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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 29 Oct 1914, p. 8

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veo*sV5I vigi LY iand uitS, t t' with Mi. and Bread. w.te il*- call q uponat- ~~~ rn ~~)gtoIlr o eig4 oubtO lb1k * _____Notice la hereî~ygvapriat1 1T~J}C~ Church 4r r o iaiS.ou ue- the Wai île 70 te4ê i.wd, 'tIeotriutiWon, 1. 11s:sublect wa,- te 4twen E t e Idt eagio T concej<~< <prt wfth.,r mmer he onaiItado' "Thie,,'Royal Int1re*r In te u- W V~ O AS to 0 hp41 .~O 0 p.ev. H, W. Fl v' u eu? s , J& ' le. a pennlg dubr~ ub~l. ok ,B9 ~aa t ag jav e ti. banst thé e 1.sti r twaWek atedig -th- rovncaltwo' wees cwftb ,ber son In - Toronto. oontàiili -a 1100lot o! r1eiP i' charge tote-h.ongregatioU. H.10,ePÏke People who wclli fr4Il neceay-Will 1son ÈMcKVoy, h~4. tte** itay In Toronto laut week. ~Oenprayer. Smday franChrisetmas pie the. p ,lpgtO h, aeeuod ist M. fr.tI iab,o10rou. )wUr. raiik VipeiId, of, Toronto, vI~Dùriug theservie Mesll58 L ul- bSis ~t âbe jght, thiuç te nuit them in quirait t delle r edb ýýt ~ Lu pici he. plpit f tue3fOtO4It fr. Utsfr ouislias ed14. 1118paras hère Iiswek. ftour ad Mis. Rolbt. eron sang a the Chîlatmi card dtsplay a 1efpkti ae . iiWLbT ~tm Church on Sundar ulorii3lSand * oftheb.Bi1tten lots, ini thé, uerth of . istB. o <t -ui elcdotitoy ccrabY.Gze thedOTolieofie.W.Ot.'th s4lu eeûtto!g-te 81 *49JI .ji 4h.FrabtelanChrchbulb 1.- b.'vilae~aid1usns~ f15 wth i Party frOeýý eavetton for the Afte? lMt. 1u is OUtI i aV ad esi n Uf. 1>W1Onett,o r eoe suivipst ayU-TW T4~> enoon,,aid gave a talk on bis work fne up-to-date bhou u Ottheiù. <,,hwbt ue ii pedIv TIecoe brb.iebesetdsy T'astateet rr on 20e!Nvobr,114 ber aorai .. 'b'..i.s't ., 'i ouoinU<>lh l.Cide' i ll , e goed news 4oterogr* Socletycfwhie hll a~bfr 1~wnisg bouses. uiin. luàcog.a# 11, abveY nt ofybi aptes.- With, name aàd. a suitable, itdruesS, anda qLditpIUc Hu t . F wasv ai t C olum b ua ý 11 W A N T FE D . tgïm~cb h S a iu a i i oc eI î i t i t o cem t îstiv id r1. cr i s, i u , b i y Ii m the evonlng. The' speîacia olSiOd eun tît.' ugi WlrU ehv o liWDueu hebmt o! iaeà e at bi ae a rmxbieIerdiS idIet3f !1. ~CP oes,1 WIL rouskig orIS&, tlOr"9.t1b well-kBoWlI ClUMbla battor1OU. bou vas speut.,ý talen-UPaI il111 0. Wi ~nînis ct ad Le" P iesno bteie i 150 leoeseiid- .The ROv. -l:r. Jolisîcn cornes, te rsie "rirtb oiethtmtel.OIgwa-.. ~ u. qute libéral. &te. Apl. Mr. E. C.0 COboiUt ig ou~t. W ; . M 9913rokln. bis neW pgU 4rate aller a, long and- -soui&154thday o oe Wf 94 tThbuts 411.endte cf tii.Tae decaisa'LfatuheWbitb foi OSbBW8, Tio londet M ~ hOuet'BPk~, ~ ~ ~ 3r. Saiue! Kivel, o-3ookiiî, b4 uosu l*tyof t*ty ySaTSTeroanfoi e aelro.