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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 5 Nov 1914, p. 8

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asandi Mr. have issu VI beon living ta' 1the village for tue vas two a&nd s half yeas, u, .reluui -to her homsln Bou4a ' Broakitu ln under local option, but. would ans lhiink so, la Cc5nlng lint tisl village andi ueeng the nmumbo of drunkuce every wook,, psztlculaly Saturday',,Who Couse off-- the trainf T rus, thsy gel Il from- tue outuide, but-why îh itl ilowsd?1 Wlyi lsu - iwestigatiohI not madie and a *to put 10 ft. Il lu -a refleotion on,)h people wlio are advocitei of local * option, sud their tiuty wlU nolý-kie doue until a strict watch fIkspt andi those punisheti, who vialato the * law by conIng liers drunk. 1ev. R. W. Allen, of Ail Saints' Chîurcli, Whitby, took lhe services fa Port Perry, Columbus and Brookls, Bar~ains o!lie' B: *adame suppew15Ltwo liutols. niow, Ul wautto bkeep a shop bhe, letlus pat- rosise home-'trade. 1Mr.- Baàrow- ClPoughi whm av a wagon onth ioati sud shoulti lis p»troDIZed bly evoy fmu inluBrookl ntiviola-1 ily.- <3Mr. Jobu Miler, of' Ashburu, VOl holti on auction male on Wednesday, Nov. 11, o! 50 hea tio he liut Scotch breti Shortiornisud 50 sliep.' Thls ihaulti be a flue sae, asu1Mr. lile, so well kuown amolg lths stock meu. Mns. Woodcook, cf Huntsville, ts visiting lier sunt, lMu. Boles. Baî~ains * " IHave For Quick Sale, 1 ecaud-hand Hors. ]Power, coffiplete wit h rada, couplinge, etc., number 1 shape, $10.00, 1, 'Gould Shapley Wind Miii. i Treati Power. Also 50 Frost Galvanizod Ostes, ail sizes, at $5.00 each. Guruey Oxford Stoves and al Stove Supplies now ou band at lowe ,est U RI1AHRJeNE6S I3rookIIn -s-Otru -ilu _2ati an. rnnM . Stoves and Ranges Qne used Crown Treasure Heater, nearly new. One -Oxford Laurel, new, slightly used. We seil Moffat and D. Moore Stoves and Range'S. Get Our Prices. ]Robes andBlankets Our making special. extra. stock of Blankets is complete. lI Robes we are Newlauds Saskatchewan Buffalo Robe our In 'Goat and, BearFur Robes we have somneîhing Graphophons .See ou'r models at $40.oo and $1Io.o'o, they are bete tl-an anly other. Our. stock of records lu conuplete, arnong» which area quantity of ColumWa Reco;rds at half- priée. See our special Graphophone Needies,- Opeé needie for ail tones. Price là ' cents for 3S0'in a ltin box. A. cmplete stock of Suit Cases, Club BagaL itaand Gloires. One only De Lavai 450 Pound, capacity Crçarn Separ- .See thiijS100Washing M achine anâd the Blue Belle at otf? .rstore ;algo 0* guarantee liné of Clothes Wringers. NOTrICE ?ouit-f oret that we, have,, added a harnes repaiu'departlefltsatid ýthat ýr '6oicityour patronage,> W F.DLSNEY ~cl an1 1dcendeflt Phones. ko; Mr. Cant- i~.o 1h. Blgisas lust l- 3011l TioXflfsoliday. tike patt. DM. i 9. Ro«t bu addda fu6w Wini give au ad- r."Cooar ~ verandai b bis hàn*,«- Ciison tet e IfS. E. Copeauti swertaiued > a LdmiMon 50- number o!flber frieds le a Halow- eeu Party oi-Btoeday niglil, This Mx ~J nalteè~I~.vitited Mr. I Dllrs ewrd orJ09. iHat11is,'pf "Ra au last Week. Il encm e u vd by h c.,oldo O THE ÂFTEëDINNER, STORY-- bim ý«q4ieTPILLFIR. 