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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 5 Nov 1914, p. 7

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mm U r aCROWN- CORN Childiren and grown-ups everywhere love, tbla , ~ lligtfül and whx>lesonýe eyrup Cakes neyer taste segood as 'with CRÃ"WNBRANýp -CORN. For théèe fvoe1te that areànçès Made in Càa"a Soldiby Ail Grocersm Write fer the Edwardleburg Free Recipe Bo*~. The Canada -Starchý Co., Limited Makers of the Famous Eawardsburg Brande (tens'on's Prepared-Corn-Sllver Gloss Laundry Stach-llyWhite Syrup-Etc.) MONTREAL, CARDINAL, TORONTO, BRANTFORD,: FORT WILWJAM, VANCOUVER. 1,0,10OOBRIJ--ISII SOLDIE1RS Of This Total. About 800,000 Belong to What 15 C aled "KItchener's Army" A depaitoh fromn Londion gay : drilling with leverish enthusi.asm, The Bitisih arnx, on rolie and driU- and are anxious to go abroad for ingý in'tii. United Kingdoim, now service on thie firing line. A con- ancunts te approx mately one a.nd uiderable roportion of Field Mar- a hall million m O ftis totai dhel Lord Kther' ryo ubouh 800,O0'mý&n belong te what la courg, is net t f unlyquiped, tetied "Kitenëeo r'sA y"-iieu but 25 wcorkingrald. Theby sre be-, Whio have reeponded to bis two calI>s Lng a.roned and ciethed wi& gea ftrT r,?uOYQW oldierat toserve tbrçe rapidity. -TheC anadian .d otheir fesro for thxe duration of the overseas contingente are not in- waàr,sAl>ut. 800,000 belong to the cluded in ths total. territorials, whi!ie the reminder Lord Kitchener issue.d an urgent are onrolled wthe icspeciai re- apposal on Wednesday morning for oerves, so-called, or -with the. requ- 100,000 more me-n. H. eaye tée War lar srmy, ànd have men servie Office- machiner, which. was some- previoutply. The. territoriale are what clogged by thue sudden crea- couideed <te flower of thei force, -tion o! à new army of 500,000, is &4 a great miajoritycf the=n beong now reorg&uized. The minimum to tiie mi4Idli a.nd upper middle heighit for men ha. been reduced to classes, anderemerèraooustored to 5 feet 4 inches, and -the age limie .&"Itic pur.uits. Both physicaiy raised to thirty-eight. Recruiting ~4 mentaiily they are oonsidered sergeants say the~y cIdi getas ~b'n"Jtsry men to, h. about the many omart youngcoue asar <fil.tbuoy of its numnbers ever as- wanted for cavalry but the. cavalry 5bmid under arms. They are regimeunts are closed ýso fUr. TERIBLE, EFFECTIVE WORK. Drage.on Bille Thirty Germains -in Fire Minutes. A - f roiNXortueruFragob - iys; At owu m-neariMk. a Dra- goon mark.azan wa-es atiened at a swing bridge vithtu wo comrades te load for iim. 1V was - important tint tuhe enemy ehbeuld be ield bock iw-itcut te brid e being blow- dp. The marksmn Id belsnd a feuce sixtty, yards f rom tie bridge. Wben tuio Lancýèesappeared lue siiot ten, ton th-ree, and ho ahotthi, Maos five Uhla-ns came up togetier. Ho breught down every eue, Alto-- getuber , i. kilied tiirty Germa-ns in legs UU it lu minutes and retired withi hISî comrades.- A great pile o! dead mnen and horses in-the narrow roadway on thbe opiposit side of! te bridgeprotected iV f romtVie ap- pre f !the enemy during tbe -day aIrnost a-s well as a Mitrailleuse -would- have doue. TERRIFILO EXPLOSION. Two Mca Hurled Thlrty Through Bfeuvy Doar, Feet1 A despai" ufrem inmunpeg sayâ - Th 'omas-Foord, aged tuirty-one, a-ad Artur B-ight, aged Vventy-fQur, vwere ki-led ilu an oxy-aeety eue weidingtank explosion in tic lT-cen mater ga rageet 4 o'elock on Wed- nuday after-noou.Tle bodies vere terrtbly a- nmgled.