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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 10 Dec 1914, p. 6

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foil@wa. - Stiidsy, ths l3Vii of Sept ÙiCkPiII-tF L4 i year o! disgrave, 1914 se bloo.d and en- sat in tise jittîs Iront -par mvbene a aL s e <wer at é r> ufferer Verset and Pro.Af ýr. Wlliam.' Pink at8 ' IfflâÎ;ttIr-cf Mhenê~ epu anid by the irony of cire' as ahown bY Vise. alec >r e l iitïrna t,. Mr. Eme in la ii.second oldest unii -'son Mces law wea was aîttacked w -wa 'stne uoew-r - - j suad Ue i.joints of my h,4 f ee an t Ptin Plls -a4ire tcr -îvd ir litè twW tpi .-1. 1eurdjrd eeo4eS Iveti atedIie&, mie -PL( and' n. î ws-ae- on xiilI --"Testd msr. Willim.PUIni Pil1rel Let aL~dy~mbtw Soiimpe Ont and icyalin e c, îuis 1 e fc i nei. -riw 'n Why YpandWlong aV .1 sm, tiedradnltsiugbe1 * a8p dçl Th enosiue Iacd- ae> an t)s bd e e -nad ha nobern oftepotatrpelatin beeaet eeie;Ve- emdt tii wefar o!4.h-ey. Tisbeig b un~r o cmmad, utwer- Dr. W! tllbodyePosedt is air, d abeüteolealterfod7 b-*L.-xd8iengiej fbfiheeyetids, orwcis e Hr atieg tlmnws n cf dangar, but are empleyed lu Hein',ated rof.n ereat, a 1a5 g i se su sJ r -. ce cf rtise eirect nderýjpr, hsnd s -u isu, wth a MoeTheinDr. reiri edieoffet V, hs dark, pind lied t hveet dBokyig efOt..is, ir udda l is'hew uc.s rmli os o1 cf dit-. veryLimey-ouwink t 8. Tsee a.mnoting 'bu thingsUe-t - tuylitie t osar gla nd hch s L w a ho en tse aery -ndower - ht - a t:inplius b tue on in tp Vs Lm -n ctl'oyen h coe i ban a bepply cf teai'ontrelsai n keep e Seakwing r;eeis, but in-ever t t 'bie ihstd e li d moîad stive'sud -yen quiesclm st wa Prof. suac o the ys bpoe o err"ewr etettetbes '~a-paricl' o!dîut o anthin- ese'dThe ýro1yiesr.pusd., -Gxa stri4keonst. Tieerkofise aotd a offer aje taisn temanwh an totienl e uc'e eyed, d w hiz wsowsqureinowts sSd ow f -tnen ibt i-are ýsar:yedrnyhowçeulynalsd r-.u ned, udtherea - laklg yoî te.urfaep of ther o ye. en wa muis rniiiu ue ma e, streeta withuut inîîrîg. - t offAeithe rau by, e Ïiaotigh-Grmfni - -Av ireen,-.he .jrio. ef Theueffier oe, tsud, buýk lac.ou 'Ilîs ùseà. lIrii od theeye hiss Dw I sutreaolefromwen on thed' latl eglandieteust-Geeru-I s cd ixho-tis u th'. Wey inîight thc'th -s o! t, andaaybu pethstsand troopestwre rof.g, th rîine Èdid mutoiiDugabteddntkow relates an incident ilnstratîve ef thi e %c14acriflýing 'apirit of Vise Ieucv'se on, tiie Hop. Wellesley 93,wueret,., vis lea lieutenant in, t-.e -Welsh Régiment, wais sericne'ly wtt'anded turing Lise recent flghting In, Bclgitm, a private isoldier - cf t ttie regimérîtfluet boîind- up Vths wuupd cieveriy, snd huzviugd ee 50 recnauksd -" They sàialinoLuliî - oil anin. sclu'." and lav dowr- lu front of lhic voundeti officer, affect- -'îrl nt-erpfoýing his evu body aoa -a Jprotec'tion against thsesenm>". L-Setor--Talent. 'lve' -man, éver>' «'oman, ever>' clriid, luat to-me Valent, sorne power, -, - mom- opporttini-ty o! getting joed tend doiig gooti -Es sday offers se-me occasion fer ueiing tuis talent. As wc tire- 1, iV gradualinceaes impu-ove-slbocormes native te thie elî4racter. As we negiect bt, iLt dwind!ec aind' withcors and disap- "-IPeaiti'.Ths istieserVenuand -be- uigîi huwb>' wliiviwe live. Tus -- niakes c'hauater neal antIsntiuring. - IISV I)OCTOR - utSiaausetlunen Overlooks :a Point. Th0' e Vhltiçau slea abus>' main that ov 'm-.