824&1 ableto eny ont ay iii tls mi Toledo, 0. g*ll'eeatarb cure latalien intoesar "duc dlreaty sponthe lnbood sud asuCOUS g; o tb. aystes. Teatmoalas set fin. PdMe73 «u" arebottie. sol b a*Il drugglats Taie HlVa Va i ii.fe usiîatlon. SM YRTLE.P M.' Noak- Luko, of Taontot viuit- eti frientis bers isat week. ,Mr. sud Mns. Thos. Coakwell, o! Brooklu, spent Sunday with friends here. Miss Etta HolttIoluspendlng tbe wlnler witb 1fr.. W. Hoar. A very lieavy-eleetria sl-orm passei over bers an Suuday afteràoou. Hallowe'en passeti off very quietly .bore, Except for a few minor pranku one woulti hardly have .kaowu it was lb. lait nigbl of Ocleber. BASE LINE WEST. (To ale fer hast Ianue). Mns. Patblck anti sou Jack have returusd le Port -Hope for thie wiu- ter. Mfr. Dan Cameron lias gone la But- talc for lbe beneflt a! bis iealtb. Mfr. FredResynoldsis ladtown an a b'usiness trip to bisef aller's., Uns. Yaurez bas been ipeuding sev- oral tisys wth friendsinluToronto. Guard. R. W. Burton, of the Cen- tral, accampanieti 25 more prisouerni le th. Asylum farm on Montiay. There was a big lurnout of farmn- &,u.-ýIfa I fàývanl l(auy of lie boit tonles anti anec- dotes tiat you boeat repeateti 'ly min- Isters and ollier publie speakersooms froc' The Youh' aCompasion. A yeung mm as wiwsbes le mako blis coonversation entortainlng or to lacreau e ieffsctiveness o! au 8%rgu- ment, eau do no better thau tb study iliesewitty sud apt itorîsu in The. CoMpanion. Another feuture o! value islieh doctor"s weekly talk an getbiag wel sud keeping so. Hi. ativice le souad sud practicai. He iuggests remedios for inor Ille, describes tlie symp- tomseaofaIliers, anti urges the im- portance o! consuiting a physician wlienever the indications are obscure or tiuiquieting. He recommentis cer- tain Ihings to be doue la cases ai accident before the dootor arrives. These are just two parttculars 1,n whicb The Companion exceis, anti tliey are by- no means the only ones. If you do not know the Companion, jlet us senti you one or two current i sues, 'with the Forecast for 1915 Every new subsoriben In Canada who sentis $2.25 for the flfty-two weekly Issues af 1915 wiil recelve fres al lb.heIssues o! lb. paper for i1he remaInlng weeks of 1914 ; alsc The Companian -Home Calendar for 1915. THE 'YOUTH'S COMPANION, 144 Berkeley St., Boston, Mass. aNew subscriptlaus received ti t hi office, Tuestiay. Catle ole U G&U 'XXlXU X X X X XX X rX X X ual s0 well, sud implementa anti X hmahod uritre t ai piog. X BUTTER WRAPPERS MUST The taxes lu the township look a X-ELBLD big îeap: thus year. Farm landis will X TeDprmn fArcl socs be paying $1 lper acre. X Te Da tta fbAs riput l- There mseao be more moaeyla X eurecîan ctwoanhais t ie growing ealy peau. A farmer ne- X Dfeau Actndustry ascth114 pons 12.0 pt areo*"0 are X which forbitis the use of the elu. edigck bxsfo X word Separatar on ail butter Getyou wedin&caeSon, esii. Gi-X wrappers, anti compels the LC. A. Goodfeliow &Sn h a X labeling of ail butter as tiairy zètte anti. Chroniche. X or creamery. Il alsa forbitis X lhe use ai plaIn or unprinled Wealth of Hait. X wrappers. For violation o! X this Act a penalty