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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 29 Oct 1914, p. 7

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Problem. A'deepateh fro i jLondon ay&: jb7e' wholesale ara-s. f Gerniam -throughout En sdhàss bi'ough the Germuan BsusnvéIsnt o4t face te facewt a uolmequal 1ýtaI c&t f 1tis firtfew w-eks et dth ir. The '.largýe rnajority- e of a-restet! have been emjeoyd.tied- and t '0 0&mps. A ,pro«eggoùt ct motor bus. filled ith yonng Qerianàis sud Auirians sud guïrded by sol- dfes'e wituh fixéd bayontts, recently à uset! tilrougb i be .treetus cf Lom- don oà, &eir way toe sdetention Pcnmps, Thus was ths- roiand-up of Germains, Anatria.as and Hunear- finé t.hronghiQýa-t thée UîîtedKî Jou, oiy bô. haiugnaturalia being sparedhewa Il lse etimated that tuer. are 3,_ - 00 allen enemies in V.hs United Kingdom, cf votui & a eoaity are in Londoqn. The,,hua4-dnof en ing Lnidou au'd lte enïviron. a S Ssoatiand Yard adi U ayLog1h forces attschscâ Vo thé enp1&s Pç>iiee stations bhave M sesjwo,2n at high pressure., 4"I fl taac mr -ti-me tâ mÙ10ey en iV i M t o f he at iaa Oof tege &liens have been ree~tered w*ith taie ie-ice since thLe outbrsak cf hustilitfies. - ive htindred -have been arrcted ý4$n Mandhoee-r lu 24-ihcur, and.Vhs buinbene elsewhere are i n pa-opor- lion. At Northampton a patominent f6eruu.an who was manager cf-tais &lelstaest railway sytni ,wna 'Nfprced Vo resign ln apâtfefte tc xIst lhe had lived lu England for 27 ears. IV ia iaid that hp did ýnet teks out hies nauuraJlîzation papers - ùutii alter Vhs. war began. ORDERS FR011 WAR OFFICE. Ùillion Sweater Conts7 Soceks aaud Shirts Are Ne-eded. A despatch fa-cm Moutreal %ays: )Ir. Pred St»bart, pnrcliasing -agent fer the Briti-sIl . Government, le aI dis Windsor Hetel, and will1 place catrs rfer'a million ewéatéï, ebos, a simular nùîmbeu opai-eeft, grocy worsted socka, a mllion ýsuits e!f heavyffnderwear, sud a juillion heavy Engl-iseh army shrts-, beside-. field, glass-es, whioh will run ÃŽnite about a-mnildiou dollars. Mdny hala- - ru-sItes and. ehavi-ng brushes are alec wanted. - These orders have ne- thiing Vo do wvituh the Can-adian cou- lingen-t, whose e-utfst la being look- ed ater by te Dominioin Goveru- ment. The eîoLbes are'for the Brit- lehaIt -my now in te field aisd in traiuing. BATJERY FOR SUBMARINE USE New Celis Obiate NccegsitY Of In- haliug Chiorine. A deepaitch fa-cm West Orange, N. J., erays: Lt blIcame known o-da&y tihat Thomas A., Edison Las been working- fer is6arly wo years ou a -eeial ster&ge battery to replace the leud eues now in use lun tem sub- marines. The prespnI battery gen- erates choienn gas when 'its cells - becomne flooded wlth s-îlt wate-, a-e- euiting lu tih. weake-ning of te lunge etofmeaubers cf the cre-w aud m'aking Vheim eaelybubeed to pneu- mnonia for unenthia after. The b-at- -- tory -was exiiibited to Governunent suabmuriue sud eleeotrical mten aud- tiheir offioers, 'The new bautery lias ben ested urader aI-I conditionas and cr'msacanduJ as proved -entirely , atisfacto>ry. lite batt-ery-. wilahobeoffsred te theave f lte ie nito , a a aia nney wIU haeschanoCe t» e e4 obe. Sir Chatle Fitzptnlok at AmérS- éàn IBar AeiM1tIon ineýr. by S 5e n 1V4ièIsd'Oii laýiaddréie .' ére îbe ,tibeIt