o-. 85 Sons 0.f tii. Sme fo# 8. ToMmny Athi5' ~... Hflo. b iDay (We've Got aIR e Fist, 8o)5C ~fli TrupetVo!" 0of the motherlma di.s O .85C a ugooes0.- 86C U MartMmri&e...........85C And' Ail the Nýational .Hymns of --the Allies. If .you'doIl'thflow 1theqiity t' OoumbiO Swill, for adyertising PurpOlêl oBly, supply demoilstr&tion doublo-di.IC record for thirt. Mà ple Leaf For 'Ever and. ... Home,.Sweet Home.I yod cafi obtain thoue an other PATRIOTICmand POP COLUflBIA DOUBLE DISC PEC f romi 4R RN.BASSE WITBY a Records, we you with our- ýy cents, mitre- .... 30c, tTT ONTARIO TER AND LIGlIT COMNISSIMERS: o you know of anything else that hais been steadily ,g down in price for the last £ew years, except ho chief business of a Municipal Electrie Deýt. is te h electricity for light and power "lat cent" te the itants of the municipality. Owing to- reductions in iceof meters, anid to the general inc rease in business, ibëen f ound possible te lower the cent of light to the mer by eliminating meter rents after- they have been tlree years. G~ET YOUR 1101.3E WIRED ring 74 » H. ýRosaiS3, G Sl4r.Y 68,I-* - B. el 1 ,0Coluft g51,. C. J.;k- I PROCLAMATION. 4. UXRIDGE-B. J. Mooreî- j f son,65- G. MOGIIUWay688, G. R* 1By His Honor, Col. J. S. Heudrîs, bridge* Clk-JaU. 109 Mar.1,m oitocu 41, E. R@bertief 59, F. Hdaýd- Lieut.-Goveërnor of Ont»ri Maiy 19, July 14, E;epfï 8, Nov, <90, ersîlS, E Crlnk56~W. Nuget 52,ý To the people 0f Ontario:J~ 0 95 C, Plaskett 52, W. Jobnteii49, M.-Ila la propoeod -te bold the third S.CANNINGI'QN-Thos. H. Foster, Toxveoi'88, H. Arksey 85,A énd ueiuôi udy in th.chut ches Caau1agtor, ,Clrk-Js., 9, Mx.18, 25, A.' Gales 7. throughout Ontario on. $unday, No- May 14, July- 81ï;Sept. es ov Form 1. vomber29113, and thie'second Tuber- 19- 1j.. 15, 1915. spelig.-E. Kemp 85, L. -Ravin bercW os:s__4ay ia,1the S '* gVETO- h. . atr 8,E. SUÀphunsieOU80,' E.Fuer8, hogjout OntèrIo on Monday, No K.LaoF 8, . 1[wa: 0,J.1vmro 11. - son, Beaverton, Clerk- Jan.. S,- cog i0'(. Quihton 80; ,XE. lvldge .Ail thoSewhcme position xnlght b. iliNUL 12, ay 1, Jsy 10, sept, 10,ý 80, D. Bradb1upy80, D1.- Thomn $~0, uged te further thls-,',most lmportant fNV 8 Ul 4 95 *M. SmiIIII 75 'A. lRlce '0,'Mi.- Wîlt-ý balth movemOlil, should ,do every- 7. UMTERGROVE -Dalle! lASOflitî en 6é?,L. Gb~iQ. 911113ty10 tWilg lu ii er ,power te m u ig»A theCe~-Ju 1 ur 1 f 5, A!' Goldts%'50, Il. Johngston,50t netlagý, on lth deys as succusaul iMay , i.Jou1f'17" Sepi. 14, ov W.- l1lth ïà <7 3 5. o.., 14- spoubl.t17, Ja.. -18i,1915. Sbtéë*ïtý 5,., M. e~tÃŽti' 40,,-l Whe--cjgI4= sare brlify tanght tb.ef By Order, P; i"5,Fi'Stone 10, N. Neill caiwe5esoft Iis dreaded .dissase itJ.B.-FAXEWELL, 5~J om.should mûaki .iipressi0ononCe. f't _290 their mmndisuad ast,el tb In la- lr i b HONOR FOR AÀ IIB BOY. ma»e tkJirbd5f à IIDtiOU I e UM N S The lirsI award4@f 1he scholaxthlps easy, a104", b"Mist6 be 'derlved M N S provlded for -by 1lb wil of' th. lAa10'frcm lb.' là structon inta he chools John-IlJ.cartr o! Sarnua, b a ' ee o bould'be meait useful. 