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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 10 Dec 1914, p. 4

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dgs of!,lb. Couaty 01 Ou- bold a Court on Tuesday, $2, at 10 o'elo4ak arn., ln Il (UJinberi b oafr -and de- iag-ainst ths decilon of oe! Ravlslon of tlias Town 9A JOs(EpR WRITE, - towa .Ciovk. Do flour n Iuying-a$ Oe. ?L . LjSyes hardware stÃ"re. W* bave the eornF 14aeGROTTY "BERBEAVED. Ylargest iml dbust stock to he Crboosoby itom st lowest prieS. No trouble to is.o. C ,P%. Madro4ty,, o!- hib wlté -of our Chie! o! eJPo1icO, died é.W gpoa. uddenly last .- 'Ihursdai .night. x».. Mworotty, wbo tuas.ben sa invalld THE TABERNACLE. ià x jvoaers, hadbea in herumuali SuI1daY ecebo . ,condition, on'Tbutaday, sand was Seoe$ces-11, a.ni and 7 p.mi. belpedl to'bed aIt, Vm regular hour IýY 8 . *3 nd.organlzed casssab 8 ber daugh'.At ridnight ule a- P. - -' .ý rose. from ber bed and went dovu Aâondis .S: 1.15 p.n., service at staira. Rer huaband, follewod bor 2.80 pu. aaid found ber tandiag 3e,*lk. 11%te Rev. J. W. Magwood, o .e9o!stc>. ul~ oapouaé *e brighet Youung mon of Toronto, coilampssd la:l8,uims. ýA physicia. viii <inductS-thi ervitco. bere and st wovauumoned, but MIst. NaGrotty Aluundu. Do not f ail tb hear htr. had pued boyond -b. aoed of bks IM.M Nislonary collection and uub- car. gotiptâon vili b.e ka atAlmondu. A f amlly of e«.e a mi fi . "+,_daugîtewiith t biuuoad, miryve. Oh fe Toronto', SIok Show. Tick-' Theo luneral, whlel vas privats, .b goqd golng Deember -lO lth vas h eld on-Saturd&Yay atmoozo md 12,.,good th, rebuta bll Monday Ru.M.E. Smrmibh omduebing lb. lit, for lare .and a third. Alec oevioe, Iinrpat vas mode in the Xgas at bomne -England, Iretand, Oiove«de *cs1ns4rIfàMyor Wilim, $sulad. Choies bust ocean lUnos, Towna .Clerk .Joi. W !hito, G. W4 P. --e way, round trip or prepald. Ses Every and Louis Richtardson verthel Stephenson, (office opposite Revu ,pali beares. Bron.) . Whitby, and msure aboad. -6 MJhoce o! berth remevati<ms. Pro- THÉ MOMASTIER BAND. cure aboya ticket@ at -your lolsure Si rgîyug ostotsa a tpmaou's. Ho ticketsa ay- MOMwt«~ University, 'Toronto, willl vbee. Rats, ec.,~uranoê iavt charge of the er iIn thie aigbt. Baptist Church hore on Sunday morning next, December 13.. The Mc- ROYAL. TEMPLAIIS ORGAN- Master Band 18 to be in Brooklln fer IZING. the week-end, and special arrange- Mrt. B. Skitcb, of C.ampbeiord, Io niants have beeri made for them tb -t En own workln.g in the interest o! &pe'nd Sunday morning In Whltby. A tho Royal Templars of Temperance. splendid maIe quartette will reirder Tbo Society Mr. Skltch represents is ftections, one o! their nflmber also a Christian Temperance and Prohibi- glving tenor solos. The service willl tion Society,, with Its doors wlde be intovesting: and wilI be well eoW to every man and woman te worth hearlng. Mr. Artihur Clarke, unifie for the overflhrow of the Si- the leader, will speak toi the Baraca gàntlc evil of' Intemperance. Mr. Class for men, which nisets ln the Skltch lnvltei the citizens o!fXhitby church at 10 ar..1Be sure tb hear to co-operate and assist in aggres- ,hlm. sive temperance work.- - e ~MIss Florence Wharton, o! Toron- DEATH 0F MRS. LIRENNAN. to, is vising ber auixt, Mrs. Bog- The death occurred in Whitby, art. Sunday xnorning last of Rebeccn * Wght, beloved wi!e o! Thos. Bren- SATURDAY NIGLIT MARRIAGE. nan, Euclid Street. Mrs. Bremnnn At the Baptlst parsonage on Sat- several days before her death acci- urday evening Iast, two Whitby dentally prlckcd her face, and blood- Young people entered inte the bonds polsonlng developed. Although med- o! wedloc.k. Mr. Wm. Jas. Terrell, -i-cal attentlon was at once summon- *who has been ln town for some ed when the seriousness o! the case 'months, teok )as bis bride Miss wus -reallzed, Mrs. Brennan's. coudi- iEl,,izabeth An Stuart MacGregor. lion çrew worse -untIl death relieved Rev. Geo. A. McLean perfbrmed the ber froua ber suffering.