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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 5 Nov 1914, p. 1

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- --~' 'J an, 1015 Wawancsa> 'tMan. 444 t' t,- I f j r- - I { ilite r - f - - r - 4 '1 i F - - - i -~ -- - w t 111E- vo, 52 -il, . 18 t w r 1' il - k- t i i THE WAR lias advanced the price of inany Chemicals and Patent Medicines noanufacturcd in-Europe- We arce making nio change in pric, t'xcepIt in lines directly affected by the war- we Lre iooking after andi con- sidlenirg the interest of Our It will' pa> >00 10 o rcmehere for -Our Drugs, Medicines and Spices. oîr guiods arc the finest qtiality. J. E. WILLIS Drugglist and ODpticlan_ NIEIICAL HALL Brock St. WhItby. P rofe6siona3. - fardls IEGAL JNO. E. FAREWELL, K. C. Barrister, County Crown Attorney and .County Solicitor. 0Ofeu south wing Court House, Wchirby. A. E. CHRISTIAN flarrisder. Solicitir. Notarvw Public. Ltc. Office, ltnîcuk St., Opp Stcnciart ln k. Mniruey ro ioa. JAMlES RHL-TLEDGE, Darrister, Etc. NI unes %tic Loî ilr-vs: ter-nuits. (>-ttcc:c l l tritt ' ys.uctii -tRoyal Il ote!, G~. VOUNJtG SMIITH, LL.B. 1,iuert f. urt- l-.u~.~ \Vi .t!. orti rside rrc. 0). A. cJ. SWANSON Bar natte Soi itio ia~!.ry lUth1 C tIonveyiSiidr, etc.,rtc. Stl.uc., EJric Phonesi-.uVic, 321 Rusi liluic , 32() Marriage Lieenges. of a iliag 1 t -1 r The reater Canada Improvement & Land Go., Limited RICHARDOQN & RICHARDSON, Whitby. WM. COURT, Plasteprr - 44 Symngtan Ave.. TORONTO M'1!lO 151 LII gtve est ilirtec (on all Clr MoNsderate. NWfrite fort erwi". FarmsWanted -We want a far-n of about thirty to sixty acres, situated in-West W\hitby or tuhe south- e ri part of Reach Township, for a cIit.,t If you have a. farm to sel1 write US. JO9I N FISHIER & eo. 409 Lumsden Building TORONTO GAZETTE HOME TELEF AGREEN TOWN COUNCIL DIS -l irre c cars ago last flteenth eîtiiiran agreenment waS enter( ilîîlc Icfetien tArîttiVi4tlby Townî (ou cii aidtîlelicMankitani and I'ickerir T ieiepitpCo.,' i t rîierwi-se 1ltiown . ttiiciic'pnciî' Ti"elephone ('o, sini -clnlt iti u tiire Ii te "eleplione (Co bý- x hic-hflitlla hitefîr ohtaiîîed the iv ()f titi (riilts for (hin w-%ires,- f( cchîicliî thec-agec o îay flue toc' $60 a vran retituc focr tliree years, ai tcr mchrihiiec iouici gis-e the tosv six fe iittsî iilieuî of rentaI. '1' Ca. paici thi' relit for tht- fist y-cr brut fonrflic ptf fwa yeans lias pai nt i i îg., 'l'lire "cs î -iC ne k lias ccrfl l-erî flî-ir C. sCc erutl tirtîs alciut ti mtirIfrcsf i liti rccciicirrg an v repli andci Mac tir 5 iai.hus etîceavri cîr l piîone fît geltut -citiiruf sili l ire nattc', tbut ciitmil sii r-esc. ruaile lciîr i , I-lite flientilct-ts (f iCoi cl ii -i th iid -tinig i icetlu tiil inîic -tisitt t t sIllihi1ldr nit lic . tss'i li ( %Iilc i pf ' i t t t tî u m o u s ti re t c tiii iit t, tiri-I iq) V; SIfv tut' t-l"' I i lI rtc if t uîal iin 1t lLiý! i e-rt 41!