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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 19 Nov 1914, p. 6

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oan Lno, i. who esy6: "A6out s, year ugo 1 found myseif Weconing very, nervons. At the out-1 kt 1 d not pa3i mudi attention ie it us 1 thout, ' tthe trouble would paoe ,wa.In.ltie I was dxsap- pointeI, for 1 soon found myseif. rapidly growing wiér8e. My ri«ht -Arm a nd deg began te ljerk 'aud twito.h ail the turne, even i-heu 1 wa8 i *ug d1 ound grest dii- -outy in d,ýngrdo m'aywork.? ' Finally the, troûbIe sflected uiy gpeech, and t i-as wth diffcu4ty 1 made myseif understood. 0f ms 1 was d<ctoring for. the trou- bic, but was, not being hJped, aud nally tiredoctor -wanted me te go0 te thbe hespia&for treatmeint. TM$s 1 did not care to de, andfi vas at Lhis sta-gethat'I decded tW. ry Dr. -Wiliiams' Ej"nk PHIl. By tère time [mhd useo! four boxes I feIt much better, and lu a short tirné'Longer I wa» quitce wesuad, strong. if>' fnel h ôrslook upon înycuree as quite wonderful, "ed iudeed I thiuk it i, and È 'hall alv;ays be grateful1 for i-bat Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla did fer me" These Pilla are szold by ail medi- v ine dealers -or eau be had by mail at 50 centea.a box or six boxes for $2,50 by writing Vie Dr. Willams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. 1 ié uîgnîtInd to Gilie Up thie 0fthe ninor horrors of war, ont- &ie the battlefie1d, not the lightest are bieing suffered by the E~ng1.eh drl-sergeants. Hawkins , saVhers and Scrooge hîave- long ansfwered blithlelv enough to British roi]- ýaIs ut now anew sort of TOMMY is ni the field-a "T1hoins" pw'hve ariptocra-tic naine, for ex.ple, of ('lcllouclley cloes not sound famil- lar toe i-ars- whon pronounoed in com,'non-seese, dril-sergeant &bYle. As the etery.-goes: 1A' sergeabit c.aling the r611 fora ccn-zpany of the. new "apointsmen" battalion for thc first tàne bad a terrible, exp)ertience recently. Hav- ing dispoasod successfully of a. few ý"Hiapers,î, "MitcheIls," etc., he- camne to thè nonne "M6ntague." "Private Monvaig," shou-ted the sergeanut The watt no reply, but' when th6narne was repeatcd a half-heart- ed "HIere,' sir," came froin the ranks. "Why didn't yon answer bofore 1" dexnanded the sergeant. "Because Mny naîne is Mon-ta-gue,"-rpe thbe recruit. "#We4,l snapped the sergeant, "YOU'Il do even dayW fi»gew* " The necti naine on the -ist, ma- loribanks, brought ne response, for the sergeant peonounced1 it "Ma- lore3lbanks." - A econd calu .breuglit the -miLd response: "I expect yen 4njean me, ir. My naine la 'Marahbanks.' The Bergeant almost reeled, but Proceeded ýbravely wiîth "Colqu- "Private Col-kew-houn," he cell- 'Codh<eon, fîr; that's nié, " came &Ibrisk reply f rei the front rank. ýThe drili-instructor gave un, and cIosini his book, lie wearily gave Lhe order "nuimber." When this was, comnpletfcd, hlie od: "One hundved . and twenty-cone. Tà'at'sriglit. N>w, if tiiere are any more of you with fancy naines juet ciorne to mne alter &111l and -tell me how yen wouId like to be calied.," "Tie man I was quarrering with Iùst now ii fairlv ehoking with *rage-." "Then why did. you niake hmswallcw his words Boy'S HEAO A SIGHI FBOM [CLEMA I n Blisters- Itched and Burned Badly., lIad to Put Gloves On Child's FtHands, Cuticura Soap - and CutiCura iint Healed. 10 Abbot Ave., Toronto, Ont.