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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 29 Oct 1914, p. 2

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-Weil as what Maakes moSt men a'il-' d h iuebtO usw uag -b<die ibattie, was noît em- Vue ahiOwer lu- ex- idSa t ry Pvhaw i Ari"~tiCm srYX [ I)rjnot fla-bloyax-t ieeof Iur' limied, in ;disappGit55tbu or dominion, but natioiuslity. when.oih saw the. other childreil - . writini down their fiure-s, ie.fl 8iie~Xifl-may al ~ - iowei liheir example. e aytl fempire-, - ee ri 98-3hTe u rulers,-iay exa-it hs idea,. gover-a-.dddhes fiureýs,- and-t udht - tnents me-y b. orgarnzed 01 the im- tbe Siqm was fcrty-Û&ve.- peril systeun, but -the great -mass of - "Now £su!btrakbt your aanWwer frs you oigialnumber," Ut-le Juin thsejpeople, high-a-ad loy,,remniam *d - IId shsuIieid true Vo the great, hs iaere-dicablec Étter CV as h- 0 te--( /ted instinct ci hia-ionalit. -- Ever in -d i1n .be tat- eild wa5 sy"V" ~ the mindo f thestsirdy ¶atriot W'ho- 79684b276. - 'o 4 - ~gJ-isfs-hs-id.-dfhisowncou- New'àtrss outIiine figure,,add fr<*' " ry large or amaill, of ]< b .Vsret id-Wlm ]. lsv,,~//1- Uinele Jim coiatiniued. - tion snd-Vhse'waye- of! le h.kaows, -£_1oV..l, es-tRlihm -M-5-44,1 bl is own nook and cornier o! tus "You -Crosse u a-0 gtt- n . gréat earth. C- - ie Jimu aaid,'wvithut #estltiôI, 6n- '-.- - I etginty" d eprted.- "YÃ"u crosed'uoii. suiher a sn. eor -arie jose, Prct 1ty »msj~ re The flHuanrian -with dis Autriaacp r"Unce3ma ere'd, taBfgsl arunies feel that -h. itrnkes" for 9"A cipher," she confeàsed. ___ Hungary, The. Bavarian teels B*- 1"L geV sixtes»-," uifleJim said.# P varia nerve lisheart and haad. "ouc- sedeu ato, s-i S1NAV - N16 il MON, fl -pris - Uncle Jini. --li.WiUl WUJ-LUII r The Englishman diea for Vhses-rn- "That'-s ight, but how did you n aed pire wî-an 'ingîanu Qon bis lips. -ussiii, -Little Jin iooksd very te Thvit which inen mosi willinoiy disemucu liwildiered. ITRAINLLSO, anyi for is. tuai which bas hs :bm "Igsithiriy-men," ,mary said. V 1 - Thexi chnc t -uriv.Emupires m - Then you crossed oui an eight«.l thoui erooted laniistery, ibut ntoxarshail iie'~ coednhuin:i atre. Ucehaildd : eiaee Lesn Y. .Ilue Arrest andi Trial of a; t i TheHoy omn mpreis m -eti, a-a Ad&ana-d Mary a-ad littVie sms. Matt. 26. 47U. Golden 0i nifleent idea, but Switzeriand -a Jin echoed tube question with Fleir et as 87 mors inteasely huma». Y ' whnra "h1l',» ie: simple we ycu un- Verse 57. Weeteorbsadcaumi --dsrsiand it," Uniéle Jin eplained. the -ddersws-e gatlusred toether asid -On the cutlireak-o! hs war most "Nias la a remau'kabie number; it -me nennddsimsi as No empires, -in Mattluew Armolda Vthe digits cf a-ny nuaiberae I45 ii But th. ,scribes anad eiders rol wa-ad Vhs resuiteiu iuua- Vedmf romtV-swere noV going te -taie a-ny chances. slioc, wors,"ld tei hgefranis oVoriginal nunxlier, there will be a -re- on l.oing- Jeaus.. Au îoon a-s theysy k constructed rigt" aud pay tardy- ýmainder whose digits, wluea -add , sa ie:ofcr oaprhn tributo Vtethe great Instinct of na-- will m%-ke nine or a multiple ot jes»5, Vley themnselvesýï go Vo uheir tegaiÃŽ tionality. -Witnasa he court thai nnes. asseavbly plae Vo huiry through'a-s intez R .us via pays 1te Peolad. The ni-ne- Thet 'hliidrosî, au cxecept Pseer, quiekly -as possible his condemna- cf Vj - ~~~~~~~~~~te