(i \ ill a c p tiX i- tf l I c ' tttl ui' i hýI I cri liii( Is XII Ii-c.r \iu ier cI tri I l ltIt'utc ui -ie rt ii c cins ni- s cti u l -t lif i f ncitile;v c-rvi l i c . -1f t he m i Xli i II. epu -.cti hi tI i i le, %utI cs ccO lici iii - I.- u I î , i ftiI-li lu itid fj i-- liini .-c ilt.iuii -- i tit' --j.iil tiîîii - i -, - - - -.$-7 ~.; - - jAND cMiONKI WHIlTBY, ONTARIO CANADA, THURSDÂYJ NOVEM BERô5, 1914 eidren; and the Grandfatlîcr (locks >'HONE niarcligng round in procession, ;tiid O ED L Chrig le march thle judges, Mrs. Wllpayforthlspaperfrom i v1EN T XPIRED A. A. tkinsorî, Mrs. F. Ilatc»Jh, Mns. now untllJanuary1, 1916, to (.iudge) McGillivray, Mrs. (I)r.)> -' new subscribers. CUSSES ITS RE EWAL.Giilivray, and Rev. ME. esnt This lis a splendid oppor- ')'C SSESITS RENE AL.perforined the difcuit task of awusrd- tunlty to get ail the local ______iing the prizes. news and read the local $2.5 o! and that the ainount be handed to 1 Ip<»i the concluision of the mas- money - saving advertise- -ed the ladies o! the towvn for the pur- cjuprade, I)r. John Waugh was intro: mente. i-chase o! material for garments. Mr.t dciceul by Dr. Hare, the Principal, and rig Moore haîl doubt.s as to whether the tooli the char for the' ver%,p1leactiitg SubscrIfie Nowý as nîoney would be ýudiciously expended programmre which was to follow. Dr. ,ce since tiiere was'so niuch '*grait" in Waugh, as an introduction to tireen -- - ______ i., inattes of the kind. tertagiuîmert, gave a most interesting-$1 Ise Mr. Harper, on second thought,sug- talk on the origin and developmnent Haloen nWi1I i 0or gested that the ladies should be of thre event which ifs now oelehrated air5wee alWity." e!- 'osl aewcl h a d iegvn , r Vr snot The Spirit of Miscliief w-as abroad 311 dl a-n co..sawelted. asn te ive aiioweDr. WThe iornitianI" en ~ ~ ~ , rom ugse httt oinc-jl sftilttiv(, and wasdlmivereil in Ilis on 'Saturîlav night, (>ctober 31. Even $20 lie iiight take the initiative in catling a' usuai cloquent maniner. hefore esýeiigngidrthte yousîger gen- t Irptilieiiieeingto tiaigrat a l'ir Te "Firefly. Danre" was; the first eration could lie scen paradlng the tw Lid solription list-in ai(i Mcthte patriotie ritnber cailed by t.iw ('haOirînan. The' streets in 1taise face and ridicuious Port t- flUin. ldlctlrir i4ghits were i'xtingîish;ed, and garb, enjox îng the fun as rn'oich as 1 bis hi' ~ ~ ~ ~ it,ýt 'iletytrtj eîîdt Ptsc oung ladies tlad in vihi, the spcctaturt' wlo watched them. itunli flicdca aî<i ponl)r.tiVrre ~ î~-perfornîied a heautilul drill, triade al Bta h'iakis ahrd te te 1 V te dra ad pot P. arrn l fli tirilore spectacular lu' the' faic-I, Spiri t ruade kriown his presence in a fi i t1) 1% dr iii rilifls tioti- it v s agree< o'tit4, i -ol !