-m c erleeks a valu- -alye -point t1,-iich -lis attentien mmv ,betlied.-byan intelligent -pa- "About a4%ar My ai> stteution gmy paktieryts," a piysician writet. "At thé' ime 'eown' isaibismw&4 Siad and I was pretty ' elI mun down,, but Isa , oce tisat thie t/ Wý i~bcuhq6 'risJ wt -'er.e îOuun And-tbAt ïihe -food: wsailI ,.QaI<IIL 5a perfe4V - ,Nute vit-h creani twiweea da>' aot a :lot Lme;I bègir4oM»nprôve lu r~y W&y a4, ufnov ,uutehl .tro t 1~1 tqL4rand eigli du» to Griape-Nots, antiI àarMlY cînvfined thM thi e InaMM =41Ofor the 5àbd are t>ue. "J. bam . en eomm.nded,40a'4tI 1~eomebo!pailleto on tfine stands al,ir.' "$Tisber'. a Re&- IVrive riuehéabe sltte,. £ 0A eauOf * içpotra IFei mi te Claue. 'N'>?a, s toume ruestad ?uiî ethuman te.a GernianusStsrted IL "Snddeuly there,>vas a great iiaumsriug on tise door. W.eopen- ed iL eligisLîv.,4 ant two seldiers buret tisrongii. Tise>' hatboth been' drinking; eunetoftisenu as quite drunit. Il tried. to:.Vitop tisem,, -WII- ing tiseinthat'ehere was an 'officer' iu cur, bouse, but thiey raq, past'us n-p tise -etairs ,tié i in -iL top- t open Vhe window, but î ke thle glass, and, frei, tiser.- bega0cr - t<x eiseot,'ftrot two tilots, tbhu Motheri aud Liien tvo more. Tiien they ran dovunstairs aud wvent out tise baok way. - "I me>' have been ten minutes; sud tiser. wa icrî# kiockiiff% 0-d a great noise; four c-r flve aidie enteretLiey were noV drnnk, but gretViy exciteci. 1 I rWe.d eta4çj with thin ';ui'hrwol eua ten. Oue flred.aL me'--tise- b,.Ill went under iydn.- "My wife was very brave; élis triçd toe sVep,,iiç' f Iv -: rg$ lier back aoued 8 un bise doj missmup my 1lie ' Weran uo 1 tÃŽnto' theýÏàden. Lu a ew-winutes tus hounes asal lu flames.,We iiad MgriIDepluige , eLuiking ,lookiug, man witli irngrey.iairand, abut ftfty years o! age, leainet toW4 Me. "C'est vrai,"- ha saiEý 4nt his wa& theptory as à vas, rez. canses as the smùdneedrly,l !n!ýr$êLther-, a tion 'ef a smal-lody cf Ge rznas some les. out ol. tise littîs Bueken, between Louvain andi Malines. h0et I ~eiit-u t1Ée là te J iseul. ">'l thé firel'd l t1eir own mn on. Ger- muan vas 'unertall> voundedti we kîl-led, 4nd fer hisiýAr1et two hîn- dreti citizens, n 1, onien ant chuil- dren, sufferet tise - penalty - of titatis. Tise>' vers shot in thesetreets or houe", or -burnedt te teatuh lu the olocast tflasi' ovd -sud tisat IsVe4d , ÃŽ.tXo klas, uýuarly oe hiuu'dréd dvellings lhing given Le tie fiamn, ineluding uuo priceless library. A crime-of vaudalisan un- equalledi1 Farrîid. Sh., rwas very mnchin -ulors - vit1 Ijin, and oneseveniug, whils "tisen%' *Veréasie s eeasked _xA ýwjmetrnly; yenhave "(Yes," replieti-ths Young man, 'but ne eue you kuotv," - inoan thse nisery tisat it has bronglit neariy ail seem te accelpt it ae some*- thing that Wa to be. It is certain thât tliey liste thse Geranans and are fieting wilingly. But thse cms of the Austrians i.s quite different. I talked a long time writh -a young Austrian reservist who lias been lyiný noêw for weeks with a de- sperate wMxnd tisrongh ithe -body. Au Auotrlan-Soldler's Story. He was, carpenter living near to thIi ý without even knowing wha &bout and ca.rin-g warng. -- y. e