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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 19 Nov 1914, p. 8

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'lu p'uddings, lavalid'm Diet, Infant's itasie trip. F$"Everybody- welcome. Mr. Joa. Pierson, et Whilby, who Tihe hanter. ail rettrrned home thi us th8le contact for the, new Stand- week. Tbhad extra ~good mcà,i ard Bank here, wltii hlm foreman, eacli one of thein bringing homne a Ur. Aloie. Bett, were- in the village deem wtîh lm. on Tuesday on-busines. 9. >1 The regulM .anonthly meeting of the Tii. ladies of St. -Tiomas' "Chrch Brookuin 13*arb.-of tiie Women's Iu- willl 'bold Ibeir annual bazaar Ia the. wi hele d on -Tâuriday, Mao4i Hal os WdesayDecem- November 2gt&, at the hona fleohMme b9 .'FIfl'pgttoldar lator. J.N. Debart 'aI lIir* o'lock, Sub MrFred MoBrieti ýhWthe~t OwOds- peet, Elxchange of î s uggesttons for tion'for hiseaew hoiie, aust nl Xmas gluts bal members to bring the~ bakesbop, comploted. their wok)ý, care of. best varlely o! REN OD liens for egg -prodactiWb" Mui. GENOD There will be a work meeting of the.ITii. old Itndmàrk, ý a montroas Belgianý Relief. Fund lunlte Counoil poplar tres, on te Disney jarmwas -Chamber on' Friday-, Nov-20h, ,be- 1 blowa down b>' the hieavy wiad on glnulng ai 10 a.ni.* ýAIl ladies are in- Thureda>' lait., Il escaped the txouse vited to bu preseni ,to assist lau ii by just a few, feet. lied it talion on g.od work, the. bouse the- roof woald certain!>' lr. as. A. Delong, a former reui- bave _been dsuiaged, dent of this' village,. died lu' Uxbrldge Keep Dec. 9th, for ,St. Thoas en Saturday, last.. ý'The funeral iras Church Bazaar -lnthe 'm Mnonl Hall, iield on Mouday tô tii. Metiiodsi Brooklîn. Church, Brookiln,' micro service mas held by Rev. Partridge, assisted by KNAE lIey. H. W. Foley. Intermeul mas made la Groveside Cemetery. Her Owlng te teibi rait ber. -on Suai- four sons, Messrs- Will7., Frank and day uher. mas ne service. Bort. frein the West, and Honb., of Mmm. J. LawtS bam ber #jeter, Toronto, were itere te sttend the lira. Mean, Yviung her for a hew funemal. days. Mfr. W. M. Lawrence's contesi for 1fMr. S. MackeY. mm been visftiag la tiie Gafonola Es causîng a good deal lhe cily. He got on sud,bllat our oh excltement. Thème are a nnuber ftas station jusl South 0ohIH. Mé- already workIng lunrd for titis ina- Brien's. A number of people ba4ve ckine See the fine display of Graf- been dcing tise saine.- 'Tii, farinera oÀolas, records, etc.,, En lis soutii are going to la#e a bee, bo grade forC ~Jndo. --a slding thEs fail. Keep Dec. th, for St. Thomas' Or1 ' "' - #_ity ( lir <'hurcit Iazaar -in the.Masonic Hall,. lng a àm oin eI(ayey' ' ,un Brookîfi. it CC5ll f s: l _è~Every'- The concert iteld In the. itasousic body weleonuèê. Ceme sudâ enjoy ai Halleon Thursday evenlng last, un- good programnad acialo t. Ai der the auspices of -theWhitby Tp. cellection miii be«taien.,,-%e Patriotie League, was*a decided eue- r. Wle-oeWWp tlut- cess. Madapie le Mar was as usualiing this tall, lun ehem uccestuti lu d cordlally greeted and resiponded with bringlng bomne a line deer. a nunîber of patriotic selectîons and Mr. Harry McBien shItpped a car- failliar utrswhich were îtoiougbly lond, oh good apples to Scotla.ud last1 Pnjoyed _hy al. Miss 13.11 Thpmpson, week. , -1 I Toronto, -made her first appearauce Mr. E. W. "ÉÏtdinles buildfing a Iu BrooklEnas an elocutionist, and it fine boeuse, but ices u'oh iink t mliic Pq hoped It nil) not be tue îash, .as be finished tiiyéa.t site s an ercellent performer:- Every Miss Coiâ- Lawrence was huome over c --attihér -site gave mas exceedingiy Stuuday. a. weli glven,- anidmas encored. Mm. 1Mr. Clem -~tn, mio'had a fine Chamrberlain Ili a pleasing tenor, and colt kille 1N!bmnraWby the~train,C his -nuunber, the <Deathless Army," has the symàW o bis many deserves special pruise. Dr. Kaiser, friends. - .