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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 12 Nov 1914, p. 7

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'4Dc \s I e ea, MU U l4rS3m ICaffl @W.t»Ye hhneelf as gety pleaeed witb the I da and re"outio bearipg of msetroops, BmI< b»as ih4est 4aitaquà ATEMISTO ,CROSS Aviator Drops* Bombs on the Eneniys . Naptha- 'Tanks at Bruges, A de"ptoli fr011 Amsterda.m Bru.ges, kiling eighb marines, a"s saye: A despakch fro«n luis tô. the a. despatèh fom Amsterdam. The Amserdia» Teleora4 afl yit li. now n3eumege çv»tiue. !"Gups were obvious tia.t the -Gerua.ns have thundering in the' direction ci' abandced ther .Vtempbs to crois Thourout amd Yr". -The e.bhie the'.Y*r.. Belgia.ýn treops oocupy makIe eonsta.nt ea&ies from Pass- both baaig f. thé iriv.er. Germau ehendaele (il milea uorth-ea.t of troop have reétreated'eaatward 'n Ypres). Apparend1y soo>i.uts- have largenumbera and continue to s.r- blown' up the rai.lway between rive - in' Brz'uge.Au- aviator 'from Bruges and Giiert, as a trainrful of the aJiw.ln" d:opped 4w9bomub wouqnded vausokliged to return te, on rin apititak tBruge." LUREDENEMY_-OVER BRIDG French Deltveved -a Bayonet Charge, For.cing thé (Jermans Into theRie A despatch from P asys.:M Ir the Gerinans quickly Pur.ued tuhem tory of an exeiting incident tba.t Dver the bridge. A moment amer a bw place neaer an portant Frnchavietor, wiio lad- been bri ,oer hoOi» M>ý-srf réni!whicki cè«MPle4&7y -de<yW the. Sipinyhsbenrecev e er.bridge. Tii.Freni t4ëq *-Ieivered 1lýhe renc1, wre orderéd to hold &,beyonet charge, forcing the ene My Ïhe bridgê at any oot.-7Tiey -plaed into -the river. A pontoon baudge quick-firers, which plaied ha.voo for wss quicly cooutetcted and the twenty minutes in the Germnan French croaed. They suSoceded ranks aid--prevented tii Germasn nt only in.,regiiing the 1lestpoi a.dva.nce:: Suddenly the. bugle tion, but in eet&bljshing themsîes eounded for a Frqnâh retreat, and In an a'dvancd poition at Tracy. TBINU -TAUI WON - SUCCESS 0F CZÂR'S ÂR3IY. Duke Nieholas Aunnouneea Swccp- F OR T-E IK BO Iag Victory v>' utras A despat& frein London says: The greatest victory for Russia - Kiaiser'@ Fortres la China, Sur.- since the beginnihig of the war is renders to Japs and announecd, by the Grand Duke Brtéi Niciilas, rwho sent an' officiai tele- - . grain to Lord Kitchener and te, M. A despatoii froin Toiie eys; The Millerand, tue French Wax. Minis- German fortress of Tslng-tau, ter, in thie following ferma: stbrongiield a.nd chie! sttienient of "Following,.our sucesses tpon the cooonr ef-Kieu-Oiiau, bralseur- tue Visfula, a complet. victory bas rendered te tbe Japanese and Bni- just been gained by our trojps tish forces, acoordiag te officiai, an- along the whole o! the front lli Gàli- nouncenient nia"dre-re. cia. Our istrategical -manoeuvre Lias Tii. firat step in brmnging about tuus been crowned 'hy what ha la- tie surreader o! the fortress, thte confestably tue greatest sixccess on anLeunceurent sa-ys, eccurred wbeii our side aince tue beginning cf the thia!antry oiiarge'd