-" MT boy had CC7,l* bauly ail over, but'bis bes.d wae vcry h.ad and was atiocîcd mont. It camoc out In blisters and AS was a sigiit ta, look at7 XID ltched- and burned wo badiT that 1 had to, put Sloveg on theo - childa bands. It cama out first on bxis face ucar the cars, * thon Went to Ill$s cad Ra dthon on is bodY. Mis hcad was like a t1811At ivre so biAd. d 4I1used -.-, also and athers, and nothing dld4 lin any good. 1 gave thom up and trled Cuteura Soap - and OJgtrnet. I usod thrc cake or Cuticurs Soap and two boxes or CutAcuri Olitmezisand at the endofpix wcoe ho i-a Otilily CueL." (S1gu.d> Mm~ Carroll, Jan. 1. 1914. Samiales Free, byMeuI[ FoPr pmpésaid bt'*.bssdth@ fqlowlug a oeffwdyfemadaOilrets: Ge%3yea teafrodpartw*khCut*a Dfllnm. othe nds ofnA i tidu««n,. but d&hoS part the Dominion is pîaying gré"4 Imperial movément wj the meat attentive sud f rien, in twe 1 finid ]y' la- Sir-Çharlës i-lU fui the poeitien of, Loild Mayorwihgrt dtuc tien. . lJea>à ardent admrirer o! Canada sud a steadfast believer in its 1uture, sud so ire ma-y be trustea to..assi&t the deve4epment of tb:àý frieudly feeling tfhat haé e rwu up beti-cen Caîiadsan3ansd 'London business sud profeseiousI men, mnu>ofewhom- have played an iai- portant part iu obtaining thoee large loans whi4lh thie Dorninionha* been so suceésaful iu&flatîng où the Landos market., -Pather, a $hlpowner. Phe position for vhich Sir' Charles 'liasebeen selecte ae batk te the poitreeveêhips of Nor- mn lntinies. TWuu iraclitions - that iurroiud if and its intnsic'innport- sueplcs h tcpntiia. sin- gulari>' inilueutihl uposiýtion thirough- ont'the British - hiesé, 4 a here tiré naine of Winga'e - ad JiDhnston lai very i-eh moný,. -The fat'ho.rof Sir Qrlaries i-as a shipownered Liver- pool, sud the. preseut read e! the fiil>' haspla.Ved n no 'nportant part lu msintainlug aud developins the cornmencê t(IBrita-in upon tise In 1907 Sir Charles became an ahderman, cil Alderagate sud lu 1910 andi 1911 irei-as Sheriff of tihe Oit>' of London. lu 1911 irei-as madle a kuightt, snd ho bas aiways folloived tire trend of colonial. sud liliperial affaira 'wi Via keen interest. The- GOv- crament cf the oit>' of London, o!f wirich ho in noi- head, is net like tire govermient of Canadian cities, for the reason -thaitminu>'things about it haeve an enigin. datingback hundreda of yea-rs. la Roman Tintes. London i-as a&place of import- ance nuden tise Romans, andi a famed -for its vast conflux of trad- ors sud its abundant commerce even in the fret century of the Christian ora. Frein the Ilonans, it le said, it received municipal in- stitutions, which have' endun'etinl ther ma-n features te the present day. Iu Saxon turnes iV i-as in real- ity a aua-li indepeudeut state, eud iLs burgesses mainto-inod tiroir iu- depeudenco even alter the Battle of Hastings. Williain tAhe Norma.n enly gained possession o! tireir cit>' by ýmeaus of a treaty with b en, andi about eigirt yea-rsafaler ho granted a charter, wih is lastihi preisenved. IL la ad- dre-ssed te Wiisin the-Bishop, God- I-re>' the Pontreeve, andi all tire burgeases, aud promises that they shahl be "lai-wortahy," iLe., possos- sod o! privileges,*as the>' '.ere in the days e! Edi-ard the Confesser. Normian Title of Balliff. ThePortreeve, ici-ever, neceivod Vhs Nonnuan titie of bailiff, wih inl finet. lcIer under the new usame be- iug eur>' Fitzai-wyn, wio filled Vie office fer 24 yeara. On his etia no-w charter i-sa grautet b>' King John lu 1214. wimhidirect-ct the Maoente ho . ehosen 'aunuail>', i-hidiho-as ever sin:ce been doue, thoughiun eanly times thè sarne- lu- dividual often heid Vie office more t-luau once. Thriee Lor'd Mayor. A familier in5tancé is ýthat o! "W-itingtou, tlirice Lord Mayor o! London" (lu resuit', -four turnes, 1397, 1398, 140)6, 1419), sud modemn cases occur iith Alderman Woodi, 1815. 