- was lte speaker of tie evenlng. Ho /Tie Kinsale brac1h0 l'14e Soati cl gave one of tse finest addmesses on Ontario Women's Institute wiii meel b Germany that the people in tii vi- at tite home of lir"';R.Pilke>' on 0aity, have listenl ita for smre Thursday afternoon, Novemiber 28, tifme. Ile hms a clear, foeceful ath al! pasb -, tir e oclck.v,<A.& good C delivery combinsd. mith a fine plat- repre8entation cf the momen et thie a form style, miich, helped te make iei nelghbonhood -lI respeothull>'- requeet- flne address en interestIng. Mmm. cd. Mrs. T.- Ricltardson, President; C Waiker "gg isual proved a most ex- l rs. R. R. -MoWibrgy, Aeeretary. hi 4ellent accornpanisj. The proceedg ecialunted te $875. w,41 - h ta raàe Mabel L -. , f 1s. (D)r.) Clark, oi Victoria, B.ý Oshawa, visited recently wmiih MilssC., i. vlsillug -ber -pareulm,;-Mr. and, Lillian Brown. Mis. W. Tarvis: d Um. DavId Bumns bas jumi eturned MEss AdeIfne Brok . vlslled 0mb- h froin a ttip ho Quebe and otiier awa frieuds lmut-weelc., t. eautemn points. Whle In Ottawa iie Mesm . WIUmmDBolnnnj~ oalled aI Ithe Parliament buildings returned frornlie- norti, miere tbey t - i2 TE DMIINaNKM sin EOMUNQ as.L@SB. .P., PMEitaoaNT. W. &.ILMiM g Io*Astar C. A. BOGERT, Gemoril bimsns., luTrust Funda Should Be Depocited lnsavinci Accomt fa The Dominion Bank. Suab lundiês fsiy @ýpnweekk, sud eamu trist t highest current rat«s. Wbsu paym.uîs art made, particulars Ofet saabtransa&tto'nmjy b. nst. q 11h8chffle tssnd, which ln turn beaaos a recelpt or voucher w bun.0 i* WHITBY BRANCH: A. A. -ATKINSON, Manaer... S OSH4AWA ' A. H. BLACK, .toves and Ranges One used Crown Treasure Heater, neà"Iy, new. One Oxford Laurel, new, slightly used.' We seil Moffat and D. Moore Stoves, and Ranges.' Get Our Prices. IRo'bes and Blankets sîqck of Blaukets is complete. In Robes we are Newlands Saskatchewan BÃŽiÃŽfflo" Robe, our In Goat and Bear Fur Robes we have someuhing Our making1 i pecial. extra. G;raphophones"'ý Sée our modele at $40.0c) ànd $I io.oo,,th'ey- are better than, -ary other .Our stock of records- is comrplete, among which are a. quantity of Columrbia Records at haîf price. -Sec our Spèci*l Graphophone Nêedles,'.one needie for al tones. Frice .s35 cents for 300 in a tin bo. -A complete stock of Suit Cases, Club B ,Mitts -and Gloves. One only De Laval 5o pound capacity, Cream -Sepa'r- ator at $65.oÃ". -- - Sec the Iggo Washing Machine 'and the.-Blue. Belle at ur sto re ; also pur guarantee n o lothe nnes -NOTICE-Don't forget, that ýwe- have added a harness repair departmieft,, and that we solicit your patrosiage. ~DISNEY Phones.