- Foord vas Vîrowvu a distance- of hrty feet tulrough'a Iuea-vy piank door. * Foord is a ývidower and lad resîded in Wimnipeg ne.arly ail-ilis life. *Brigit came frein Sherbrooke, N.8. Ho iived for a turne at Cobou-rg, Ont. He ba-d livýed in Winnipeg for Vwo yoara. SANX AUXILIARY CRUISER$. Exploit of British Flotilla la the A despa-tch. frein.Fa-rie Beys:A squadron of -Britie . tnxysdo-boat& destroyers las sunk inte Adratue a Germn stamer whieb ha.k been eonverted into a cruiser, aceording to a despatueh froni Barcelona te Vthe Ha-vas Ageney. lie- Bareelona cor- reipoudent explaunstaM tuis neyal aippea-red in Publicidades, a Spanisb newspaper .puplished at Gibraltar. The British estroyers reseued 86 members-of tuhee-rev e! Vie German F00D AND MOUTH DISEASE. Fresh - eait Impôrtation States 'Probibited. From , A despateh from Windsor says: Because of Vhe spread o! foot a-nd râouth disease in tube Statues - of Michigan aand Indiana, an order iaa beon issued by te Canadian IYepar-tmexat of Agriculture prohi- bitngý importation cf ,ail fresih meats f rom teUnited Sta-tes. The use of ia-y and straw for paeking purposes ua, alsoprohibited. 6 KILLED A'ND WOUN DED. Missile Alighted Among Group or Wompn in Market Place. A despatel froni London says: Gemn acroplanes reoe-xtly sailed over Dunkirk, dropping tuwo bombs. A womauandchid vere kiled. Twa bomba vere- aimo dropped ait Beti- une, vest o! La Bascee. lie firait failed to explode, but -tIe second felîl in agroîip o! women in tubenma-r- ket place, killiug nineteex; and wouncling ftirty others,- NOWUSIE- ORE VEFFfCLES i Th GemansHav Exhustd the Gasoline 5up. plies of Belgium - SA deap)atelu frein Bru"s Sl ys: that M. Max, the former flurgOmas- The GerntMi' uo i Central Bel- ter of Brusie, jeetili being held gluzu have virt uZiy .h...t,,d théir in Leipzig by the (lerman officias. petrol supiply. 0. l s'issued IiOw EHis refusae t<>turn over te the in- oiily LO fifsh O&fCere,, and t>hen in vaderp the fire departmont towe.r aumail -quxitituies. The. Germ2ans and làddrsled to hile arrest. ge be-zdrËé, buft seta cil fel e- pitethUsel" e.e neoa rtue heei large u.it bes toCf oh adte Iadruse .Wee n aededte mauuy. Appar ently Vhey are now un- Germani took thebedra by force ahete gecure'a returu cf <da <>Ç41. they fund ýlat tue fl elgia.ns haà Ibo Germ-ant r euetQI~r~o~4VvppV frsrie many second-rate - herees, w a er=-nn inecli ,however, re- tiey fornieriy had ignorÇed udaisePaireci tiieni .ndf>ok tuin o Antu- hors. vehicles. werp for use In -dlrecng Are of the rLetters' receiyed here indicate gunneri. *w la1rze,~ 16 L ;twus to 5 W ro 94 'h avy. ,BdaX"imebushel, $2,65 ta $i.0; - hadi»e o $3«1.tO P OU a e - ntarlo , 665 t e 70e per ag i' T r V 1 Boenswcke cs !te,~0te 45o per bas'q w ?.' Wholeenaem re a ellng <o the trade an the foldowint price.bagz- Smoked and Dry, Sai'4d Mi-Rl-Tree, ofte Warshlps uit, With.'Total, Casuaties, Énioked. 141-2 ta 15e;- Uama, medin.,f'.- . 