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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 19 Nov 1914, p. 2

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piémots out of 0005. 0On 73 Of the where the. implementm are, boosê, thé North Bsay and the two nurses are î4mj hers' were ne tMPlefiiint svei-aIe life cf thé binder wus fournd com1d1table and seen hipy. nes uheds of an>' description. On Il21 t o >bebetwees 1e sud-17? yosrs. Mai>' Hospital et tis,,point la, ilu-splendid' thse farins, sheds large onough toCV lders wcre som whlch ,wcre l goed condition and- a new -assistant , j or j part of thse ImplOments wece ruuhfi-ng crder after cuttlug 20 -sea- goIig there -on'te iclteeuth of. oto-. found, iu .mout cises -tus bet-ng ôaly smena' crop's. ber. Good woirk Is aUgo beng donec a. buggy or a domocrat, but net 0<-on lun Saskatchowan su ad Mantoba, the New. Lislard Hospita. one s4ngle farm was the machiner>' whore se nwuch cf thé. machiner>' ls Iu Calgary th. work,,la golug on &Il bousod. ,Net -one f armer wae le! t out ot deors, thc average lote of wPOI, and just belore the wa.r broke Sfouud who paintkd hls Implomente ~tii. blu1bider ls given as .about 7 years, but. they gmave- garden part>' which preteet them from tiie weather. which Iu less thap hait that o!; the netted thxns about eue thousand -dol- til'Manitoba only 14 ouýt of 94 ko.p binder protected lrcrn the weathor. lars, and the, Cl4ty Council Incrcased tbeir macblnory under cever during f(Miy binders do -net lait ai long as their grant, se the -district ia In got wlnter, wbule 44 dlaim te keep a pari seven years. -One fariner noar Mecs- finauciai shape fer, thée year. of It Inside. On 34 or the' Mantoba emin, Sask.#, whoa after 12 :years Duoring the month of Septeniber the was refflrîng froni the farm, heid an Assistant Inspector has been inspect- swct.Ion sale. f is 'bludetalter eut- lIng',the Moutreai î district, and ha. WMI1'BY MARKETS' t4ng 12 crop!s sôid fer $80, or 50 piei sent luIna. most1ý- grati fying erpt 'et _____ cent. of the'original cost, sud hmUCpriuariy excellent work that Wbet, 'ai........115 i 0 ther machlnery at proportionateiy la belng doue there . i connection Visaigeo. 1., t ~ tagis prîces. 14 had 81l beon weli With - Chid Wellare, Mlk Stattons, Barley ... ..1...... .... 0.05 teo 065Ë housed, and the .nemeary painting -the Motber's ClIinie,. the Bell Telo- Beae .... ...............1.00 to jis and r'epairlng nad becs doue te koep Phono Company>, and thse viuli4ng e ,.........................te ,7 It In good rder., On a uelghborlng nursing lu the homesl of tise people. Peas ý. .................0.90 te 1.0 tarm, a bînder whlch had cut only Two et the Victerian Order Nurses, Bucwhs$........079 e es hree crops,. but which had been neg- Miss Doinville, et Montreal, and Miss Oats . .........0.50) te 0.55 lceteti and stood eut of doors, was Hudson, et Winnipeg, bave le! t for ROed Clover"'».......... .. .@, ,,#,S belug, relgated' te the scrap hcap the front. The Chiot Superlutendent' sud al new oee was beiug purchased. told ail V.O. nurses that they were FLOUR AND FEED. An Implement shed cests mene.y, froc te volunteer for war dut>', anti -- - Fleur, pec M.e.t.........25 te 3.50 but If its use willi double'or treblo if auy wero called a.way for servic Chepped lecd, swt .....10 te 1.50 . the length et time mnachruory Will shc weuld put their names on tihe corn Ma............8..... .00 to 2-50' last, it lusa gooti luvestmcn.t. Farm- Reserve List et the Order, while Brn, Pe9totes.........1800 te 28.00 ers etten sa> that they canoet afford tii.y' wcre away. It lu theearnest Shorts, per ton .... 