Amnican Bar ýA.eocitîon-on i"ThtI Ckýistitucàt of c aa&-d.e" si Obarles' fspeech wso thefeauTiirof h.ngit sessionoIl the association. III demerb,-. groýwthi of the ~ipdian oLco 07Sytn, -Sir- theares ooann'pt is on te (4er 6very, tumn by officislimitations, and thii. May àëo-üinïk fr ith f thst the Ueaan engranb to-daY seleot*'tiheUnited, Seatei Canada or ustaAi-ae, feld for Lis enter- jPZI9e irather ihan. th. Gernncolo- nies in &6uth A-frj4ea, wher. f rse- dan to wcrk out hi. cr tVo the beet adantasge la mnt yet permit- ted." Bua~ tu&l~i!to Are Callefi Ont IÉy the' Czar. A dsspa;teh front Peta-oga-ad aays: Und èr 1anstructieni fa-cm Epr Nîibhola. rde.rs were msueJon Wednsaduy trom Vthe War - Officeu easlling eul't hé sladenta of laniver- sitisa-aud -igiL icuhols w-lie cadt- arily. are exemWpt froanm-iitary ser- vice. MUse reer, iu coujunclion iVh Vbhereport that the. Russians Lad gaiued a deci-sive vicie-ay, caus- ed grest enthusissun among -the poýulace. A arnali parade, whiclh sterled on Wedneec'dy afleruoou grew lu volume until the wide Nev- sky Pa-espekt.wasz choked with pec- pI)e. The demouairatIeus aurpaes- ed any held iiiPetrogad ainesthIl commencement of Vhs war. The paa-aderýý carrieli pietures cf Eni- ps-aor Nuçholsi, the. new Russian f1ag, aud also - Vh BritisIt, Freuche aud Belgian ýoor», aud sang Vhs national*- antheni as tdiey niarchedS The' demonstration reached itsi height before tàhs Embua-es o! thé alled nationsa, where taie cheeriug crowde wre greeted by taie dîplo- mats. The ordeIr calling oui thé etud *nts, who usually are revolu- tionary, leonaidered here as evi- deuce o! Rusia's pa-esentsolîdar- -AL-- :t1'1E' S N -BRITAIN. Gemmais andl Anetrian Subjeets Are - Bclng Interued. - A dsspatch frein London sys: Anstrian and Gertnan subjects of xnlitaa-y age, who, since Vhs beglut- niug cf Vhs wa-m, have been al-low-. cd their lbea-ty lu Brita-m, unuIes iIley rested under some suspicion, are-te be isVea-ned in det-entici campe. The police Juring Vhe las-t few d-ays have been a-aresiig Iun- da-eds -of men between Vhs ages ci -aeventecn and sixty-five aud send- ing tenite camps lu diffesa-et paria e! tuté country. More tItan 200 wea-e armested ou Wedne-sday ira London, and! a large number in lManeektr aud ctIem large cities. This action of Vhe Govermient je necessitate, tS, 1 lasaid, because cf te -faIlities offemed Gemman spies Vo, enter the coudl-ta-y wiVh Belgian yress unér te pretence of be-. ing Belg*ans.,. Wealthy baukers and merchants are receiving thtesanme ires-traent a-ssa-e enta-Il sltopke-epers and waiters. -Those wlio , ileJ te regiser or con-ravened anY- of the a-nIes under whic-h Vhey wea-e &alIw- ed to'reside in their on homes are beiug p'o'ectted. Even the flattea-er can't always stave off thie bill collecter by pay- iug compliments. ~GERMnuffnWSc t M* The President of Prtsslan Diet SOeaks of NatIonîç A -degpatch from Berlin says: peaoe, but have bee.nforoýed in»to a Count von Sohwerin-Lowitz, Pi:e- war ýbY jealcvus and eiivious en- sident of t.he Chamber. in bis ad- elniels, noV Vo fight for a greatef, dres inthePrusia Dit ~id phere of power, Vhe ehlargelnent dres i th Prtl&ianDie sad- f our epire or on the basis cf "The times are bad, bun we bhouId Comlmerai IprofIt, bUt Vo defend leel, proud that wre are