o! frac' $10 PARISIAN SAGE MAKES, THIN X le $80 may be imposti. LIFELESS HAIR SOFT AND X Butter sellers shoulti take ABUNDANT. X cognizance o! Ibtis uew regula- X lion, anti siaulti discontinue Beauliful bain,,lhick, sot t, fiuffY, X tihe use of 1he word Sepanator lusîrous andti ree froc' tantinuif. P 1 X ou wrappers, where sucb la one of woma'a greatesl cliarms, yet X uow in use. Eveny lb. of but- 5, mnauy have streaketi, Ibm anti hite- X ter wrappeti for market iunI. les. bain andtink'tbere.li no nem- X lienceforth havre pninted o.n lb. etiy. Pretty hair la largehy., a malter X wnapper elther "dalry" or o! cars. X "cneameny," anti by whom Frequent applications a!f arisian X matie. Sage welrubbiedti ntotue scalp la X al thatlIoueeded--it ae like magie. xxxxxxýx-x xxxxxxx Try Il lo-night-you will really lie surpiset i wtb the resuit. Nat oniy wili the baînliecome sait, fluffy, radi- HAMAR GREENWOOD HAS IIE]I taut wlth lUesund really tioubhy beau- Lontion, Nov. 1.-A son bas lii $lful, bul ail dandruff tisappeana,! ail- bora le Caplain Haman Greenwoo Ing bain and tilcbiug scalp -Cess- M.P., for Sunderlandi, wbo ls uowé your beati feels fine. gageti lu counectian witb the bot MIl drugglats soul a large baIlle of recrultlag anti ammunItion suppl Parisisu Sage fer flfty cents. Gel il Mn. Greeuwooti isaa ave o! Wblth mausy If 'yau are ual satialeti. CLAREMONT. The annlversary 'servies o! Care- 1mont BaptisI Churcli wère belti on Sunday li»t. Rer. Cea. A. MaLean, B.A., a! 'Wblt.y, was tb. preaclien at bolli services, asudihvered., very- powerful and Impressive sermons. 3 2 J J papr CpP11~ iIJ~iW'l.A *~~F'b Notice lu liereby, given pursut te bandu with hundredu ot people,, ,and ýSiou5,Ca. 2,R80 9 we gel to ,the front., The triiý ta~If n tti uaeo h adRbr Piymot tWilson McAvoy, wbo died a th Wger -Iabo I-,Re 'htmie mrc tth sidTownship o! Plokerlug on tibO afig ~ a silitl arht . i 28rd day of Mardi,' 1914, are re- "Air ships are, flying ýàbout all the1 4uIred b deliver 'or iOiid by ýpost, fiie,' snd àte. quit. CG =On._Tei are atrollighie ky 55 eotate, eu or before the fitteenth day man Invasion by atrships. of 1;ovember, 1014, tbeir sauleS ada "«ThebattleaMipi we aw wee won 1 druesm, and a full kioalrption' et, hefi size larger than the linsam deît r ou usirse utb ir lairî, and h. value f-Ahé. "lThere *là about lve houris ad .s a' io tei e y hm n hxaf difference in 0 ,ur times. Whu you i yV;urte talcs'notice -ti0at alerthieG are- lwelve o'ciock. Doon it la 5M0 jaaid 151h day of November, 94, ithe~~~~~~ thenoélir.Th ea er ý sid xecutor 'wil preceed le odis-. trhbuts lb. gelaI.of The said deceai lovely, even warmer than our own.tiu b eàtýft'oddcas October weather. , jd ainong lie parties entitled .tiere-a "The King wiii corne up here- le 6..baving regard only leoi he ciafms9 revlew us, or we wfiI go to Londou. of whioh lie shal then bave notice, 'General Alderean reviewed us tbis sud thes aid Executor shall not- be atternoon. He ls ýoIng to take corn reof 10 for ersan of whso aim ar mand of the Canadien Cont hat.t blreof o' Ihe sid aosetso a ar Ther lamorehi he evten~~t 1e shall not then bave receiveti no- ,the statements indicating