snd occupied war. I ami most confident -of the. the middle font o! tue first lin. ci speedy and entine aSooplishmert defence. Two- huncbred priseners of our comnion tasis, persuaded a vere 'taicca byftue aslies i h ts I am itha dcievictery will be operatioa. andbyteale ris1 The. Genmians hoisted tii. white gaRepo'rytsuroetroeradms flag ait thie weather observatk>n bu- Reot on Perga sae res etTaîg-tu. ii.quik cpi-tuat the Russians again have occu- teuatrin !ti. eans we tue pied Jarogiaw, rortii cf Przemysl, cuase ci the ueh surprise e hdeoy c pturing 5,000 pisoners ad zuch taue ofmenc urpriead vy o-,war material. Having apparently tenof eaiiit ,and aer- t~ urned fixe German left fianie on the pc le o! Tokie. East Prussian fi-entier, causing a charge agaria-et tue middle precipitate retreat la that quarter, fort. Wae a& brilnt on». It ivanad !ohiowirg tue retireirent of the. -led by GeneralJ Yo»himi Yamada -at main Genman arniy la Poland frein tii. head of ouapaniês <of infantry the Vistula te; the Wartuhe River, and engineers. Gre the Ru-sivin garerai staff aow has The. uuirber c tsuemn ad tunned its attention te the Aus- iea,ae» iosse, w-bih vere large, trians, who ,bave beeli'holding 'their have neýt 'been annourced. positions e tubbornly alon-g the. The. fMMiof Toing-tau endse i.San River in Ga/ilia. nicat pictureeque of tii. miner phases of ii. great world -war now Britishi Mine Swceper Sunk. r6glag- On Vive continente and inhA paofrm LnnSy& =ayo!fthe i lande cd te 6 A dsao ruaLne es weecolonies ofthtii warri-ngns,- The. Bnitiehi mine sweeper Mary ivas tiens were plsnte, combats of unk by a mine in the North Se4. more or les. int4reet have' talien Sfixetitthe crew o! 14 were rescued. ýplace, garnisons ia.ve been -cap- The. survivors, w-ho were laanecI e4 tuwd sc! o'ws ceui~dpeae-Lowestoft, neported heavy gnfr fulbut.ila the lîttle Germian coS- ing off tii. Yorkshiire coast. cfssion oun thi. soutix #id, o! the. 84tungni nsl c baatire Barber (shaving customar> - Do h~be going on aince late in Au'g- you kaow that whien tue edgç o! a a/I acuasehsle dp lt uîendyrazor 15 exammned under a micros- Sal tue fqmturés of tiose betebs lincoue it. hastel ietoeo Ëurope 't sversnl e . eaw o ture Victim-I don't LOSS -OFU-GERMANS .1,Z 50,OO0 O)pinion --Ades-pàtoiifroua Lonîdon maYs: Hilaire Belloc, writing-te -tue Daily Mail, estiniates the. Gemma louses -t to date at ,750,0lilmen. -Iknow," 'Ix, inif " tust this figure -Woks etartlingly, large, but the, renoue steps by svhicb t is arrived s-t are 1 ft I tbiihk, open tpceri.fiois-m. Il tempted, on the contramy, fo fix the ow'est conceivable minimum." The'iiimre, , 1ý0,00O, ineludes. lesses by sickness, fat.igue anrd acci- dents, Thie'sbitGern3losses ia the feld-mrcn -bit or caugh-lie - Puts et more tlîan 1,250,000. "'These leste-s" rites, 'have, -..almost up to witbin thaiesat twrc Ililitaryl wveeks .6r se, falien in thé main uipon the trained ' tmu>ps -'f thie ene-my -and mii particular eeverify upon hie body o! offioers. This 1oss o! 1,750,000 et the. vt»ry leest, whieii lias atready fallen for thé nxost par