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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 10 Dec 1914, p. 5

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ELVE MORE, We Can Supply You- WithGifts ýýFor, MLêý OUR STOCK wbicb cootaig>s articles froui> 25e to'$250.OO, thi Xms Soso isBiggcr and Better tha», ever Iefore, and contains more good vahies. Aoylbiug ibat you m»ay see advertised in Canada we will be pleased Io duplicate for you at tbe- same or a better price. If you necd à wâtcb, be sure and get our prices. We Neyer. Be ore Had Like Vahues.' J' Phonogrphe frem $20te 010.. -IT WILL BE NO TROUBLE FOR US TO SHOW YOIJ OUR GOODS. We are Open Local liéppeinags ... i... Take a tip frein Santa. andi read Ilcintyre's adi. New stock Mens Smoking Jackets at W. G. Walters'. Price $0.50. Be sure tic look up the Tipperary table ai~ the R. C. faucy sale on Tburoday evening, December 17. ý,Remember the Pliemen'. Bail toi b. beld jkiiithe -Music Hall onth evening 'of Thursday, Derember 81. Ke@ep Thursday, December 17, for, -the fancy sale and talent tft, imde -the Auspices of the laies of th1e R. C. Cburch. New stock ladies sweaters at W.G. The mýaâRy inonda ot Mr. Walter IMgett wiil 11e- please to bkaow that mter a very severe attack of typlod ho kas returned to hie home in Van- 'Couver. Speclal sale of Boys' Sweaters ait 49c., on Satufiiay, December 12t%, ai4 W. G. Walteo'. Be sueto look up the Tipperary taule aitbe 1R. C. fancy sale oni oeursday OVoeii, December 17. . Canada nmaie 'Mktesfor Canadiama .&J Molntyre'. hardware. Having*me- - Sued the gency for . the lamous «Automobile"l skates, w. are clear- ing out anl foreign made skates ai *almost cost prices. i)-and, A aùd Crompton mgo ô *«teruet. .G. Walternr'. Prim m0.. iq 5.00. - Vkitby High School concert On I'ueaday, December 22nd. Halltheb pceswill be given te the Pafii- ieunPlan open ai Willi' drug ov@ on Wedneoday, Decmber 16, t 10,a.m. Ail ueatu reperved 26c- 9111libth ladies who are Wrtting' Mmners; for the soldiens kindly mmd i alln<uhsed work te Mma e. [w -st, or.., by Saturday, Deer12. __. êWalters' store vilE-be open tyninos,itlXmas. qbe reoWa.r mouthly meeting of 511e Whtby War Relief Socieity vill be held li thaj'ltc-li Libnary on Moaday afternoon, December 4t1,at 3.80 o'clock. 1$ Je hoped' thons will Se agood attendanne of ladies. 'At a meeLing of* St. Androw's So- ulety on Monday evening, the sumnof $25 was voted to th. Belgian Relief The ladies of the R.C. Church ex- tend a cordial Invitation te all te VMuit theiral.etffancy goodu In th. fown WrIl onTbunsday aliennoon and sveuing, Decmber 17411. Tea uerved tollowed by a short program. mios Campbell, a returnedmluidon- a.ry from Japan, spolce lu ibo Meti: .11.5 Tabernacle on Sunday moring ud to the Ladies' Bible Gisl u il. Tab sa tup fromi anta a"d gud R. Ne Every Evening. BA-SS BTT .Jeweler and Graduate Optician WIIITBY, Big reduct'ions W.G. Walters'. iu Ladies' conts aS -0 The regular monthly meeting -of te County ot Ontario Old Grls' Asso- ciation viii b. hcld lu 5h. auditor- ium of tho.Public Library en Wedncs- day, Decembe lt, at 4 p.m. The Women's Institute yull meet lu the Agriculturai noonis on Frlday aiterneen, December 18, aS 3 o'clock. A report oetShe