1816; SirJeobn Ke>', îs3o, 1831; Alderman Çubitùt, 11860, 1861, anti Alderman Smi . N. Fovder, 1883, 1885. Thct-ltle cf Lord Mayor ia said ta bave been first test-ciet iu 1354 on ýSir Thomas Legge, by Edi-ard Ill. Alte-nueu i-cie firat appointet by a charter of Heur>' II. lu 1242, andt were elceted ausinalu>' bot-i-en 1377 sud 1394, i-heu acharter af Richard M. direct-et tici t-o be chosen fer ile. The Common Cunu- cil wasa at an cari>' date ituateti by -a populoa aembi>' calledthti Folk- mote '. At fir naLu>'ti-o represeuta- ives,-i-enssent freca-ch i-artinbut tire nunuber has since tee-n greati>' increaseti, some i-ardu ho-ving as man>' us 16 nuembers sud nene les-s t-ian four. ,Siîcnlff's Saxonî OlTh'ers. Sherifis (au i-sU as aldermien) ivere Qoaxon officers, i-Io usualî>' hmd charge of a-,large district. T-he t-me cof t-hein appainturueut fI ona- don is tîncertain, but tile>' appear ln arcieut records as- sari>' ai A.D. 1130. At fln-a thie>' iere oui>' the officers of Vie Crei-n, anti were usmeti. by tl4p Barons of the Ex- chJc1uer,' but King John ýgave thein lu th ir uat car <o! bis reigu pen- mission te ciroose tiroir ci-n aher- lPj7 e citzens, -Iýoevver, lest tis pnvifge, -as larïathie eleefleiù cf Sherif o! Muide'sex la conorneil, b>' -the Local Gave-nent Act, -1888, but tiet- continue as heretofore - té ehooselhti reeiffa fci te oit>' of Lontion. . Lord 3Mayor's Show. Tic>' are appointoti on Mitaunu- nmei'Day, -anti enter on office at. Mi-iseluas on 'whicb day the Lent Mayor-is electet. He is ai-on into Y- n -I s n e' y e y t d e d s n t f 0 n lets.-T ý.Tà~blet4 are surlrsy the best, eemedy I knwoi- f kr-litle c.nes ao they, quickly hsIihed ail wigns -cf con stipation -aud colie. L baby." Thle Tablet&- ieèsold b: Imecticine d"ales or by mail at, 21 oente as-box frorn The- Dr. Willia ma Medicluie, C., Brockile, Ont. QUAUNT 011) KONIÇISBERG. 1<1gb! Be- DewSoibeâ as thse Lousvai of Baut PFruesia. If by any 'ahane tie Ruseiau shouldÃ"oSupIy Koigibérg, they l tisal a heavy .bkvi- at Pru-s&iti e ride. Forif i-ahere -tha4in 1709 1ecic ..cnioi-nd hirneulfie king of ?nusa and hee tat WiI. lsana I., afteri-ard the furat Geriu emperer, was crewued king. lb great grain-exkpontiug cit>' i groi- up np umodemn times, but il had ta t-sfndatious la-id iu the thir' tentb cenitury b>' -tue -Kuigistae thie Teutouic '0rd r ho bû lt Vbem. 'selvs a ÃŽhockbeûeZ, sudautran a castle. The dukea o! Prusiz loved tie oit>', sud belti royal state. ln & palace that bhas long since dis appeared. Its scicutiflo insti-tutionm are inu>, anti ita universit>' cou. tains, es Louvaixie did, more thar 200,000 volumes. The tôivn e! Konigsberg la aimesi oircuiar lu shape, within a ring od mca-ted defences excepi, te thi southeaat, iree -the aipj gnound afforde defjeuseenýoigh. Th' visiter can nover forget !ta noli streets, tee narrowi for the heav' trafflo, its bridges, naisedti t let th4 shipa Pnoeeed up tse P-regel, wi-hch. looping lunVthe centre of the toi-n 'ferma an* 12ndtio! the oldest