No0 tia traiped ammy, and eqiiela -le uintrainecl mus behind if, lis- faller Most heaviiy on, tha first and be-st. If cornes ho zmore Viana ftth1 of aul the twc Pessibi. categonîe combincd; piore than a ftfth o! those who eana bver mtke real eoldieràj ,and o! thie-se more f han a quarter of thie firaI lia.. "Tihere," he cïcn.tinue,-Q, "iq tha c.hief mii-itary bouature o!fie strug- gle at the. present moment. O! ail tii, availeb le niaiorial for anything approaciing s.tr~ue army, a quar-- ten lins alre-ady gon.." JIow Waroblps )Iove la Fog. Keeplng- Staktloa by the Buoy. D=rifg the ships of a ficot, mo Ig n Une ea4tow matern a large red cukcwled a "fogbuoy,'.'.tihe engthof al it equel to the distancé to be kept hetween one ship a.nd another, Fa.h veasel Iceeps ber bows c. to the. eplesh of the'fog-buoy towed by the. ship in f ront. and thus staton is kept, tiiroughout tii. flee.-7(Drawn by C. M. Pad "ay, in Illuistrated Wr Newep.) CONSCRIPTIO~N IN BRITAINI Newspapers Admit That the Present ;,Mcthods of Recrulting Are Not Adequate to 1leet* Crisis A deaopa.tchIi rom !Londo>nsys: lI view oi theii. easemâbling of ParUsa- ment, wben an important debate on mlitary mettens is expected, it ies intereeirg ta note the trend of opinion as expressed in3 tue news- pagers, wbich, with aluneet C>mpleteê unanimity. admit thaît the. preeent metbods of recruiting are net ad.- quate to zment the crisis. Wldmi only <>ne or twoeeceptions thé. en- tire London press on- Wednesday publisbed editonials poiatiag eut the reed of more men being re- cruitied, and even sucli radical or- gane ast tue Obronicle and the. Deuiy News urge thaît steps b. taker la this direction. Théi Chroniolesasys that to beat the. Germans back into, their own territory w. muet be,ble te put in the field ea.ly -nexit year more "hn a milLion men, and have et «the marne time vsat numbers in reserve fer reinforcements., The. Parliaanentoey correspondent cf thxe Glasgow Herald, gemeray well infonmed, niaies the asselrtion- that an interesting document lias beea prepared du tii. for-m of an .pje4sged botb by Premier As- quith and Mr. Bouasr La.w, leader of the. Oppostion, wiiose bjeot la to obtain information ooncerning civilians sentable for miiitry ser- vice. 'fris document wMi be circu- ker by post. over selected areas, the. Heraldsanys.- 1 German Depot off Brazillan-- Coast A despatch f roin.Cardiff, Wales, the nortii coast of Brazil, and hat says: An officer of the Cardiff with -ths base and witii powerful steamer Oornish City, which- was wireless apparatus on their sout sunk by the Gernian cruiser Keris- ehipsý they were well inform ed con- ruhe ïn the Atlantic, says the Geoe- cerning the movements of British mans. had a dpot on an island off steamers and cruisers. FIAUSllIP SANK BURINtR BATTLE- Cruiser Good Hope 'INoîw liownIo Rave Pouadered Off Chule coast. A despatch front London says It was thi. Britisuh enpiser Goot Hope, Rear-Adiniral Sir Christ<- piier -Cradock's fiagship, whie foundered afte-r being set on fi. by silal frein German war-siips i tiie naval battie liaI took place clïi the Chlean