(r. 10altSOUOWI oedl s-a'AG. in hld f h iguoH i u bup oesta ue tg ap tt bc egbo brëes pôundu in itbe tovu o?' liAllbfeok, bis firt Rici, of Detroit, smutero! the latej d 111e ,-th te s ntue br .m Sd -4pm W N t goldgvnlght wa8 Try w@l >tend- Mr.- UriabJusuhlad 18 lnga, ovaea, -or S whlchweig 1k, a àid oviôîy charge. Me ssettlemSet a- Wii. Grager, of,. tisi'owi, vom Il-, a.'. The reportse rS .gvep from the o~mff'o!InteguattiSIg Èaooifu 5pons Cieebatnbm mIgto acause for much tbank- A.lredi nthe 'Union Cemeteiy ber.fo, ti hav<ià18541ony etbt«Jm 8dpa Rlif 6iuglhtuIO, slso tronhu! li.aiOmg 1the iPoShO lIe The iadiesnoet.Thornm'Chrc uInmié tàbis.nwcogoatiowoltweke!hib .m.lthnaenoi, erfr nb1aI0 -th. Sewfnig-ComlLtu fl el'o!fwhob ate- a Bno ros., FahRiPrwlLqi utm i snt alU ein oVr! eti plIOO adte SdEOCo hi fO .n jZS@ have done.a peutdThel- eik TfWm. lr, onLubi n lbesemeile h.cact nThumdaY and epportýunity iof working under his Mr. -Jet. Heard and gog, .Wm. aidtbbfo ueada.t5oa' ar relIef -cerimittco bave hu oI.s vnn, O tbr2. A good " pro- leaderhp. e ue, Mu. HarrYr W ltéii, Mr.1 tbr o .an,.osu c io e lA L L S graiiiwl egyÜ., didD . -and lire. W.G. Walters and mcmi, Wm., 11e shah net -1 av eeve o ________________________________________ Breeblin leu mlii boomlng. An old mctored te Port Hope, on Tuesday-pp, resident bas ,,om hm on a visit.. He OSHAWAÀ. te attend the tuneral -o! Mu . Heacd's JAS.F.PR, . p. moved 1 e Tocitonmre lime ago, Dr. Waleï leavea Oshawa. Dr. brother. sulhgceueb tW. Me LAWRENG E but ,says that there Io ne place like Young labos bis place.-- JAE-RTDGs ,r Brooklin. 14e ays that ho dees net W. J . Watson bas beau, ofl.red Te Reý. H. Wood, B. A., B. Th,, of i oiie 00ing umeky air, drinking, water weet,. but for personal resons ha. d. py the puipit'cf the Bapîit oebl 1fl. ouëw a - o ea h r eed witb chioiide oeti-me, and puy- cUied. here o n Sunday, Nov. 1, while' Rev. __________ lhngfour times a muche,ât a h About oie o'clock on MondayL 111e GeaI A. licLean preaches aplvlVraiY . Exctor'Ntiet 'would bere. Ho rnade an offer foi a dead body e! Mr. Jesse Gray, fntImer services at Claremoit. Ceios ONY0 NAI Large Shipment Just Opcned lot ta build on.- Will ye ne corne o! oui esteemed citizen, Mr. R. J. ------ 114 . back again ? Gray, of! Fittings, Lirnited,- was DEÀTHS. j4,Ett !Lnr isnM-~WIB-18E u arýRecentiy there passai! away -in th 0 leund in the lake noir the bridge LIY CALVERLEY-In Whitby, au Tues- AolI fteTpil tCek hty-SI 8 orMtà Boy Ladies a id îei. porion o! Mns. David, Baker,- oie h1e coul sheds. Mr. Grant who daOcoe ,1914, Fedrfk k.ig 11eouto!O-M.4jAr ,Ma4, wîs wll mdIavorbiy kewn&S lives aI, 68 Bruce Street, who vas Eaten Calverley, eldeàt ,sau of Mu.r repntedcaet Charlotte Gront, o! BroDokli. She going shootîng, aid Mr. Wellington Win. Calverley. tarie, 8spit,8, .2 -For our interest 