permit.d to our hômes a.nd pur families."1 sy8 i ee hem. T1îre will be Count !Ton &oIweri'n-Iowitz de-. Iyar4lv hota in xnrur aotiT claredtiha* ÉFmPaer rwilliam and tbàt doe- w nt îu>rn fof somebody. Fhupe1pIo - 1 nyweeuni- JInnurnerable other 5a.orifices we bending in their purpose. to co'n- stili have to make, luut wo &hll- Ï war regardes !ar- SLO our ee-les whviat n ncjh"- untia à %& g ,àeaéivas se- abl' power the consciousnesa of oured. He ended by calling Io figling for a go'od and just eau,.e cheers for the Emperor and for the là-n b*thow Ilpon à uniWe peopleï armyý and nvy'. Thea were given W.' have henorably stAriven for enthusia.stically. One o nGrmian :sieg eguns îeiae 'akorsn, -Maubeug", aeid fin&HI of Ai b Ried Cross Fund, 1 E8 y lait, F2011' 1RE Amcmï hs nuaqm"ny fundi which are t.AYND'8 SIIOR1ES. being.auhlscribed te> by Canaidulana none is more worthly cfcoeidiera; r -ion VLan tVhs Ied Oros-Fùnd, the E Bifppeoing3 ln theEnîerald Iule 01work cf wmbch- i. tecare for 1h. ,sick amnd woundsd on the batl fields of Interest to, Irhâi- Europe, ana if one luay judge by the - - reports oominq f rom -*e seene, of The Zoo, Dublin, is being har Snfiiot- tilire îs not nearly enougli Lit iby the war, Vhs gale receiptied O9"s assistance pa'evided te >h-aving feileit eîxty pet cent. -mu n ,temjpo m-ry-,mainer take t In avoiding a chid whô hait! mn cars or 't1i unfortunate. bf rom behind a, cet, Mr. McElivine, The Di-ectors of the, Ontai-io Hor - bScarver, w-as thro w Ù f rol his m- ticulturs-1 Exhibition have decided toW-iylenanti kad-hinuTeti. te ecnduot an Exhibition, tibieyear iniaemisare ve arrived 01 vel- larger- scale tiien laiet in lel&d torete toube, fr Yur, ndVo devote tbheentïre gate Gre-at Brithin by.ncitkng Vhs Na- reepst h e!CoeS6sy- tuion vlits pouào o open re- When oe oensideia thsesacrifices b eLlL?>'n. tatre béing madé by Vhe inter- Lord Langiord- as 1 ve tete involved , twll be seen what a 5 Knpàown battalion of Vhe Irih splendid giit diis h o thi%-iimpor- NaiÏal Vçclunbeere thie use cf thie tant work. Al of the fruit-,grxywsa, old Stockpool éohoclhouse, Kings . érMs, beekep'. and vegekable- town. growers have docided to place even The. gcvrnors 0f Sir pa&i«jk hbotter exibibits than tthey have ever Dun'a Hospital have set &part 25 ehown beore, snd Vto rego the uc- b&ls for VsI sel iwondd ept eof a.ny prize-money. This diere f rom thxe seat et war. will enabîs every dollr paid for IV fa rretal Vo ,'~ adision being turned over Vo Vhe _ay ieibretaf Vhs Relfat R. RedCross Fund. C. Wtho wenIt to the front are a h ,hbfinwl e edl h xeady- numbe-red among ths "'kil]- Horticultural Building eftVhe Na- iêd" anid"meig, tional Exhibition at Toronto, f rom Keen regretilies been feit in Fer-Noebr10hVVh14.Th managh by ths tidinhgs conveyed by oPeMug . will take place on the tho Wavr Office tiha Major Victor evening of November 101h. Rail- Brooks, was killed. in Vhs fighting vway coanpamies have grantcd spe- lins at Mons. cial rates wibhin a certain radaus Clones israow k'ghted by 1 o- f Toronto te enable as many freim tricity, the opening ceremony being cn oue v ttndt ToEr itonto as periorunet!by Miss Madge Maguire au-pilyveii l Toricntil e atroa- dughitèr of thie ciiairman cf the ur-~ -Slni ui lllspo ban councrîl. vided and every cars