oldeet, iooked a-s il! tley tboughitinadoecto. ewndws teeath century waa ths age cif na-- thia anythin-g but ziitiple. asleeip. Thley oopid a-ct quisiy havi tionaility. The twe-tietis century 4Which mesas," Uncie-Jirn wsni 'ith -- far cof Vhs poplace inter- -â la inmperial only lu appearsince. Un- on, when lue sa-w their Imy4ifLed >s s l eux' ehcf der -thesi auce ths winning ideas lo,"ia fsem une ac si 5.Ptr asmr er'O a ast, arhetiose o! nationaiibay beeineeuhe ra-nswsl'wld tha» Vthsotber disciples, but thlere aga- __________ - hae;btee ior ahe ultper c o! wa-s s gréa ea lxIo! caution in lis ther nuis terfe the numlber rosaêrd tcourage. .Hoefoilowed hlm alan Off, that "TieEuropean -war bas got 1 eut uet iethe nruambetreuir& tVo aar enough Vo ses whcre lie wa-s Cons lie lou-ghiouiIt1 rhat's the onîy way mlbr o in- h ner p ohene taires, but fa-r enough net Vo geV thes theissesthâ diid th nai multoipe nas, he-mmutileîbo a-ny persenal danger. lH. want- &ul VhsIsses ua- diideVhsnaton Fo intane, hs eximulipesd to ses he end. This doubtiesa wiî ca-n be settled a-ad permanent peace of!ane after forty-Bix la fftyoiiur, wasan a-ahnesi curioBity. He felu ha, Becured."-Suc]' is -tlieoino ne and Vhs differe-acelewe oi' that a-Il wa-a up wiih Jesns as acon hears frequieitly exýpressed th ese six and fifty-four la exiÉht, se an se Vhse off icera led hlm - swa-y liYthe -aé -oo -0Si on- sfce iglut mueut have lbeen crossed out. force. Tiiere waa nothing- Peter crov - dy, God ogc o ls a-c, utNine-ty lsae multiple o! aine, se -uddo. He intended, however, , E> poor in peint o! fa-eV. i ignores eltixer a niéie or a- cipher must have tese what wa-s dons te Jesus. judi tl Vixporta-ntpoint that ne war lie- - lies» crosaed out. The a-ext mui-ti- 59. Seught lals winess- Itwe-s is _v V*eeuu great nations la, ever "fouùglut ile c sfn h n ulil evident Vo tlhe leaders e! Vhs Jews cr0i out'" Vo a perrnaneatiy peaceful "o iancVs etnu thVaV they had noe svidence a-gainai cin( setieen. Afogi-ou -arle o! -nias afien forty-s'x Ïia f'fy-four, Jeas. Thers was nons tom' lus a-r-ad setrusl m at.- Ases. I-t- war ie-a, ad thé differencebtwesisoty .-six resi Vo sa-y nothîng ot .bis execu- Tie trucein mst cses. f a arb - ad fifty-f our la eiglit, se0 an sîglul i-tion. Ose' would expecito ses the oný. tweeui Vwo great nations was ever mat have- bnecrosaed Oui. Nineiy, cliet prisais siiting quietiy Vote iar a-nd tloroughly Ieught eut hs Franco- amlil !aie - ihna tlieevidence which hs accusers ot que Germa» war was. Ther. was-ano nias or a cipluer must ha-vselissa Jesus, would have Vo. pressai wss - qeston s -o Vs cunpeteesso!creaaed eut. The nexi multiple of gis l;tnie e' or e quetio aste he ompeteessofaine altesr sixtes» ia eighteen, a-ad c a-w ist ing a-soruciss. eevcuren, t-hé Germa-a victory. France' re- the differeace -letween ixteen and oV esîy ithey, bsu Vhs. wlcusr- coived.ths tex-ms hs vitors dicta-t- seighlteen'la towo, 80 eà two muet -have cil, segt fals wiiness fgflat wiîi ed n hr wa eritoy.To-aybesa crossed cuit. The5 nexti multi Jeaus. Imagine these men teppiag his we ses tiios- Vwo nuations a gain a-t pIe di nias aller hixty-sevsn Il down fremt their higi places a-nd thxe dcatIiguie. us!cuht-ut anforiy-llve, and the difference ha-- withoui dignity going about arng bim deat, gips Th fouht-ut tr ween tliity-seven aad fon-y-five l is te apettaVore