'bou'ght right- For you i îierest had rnany finonds e e befqre ee as Wilson seeem ta halve discovered the . Notice in.hrb iepruntDc ,Jn7 95 seln ih.married, being pue who was flever body almet'sirnultaneeusly, and Dr FAST MONTREITORtONTO..DE- -te 'Section 6Chp12,RSO SHW-se.L M Se ôg argeht - to Mn Sitsad happier.thîn Wben dohng somethiig Henry, on beiîg notified had 14 con- TROIT-»CHI-CAGO TRAIN 533K- 1814, that ailpioshvu am licJn 4 b ,Mi Se 1urlre. sotmn 0 ts hrs n e bettor Iheir condition i 11e. 5h. veyed tb the. héd. Liter on teVICE,. agaiuiot 1the ett !'b u ,aS ue4 ny4 D,.awers, ranging in prices from 5OC ta $u .5Q.eachi. wagbomat 1roolin-.On April Z>,body wasconveyed, te Luke's undeî- TeeU eîetan ar-Lamiri WillsonMAowoJe IIOt ,Nvi'DC , au om ai1850, wbere eh.e grew te womanbeod. taklng parlers,.lb. sud Twuehipeo!luektraingson2. BROUGHAMîRaidesTe, Men's Ail Wool Combinatons, prices right. aq-çobr5 1882, ehe vas"inited Coroner Dr. Holg viewed 4t1e bedy iig bufftlbaiy-comPartnmobso er ul~dyo coe,-i04,aeiwoCekJi 5 twr maaeoteDavid G. Baker, Of il the lake,, and on ascortaining 4he vutiôlicars, eletrie-lighted sad-îqie ole rsn y ,e,6 uy7 eI ,liv ____________ Miebi~~~iu, wbe predeoeasod ber about icuistînces, decided it wai not aid uleepers, togother with standard ~rpil ae .Pb hty l 95 ~ mn M A~AIW~E~ki E E bye Lyeare. 56.died il tb. necessary- b hold -ani nquet. The dinig car service botweefl Meutreal, -rOalt.,1.exeue !sdctt,8 OTFRYJ.W W * VU. L/~%WULI~~' borne o! hou etpson, Di$d Baker.condition etf4the body, floating as it Toroteio, Detroit,-V1i'hcigo, via Cana- on, or b . 1e heb'ffhdye lr.Jf.1,la.7 She wiii be gretly nuesed. wis on the top of the wîter, dteim- diai Pacie Oand Mchtga <Oeîîul Novemnber, 11,Iernmaad Jl ,Sp.e o.1.' - BrookIIl - Ontario The exceptional char&ctîr ..f the onstîited that th1e decae î e railroads, are knevu as "TheCaaadrssdafuldsrpto f 91.. - -- - - v~~~~~~~~~~~eather tbis laulle e vidii1mü wben been drowned, but limaI he must have dii," and opuaated duilythob eurcamid1enaret4h4.UBRDER:JMc ......summer truit mi ho e een evcu ytb beau dead bof d1e. -beafell ICIthe the.]Michigan,- centrai twin tubes be- 1securltles, iînhl y1111 iilbigCei-a.1,b lu smre places. In Mr. J.E. Diîs- water, probably through sudden syn- tween Windsor and Detruit. 1 Further taki oietu te'b ay1,-uy1,Sp.e -ney'e gurden ripe îa.epberries wero cope. Westbud: Leavig liontreal 8.45, said 251h dae!Nemr,14,beJ.1,195 * ~~plckej¶n Sunday lait, October 25, The dêeuîaed gentleman.