- Mr. and Mrs. cercmony. The young couple will re- Brenan and'famlly.came to Whit&Y aide in town. 'A CaqadiateBeauty Irons letris Table Lampo 4.00 Eleoirlo Toasters 5.50 Eleotria Brollers A omplete [lieeod Eletrlo Flashlightî MoS Wti~~ e't 13.80 sbarp. Wr. Mav, awthou- ¶ BROOKLIN. . .. Miss Doratby Vipond etrtalned a - OTICa aumber of ber yoeunu 1 riends ItO a -Notice lu hereby jivem tIàaby- vey pleaieni evealmg en Tuesday. ~passiemuacia mM Mie Holiday lu speadlng a cucî o! be o te! Wbip, o 1ev ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h vekal Ttnt. I I day -of November, .1814, pro. Ividii lor the ssuecol debentures 10 MYRTLE. îeaaca !$8,Ofrt.pur- Mm.. Pike W>ssed. away at ber rel- -pou. cf râising money bo pay for ths dSue bers on Nov. 801h, aS 11. agecoutruction cf oers, aid sewerage o! 04 'years. and.8 montha. disposai plant ln the 7Tova otWhi*.. -4-- * by,&ad IbiS uuch by-lav vas rogi.. PORT WHITBY. tered tu lhe R.giulry-Offce la lIe'i Mr. 'and Mv.. Geo. BeaUi, o! Toron- <Couaty -of Ontario on thb. 2sut day to, veto vcal visitonrataI'Uri T.Y. of November, 1914. - Atknelamons. - Aty- mobion le quash or Mt amide lir. Wn. Goldrimg upeat a few dayli the smre or aiy part thereof mnuet le o1 lait week il big home h bre, ewinugade vithia one. xnhalbaler lbe té a iniri t me oot. fint -pablcatimon ofIbis notice, aMt Mvt. John Proudtoot, of Chicago, " t emae hre tr visiimg At thb.ombornecfhlm parants. Db stWhi y * 2 h ayet . Mts. J. Moore, or Chicago, la et NovUmboe, 1414.--1.1 tbe home cf ber mollet, Mrs. Joka JOSEPH WRITZ, Watcea, c&vnt o le b.useeilium of TeW Cioek. *e latto. _ _ __ _ _ __ _ Nu.. T. Omthwellin1 ii with par- Josepb SOalbweI.,. Mr. ami Mv..Wood.huvom med fnb l. lu m _lateiy -oceupw lby - &v. A.#Blameard adfamlly aid Mrs. Souuilli Iv. wrn. AIIhiy, jr., vIe baubhss employ, at the HOspi l ala'jor tb. put yeur, -bua eeeçled a posl- lion om the Gover4ment Faran at Fort William, and -lfo r tht place on Thursdivy of laRt wek. F e c Mr. Ravry McCallurn, o! Motrea, la vlslting friends iu Port Wbitby. F e c BASE LINE WEST. C er Mr. and Mrs. Cephas Osborne are i ~ r visiting friends ln Solina. -- 1 Mrs. Jas. Fitton returned from Guelph Frlday, but vent back. Tues- day, as Mr. Fltton's mother le very ill. Mr. Wni. Auhby, who bas beeu wlth the Asylum for the past three years, le! t last Thursday for Fort William as manager o! the cattle on bbe Gov- erument farni. Miss Smith vislted the old home-- stead and the Governmelpt building on the farm on Sunday laut.' Mr. Fred Hyland, o! Toronto, was aiong the base Ue Monday purchas- ing horses. Mr. Jas. McIeod's sale passed off very successfully under the manage- ment of!'Mr. Wm. Maw. Several men ln connection wvith the Asyluni bave-stated that. they ivould build bouses if Vhey could get lots nt a reasonable price. Mr. Fred Reynolds lu stili buylng, apples and teamlug theni to the ciby. It lu gettlng to be rather a diffi- cuIt job to bake cattle to market in consequence o! there being few fences aloug the route. PERPLEXING made Ska*es. over. The price.s are rigbt. We have a completeline of RIFLES useful orTrgtShotn a ea hunting, priced fromn $3.25. Bell Phbofl eJM fl1 60e 4.00 4.50 75o sud Up T HE BA LA stock will NEof the be!sold for the R. B. Hoar bankrui ntxt two weel regard Jess o -f cost, t o cleçar the stoc k oýut. AUl kinds of Ladies', -Misses' and Cbildren's Boots, Pumps- and Strap SliPpers selling awaýy below wholesale prices. Men.'s, Boys' and Youth's Boots, ail kinds of. leathers, selling at haif price. 