is bearag taken -Some fi! ty meuinber* ci the Port make tItis Exhibition a notable rush contpamy cf the volunteers suoe Vo mainure thê.,Vurn paver have already signified their willing- Vo ths RedS Cross 8cîý asVa&-Lrge an ues to serve at te front in Lord amountcl nioney as it as possible Vo Kitchener's arniy. obtain. HnaeSeeywl The ort ciIreandpoier oom The Toronto uaeSctywl wea.vers have decided Vo raife teah ernuctateua-a Bulding, VIrt hours cof emPi4oyme-nt by 12 houa-s i he- <clurlB iingte per week, and are tec, cnsider Vhe profita cf which will. b. ýctd questàou of rutnning fulil ime. te cure of the anamals used in Vths Ile Teuton arrested- in- Irsianti iilitary operations, as fa-r as it le ou a charge of having bought possibles for thsm to do se. horses, for dis Geruaan govern-meut bad hirty suite ci clothing, iu hie 7,000 opHISOlNERS, 31, FLAG S. hous, Vo Wear, presumably, as dis- - . The, deatai las cccurred of Lord Clin ugiature ot ig O'Brien aet Airfield, Stelloyan, Cpue county Dub16n, aîtahe age ef suvem- A despatoh f reon Lonadon say»: Au- y-two. IHs w" for -uearly twenty- Amiste-rdam despatch te the Central five years Lord Chie! Justice cf iNews que-tes a tclegraan froni the Treland.- Burgomaster cof Wendnyne, Bel- Thes Colea-aine Shirt and Collar ginni, as fol'k>ws: "Victory i-s with F actcry, emplcying over 50o Lanide, te ailles&. Seve-nty thousand ms-n his been oun hree-quarter tinte forhaebetkn prisoners between some weeksë owi-rag te Vhe shor-tage Chalons sud ILongwy. Three guis caused by Vhs war and Vaade de- a-nd 31 flâgs have beeu captnred." pression. Wenduync is a province in West The old estblished each fatory Flanders ou the Bedgian coa9t. of Messrs. Lynu & Ce., iu London- Chalonsand Longwy are respective- derry, h-as beeu Voally destro-ved Iy in the Frencu departnt~s cf by fie. A fireman namied Wlàd.amn Marne and Meur-the et Mos-elle, was.3niured by being burned by a ncarly 200 miles south-e.ast cf the falling wall. Belguan province fu-om which the Eighteen German detention pri- above despaVeli emanates. soners recently arrived at Amiens____ street raalway station, Dublin, and -4 were esco)rted by a detacaiment of JIINK liARD. Vhe Royal Irish Rifles Vo the Royal harracks. -It Putysto Think About Food. While m-ttring f rom Bauge-r, .lThe-unthinking life s-orne people Miss Irene Mc-Geown, sister-in-law lead oîten causes treutbLe and sick- of Mr. C'h&apman, a BelIfaist manu- ness, illust-rated ira the experience factrr, was shot by a sentry ne-ar of tItis lady: Orlock Hill, lJ-onaghadee, and -died "About f ur ye-ars age I suffered ira thie Bangou-Hospital '. dre-adfully f romý indigestion, aiwa.ys Owing -te a ditpute between,-tho having -caten whatever I liked, ne-t Sligo Bu'anchb of Vhe Irish Trans- thinking îf lte digestible qualities. pou-t Workers, Union auJd Messrs. This indigestion caueed palpitation Campbel-l & Co., of Be-Ifast, cou- of thé iheart se bad.Iy I couild- acamrce- tractors, all-i w-ork has been abara- ly walk uap a flight ?f sta.irs -witheut doued land ail mn upaid off, s<,.9tw01Dixzt-i u.soin lhvna+l nd BRiAI 'ASTOO PROMPT. (;eî-suarîy Would Have Scttled Wil Rnss4ia, 'tisen latan A despatcýh fa-oi London sutys: Britaish mnuo! science auJd proee- sors lil jjbranches ouf leaa-iu a-t lte universities have çeýmbiraed te fiante a reply to lte German pro- fes&oserawIo recently denounoed retBritain as.thé instigator of war. This repî?r sets eut, painsi- takingly t-he eviidence ôf! official documents te pi-dve Great Buian'. des-lae for pesos. 