1IIP M iEoU etiSuI anounMOedby miistei of! Edu- 0f equal -importance ahouid b. lb. aipTyo o'a"0 u t4on c atis, d by Ibis award IÊdgar L.' resuits frein lb., Suiiday services I t!pyyu1 el~ o b5esmtb, of -Wtby, ih ves iraI 1 bearlssg the.-approval and support o!f ols~dfeglfryusV -place ', inOutaro Ceunty standig. f lb. Minlterl iAssocIions. ot alo b. m Ie1 b 8gMt W.M, Tse hearsblps go tteh1e ibre 1More se ow than at- any ote cmsot smpo IbowM. CSoWssus «M& ca *iaesho- obtalned -th1e higheat lime ln our historY as-,part eft l.eumdd lo i gascu aggregats of - amks on the. recent 'great Empire, .we shouild do al we iols 0 erclvlo o I Jus.upper sohoci examinatfoiis Ila;can £o Improve 1the health o! our ne- curtslnfl aebY Purdmbsai rm I. 'lb. cIIy of Toronto and in each o! - lion, and I cannot toO strOnlgy 8P- A CalisoIl0ctsd. tWstjy-4ohiicotnisor groupa o!1jpeai tote 1epeople n! this Province counîjes.' To the COMPtîter chIala- te, give Ibis movement everY afflst- UJtm t nI 9 Iini th. bigbeat aggrsgate o! marks ancè possibe..H I IflBIGlhL U ,the value o!0 b. the blarshlP la$100, (Sgd.) JH, .-1lNRE Ite the eue whe ranks next $60, and - Office, md Works to the ,11e bird $40. lu 1the case 0! Don't Qrow Baid. Opposite Standard Banik, Whitby. Brant County two cempetiltora vere _______________ equal for the third-scholarsh'lP, whlcb USE PARISIAN SAGE. will be divided between thein. I er F Egttn hnIsn ERCI ai ub.ser nt yes t111e let is naturllolr, or bas that ma: F. ELUVL, C PTIOIAN - vlbOfem 111 yequ teî iîî eres ted, iifeless and acraggy appeuranies, s uffcient t pay lu f ull ail 1he scol- the reaonluedetdlduiad - . S N arsip povdodfo, or th petaIf ailure te keep the bair roots prop- F0 INTAIN PINS aix1.1 arUied folrtfrethe b.- eriy noutisbed. qùýa e a e ntl eeaproimteiy Parisian Sage appled dailY for a Ifyeu want a Swan Safety 25 er cenot o 111etotal rqroiaela ýweek and then eccasiohlailly is ail - 1111cabe carried in the peeket ordet en.ot the tpotl 111educoIn that la needed. It removea dandruft any way, then the Swan in the ful compt tordsap111e Geramat bs with one application P, stops o you want duicde t rovte 111 etasa-faling hair and itching head; $300 UP t mua ruaed to makid teaymeioa a- invîgorates the scalp and malies duIl, 70 YONGE STBET. u.-stringy hair sofI, ahundant and rad- ÇngS.g orno ue eso 11 Shirsi o at with life. Equally good for Cre ~n tTrno Ontario County were :-1, Edgar L. ~women 1hde-Vtoi ________________ SexsinitbWhtby ; 2, Gladys Hucofneda t. _________________ nsn U xrde;3 Olive Gaie, Osh- 1 A large bottle o bsdlgtu ________________ insonhait tonic can be hadt froni A.H. AI- iA i illï Mra. Sxnt at e ogaua'lini or any drug ceunter for 50 cents. DOUBLx- TRACK AIL TUBWtT ed on the honor attalaed by hlm Yo h l su oreiy jîkePaitas g e .,-T RONTO m CHICAGO la competition i wth al1the candida- Tre la neotherORJNTOt-ae-good."- T tes from Ontario County. r O O TO-M N R A John D. Bush, o! Mlorrisburg, a pu- RV R MR ICVRD h neimifa lle pilIof Miss Gertrude Pringle, former- R'V R'EOYRCVRD h nentoa IIe iy of!the e-High Scbool here, won th1e The many frientis o! 11ev. Vernen Canada.