axný inost crowdd houss; its uarrom quays 'with their quaint, high, gableti, and h-alf-timberecl iare, bouses; the stalîs that- lino thE quays, andi the saili.ng beatu menoreé bei- on te thé qnays. aud compet. ing her customnaith the asfalla or, oure. Thse, and its lacir cf oper spo-ces militar>' aspet, ànd lis new houssaconstaut>' wsdgcd is beti-eu'i e od, make up the.,stran. *ger'a liiresàion of Kenigsberg Withiu.1,093 yards (o! tho- forts ut bouses are permuittedti tab;- buitt sud for a second zone of eqnal dis- tance, oui>' h-a-tbbm1ered honaeu that eau be sa-ail>' demelishet i i case of siego may be ereoted. Ma-ny Konigebergens speak oi their tow-n a aRusiihseaport, -forï it exporta mal> Russan pro. duce, sud imuports cured herringE froin England, for Rua-aan cousunip. tien. Lt la cunlous uoi- te remem- bar that lu 1904 KonîgEberg i-as the semisof aconspiracy not unlike that in Servis, i-hich led teo the pre- sent great i-ar. Nine Geninans i-ore bore, 'ried for eugaginglu a con- spirse>' aga-inet Russia. The>' ie-re acquitteti, but we-rfeund gnihty of behou-glng tte&asecret 5001et>' for nkucan purpoes."1 It la cul>' 'Vie'ty-V;hree yeara since Kenigaberg palti off thre hast cf the, ldibt it Incnrred i-heu, lu 1807, Niapoleon muade a forceti 1ev>' cf aven $2,000,000 on the cit>', Ai- ton thie, war o! 1870 thé Prussie gave nme-ut paid tire tai-n $18,750 a year, ont cf Vhe gre-at wsr indein- uit>' that lt col-lecutet f romn France until thre debt i-as finaîl>' disciamg- DOCTOR IiNEW llaàd ¶'rd It Rimmcît. Thie docton i--ho bas trieti Poatuin kuciva that là la au easy, certain, sud pleasaut i-a> eut o!fVise tea or coffes ha-bit aud ail o!fIlie ails fol- lo wing. Thbe patient- cfanEastei-n physi- clan So-Ys: "Dnning Vhs summer just p-ast I sufferet terribi>' ii-tiia -leavy feel- ing at tire pit of ni> stomach andi tizzy feelings lun >' heat andti esn o- b intues wouhd ceme ever ni> eye-s se I i-ou-Id have toe it down - I i-cuit geV se nervous -1I couAd ha-idl>' ccntrel My feelings." (Tic eff e-et-aou the system of tesaunti ce!- lee drinking are ver>' similar, be- cause te>' cach couVain t-he dmug, caffeine.> "Fins-il>' I spoke te our fail> physician about it anti ie as-est if I tirank much eeffce anti motion old hun tal If-dt, etol-d me Vo inumediatel> stop tirinking coffec anti drink Postulmin - its place a-s- ho anti his famil>' hatius-et Postîm anti founu t a p'oerfuil rehuiltier anti delicicus feecl-drink. "I hiesitatet for a tinie. dislikiug tire idea- o! having te givýeîu-p Mn> cuf! ce, but finluay> I got a package anti fOunt IV to ho al tIse detor "Since driîîkitig Pett-unl place 'O! coffes un>'dizzineas, blindtnes anti nenveusuesa are aigo-ne, un> bon-oAs -né regela-r anti I amn ago-in wIvol and streing. -Thatit u-a aent ataitenent cf i-la-t postunu bas doue. for me."lý Naine gven b>' Canadilan Poatum* Co., Windsor, Ont. Reat "'The Reat te Wý0eilin"lukgs. Poouincoms n Vwo ormas: Regular Pofitiim - musat hoi-cl bOeo.. ibe anti 25e packages. IfIIEtant Postum - la a soluble powter. A teaspoanful dissolvesî quicklin ua cup o1irot n'ater aud Ithcreain anti sugakr, makea a àe licious bejyerage lnstaîîtly. - 30e en. §Oc 'ins. 1- T-b s ot per cup cf bath kintia la alyout itic saine: - "'Tieres,a- Beason" for Postuin.' -tolt b>'yG s. 4 s ai tnë vîgorous big mins. .This is pcinted aut by medical men and medical publieation. OnQe of the latter declares that a -wiry physique ije more 'desirable inti*he i$olir 'han brute force. Tne mede soldier'as the One.4,nho can endureê bad -weather, brelien s leep rg- lar fe"dng, long niawrcea, andhas the brtu*ns totaire.cover ud usee hie weapon with;,skll and pa.tience., jb le pomnted Ont 8126Sotat h.einom1er. mian eats 1er'S, 'weighseetkep warm in 8, amaUkr space, -offera aa le-as proininent mark to -theenerny and cea uheitter ]ilmsel! botter i~n a trnhthapr a big mia. usrt te hardy littie mani should mû.e qiite.