2Amoug t-Ils-mors irikinig pass-ages is the fklIowing-. 'Cris pe6int we ta-ely admit,. Gem-- many vea-y ilW yWeuld have pro- ferî-dpoV te ftGru Btans tItis 'moment. B8h. would have prs- ferie tVo weaken auJ humiha&te Rusera, Vo malte servi&a a-depçid- eut etAns-tris; te reulder France in- n4oeuouîs aud Belglum s9u3Jbpenr an Vh ene hav.n 1-&b 1 1e -overwkhelmrng alAina,,rs:i accounts witah C*a-at Brtinj., r grievaneagainst U5 s l ia edid- noV allow hem Vo do tIs" Mighty few men are 40o libi-usa -a to tell, their wivea exactly - what- they thluk cf themeelves. atrotdn f<Liegi SEÂPB UCENTIMES,-Or .£&IZZCA- Briadstuffe. Jioîo Ot:2-Mntba tiret psteflt, *6.6, -in ute age seonSpatente, $6.10, stroug bake;r.', $6 .9; Ontario whùet flûur, 90 per cent.,-p*tentt,. ciuote.d at $4.50 te $45eaboard. Wixet-Manitba No, 1 Northerni, fOw. Q¶IUoted'at $1,22; No, 2, at $,9 Ontario w1hea.tNo, 2, uotsd at $1.08 to $1.09, at 47 te lar '4 47 1.2c, outîiS., - and s~tg c,.n réitorn .~ ern aS ~~64 u n~t tl t * - n o toly~6 66o., outuide. Re-83 to 86q, ouataide. Peo-$110te 1.5 -CeOrg-No. 2 imerican, 83 Trntand, 7â 2e cLf Bay porte. , ]buukweat--66' to 68c, ontalde; nominal:- Bran and eborte-Bran lu quoted at $22 te $24 aton, andeioxte at $26to,$27. - Country Produce. Buttor-Choice dairy, 23,te 25c, 1nferior, 20 to 21c; solide, 27 to 27 1-2c; ereamery printu. 2M 1-2 to 29o. Zggs-New.aid ece, desen, 31 te 32c; storage, 26 to WC,. Hene--lIth 12 3.4o Ver lb. fer etrained. No. - Sney b, *2.75 per dozea; No. 2, $2ý 4o2.25. PolryOucena, dressed, 17 te 118,1 duc , rese, lb.. 16 to 17o,.'towl, 14 to 1 itua4s, dreeed, 19 io 22ée ý6B1L. e, lage,16 t 1414c; twinà, -B n-Prime, buiebele, 02.65 to $2,90; hand-plcked, $3 to $3.10. Potatoe.--Ontaroe, 65 te 70o e pr-bag*a out of store, 55c, An car lots. New 10rune- wice, car lots. 65 to 70o Der bag. Bacon-Long cleer, 15 to 15 1-4e per lb., in case loto. liam&-Medlum, 18 1-2 t0 19 1-U; d., heavy, 16, te 17c, relie. 14 14 te 15c; breaktàot - bacon, 14 1-2 to 15o; breakfast bacon, 14 1-2 to e;bce,2; bonel aubacku. 2f». Lair-Merket la iquiet at 12 1-2 to üc3e for tierces. Compound, 9 3-4 to 10e. *eled, Kayand Straw. Dealerie i pytngf as followei for car lot dellvertes on tr-ack-,..bre.- Straw t.equoted.at $8,25 to $8.50,a ton, iln car -lots, on track hem.' Hay--No. 1ý new le qiaoted at $16 to $16.50 on track bere. 1No. 2 at $14 te $14.50, and No. 3 at $11 to $12.- Winnipeg Grain. Winnipeg, Ã"ct. 27.--Cash--No. 1- Northa- erua, $1.17 1-4, No. 2 Nortlaern, 81.13; No. & Nortbcrn, 81.08; Ne. 4; 81.02 14-- N(o.6, 98 1-4c; No. 6, 93c; feed, 89 14'~>as No. 2 C.W,, 54c; No. 3 C.W., 50 3-4e; extra No. 1 feed, 50'3.4c;No. I tfee, 49.3-4c; No. 2 feed, 49e., Barley-No. 3, 68 3-8e; No. 4. 61 7-8e; r-eJected, 59c.feed. 57 1-2c. Flux- No. 1 N.W.C., 81.13 1-2-, No. 2 C.1V., $1.10 1-2. - Montre'ai Markcets. Montreai. Oct. 27.--oern, American No. 2 yellow, 81 to 82e.. Date, Cs.nadian West- ern. No. 2. 58o; do., Ne. 3, 663-4c; extra No. 1 tee. 5Me-, No. 2 local w<hite, 53c, No. 3 local wbite. 