ntoast-. The British cruiser'Monmouth, which tbe. Gem- mana said tiiey iiad sunk, wabad- ly daniaged, is asiore on thie coass o! Chule. &o far as is known non. of tlie. Good Hop's crew survived. Thue iva the. neive given to the ,British public ýby the. Admiraltyv just 'as tii. people 'were beginning to think liaI tha Ganinan aeeoîù'is o! tii. result of tii. baIlle linfthe Pa- ciflo had been exaggerat.d.» The orly 'bit of! atisfactioa for the. B-rit- ipb iii llt thi i 111e Pacifie fleet -ied itselrf cliser te give. balAie toaa vary mucli stroager squardron, and had not 'beeiL over-whelmned until the. lest possible :shot -lid been fre-d aIt tc eneiny. The. following statement front the Admiralty -was issuted by the Of- ficial Press Burea.u: "-Tii. Achnimalty aow hkas' received trutworthy informatýon' about thi. action on th.e'Ciilean' coasf. r "During iSîndey. theIi. eVofNo- vember, the Good Hope, M.Lonmouth audI-lassow, caie up -with tii. Schamxaborst,i ueneiams, Leipzig and 1)rèsdea. Both sq;stosiere steaming soutlî in a strong wind and n considerable sea. The German squadrgn dcclinadgattien until sua- sel,. -whet -the. liglit gave le ,an int- poT.',tot aclvantage-. The action last-, ëd atm heur. .Good BecTook *'ire. !lEar1 lathé actinbothhei odHope and Monmrouth teck fire but fou.git until nearly dsrk, wbtn a enlous explosion ocourred on the. dark,,ma.king water badly, and ap- peared uziable to sieam away. '8h. wa-s acoompanled by fixe Glasg9ouy, wbicii xeanwhule du-ring aie whele action faougit tue -Leipzig and Dres- dca." Teacher- Ow nxany sexes are there? Littie Boy-Tiiree, Teai- er-Tiireel \Yhab arc they? 'Littie Boy-Tii.e male- sex, the. female aex and'Ihe insecote AMERICAN MACHINE BI,,',IY Takes Place of lVhat Wus Reforc .Anglo-Ameriean Brigade. A desqiateh frein London says: A few wceks ag'o t-le Anglo-Amarican Brigade, wici wes composad an- tirely of end financed e-ntirely by intericanýs, was dis-banded. But its wo hu-ndred and sixty -odd members io: net retura to the United States. 'lîey wi-l stili be able te figit fcir ' e cause of the al lies, b ut they wilà -4ht under the nain.- of tue First :indon Machine Batfeny, whieh ts just been taicer ovçr by tue A'ar Office. lt wes nurored thet the. dropping eoftthe nain. Angle- Americar Brigade fellowed a ne- quest by the. America Ambassador, w-ho aise euggeat.d that tuoe sub- scribing te tue fund refrain frein aiaking their donations public. Â BEBELLION Food flen*nded. Tiie huma-a body 'wiii and a lot of abuse, but sometimes it wiil auTe- ]y rebel and derand profperfood la plac.e!fthe. pa.aty, etrchy, greïas5 -tufs on whichit ih-as been madle sick. Then is tue -fine te try Grape- Nuts, t-he, mont scientific a-nd per- fe-et food in, the. wenld A woxnan writea: "Three years sgt> I vas v'ery ili wlt catarrh o! the. toah. and was gven up io- die by one doctor. I le. in labcd f-ou r menthesud ny sfomaoh wae 00 weak tuat I couild not keep down medicine or ixardly aay ki-nd of food and was se weak and eiaci- ated aller four mon-tu-sof this star- vation tuhat niy d&ughter ceuld ea-sily lift me fein b.d and putt me i-n muy chair. ' But weak as my etemach was-, it accepted, 'relisiid-aad digested Grape-Nut-s iithout an-y difficu-lty the finst t-ime tiiat. monderfu! food .