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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 26 Nov 1914, p. 5

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Brass Goods Pêrisî&n IV ory., in-I Briusbes, Mirrors, Manicure Pitc, - Etc. Ebony G~oods (dîtto) F&ftcy Clocks et Kai~ s - K I~orks~ or~d &poons Leather Cioods Before Purcbêsiog a Watcb BelSure and Get Our Low Special pri. -p--'H REare m o re Walthani *Watchces ini use on the great rail- A. roads of this country than Ai nther 'ni ak es comibined. Why? Because the Waltham Watch can bc relied upon to keep accurate ti ae under the most trying conditions. II's Time You Owned a Walthamp" We Carry a full stock In ail ades * ajU& çlth us about a %Nltam. R. -Ne -indep"' Pboorob and Records A Gen~uine One-ibird Discou~t QFE & Complete Series. BASSBETT Jeweler- and Oraduate Optician WIIITBY, I f you want a waich that you can be proud of-carry a WalthamWatch The Waltham basbeen awarded highest honors at-every Interna- tional Exposition and has taken evMr Gold Medal offered in America since 1875.ý "':Time You Owned a Walthom." ONI. grades. -SIlOP;AT NOME. ,Court of Revlwlon. le Vo be hei, la, 1110 Oo a aihmber on Friday mormng cx -mu WS-K nu t -ýS RUX- l dm Miscellaneous Ac A ÉOMvawIau~ nd l' Ait Anlv 'P.mý " inbecause certain assessments are constlderedVo be too higli. There 6 roomed bungalow, wlth bath anid are, otier appeal on tVhé groumd that lectrlc llght, by lst January, 1910. certain propertloe are a555555d tooApltoWBu. low bt theè donot corne trom the -FOR SALE C}IEAP. ownersof tVhs properties theraselves, fcf ut 1 tresd power la No. 1 worklDL condition. -Oas Gouid Shapley Wlad HELP ORCM UI y B Mill" ail ready' Vo, ersot. WrIte or BUYING AT HOME. 'phone Urlah Joues, Brooklil, Ont. LOST HORSE BLANKET. The St. Andtews' Soctetv y idc' Ssary sermon wli be prcacheod in,;Sr..'Â yeilow plaid street- blanket, be- Andrese' Chilrch, -Whlt'y, by tho 'tWenon e and two miles west of Rev. Dr. Abraham, Cen Sunday even- Whltby, on Kingston Road. Fladez Sg- next, November 29, ot 7 p.mt pleaso leavo at-Gazette ofuce or Jet- Mombers o! the Sooiety and al fe Ba' Seotchmeil who are noV înemberii arec-STRAYED., speclally lavited toi nieet at the Iligh Onto my property, lot 32,1 con. 2, lanidClub rooms at 6..'0 p. v., -ejd_ Whitby, Tp., on the nfiht o! Novein- rnarch Vo Vhe ohurch. bei 20, a biack'uteer, rislng, 2 yeau --4- ~old.. Owner may have ame by pcov- On Monday evsatng, Noveliber 30, ling property and paying çzpoue. ymembers of the St. Andrews' 50- éd Rowe. clety and ail Scotchinen are cordial- WANTED. l y invlted to meet at ths liugbland *Club Racina at 8. p.m. To pitrchs or rent, a plaie la Lt* apnd Torict ' mrth aa d nditiurlgonA lt. - s. Lot Wnd hlg an hTy a' r aod tPcenditiOnt. pyV r~P IAnd mak'-a cheertu' quorum.HUS FO Sb? H. M. Ross, PrssidenV , J.T. Math- New frams houas, I* atorey!, - AIr ison, Secretary. roornu, 8-pIede bath# furnace, eiectric-- -4- lgÉt. Apply J., H. JAMES, Wblb-. BE LOYAL TO YOUR HIOME. .by.-tf. the wri of! lng ag< a i sol ig str lof -prc L HEYEAR'S WORK.. A New Dopari !loowîng - brie! sextract i ta k- km the comprehensîve report 1-aigtkn v ted Wby ths Socretary * t ., lavnUakno ofg of he Convention. aec o F6 more thrilltig and aoul-stlrrlng asc o ,Itr o! this temperance hlistory of DProvince of Quepbec has ysV been B18 IS - V ittn than the one wbichthe forces àr 1sIln emperance have been writing dur- 1RVIPos ;Vhs year 1913-14. Three YOMr o a leader oftVhs liquor forces said: We are prepared to attei >~ Prohibition wave ia subaldlag ;'1 waats in the