51c. Barley, Man. fend, 64c; mslting, 78 te 8OU. I'our, Man. Sprlng wlaeat patente. 11tie, 86.70; seconde, $6.20-, etronç bakera'. $6, Winter patent. choIe $6, straight rollemw,$5.50 to *5.75; straigat ruollera, bsgs. 82.70 te 82.W0.,Boll. ed -ols.bare, e.36; do', baga 90 Ib.. $3.05. Bran *25. Shorts $27. >iIddlin" $30. Menthe.e $30 te $34. Ray, No. 2.,per ton, car lots, $17-50 té $18;50. Cbeene, ln- et westerns, 15 1-2 to 15 5-8c, linest east- eras, 15 1.4 to 15 3-8i7. Butter. ehofeat creamery. 27 1-2 te t 28o, seconde, 26 1-4 1to 26 3-4c. Eggs, treab, 35e; s3eected, 29e; No. 1 etock, 27e; No. 2 stýck. 24c. Potatee, per bag, esa- lots, 65c. UJnited States maricitu. Minneapohls, Oct. 27.-Wbeat, No. 1 bard, $1.18 1-8-, No. 1 Nor.hera, $1.12 5-8 to 81.15 1-8; No. 2 'Northern, 81.09 5.8 . 10 $1.12 M-; Decenuber, 81.13 1-8., Cern, No. 3 yellow, 70 to 73e. Oate, No. 3 wbite. 46 1-2 lo 46 3-4e. Flour and bran un- changed. Duluth, Oct. 27.-Wheat-No. 1 bard, $1.16 5-8; No. 1 Nortlera, $1.15 5-8-, No. 2 Northern, 01.125-; December, $1.14 5-8 ta $1.14 3-4. - Live Stock Markeots. Toronto, Oct. 27.-Coeice- heavy oteer-, $8 to *8.40-, handy ehoice etee-e, *8 te $8.25; butcher éteors, good, 07.75 te $iý8; au. ...A,.,, 59i to lu ., -'w -.'iiieiters, gUoU A> e-bote. $7.50 te $8,15; do., medinum te good, $7 tc *7.50; butehe- cowe, eboice, *6.75 to 87-, do.. good, 86.25 te *6.75; buteber bulle, choie.$6.75 to 87.25; do.. good bulle, 06.15 te $6.75; feeders, -950 te 1,00 Ibo., $7 to 87.25 ; do., bulle, $5.25 to *6;, stockers. ehoice. 750 te 900 Ibo., 86.75 to $7.15; de., mediun, 650 to 150 Ibo., $6M5 Vo $6.75;, Ca»- ners,.83.75 10 $4.65; cuttero. *4.50 to $à-, millier, choie. eae. -. 80 to$100., do:, commn aand amedium, *40 te $80; - sprlng eu-s, $50 te $95, -calvèe, veal, choie,$ to $10.60, do.. muedîamu. 87 ta $9; lamnbe. 86 to 87.90; ewes, uight, $5.25to $6; sheep, heavy and bucko, $4. to $5.25 bUcks. $4 te $5, culle. $2.50 to $4'. ba-à wetgb.d off cax, .8,5; do., redanarSwatered, s8 ta ývuillMontre ',UOct. 27.-PrOlue ï evea. 7 3-4 to strengtt. s814e; medium, * 1-4 -te 7 1-4c; coumn ' -4 i beCaMe alaruied- and ta-led te Se;, leara cararere, 3 te 3 3-4c, mi"e coWs $40te 85 eob;calves, 4 1-2 to 8 1-2c. die-tirag, ne-i-e my clothes ver-y looes, beep 4 1-2 te 5 1-k., Laxube, 7 to 7 I-2e; aud is-ed otiter remedieis, but Iuoud hose. 8 to near 8 14c. ne relie-f. .'Heariu-g cf thie via-tures of Oraspe- - Nu"tsand P-ostum, I Connenced- usig then l pabeolyueaî MAJOR.(IENERAL hUGhFES.- breakfast ofcoffees, cksorhtlie-I etisAtédtdtoM biscuit, aud, *n ceeweek's Vuine îAplten aIiaatu eM wa-s relieved oi sour'ewtognaaand 1912, Maklng Hina Senior, other ilîs at-teudirag indigestion, lun deeýàLch fr-cm Otswa says. An a me-rthatâ-lis ry Ieart wes per, Orde.r-in-Counecil' Las beeni 1.ued fmnnitafunçtionsasuturalIy sud creating Co>l. SaunHugees, iX's I oould chimb sairalnd aJ his and aeq'f Milutia, .majcur gane-i. 0C01 walk lu-g. di*tancs.- - - -watkira, chie! of gýéeiera staff, 'ha-s I gied tie oun us ùshihsehort been eeàtito -the ganie rauk. ime, and-my skibeowýe,cleoa " Mad, ei Hughes ppit coMpietoly rïgu-e yattneuî'Is nuU-dae 'bM4a.191 GripeNus uJPetu îfr fealhgnera i-n an-daîtd. - and! strenotdi. I ccntlnuas t<> use apd h. tan. becomes snior ýýmajor- Ihat Iewe rny gocd aisalui en-tia-ly Vo their use.