3...0-00 te 80.00 to build a shed. The truth is, the>' wiah etfbthe Chtef Supertateudent MLT, POULTRY AND> PRO ' relycnutafrdt ewltheu that aIl Victerisu Order Nurse. dhail Me, cwt., drsse.....12.2& te 1&.00 elle-. Apart from the addltlonai pow. ho heiptul lu an>' way posoible, sud Cattie, lvé weght ... 6.50 te 7.50 er uecessary for eperatten, the -de- there are great eppertuittes for Our Lamba, mach............. .00 te 8.0e preclation on unhoused machlnery ou nurses to de much god, aside trom Hega dresses....... ... 11.00 te 12.00 tic 'average slzed farm'is se great their actual district work. gogo; select.............. 8.25 te 8.50 as te ameunt toi ipucls more blian the At the meeting lu June, permission Ojilekens, per lb. ....0.16 te 0.20 coit -aud upkeep et au impiensent v-as gîven b>' the Executive Council Ducks. per lb,......... ..0.18 te 0.20 shedi. Tii. binder werks for oui>' a to have the suze et the V.O.N. medal Gesse, druomed, per lq,,. 0.18 te O20 short time durfng the yeu., whIle changeti, aise ,tise style ot wcaring *Turkeyi, drsmed, per lb 0.20 te 0.118'machiner>' lu a shop werks the whole sanie. Tic new inedals. are nuch Butter, Pe« lb ~0.28 teo.ad lYear through' anti isats proportion- amaller, andi lnstead et bclng wor)n on * 'EtP, nov, .psr do .....0.27 teo0,80 ateiy many times longer. It js imp. a cord areunti the ueck, as berete- Lard, per lb............. 0.18 te 0.20 1 l a. malter cf care. Tie. Ile et a fore, the>' are nov *veru on a ivar- Potatees, per bag ..7 0.90 te 1.15 machine ext4uds lu direct'ratio te pin, ta whlc he ic etal îs attacbe4. Appies,- per barre ......1.50 te 8.00 ie care il keceives, and, abuse aud The pattern ot the modal bas, o1 Onloni, per bag ........1.00 te 1.25 negleot wlll shorten the lite- of an>' course, net been changed The aId Hay', per ton .........14.00 te 11.00 meellànsm. The manufacturer'is not oses are belng calieti in andi new eues 1 - MIDES responsîble for the cure ofet m na- given lu exchaiige. Wogl, uowssheC_'....~.0.14 te 0.17 chlnery after it is solti. Thsis reste C41, ukins, Pei lb ....0.18 to 018 qitireiv vth the. faffer, and as a Cemr nt Clun Used in Con- Lirnb uklus, each......0.70 te 0.75 common-seuse business proposition b. Nid.., per cwt . ..... S18.0t 60sô shoulti look after bis owu luterests struction Work at lios- * ShepWis... .........0.75 te 1.15 suffic'fentiY te bouse bis impienients pital for Insane. »Sscous ..... ........ 0'25 to 0,.70 and thus save thse thousanils 'of ýlol- no Hrse Nid....... ..... 2.8008 0 l an wastcd asinualli n unnecesgar>' By H. B.. Magowan. TaIIol#p rond., per lb.,., 0.08 teo0.06 deprecatlen.-F.C.N.-Th olwn ar Alise cdoyen, per bus L00 to 9.00, - Edit. Note.- i oiwn r Traint Time 1hble. G.T.R. WHITBY JUNCTION. eolng1West ....:4.32a.m1. c ong sat...o.w0 ..7.40 P. M.'J .... .9.30P.fIn Suuday trains leave ton Tonante 4.52 a.m.. anti, 7.40 p.m. Prom Ton- ente-tiains stop at Whltby Junction ai 8.15 anti 9.55 a.m., anti 9.80 p.m. UP-TOWN STATION Golnir Nortb.i.>o s'm. Ooing South -7.7îs a." C. P.R. 00109 West-9 37 9-11:- Golng East-9,i 5 aim 5-35 PM 7.38 p ni STAGES. Leaves Wiitb>' fer Oshawa ut 10 a.m. sud 4 p.iu. W. Martin, pro- prieter. Leavostfon Brougham atah10 a.m., Mn. Etivants, prepnieton., * MAILS CLOSE For Et 91i-.630â., 8.30 PaIn. Fer Frt aWhiuy- - 6.3o a 6.3o p.x For Oslaws-- .Mp. For -Noth--630.tii COUNTY 0P ONTARIO. Clork, Whitby.