%a-s tnhed. "I a-now strong and ~nbetter heitii tha for agreat-mia-y year a-nd am'i'grad.ual-ly groiing iei-i stronger. I reily on Grape-Nuts for mudb of ithe nounisiiuent tuat 1 get-. The r«suks heve certa»ili beau«w*orderf-uli l n=ycasead ýe !t no to1ai ase oweak it lape~us "My baby got dat f rm ted-ing on OraSe-Nut's. I w»afa-eid 1 would have te stoip gvimg* tiie food te -Mini, but I guée î s i sa. heaitii, ftfor i!9s-heltb!s JusIýperieect Namnegiven iby Cnadian Poshxm Oc., Wind-sor, O-uit. Look in pkgs. for the- fa-mous littli, book, 'Tii. Joad to W.ll- ville," "Ifhere's a Re.ason."e Ever read the abae lter- 'A asu on3 & ppears9 trem - time- té tirno. They art aonla, russansd<fun al hum Yi atoreat Compet.and Thçy . n5,alisbury Plain better sençl-oo tbsn the pree , and' enaouragement ifrouatheir ver- çkigu a;id tue Minister for Waoe, l'à aopin on, c mingfoxuh rpns1.ejouij=l, ." emyr!iue tue ii4ee, exreséý. in' cetanil Suaaters thtbe Oa.n4diAnexpedi- tionâry force would .rçquire s oeveral menthe' triiininïg beforé. th~,eo would be fli for serivici1tin . fight- SlinUn.. Montreg1, Nov. 1.-Prl ebeev6, -7' ta 7 14c; wéidium, 5 1, 79 c à-mn.334 10 ie; Imhn iiimails b3to3346- we140 to., '00; CWJlVOÇT'4 1-2 'to 851-Sca; ej' 5. -,.0e * ; Iii,mfp7 te 7 1.2ç' bé, 7 3;4» e S. AN 'Epl»iDEiO EXPE4JTED. Water Supply Very Llmlted lu City. of Antwcrp.t A deeya teh te i.LeaderEx.- chne eegra.ph from Rtterdam gays:- Â îtweoe otors predie n 8ey .pidinc wigto e uefa 'thet'h ti. nly available .W.ater eup-> ply cor'e' froua tii.- River Netie9, ýwMbch is conta.mirated, by the. bodiee ei many isian a"liers. The re- building of- tii reaervoirs wlscb were deatroyed by the bombard- ment has net'been pernxitted. UUNDREDS DIROW1<ED. Train Dashes Into Waihed Out. country Produe. Bridge on Sicillan Railroad. Butter-Choice dalry, 2Li te 25c; intanlor, A depae froni Mesins, Sicily, 20 to Zle; creuanerY prints. 28 1-2 t129c; do., ep8tl sollie, 27 to 27 1-2c. says : A railroad train- running be- 1 gtgo-New4a id. sceces.dezen, 32 t0 tween bore end Palermo was wreck- 3ne; etbrage. 26 ta £se. - nng Thre Honey-12 ta 12 3-4ce r 9b. for etrain. cd on Wednesdlay mlorng.T.r- ed. No. 1 honeyeomb, $2.76 per dozen; No. ports- receavcd .up ýto the present 2. $2 te $2.25. tm elr hta h asn poultry--Chickene, dressed, 16 ta 160; tm eeaetitalti asn auciaosdrsed. Mb. IZ te lAc; fQwl. 10 te gens on boerd, with o( exception, V£.; turkeys, dressed, t 18 14 . t. ndalth meb ,otetai Cbhceo-New, large, 16 1 161-etwnadaluem brsofi.tan 16 1.20. crew lest their lives. A bridge on Beans-Prizme. bixhel. $2.75 to $2.85; the line had been washed eut by band-plelced. $2.90 te $3.00. fiýd nwr f hscniin Potatoes-rOntartcs, 65c per bait-,out Of d .Userec u cniin store, 45 t0 50e. in car lots. New Brune- the. train crashed dQwn finto the wlcke, car iota. 60c. ver bag. river bcd, and,! tule cars were over- Provubals.turned in tue water. Wholesalers axe sellng to te traie on 11w foliowing price basis- Smolced and-Dry Sated Meata-RoIit- EXPLOY BRITISIT 1 SEAMEN. Smoked 14 1-2 to 15c. hanta. Medium, 18 1.2 ta 19e; heavy, 16-ta 17c- breakfust Shuînnagters So Urged by the Board bacon, 18 1-2 te 19e; lqong clear bacon, tons, 14 1-2c; cases, 15 te 15 14c; backs, plain, ýof Trade. 