îrm îr n &c cers- reai roatîrer. 'Plie kiddies niade $ 5 on trt'\ thina iii g ccl ionICI the . t enahiifltf n atir a bit ee-ht hein appearante w itir lanterits .Their Sero- llf,\ Illrtifi of olifiil.tiasîteti repraftil v ittri g lite rtiii. re- <-cc-rt tîntes werc varie-gateci anti woin- fini NIlt i lariier t-allrdt heflic t 'lioti of Iritndtig Olle imdccc i ol fireflies ft in ti-e ierftll fi t - s fretire. S-oloiltort iii tccwi I ccl e rl Co.ikc li cl îtt cti îi'cif uiarihLcil i ls glorv xc as nid arrayfdcl like It liaiticIll) h\. a.v' b'vî'cor1iiîl' t vcc(-cttiet i rakiîig railis ()riiail m's litîr flîy - oi- i îî fit-~~pl Ma\ i sccf -I- r hs ieredl as wcrofcqc trs la, i-tt itiglt c icr -rîsi rîît ict iritilfr itih pir-y irai train- ,oit p f1 F'ir'1r Icr itie a il -lir a.t, tc, \\i lit t oitcc d %c1111trit lt. a'i '1, l ic. - hi ,gis. Th'P dle i uit Iîs rt-aI, ilei c eci i Ii Mis t ctiit IC arci saiig --.\ ':ui ii t.ni-- iiîl,-rc lc îitn 3 cle tiiibvi ccî-e orc- ic liit s tic iit Ic i cI' ccces, iiith ii he ( t 3 'tic' fic[i li-1 i risc ie4 i c î"'-rîî r ti l ci a --) cvrs si csit lic li rs, Nia r 1-t 1).%îîl liiîiccl titi tctttiigsters -~ tiig -i gave ait-C L îlenîiict hiiiitccnccit', ia c-l wcîl tr1 teî.ts p I -i ciil .tl (,I. vicndrcl LîP ar e cî'ic-tf rîc-r i tof il flc- -cc-iiitawirei1iîc li- - $3 'Ihe ii .ti uis ff 1)tic lic'Slrc'c-s c Ltl îLiiat uf 'Sec'e cis î ftliatlié, plc-irc-iIrîcîr the clit-i$33 ttg ti(tti e lie is tilitit.\ cidev i lsI. lIl, o)'ha liro tt-Ii a. ti liiild iii !. 1t tcccri c . li- tt iidI lc't 1 tr ailir Liperiii Lita c tairi was flicr tc-rgl (e r lbctec wciotulCi rirnrieili t t gr, td rr rai a iit ts at lt- a et ~ I It-ilt, illt- Illr c. i ,Ifie it1 i -ro,.- 111( a îî ' Ii I ci f"il s t icic Ilm r Illelt'l t1 ( .lieii '. i 171ilitl sI tii it-I ii . i îisu t- i- - -le î t' tfî u t u pl r L t4i r- îîi e tii I t i i v t It-s ,tc itcr - 2, ,r i p ld'lap y1 'l1. (k -ILiNi;-tlLie, 'i i r ririlt-t1,ilitI Xub4. .îiiii.tIîl liv -11i1,; utl iccci I.l t li I .1 h~~~ cI il- t-t tet tec ict~cc-i ii.tX ' li a l i - iv i bel-i. lu 1 H tiltg--s'. ti ;îti .î i ri p rîc it i l- ii ci' îîtt i îi - Xli- ttiI-.i, . I- i us ~ - ti c t .11e . \ ititi, r - '. 1 I O le\I1-i --Il-.lli2- 1*[to Ni--ruS - ý:li i iti d1[ i i i lisf il ' i t. ) 'i 1 tfî- i- . -li - i iîl- (NIaItil't 1 r 1a i I.Le il- i 1"1. l 1 lu15ii i l - - i lj 11 .l'aXli Il l Ilti fi\il v lu li itil-cci iîif-ie . ,:;c- i ---i Ili, - - i lt bi-l; - t-i T h iii -'.u -1 - - f i ri- -a-llc , .i t 1iJ.iI i :11 . u. ' li-.li i;' t c ti --1~~i) 1l i i a11: : -1 iîu iutiii1 Li'i itrit-t îuî18.0 1 î. c itli 0,1uc iitf il -leei sc ils t, liit t 1,1it'!i ,S i o'im 'S 10 1 ci-u iciI - rîfeC îe. is - ',c-rt' ' - V \-tt iitLivii f d <i rîf a fr tti;c inal tI' ri 1 i , r1t 111r c iu11 fcr r t iceafrr1. . ..g0)1 tut l f- LtI t i ii iuci i -î l.'