Âhen I ls ii a ees'an. I have ne dsliê ot>ht ~esins.They are a very friendly peouple. - Yet we are ail called away frein cur famil- iýes and sent oer lier. -te attaok men we have 'nothing whataver against. Ail Lt. men in my regi- meut w'ho came as reservisas feel as I do aïbout it-that is, ail l bat are left. Msny have 'been kil-led. We we-re sent forward a! Ver being told ib. our officers tihat we were msrchingaauta _ utu&aplùd Rus- sians, sud we fonil lifeeu thous- sud instead o! eue. I was éhet throug-h tuhe back as ws were with- draiving. Af Ver I feIl into, the Russians eveTything was easy fer mue. I mmn qnite satigfled. They are very kiud sud ths nurses-very geod te us. But always and always I am worrying about my wife and my cildren. Net a word since I left. Eeow -can they live wiLh notising Tisousaiids of Cases. And as he spoke hie ibrowu eyee illed wibh tVears. Ln Austria te-day there are thisusands o cfhan cases nd every eue of tise 42 hospitals, îere la flIed wit.h thean. Tise longer I remain-in this tow-u the more im-pre'ssed I amn witi tise order sud pesos that. prevails. Every oeei *itiin dcci'by 10. Thie bnlk of thie po .pulation see.m petetlyiiiddffereltt4lIir len of zngsprs, - Fen Vhs Anstreaus are noé papW~iularly4eeVWile ltRes, , and oeso! tise anomalies of tiie ait. iato uthat Vhs new reg m aw ýntntud -AustralnPol"tendt preservt erde-r--fu isL-'e towun, ~ ngithe'-arrivai el *effic'ia1sthaV will eventual-ly ceefrei Rusas -ake tlieir pl-aces., French Soldier Gets Flfteen Days Imprîcennient. ge -strict -are -hs Allie inu eb!ser.v-- *ingý is lasof.,war that'noV even exceplionsi ýbrèver>' or extra4,rdlfàl sry circn-measices permit Phie vIôle- tiqe of thtni. AFte'noh soldier lias jukt sarneâ t'hto. &iflt&ry du'5 ~urvry n~fIfpýeeu daye' $inp1àdwà insntttise ame ~ he ~ colonel' o! an infanbry regiment a4cbdfor a vouniteer te 4s1i-e- -tart *nd her&e inu-t_ tise ' Zodl !&Ufire t ecUe a nurnber of wounded men,' vh4 hsd b>eez ying tiiere fer moe e itliaâ (Ws1nty-four heu-na. Tise sp1diýra -once effered his .eervice..'.1Dilrinigi ~Vif~e d-%'~Ie , ,atiinu>; jn#Deys sund luadçbrouiht 5lack meast -tie WCndeti, wien hie rire iwasfhlt.ç e4htised tise test .ors- sud s¶ lW~cpull Lise carL t clotise ~Frpp>uel>b*eW V .is4iard o, ', land Sve- lfw bnpdred yerds furtiser ou le ie awi ~ans- -Port f*gez i-' othe r ré ent which ,li»d pe, -;abandqiýî ,h. nuirdriv 4fideïtra'd thse - rse. ka~1W M Il Train~. Q»g.Victoria had a di n4lir- r >f cfravellng by triain~ a~ ie strietWstl i rprccautions uard ainst accident hsd to e i kjcn ib- fore She could be prevaile ujpn to~ ,Proçfd on a 'Iaelway »ur iy.:¶ his. diffiike waïî4uiied by thse I) of! Wellhigàtob; 3 daco tronfthe "lueecals tIiç4#ic 4a of. aly wjtpemsd theýawidentaid for iwenitv yeaýrî afté rifused; toe, vel bySI îr.i. ig dOubtf nI if! ibeTCade Mie than an oomaiôùa.l,,trip' to Wind- Dr. DMore smý40 cýceréIqG a»fouli la Ln=am, ~ ~ztuiiy alosic a i Indins, cared om ensby iDr..MOrue. Though '%e"ted, air *&mç dlmeeen made i ps. Cians and chemIst&, t haî b Jeà fond ZupWeiVm thse fdrfuia e.w a 'sn" 4~Roct~ ont thse worid for ConstipMt*n' sd s1iKdnevand Liver troubleirh Tey iCleans. the- syst'e LIE u we face ÀA cit ouation we ghould make t4seboat of it. Even that misy net be ver>' good, but. it that in tihe mnot.uniovely places we ýfi nd the moat beautiful iocwers. THOUGHTS FOR THE DAY. Tise Clexmano. are beginning tQ ri alize hhiat justice is the greatut cf ail milibary -aqe~ ~ ~eorge.mutI.rt.