- - - -~ *ho axei un «Iute,. cîrcumgateMmo, wbule their breadwinners are f acing the. front, ,.Iigtlg for freedoim and libertyT Inspired by, thepatriotio spirit sud the urgent need -of thosn ,Who are on tii. battleiild, >the. ladiesof Itue i- clniy are gett4ng 1w aàconcert wbIcii wiil b. held la the near 'future, ýtii. e9rcm¶(w1IulCh gl~o toh Thei. imalI "boy, the. hand-slelgb, suid Me perishable auew-man were nory-much lIn evidence durlug the. young winter oi lait wek. - Xv. Roy R. TarviT, of Woodbz(dge, speat the, week-end at lis home. Order your prlnted butter wrapper frein C.A. Goodàfellow & Son, Whut- by. tUnder, the- new Dairy Induatry Aet t le, now compulaory, to have butter *rippers print.d, otelepiione un and we wlll moud the. order to'you by mil. How'p This? We Offur ose RHuud d lIan Iteward f1r ssyeri of Cstarrh Mta ausot ho e ur.d hI, 'a atb srhCure. - VJ.CHUNBY hCO.,Toledo,O W. h aaaga bvkon P. .Cot darUdallgabtte arry ed aus blgaiosa ud the ej*4Uts. Teathuninali sent fiee. Frics 7 rentaper bottie., Sold byralitrggWt. Take HallVaVamUyYilly frImbu "uitate. MYRTLE STATION. Mr. Frank Brown bas been coileci- lng for lb. Belgian Relief Pund. H. reports a large parue frein this vi- tlity. Xrs. J. E. Beacock visiited lber daugbter, Dire. R. Spencer, at l-onty. pool lait week. Messrs. W. Graharn anil John Blrketb bave Iheir .nw houses cen- plited. Watch titis paper for -J. l",. Bea- ck & Son's large advcrtisement. cf their two week'as aie, oommrnc,ÃŽlg on November 3Oth, lu uext wrek's is- sue. We are pleased le see Misa -Lola Gilmoy, cf Toronto, ai borne again. Tiie poiteto competiftion aI J. E., Beacock & Son's store wml accu b, rlomcd. Soute ver>' fine pobatoe. bave ben eniered, one group cf tire. Feîghing elghb poundsand ninie oz. Keep Dec. euh for St. Titomas' Chiurch 1Bazar luithe Mamoulo Hall, Rrocklin. Meurs., Wm, Wiles and Donald Mo- Dlennan have retumned home (rouAi uting, eacii mli a nie deer. ktr. Wliie Earie, of Burketon,spent %Çe week-end i« j Is ulier, Mirs. 3.H. Beacoci. The dance was a Sicess ou Pri- lay evcuing lasb. Soin.f eti boys toever, had te be hurued mbt girls or tue eveuiug. Tiime boys had loine trouble getting parinors for ie occasion. TIhe C:P.R. mire fence min ear them. tpalmlug ithe Company'& tenicos. Mess Doris Oslemtog rebarned home. oToronto on Saturday insu a! ter peuding the saxamer witi'hiem aunt, I. Geo. Bimnie. Mm. Joitn Bîmnie pald a fi.ylug riait ome itere frem inWnipeg lait 'week. Titere le soin, talk cf a neir akat- ig mink itere titis munter.- Order vour prlnt.d butter paper ,m C.A. Geedfcllomý & Son, the- izette and Chronicle Office, Wit-1 Bell11 phone 23, Indepeudeuut 59. re milE send bte crder te 'Oa by mecel peut If yeu wîsh, saving yoa ny trouble,.til f r, Gg by an, Glorious Hair. Girls and memen cf ail ages mant te b. beaubtul and attractive, buti unsigbtly, thua sud litelesss mir de- strcys bi! the. beaut>' cf a pret>' face. If youm luair 1. Ioslug ita natumal color, Io falliag eut, duli, streaky, fuail cf dandraif, bec - dry, cm Iflte larmed, use Parialan Sage. Rab il mcli labo lthe scalp. Il &III go righl to thte bair reots, neurlihthem and simulate lt e ar te prwlong and beautiful. Il emoves dandruiff itb eue application, stops lbchlug scalp, falliag itair and makes tiie iead feel fine. Parnama Sage supplies lhe hmiv mitit mmat Is needed te make itloft, WYu!>, tiiick and gloriouly radiant. Ib le sold EnfIfty cent botlîca' b>' A. H. Allinanad at ail drug counters. Look for lte Imade mak-«'Tie Girl iviti thei Auburn Hair."1 Accept ne cther. HIGH SOHOOL WEEKLY EXAMS Penn IV. Citemitr>.- E. Sexsiil 76, I. Cook 72, H. Long 72, B. Meeker 54. Penn III. Britini Histomy.