- . - - 'I ]l~eV~i 4~iceus .-f1avvur etf GraPe lu"a-s!by makingr 'osîum -iiu saTa~r a-ording t(o-xJfrectiona, at fastes A- deg.Pateh Irom Lciidon sa-vs- -. ýr gl-d 'hb a-, tadus 4ogffe." A 4eagaIch.JVtaie Ee S çJ Ce Windsýor Oe."neb t -ce -tài iç4!cfth# , Uer- ÈilemW p erfe& foocl in thé mAn danéer.sôna l1 hisi b sU' e world. Trilof Grape-Nuts ane beciu»efite 1a UeuWd-t caani 10 days proves. "The're S a amoug the -natÀvesa, '4i,-onie Reaaon. a-gains-IGermma1ny. . e nnounce- Leek in Vhé pkgs. for thé littie metofthis la c ed& by the Co- hock, "11h. U oad te W-6Ivills" a-eé 1spndent te Herr E birni.ayor, py W 4ji h@ above',leter. A nie ns( CGoer o eViiGante-, àaeaes foua lime tà timsý- f.. lsyara ama gsnuine, <ru., man s fui afhuman interseL a-cns. Giaorind of hall a -o brea( leron.that- gro weq*.Pgi ilowell, butt k1teytdnè and. 'whl*wth «~e1suruglanuluntil a- .e~.C« Into.ç akes anr ea" il i. * Made in -C&ada. Sold by Ail Grocers., Ld, -and Iwn-ups priddle- idhot 11--- (Benàon' rprdJr-4i i ls anry Starch- hikhtSyn---tc.) . M~nreaI dnl, <re> Brnfod, otWlim Vancouver. 1009OOO.BELGIANS I1N B RITAlN SThe Latter May Care, for Them - mainder of thie Great War A despateh trom London -says: Lord Gladstone, former Governor- Gencral of South Atrkesand hie sasoisIe, wàlo are direoling the War Refugees' Cemniititee, regard the. temporary asig-meni eftVhe us t» stue sHospitality of te va s Bsritish cities as- mneaely an 'énergencY woek. -Lord Glade"ne, IaP %, aemeut on Weý3aisady, e- eûa aind-Zàtla +,e Goverunienut la tering the 00.1'cf Vhse rail- wyay raoportation -of Vii ôev "ud taut -Vhs Local Goverusuù-i14 Board, witiclh is a departmmnt ofthéi British Govertumeut,- undea- the di-~ rection cf Hérbert Samuel, ii; con- siderinýg plaýna ferte peîmaneuit relief cf te Belgians and fer their employmeuit underipatisfactomy con- ditions.3Mer. Itan 100,000 Be- Detroy Sciestifle Fish Ponde. A despateh ta-cm Paris eayg: W-heu the Gee'mans occnpied Mont- didiet-,' Vhey de-str6yed tfliâamous -huge modall fish peds, wh-h wea-e plart of thse asientifie piecatorial ,par-k. They laughed sud jeea-crd- about ",hoc-iking Fa-enLli fis- l"and after ca-tohrng. several tho1usand i nes fixed tte h sd of their bayonets tlhey kil;led ïIlts aest wit dynamite, then d4-e-ta-cyed thie ba- si n. Dia-, Tweisty utt Leat. Site-Jîek, when we are married" I muaI -have three servanta. ,He-You shaîl have to, dear.,- but not all 8,LtIse ume tinte. Duriongthe Re..- glans are already iu Britain,. and Mr-. Samuel. board will jirob.,bly naine a committes rtuorblW Vo.con'- eider meane Vo provide fer their permanent care dua-ing thsen-Výiro- war. -GIafgow noW has 3,000 Beïlgiane; - Lede, 2,000-; 'Birrughaas, 2,000;ý Caa-Jiff, 3,000; Dubi-in, 700; Coàrk,- 600, and twenty-five cishejr citiee Laye emâuller numbers. There are aIse -mauy of.