- iii I lii lt ir of! lire ",clinc Second Contingent froni Onitaria Couftty. tilit t c( I ci-ut ii i s1 1 --5 Ii - il 1 -t l'Il c i V -- -1-i 1 i'tr Il u lli c t 1 i c; î-, 1 Ev&nigelist Alex. Torrie, B.A., Coming to Whitby. tuf;: 't l-tuIîî;a Ionrc i The alunise picture is ontef R ec gagi' tti le nicttcsotwa c ic fî'r Irîfiuîitlc.s.si Aiex. 'Patrie, iB.A.,Mr'c Torrdp an(] 'trs. Torne ,is a scîeefgspl' i en1 u pportunîty was sel t-d f. ,Miss A ucrev 'lorrnew ho w tl speructand,i -ci- fhi lIIrelp af the î\(i mdc iiffic. u -tn- -t uc iitrc o tlîe next tw-a xîerks te Wltitltc -Mn. 'choirrmal(> quartette, ladies' 1'-.,iT~~-uc'-ctici tiO Torri e hegins a serirs o! special fefe and mixed quîartcette, willlJ makçe iî- he lits i ci.ii- I iteili oin o Imeetings in flic Baptist Churcii next the musical part o! flue services on iy11ccl iri s un tincîtouîr tî(irîC(aptutinu iSundav morninz. Mvr. 'Patrie is a itrrrcrct infenrut. Oui Siittas' titi iuiet- llrs' ('ami-tan, o! Beacc rf-uit. 1iMt Ipreacher of great carnrslness arc and n-ilIlui- tt 1 ilLtti. rL 7 p.m., u braia vi'wav nf the 1Kingston pois-en and bras for years been eën- IReil on sic-ktiglits at 7.45 oteloek. Itoatl, 7\'irling lte nîarch fa Wliflcy -- -ln <une haur and fice minutéis Phr MAS UER DE T O L ~~LLL 3L tbr division, itoder .SerLf - lleP -iivwav nf ihe base Une, w-hich of course ils a muii lngeýr mardi. Tht-m 1ime ivas onechaut anrul fîfc- 'iitho la ~ in ast xc, ns sanie cen> I ý-nots minilt 'Pli sir-,ice iumale c p Oc-c pmincîtesq ,-lrapt 1,'nmitn'chc- ite tIcrtirniLt!iîccs liasc-bts-n seeir ut (tri tari o Ladiest ('olicire, Itire tri i1 d'ccOt, - l-ion Fn i.tc ni fu mCci w.c, vfrc-lIo fa li f iîî- i nec t c-ir sr- sprcnt tuai lis tiins Innr fit-rn i -.ci a- u c i~u Ii; it-forir l, rf tir0i andl f-- r, i cu.- 1,i - e' ( ) u :l , (l'e c-'i ý 'cli - ii tln irotntf fs on flic cifir C ne*t itt-ir" ion rnef nurccihs ssas <(4t!ire oî ir netui ni ip s-l l ic cnno r liitîrute- roit oip. n flue flhier crtt'rp fiti flic t vr .'iis- sucre tInnîs-a fsia r Lrroucp. ca is- liintirec sno.' i rh j auurl"ii lu 'iic te ri-- i-n iliii. - --r-- sc r u -l\ifluS.foifll'?ad. 't'lu huis -art- a-I aul iui 'r irer, i t s q r(lm if f j. n niutrh hîPfr tS i-iru v.' iino i lue Or--f c-ut ir uet hobîîIcff in Su uti-f Tur' irr ,11u ý- ut--1 o n-Ini fluai '. - i i- nr-tlc'i ýi li r ti -iirat b 'rncl1-r. fli nt-ic rstn-e Fce 1c1crui, i : nef- 1),~'r ofl j nau i ictt 1i tl îc "ýfinueMtIl-ti -rts xiiruh attrueffdtclscrlit r!rt-runts a? r flur L, r-ivfsraîle unn -trPr -cialliv mOni mat f cuormerif -e(re - The () TC -. Tt iscutzzid iufflri hil e-naii'nt il, c<'aît-iuts normal fliat rentînircnt tus-o cu"tll l ile nor lan -ihunot finie AT aliait ei['ht n'ciack Iliii' mari-b -niirldpýfnropI ofth 1aloe'n r aîn- 'nri la 1die-1 or-pnir7 rep-nî. gn The IlnIow'n