-R. Rieharducu 94, H. Palmer 79, M. Rattan 79, M.Ken- aody 78t M. Pegg 76, K. ,Nicholson 75, L. Andrewrs 73, M. Roblnson 71, G. Linton 65, M. McGqtty 64, J,~ Gales 40. E. Lammencè 88, J. of- Connor 84. FormIIX. Latn.-P. B. Henderson 92, E. B. Cronk 87, A. Goldrlug 81, E. O'Con- ur 81, C. M. Jackson 74, G. A. Mo- Gilivray' 70, M. Goidrlng 80, M.Buok- le>' 8, A. Richardon 59, G. Shirley 5i, B. Meeker 55, H. Harrison 50,"-D. Bell 47,À -. Kennedy 47, G. ,Robert- son 45, Hi. Arksey 87, P. EHarlock 88, A., Gates 25. Fo1 ._ Anthmtie- M. Stepieuson'??, A. Gold:çlng 89, E. Elvldge 66, D. Bmrad- bar>' 65, C . Quinton es, P. Blone 58, M., Allama>' 52, ,M. McfnlyÎÏ- 51, - . Hubbell,45, M.. Smýibi 48rý M. Siattie. mcmli 88, 13. Fluer 87, D. Tiompson, 85 , E. Kemp 84, -L. MRain98,DI. lms are on an equaflty, and ia justice tb the. 'people, froin wiom tisse, pFiv- Ileges are derived, thoeo.'menus: et o oommuûilcation' sbould be accesâlle tb ail itzesu wltiiout disèrimna- tion."1 Tii. above resolution1 was pasoed by, *iie delegates te. the, Indepeudoat TpliiiÈue Auoclâatlon' Convention at tho City Hall, Torionta, on Thurs- dài> last. N[ÃŽ. A. Hoovir,ý of Green River, Presideat. of the' Moine Telephon, Co., whlch operates Ues hrougu tuis district, wau elected to the. Ex- ecutive Comitee. THE WALLS OF JERICO. Suclu la the heading oft-an article Inu the Country Gentleman dealtng wlth a' phase of oominal l!,re ta la interestini to the, business men cf WbitbYý , ani towne -and chties thougluttie> could bud up witin Émaginary' walls surroundlng the, cor- 'porate limite. That ie a mistaloe., The, town Eu inked up wlulu the 'mur- roundlng country. Witii the buildig of tiie new rallways mb ,Wlitby and thé. oertainty now of the Kingston rond beiug made a great modern Mighway, Whitby will b. brought lu- o cloner touci wiuii wlder tretclies et splendid farming country b lthe north and lwest and nortii-easi cf lte connty town, as well as reoive Incalculable boenfts froin belng the. nearest and beatcoendElioned ubur- ban town In, relation bo Toronto, the second largest cty Ia Canada. Tiien, down w;iEI come lte "Walls of Jer- ico."i The business and social Inter- ests of Whiltby are idenllcal- with tiiose of the. magnIficent agrieultural country witii WhEch t lessurrounded. ASHER-MVALLIN. Mandella Farm, Scugeg, the. ite el Mm. and lira. Thou. Grahain, mae the scene o! a very pleasaut event on lte eveulug cf Saturday, Noveaiber 7th, Il belug lthe occasion of te mur- rnage et Miss Alice Mallin, formely of West, Bremmicit, Euglnnd, toMm. Thiomas Asher, Scugog, formely of London, Eàu-1and. Thte weddlug iniarch mas played b>' Mmm. Buckler, mi! e o! Rev. W.' H. Bucklem, tiie latter per- forming lb. meddiug ceemeny. The bride iras ecotd b>' Mr. Ettey Flonlut, Prince Albert. Gwendelîne Etle>' acted as ring beamer, anud Alice Jnokaou au Ilower girl. Tii, utIle girls ca rrid cul them part ai lie cememan>' cilte prettlly. Tiie bnudeglookc,< charmiug lu a drous et Saxe-bIne ciebt, mithtigit corsage cf oiental .11k. Tii. malut mas trimmced mi mwhie sllk ever- lace and trilling. A lovely boiqquet e! ferua and floiera mas -carried b>' thie bride. A sumptuous sapper mas served aItich conclusion et tic cere.. mon>'. THE LATEST NEWS. The. TireBéau Sources ai a Bargalu Rate. Thée Greabeut War lu Hlstory do neir ou, and neyer ulace piuting -mas iveuhed bave titere beeu sucu uni- vera need and demaud for tic nemi- paper. We bave made arrangements b>' mlùli we van auppi>' ail lte uuem ûf the mi, mcmrlii, ail the. noms oh the irar, and ai the local niewu with- la bte limita cf car owa circulation, il a prietint, frein a bargain standpoiut, leavem nctig ta b. de.