-a» good a modem- soldier as the bi~g min; .Timize 7id' nethods iu mihla.ry, circles hae ehanged since Freder- ick thse Great .hunted far and. near for 'big meni for hii. Grenadier Gu&rd and when he found a par- ticularlY impôsing felbc>w he did n5et, ît is said, heeitate to kidnap. hlm. In -France, whbre littie inen- abeund. thse height requirement is a flexible onie, 'but in Great Britain the admission to -the army of under- sized men anvelves the breaking ci a ni-ltary tradition. Death Neai'Iy Claimed - New Brunswick Lady Was Restored to Her Anixious. Fam- 11Y Whmn' Hope Had Gone. et. John, N.B., Dec. lUth-At One turne It was feared that Mrs. J. Grant, Of 3 White et., would succurnb to the deadly ravages of aavauced kidney trouble. "My flrst attacks of back- ache and kldney trouble began years ago. For six years that duli gnawling Dain has been iDresent. W-hen 1 ex- erted mysel! It waa terribly intensified. If I crught cold thte pain was Inen- durable. 1 used mot everythlnjg, but nothing gave that certain grateful re- lief that-came fram Dr. Harniton'- Pillas o! Mandrake and Buttemnut. Iu- stead of being bowed dowifwlth pain, to-day 1 arn atrong, eujpy splendid appetite, sleep souudly. Lest proper-1 ties have been Instilled Ato rny blood -cheeks are rosy with color, and Il thank that day that I heard of so grand a mèdicine as Dr. Haiton's Pilla.", Every wornan should use these plla regularly because good health pays, ani itsegood, vigorons health that cornes te uall who use Dr. Harnllton's Mandrakeud Butternut Pis. THE (CZAR A'ND THE TAROR01. This Good Fortune of Khalm luir- iclîkeeReads Like Eairy Tale. cranips I don't tbunk aiything couid sot more- quieki>'. For s general aIl- round pain. remedy I1eu thinir o! no- -thiIng more _' valuable asu- peedy te cure than Nenvllune" -'ý The aboya hetter Aîs eouvlnlg-t telle 4.0w, rellable -sndtrust>' tis eld. tirno remedy -Ia.;'Nervlluùe-for, forty Yeargbai -been a bouaeboèld word In Canada. Searcely.-a hom-e lu Canada you u in i-dýithout Nervlne. - Evor>' cemmunit>' has i ts living examplea of te i-onderflfl curativeý properties of NenvIline i-hieh- il cure pains aud aches sunywhere In the jointe or mus- d~es. IVÉ' Penettàthnïg, seetblng, i-arrning sud este for young'sd id l ýto ue. Get the large 500 . lA>' izo bottAs; It'a t1w.m ost econornical. Srnall trial zo25,a ndelf anyivhere. , tsydae' IkAISERt'8 NEW CHIEF. . - Geuuenal Erîch voiFulkeouliyn, i-ho lias succeedod Yaenerai van Moltke s Chie! o! Stat! o! tho German army. Seeing and Jtaiîsiiig the liid. "Juat Sce,-the ild," exclaimeti littIe Bubby, loeking f rom the i- doi- on-a stormy day. "Yuu ask nue ta do somethiug im- posible," auawered Bobby'a papa, i-ho i-as a great etiokler for accun- acy. "Wiud la air in motion, anti yen cannot isee it. It i-s invisible." "But, papa-" "WVehl, my son?7" hfa An amusiug account of thelic c- siglit draft the aViser day." *cuinstanees that uttendedti'hse rder- Aud papa didu't explain how lie in !amlia>Cnfna >,i îud miscd thc wind to meet that. er oia. f tussia fi-cm a littis Jei-ish_______________ taller lu the Crimes la given lu lis Argus.' The Czar ielhîd te i-car the uuiform of Vie Oimean Dra-- - gous at s fete but did noV have eue vitihi-m R' notceti howverMiAna-t Liniment Ca., Limitod. t-h-at -h colofnelo Vdhs revemteen~ n .