analconvention wili be given. Al vemen velcome. lins. G.A. Rosa, President ; Miss F. Bateman, Secretary. Th1e Pire Brigade viilheid tMri annuia bail on New Year's Ev., Thunsday, Deceniber 8Slst, lu thse Muswie Hall. Mr. Paul- Joues, et Curpertino, Cal, vas iu Wl4tby tii week visits. lug Mn. Alex. Wbltelaw. Mr. Joues ts a native of -Ashburn, where ho bas slso been renewing acqualatancea. Mr. Joues bas been a -subscriber te thbe Gazette sud Ciaronicle for sl»- teen yeanu, ever since he vent te Caifernia. ONTARIO LADIES' COLLEGEI. Saturday, Dec. 12. 4 te 6 ock, sale of ivonk lu aid oft b. College Y.W.C.A. Charities and the. War Re- lief Pend. - Afiennoon tea vill b. KINGSTON ROAD PROPERTY - SOLIX The Pergumon honmtmeon King- sten Rond, ouat of WhI-tby, contaisi- Mng eleven acres, bas been sold by john Pishen &Co., -Lumadoe I 4g., Tonoulo. The punchaser expects t. ls posessiouabout1h. end cf thus WINDSOR UNDER NEW MAN- AGEMENT. TheBoard et Liceuse CommissIon- on me on Pnlday monning last~, and grantil a change, fcf home fer 1the lWWWdo Motl teMr. W. L. lansn. The. licena as fenmenly hold by Isumon & Bell. Mr. Iguson 1ioek obange on Friday, and le nov ole proprieter of the business. -0 CHRISTMAS SAILINGS. In conuection vlth 5he Christmas sailiagi of Canadisu Pacific steain- shlp "Missanable" and Allan, Lins S*eamshlp 41Seaddlaviau" frein West St. John, Decexuber 15111, 5h. Oamad" Pacifie Rallvay viii oper- ats soh(dthrough> special train. cer- pc'mod of, finstisud secoad-ciass oqulp- suent aud lunch counler car, leavlag TIeomtio ai 9.40 a.m. Monday, De- comber 14511, nunnlng dinet te uteans- lilîpa' side. Partieulani frosu suy C. P.R. Ticket Agent, or write M. G. Murphy, District Passer Agent, Toronto. -4- COWUNI-TY TREE UNDER V.O.N. AUSPICES. Ti.Comimly Tnee vilbs b.ld on Dosember 2SO ti» f us vealio suitable. Should storms prevent it will b. heid on Wednesday aS 5 p.m. on the Iawn in front of Dr. Evans' boude. Any interesteti in giving their neighbor or f riend a gif t off this tree may send their parcel plainly ad- dressed on Monday, Decemben 28t11, Se, Mrs. D.4 Wilson, Dundas St. East. Oilîdren Up to 10 years- of age may qualif y for a gif t from thie Ladies' Committe. of the V.O.N., by learn- ing the Christmas Carol, IlHank, the Heraid Angols Sing," snd rcpeating same te the public schooi teacher of thein school, who wiliî register sud certify for thein. ST- ANDISEW'S SOCIAL. The Young People'. Guild of St. Audrew's Church held a výery suc- cestul social on Monday evenlng, the feature of wbicb was a debate on th. nesolution "lThat Women sbouid 11e Granted thse 'Suffrage." TIse affirm- ative was upheld, by Misses Clarke and Cooke, sud Mn. Scott. The negative was taken by Miss Cannie Fraser, sud Messrs. Chas. Fcthen- guI sud Graydon Goodlliow. The subjecti was veli covered lu the van- tous arguments pnesented. Tb@e judges, Miss Anderson and Messrs. R.A. Hutchison and J.J. Bell alard-. edth51e decision tu 111e negative. Mn. Bell matie an excellent chairman. Thse ,debato .wàs ollôwed by a short ,social heur, vheu zefreshnionts vere served. Misa Edith Darnes rndered a sole, vhich vwu much appreclateti. A NARROW ESCAPE. LatSi âtur4ay a! tennoon, Joseph Collns,, of tbis tovu, had a veny uarrow escape frein