rying to secure evi- fact o! 1870 lsa sdding fuel Vo Vhs* flarnes. eight,; se an eighti musi have been dence againai Jeaus. As Vhey bil-d ifar,ýWas it froun providing a wa-y creased out." ed Judas Vo lietray Jeans, îhey the for a-"aeu eteelta t Who found Vlis tout?" asked 'would neV stop a-V pay~ing fer a-ny per fo ap4aefl etleen ha isPeter. kind of incniinating evidence. Jes memory renma, on bti ides, -,The puzzle is an oIc] one,*' sâid 608xTeyoudinVtog sa te grca-t 'lar to a frieadly under- his utacle. 'Il n'as firet given oui many false witnesses cainc - None standinig. by a Frenli matheaiiaa, wie wsre a-bls to lalaify pssby diseovered this rcrnsrkable- property Afierwe-rd, when tic chie! - prisais No na tion theaedays cama debtroy of the number nias.' -Yotlu's and eiders and a-Il tbe council weu'e- ÃŽ4s opronent ccnupieleyl as R~ome Compa'nx'5T.a-t, their wits end te flnd seme sort 'f - - foglutcutn'ar. ag, uers un - -o! evidence againai Jeans, caine--iwo tion of hs realdeitands o! civiliz- «e- were conveyed to a. mansi'on, ihe higb prisai. The latter stood up. a aion a-nd humaniiy. migisi endure whcre we' nemaned for elevýen days.. cudntrmin satet. He na ht-la the- rly pea-ce Vint can). -Tefoweoycî,iy ea Imuai ma-ke somstlîinïgoui of tua3 peama. -aisi-es testimbany r tise cmýjowd would sée G ' "AV is-sÏ*nd cf4V-le ele-v*-nûl:a' 'hie discounfilure. Answeîxest th<i -hiobké.g Aed li(ena- eueucdu odvi noihing ?-His hope -waa Vo imak G ih ave -juat teispionedti o ou'hs e liona o0 -ti. B 1i à ýdJesus incrixiaate.,hiimel!,.-Whiit sxsw n te rsoa9k thein.ift'sere Fre-nch.- This we de-cliiued t-o do, nAsiir rii which disse wîitnesé againýti la nyhing e-ca- lnd he "witercuxponOuir captonis said that .hée- c kaaw tua-t the estimnY ai a said lira. $crimpins. tujh would give us four hours nlý>a- othesBsqesi ho*- th eAren-t; you Serttlng- wondenlamlly which o noconalder our position-1' -ever.-mxgt le-ad' the-e»looxkZ5-t i generus-" -ake herandliidf ae aili re'tued Nve shcsuý4 ail p.-ýceseme weigit umpoii the charge~ a "Oéh, ii'aju8t s weàll Vo lis neigia- <be ,ut Voe- deatl.. '«e - eie-d Viaii'-t 55<-iflaV Jeaus. MIaîe-on tfflapelyraVie-r tiasagy Vr xifrîainde-r 3 u su atih. e-e-V - - il bonl n's hynve -mand'éd cf us we wudprefer 'There- waà"no rea-son why .eiS- weUwom',a-il s ihuy nhaIdë ath. - ,, ýouid sps-ak. Tise ligh Ïprisai knd'w -44 sa-w,.a loti tti htwl i c~~ fow-d wtço d thai SWý*bl a-s 3esmîs. - ]le, iert- fi wcrth ,hà.nng when 1V ceaies o-un x r-snob a-ad BélI 'an,,isvlo hati for,. turne Vo Jesus wth a- -etu i -urt'Ora V o ', Wrefùmd Vo comply w -Ith îa. smiler n- his iecnotbing whaievsr te do al - -'-~-qu~eV ly Vie Grniaas;- biing nia-n.i- withe.hs'testimnony-o! t erf-êwitý' a] Sur, larsa d f nom -Vie--. manin.. Mis-n 1beiibg nes. h adjure thes liy ths living Vtý G't'ii c cn e,,SeVtna'l o! thope wluo hue-been [o teke un oaou. But the sxtremitY' w -~- --- -you those goods -on four uont, cruen py Voi'Vr 41uyatr sli~.-e.--tw- btlwufrt&~ jakenph5',e-rawitue ere then oj Vhs igh prisý aisaa reat. Iti anilry rxude-the -lidilig andi -thij;brg i h'3ottwt h (b.di t a-n-,"But your notes&Y. elsctei ?dus, the m~nsee~in. .execv~ç4 i-f "WAij0SMdeàd'aeoWus, ne, or I Lots fpeople woiuT na-ie'seiâed l'e it himsi! ta-kea tus la- id lê xxe'.and maire notes - a dollar Vo the bheabluen than gave tbtive. of olodig.» -the poor ai, home a pleasat lookci. 