1- 18 1.2 t 1e iee 17~tc-, breakfast -0, bacon, 1 1 9c; long- olear bacon, 0f10KilleCd -anld «p Woundld' taos. 14 1-2c; casa.u, 15 to 151.4c; baeke, plafi, 22e; speef al, 23; banelese backo, Green. &&-Ot fpeà,l lwta A fo smoked. - eOto ikll eeta A~epthfouLon]don saYG: gunnilry -ceemns to bc esbaIlished. Lard-Pure, tierces, 12 1-2 te 13e; cm.- lb.-SecrtalY O!fte &clmirÀk<y lb.he sait avel býen'v'ry pon.93. ~mkos the following an. alt iTt trojugieut, but -ones sheli x-. Winnipeg rain. __ le"Britis- naval antis ontemn t picdng on te' desroyer Falcn; Winnipeg. Nov. 1-Oez No rth. flotlla8ontiues killed 'oen- officer-and eight men and ern, $1.14 5-8; Na. 2 Northern$A, 11 1-4; suPport'the allies' lett, andte wouidone fieradffcnmn N. 3 Northern, *1.06 1-4; No. 4, 81.00 14; fire <cf 2-indui guna hans b rogtOn ildn e-n-wuddo No. 5. 96 1.4c; No. 6, 91 1-2c, feed, 871-. enb-uh ce ie dsve-'ond,- Oate-NO. 2 C.W., 64 7-&; No. 3 .W. te bear upon Vii. Gerpan positions lVte RinakLo. 51 78e; extra No. 1 leed. 51 7.8-e; No- ï and. batteries.' Reports received liTe e-neni'm umpne aeas fSd '1 6%.e;No. 4.Zk;fee 0 rl'g. f rOM aber. teStifyvtte ieffeet and Ibeen reported seeking -an' oppor-- No. 3 6e; . - i 1aeurae> cf thp-freed wt r a .,A+ 4 llL s tunit,-ý -M .,-+.tu- Gcrnzny'u"Bomb.ast-SI<1 for a Penny in Berlin Streets. A fuli-sized reproduction Of thbe siw-ll 1VIuewm by the. big Germnin sIg gu-na. lley are "euing in te streeta of b.rin thbe broadauhee le~e shown hlid by a Bzïiui eoldier. Thus -purpoits te represent the exa"tSiZ8 O e! iirojectile blrown by Germiany'us big elege guns. The reproduction is Mbaed "Grman War Surprise, 1914." On the pic- ture o!fIbaIe-ILhe are photographe o! <am-age doue te forta, and te n-aimes Luttici Liege>[- Namur, Longwy, and Meubeuge, wi'bh thbe motkuo "Withii Qd for Ring and Fatuharland." TUE DUKE'S A.SSASSINS. Men Who Breught On the War Hear Their Fate. A despatel f rom Sarajevo, Bos- nia, eaym: Judgment was paffled on Wedziesday on te assassins o! Archd'uk, Francis Ferdinand, heur- apparent'f iEi.eAulstro-Hlungarian throne, fznd bis wifc, tube Duchese cf Hohinberj. Gavrio Prin4cip, thue actuai - ami, eeoaped with a sen- tence t<e imprisonment for 2o years. Four o! tube conspirators wereen tenced to death bjr tanging, one Vo life imprisumet, two, including Medeljo Gabrinovie, wbo thirew a bomb ast the Arolduke but wich did not expiode, Vo 20 years, one te 6 yers, one te 13, two to 10 yeare, e te 7 years and t-wo to 3 years. The other defendants were aequit.. ted. EXHIBITION CANCELLED. Was te lDe HeId ln Toronto Nevem. ber lOth te l4th. Owing toe ii.nlitary authorities taking over the Exhibition Grounda for'&. traan-ng camp for contin geints of Toronto disitrict, it las been zni-de neessary te cancel te Ontarie o frticultur&i Exhibition, which wue te bave been heàd in the Horticuitural Building, Exhibition Park, Toronto, November loti te l4th. It was the intention te de- vote the. entire proceedg of thus year's exhbitioir-to teRedi Cross ,work, and thbe Ci-ty of To>ronto h-ad granted froc ueofo thé Horticul-i tural BuilIding and te have ht heat-_ cd and ligbtued froc o! coest. BOUTES ACROSS CHANNEL. Britahi- Tryfug- tu Proteet skwpngj Again«t Mines.i A de-eatch f rom Flushing, Hol- lIand says: The water routes f rom Folkestene te Flushin-g and f rom the Engliel coast te Dieppe, Boulogne and Calais are being guarded witi the. greatest care in order t rotect mlipping againat xmines and suibiar- i-nos. British