- îetired a.m., arriving Toronto 5.40 p.m., mi xctrwl rce q lll ANNeo-he D ~~EUNUIIN Dd1j~~>aBI~ on 41the bushbea toi agedmu Ripe year.' He lived with bis son at 71 Londen 9.83 p. m., arruing Windsori among tbe prisebte hrt a4Jl 1 et ~~iUUbM5US~~~~~~ - I ~~ ràsppberriee are cetalniV a iovelty Drew St., -and the funenîl teek place 12.10 a.m., arriving Detroit1.8bvîgradeiyt samse 11. at this season eof1the year, when on Tuesdiy at 4 o'cieck. p.m. - <central, lime) ; leuvig Detroit,.whil ho a hnbv oie f 5 molit of the leavee have f allen Item hIn aising 411e rngnifleenou s 01cf11.55 p.m., unri.ving Chicago 7.~4115ai xouo bllnthaabe.BAERO hi pracically $20,000 toi the putuiotia mfor Itoihomide st, raypatne BaetnCe ..-I cn-hnHrsaPoerFor Que ick roSaýcleg et., inlund Iu Oshaa itbe citizone rallîed Eastbouid::Leavlug ChicAgoý- ei101bauie, te aypio !veodi 4*1,My1,Jl 6 number 1 shapo, $1.0.0. Healthy Hiair, No More The large subscrlptions wre: -oie o! trt l (M.C.R. Depot)* 12egèlm -7.IJticRs.Dai~ - i QouldShaploy. Wind Mill. 1 Treud 1ee aduf ;,0,ar$,00 n eo eavhng Detroit (Mi.C.l. depot) 12.48 JS ~ IIAhreCol-a.7 Aise -50 Frost Gaivînized Gatos, al sizos, at $5.00 each 1. $543, ee$0onu 0,ee &.*00!, am;Iatug;Dtruit (FePo hot îcu>,byMy1Jiuy17 et t11.40 pmIeaving Windsor (C. ý1,JiP1, 95 Gurney Oxford Stoves and ail Steve Supplies nov on biiada 1ow USE PARISIAN SAGE. two $200, tweity-thrie $100 fitteen Jin. - ît's entireiy eediema te baveun- tromn liaI down U) $1.00-a truly p , ng Windsor (li.C.R. Depot) 2.à.0 a. -bsSlctn .E JR P 'i, lghtlY, mattOi t Ior ladod hair-ttlbceffert. m.rhvlng oronto 8.8 a.m.; avfgT- Cark cfOc À l1111e cure la ail thatleh needed t6e -g orno .8 .m; e--g ý -.'-make it thick, soit, pretty, penloctîy toile 8,00 u.m,; >riiviiig Monieuli aokln J IAiH J O) 13S e tr b ealîhy aid free frorn dandruif. $100 RRWARD, $100 8.10 P.M.Itm andnP- 13ro-041in Use ~~~~~~Parlelîn Sage-il supplies bain .TIse readera ofthis piper willI 11e sd Full purhieulars rmCadapi Bell andClitaPhones.neede and le absolutly harmîeu. Ijtess uthfire in ant east one dreaded dis» c1110 ticket agents, et write X.G quhckly stops (tecbung bead aid faliiig utHe, udtIailm atarrh.I l'Cutare b District Passenger Agent, ________________________________4'--%na M - a 4..lpui s.s. la fie o_ oitv-cre uew known to thse Toronto. - Stoves, and ]Ranges One used Crown Treasure Heater, nearly new. One Oxford Laurel, new, slightly used. We soit, Moffat an4 D. Moore Stoves and Ranges. bahr gev long anid beautitul. Ge i a btle of Parisiîn Sage te- day tîom A. H.'-Allun ou at any drug -counlen. Il cashi but 50 cents. Rub il Int. lb.e scalp-ail dandrufi dhap-1 pears-your beuit teels fine-the hait tu pî.lty aid perlecbhy beahbhy, COLUMBUS. tuent. iHall'a batarrisCure infaken lnternally, acting dlrectly upon tIsé blood and inucous ur. faees o! tIse àstem, thereby 'ettoylui tse' fouadation e! t e dlseae, aud glvia thse patieut streagtlby building %p file cousttutleî sud asltlgnturie lu dlag tawork. Tise pro- laeoulth nltie tcurative powets tyoter Onte