64. Theu hs ai--hs worda « cuiten 84Muiead s bue.ng the prrm ry cei èé h takýi à-elytit --j a0 r-ite liing cf Beigiu, a-t Pre- Smts question. There was ne d for Jes.us to say anything fur- ý r* ,-But lhe did niot wan-t te leaure- one in doubt as te -lis claims.- re.fore he addi, nevertie-lessa a- agI' ou have st-ated, ths tact) 1 o) say unto you, Ren 1rth ys - I sese (me) ths Son -ofunan sitting' the riglut hand cf Power, andt ting on Vhe, clouds cf heaven. t i. ent hua garunents--The plu-m is uaed in the original texi -lie-i se according Vo Vhe raslilinicali D1 cl f Vhs garments, the nethert well as Vhs upper, were Vo be* c.This was the proper Ëign fors unmen Vo show that Vhey were1 rk-ed - at -blasphemy. He haili ken ,blaspheuny-Ncte now ihat bvidence which is Vo lue used ànst Jesus cornes froun the mis- rpretatloôn by thseluigh prist the worde 'Jesus spoke. Vell çh he aay, WhaV further nsed re we ef witnessest These wcids icaVe thai all cf the Ialse, wit- ;els, even. the Vwo wbo èaune aV tcould bring notbin-g valld mi Jesus. Thers was -still fur- ýr need of witness. But; now b tlhere was opportunity to mis- itrue Jssus'a words and, tura, n liack upon himsîf, the leaders ild discontinue their,- aearch for messea. Wbat a rel-ief tii must e lieen for iheun ! e, What think ye i-O! course h igh-priest would turn to the jwd. He No1%ld play uspon lihe îpatbieanasd' arouse the pre- ices cf Vhe onlookers. But oe -arrantsd ' in asking;. Was the wd or Vhe Sanhedrin te, try and ndemn Jesua i They answered i said, He is wortby of death - lhigh prisi could safeiy count -t-be crowd. He had hunsored it i touched its vanity y lbis direct tatiîon. The. penalty o! lilashsmy u death] (Lev. 24. 16) andi aise cf ug a faise prophet (Dent. 15.20);ý -7. Then did Vluey opu lui luis face Mow 'often are pda1 oners treatedi th indignity! Buffet him-Siruck mx on the neck witéb the holiow of e hand to make a noise. Smiote n uneana Vbey saruck binlaie- ce. The leaders cf ftue ehurcu mubtiless felt safe when- they had , crowd with-them. T-hey were -rfectly ready. it seema, Vo !ei ýsus lie au-ljected to ail sertes of lIery and indignity. BRisero 111111'iii sONd < rmS. l'sins<.'- ll 'unseé T'hem. [t is rather a-msusingtU) notet0 he erity with which Germin prince- gs and German professors have lowed 'the Kaiser' s. examupiQ in rxou-ning the honors, îvhich the ?opte cf Great l3ritain in theïr :od nat-ure andi g"o fellowshi-q- ivs me, lavishly best-awed on them. ke-r William led the w-a.y and sold is Britlsîl decorations for the bene- c f the Berlin Relief Flind. We ope -t-ha-t he geV a good' desol of iney fer 'thli becautFe the Ber- i peo-pie sesun likely to .need ai] e relief they ean getV. After Loi ain and a few ultier incidents in xlIgiujm we, feel very glad that the ýaiser hes diveeaed himýself cf these ono-r, for otiher-wi-se we mugI-t have een undar the painful neeissitv ( qnuee'tig.hlm not Vo, disgrace 'Bri ih d-ecosntious by retaining -e Now the- Duke cf Saxe Co burP Md Get-a bhas intimateti bis r6ig ~il» o Vh Cconecyin Chie! 0 li, Sesf-orth ýHig-hlanders om n ,roun tbal'it 5unrxiit-lttie fori ~Joter-'«h-t aketisbaby e'y. se,. Nettial -ml uie-I ettis-"Gh,jus geV fu-say becakuse I Vied tVo open» bis noutlu -wide wîthyour glove«atnetcher." ,e e n in h- r le me Oru I. Mes -DO me, W eeD AE P OZ. W-114azýâ th'ir È&ajùe:ta untrustw"O'îhy 11ýW_0years ago w é Iad w lnIa S r. spel ml~'iin,.