cruisers are escort- ing all trauwiers and mine sweepe-rs, torpede boat destroyers and other sinaul naval craft are all aioug te routes. British aeroplanes aise are seouting constantly. Four Bei- gian fisiermen have been kilied ncar Nieuport in handling a mine that bild -washed asicre. OSTEND ZEPPELIN BAISE. linge Hangars Are Bciug EretIed Near Ostcnd by Germuans. A despatuch from London says: An Amsterdamu despatcl points eut that indicationsarc strong that te Ger- mans intend te 'invade Jiritain 'by an aerial fleet of Zeppelins. Huge hangars are being erected ne-ar Os- tend. Seven Zeppelin air-slips, the. same despatuci reports, were âeen passing Hasseit. SEIZED AT BORDEAUX. Vesse]l FIyiug British Flag I*spd to Be German. A -despatei fronu Bordeaux Baye: le port autuioities seized , thbe steamer 'Colonia on suspicion Iha-t se vas a Germais vesse-]. lhe Ce- lonia arrived at Bordeaux flying Vie Britishb kgv, but when in port a few moùtlxs ago s-be gave ber national- ity as Germain. A Prize Court viii decide whetuher bier traneufer froru Gernain to Britisi -ovuerahip ia valid. - 311<1' -MOVE IIGHT1ING PLA'NTS Det.roi, oct.' 2*.-AilIoan o tube lite. miust move-'interîor-.1gît- -igplants te a pomnt-ehfovo tut. baud uýne before January la4.,'lie neuv regulauioni s thJe ot4oom& ofte Cnury im-te the lighting systen on thc lIdated EmprcSS o!' Ireland, where diynamos *,ere locatec a-t tii bottui o1 Vhes sip, Wopen 'Ore runruing oubw carsta Paris, enoaào!J«em tsl4 their ubno 'pkw e t4ad cant by dulr L ch hpon ho go Vova. NEWS, FR01 SDNSET COAST WIIAT TUE WESTERN 1 ARE DOINO. PEOILSI rrogress of the Gireat West Told tu a Few Polnted Paragralphi. Bithulithie pavements are being laid in te streets cf Reveloto>ke. Victoria La making Pr ~~n-9 te landic its uraemplcyed d4-gtube oemingwxntur. Trisaenow being ru-n frozu Grand Forks into Pentiton on the. Keitffe Valley Raiway. IÀeut.,A. H. Boulton, cfite Che- shire Rgment, who is repcrted nmian ,zn the front, is a Van- couver man. W. O. Mitchell, -of Vancouver, was seriously înju-red n-heu an iu- terurban car struck te milk wagon which lhe was driving. Search is beiu$ nmade for an hos- tile wireiess station whicb le known ,te be somiewlxere àlot tbe North Pacifie Coast. Six charges of murder wilil be tried in the Faai Assizes at Vancou- ver. Most o! thc prisonera are Hin- dus and Ohinsmen. ,A large business -block will be ereoted on MeKenzie Street in Reveisteke, -whe-re several Itoueesi were burned ws'orne reago. i Bela Singi was cmumitted for trial at-Vancou ver on te charge of KIlng Baden Singi and Bhag Singh in the Hindu Temple of tubat citv nu Sept. stul. 0ol. "Jîm" Ma-edonel, of Van- couver, liaa been austhorized iiy Col. Hlughes te, organizo a mountod corps in British Columbia. for service at thxe front. lie Vancouver Board of Trade wiIlI sixggest measures te preveni unjust foreelosures and stringent legal measures iu the preseut finan- cial situation. Motorînan Charles J. Geal] was kilied at Vancouver wlen a aimai]l boy rele-ased thbe brakes o! a box1 car tubatu crashed do-wn a grad-o inteo a street car.1 W. E. G. Murray, -shose father1 resides at Union Bay, B.C., was1 wounded while e-t the front witi tie Ki-ng Edw-ard Horse. Ho je in a London hoqpital. Brlg..Gcn. llcnry'H. W'ilson, mub-slief ou Sir John Freneis staff. SIVEDIl