21e-: apecial 23e; boneleffl beeke. 25C. Green meats-Oeut of peckle. le beas than 1 A despmtch f rom London éays: smoked. 1The Impe rial ecat?-Srve Lard-Pure, tierces, 12 ta 12 14c; cent- Mrhns evc pound, 9 34 ta loe. Guîld'is re«ceîved front the Board - o!f'rrado -officia.l notice oonecrning BaIed Hay and Straw. the employmnent of British subje£ts Doalers are paying ae folle'w for car o lot deliverles on track here -ýp' o ships during the war. Ut is espe- Straw ja quoted at $7.50 to $8 a ton.' in cial'.ly requested- that masters of car lots. on traek bers. , ý Britigsh iips shall engage British Hay-N. 1 ew hv isquoted at. $16 t $16.5o. 1 n ew liNo. 2 at $14 to $14.50, rether flianalien seamen as f ar as an o 3a 11 to$12. -possible- duriag the peniod o!flthe war. WInnlpeg Orain. .---e Winnipeg, Nov. 1.-Cash '-No; 1 No-tii- cmn, $1.19 1-4; No. 2 Northarn, *1.1614; S GERMAX PRINCES RILLED. No. 3 Northern, $1.11 1-4; No. 4, $1.06; No. 5, 81.01 1-2; No. 6. 96 1-4; fesd 92 1-. Oate-No. 2 O.W., 586; NO.3 O.W., 550; ax- Six of Them Were Not Over Twcnty Ira No, 1 feed, 55e; No. 1 foed1 533.4c; No. Ycars o! Âge. fe, 53 1-20. Barley, NO 31 69 1450. No. 4. 85c- reieed,a601.0; fa2c. 0e. A despa.tch froua London saye: A No. IN..WO., 12,,; No. 2'.W..$1.14 1-2. -Reute i despateli from Amsttrdern -. - . ~entsI arkie.says the. Berlin prees states that killed itue war, six of tuhen agfd betw.en 18 and 20.- The n e-nth- iag to confinn the. r eport tuat the. Crown Prince is dead, nor te ex- plain the. reasen why-a& reporf.d froua Begiaix soureem-.el tue Gen- man fiasln Bruissas iere et hait- niait pn Sunday. CHRISTHAS -SEÂLS ALLOWED.ý >Iust Not, Resonible Pontage Stamps A despatah' îfrom Ottawa aya: The. Foot-office Pepartm.at lias agaan consented te -tue use cf Chnitmraa seels in ald o! chxaitaNb rlpe:týt4n-s, but oaly es stkiceno the. baclas e! lettens. They must rot resemb'ie postage stamps or beari numerale; an indications o! value.- SIXTII WAR ISSUE. Room Demand for Scventy.flve -ml.- lion Dollars Treamury Bille. A depath f oznLonn mays: Appicaios wreissedod' Wed- nesda.yjr Lndo fortheGovern - ment sitnsseo :sxmnthe' Treasiury bille9 for £1,000,000 ($75, - 000,000). Tiiere were agaim large tenders at 98pouuis, 2 shillings .ond 10 pence. This nake a a- total- of .£9O00,000,00O ($490,000,0600) in1* Treaury bilas issued by 'the Gový- ernmeut fqoý, 'War puiroe. Brtî iosiý«tal Ship Struck, mineH- At deptu roi Lm xde ma : ses.Cia tain Wlsontiiccothmaa- -Tho -hsitlsbp- cb ia bch der o1leRixl, aet-tmn wes ~ ~ ~ ~ h reeti-tekd~ tii orlc- te thiskeff oct et an îaquast. iiire coset -, l arxenu-mber of!