à iouty subJét il bac ent, iven1t ini ith tiéir "sits a Ç w ipport'd Uingerie m êI$W 1tïh~ produce inte I - neuralgia, w hile i n ii r e Brii h tyle. 'Diu éfÂà ets apro s, - j i t i e k reýàI aprb ùs, i n n -infl =ied nerve inay also give have more than once foflo*èd his te fr t of the siis » I ieacful pain. While e>idNWorifl xn hnapuitn oèhi Wo chectk7 th-e nieuTaw1gia everYthing bée aned ti tntii. i5Wê ruoheniforcieoft&J~ ehould be doe to gve the neoe-Te ershvéÈone fort1iI t d~ %S r~Br~z~o1 blood and nerves. tAs a rule neural- 1 jn t'~ anthiùg ibbreso~l rés.&mtmstus a g i a i s V é r y ' p e n r i s t e n t , . r e c u r r i n a , o l b M é ï ü.t- t'i è r o i k e f e w t é : à u d t e i generWlly at theïàsa me n is t ar~mr thnt~ocsonae1~ ~fJb ~o~S e .,1 ing êxaetly. for tie sam e tdune dur- Trequiro h ýâý âsd ed ng e t h ÏS t al fiu'-" -the S injg e ch aucceed pg niè~ht or day. i The d h tfi fa tl à répo"' ohsl itas e4g d iu y ~i g , w i This,returrente ïffiay be ehecked , i e i .h fa. k i rp re ~ okyi r the, netLralegià is dun te a- hill 'b.y' teiiv6ý, oàe ~ nt e- ewar luh~uBaI OS taking a teoblet of aspirin eey B1&~ Ufl h ae l~t Wide eili, 'braid is mue]' used iP t&ree hurs until the attack goes lât'whliés, ook l>ié bet*èni, én thvsé ei~umdl.~n~~K3S. off; at the saae tune -a mild, aper- lie, ad r- formên a lonmg tuniç, soeutimes it i§ ient 'will hei-p. When the nèuralgia 1fà h oré,wr rY"~ue s a1teV' e is caused by ansaeuia a rnmixt4re of nùifuie-red, and seingithèm get ing, o! he fabrie of the frock it àdorns. quinne nd-rox i.per~ap t1~e*estth~e wo rît of it, the fahid -wentznto eNeediesstc isay,, th'e 1raid et5 q uieni ne vithith eir i truni eth eikest an d ' remedy, and j have k n- quinine zthplaesdlowatvueiir i -wiji and o divrofiwomk wondera la l wfr m e r uan s< a la lw i f ÀdTir wibh èîn y i ï eople w_,hoýrwere subjéet ret , y s b low frou n h b t-è nd. Braid and fur a'e jntereBirglY ý,' to neuralgia. iThe eodliver ou l w orne, ophicledeinand tombone, for clk)h taken in the usual uanner, a tea-s- oletil. snùion the formidafe -bas sp o o nfu l w ith a II tIs stro n g , u - h eeso o n . -ao u & . ô â it cob a te. T ee d ý i h ae r rO f b 1 ng sweetened eoffee.. The quinine wine Ter s toy butatra blackgdfwuth anarroh a- ri- is easily nmade. Take a cjuart--,ot- who defended hi-s herth 'agai t ^t ror i bak ur-and , i s nth ea fia: Vie oi port rwine and place in it as horde -of Vhseenimy aist ' liar or 4raid 'fandingon thé coa snuch quinine as will efand on a iegd tol ndsotir fa btu ffe c hèefrca ôidh shilling. This miit be taken in two man who routed the enêMy ny thé Furery goôd. tablspoonful doss three turnes a double by ovsrturfling a stand of ..i'thebrîc ktu s evera day after meals.-A Physician. bes :hives in herga-rden, but'- cer- Týere are on. t' a'e'5Oa tainly one df Vhs mosttrewrakàblo f8Jb"' '-whiveh ,inulâte, fur, veloùL' - Colle. - -weapon-s, on record was the -hi-g fuSibkis xa fVe Te r Tii.wor coic s cte- uad ~ saucepan which it-ls cr6ditably said usmd Votrim coats ' where fur iould. desrib .ny evre aininVhs~va lu-atyTurk brandidhed,*vii]' great M ,is i sd:Btteyd ~i decSince sveepan j heabn4efbfr .eio that. Theyarelte dorenbutiV s ! curs tre tateffec t at the Baittle 'of Widdin. te ib1efurcoeyeuokht i pain in. tha eicours r j ta iine'Sa-nxsozi'-ause of tbe jaMwtons $taen frI; evidently there 45 . causes; it may coune 4rom a green ufa s hra eyrbe ue anky cloth, withïi urlike fnish, a/p-le un-wisely eaen, and ;t m iy a stranger_ weapon. 