STEAMER SUNI. Pive Drewned Whcn She. Bit off Cuxhaven. Minel A despateil freSomclhixoînumaya: Ile -Swe'diei steamer.Ornen, fhm abt kmin.e in' te Norh e. bank off Ourfiiaven. Flue mmbers --ef lier cre-v vere drowued. Gerînan Wirelesa InHallfal. Aepatuci frein, H"lifax, N.S., ua-ar: Tire. Gerima-nsver re- ed in a ho-use in Heollis Street, where tey weref op-raütng a v're- less installation. The- rlcsan- tonna.was nt eperated f rom a POle borvazotixztura&led o f -a tlhrd s4cry w4dowand -conc-ealed amiïd Bbilhty-', *a- - «1 montreal -Markate. Montreal, Nov. 3--Corn-Amcrican No. 2 YelOw. 82 te 8OU. Oate--Cana&pin Wet. ern. No. 2, 58 1-2c,; enra No. 1 feed, 67 to 58c, Ne. 2 local white, 54 ta 550; Ne. 3 lo- cal1 6hte 3 <o W4; No. 4 îoleesw-hite 52 tO 53e. rley-Man. feed, 64e; mua(nt, 78 ta 8Me. Fleurý-Maii. spring wheat Pa" ente,fIrste, 96.70; Leoade, q6.20; etroflg bakero', $ô; Wîntorpatente liaice, 86; btralght reouer". $5.50ta $8.60,etratrht 1*0lera. baga. $2.65 ta $2.75. ltoied oats, barrels, 86a do., bus, 90 gba., 83.05: Bran *25. horte. $27. Mddllnge, $30. Moufille, *30 te 034, Ray, No, 2, par tan car' lot@, $17.60 ta 818.50.Cheee-Fineet Weutern., 16 1-2 te, 15 3-Se; do., Eaeterna. 15 1-4 ta 15 3-8e. Butter-Ohalmc reesu- ery, 27 1-. ta28e; aeeads, 26 1-4 to 263.4c. Ugos-Freeb Mc5; aef*eted, 29e; No. 1 -itock. 27c; No. 2 stock, 24c. potataca, pas bak,. car lots 66c. . United »Statas Markets. MinneaPei18, Neov. 3.-lVbeat-No, 1 bard, 01.13 1-8; N..I Noreora. 81.09 7-0 te $1.12 1-8; No. ý2 Northax-n. 11.06 7-8 10 01.1081-8; December 8199 a-4, Cern-Ne. a yelaw 66 te 68e. ato-N.3wle 12 te 43 Ï F lour a,"d-bra 3 uncbau.44 .2 Duluth, NOV. 3.-Linsft, 81.29 1-2 De- V .14 s4 No. 1, Norruhern,.1~3 3&4. No. E N-elisnb$1,1P 1-4; Decmber, i4.1 3.4; M $. 1.16 3-4. Liv. itosk Markets.- Toronto Nov. e.--Odd lote of steer braughî 4775, Pleuty of fair te indlum brouelt 85.50 to *6,0.Good eows ranged froen *5.75 ta, *6.75, -with cammaulsh ait 85 ta $6.75. Fairly tood bulle breugiht $6 th 86.50. Medluni to llgbL feeders wlth came breed eld mautly betWeen 8$5.50 snd 86, ile weoightier utuif bet-weeu 8NO snd 900 oana brought *6 ta *6.75. Select milliers were wanted and from $W 1ta 8$115 vaI xlysa, vilir anebeaot at $125. ÇGo4 oI chaico eold -uell ut $70 ta 890, vith mnieS fum at $60 te *70. Canner and cutter classes-wers a fenture of streng-th. Packi- Iers bonghv 'oely. uylni. -J4 ta $4.65 1er 1i 9orer1J *.50ta*5.26 for the lat- ter. Hleavy ireceipte are keeplng prices. of lambs bot-ween 87,0aud 87.65 for tho bulli. Sheep aveu -sent at *.26 to 05.75 -wlt8x eavier and bizek at ~taO *5.z5 san cul-la at 03te,$4, Roge h at*$7,50 ted and -watered, Montreal, Nov. S-rSbeeves, 7é toi 7 1-2e; meJium 5 1-4 to7é, common, 3 3;4 La 60, stma.1 bule, 4 te, 4 1-2ô; lean eau- ne, 3 t 3 3-4e; mfleh caws,' $40 te $8W eacb; calvtw, 4 te 8B 14e. Sheep, 4 1.2 t* 5 1-4; Iambe, 7 ta 7 1-2e. Rage. 8 1-4 ta 111E GOEBEN ALSO BUSY. Torpedoed and Sank Two Russian Vessels. "A despàti- from Kerteix, a eea- port in thbe Crimiea, reports that near Takol Lightuhouse the Russian steamer Ya~lta, from <te Causasus, waè sunk by a terpedo launched by tue Turkish cruiser Geeben. lhe crew and passengers wereoeved. le steamer K.azbek, whiei went te tic rescue, waé struck by two to>rpedes and sank. Ma-ny persens aboard were