-have used ItINÂRD'A that-thecolnel f te- rgîmet, INIMNT n y véesel snd Iu rny fa- wcre a uuiform thMatfit-ted beauti- pa r eansd fto hsevon>' day Ille ful- t an ao entý.of lite 1Ionirt hnno (fuil>' alir &S, d learned that the na-ms equal.' o! bs taler -as hai-n Kuieh- I woiuld flot etart on s voyage 'wthout ti tctta dollar abattis, kes CAPT. F. R. DESJARDIN, Tic-vo iagstaill imre t-ehave san-ni- iiehr- -storke," St. Andrel' Kamouaka. form mmuide, andt'hse tza- cmaud- et tii-t -Vie talon bc brouught to hlm. - Wheu a luantsoie imoer car stop- peti eut-aide tire Kurichkess dcci', there i-as surprise sud siamin l Vhe heusehiolti, vhieh con-sisted -cf Tig iigEul leVier and xrnother and nine chi- Tîig en qil dren. A cloaket officer de.seude.d, ",Mother," asked Tocmmy, "je it and said un staccato sentences toeOflect éte oy tht yen- 'w àte r a tue diuuufounded taller: hre hntei hrtv "Yen mu-t corne iitir me! Doî't hors' 'y-he he le ihi8 m>' 1" be f rig'ht-ened! You'-1i knoiv later -'Vos, my er," aid Tmhi-s moher i-iere limt-aking yen! You!ll bc- Wl, hn"sat omy ik awa fe seei-i dyal i c-n' ing up a sa-ucer,,'*lm going t, mille leave wit-hout you; we've le'st inchthet. 1>'!" A WARM WINTER. Kurichkoss ohleved.lHe i-as dri- Jin-euthrprvul*li( iiforuuAa. the ye-n tuo a hoîuse where a gc'ueral of deal wnteriug place, rec<'iltd omfort- gendarinerie, mhile f-lu-r'wed iasur- abi y snd ceuuvenientiv ybyt1ha chic-tuao prislug kueivletige -of his an-te-ce- an d North Western 1W. Four s(plendid trainti daily frount the ni-w dents, cross-cxarTnined hi-m a% te hia passenger termiunal Chîcago--TAie Overland identity. 1He was assîîred tint heh Lii Angelestrainitdta a rrct ao t need not -ho alarmeti; lie woiîld bc Lan~d of usuuie, the fauous Ran Fatu. previded c ti -l-i a lo-dging. andtithe ci-c Limlted and the' California Mail. n-ext do-y lie i-cuIt botoit i-hot lit' 1IIsira ExPoksos trid a#30gihe gu'a ho-d fo do. hie miust nottz'y Vo es- rater'<and ftili parth'uulare. -si l c-muntilcd capo or lu i-eud be --at-hcd. rourui)t' oi applicationî ta iB. I i.Bcu,-u.. capefoelie oul bewateed. (jet.-rtihgent, Chicago & North Wt-,tî'rn Thie fellow-ing mrnrîing a colonel 1lty-, 46 Youugu rSt., To'ronuto, Orjt. entered lis ruo-onu -anti o-ddresed iMuî thlsiîi: i hIt ikî's a st'osîg-nîiuii-r uniait te "Gruea-t gooti fvluine lias fallii'an ulit lîit iiintAie wrong %whcuî lue is. upCuri yoen ils Maje-sty tic Enuper- 1 or a-isîe-s yen it-& ma-ko for hun a Minard'à Liniment Cures Diphtherts. unifo-)run of t-le Crýniin-'a )ragei)ns;. lloiii 1 i<>p;e ynou i-et mulie a mes -of " plav» ltricimi l((ii n Aiy it. 1 ilAi taIre yoîs ut once to ie veins. Memnbeî's of un> family i-ere palacv, whero yfoîî ilJibe aduîitted tro-cedto iiFlotiden 1ielinlt-he do-ya to the Czar%'-s dto sec lis Mis-: of c-iv-alr.v" Yoîung Lady (arehly) jesty's figure," '"Oh! They tra-ce tthem, thîci! Wiou flue excitet taller wa-s isl- -go thsere aecdcteeti-ves eh-eCg ut oet uthle royal ýst-ut>'. te Czar t-iat remote perioti !" heo>ketiup'frei sdocument ho -w-o-s meo-dlug, sud -s-aid: - "4Oh, yen are horse alrenudy! YOUî arc Kh-im Kurlehicees, the taller. 