deabli. H.ewvu dniving . oer t11e bas. Ili'ne G. T. R. crossiue about hal( a mile east et th1e Jiaietion station, when la frelght trait struck the rear o! th. dellvery waggon b. vas ,drivlug. Ho was throwu ont, sud 1the wsggou was smaased up. Portmnately, Jo. vas net .serlously , inJised. îH. affirnis that th1e engineer diti net b111e5e ,whlstle vhon approaohing the crois- Ing, but a sectioman, vbo vas working nesrby, sys ho heard *0h whistle. Il was a close cal for 5the youug min, howeven, Hadthe w. ag- gai hem stnuck a4midshlps, se le speak, lie might have lest bis li.. A. Y. P. A. SOCIAL. The aunuai blnthday social et Ail Saluts' Young People's Association vas beld ou Mouday uight. Thons -vas a splendid attendance, the bîrth- day offerngs amounbiug te over $20. Au excellent -musical i and litenay prognarn vas given,' folloved hy games sud 1the indispensable nef resh- mentis. The youmg people thoroughly eujoyed 'Lb. evenfug, sud t1e1e general opinion vas that this year's blnth- 'day party vas one o! t.he mesS suc- cessful even 1eld. LECTURE QN' ,,THE KLONDYKE. Rev. John Dicie, B.: A., vWa' g.oet "wlth a lange crcvd le hear bilecture on Tflosday evening In the school nSoosf t!ie Mthodisl Taber- nacle. Mn. Dick'ie lou counetedwlth the Reading Camp 'Afliation, for whicb ho carniedý on' work Ia tb. ONT. Kiondyke for tires years. He exhibiV. ea great nmy lanteru views te illustrate the wonk of the Associa- tion, especially neierning te the, Kiondyke. The lecture- was most in-' teresting and instructive. UNION GOSPEL TEMPERANCE SERVICE. A Union Gospel Temperance mneet- ing wIll be heid lu the Council Chamn- ber on Suuday alternoon, Deezber lSth, at 4 o'clock. Short, cnisp ad. dresses wifl be given by resident clergy and Mr. E. Sktch. Choice music, *ocal and Instrumental, by local talent. A bearty Invitation Io given te ail te corna aud enjoy the0 service. WE SERVE Tua, .1.,Oses Cmand Bovril FUMGE CAKE A SPECIALTIY METOALFE'8 OGOOTES and I0E 01DM at the Maple Leaf TEA RooMJ --AT- AtrastvoPricos (;r. Sugar. 14 Ibo. for si New Raain, per M.lb. e5 New Curraunts, per lb.L If Surprie Soap, 6 for - ts Dntch Cisaumer, 3 for bc Tomastous, 8 for l2M Corn, 3for 26s Poa, 3for Sie New Fige, 4 lbo. for nie OUI. DEIIVERI SEIIE wil iieau yen. Whether yen have ever bought of ue or not, ws wsnt your trade and offer yen prompt delivery service as an inducemeut for yen to give un yeur patronage. Youir buiness friend, WM.MEEKEIR Pboue 94, WHITBY I Thé. Ladi 'I d of lb. Bapt Obuili, eld bazan ~n upper oln TU"sY '0,ewtgla i5theComsil, Chambert to which a very large.nuin- r 01 touPeOPîe versattracted, sf511., by tlb. pansd beana prom-* sd orby the pr;ospect',of securng »mebatgaas iu the lineo o!-fancy work, etc., A splendid supper was soevd at amaîl tables In the centre of . t1e room,'andaât the sides vèe tb. boýtoLsudtables. -Fsucy werk, candy, notions,, 'etc., were ail tasSe- f ully dlsplayed snd nearly al et the wonk on saAe found buyers. The rToom vas pre'tily decorated for the occasion. A splendid table was look- ed atten.by the Mission Bsand, 5h. membens of whlch were dressed as RIed Cross nurses. The proceeds were larger tiban on any previeoS cas- Ion. SHOP AT HOME. FIRE AT CORBETT'S POINT. On Tuesday morning the old farm-1 bouse on the Stirtevant homestead at Corbett's .Point was destroyed by fire, caused by sparkà from a pans- lng train. The hoeuse, which is sit- uated net far from thie Sack, *as unoccupied,_ fortunatel1y. 1 TO RENT. Building tlhat bas been occupied by Standard Bank, Brooklin, possession- Januaryin It, 'P15.