drowned. Imimedi-ate. ly after it became knew-n hors tiat Turkey iad opened hosti-lities a-gainait Rusi-a a demnstration wae ruade in front o! Vie British and Frenchi Embassies and before Vie iegations el their allies. Tie re- pre-sentuatives o! t-baec Ounutries ap- peured -on the auconies and -madei (IEIIANS ANI>'AUSTILIANS. May Seî,d Reservists te Cut Lum- ber ln the W9ods. A despa-teh fromn Moutreals-s The inilitary authorities haéve e-volv- cd a plan for dealiug vith,te large numnber o! Germain a-ad Austrian reser-vista iuew hére, a-nd vie are regarded a. a menace te thîe coin- muuity because ma-ny o!tihem are out of work. Tic military authoni- ie-s tsiiuk tubattube foreigners ahould be sent te tie lumber camps during thle winter under a-n armed guard. lhere tey would be aile to get food and worke vbile tube minier Viey eut eouild be given te tube families'of (Janadian ïoldiers nov fiobting -a. tiie front. GERIIANS ARE LEARiN . use, Bayonets oe rel;and- Theh iseo,9ting lu IMPfrOvIag. A despa*lci frein Northern France sa-y.Th lIWBIgian 15oldiers tell a. correspondwittait -he Germain in- fantry no anger appear te fear tie bayýoue.t elurges, auJ miake >far .more -use o! the. bayonet Vieniselve. thin ferma-nil. 1heir rifle showtng aase hasis roed. lie..are imdi- cuiong,47 ; are leauunLg f rô1 ad lothed fr. il>, large hoûses t<Li ab ve 1t~l ndn 1iied., fLuey c.ompeled moote t01te eiops taoOpen asu6uail, tho>reu-ghlyxmaintained. - destroyers. The caUàties an- The enemy bi.ought Up heavy guns nouneed by the Admiralty include and replied vigorously te fthe fire Lieut. Hubert O. F. -Wanton, ci the- of. Admirai Hood'a slips. The ves- Falcon, killed; Sub-Lieut. Theodore' sels received only triffing strucotur'al Robson, severeIyý wounded; Lieut. damaLge. The opposition* from the Robert Crossman and Payinxater shore lias pracialycacdadJôeeph ýShepherd, o! the Rina!lo,- tii. prepoiderameoe f fthe navali slightly wounded. TURKEY AND RUSSIA AT -WARý Porte's Cruiser Bombards a Port of Crimea ,gn the - Black- 5ea A despatoh £rom The-odosia, Cri- boimbardxnent the. cruiser left ina me&, sys: A Turkish eruifier witli south-westeriy direction. three funnels bombarded-ý the a-t-,TIc Turkish Cruiser Ilaniidiyfh, tien and city, <Iamaing the. cathe- w-hici arrived at Novorofflysk, de- dral, the Greek churol, a- pier and manded the surrender o! the city sonie sheds. One soldier was and the. - Gevernment properties, wôuned.A bamh f te Re ' threatening in dade of refusai to wouned. braxch uf t e usin bomba-rd the to'wr. The. Turkiah Bank of Foreign Côzume ree o&ught GonauI andofficiais were arrenteid. fire. At the. conclusion of bhe The cruiserý withdrewv. DECREASE 0F $5005000. Bard limes Curtauled Enterprise of Lumnbermen. A despaoe] tcm Toron-t-o sa-ys. Premier Hea-rst, Minister of! Lande,- Foreste a-nd Minue» on Wednesd-ay intima-tedtii-t returns from revenue- thus fa-r received, indica-ted thabthtue -atel revenue te b. derived f rom isde rtment'di year would h. noms »r5WMlese <tan tie estimate o! 82,800,000 nade at the beginîing o! Vthe prese-ut fiscal yea-r. lb. fal. ing off is attributed largely by tube Premier te Vthe bard tianes anud Vhe ",r and te -tlhç action of thec banks in refusing necessary assistance te tube enterprise of bciders of licenses in tie timber districts. 