- dired. -W. wilI sapp>' car cm paper aud [Tbe WeekIy Mail and Empire- bthe ire together- frein nom tlliJan. uam>' lot, 1915, for 30 cents, or the mco togetiier frein nom 1111 Januar>', lot, 1916, for .$1,75. Titis libéral cf- fer ia good antil me mutbdramlt,. therefore, me saggeut ear>' subscrip- tIons for grenier value, and mequest tbal all erders be sent te tiie office of titis paper. I: t -t f t t t c W. H. S. LITEItARY SOCIETY. Thor firit meeting ohftthe Lilemar>' Society' oh lie Wiitby HigIt Schcol icit ia been crganlzed for lie hall. sud muter lerm, mas heldL Eu lbe Assembi>' Hait on Friday lalt, mien tiie holomiug excellent progrmua renderd : PresEdenl'u Addreu.-W. Nagent. Instrumental-E. Elvudge. - Reading.-"'Horse or Huaband," L. Ravin. consteoon-- tka bm d Wd égo is not to be ëured ý.y haroh pÙrga. tives; they rathrea- avate ther Lgulir, Por a uentee but sure use ChamberleeSte., mach tl«ý use and Liver Tablgts. They stir up the Uvir, tone the nerves and fromhen, the etomach and !btWels just Uke au interrad th. à8 bout -friend., i.bthyiormal mach. Takre a iborlaino Stoînaci ltat nugbt snd thie rstomacb and ler ntation, -snd th% adache.,haýve aIt na i mornlng. Two Barri. wookly newspaperm, th, Examnér'aiid the ýSaiurday Moràng, have been amalgamated. - Goodwood ins î ralsed $106.35fo the. Pâtrlotlo fund. In the Eate of James Read, late of tie Town od -hitby, la lie-Counk- t>' of- Ontazio, Retired Farmer,' Notice fluiiereby given, parsusut tb section 5>89 Ciap,11RSO,194 tiat iii. persons baviag dcaime - gaInst tie embte-of tuei d Jamne Rend, wio diéetaitii, sud Town oh Wiitby on the, ISth day et October, 1914, are reqalred to dehiver or %end bw post, prepnld, Ch George Wood- cook, Whitbye' Ontarlo, lhe executor efth lioaïd emate, on or before lie iri da 41FohDecember, 1014, , heir name.sud addremmem, and a hull de- meription 'of h iEr cEaia, sud lie na- ture, of h ecuri tis, If an>', beld -Dy them, and Furher take notice thbahiafer bis naId lot day of Decomber, 1914, the sait! eéecutor miii proceed tbdis- tributo lie embate oh tie said! deceas- ed among tue parties entitled tiers- to, having regard ouly. to tlie daims ,oh mmcii ho mmal ten have notice, and the, mid executor shah net te Ilable for tie maid! asels or su>' part tiereof, te au>' penmon ofh mien aims he shah 'net tien have reMeved no- lle. - GEO. WOODCOCI<, - EXecator, b>' AE. CHRISTIAN, is Solicitor. Dated October 80. 1914. --20 Be as warm as you can be in a good Canadian Ulster this year. 1 Cheaper than a fur coat and heaithier by far. Woolly,. downy fabries, Made to give a maximum of iwarmth with a modicum of etheavy Ulsters-thèse Semi-ready garments, but tailored and irterlined at the bodily parts requiring snug warmth. - Comfortable to slip on- good to Wear. Start in at $15 and follow the values up to $20, $25 and $30. No tailor can do haif so well. .Maurice Murphy 1 doqr south Royal Hotul, Whltbyont. INSURANCE Fîre, Lie, Live Stock, Plate Glas, Accident and Automobiles. Agent for the best Canadian, English n d American corupanies. JAMES MOCLELLAN Box 393 W hitby, Ont. Phon e i ROYAL THEATRE Open every evening. Wednosday,8SpoolalhFaturo Nlghtm We have installed a new Simplex machine, which is absolutely flickerless and ýeasy on the