1I1 iniatp eros eionts In one o61 Vhs fierce actions in thie Trains Again. Simple colie is the proper naine Peninsular War- ammunition ran Trains sare used on xnost o! the for hs rarp-lke onVactonsshort, and many shifts3-were resort- iew evening gownq.-" For,,a_ long g frtuhe re broui abotractloal:r-ed Vo in order Voeunake u.p for thé time unost everi-1g gowns, especial- rit&tion-or by poisoning. Tbe irri- iack of bullets. The -chief uneans Jy on younger vmen, havé e 'isa tation may be caused oy oms sub- were buttons. There were net many trilleg. k nto be sure, b]'~ s§tance tihaV will ot yield -Votheélefion ths soldiers'- uniforms when had trains. Bût, now nxost cfdi à digestive processea, and- that re- Vthe ftght was over. To-day, of new cnes have th-eni. With short mais i Vh diestve rac unil course, a soldier couid noV do thi skirt4, ail the way around, ths train Vhs systemn rebréls ýnd ejýeèt» it ýb for 61il the rifles are bréech-ioaders. gives à rather odd appearance, o forcé. The saine symptons occir But in those days it was differet, i-V hIgse-paraieiy f rom V he w11bY when sonnething actually poisonous Thu-s in this very saune battleie ft. over tvue vey short shdrt - ia eaten'. That la shy Ïho greatest re-ported that a soldier Vook a ý &îZ- Siceves In Evelling Gowns. care should be taken rhat ail food or f rom bis haversa-ck, ràmm-d. it -Somesof' the new-.evening gowP8s, shé6uid be perfectiy fresh and down, and fired it after Vhs' flying despite tihe sîsoveless vogùé, have whoicsoms-epecially aIl fsh, and French -eavaflry. . Evidently that sieeves-pretýy Hlte ;ruf$e4 and- shellissh nost cf ail; fo r Vhs cav'alry lhad a eloae'shave. puffed affaira of tulle èr chiffon CIL~ pt-ornainei§ of shellflah are exceed- -- other Iight and gauze-like - 2biic.- ingly virulent. Tie are decidedly dainty, Pbpecil Thie pain that simple colic causes -Oed ly on frocks for he-yçun-g girl. may ie very severe, and it may be Itla odZi that Vhe man who speaks Silver and Green. attended liy vomi in-g, profuse withuut thinking is Vhs one most.-ilver lacee and emeralcl green sweatting, and ths partial collapse apti Vo say what lhe thinik%.z velvet have- been coribiu'ed lnu ev- o! ths sufferet. If ths pain doesano . eral of Vhs -niodel8 o! Vhs autumn- ,ctuickly a bats, cal1 a doctor; for Rias Thît, Ai Riglut. that have sttracted wîds îatteiition. -he condition 'may in'tihat cas z be' "I'm afraid th 't Young nephe w <~on e e ig gcwn 1 id i serous yurslacs gplcato."Y much ailvcr lace on an emerald Colic cf this sort will - usually "NoV at ail; heappiies Voenie for - green fudto n utirtin yiéld to home treatunent, and is a boan regui-arly every -week." ning of rhinestones t- addAoto he qtuiokly- reiieved by thse reinovai of,- -- ivery, llht effeci. - the cause o!, offense. There are, oe ortwo signs that-wili he:p ths- family te determiie -whether or notN O h N T N T9 they ougfht tde cal a physician. In ,simple coli,the patient uaually moves about restleesal" and tries_________ 1first one position and then anoiluer in Order to gain r2lief. If, on the* PIoughshàtres I3eitg Beaten lInto 5WOrds aid Prunl- other ha-nd, the pain