â Train of Suferior Service correspending iraI acholarshiP la H. Emory, formerly - pastor of Chia ôLents Tondthio .0 a i. ahrVUDt udaSormont and Glengarry. ton St. Churcb, Toronto, and aI one 0.5prn idChcg 80 iE i Dudas St imepasor o th TabrnaleWhit.- Leaves Toronto 8 arn., arrives Detroit 1.46 par by ew etied ad ivig j St5. and Chicag5o 8.40 P.m"" daily. by, ow etird ad liingiiiLest Train Ont O!fTrornto at Nlght GRE.NWÀY-MACLEOD. Cayuiei il be deigbted to Leaves iii 55 mr., aririves Detroit 8 1a-11. anc that he has s fat re:o ien.Chitagh8prnciapelraialeu for Wmtrn t at.ai n Another o!f1the romnantlo war wed- know tat1e ass fa rcoeedCito prm amrinimotatcon dinga took place -on Saturday in St7. !rem bis setous ihhness o! last wia- canad". FRMNR james' Square Presbyterian Church, ter as te 11e able te preacb agala. I.eaves;Toronto9..rn.,8.soVrn.andll113.fld Toronto, when Rev. AndreW Robert- 1-11 sermon ai Caton St. Churcb, Berth reservatielii, etc., at G.T.R. tic1iÇt i5câ son niarried Alice B. Macleod,, te his oid cengregati0f on Suaday Fou particahari froin agents or write daughter o! Mrs. Donaid Macleod, e! evening, October 25th, was marked Dis.tHritPasser A et. f Ytmg Sakacheante ap.G by alilbis ohd-tirne-ire and power. Union a. oont. YouE. Sre satch.1Ye! ailton, one "Hoit much lire lbe bas for an old p. steoiwnson, Agent, phone se, WhitbY o! the Arîny Medficah corps. The ma," was frequentl remarked, the _________________ groom was in service uni!erm, bis only mistake o! whlch is that 11e is gemman, Mr. B.O. Hùoper, an o!- net an old man. I-Te is supphsîng la ficer in the 131h Regiment, aise being seme e b edn hrhso I la unîterni. The bride, wbo was etv- Catharines durîng tbe Sunday s o! en away by M.Lr. w.P. loger, wore bovember. A pastor wouid be for- white charmeuse with a coîhar e! tunate te gel bum a 'Sunday.-Guard- - iBrusseha point, and mucb beauti!ul fan. lace eftectively draped on the gown - with orange biossoms. Fier brides- maid, Miss Elizabeth Stewart, o!f R C Whitby, wore pale mauve marqlu sette, enmeshed la silver lace, and a black bat trimmed wethi mauve flow- I he high cost of l.iving" by using electricity in the hoxne. ceIvedoby the hostess, weariflg black Su Trbyfr1Yas sik, enrlched.' wlth lace, assisted by TriSd "Fflht4-tVsS" GEO. W. P. EEY ut Miss PattersoTi, of Whitby, an old frleud of the bride,- who WaSi black charmeuse, with a tOuch O! 0e u-~ keep abreast of the tre hn 8URER'8 M L f, A D FOR T X 8 o read the lVeekly ýSun o! Toron- to. It is a farmers' newspaper,. and, :e of a wa rant under the hand cf the Warden and the ea i o!heb.Corporatioti that mea.us. market reports', editor- ej County cf Ontario, dated the îzth day. of September, 1914, commarling me IaIs, speclial- farming articlers, speoial iv upon the lands metloned ln the following lt for arrears of taret thereon de Itet o l h aiy oh îfierein set forth; 1 hereby give notice that unless abch arreartoand < tonte p mearfrae hefaml, Oh I shalpin l coipliance wIth the Asseasment Act, procced ta mli by Publie or people's opinions," where the ae ald lande, cimuch thereof