st evIr ON -for tuiae -pt4rifl,c. - 'tif tIarouring tfhe A E1NTO, UP4!0-mi hoee. iro ojiusion anrd nm o dolre aud Combinati c for C&M'ung-ý,aui4but cauaities xeSUZMOEY1 thons lerpe -canine. part-eau.- uere Postage wupft< clutheýd inu ca-tcfMIl stp&iýdec wibh l5y Limit.d, Publie pke-adheving ascythes fittbedtio -FEMAL-E UELI ther rarnees.,AMTOD Inïtaoes are -peooded wheme war-L «WnMho doeiitr-ire, brand e faoteud. Vo tim; gnoou w theïr.croats <>Imi" ae.bÏen set cmu aw, Nio~nal xmania aon euernY'e camp wittladî;ttrýuetve Mnre! reanits.',-Henry VIleII. iwt -haxe FOR fo>uac geueeful in- -mihitry urayis, :HOTO WA R TT beea.ue luEng.i-rËdhwoto-ry i jewrit- Arvreeid. Thre 'telh tir-t-le, fféred'tire ume of 4 0,000 French,1 gezL/,oJre, A auxi-liaries and '4,000 war dugs toe warted. ' Kig laaye . of Spain to aid 4hnsBri hf tIret muanch in lais w*ir uith Fram- MISCEL-L -cie I. In 'tie-reign of Que-en FMia-betuir'C AnOfir, TUMOd e wlhen tIre EarI c! Esex eutered Ire- oui pain ihyur bom lau fo ti. prpse f sppr-sengus before to-late. Landforthe urpeofsuppessingCo.. ,Limited, Colinr in-sure-ion there 'his a-rmy unac ôompanieti by 100 bo4hounds. 3 A Ur BABY'S OW14 TABLETS USED FOR YEARS Whei -a. nother nees only one me4jcineam long as 'bhere are littie oneis in, thirehome it'ceirtainly bears grand tieetimioîny 4théti-evalue- of tha.t partiukar rnedyr. Thousande of mothere use -nketiing else,,but Baby'.s Own Tables?'_ Conceraing Vhem Mms. M. Le Blanc, MemSSnl- couia We'-NýB., wrîteý: 'II have nsed Baby'. GuruTabletis for My li.tle ones f4bSjthe pantte.n yeaa,, and know o! ,noth1ng ta equel them liUring 4ite hiuag Vna'.or for codie, ,çn&ipation and indit-igeetioin. AIl jmy neiglibor., who h&ve- u&ed, them think aS 1 do." The Tablets'are eold by medicine dealere or'by mia-i et 25 omet a box from The Dr. William.' MediCine 00., BrockvilIeý Ont. *le -Nice D1t5 tin Effie (finieking lier. devotion s)- A - nd pl ease (bless lat-her and mother andi ail of us, anid give us everything good; a-nd brless ai our friends, andi give theru wlîat*s gooti for the-m. A Sensible Merchant flear 131and, Aug. 26, 1903. Minard'a Liniment Co.. Limited. Dear $irs.-Your trayveller L; bere to-day a.nd we are geîtingf a large quantity of your M-INARDS LINIMENT. We flnd it the bcet Linimnent on the market meking no exception. We ha.ve been In busilnessl Il yoars andi bave liandled ai kndis, but have Idropdtie -albut yeural; tbat selle iel;the others have topbe puebed to get- rid of. :A GEMN Wh oever looke for a friend i wtà- oui imperf ections will never finti urbat fie seeke. We love ourseves with ail our daul.te, be they few or ma-ny, surah or gréât, andi we ougihite love- our triends in like manner. TOUJR 0" NDIIGGIST WILL TELL TOU T'y Murlu e B emedy fôr Bed, Weak, Watery Eyez ad granulagi-d, Eâlrdu; Nco emaring- jusi Bye Comfort. ,Write for Book of thre Sye- bmailT-res. Murlne EyoBmedy Co.. Chicairo. Some men, who, daim te ibe look- ing for work should hiave their eyes examined. Mina-d'e Liniment Cures Sur-ns. gIs Ar Engh w -iriter, ha-s amnuseti. iidasein r flgn-ring o-r'te. piceo a jouqrn- o -tie- neeaxest star.- As--j suuming tIrat iV moulti bc poesible t trav-el ait'a epeeti o! five buùdred miles an' heur, antitira-t tire fare moult Ire as lir as'turc cents à biun- dreti miles, ire figures ViraithVie trir- velleur irculti have Vo Pa-y $,b, for his ticket, anti tia-tire ironk r-oach-irie destination In 5,8M,440 y ears. Hoesays nofiang about, -tirel- cost- o!fnie-ailsantid .ep- quaS'-F eOUld ta-k. passage on a r-a-y e!fiMgdi,. lre'couiraireIris journey-in four-. -lk dra-tir; IrecDunîtreaci tire mco- i i -a - second antia« quarter, tire Esuci lOi efight inutes, a.ntiNeptùne in foprI, fronteofrte berge tIrai meandere.j f ly dark . p.