is caused by Into Spear5 some grave organie trouble, -or i-f 1 there is real intestinal obstruction - or peritonitis, thie patient can hardiy keep atili enough. Tite x-'c Thai, they a-Il may. be one." --- fabrie ri~ bluud and irn wlhich l -pression of the face ià aisO a guide John xvii., 21. -now being wiw-,cu on t-bé battie to diagnosis- The expression in, boona of Europe.. Man a-gainst simple colic nay -be agonized, but -Efow palheti, and almont fut-le, mao, famiy again-tiamily, bui- it is a very different thing f rom thej seirns this lasti prayer o-f tise N'a- ua gis xsnneés giê epiticlxed and anxioua pallor tbat SC- zarene for all "Vhs-mn that 'believe asnio agit ainrc Pcompanies seriuua abdoinnal on nMe" at this terrible hour -oz against race, religion agains.t r- trotublP.-Youîth's Coi5Panion5. fiercé rai agingsof fr an ligion! When do we iioV have-,war! î From eu te en d e xe to niutinent f ,I '« heu is Ca-m noV aÙf - ýi w crk eM in Axthor"t y. mil~ nnî toid me to-day that iere la as muclu ori-shunent lna aniek- el's worti o! peants a- tiers in a polinîi of steak," Ba-id the Old Fo(ýgy. "'«ho avas lie ? A scientiat 7" ask- ed tisè Wise Guy. "No,"repliëdetitc01iFgy H waas a peanuil marchant.,", As8 G(1 osi§s E-ver.« yousr.razo', hIniust Vel yonîVia-i 1 - orrOwvèd iV ye4térdrty." lit il'jui ia d ô eteer i .h.endilo t-'- lVpp" eût i'sisPi f oshft'i âe gees, -hé.v6- a>ki'ivédhèI'e ,f tim Galicia-,ýam-adthe -a.thOltieéa a-ne i to-os hr'houwe. theexi.AU the bamracltd, bos piýtale, and enevoleéUi iueitutiouns are fllled te o'-erflow- A Fa-irVa-nng. Barber (turnin-g 'ha-nply - round, almosi wrenching off his ciientes aoseY-Doa'V go, air, ii's youn tlura next.- -An hdea. Our'icldea- e! n-thifig wôrth woËry- ing about ia the announcernent thal new style trÃ"6iaersa an t'. 'le wxth- Fith is ne gooci a-brËainfoci lasa it ,ha-a sonaieibing Vo asîimnite fires blaze il. Asia, Af niesi sud Vie lslaso f Viéseat; oven ths- Ameri'r Futile indeed seema- Jsu' cas ia--g ic mokyeleda ! eon. prayer "tse- (-we) a-il -mfa-y ie eue"-! ie disonder, Social distraction- adAndi yete ma-de ht,an- oke s piritua dpi.Etvee for ts -fulfiumeii, l -in nage -more uwl deýpîr. vefyhere.1ýreni with -atnife iba-n i h i nwhieh na-lion lifting up sword ag'ai'nst na-, Vio. Ioliiin, rvieing (brni-g we liv-s! And iaimilarly mnuetwe famne, p-éilerié,sl-ghVr woqrk a-ad, pray if ave would lie truly the-se are the iù'boïstoùs hbirnrs o< Hia diàcl-pîs. - "1these enflightentsd daâ's" 1 Anc¶ Little ('au Âny"Oieoi Us l)o, thosaeùgaged iW this drdtid 'liùi ,- &hpV otsVs 1 il h usa o *afae- rôiii ~-yng ~seý'èm.agrouýîefromiiigroup lint1h Vtse 1 a-nd -Qed, a-diailing'V&i5 Va-ii 'great -huuma-n -.famiiy-. !-or-sVl Lord--snU, Sa-;,kçur, Jeiug CWnrièV! -ls osiîVsitlVml Tratgle IixWiid't llfê Tt. rfflag on Vjhs -plàins o-! Europe. B-àt A1d aiosÉî-ra[g Wic a1is 'the ewfm4Vis ait leasi we <sa-n do wé cza fe-et t-lai -Vils ieueadoila coaftit i t sean-ch ttc deepplaces o! our w iti eà ÀIte - nature oihi rhearL% aàlid iPxrgeî théin efths la-e enlia-r, fbut, os the contnary,1orly traces ol that distruat a-ad LE*ael g Ïée4ou iy glVfdétiesoio fwhich 'wé now sce ths Per tVhs eùv, ,decei a-ad hatreci avlieb friutà~iu i this -sfipi-PdiuiùÉ -<SIT hai'eever -liset vdHW Iwo -an¶çym !arunsc i is. ha there a destruction ths so cal relatiôf"ý-On f t giend we>h weh'oi weUIa-ve quarreZ, juéri. - lui i ààdt n6 * r -r lhe rled, saklinman withwhom ae hi-e' é±u~lior ~'df-~irxj~5rioÙ ~ ~ nothing 4eo do, an enerny aýhOIIIw. "véàl 4, "nàÙ'h infuûa t-ý'ùtdIfa-.' luete , a-rival whô- ]MI we siek' t If peàfVè ha-tiilia iVoét legs cruei,- a aocial -Came <dat we deq- - i7reiw ned;IV it seohdith ie hôttilù- piee -a- ne.ion- <Sx- ratè or, réigiomi ties ûb lots V-riibIe,'Allftx dfITise agai'nat- which une ted a -ptejudice'I lansa-ne nivaliet <if o i1ercia len-.