-Jan. 18, Feb. 5, M(ar. d, Apil S8, May' 4, Juao 8, -JU1V8,SOi8 Oct. 2, Nov. 71, Pop. , iJpl..7,t3.915. t>SEÂAWÂ-Miss E. L. Mscdonnell Çl.rk-ii* 14, -Fo. O, Mar 51, Apt. 4, M&Y 5, Jut-- 4, July 4, Sept. 4,' Oct. 31 Nov. 99,*Du. ô# Jmn. 89 1915. BIR0UGEAMX-M. Gleeson, Green- .,woo4, Cloîk-J&.fl. 15, Mar.' 0, May> 6, July 7, sept. ,NÃ"V. il, Jan. FoR FOM ÈIRRY-J. -w, Burubsua gC).k.-Ja. 17,, Ma; 7, May'7, jutrl. Seut., Nol. 12 Juma. 12, moorol, u ,msu. 14, I, Nov 80,lo MeinseifWas Ih. 13y H. E. Stuart, Moosomin,- Sask. Tise floliowing original verse 'iii ho toad with iut.erest. Following ne.. ceÃœt., publication of "Hoci tien Kai- ter". by se mais> Canudian newspa- pers, tuis sequel, written b>' a western edtor anti publiset for tise Aret timo< ,vo ,believe, b>'thi.« Nee- pawa Register, is as nefneslslng as it, l original. Dr. E. L. Precten bas bocu Sund onougis te funnisi us wltii a cep>'. Dat bantnensbip mit nie anti Get Vas ail a fake-va, -simpi>' nt- Te dm5 etf it shust makes me ibot-. MeInsell vas IT. Vat cane I'Ion tr ien uasan Czar, For kIngu on pinces nean or far . Wbncenflicts ceme, isit tilu o! van, wh * Menseit, vas IT. Von France noans Up und vante te figisi, Meluselit vli knock ber outof sight.- Meinseit vas ALWAYS<n tien ight- MeInseif vas IT.- Voýn Englanti dakea ber gauntiet up, Vat cane 1 for -don -'old,'bull pup ? Vnom nie de>' gets ne leving cup, Meinseit vas IT. De's Canada, tien Llco's wieip, Dat ce-unir>' I viii surel>' scalp, Viii make hon sisout alouti for help- Meinseit * vas IT. Ven I declares dat blueS vas white, Der nations rnust s>' dat vus rigisi On teeldten power von msiolmigis.- Meinseit vas IT. ahsust absorbe don luger boor Undi points mcm moustacbe te usein 'car- Don boss et ail tienriemlspher&... - Meinsel! vas IT. Miens dat lu otden landis nesde Rafsf preati tien aton>'fan uMA vida Dat -Gott 1figistu nsld don ojder aldo.. Meinseif vas IT. Mit Gott I am noti satlty, Ho tilt noti luse don Belgianu 11>', mt Gott I efermore flgbt sy-, Meinseif vas IT. Don nations al ma>' take ia up, For Gott I do neot care, a rip-. 1 hat dlssolved dat batn.naup- ,Meinoît vas I'i. Yjct rian Order eof Nuirses, Thse fint et îhe moxithi>' inetingo, sIný tise adjouquent for tise suri-, mer, ef, tiseExco 41vi Councili oftise Boardi et Ga>Yenars of 4the Vîctorlan Or cf N*Wfor "0àads Wsu a1Id t teic Hme ct < ýOrdo n l zmOcltaber ilrat-. 1fr. J; 'M. ocunt- UM'i Prei4out, waa ln the chair. Therz* vfice present besddes: Dr. T. 81 tn, prof. J.W. --RewbesQ, - Dr. $w . es, K.C., Mn. Geprge Bu=,. ; ohn Frazer sud Mins Drake.' usual reports etoremitanti tome ImPortui Iattei dcusued, aft« aller wiiitise Chie! SupenIn- 1tog ?s 'r@ýôrt for tise mentis , cf ~H J~1T &il andt Septeinisr, bide b>' Mn. Magowun, ofthtis staff et tihe Hospital, lu taken frops "Tise Contract Record" of Novomben 4. It lu accompanieti by severul very inter- esting photographe et varioug scenes ut tise Hospital, but we are unable ho ,reproduce these.) Tiser. is new being erecteti ut Whit- b>', Ont., a Hlospital for the Insane, which upon cexapletion will haSe a position lin the foremoqt ranks ot lu- stitutdonsoe t i skini. *-Tise buildings are belng erecteti upon tic shore ,et Lake Ontario on a site isich is vii 'rirtuali>' a hospitul village, tise whole sciseme being under tise personal su- pervisf on et Mn. S. A. Armstrong, Assistant Provincial Secràtary. Tise wank is now weii advanced. lIn ail