1 i-4nt yon te -make me a'sunlfrm o! tVheCrime-an Drageous. Do >'our beat, and "t e at lt la e.9, od fit." .Wirn bis wocrk i-as finîsireti anti tic Czar i-au Pleaftd witib 'Vie fit, Kunichices reuueed te accept -an>'- tiuglunpsynt, but-tire colonel iu te'ha*i, aeerdýng to Jai-, he w"s obligedti tereceive fifty rubis. forý b-l expense,. Moreover, tire minioten cf thie court i-as siare 0Mha Kunie«blrese i-a in debt, a-ut bail ordered, tice officer te give thse "ialon àu 'eiiveitipe containin« three hundred rubis.. - Kuriekees-as drivsui home in a moton, e.nd -seine says latei- aunli- pejisi 'ssengen bnôugbtt 'o- bis BD. 4. 1-88,U11-47-'14. - 1Turkisb rugs ane lurgely iÈad-e by wemen and children, who aro paid trom fiveito 25 esntsa y.>.' Mmne. Chaminhde, tAie- famo>uz F-reneh composer, -hm been eleeted preeident <>f th» e iEty of 'Womeu For--specisi devotidn and coine te.ucy, Ms >Eenr 8S. Kelly has been honored witâ lhe Bnitish Bay- ai Red.Crloss. Woiun ngs.ged lin theé ca, choclatesudsugar confeotionery i-crinl Great Britain earn ýon an, aVemU.ge of $2.75 a wSek, %rWen have- celda ini their h-sud -Mueh letè f-eqnently thanmonbe- mause! they ePot accuseld te beavy Ceverings. ge as teo prevent their eiopÃŽmg, eligible È0g irsef Now Guinea- sire comnpelled te sleep in trocfs and thec !adders'renoved.'after they retire.' silk mille .cf China are ueo-nyý at the t"anif-hirig point, as they receivel only five cents a day. Sari Franciser, la te have a news- papýkr, ewned, iuonaged- sud circu- lated b>' woeni t la te be nxm in the interc o f'thre Deineratie par- ty, aud Miss Mai-y Faîxbrtheý will be the managing editor. Some of the occupa44ti oxsuw open to wemen arec-laundry oversaeer, bandsqape gardener, 4dietitians, so- cial secretaries, foam imanagers, ïu- tenon decorators, Photographers, chemists andi bacterilogiste. Mfru. Charlotte Hunt of Califor- nia is the oldest knewn blind i-o- man able te read from emboss'ed type. Sire is now 91 years old and' learned tow read b>' the emnbesseti nietlcd when aire -a-s 89 years oki. 01N THE MARRIAGE DAY Romance ceaises and thiatory- begins- and corna1 begAn to, go too i-heu "Put- nam's" 1As,. appiied-it takes, out rmots, branci and eteon. Nothint eo sure aud ,aiiees as Putuam'e Carn and Wa.rf Ex. tractor; nry "Putuas." LMe. st ail dealero. "My, dining-roorn is the hÉttest place on oarbh. I wish I knew whab te do te cool it." "Diti you ever take a frieud home te dinner i-hon pour wi-fe didn't expect it?"- Minardsa Liniment Cures Colde, &e "I wIere you, Matldo-, I w6nldn't take auy notice of, -the c'oek if she's angry. "But I 'have to take notice-s-he's juat gîven lit-" Minards Liniment curscargastin Cowu. He-At laat we are al-one. 've bheen hoping for this chance. She- & have I. H1e (pleased)--Ah! Yen kuci- then, that I -wantod te asic yen te ho My wife. She-Yes, and 1 wanted te, a> "No" empha-tically. anti get it'over with. Oranulaied Eyelidg, SoreEyýâ iniflamcd by expo- sure ta Sun, Oust sud Wlnd uicly relievcd bybMurine0 E>,esye Remedy. No Smarting, just Eye Comfort. A YVour.Druggzst'a 50c per Bottle. l*urine Fys SalveinTubcs25c. For Book of theEyefreeask Dnzggists. or Hurlas Eye Remculy Ce., Chicago The worst ci petiple whio do net klîow xnuchla isthat they ihi-insist ou t.elhng it. Miflard's Liniment Cures'ist emPer. Il vci i-sut tu engrave your name on iigml's hert tr>' n'at a dia- 1menti i-lAI <ho.L 1wv~ THE IMPERIAL OIL- COMPANY, LIMITEDI. a Can-achan corporation with over three thousand employ- ees, is manufacturing and distributing refinec iolis,. gas- ofines and lubricating ols ini * Canada for Canadian trade, 4îWith its two large refineries ..