eyes. Saturday night, ioc to ail. BAIN PERRIN, Manag« NICHOLSON &'SELDO N Phn 38VBTA<R AL PeSIT ION FOR FÂLL AND WINTER. ire have a sound busiess proposition for a rellable energettc sasieiran for tis dt*brlct to oeil fruit treesai m rits flowenlng ihbb, etc. Psy weekuy, bUtlit Ire, exclusive beüitory. OMER 60lO RES Iof fruit and ornamentat atosk în.ler cultivation.' I ie selU thrugit oui salesmea, direct te tthe con- !mer and guarant4e dellvery o! freshhigh grade C. A. Sc.iam atagr ~ S ii4wuinvW.Suoigln (dcA. meos»,ý lieto- Thiel About Yu CHRISIMAS CAK TAKE ADVANTAOE 0F THESE PRICES 3 Ibs. Good Rai sins for 3 Ibs. Goa Currants for 2 Ibs. chioice Bleached SeedE Best' Lemon Peel, per lb. Best Orange Peel, per lb. 3 Tins Pure Breakfa t Cocoa for - - 25e - . 256 ess Raisins for 25e - 15C - ~- 20c 3 Cakes Infant's Delight Soap for 25c - 25e Speclal lor' Saturday and monday -OnIy:s Tailored to-measure Suit or Overcoat for $ 10.50. The House of Hobberlin. Ballots for, Grafonola given with this bargain. Much interest is bei'ng takcen in our Fros Orafomela Contoat. Ballots are in great demand. Are- yôu -out to win ?- Remember-25c purcirase, gives .i vote, $I.00 gives 4. B!ookl We Me LAWRENCE in, - Ontario BA-ROAINS 1N CLOTH'INOI- I RIVE PUROHÂSED* A BANKRUPT STOCK 0F' Nsw -and Secon d-lad Clèlot- INCLIDINO MENS AND BOYS', SURT, SHIRTS, UNDMRSNIRIS, HEAVY 101K SNII SWEATERS, WORK PANTS, BOOTS AND SNOE80 HATS AND CAPS. ALS0 UDIES' WAIST'AND NOISE DRESSES.' Which I ill sel every evening at my resid'ence. Bit BARGAINS can be secured while the stock lasts. Goôde ainioWt iven .away.- Harry Neskal, DundasSt.,East, Whitby- I "MADHEIN CANADA", The Ford Coupelet A car of style in'a class by iseif. Beaaty in design. Rich in appcintment. Roomy and comfortable. Every detail ini mate- rial, make and' finish carmes the highesî qualiuy. Ford efficiency and large produc- tion making possible thé lollowing. price Fully Equipped (/.o.b. Forýd, Ont) $850, .Buyers of this praetical Ford car will share lu profits,.If we seil at retal 30,000 nom Ford cars betireen Augnust 1914 and Augîtat 1915 Farms Upmards of fortyif $35 an acre, guara4~,&ld investinent, located mn Every- conceivable roqqi and other imprevementsi J. E WIN Bell phono,1»9. - -Itesiidence, ýDundas For Sa~e patrons. lt Wili fer yen: DuruEs llMED' Brock st. -Profe soi J NO. 'Ea FAI Barriste,., Couaîy: A.E. CIM Bau,.ater. Soilcti, 0g=,,Brock S. JAMES RUTLEDGI Money te Loan - ~ Office imme îfiately Whitv G. VOUJNG e Issue -MARRIAGE Ceu-rt Houie, WW D AJ. a Barister, Solicito Conveyance Osbawaj office-NO. 2 King E Residence-5 -Pieuses-Office, 321 Marriage- &0Witneaaeeretuired. The rie aa - -LandGo., Real taté Oea ier.4. Re1rîis Colected, Fin Pro ipert .ie,. b.,u1 For ternis el ply ileai Bell Phone u19:1 isles Men Ric#IARD5ON à RICHA _WtL COURT, Wîl bepleamed to gtve kindia o! Plast6riing Cufargs Moderato. Te acres, Kîngsîon M te Oshiawa, -g ro omed. dw lot trees n ,atypý barn,~ bal[ bearing or&card. brance. T %,entyseveh 1 ioHn rFiSHE Counry Real Estate and Lum sdenîBî -6 Adelaide S t, TORONT rN BsadDray E Bus tb àai rai AUTO1MOBILE FQ:v ýarms frein 2 5 acres up, aud at frei ho uhowir salisfaclory reauhts> afrom - Whitby and Pickering Townships. irement of soiu, buildings, -orchard can b. pmet in the varied list, offeOred. -WIIITBY, p. o, ARCHjIVES 0OF ON4TARIOC TORONTO A 1 E . 4 . -. 1

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