Huudred Dollars for aD cise t tbat faite to cure. send for ltht of tet mot als. >me c Get Our Prices. Mn. R. E. Hodgeon «ited bis ion PICKERING. ai otauitc e jorlweek. - ùe Frank Corbett bad 1the mitortuiolIr We notice lf yourhstbyvooks ete fui eout of au, appie tue. vbils tut sea o! yur Wblby lame tepples and ueverly,saptal bis ci pcvmangelm that vedhbed17 Ioai. ikn Ift o es' n d- lan*k ets If. Fred Richardson veigbed oie o! Lord Serners vent to the Iront on Our stocklof Blainketsis complete. In Robeswe are oae t - 2JIo lredn oiel odHdi making Newlands, Saskatchewan Buffalo Robe aur MYRTLE. spring. The deatiu ot bis litbei bas special. In Goat and Bear.Fut Robes we have somnething Miss Noua Wilson, of' Cliiemont, given hlmrnuch verk in the mciim- extra.vlstl er tcousin, ]MisA. BrookeS, 1dm.. extralait veek. . Miss moeeRogers, vho liu bein Mr. Brt Duif spout Sunday with upendingl.theput:few.monthzi it the Greenbnk Iode. bot springs ah Bapif, Alla., expect6 ITO regret te report lIa ovlng te te arrive. home tis ie ek. lia G r h o p h on es iliness, Mi. Jas. Kent tu unable te Ireahinulat Hot, Springo u rv ict as veigbrnuuter ut the G. T. R. .4 very beieficli imt er' coul yards for ani Indefiite lime. The rmyfIn ofo E. L. Ruddy We trust thut Mu. Kent muy seon b. vii regret te hoar of hie serions 111- Seg aur models at $4o.oo and $i 1.00,,they -are better ebt4.bsfomrulvt.M.nsfiTrto than any other. Our stock of records ia complete, arnong Hortop bas been rsucess!uhlan se=u- A, Putrle.o ScletY, vas eigunirod which are a quantity of Columbia Rlecords at 'haif price. itM. T.W. irookeà t. tub Mr. l'oie hast veek. * The o lliovig ef- Sec aur special Graphophone Needies, one needie f or ail eS place or<a tsumer drouglut, Chapmi ecrtd1 r iss H,. Liv. toned, Price Is 3S censfr30 nali-othe teet crop vblcb tbe larmes ére Tresmurer Moi -.3 *BUnlhng. A lrg -A cémplete stock of Suit Cases,- lub Bags, Mittsa dnov luandiing le lurnlng eut ixcoed cormfittevu s 'so appointe4 wh099 Givs ad fgîy vei. Potatoos .are aà& extraduty Îtlb i so solicit clothig, Gove. -creP generelly. speaktng .19r. Cluàu. od, etc., foi 4he. Bîgini. O'n nyDc-av 4 50 pound capaàcity -.Cream Separ- -initie hdigghng oie bm fourntfu ____________ vbicb avorugodtwIo pouids andW ator at $65.oo.teBu Blea quarter.vihl godaum- Sec the îjoo Washing' Machineand te le elea bac you RemOfliDOlhdot Our store; alseo. ur guai'aftee line -of Clothes Wringers. brcbyerflnsbsCui- tOIhaDfî og t w ae edahr syoUr nameanad a greetlng prnei ta ahuents eofthe11eorguns-of digese.- that wGhavenddedfaharnt sida. There areovor200 manipes st dm-ot edcf% lnur de- repait departhient, and, that we eticit-y our patronage., tutoffice? Wwuty. If you prM"iofai ets tbe troubles caw câl s n onoy order for fS w" tble bbot correctie l __________theb.aiount you viii b po sed *and ven l hos a prelty duign 4t~ ~ ~ E E -l.carda delivered to y'ou. Wbuanglng al hie vay up fronii T W ý . 