-àt Sarnia, Ont., and Van- couver, ..-n its five hundred and twenty-nine branches throughout thé Do- minion, it offersto the Cana- diam public, the facilitie for securing he best' gradeès of- -Canadian-Made- petroleumi products atzthe lowest prices.- ~ AD N CANADA rJl.aMs r0at 4 ufi.iN.Dawsonon iamuo. t Coiborne ramu Tornnor là. W. »AWSON. colbomne St..Tor0Da.. -0i KWEYLY IN LIVE TOWN Ték oatIy. -Stationery and Book Buie ncoizuection. Price oly 844. Terme Ilberal. Wilson Publiming COM*i uanv. -73 WeqtAdetaldeB treet. fTcai13tO. C N0ITUMQRiL,' LUMPS. ETC.." Iniai alad externa.i, cured wlth. out vain b? out homne treatineft. Writa Mu before tno Jtto Dr, Beliman MOdIC0i .The First. of ALL d"Homç Remedies" "dVASELlNE," in its many V orma, with thefr innu- menable vuses, la the foàuncla- -toen of the fam4ly.medicine -cheSi. It keeps the akîn smooth ansd sound. Invaluable in the nurse!>' for burus,-cuts, lin- sect bites, etc.- Absolutely- pure and safe. "Vaselin*e" la- sold by drug - and general stoires every- where, or a fuil size botIe' wvili be sent di'rect on re- ceipt ofl-1c. - Write fornew lUustrated- bookiet which descrlbes the varieus "Vaseline" ,pepar.- ations and thezr many vuses. CHESEBROUroi-1 MF'G. COý 1880 CHAsBOT AVE.- MONTREAI. A wit*y Irishman, îîewly arriv-'d in London, notèe ine blankets iiý a window, icketzd "To bý throwu away !" In walked Pat and démand' ed -a pair. 1Re recelived thcm iui . walked eut azain. Thýê shc.pkeep!J, man aiter him, j Pî', v hvtýlf paid for those blankets vou gàt jus-* iliow !' 'i ClASlo, - 1s lJ "lweren't they IabeAAc'd t.(-,bcrtire awnv. and shîv didn't I etmji1i and ask you for a pair t-) savc he' trouble of thruwiing the;£ A deeDatcj f rom Quen Mary- paid £ ton, lu Devoniyime, epeet- the Ainenican pifai, wi-e-e serne 5 tiers frein the front ed, Accmpanied- i Plaget, - Lady Rai Loi- la Hrourt, -n - - H e p i t a l ( o m m i t t e u senaIl suite, the ç~ donî and remaiued for -more- than - ti were paaacd ilu vie. talkiîîg f te epatîi -b uting a-moiig then senth of p 8è, shirt i-aini vuufles. huieQuenm, who 1 tiiewards b>' Dr. 1 sud then Amnerica staff,, wbicb 'la eu, .'and oünsifisa y! V Cfross unita f six nurses,- as breati efficieno>' di6playet tirely' due, to Aine i-irle smm needeti of tih ospital bei "ýT n - O ff i e r -i of t hs BreakJ A deiýpaLch te th grapýîCompany t Las PalmasC-aiu that t-en officer's G(enman Lloyd ste 4pmm dem Grusýe stroyeti early i- -tieli emu;ser IHiglifl parole, have-rade Dutch ste.ame r;, ý-4--:Ïèn, - The m16li jaGerman ea Ibàrben ut Lau ýP The Admria'ty pli wtith li te cruiser- Genîaii sqiia4Irer .0Aille. 'TIC in. , Itear ,dmirui Sir lcock, - cnnruuIn4er ghips. Tii' ;Monii '12*oili<"us.. 'fue e Hope' was- Plhp capiaîn <if il-M JIralidt- T'] w - W I that tin.il' ie~ î- lcî'uit. vngN ith îa ht hiemmgs. i-uic Xpre andi Stiîte tuuhori -dren eof a- ro i b ey of f w lten v c)! tue coim-s basA noîneeti sý mptonujj liava hiemei ilurjI tors. but -tlic o-t-n Il"as ot hein det-e SOONE~ A A 4ppa4çl 1< ]Çautahar la goiag ARCtIlVES -0F ONTARIOI

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