- For particulans apply Geo. Pringle,' 148 George St.,- PeterbDoà,,'Ont. MlUscel aneous Advcrt.. TO REWT. S oorned buuialow, vifS bah 8 eocie ligbt, by 10t Janar, l9UIC Apply te W. Bums. HORSE POWIÈR FOR SALE.- 8-hors. Plit'se pover, compîeýtevilS code mmd ceuplings ln No. :1, Mr.r Burton Brou.,. Brookllu, Ont. --U --- iGould Sbapseyvndil,-i ready Se erect -on "barn, tu, cNol1 shape. lion. or write, Uriai joue. Broo-lin. I ' LOTS POR SALE. Lots, 150x30.. Price,$100 eacb, cn easy terms. Convenlent to water, light and sewers. Apply box 10, 0*-; zette Offie. ,3 « STRAYED.-J Onte the preises of R. Guthnie, Audley, a red. steer. Owner May,- bave Rame by provlng propenty siol paying expenses.. HOUSE FOR SALE. New trame bouse, 1i stonsys, -Mix nooxns, 8-;pleco bath, furnuce, elretric light. Apply J Hi. JAMES, Whlt., LOST. - An automobile., ulster ceaS probý abiy, on'Brock Street South.' Finder klndiy leave -wlSh E.W. Iývaus or ut - Gazette office. WANTED. ~A ..rnald lor gneral houseylork. Ap-. ply Mrs-. Thos. Cunngipgham, Wbltby. B w- Hl W.6. Men's white twilled hemstitched silk handkierchiefs, regular 75c Amas Prîce 49c Childrens tan cape gloves, one dome fasîner, pique sewn seams,Par's backs, fit ages 6- lu 15 years, regular 75c, Amas Sale PrIce 49c W&IJTERS Pure white table linen, 60 inehes wide, regular value 65c, Xmas PIpe 49c- Ribbons 6 lu, 7 inohes wile in moire, satin and corded silk, colors brown, blues, rose, greens, pinke, etc., regular price 25 lu 30c, XmnaS Sale 19Oc Big Reductions in Ladies' and Misses C-oats $15@00 Values $9.90 $12@00 Values $7,@90 Ail new styles this sea.son in plaide, blues, browns,. greys, etc. Ladies' handlkerohiêfs fine quality Boys' Sweaters in b rown and grey mercerized lawn embroidered corners' mixed, with brown trimmings, sizes. 3 in a box, regular value 50c, Xmas, to fit-ages 5 to 12 years, regular value Sale Price 39e 85o to $1.00, Xmas Sale Prkôe 49 5 dozen men's ribbed underwear, blue Ladies' àample sweaters in cardin- mix shadle, silk finish on inside, reg- ai, grey, blue, tan, brown, green and ular value $1.25 garmIent, Xa white, regular values $1.50 lu $65ý0, Sale Prîce 74C we are giving reductions of 10%. Boxed Xmas Gifte See our display of useful Xmas gifts put up inl seperate boxes from 25e to $2.00. ,Wear the Ponangi. hos. and uud.rwear, miade in Canada, laIl aines at W. G. WALTERS, WH1TBYO ONTs W.bvëolld goid rings at SOc, g tesup te 0150.00. g 'f Y-p Store Oo Every ,Night, TOI.Xmas"" WitI, Cbris*,as oîly a feC-w* days -away wby rot do your buyiing'ea-rly??You ý get bet- ter selectioî,s, as stock is more -COmpleteq, we bave more time to wait on~ you an d'youI caîn tak e yôur time -in buyirng. Tbis year the prevaiIiîng sentiment is -tIbe giviÎng of inexpeon-sive, USEFUL GIFTS Read Our list of specials we are offering at reduced prices from now tili Xmas. ---'4 (1~ '-j nom - - - - --- - - - il

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