line câa s he Vhs mt la he air as hO vs recedes."1 But so far frein sucb i VUCTROU. lng trus, each year aines haisehowa marked advnnce over its predeces- We have a very large r, the year under rsview register- assortment of Records, g, a high-water mark, higher than world famnous artists. or before. The tide o! public senti- fit --.aeaatVhs lîquor traffie la The Victorrnakesi ,en --Qzator 1 oIl te near--uy -ene-13-aren --under Prohibition hs Pýrovince la larger, hs aumber liqiior llceies la lois aad hseout- ,k for further and rapld advance l9 -omlelng beyond measure. - $ Local I1&ppeftifgs SHOP AT HOME. A liat of the regimeatal necessities ttC. +hg ,.a,.lAjifrwill bai nUhlished ini Iment rer the end to your cof ge and good iby ail the it possible tai ented artists st anY time, with in the comforts of your own home, withrout having te go to à big expense or travel a long way. Come in any lime and we wil be pleased te play a selection for Wilson's. Studio next vfflk'5Issue.SOPA HME Pa&e TWO of this issue <5 cern- The sewers are now beiag laid in posed of local asws aadf advertiie- port Whitby. A considerable a- mnaî. Rend thein. mouat of work has already, been dons 4 south o! Vhs G3.R. tracks, and imore The resumptloof ths iaqîest lna is stiîî la progresu. Ia otixer parts ths death of Geo. Holliager, at o! ths town, to, hs work le beiag Cherrywood, has beonf fixed for anext pushed as rapidly as possible. Thuirsday, December 8..10 Th stie ol eahr4ngit Mrs. Wm. Noble suffered a parnly- seeled oldVrnieat, r aso notirstroke last week, and bas ebeen a !ew unpicked apples.. The urnips qulte seriously Ill. Inay blé eaved, but Vhs apples wlli Mr o.Kn0wl ecv th noV b. wortb much. M.Js igwl oev h --+- - .firat Tuesday in Vhs moath, iastend The own dock has again rseuinedofteratndhi. Its rounds, comxnencing on Mionday...l é Thes mechanism iiid noV operate est- Keop Thursday, Decomber 17, for IsfcVollyla he oida.toiperso!ths !ancy sale and alent tea, under Vhe owei, and àIV lis tieretors beenVh upcs !Vhlaeso Vh lowered laVe a warmer place. R. C. CilIWcL -4 -- - « - - -- NEW BELL PHONES. 204-Jas. Rutledg, resîdence. 68 r 13-Jobn Keniphorile, Klng- «ton lZend. ils Vhs country Ven miles norih cf hors bas been enjoytllg (l) wlntry weather, witb sgoins slslihg, WhlVby had only ligilV llmi, barely s'iff- dient -Vo whiten Vils groulid. But ths weather han been falrly cold for a week. In spite o! thes maIl blizzard whbý occurvd où Tueuday aternoon, MUr. Wm. Calverley's'.anotîon sale o! bho~old furatturo attircted s good - oowd of! buyens, and- the ,goodi woiS lit1 dlspesed of at ta iles5., business on Tueuday la its bandsonie new quateil On Vhs norýb-ea53t Cor-j ner o! Brook anad Dundas treets. ONTARTIO LADIES' COLLEGE. Fniday, Decombor 11, 4 ta 6 o'locdekt saelo work la aid of Vile ColiegO Y.W.C,.A. Cbaitlès and the War RI- 1e! Futmd. -Atternoon ea will be served. Doa" fOrge ' tthe asais o0 Xnias glft, aiol ansd cabdy that ths Lades' Aïd O! Vhs Baptiet . Cburcb a re hiolding la h Councîl Chamber on Tuesday, Dscexnber8'eh. Also a op lendId-potk and berna napper wil b. ore SHOP AT HOMF. S. S. NO. 2, WHITBY. Slnclair'us shool wiil hold' their annual concert and Clrisimas Tie çn Tuesday, Decexabor 22ad. Pro- gramme begins at elght o'clock. Admission 15c. WiITBY BOY SUCCESSFUL FINANCIAL EDITOR. Mr. John S. Gerrie, a weli-known Whltby boy, who le foliowing the the journal'istlc carser, Ie maklag a distlngulshed success o! the- finanol and business page et ths San Fran- cisco "Cali" o! whiehh b hs cdi- Ver., EPWORTH LI4 GUE. At the Tabernacle Epýworth League on Tuesday evening, Mr. West, ot Ashburn, gave a very interesting ani inrcieit, onicheasugretyof pGreclated hy V h ag umer p- prec.aex ythTesagevmerxgte meeetin xviliesd arge o! Vg hs Chritin End eor commreof te Chricstiar neaoriailyivted. t wbchal xecrd- lyini- d THE TABERNACLE. Suaday, November 29. Service-11 a.m. and 7 pi. Morning subject-"The Cal o Ser- vice., Evening Subject.