-'themen uvillage-s aisd en fhis. IVlaetimated. thal thIea- are 50,000 -lu London. Procbably I5O,-Q00 Bel!gia.ns ilu ail are réfugees lu Ba-niýn; kit 50,000 .1111 have eaome mousy. M ftiihow- eei, wïll l al*> du ho , Thte be-at% m o Flnu4iing anid 'Calai are etill, briiàng ag rwse Belgiais refugàea daily. k 3IVSIIANSARE BIýlRIED. None Are To Be Admitîcul Exeept lVlth Théat-rical Compalei. A,,despateli fa-m Windsow as miciusne ni embers -of, theatri- cal coupanies or enltert4ifmentb bu- reaus wili bc lJarred freimnuteaing Canada. Thtis erder -uvas* put inVo- ffsta Vnc1ror lust week, because -il is- feared agents of Germany have been getting past immigratioýn et- ficiali, di!eguised, as instrumeuatal- lis. Tite a-dea- affects iudividuels employed art loca-teatres,, au-J Vhs managements wlLhave Vo give guarantes that tuiey will returu tueo ths UJnited- Siates. AUSRIAS' LANFAILED* P'olice Srrived as They-Were About to Cross St. Clair River. A despatch fa-cm Sarnia, Ont., saY 3: The lcal autAherities rippet! in Ite bud a bold. attempi Vo siuug- gIs a numbea- of Sarcla Au..strians res-ervists across t-he'Ri-ver,.8Si. Clair te Part Hia-ou. Two rixitor bouts had s-et out fa-cm tih 'Ameri-; eaun %ide td cont-eyVte- foreigzners- across. The AuFt-ila-us Wre on tis river ýbauk rcadye'te embark when thie police appeaýed oni the acs The Anstlai-ansSed aud e-capodand- thte mot-or b onis made for tie o-t-Item 1.09>0 Auto Drjvt-i-5 Wanted. A-despatch frOM bondon sjiys: An.nouncemenit s-as !macl-e hereth&t te Britis-I War Offi- requijres un- mecLately for service -on te con-ti- nent a thousand -chauffeurs amd me-- tor--truc'k drivers betweu nt-lie ages cf 20 and 45. Tise applicauta -ar-e î'eadiness te- procegd teo te front. "TUE BRITISH RNO iN. ,Thle atlrting -pocm.enn s ot 29of 1nthe new book detllng wîl-bhë'Waër.Ee Pa4u'lotie <Canadiaa shonulci bavýe e timel -pÏOPulea- peeis-fa-onuhe pers or Ma-. -. R. Gaines, Wholaac >qutekly,, cauzht the imairinatuora 1 . et i pople.. Pridc 25ec. uusp at~nyjuda-ce. PoiLlhsly the THE A- U JSI« QPN - - -c ARCHIVES 0F ONTARIO A Onar o0Hotiuidt uraEhbfJt EXHIIlN 1RQND59 ToRONOONT. - ~ ~ ~ ý NOELII10 1,1,139, 14 FRUIT, FLOI3RS, IiONEY, VEQEÊTABE 'hs a a zblbxtl1crn premig t eî,w ,Juot as largie gnd splendid ai the wany &=fafn, Exhbitonm fk0f- lfe ero. ~ t b Uo-e0, r. lu .aoh eeotion ovanen±ed o ftth-beat. ntlaeiz session sud teozi'ego-She o noneywhiul wil bl tlvine of« the entiv t . orW ts.t 60801a1 Rtes OM&Dil afiWays. Asic your Ticket Agent for, Certificat. whnpurchaslng ticket wlin fl~le soud e Made at once wlth the socretary. Wmeu. fUt -P. W. HODOET7S, eoretary PrssdenLParilament Duildln il& 1 P;'UlontTeronte. TRIININGFRÉNCHI VO-UTF.- 275,000 to 300,000OAvailable as Raw Soldles's.* A despatel fa-oui Bordeauxs eaya z Tite Frencit Govermntu, titrough tub Miiatroe Public Instruction, haa directed Baron Pierre de CoWbetlin, pa-eoldenitîof Vhse Frencht Olympic Cames Cemmiitte Vo organize Vhs physical aud mili- lary, training of ltse young men of France, aud sspecially cfVIles-e youtihs who would cor.ne o-ralîy into the army lu 1916. The-se young men -are newý eigitsen years oft age, and Vhey nuiiber belwesu 275,000 aud 300,000. TIcy a-s to be put titr-ugh swimxrn$u and shootîng ex- ercises sud waling, run-uing aud boxiisg and cutdcor games dcsigned Vo develop their msleanJ give Vhem endurance and-courage. AMERICANS IIELP-I Ilili Siipply and Man Tivo trînored Mlotor Car-s. A de-spa-te fa-cm Monta-cal say-s: Definite shape Las been assumed by te movemeut o! Ame-ican citizens resident lu Monta-sai toe send lino aa-mcred mot-or cars Vo thie front. The caews, consisting cf 16 -men, wlll aIse- be rccruited front local Americans.

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