Ihat the d feeling ainong the soldiers Is that by JAS. F. PIRlE, neit spring Germany willi have been surviving execular,. by compie'tely defeateti. JAMES RUTLEDGE, The clipping enciosed ln the lelter ëb hie Solicitor. was f rom a Plymouth paper, descrlb- Dated October 21, 19-14. -181! ing the reception given the Cana- dians. The !oliowIng wlii serve ta -indicale how royaily Johxmy Can- E cuo' oiet nuck was welcomed In Engianti. Crditor s.tce "lThousands of cheerlng Cana- Ceios dians departed ln many trains froc' Three Towns lait evening.' lu lb. Estate oi Lantra willson Vc-. "The Canadians are a free and Avoy, late of the Township of easy lot of men. Some of them had Pickering, lu the County- of Ou- been ln Plymnouth before, andi on ~the tario, spinster, doceaseti. way. ta 'the stations they were re- Noie l erb gveurun cognied .y ai frinduwho lbawe 10Section 56, chap. 121, R.S.O.,. their way through the crowd, greet- 1914, that ail persoa havlng dlaims 0eti the men, and marched wlth them rta the station. Those who hadn't againit thie estate of lb.e saiti 0Plymouth frientis up ta the time o Lamira Wiiison McAvoy, who Jiell aI r sttig fot n Eglih silIraeothelbsald Township ot Pickering ou setting foot onengreih sal, ixavethe fourth day of October, J14, aiei mandInohallthey aroes madeta cur equired ta delivet or send by past, upandif ait1h prmiss mde reprepaiti, to Jamies F. Finle, Whitby, kept, not a few wîil have ahi their Ont., the ezecutor of. salti ostale, 9leisirre moments f uiiy ooeupied writ.-ourbfreh.tutilthdy f Ing letters.ouo eoetetet-ifhdy f "The station yard scenes might November, -'1914, thejr names-and K vey wll avebeenconectil ithaddresses, and a full description of th v e tr el fa en c o fuec ienwth their daim , a d the nature ai the Kh eatr fatano ofdn secuities, If any, heid by them, taid xfoatbaîhers and their equaily saxigiilne Furlher take noatice that aller the K supporters-sa jolly was everybody, înîd 251h day c-Z November, 1914, the sae full, o! laughter, jest and sang. said! executor wilProceedti ta listri- xThe ilght-heartedness af the troops bute the esta.te of the said tieceasel Kwas Infectiaus, and, throwing off the among the parties entitieti thereto, xmantie ai maideniy reserve, ladies hiaving regard oniy ta the cdaims o! xconfesseti that 'these Colonialà are which lie shall then have notice, anti x darling'. Canadian coins were Ihe,.said executor shah l tb. hable xdstributei as souvenirs, addtresses for thie saiti assets, or any part X were exchangeti, cakes, fruit and ci« thereof, toauanYperson ai whose dlaim X garettes were shawered upon the ho sha 1I not t4en have receiveti no- x saldiery, ant Iin countless cases the lice. X request for a 'farewell kiss' was gen- JS .PRE erausly met. Sometimes there was I' Exe-culer, b x the same affectlonate ieave-talcing, Eeuob 'Ywlthaul the formaity af the re- JAMES% RUTLEDGE, X1 lt nll.% x x x x x en ,byo The East Simca. Lîcenie Inspecler gatheredtu <n$1,120 lufines for Iliegal seliig lu lire moulua. Disney Bron. occupy a MuI page 01 the Whltby Gazetle wIithein ativer- thuemeul. There fi, no "caiti beel,, about lbsm over the war.