1"Hlowever, uddedIMr. Hesrait, -optimiisticaliy, "tube siuation us goî-ng te be very much botter tiax I ant-icipa-ted a couple cf motîs ago." 1 OLYMPIC ALTERS COURSE. Big Bout Puts in at Irish -Port to AvaiS - Minesé. A despa-tch from Londonsanys: The steamer Olympie, wlich ieft New York Oct. 21 for Glasgow, warned by', wireiess tellegra-phy tait there were Germa-n mines off Tory Islan.l on the north coast o! Ire- la-nd, put inte Lough Swilly. Here ber passengers- ver. landed and sent by special train te London- derry. Leugh Swilly ia in County Doue-gai.1 ACCEPTS MONET GIFT. - Britain. Tahes $10O000In Cilsh Frani Nova Setia. A degpttci frein London says - --The Wa-r Office bas iixformed tie Govemnor-General o! Canada tiiat as it has been found impracticabie, fer tube Goverument of Nova Sootia te maice a proposed gift te tube Home, Goverin'mnnt o100,000 toue e of,,is Majâstuys Governmn4it .h the. offer of $100100I Fu.nd for the relief of dittress., Geîman Shlp Flew Japanee Fiag and laid Fa-be Smokestuek. A deapatuch f rom Tokie eays: The' B ritisi Embassy hears tuha4thei Ger- mean cruiser Emden, flying tie Ja-- panese klag and disguised by tube addition o! % fourthl smo>keutack, entered Ponanir, a Britiet jesse sien in thbe Sbraits Sctduemeute, anùd red torpedees hici msnkthe Rus- sian cru:.ser Jemtchug and a Fre nch destroyer. Ive officers- and eiglty-. four seatnuen o! tie Jemtchug per- ished. lie Emden's entra-ne into the. waters o! Pe-nang waa auda- ciaus, Sie came iu, under te guns -çf te fort, a-nd af-te-r sinkiug -te cruiser and destroyer, esca-ped tireugli the Sti-ait o! Malaeca. ORDERED TO LEAVE A AIA Germans Given SIX Days to Close Up 'Thefr Business.> Adtspaýoi f rom Kingstuon, J-. maica, says: Wessels Broihera and von Gentard, a branel of thbe New York commiilson heuse',of We.sedo, Ku-ieuka-mipff and Company, have been ordered te close tiir business here witiiu six, days. The princi- pal- member of the firm, wlbo i. à -natuuralized -eubjeet -of Great Bari- tain, and two Germa.u aýIset&n-Is have been ordered Vo icave1 Jam2ia. because o! all-eged syrnpaitI with the cause of Gormany in thbe presenb OFFERED METZ TO PRENCU. Germuny Said tê- fHave Tried to Conelude Individual Peae. A -,despatol fro U Lnd-on say.: The Da-ilyClronicle's Parie corres. pendent 'a--"-e t uawitb a vie« of detacing Frace rom the, llie., Grma-ny e - ea-n sufer toeecuoud peace on tcb&sis «fci e «mienq Metz and poseubly a portion c>! Af uSc t'O Fanco, The.ofepr, acord- iug te tie correspondent, vas re- Beyers Fiees, Commando IScatitered A d~te~ ~ L2~d £~-1Adfencefo&,repotsihat Ie ireb Retdesp utcfrom 0 Tmc oay. ,' *e. ers omnds Reutereen seafutered sýnand ar>-net ke ùJnion of Seuth Afr2ca, eayi tii-at Ite reunitq. Gen., Beyers bas 1fled 11 C4on.. Botha, comimander of the de- l'an unknown direcion.1 Yictory for Franco-EngIisli Forces A depatoèh f rom Bordeaux 5*ye: lxsh cooIjmns ccup;ed- Edoa afte5' A raport received here f rom Qen. seriou igingin which -the %11We DoeOemrn&anding the Fren-ci treops uhowed great bravrly. forcet operating against the'0Gr- Edoa, ]$an importaniit-êiOy# mail Caineroca, equatorial W',est <ion on thxe Salanga, nimety mio Af ria, says that tWo Franco-Eng-,,from thc e aàb. -~------ ~ ~- ARCH-IVES 0F ONTARIOI of r 1 1 '

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