idrsereaktnli 1 Pnha-i.tcvnu-ali- - 'lie Rusi Thitvrie ssulartr'eli- ai cncert hall Ie couples, perfoiIng an darkv imn 0,tirn f'hristmes'Trer, fl rdOftP-vnyL s. eri Intricate match Ithat occup4ed about hung whth presents readv for -therCgave to the PatrioticrFFund. cclNIis itulson -,vas int'reacepd lc Il c-att vish to scnd a remera- hranre ta s-ottn frends this Christ- nias, rhocase a (Christmas card witb c atm narute and a grertin-g pt9ted in- xli'.'hcre are acucr 200 -,amples at th(' Cacel7te flciWh!ifhýI.Tf you curculrail - setida miu-rr ordr for flue nîrurîtunt s-onu ish tic speech and cc-ituo.-11 njpncf v desgn and bac-e fhre curnis ftiici-eul favoit. Prices rîrurf t- î"ait flic' cac ip Iron Si fcur 12 n (h75 Ifnr- 2caris' Thu' most 1)ueuiiti l deziris exe-r iscited are hcrc fd tuir o'ii Pnfrotiu ( X <iaaclfircs') Greater Canada Improvement & Land Cou Llmited OFFEt Ilt >1S XI E' 11if (>1 'li dXXlsd(. ili BUILDING LOTS 50 Il forut, 2 excel lent iuîiltiig <iLs, l itîl tirrtrKttaîd îu Stýreerm.s. SiA'9U loy 132 fett Ex'e i ltnîît It Ii iclg lots Itfoi, cil Ii rriae tiromnk St.-, Btira S-t., -St I'eter r .t, suigt (Ltttciit. 'liiete aresevergtîl luuen,,Ieiitg mc L ti tis tnoiert y iii ue spriitg. .)0 fi. bl'y10crlit, del), exellenut biiiitliig lots icîrti, of the C. P. R. station. DWELLINGS RM - 00.Bnink i c't'hit, t icr i 2,, $1800. 7 ac-t-ts, fi-aille clwelliîîg, cis tci cel icr, a 1)c ofî i f <wîict, >cj- eIl, Estalhie, lell it e tif cui, Hititftclictiii c- il- lîtîtîsît iui 1hto icer], 2att-es.o! apicle of Itrcctk1lii I'ccfstt'si jn cctii i 'crcitr iii fil i ht-ctjitug. 1il iîti- ja> ti-u ccifîtci ci tes cai-cc .k ýfroiîîc îîtatic')I« tl it, 00O. cI tot-ilitît-llif 'litic,-i i to tit '- - ji4uit 1a ioul. cînitIt id rocicit, c ecc lcc t JrY- uiit riwt- farîu. tI Wîîter., ele-t ru'11.1 c :ot7i s4250. f,,0 au-ni':frauiinc ilwellilig, Ilîtec i l cl iB -c-k- t . c ioi Ii, lt, r) >t-iiits, g fg e l r lt iiiii % StIcit tty. aiarg ]it % itli sînutui, lurge hbarr i itl stone fslalh- lctî- ti gîcc plotu cii îc llci tctg Jci. ict 3 IiuuiIjs froici i. ' lte icitsic sa sîia Il lbaril tfrai,,( t lc. ccitt1 c:îcîciitic,,l. - $4500. 45 acrms, f ,aute welling 100. l I llîce ticc-t-liuîg, ,I-i f-R 9 10111mîît, goc(it i elicr, ccit iii iiiiuuige c ils, gcpi ll a , tcîc- iu it; 0, fi t> frair, 2gcceii 8cc-' 1is jtu il t flow.' c--, ilttiti1. ictiittîî ýî $6000. 1O- -îcrc-s, friic- iicelliiug, (ofiIiilt, -1 0ci, iu - Itnu I tt .e- 500. lit ict I-iuic0iit-itcc' tali '241c>:tib3,30, stlie2r c tf 21 8i ui-S t> c ... ct o mtit i-ci an di oi l)1- ttt -2'Ilcby 2141 gcocl s4to.ý- fici-i*l, itoicil scft icateýr -stc-rti. lo ui. faiît cui staiibce art ilirice c ccci,4t c )- c $6250. titi at-rt-s, guocil 5u rtciueci cion t e Ict t i t! c~ tc%,îcc (cif W l icg ci u efla4r, large b ltî, t00 lc vk e]'4.dg l i fl : liien ltctimc- itarti -lias 100.