-Oshawa Vindilcator. NOTI CE. Notice of Transfen o! Licens of the Royal Hotel, Town o! Wbltby, Liquon Liceuse Act. Notice lu boreby given liat applica- tion bas been matieby Mr. J.H. Per- rn, o! th e Town cf Whitbyta I rans- fer bis 'lavera iconse ,le1Mr. Thomas Cussiôn, o! tb. Town oi Witby, andi Ihal the sati application *111 be con- sidereti at a meeting o! 1he License Boardi for the district of Southi 'On- tario,lln theCnunclCliamber, lu the Town o! Wbltby, ou Tuesday, Nov. 171li, 1914, ah heu o'clock a.m. Al pensons lateresteti wilh gavera them;- coives accordlugly. By onder, LOUIIS R. LUKE, -18 License Inspector. Executor's Notice To Cred- 'itors. Iu thes Estate o! James Reati, haleo! the Town. o! Whitby, Inu-the Coum- ty of Ontarlio, Retîroti Farmor, deced. Notice Is bheroby glven, pursuant la Section 56, Cliap. 121, R.S.O., 1914, Ibal ail persoas aviug daims a- gainul lbe estate o! the saiti James Reati, who tiied aI tbe sati Towp. o! Wilby ou tb. 1'tb day'o! Octabsr, 1914, are required ta deiver or senti by poat, prepaidto 'George Wood- cock, Wilby, Outar'io, the executor o! lhe sai estate,, .on or 'betore the :ftrst day o! Decepmber, 1914, Ihoin names sud addtresses, anti a fulli-de- scriptionu-'of hein dlaims, and- lien- ture. of the gScuritxes, W'lany, b.ld ny îbem, sud u,=hr aké oie uIale h at u ay of! Decemùber,,1914, thel saiti executor,' iîhi prceeti le dis- tributs lhee estats o!f1the salti deceas- ed among tb. parties entitied t1i bre tic, bavlng regard only tle laims o! which h. shah then have notice, sud lb.' saiti execttr ébhi all beh hlable 'for l be'saiti asseIs or any part tberoof, le any persan o! wbaue daim h. shb al o thon have rocelveti no- Exeouleor, by Daslod' Oclober 80, 1914. Sunday traits leate lok ¶'orouàt. 1,50 *.m. =4 7.40 p.m. Froc' Ter- >uno-trains- top at W lhltby Junotle ~1 8.1 ant 9. 55 a.m.t, sud 9.80 p.mI UP-TOWN STATION - ini Nortb.-.34o a..Goings iuth ..18,za.*, C.P.]R. 5.43g Wet9;O.U: j7: e P&1 STAGES. Leaves Wbltby for -Oshiawa aI 16 a.m. sud 4 p.m. W. Martin, pro..ý prielor. Leaves for Broughiam at 10, a.m.,. Mfr. Edwardo, proprietor. MAILS CLOSEWbty '6. -;"0p.:m.- 8,30 P. m. For 5aast-.o.30M 8,30 ... 6.30 p.U For <orgh -4ao a.n COUNJTy. OPONTARIO.' 1914. 1. WHITBY-Miss E. L. Macd* oz. Clerk, Witby.-Jafl. 18 , Feb, 5,. -Mar. 4, A§rl B, 1gay, 4, Jun*e 8'. July 8, Sept. 8,- Oct. Si Nov. I, Dec. 4, Jan, 7, 1915, OSHAWA-Miss E. L. >1acdonaSl» Cerk-Jan. 14, Feb. S, 399. 5j Apr. 4, May 5, June 4, Ju1y 4, Sept. 4ow - Oct 8, Nov. 9, Dec.'5, J"n. 8, lois. 2. BROUGHAM-M.L Gleeson, rea- Wood, Clerk-Jian. 15, Mar. -0, lut- 6, July7, Sept. 5, Nov. 11; JaLi S. PORT PERRY-J. W. Burbm. Clerk.-Jan. 17,, Mar. 7, May7, July 8, Sept. 6, Nov. -12, Jan-. 12,. 1915. 4. UXBRIDGE-R.1 J. Moore, Vlp- bridge, Clerk-Jau.. 10, Mat. t4ý, May 18, July 14, Sept. 8, Nov.'20 Jan, le, 1915. 5. CANNINGTON-Thos. H. Powki;F Cannlngt7on, Clrk-J-an, 9, maxe, May 14, July, 81, Sept. 9,N 19, Jan. 15, -1915. 6. BEAVERTON- Chas. A. Pate son, Beaverton, Clerk- Jan. o,, Mar. 12, Mayl15, Jtdy 1e, Sept. 10, Nov. 18, Jan. 14, .1915.