-"The Exaltatios o! Service." The S. S. and Organized Classes meet at 3 p.m. A weicome te ail. Serviues at Aimonds at 2.30 p.m. A. Y. P. A. SOCIAL. The A. Y. P. A. o! Ail Saints' Chureh, held their opening social for the senson on Monday evening. There was a splendid atteadance. An ex- cellent program was rendered, atter whlch refresilmenta vore served. Rev. Dr. Boyle, of Trinity College, was preseaV, an.d spolie VoVile youag peo- ple. Altogether a xnoat enjoyable 4tlme wae epent. -4-- BAPTIST- CHURCH. Sunday, November 29. Services-il a.m. and 7 il.m. The pastor wlll be 1 i-harge. Monr' ing suhject-"'Afer 'the 's.e cial services, wlihV ?" Evening. subjet.-" lsta he larvoît Past T" Good music, biight services, a comiortable sont and a hearty n-el- corne awalt any wilo may wieil Vo woTlblip w'ith us. WHITBY XMAS FAIR. A meetiar *as held ln Tewn lng by thos lnterested la he pro-, motion o! Ve ishnual WhlVby, Xmas Pair. Thle officere wsre rsels, viz., President, GFOo. A. Resu; Vice- president, John E. Waterhous; eo. Troas., Jos. White. The fair,*wlU be held, as usanal, on Vile, day preceding Chlrinas, Decemiber' 24. Lot everY- one bshlp Vo nmake tile ablgger. evnt [than ever.. SHOP' AT HOME. SHOP AT HOME. DISTRICT DOINGS. Ms. Mary Healy, dl GuelPbi Pss- ed away recentiy at hs age of 104 years. She retalned her woiiderfui mental facuities to the very lst mo- ment. She waa bora in Kerry', Ire- land. Michael 0'Nelll, of Uxbrldgs lus In hie lO7Vh year, and lu stli vsry taikative. 1He is no doubt the old- est man ln Canada, and le alec a native of Ireiand. DON'T BUILD UP ANOTHER TOWN AT T1E EXPENSE 0F YOUR OWN. I ORDERS TAKEN FOR XMAS FRUIT CAKES M METOALFE' S CHOCOLATES I MERMAIO TOFFEE , 'b--. [IM ICE CREAM ai the Maple Leaf TEA ROOM Attractive Groceries -AT- Attractive Pricos8 Gr. Stugar, 14 lbn. for *1.00 New Raisins, péi lb. 100 New Currants, pet lb. 100 Surprise Soap), 6 for 250 Dutch Cleaunser, 3 for 26e Toniatees, 3 for 250 Corn, 3 for 26o Peas, 3 for 250 New Figo, 4 Ibo. for 26e OUR DELIVERV SERVICE will please you. Whether yen have ever bought of us or net, j w. waat your trade ani offer- jyon promùpt delivery ervice a j an inducement for ýyon te gîve - us your patronag* Your business fien d WM. MIEEKER b Phono -94, - W}ITBY .w. G60 WALTER&==., Agaîn we- are Offep.1g BJG SAVINGS. IN MENS TAILOR MADE TIWEED *SUITS 'rilIE fact that we are overcrowded with Mens- Tweed ordert car thesn ontqicky.bigua'i we hes'in csock onder hunredand si ot suis. AInng t whavotyoe 1indc McAlpine-IRiclhardsofl and HobIierlil makes, which wvi11 be $1 2.00 SURt for -$15900 Su its for $20,000 SURtS for 12,090 and be convincedthat they are real bargains. MEN'S HATS $1,49 grey, brown, black and green. - Some jhave the pencil. edge and butterfly bow. Alf new'» goods this season. Regulai' value $2.00 to $2,50. .--Special $1.49.1 $i0$ Làies' oats, reducêd to $7.90 $13.0ôÃ" La*ies' Obatsreducedto $9. 90 DONPT,,,FORGET THIS SALE w.ui WAtTERS, WHITBYÃŽ, ONT. ajL. 1. j il -i 4 i. A - -'4 A- p 1 Il 1 1 a ý ý '«! - ý - !+- 0-- l SHOP AT HOME. IF in 41lue, - 1 t Genuine One-ibiÏ4 Discount Off a Thosé stylish 1-ligh Crown Telescope SA Hats 0- mm

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