300 pairs Classie Boots seiling at Iess than the wholesale price. 100 pairs of MoPherson's Lightnm*g Hitch Hockey Boots toube cleared out at lese than the wholesale. price. 75 pairs Automobile Skates selling.away below wholesale price. The balance of our stock of Trunks, Bagms and Suit Cases to be sold at less than usually sold at wholesale. This wilI be Your Lâst Chênce for Bêrga ins. Dor,'t Miss IL F.0 N.e BURNS BROC K ST., NORTH WHITBY, ONT I ANS WEED - What kind of a gift wtt! brighten th' ye rn aisacintthso, warmth to, the heart, and inspire appreciation of -the gierP Wo'voa littis tipfrom Santa 'and'II pass ift on to you. Our Sporting Goods Dept. is filled with à Compiete lune. We hold t] SPALDINQx'S7 une of Sporting goods. Sggldlng's Hockey Sticks, 15C up. 8hon uardeps,25C up, Hockey Knickersâ, $1,00 and up. Special prices on hockey stick-s to Sunday Bras@ Goodai Fancy Teapots Alarm Clocke Watches Table Cutiery Capving Sets Alumlnum Ware SIiverware Nut Sets the agency for the famous Skate Straps, 15c -Up. Hockey Pucks, lOc up Hockey Glovesf, $2,25 Scbools, hockey clubs, etc. What would ho more, appreciatod by hlm than a good .Safoty Ruer P Wc cairy ail the leading makes including the, ciilette, $5000 and up Ever-Ready, $1@00 Auto Strop, *000anmeup Crmest, $1.00 and up A complete stock of Pocket Cutlery to suit ail requiremnents, and 15 cents and Up. Woqudy=u pleas. a- Igem, Succeâsful m*B -your husaador yosw friad jGive himt- for Chris the i GIlle tte Soa il s$50-a mod.rateiy pric. d from Watch our windows. Open evenings. ZTYRI3 The H1-ardware next the IPost Office mdPhone, PtI or * -t. -I .4 j .>1 *il y Taïe a tip f rom 3!cIntyre's -ad. *New stock- Mens. aI W. -.-Walters'. Be sure to look table at the R. -Cý * Thursday evening, 1 Remember, the Fi lia held'in-'the Muî *emiug of Thursdày, Keep Thursday, De Mle fazacy sale and t th b.auspices o!fith. * R. C. ClurcI. * New stock ladfov s Wal ters. -TIhemany. friends 14Ldgett-wili be pIons uliter a very severe he bas returned to h Couver. Spécial saleof!-Boy: 49c., on Ë;atulaýy, a$ W. G. Walters'. De sure .to look t tablé ab the iR. e. Tkursday evenlng, D Canada made skatt aI Mclntyres hardy gured the ageucy f -"Automiobile" ukab" * Ing out all fortlgu 1)and Àand ra cors ata W. G. f&. to $5.00. I'Pu.day,, -December 2 eeeds. w111 bo glvr ls: Fund. Plan ope tlO a.m. Al seat muilers foirtle sol &Il finis-hed -work 1;o at, es., byl Salurda W. G. Wýltors' ut * *veningg, uitil Xma 'fle regularý mont Mes Whitby WakR le Mooday.-affle=00on, 8 .80 o'clock. Tt is boa good attendan %ta meetig of tecty on Monday ei 125 was voted toJt The ladies-o! the Gond a cordial invi uliltheir sale o! i Oown hàll on Thurs evenlng, DeSember tollowed by a shor Miss Campbell, a ary froua Japaii, S5' .disb Tabernacle er mnd te tie Ladies' altesnoon. Take a tip fror» -fm1yeiad. ARCHIVES 0F TORONTO p ump White Cherries- grown in Southern France. Rach envelop- ed in a coating of liquid cream and then dipped in'pure, rich chocolate. *Half-pound package 60c. ont-Pound package SI1.00 NTHEGIttraf THAT ARE DIFFERENT OEO. I. WILSON Photogra pler WiIITBY, -0NT. QUESTION Lig~hteh.bouse w'ork by _making Ibis an Electrical, Christmas. .Hit "Point ironmi $4-25 Eleotris Heters $6.0 "1 Lr Our lin, of- foreigîn made Skates is be ing sacrificed . to -nake roon,-for Oan>adi&r W. carry the bsst lins of Skatoe We have secured the agency for the famous Automobile Skates, made in Canada by Canadian workmeà , ounces Iighter and stronger ihan any otbet and moderatel'y priced from $-r-25 up. Corne in and Iook thben An OoOodar bop a useful gift for mother. $re 1. 50 ONTARIO 1 -1 Club 1 1

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