% 7. UPTERGROVE -DanielILa&uord, jAtherley, Clerk-Jan. 7, Mar, 11, May. 18, July 17, Sept. 14, 'Nov. I17, Jan. 13, 1915. By Order, 1 - J.E. FAREWELL, Clerk of Ibe- Pesos,.. Smart- refined-faultless in every êetail- combining the limit of -luxur,/ with the limit of'utîlity, us the new Ford Coupelet. Like- ail other Fords, this beautiful car la' economical un operation and iow> in price. Don't fail ta see i. Luke A od', Dealers,. Whltby. 'COUPELET F.O.B. Fard Ont. Farm s. For Sale Upwards of forty f armes from à'25 acres up, sud at from $35 an acre, guaranteed to show sabis factory raoults'froun investmeulv, located in Whitby and P!ckering Towneh4p,. Every conceivable requirement of Sail, buildings, orchard aud other improvemeuts eau bemet, iii the 'varied istoffered., je,13 WINN, Bell phono 109.' Itesideuci, w' Duzu If wîlF"pay you f0 for your Our goods are the fil J. E. wu D)rugglet and MEDICAL H~ Brook Sft. ~LEGAL dM0. E. FAREWES BarribterCounty Crown Couaty Solil Ofi south wing CoürtJ, A. E. C HisRI1 Barister. Solialter. Notes Offo.e» Br.ck St., Opp. Moriey to La dAMEsRWTLEGE"ci Money ta Loàp.on el Office immedaateiy suili Whitby, ùn G. VYOING SMITI MARRIAGE LIC Court i'ôuâe, Whi:tby, Ba . A.ter, S WAtoN Conveyancer, et Oshawa, - -0 Office-No.-n'lKing St. E, Reiîdence-5-2Dt Phoaea-Oftice, 31; R' bl arriage Li~ Corner dru No Witueaaearequlred.. Theo-Broater Cýanada Il~ 1 . Land C o.,. tilt Réeal Estate Deaier, E,91 Rente Collected, Firpt 1, Prohertiem b<,îglîî m For terni@a ftJIly lead (Of. Bell Pboaîa 193. Sales Manaageî *GHARSo"N £RICKA*,DS WM OOURT, pi~ > 44 ymluton Ave., TO kinda of Plaateritig, L~a Chargea@ Moderate. Wr KINGS TONROAI Ten acres, Kingston Rozi ta Oshavwi, g roometi cwellî -lotrees in Iawn, ban, stal hait bearing orchard. Cie brance. Twertty-seven Hi JeII'FIS1I* iConatry Real Estate and f 409 Lunusden TORONT. "eorlLit Bui.- ad,-Dray B1 Bus toalal trai ÂUTeMOIIILE FOI We- have taken BDomknion Express 1 beginning Octobor 1 orders carefuhly attel Bell 'phoues.ý-39, 14 Stables sud Off ARCHIIVES 9F ONTARIO TORONTO W. M, LAWRENCE Blankets Blankets akt WOOL BLAI"KETS, white and grey, large ize, finest weave, well scoured., Pricee per pair, $2.75 and Up. FLANNELETTE BLÂNKETS, full bed size, colo". white and groy. Price per pair, $1.45 and. up. OHgILIYS CRIB BLANKETS, white and fancy. Per pair,. 50c. Also fancy light blue, wove with animais. Spocial each, 75C. SWEATER COATS for mon, wonien and ohildren. Quality the best. Prices non. botter. CASH PÂID FOR -GOOD FRESH EGOS. W. Me LAWRENCE BrookIn, - - Ontarlio The Best RmçyFrAlAe and proven o by thousands upon thoIlsSfds -of temt the whole worl over, inl im frous famllY medicne,- Beechrun'a Pfila.1 The'ailmente of the Aligetive organe to - whîch il are -ubject-frornWbich corne go niany srous sicknmsseg,.Bme corrected or preented by -tya few doses now, anc4 you willl K40W what'it m.ans tOnaebte ieto.sudrsep brighter eyes and gto er ceerfuignes toudr sysem asbencea ýof 'onousirnýpuïiji. -- Por bIldren Parenti, 1grand- parents, Beecham' Plla are nistàlil SWaiedY Worth aGulnea.a Box ?ra,~d o4ybv b~a Ss1~»US. H Bo a "lasi ne &d" Mevay b meriaiV .Asa.Iboa.etu October'- 22, 1914. 1 uest.11 Dated 1 Bell and Ind. Phones. the 1 Ontario. *

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