-Tliis was tii. fret lunt that ie1 casuaitieà, struck s. znai, and h. iosita eamJp -ad truok a. miné. It ebadly b jred t .Iim Pcpanhabeigneral ly understeixîthalt was iorced fo rua 1ieF Ib o t3ii the vessel more'ly ïgeV-off lier -cours" rocks in order- te scape uning tab ezr Wiiubvra.nd pilecLon the rocks.j W1~L8 ELEPHONE. The Inventer, A4t Rorneq, ntercepta cd. a Jfessage troan Londeu4 Rorneý, Nov.. 4.-1po Donin~. A rgenltieri , tue priest -,Who ba- i- vented a pocket< w!reIeasreoeiver,. exp.rim.nWed with thé' reèeiVer 7t.. d ay at the, Britioal iübassy in the. peneettheBriil baaoadoe aid, mi14 ya nd-navai ceiverw e sWater pipe, and witli oïadima.r-y ~l1Jon&ewires and inter- ~çpted 'a -qn'v.mtioilwireleffli ee.- sag sent, for the purp-os -froua*I$n- -GREEI<S WOULD -IIELP. 100,000 We!uId- Mebilize iie<aaada9t Digfenee sAym 'O ne 4! Tems. 7 A d.spatoh frioin*I.oMdon, OnUt., says:- Peter Siniries, 'cf Ç.randUsa-, pids, Miohi., 'tbe milkôit , éi, Gr.ek poroo ne, * huleon -a business trip to .bsciy on Wedneaday, d!e- clere fiia thouiioitcanada nd Greeka -who eould be ewu*ily Ïiobi- ized te helpd,*~nd Oan4" fioen au infvasion ol, xmerican Germans. VEsuvIuS MORP, ACTIVE. New PisUre lias Qpene-àt Bottom of the- Oi Orater. A despatoli !rom 'Na.pleesaéy's The erut tacm of Mourt Vesuvius bas -been auginented becauSe --f the okpenîng o! a new fissure ia-thse bot- toma bfthe.od«Wtrato. From tai. new opfning an extrao6rdi «a.ry asnount ci!e omoke and a great quan- tity el aAies-Lis bek* eniitted. 1i is blc>wn by the wind, toward 'the oeashore,. , loûdins 'the' villages &round the - gui -and alec the. -hIand c>! Capri, 20 miles South of NeJples, which eppears as iflan a mist. ENTERPHETER ]RÈtD FOR $PT#- Compicte .Wircless Outfit IVas Found Ina-Ris Boom. A despatch from- Ottawa Mays - Official news has bee.n receiveil here cf the arrcst of an ImmigraklônDe- partment interpýreter nanied Arthuùr Lauf, et Halifax, for espionage. A coniplete wircless outfit kas foun.d in him rooni. He had bem'i uîder suspicion and was taken in. charge efter thé war broke out, but was releeased on production of neaturali- zati9n 'papers. He is now held as-a prisober -of war Genînan Toops Tired of the. War. A young Highland -officer, la the course o! a. lette-r te his parents tue day before he wes wotînded et tth. battIe of;the Aisne, wnte Isa very fit, end we are doing very iwel af presen-L W. areao-w in tue sanie Brigte s we wene aet Aldçrniio«, and c4uequeutly are, n -131tii liJick of thi-P. W. have been a .week et our new job, and 'have been 'ian tdree mmli actions., W. have been drivin-g thei. Gerin-s backsteÈeadimlye and it ems tint +,hey are- demenai- ized, at pre-sent st anyrste. Accord- ing te, -tii. repçorts froua sonie prison- ers tii, Ge-rmna troops. are g.tting,> veny tired of tue warwmino! tliem net haviag -had any fooýd fer four dat-s.' - COPELAND'8' CUEFOR- CGNSUMPTIEWI I~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~i avdarc,22WibrvÂeit rI rno '1 r if5 1,.*-5.......1.1 lu .1 ' camsof '0M f Their Trainin'g is Alil But WIII Not Be Long D4-,aine4 A despetch'f rom 'Lonidon ayes: That the. Canadien tro.ops need net be detai.aied much'longerT at Sale-' bury.-Plain is the opinion> of tu9 London De.ily Te.