as may be necessary for the taxes, aI 1110 readers may say their say- and a ser lu lbegTo*nuof Wbitby, on3 countiess list of bright leatures of SATURDAY, DECEMBER 26TIlo 1914 juterest and Importance to ail tarm- ai the heur cf two o'clock In the afternoon ors .Fiîy-two weeks in the year the TOWNSHIP 0F RAMA Sun te on the job. Do you read Il? Lot Con. Acres Taxes Costa Total Pat or Unpa When renewlng your subscrlptlon for D. A. WHrrIf. Len. 18 F $0 10 38 2 Si 12 89 Ugipat t ae ewl b lae otk zo G 100 13,43- $259 $1602Nty rsuba pt hio be for Th e takes azWÂLLÀA VX. TOUMON 14, G 50 $ 9 83 $2 50 $12 33 u»patyurubrponorTe u. L 100 '1386 2 6o 16 46 t~251 --TOWNSHIP OF MARA t ot Con. ,Acres Taxes Cous î î 5 87,,2 50 300, 9159 a350 - TOW IHIP 0F BROCL L.Con. Acrs Taxs cSl s9i : à Y% za83 2 50 t 4. 24 ,. p333 28 TOWNSHIP 0F PICKERING LotCa ce ae Con.s lot lot ,slag'N )é14 $% 1,53 j329< S1 TOWI Lo.c6u Total Il 37 13 09 Total 5 33 m 66, Total, 23094 TrW Pat or Uspat - PLAIN., The. editor bas reeelved a shoért 'le le't ter frein Sergt. Herb. ElIott, - ,pa orUnpatWhitby boy, wbo loftI-a short tIme Fat~ ~ ýg orUýi ~ wth th1e firsl.Cana.dlau conîing- a, Sa., 1Herb. vent wltthlb.46111 Reei Imeut' frein Fort Hope, leavtsg on pat à i V.p., September 17 f ox Valcartler. He os- - joyed-AIbe'trip -oyer, but dm . noi e»lk. England very well,, ashe aye Sil bas beeui ratalnOà ealy everyda, tIoeIbir ldirlval. . -i l la '. éempwuy, Sud Ballà lon, l1 rigae Pat The. evapoater-»ad storaliusO- ai, Oronc wve.cemplbdy dewtcoypl- br- vit« tpt ~-muaNovemb0f. 15. Tii. -Pit buin ee ovasbyMr. Thon- ýirl 0O, sudW 7pd ll afllY eoy8u4 Amuhia for a perlo-f Iftees yemr (~m etiumhâ,dg--to-ast1 p aI- ghl for lweçko AI a tirn) Ibga1 he tablets reheved ne of Xndigecii, s Ibreugli 1hé coli 1 du .u e c, 'fcaeI arno loger steCwIbla terrible disuerAt *,Ihaks te e gtin>glýaanyp".ued<a hem leA -l b..,y IndguteO" D .WBe by rnAgtmfrla Pvr o m )Y s..etvnroSe L er. Bd ý'he Bell 7TiI la 1th. Xey-note CI tht I"mtuatloa. Our gradua't'esabeed bocaim oe have-re- celeS cOrrect prpatlmi onjosa re NUlu utoul u5e Cauou roc. Euter any lime., II7~BL W. J* iBl84ttosi Livery, Qartag and eamrng. 1 hae rcont9y added. to my wbl. equipped iivery stable a heavy teai sud dray for ail kinds of cartage aud temngwVk, and wnll bc pleased t rocoive orders, which wili have prompt and. caroful attention. PH0NF. 61. ICIIIRIASE TO MUÉT ALL TRAINS. I John -01mnb/et Scianton Ce ai Chestnut and Steve per ton $7.50 Eae per 'ton' Pe Cal Tpurhn' fnl pero less. Ceai"-. The name highest quality. R, ILLOWO 6.50- sheds 50 cents guarantees the Whilby il Bell Tel. 9.* Home Tel. 14. Impregnabte Strongtb, Max1mumù Bonefit, Incomparable Dividende, Minimum Nlot Ceet. For rates and'f ul Iinformation apply te F. J. DUFF,1 MR. A. E. DONOV AN, Special Eep- Qneen & Victoria Sta.. MyrIle. Toronto, Mgr. IsrnceCo. ThO MUtual tifs of NewYork Good Roads for- Telephone T1IRE gqd roads e mveiet asnot b~ confned te the highways. E.Telephone Syutem bhs cveçpd ftlio province with "lgoêd roads" for tà lk, reaching nearîy every nook and corer. Co. of Cci Rosidece, - Tbortoul -Cemers Phone 41, Olhawa. I8TCLANs WOIEK OVAZAMIED. Charges modrate. AWpY Dundas St. Wstor PO. b.zl4,P3 W.