details ef construction, tise aum bas been toa atopt tise lateut and Most efficient metisots. Perisaps in ne spiseeoftactivît>' lu this pninciple more lu evlIdeuce tisan iu tise plaster and stucca wonk. Tic fireproot na. turc et tise construction uecessarily ln.,valvcs a large amount et plaster work, anti 1h was ut -once realized tisai au Immense savlng ot bath la- ber andtime coulti be matie b>'tise use efthtie Cement Gun. Unden tise supernutentience o! Mn. H. K. H-eath-1 feldi, et Toronto, thus equlpment le giving tise greatest satisfaction, net onu>' as s labor-saving tievîce, but ai. se tren tise utautipoint et qualit>' et produet. Iu ettect, thse cernent guis Is ais Sp- panatus designedti t diseisange mer- tans dîreci> oen te tise surface te be coateti, b>' means of a isoze aud nez. zle. Atter bclug tiaraugil>' Ineorper- atct, the. dry niaterlals constltutiug the usmIx are piaceti lu a speciali>' de- signed isopper, wience the>' are blewn b>'. compresseti air aiong s flexible bose, at tise enti et wbicis du a double uezzle.;Tis nozzle lsu tu- niaiseti witb a se parafe pipe, couve>'- lng wahen, aud se arr'anged tiat tise -eementitious muterials' are mlxed wîýti tise nequlsite iproportion- cf vat- or practicaill at htie'point et dis- Chà,rge. It lu eiaimed b>' the usakers 'thit tise product efthtie cemenct -guis, iow têèChuleail>' kuwn au "Gunite," lu Supmer I n cVery vwa>' to ail atm mnortaru. Tis contention lu 'anipi> te0rne eut b>'tise results o! tise verk dene ah WhItby. This clite superIoÏit>' ot pro- duct lu based upon_ certain tiefnite cielnikai anti physical pnînciples thst underlie ticeisetio<l et application. It13 u su itiputable -tact that cebemicaî action lusuedîately euus, resultîug in the faniular proceue cal- cd "&sothng." It tellowg, tioretere, that au>' subs6quent handllug or mlx- Ing, suci as ncselytakeu -place 1u hand-nslrd od rtars, muît inter- fore -viti thâ chemicae cto l't Indial . stage,- anti cSequentîy dis- turb tiesemt. Iu the; cenent gun process, ince hYdratton takes Place durng tise ap- plication e!01thse mertar, tise cement lul t inal neâtglu wh~vien the mttlng process'beginu, and thon. ds msolitisng te Interrupt that ,c ntlnuuty cf. hardulinf necegniueb>' lie belt >authonlties as ,emtlal to strengtla cf produet.- It nlgi htltoight tbajt a conug-ý erable.- quantit>' cf Iatenlal would re- býound Irons th. neeovlug Surface sudj Since ail surplus sand andt, vater- ,re erpelleti b> the forçe cf impact, there is ln 'Gunite a eoumendable-ab- sence of thse fAultss 80common lu or. dinar>'matars, a ftacti that hm~ becs, madtié evîdentb>' man>' exhaustive teste f or aety aud pernseability. But s part. from tise question et su- perlenit>' of prduct, thse tact -that Uic cement gun has. effecteti an im- mense saving lun betb tue anti la- ber,' ls suffiolout te Justît>' Its use at Wh Itby, aud ludeeti on any large un- dcrtaklug et a similar nature. The application etfniortars b>' baud lu et necessît>' a ver>' costly' aud lengti>' precees, Inasmuci as several separate--coatiligs are requiredti eob- tain tie proWerbod>' and finish. Tihe cernent gun applies an>' required tbicknes e1plaster -lu oee peration aud'this lu iess lime than the' lirat coat eau bo applled b>' baud. A it Wlilby tic exterlor wails et tise buildings are betng cevereti, au one operation, with a coatlng et stucco. plaster three-quarters ot au iuch iu thiCkneîs. Prens carefuli>' compiled records 14 iabeeu computed that an average net surface et 