%lce,1 .90 tiIlcf ibai dl -dultabyly tiroir p' In the iet n rosi Véntice, rise s»oillnc band of; aines of s-ntiquit: '],)[y iueîuî stem cial elemsu c f shrOnded and iii tire lapping uratel tbe melanejroly tj and mycstery, rer ftm every.-day th J'ulian ,Bryant o1 dreaxr ouI Be opened bie agaru -nowagain,i OSa,, ro w. * PIGEON, 'PG O a S a s t. J a m e s s t., W rite ter lforses of the Mapte--, Syrqp, Undustry m.anbltter prloes for the Furmer Fermera 1i keu porgolden îforufity .. uetoyzwiLh our iaéple Grovel Consumera will nor 'want tbr,genuine Maple Byrup lvu 1arg.1ly inreasOed numbe.ere ntafl pour 'vapoi'tor before'-the -cold,- waer ne u .end =&ke aura of. iran4eomne ,protLte dusîné 19M6. Write1 for free booklet ceonmng our, "IChampion" Evaporator.. THE GRIUNM FC. 'C0. LIMITEO - onswnptIon- and- For thepiet, three rears COPE. LAND'a C URE FOR CO$iU&PTION cUf0ILha beau eteedily wnning con- ifidence by ils splendid repord-of r. nul-e oemtvsI ,1sae of thie ïdreak d dieeze.ave been re-: etôred to, the-ful vigo of-lif e by tireume of ti eiie o! tmtimonials., on -file ai oui- of- fices. testifY te thre remarkiable re - sults obtaaied, eveun,&fiter noted doctore 'have given- Up &U, hope Of- recovery. Are You a. Sufferer? If 60 Copéland's Cure -for Congunl, tion arnd Bronchitie will. benet you. SoId BY Ail. DruggiÎ' or a trial boule irvill b. sent pri»- pald on r-ectipt cif the reg(ularprce COPELAND MEDICINE COIUIPANY, Limlted toronto, -- 4New -and- Se(lend-#atld, for' heaLtngI and ]power prec.»Výe * Plumes. TANOKS AND ;$MOKCE STACKII. POLSON. IRENWOKSTORONTO Efigineers and Shipbullders. - Needs Paktthiiîg. FPoor- Mexico! I have nu doubt Your seat of war le Most -worn, out. - to the systeru just as surehy.as cd tic cbiaeate. -Don'tiet ap urefatsa-nd minerai ccriojà atter (sîhus any f tIlie nuoyonr.child'à blocd t- Zqni.. 4k lipurely herbai. No Pois- a-ous colos-ung. Use it always. tbeVhsdoor re4 entere and fron thde roa= out eaxniddle-agedi fuIl of papers. -Ah!fMr uBryant,. mest comins- t. e !eu go fnr." H. -stood 0o n neiý anBryant- paeed it Tisu usea iem&eile icontained turo ba iiue. one an lmis &piece o! Frenchr - ]y decorated, and 1.11 carved old heaircirat Lated the ticad- 1 -; ployed Julliar Bris a uroman. Aim anunmistukable l* sud iu the. grnck r-e- ru ber edg. -. -Sho wu.rtirer s "" paris r'ound ber t] tbe micrersani heardit sald in U < e.xr-ed about ou hl li.ke thiirty tirousa-n -worb trirso poaris. iterre'itum. bcuev- aitracted by tirse nower, o! ibis uomai ler isilI. iry ber ar Sire turne aa tire' and .itrehred oui bot *Ah!'* sire said, 111lia. You eeem - jouirtire.~ julien- Bryant prs and bis face fbe< asur-pr-es te hlm, fa rocký bad a few urori eln-rîness>itlfin lube no rime -fer graelier motto urus toget th rSOit down, ire 182i yon'veý been doing. .Oh!-.lai awfuliy. ]Bryant ariswered b, noiit uras3realîr- vmesix weeks* montb. Tire uomaTi ai tli ubtu sire emiled om waseue*ne au. too.a > Streamnéitupon berý tire efforts 10 indues pOséeszed eien a reM 'ion did no' wtit, voit-e Wursoft. jinlian Bryant cOl< 'n tire eciriuirbt nou mit down, ler r flh! T don*t thil Proba-biy - un tire frid - pûre ant applied, ti, 'deri o1 -he supreniqae1 cul]ture uuititaire th id. Tirat tire Gourman - a Vo scienee irsibeeni je indioputebie, yet it inclieputadYle tirettire - 4*i .ntsrela h F»O1deir, rau ont, rer! ire ahonteti. s ia;muret corns PE ; .for r o fasid - Ire; i n tire cinng- tri trnlh, Juilall. fo 1 filflt huard --!f yc bziarr aioclme s 11-1o laheen ina Wortli! l ibu 1.40 Iii wo-L k3rissaIt int otuffiiil: any urh dbance in tir

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