ýgph, *which,* conunentirg on the ,i,în"ec- tien; says:- "Nbw-'that their train-, ing lsa au but complet., tii. time I14s8 almoe olne for ',eni to joui the, fighMnig lige. T, l ch d ae ne., ?RIES 0F fuAR RI P ftS Toronto, Nov 0-ll-M4tJSfe pvatents 96.60 l uelaa eodpt ente, îoi0; treng as s'*.0 aat wheat gour.,0prctt ptns 104 atM45 tXo40ésbad 8'ot_ anito6a No. 1 Nortln , w 24 $-jN.2e 1.21. 0,ntaowat s; ýquatgd *1 $1,10-Io $14Z -at outaide, POaUto-Ontarlo, 49 te 50c, oulside, and at' 62 te 53o on trsck, Téomate, Western Can- ada, No. 2, quotad et 62 141c, and No. 3 at 600. Bariey-63 te 66c, outoide. lRy&-NIo.2 et 687o, outsida. peua-o.2 =uo alet$1.25.etd.. Corn-No. 2 Â rian, 84e, Toronto, andý 80e.e.1., By 9rtI. Euclrwheet 2 .2 t 70 to 72e. outaîda.' nominal.'$2 oZ4at, Bran and sorts-Br&n,*2te$4aon and ehoitaest *26 te *27' BeUed oats-CJar lota, par bag of 90ib. $2.90 te $3-10- of Hilaire BeIIoc, the English -Expert 'e 2 yeUlow. 83é. Oata, <an fdan Western. No.3,59 1.2 te 60a; extra No, 1 feed, 59c; No: 2 ma 'wvite.56c;-No 3 toca~i e M6e; No. 4 local white. 54Z, 1arley, lIen. teed. 64e; maltlng, 78 to 00. Flour, Mani. OprIng mlgest pateJm4 IrAts. *6.80; sec. onde, $6. P;tr9 bakeiW, *;Wlnter patenta. boes aU'libt roliers, 4550 b ?5à # 00tg $26.q $6e o ~r qg 1 to 119.50, Ceese. fninet astrn.15 1 finet ,*at5rWç. 15 kk4. Bt.,ciOps craey, 271.2 tu 26o - .sop î $614to 3to 3lc;lNo. 1 stock. 2ta_ e; Ne. 2 stock, 24 te Zc. Pota4oE, er ai, car iota." 60c. minneg4polle. Nov. 19.-4W4.a&t No. 1 bard, $1.17 14; No. 1 Northern, $1,1ý3 34 te $1.1614; No. 2 Northern, $1.10 3.4 te $1.14 1-4; *Dectember.* 34. Corn, No. 3 yeliow, 60 ta 69c. atf,l No. 3 white, 45 1.4 to 45 1.2e. Flour and bran un- cba.nged. Duluth, Nov. Io.-Wbeat. No. i liard, 1i1 N.INorther, *.1?; No. 2 North. ern, 19-13; »ecesibsr, 41.15.. Linseed, $1.39 12; Decemùber, $1.38. Livo StoCit Markets. Toron oNov 1 O.-Butchers tai, od colnmon; *6.60 to $6.U5; Eu hober ule, choice, $7.15 to *7.35; do., god bulle., $6.65 t<, $7; do., rougbbulle, -.5<11o-86», butcees' oov, bo1e,*6.0 o $.7~ d.,m dum, $5,60 ta $6; do;, eomnon..I$4.75 te $5, 20; feoders. 900 Ibo.., 'e$75do.. me 1 hulia 55 *.25 aoces.700 to"1,0 lb., $ ~o$6,0;do., medlm, #5.àô0 to $5.7; e 1g, pItE *3.25 toe-440; 147 .-e5,# do.'#- t 0~*.7s t,' $6 te $10; f 0; ~ ' f '1IOVr tliet 1 m w«Ualle4, tro1w agata, 1 *rite te utale that thefaci 1 m rn .1v. to-day vltnesss telb. meit 9 o r-medicine. The. dec- teom gave ime 0107,0t o -d0'171 to uive. . -, I'wWhli vec-y ne. could know Ibmesort- -cd ,ur mod1ie, espeelelly tlie- arn dm4 villucoa. sumption, aus1r-wYS., for I ntdoubt- edly eaved m=y 1f. te ils us,e.,,c. 1 doctor end ea pocleliet attend.d David Warnock ea" gava him na bope. That 'vas ax-e&h, 91 Pour month a atarw-.x-shovas v*eIl zqan smxd led 'gaiepd 66 lb.. If 79q afaWer r now cf qne, cnnd us pp~ dIes And -Wviisead -a o1 Uy.o ' anock's $.astlmony la at aay alliera;,marne of,- which basva been eux-ad.- f obronie- bronchIte cff over 30 ysars setand.- ing. At yeur ruig e rsat Mm UOEAs IE ICINEOOMPNY," -MSTED, '40

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