1F.- DLSNEY b12 r 1.7à5fou25 cards The miPP ee W IB -ONTARIO beutu~tosigns eve oeua, %ué bore N 131 mut ndfbfdU Pons. .te be choson item. C.A. Goodfeflow W a d n n b .0v fn Englad, 1h vil! penbaps ho Intoremtlng te knov te dîfference ln ime between moe omore (m- poulant pointsaiad Trot. Bebveen L1ondon aid Toroto there Is five, ours, thalale henI hile 12 o'clock oon n Lodon tIi 7. a.m. in To- ontd. Parle le prîcticlly lhe saune as Lndon, Boin aid Vienna about ix heuus ad St. Peteiburg, er Petrograd, about seven bronis. NOTI CE. - Xotice of Tnanuler o! Licous.etofthe Royal 1Motel, Town e! Wlitby, Liquor Liceimo Ac. Notice istheroby given that applica- tion bai bei mîdeby M. J.H. For- i, of the Townu o! Whitby, te tuais- fer bis tavein license ta Mr. Thomas Cuuien, eft ho Tevu o! WbItby, -aid Ihat thme satd appli cation viU he con- eldened t uta meeting 0!thebm*Liceuse Board fairlime district o! Southm On- tai, lun4the Council Cambor, (n the Teva e! Whutby, on Tueeday, Nov. 171b, 1914, ~at tel e'ciock i.m. Al pensons inteeoted wi l goveun them- salves accordlngly. By ordor, - -18 License Inspector. On Menday, Nov.. 9, - Re. John MyaceilI, aie o! Toiento's groilesl preacheri, viii ipeak - la lb. hustn- (ai Associton. A publie meeting h. beiig ariaiged for tue evenlng. This viii ho a guetoppertuity foi lb. peepie of Cobug. The Mlnlslrlu Association bas beei exceedlngly .1er-ý limite lu heing ahle let brlng liî. MaôNehli bora. Furtbor ainouice- mnent later.-Cobourg Wrld. DEATH F MII. GOrl. KEYES. A v.hl-knovun neye-piper mai Pais- ed awy: il Coiborne on Wedneduy, Oceber 2lmt, lu 4h. poison of lit. Ge0. K.yes, edfitir o! the Coîbone Etpes . .Keyesvas fer -may yer.Clerk '-cf lb.Dvision court. 1:o was 82 yeirs ,oragýe. rv4-1 - ep- r 8, Green- sept. 16,_~ Leapord, liar. il, LLP bh. eac Smart-r.fie-faultless in everv eetai- combining the limit of luxu"m,/ with the .Iimit of utility, is the n-w Ford Coupeleti. Like ail other Fords,- this be-autiful carA s economical- in operation and Io v in price. Don't'fail to see it. Luh £ oILgents. Wbldqe1 FORD $5 F. . Ford Ont. -COUPELETFIIqupi ori JINa soi Offi6eB Ceurt -Bari rNovl The For Bellf thir in-~ ero 409 Farms For* sale- Upvards cf forty. fa' $35 an acre, guarîanteed t( i nvesitment, lecated in - Every concoivîble requlu anmd other improvements* c SJ. IE. WINýN, Blphone 109. ~Itesidence trs from, 25 ce up, and st froam to> show - itisfactory resulta froua Whibby ansd - Piokering- Tovnships. ýement et soit, buildings, orcb.ard. caru1be met in thoe varied 11.1 offored'. e, Dunè ni Il ti r n M fflice

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