- IWtiere an sngry wvorduwpn- our? Verprl e, hslu gtVIo r-pr-aut"èa t dny liesi ; a - à i ti t h îil w ài+ iI -oui s e#qenae'o!i" htippintt -ad la- n hearhis -a. prayer 'wi-ihl- our soulg t he iparýfthVie-toilfng ma-jt e efor the duzinislied prqsperity -of saaiior -uat ivié îh a-rn<A~Shapnesa o! a-ny single pem or c - st-ons tbeasedna-i bgbn~tuia- -gnou-p cf pensons upon sa-rth I s ah&iies-reliÉlon" thIâmouifet.ôus ni -so e, es lav<rk for as-to dV4 agçs o! ffHiy-pri#, rntsejudiçe av-t'ailnia-ylie one" l-Net onIyý ta-a cla-.és ictica, Vhs e itty "Thou sitelt net icii-" whiclh 4e -quanrela tua-t split Isomiseholdà, dis- 'o! us everx do,1:btaise"T 'yba1 Vu b, aighbonhodéiffda-ad break jnt fe anugry5," -wlsioh -mjô of - f ien shisa~ Vhese'a-n th co i~u cn-1.alw ay a a-e - iù som s - di eotÀo-,"'..- e placeV oQI 11e.- An& thssu aiee ail o! jthesla-avla-id v -e.--- Vhs sa-me texture wud.t]' n blatik John HÀynejS Holmei -who hi - ittle 0' - ~ Thesy and thi - Bryant gradua] people they sa togethe tion neý - Wher Ii ghia ',Wl -thing; sud hlm the tan Itock, ",If I hum satiation - he wsie omethingf whether ahe If she le. 1I But when rnemberedo Information flot there. *She don' sad."Shs wInter, anf1 foreign -par I --ier." Bryant il hlm a amnI time ha hac beautIful Il He had tVhe street hini. - 'Oh. sir, sai; "but Miarnock's 'You know "Yea,"sa Again ac a 'bua -and Thore ww bis heart,i -,alittte 'wf hope. For - lg. then1 e moment in i'hmkindne thîît-ha sOet h1s pnide. aven, te sPe given the Ir iveli snoug!h wa8 confIne- "avili you WoulC you JulianfBr' then lie eSa ..Yegi, 'il >HlWaido, apsesous-bai -havinx. treài seented with other --world. -words' he 'w -'"Iwant - t ea'erything4 -agairist me. tu, me anC sorry; -but ji to e li cie- otiî r chane, Oefliy. Ood idon' t et Sc v'ou Io takte buit a vi1 work soimtwl seck tOa'w -le signed - -- uhri 'd trï'i on the eriv,-I -He hsrdty when lie let nervou>'. unhi written to lt' wrong. alli -Mau -iil uit heliad 'ihelp, panhap.a- naval He ifourndih c adiliy, an~d -s t4omcItil t h Ing. hetic r-d, former ebuin just, borne -fr0j You are th atuk. Iryani nottit<a? I*ow nlce it countryt!" - lixn adnzed i ed the ether 1 ikc a glimpse wetI-appoiuted "h"te tall friends; sud, v - auKg . -ston. Thoe aan Smc ta-ettul te exPr for iBryant;mn siatane, aite whit'h he felt the other man look ef is foi Jultan'a es - lie wouxd net1 baC talked itI -- Julianpromiise of -,day'a -,trine. The next da> baC backi-cOa iw 1iwas gîtan<Ilng.1 chaque 5rcF enel( -do Cnt Je uw abonut -a - t rleadded, '"I M uaafn >iext 'Af> shan't forget- -- -about this, etC stand by oe .foo tume SIli T ut Tiffght .J avise that thinsg lie wa.4 gning t( tmôme n or drive a cabi?" catch li bel'vol ded bits hei- "Yaes.', and t SgiS the chai- 'Ir you drive And Julia'n 1 es hecatiwwe(- "lieeauuie i v ie ki.ssc*i het thrOugh- aitti

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