ý ADAMS" Deat4sI, Ome, Emia Street# -Besidom N O. 4, lbe TqA'5. ,Byron St., Wbihby. Phoa-NO. 122. JA. ISOPS u cossor bt LiFair~e.- tiFC bu aaddates apliy-to self or G IW Wlui HAW AND VALUATUR. Al kndofoaieproMpIY -4636 .4> toi Arrangements Wi4te5.1 ce le mde m.l the Gsz*e QRMe Terms reseona"l IBell sud !udepeÃdestplm. WIIITBYI ONT. James ý&'Walker- Punip Manuaturers succetiors to B. W. Elamu Sbop Dundaestrcet, -Wblitby. Tbree deors WestI cf Wwty lieuse Iinda of repairing. SAngient@ for the Ontario wind mili, alme gaa hneegnea. eU50, lad. 2M. WIIITER TOURS I knhlO nGH LhNr -OF THE 66CANADIAN" FA87T TIME BETWEEN IWONTREAL-TORONTO DETROIT-CHICAGO M. .Muphy, District Pasmenger -Agent, corner Kirg and Yonge St., Toronto. 1Y zIer 1 Il, elevgz ciiie o be eer - - kcwo wozuen,. -y a cd veryone t-r Ilni ëveegticaj of !meeting meer ii tLe eity. Und j voi; a <ci i1nied c turohd froia seec man lit, carne fa -*horn ut firnit bu pized. T-len Mr.- euti emile, for t] 'il. e wa6 et ietiing uthe crow4 * cb*ngedeuh, a i cîderLen haster -Biut Lady LUe, -What ait aw:1 on1 Iknew. whg alz to hlm' - 1'-Hie naine ii; *,ald. "*Re basj mopey t bn-s anj 4î\Zfrald hoe -l a-w: >-cm te know ai ý'1ntroduce ime,' autocratie way. Sîr,.Tendettea iof aksecond, and ýa Ioturned '-1have oet b ho introdnicad;c Adriarn beforehb Thre duî-ht-i,e ttirougb heloi lier liead. -ý -Tue- he i3 sld. "-wbo ie J Lady'ElIc- tshi i-rfavori-te faé: 'l d n'k now; siw u*appettwit] rn-amcctii -,m but the duc1(ý -1have xA, S zaîd, *one does !4lown maL for whoie of îh-4 e 1 am off te 'he ilcerrew. YoWbrh i th -m e. Nlei1. ir bing. ycu1 ew(r4ed in bhr rz * - rle mari Who 1h. rte cyly an -rii.hSt an ir.fr, back quik ,r.ati tuile. IidLeed. i * * tooýd there Julh C1014' -t-bat lie ir In lthn, rR and I-bat- MIahi b il-id baunoti; Mir. 'I'ecelerte1l th1e cihor ma-r. An - .)clt fhi-n lai îl Ig wlx1î A i -aih h But I:, -L;t l ei l j W 1 1 -Better, eyes The Bell telephome lamp kerosei best- generol rea c4i n~er of 1 The RiÀ .smoke < nickel-pl ho light, easy to dealerse -thes telephone good roads sbould not be overlooked. They are prOvin9 te b.e a big <acter/mI gettlng business back te normal Are you usingthern? The long disoance telephone, by cutting out travelling expense, sa-ring finie ad labor and enabllng yon te keep ln touch vith rapidly hanging markets and trade conditions, ca keep things moving at greatly reduced coul and prove »a real rlgbt atm téyour busines. - Prove t1 Figure out bow 70u cýn, apply the long distance telepfhone, te- your busness. Blundreds, of business men are doing Il witb gjreatsuccesa. AR;CIIVES 0F ONTAKIV TORONTO fthe.followings -dece852 IouhIlac rcr. vI oc Country Need :You goYi in Bite Boys of th.OlBrigBdC Vctcran Sono IGod Save the King- ILord Godl Prot.c t6te Tsar4 -WA I furnist the PrI it 4han -~consui and h a1t raut m m 1 Every Bell Telephone is, a Long,,Digtance,,Station WHITBYI 1 ýDUNDAS ST.9 WEST 1 Imri LAffl UV& %.Oucbl il R. Br M Agen Whitby 1 Ã