300 square yards bas been cempleteti euh day. Iu the case,. e tho interior walls, aud partitions, these are recclisg -a eue-hait mIch- coating et piaster, sud tie average day's verk fer thus mn- tonial bas been 634 square yards net surface covered., Thse matcnial used for citenier stucco ConSsts ef Alca lime mixeti withs 25 pet cent. of cernent andi 5J te 7 parts of sand, while thse interior plaster etinsiets ef Aiea lime sud santi, without cernent. Alca lice je matie up et 20 per cent. Aiea ( Cal- ciumi Aluminate extracted trons a (2uban Slag) aud 80 per cent. hy- drated lime, wNh il a high magnes- iumn lime. Tbe Provincial Governixient have thelr own' lime quarries, kilu aqti b>- drating plant, at the Central Prîison fan, Guelph, where full ativantage bas been taken of thse natural resour- ees that exist there. The higis sanil- carrying capacity of Aica-lime net euh' nedum e pexpansion aud con- trarct'ion o et ..atucco, andi 50 iniim- izes the teudene>' to crack, but aise i nsateriaily lowers the cest. Tise saud deposits on the Lake front at Witby provide first-class material for the extensive concrete work that- is being being donc on ,the new hospital. ' It. belssg comparatively f ree trom organ- ic ïipurities, thîs 'sanis i particulan- ly well suiteti for stucco. Iu operating tise cerent gun, each uozzle fis directed by one rn, foi- lowed Up b>' tWo plasterere wbo put tise rinishiug touchés to tise gunite,_ by hanti. Another man le requinedti t regulate the valves tisat coutrol thc chambers of the isopper, while atdi- tiouai labor is necessany te niix tise matenials anti feedti tie hopper. .An exact costiug uvateni is main- taineti at Wiitby, andtihie data ai- ready> comrâied prove couclusivel>' tisat the cernent guns in openation there'have efiectei a large saviug. General Featîires. Wiseu cempletedth ie new hospitai will consist of ever tort>' buildings anti will provide accommodation for somne 1,500 patients. In tise cosstructionai operations prison labor is beiug utilizeti ver>' largel>'. Al valla, partitions, floors sud cellings w'iIl be etf ireproot 'con- struction. Tic toundation walls are et cencrete, run lutothe ternis on tise job. The upper walis ând parti- tions are et eencreteý. Mtal lath is useti Ln ail the bulildings. A new type et reintorceti coucrete fleur, lu costvect removal et, uludgp ç bac- ternal treatment b>'. rapld fIltration through a bed oet crushed ,atome to break up aud ronder Inoffensvetise raingue, mntter lu theo Iiquil snd fin- al>', ciiomlcal troat=et te' destro>' ail, dîseso produikcng bactora. Thse cocutruettonal.-equipibent lui- cludes a narrow-gauge railway sy.- tem for trauuporta4den urposes, cou- nectlug ail sections o tise 'werk, snd a. spur'lineofo the G.T.R., built Inte A,1l grades et steve sud 1urilace coal are ,pnloed higiser lu Uxbrldge U-in.l Witby. Tat As eune point tnbwhItIo 15advantageou to lifvo on tise water front.. Thse un>yer-old son, et Robert Welah, of Uxbridge, died-frmt infiam- usaiWenof 4h. iver. 'e A AAA&J aru "eeognud ail' Oer tieworwm tgo b.' the bout e ort. of t'ropýbie .ofti digetip*e organs. Tbey tous tue stoMacis tmulate tbellver, ýreg- ulate tii. bowels.