~~~ ~~~~ Ittkctuciiii.iii,2 stine 'truiig, "iitIatFilabliot 2 uS t- i c,sgi. --lt ticccii miles tricentc tiItcitl,. A gcccistoeck 1- iit tit igit ti i l'c rtccv futrici. -Il> i t iii it iii i t oî-îtf $7000. 9(i ai-rt-s, cric-V iîc'iug t 1s., iC,tîu i ci l 7 rtcm ics, gccci cc-ilultr, fr ni-rt bIaril, 300. 1 Blvi c-cicl iii-iliirg, 2 frinie c cii' salît' fraic riv e uil - îcccî . g oc ttii t %Iî.ci iît lu i-s talip tt- jcctc-ripfttit c"i r. r~~~~ 11 c 'rti -c i-l-lt li'fa riîui ici ilatecil îrcuîar tic ai, fu î t tt t- Iic li . .cI l e i 1i' l i t- 1 u t ,a h i q ei o- i ilt . bfîc rî i - c c t ig rt tac i t I i i t l u iti - ,iiici t li. h i s O n t t -r i o ) i. - t TORENT.- [Zichard,ýOn& Il Phone 193 Richard-con led. Phone 70 - J' EL'S m SHUE - STORE CZAN OFFER YOU Finest Une of Boots and. Shees on. the Market m ii u tki- tti11w t(irlc-ci- ci tt m l t i e îi - in SîI i(-S. Y-., t111 iît im tîicli adv-alit liu 'lr- " an ct-I- c i-c-- il-i t I ~t tîrci curtlî-u Stiti-i t ' ~- iuWts ftt( îct i.ui c's Oif even stcA cShoe Store, BuiLs .\ ~ ~ t :Io 'd-stic l(tti CctS. BuiLs Our first shipment hits jusf art ived. Corne now, and order while %Ve bave a gccod asscrrtrn nt. Hyacin-ths,- double or single, Tuuips, double or single, Paî-rot Tulips Paper White Naîcissus Double Von Sion, Narcis sus Per Dok. 50C ZOG 25c soc A. T. LAWVLER- WHITBY, ONT.- I Phones,- Bel], N o.-47; Ind [ependent, No. 47J PRICES oI sonne articles hase iivin i i strice coin nrrnçiei<ni ofthe terrible war ln E unope, but souine au triit of fooritIr circc i iiý cIep A I 0 M N T R0,Il T IIN D WH-ITE II- ir- no w as cb&tp .cý titi-c-ve r - y-',~aH c!-Iat;'-'il-'5uui lte aichircd s n lsar- iTei I 0~,~1 -);c--. t!UNti-i andI CHE IRMES iris-c leit-n fallti -s 5 lnrr lbuit rwu crl îr r i i i l~~ui r tîicîi ifruilthel W est, beiow latf yt'ar'sIrnier!S FIIESH MISLIT-S o! the choiccst qualtîf>-beof, i î ir , i ct irk cvir1t -îc terloiti are fuirnisher at -a vt-ny smali mngin if pr-fit. We are now suppîying huckuarrics uand titiiiihtclurries. .Wu B PRINGLE &-00, WIIITB3Y -eNTARIO ARCHIVES 0F ONTARIO- ~ C. IOODIFZLLOVc & SON, Publishers <t Jus. H88[ll&911R Bus and gray Business Bus t ail rattîinis. AU'I'r)IIIEîl' V lli{ ord, t'. -i - - l it uu c' i Stabl'es andti f>ficc- efooKI 81 ., oqwnlbgg, oui. Robin Hood il, ordur ttc ifltroiltice tbis splen. dj ioîj ' we Mill scil, for the r ext ten 4day'-, fot iirorv than one han-el to any fi ily M %;I$3.20 pet 1).g. Thtis ilotir is tîrst patent and mlly guarcn tveu. In cas,,-i t lueS 11()t giVe eCil iCSisaiin (-,Il c Irtse wiirt voir of n t j, r-titr tht hrEine arrul i l! î~R4N '26.00 MIDD[INCS 29.00 IU)[LFD OATS 32.00 CROIJND FEFI) 30.00 J. H. Downey & Co. Whitby, Ontario. - - - - - - - - - - ....................... I,ý 'i

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