ý They >louas. tbe sVstsin, puzIy tgoeblood sud. seMl in.»bot msud StutW" for -Ho'alt'h MON u M E N ofil DoUgus and laterIli kpt IlStock It wtJl pay you to ýCall at ou works sud luspocifor yourselt.. Doa't ho m1sied by' agents. Wo do not mmploy theni. Couuequestly we ean imd do aiiow the agent's com- mission, 10 per cent., whlcb y"u wW ccrtally savo by purcbaslng froua u. A COUii SolIcted. Ofie. -and Workm Opposite Standard Bank, Wbliby.i ,SWAN FUNTAIN PEN6 If you want a Swan Safety that can b.esrried in the pocket > any way, theu tii. Swan iu the ont you want. Us.qo UP 70 YONGE STREET. Çorner KIng St., Toronto. DOUBLE TIAC"-LL TUE WÀT. TORONTO - CHICAGO TORONTO esIWONTREAL Trhe International Limlited Cauada's Train of S,îperlor Service Leaves Toronto 4.40 p m. dally, arrives Detroit- 9.65 p-.nsd Chicago 8.00 a mu. MORNINO SERVICE Leaves Toronto 8 a.Mn., arrives Detroit 1.45 p.mn and Chicago 8.40 p.n. daily. Lest Train out aif'Toronto et Nigt Leaves i1185 p.m., arrives Detroit 8 &.m. sud Chcago 3p.m dailh asmurlng important conue. tions wlth principal ralns for Western Statuesud FOR MONTREAL Leavesç Torontog ..m., 8.SOp.i.snd Il pzum. datly. Be rth reservations, etc., at (..T.R. ticket 0fâces, Pull particulars tram agents or write C. 9. HORNINO, District Puasnger Agent. Union Station, Torouto. Ont. B EFRAOTIING E. t'tephsnson, Agent, plions 50, WlIIIbY York E. E. BLQW, Agent, Wbîtby TI Rai Il tw yen r Thse Equlty LUfe lu-the total abstain. ens Company. ,If f nteussted write for' fur*ber particularu The mae Who mmdi.. hileown luth. tewil patronizcre l zu. Auuracoe ompemy. L. W. DUDLEY, * H.5UTERLAND, «,âmPresident à Omuers aZage Torouio. Toronto, Ont, eno1s National Reputation for superlor. suoolead Sborthand Eduestio, Ail bésinessse hools are not alike. Nothlgj ls tlan the bout shoulilsasty you, and nothluig les# thisn glvlng the beut training will satlsly us. Cataloi.une f ree. Enter any time. cor. Toaucend W. J. g3melti, Otariets..IIola Livery, C tg and Teamîng. [s'have recent'y a4ded to my welik equlpped iivery stable a heavy tearn sud dray for ail kinda of cartage and teamiing work, and wiil be pieased to receive orders, which wiil have prompt' and oareful attention. PHONE 69. CARRtARE TO MEET ALL TRAINS. Jlohn t61mb/et' Scranton Ceai Chestnut and Stove per ton $7.6-0 Egg per ton PA Cairbon 6.l.si 50 i Aert aron l -slseds 50cntO per".Th tnmees. "arantOsth Cgei.se amegurates is 7.25 E ',R. BLOW, Impreg nabie Strongth, Iautmum Benoîit, lacompafable Olvidonds, Minimum Net Oost.t For rates andi fulinformation apply to P. J. DUFF,7 MR. A. E. DONOV AN, Special ep.j Queen & Victoria Ste., yte. Toronto, Mgr. The- M utlial Lifs IN.UYrkIl a Whisby Jl.i5~Ik.U~l5k ___ Uwus5uW7 (Box 91)> i>flgi Bell hone 138. ooNTrRAOTOirR ANO BULDER PLAN4S 0F ALL DESCRIPTION *FUgNISHED. Residence, - Tlornton'ls Cornera Phne 41, Oshawa. THREADGOLD BItOS. FIRST OILAIS WORK GUARANTEN». Charges moderate., AppIy Dundas St. West or P.0.:box4o3 D4NTAL W. ADAMS, Dentist, Office, Dundas Street, Reildence No. 4,- the Térrace, Byron- St., Whltby. Phone No._122. JAS. BISHOP, Oshawa;* Lensed Auctoneor. Su&j ceesor to L. Fairianks. For termi and dates appiy to self or G. Robli, WRa. MAW » LICENSED ALICTIONHER .AND VALIJATOR. AIl klnds of sales promptly atteni- ed to. Arrangements 'for sales eau b. made at the Gazette Offce. Terms reasonable. Bell and Independent phones. WtiITBY, ONT. Ja-mes & Walker, Punip Manutacturers Successors to B. W. Evyanr Sbop-Dundas Street, Wh1tbýY. Three doors west of Whltby House. NVe are prepàred to ins tali wood or iron puups on short notice, also attend to all kinds of repairing. Agents for the Ontario wind miii, almo gasoline engines,.ý Plione-Beli 0, lad. 20, WINTER. TOURS. TO TRE LDAND OF Sunsftlne il uiur. ais.' THE "OANkDUAN" FAST TIME BETWEEN MONTREAL-TORO NTO DETROIT-CHICAGO. Particulars from Canadia-n Pacifie Ticket Agents, or write M. 0. IMurphy, District Passenger Agent, Vorner King and Yonge Ste., TIoronto. Beach the Worldý by, the- Bell System.' A BUSINESS MAN told us the- other day of how h. le meeting- the- slackening up iln fradéà e. if. wasabout to aend. a salesman to see a customer'two hundred and ilty miles: away, but ho had littie confidence in the outcozne of the trip. Hie had neot urne'te go- hîmseif, aluhough h. did want v'ery rnuch to have a personal talk wlth thîs customer. This la the "ay thls business man ezplalned. It to; ua.- "Al 'at'on> I' thougjit-of the telephone-why flot cali hlm up and- talk ,wlth hlm myseif ? When 1 Ont spoket l, ewsalittle nervous about buylng anythlng, but 1W a lîttie remSuring talk 1 was able toge a first clam.ore from hlmé. I am now coverlnt our. entire terrltory by long, dista.ne telephone,,and' I tel'yout4e resiuits are great. My one regretis tllat I dldn't adopt thse elephone method sooner" The: sarlng the. long -distance telephone effecta ini tîme and labour; two great factors inbitsiness coste, naes it the great aly, of the -p-to-date business man who.lé trplng to keep thlngs up te normal. Get the habit of -reachlng gour world by telephone-It wil pay you,. .- ~.e f1L~ facei ef wIiLt e call cratifled ber pri' Lurniedti tber.t nature and lovem portance. Sden't ,ouppc. "that hé'l1 coul r ive nie a gQod Of courao Euh "I vaut ti eai as they ieut at later. -I dont gOZt teliVe - x.Tisere are is; anti il 1 lad, MnY p"fople I1 et uprnontb,, aga *'teac-hing je pri leigt ith PnoPI not apeaking. et nane -fer therne feront matter ai ,splendid thing. But. rmy dear Er lessons-Je toear Enid eisruggeol hupeletsly. "I dont vaut vaut to. learm, know after 1 mei I went t e e tIl Inn about. I Pl very encoliragin "Was he?" sa tisut's gooti. for oee rupracticail té go te hlm n Etrîd. I hope yoi get on tae ureg wiii do for tveo ,able te iselp ni lact. 1 eaun gye sue thie mornin out thie report dressee-.' Berne céier fin wàÎs o glati te fut, bnt- ds ehe hon expression "Oh!' sIc 6af Sybil?" Yee. ry des an;-,,a nd it'a n fore I'jm throui anti make you9 Nie.w, but Ilt -te de fret--elt. 4 èay tisat youi afk hlm te giî yoii don'c cane Mn. Gensteli te Enid's latter, lie eaw no him bier te coenu *tise next 1«wit'da St vos Mi*Uj or --o later ahe firie saii. "De rie. wbo waei yen joineti?" hSs ad a tel Jackson. "*el' atternoon, and t 0 1 ut ntu ecou -that'o Jat wv. anxione t e b. "WeIL.tisereà Jolis' 1ucky,' t -'Is mat a fini ir aitus' v-iti 'av Yn ant - rip Lucie- Lauri isad baller put cautie YOU'llhav -to iworeif ashi she v'weftqui ej cd confeus tI ier te 'pe lu Loi lier hrtsband. îl4he fïxd be'n <ItoIru aven ë1iu Lad elosed tbe d -hiud ber, and hb u.a vend un Ail tlxneugh tt lowed on i er ài M Iat, lier isoart 1v w as. strorng u-po urioment, Julian> -an, ±xîsanatiie cother. and 'eu. 17rild- Bryaunt rez. lii lori ui. Witi liad çut -isentell <'ronar tir0wison Aii iht, -.U'vantedi c-uhé irt Ille lc 1Irst -day" cf hl: frçal him! -ude houri,. Alle bl-uýt"trih tC olt; e "fi o ît 1 raliad toup)it wivat. înoa'd tu 1tuîuîg 'more 10 l'ar)tuatsand m sitand to e ar an ir g -sirc to purv -Shvix- a-otILi * . etwdté, lier In r.'dAntI5-ict nc - * Juiai aris wanted lher.,'ntýiur rietr<i iih-luIli( ARCHIVES 0F ONTARIO~ Sver BeU eiephonela. a Lon Ditance. Station. 1 DUNDAS ST., WEST WHFrBY 1 ý F. E. LUKEf

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