¾,Lky Ntsix M i hence, -bt at tubs eeYsbrong man.-Af hIh6 'f j The muai 4 f k , jy tIat it-i-s a social disease whieh needs healing like any c.tler dis.,. e4se.-Lord William Ce3stil. a# an illimej omLofu* gd n&tùrè ènd gracionsness. - 30a.nne Gaston tie. ýIe who postponés teJ- lrlv ing aa he knows he ougItto de j5 Iike the fool wo" by 'Nhe ~e a.qd waits Lti o ~; ut If glides and wiqI ilide en4til ail time. -Bor M_- IIow a Sick Wonian. READ THIS VERV CAREFULLV. "For years I wae thin and delieate,' I lest color anti vas easlly tireti; a yellow pallor, pimpe sud blotches on my face vers nt, only mortifylng te m#?l1ns. utIbeansI heught mY ekin W'ould neyer 199k uic. >atu i grespontieut. Thon Myý 'utite, faiS>é'.e'I grew very.weàk.e 'Varions- remedies, Pille, tontes-'abnd tablets I trled without permanent benefit. A visît te my sister put Into, my baude s box of Dr.aiplîton' 'Pille. - She piacet iaslnce upon thern anti ncw that tiiey have matis me a weli womau I voniti uot b. vithont them whatever Vhey might cost. I fount Dr. Hamil- tou's Pis by their milti yst ssarcblng action very suitable Vo Vhs delicate oharacter of- a womans nature. Tluey usver oce gipeti me, yet Vhsy estab- lSslie4 regnlarity. My appetite grsw kèeu.-uny-'b-l' rïd'd anti pnrs-bavy rnigs under.my. syesdîsappeareti, anti taLaji'm>j 'ebti-Isas- clearasudun- Wu'nkTed -'é *U" 11["vas a girl. Dr.- 'HamIùlton'o Pise di t;àIL,' - ,ýýThe, aboesetg4itorward lotter l&romM<ts.. e, ;Y4AI'odde - Ife of a vpIL known.,mXlqr. LuR.gempvllo,Is proof, sufflcléîf that Dr. 'tauiIt s Pille.,are a wonderfü'-*oman's modemsn. - Use ùdtthdl piL ut r.Hdmlon's; 25c' per boer., IAktealers or The Catarrh. ozone Co., Katon, Ontario. A LUýCKYFliND' FOR TIE C.P.R. -A daeoyveryvwhloh- maymean mueli Vo- theProvinSce;ufOntario lias been made aLQldnapLgnamel>' -.theattise-',,vters oi-t4Guç pf tise four sprisap e rtrongîy- radiçi-potve. A r rent visiter, who W- -, ýhitherto --gnê IL.hlê.reVtiste -Anstrit-u -jk,4 st n, pre#-eut-: Ve Canadjan sprng. He wao sbtru-ck by the siiflarity et the 'V ers whiébc4- o tîw--as fe.und te be due Vo the preene of radium. -Tlhe last officiailanajyei;s vas matie i-n ~I90, ~o!oe~ ise- rmifcatonse radium were fily recognizet,- but Proàfesser 1 Ikhtan, A; -MeGill, - lias beeré nnisioedto-inake s-n-ev cn$Vaul>'i Tise value o! a ge-kadfnieing i-n Eur eis calculated toc average f romn t-w- o t tisree mIlIjon dollars, owing Vo ths numbk.1 a ini.ids vlie arce tti-act- edt o sueis a sp-'ing. INFORMATION FOR INVEjNlôtRs: very ltching sud "the -Ve Mo ut a vani they aeemod te d ¶ery Uttie go i trieti CutIcura oappwaJ i Oumet after ho hadbSezi alk aboult às mnth Whml T uwg Ccura.Soa s à afo,';- ap-puctiomascf jtbs OuticuraOintnmt 1nobiced such à dei e ~ Wi ta1opand hig E~~~ q~son h.I 1kopt t R1r îtoxtba, aud twU cake. cf Cut4curs oap sud threo boxe. of for pimplez, biackheads. red. rougie snd odiv naila. that 16 la almost crimiunot to use '*hmi..T~ayîd~,s'o~' aisfor ain-tor- tured lufaut and cilidren. Aithougie moit by dapleýt ~rouikhout the world, a liberal 32-p. Skia Book. Atidreipost-=ad "Cuti- iseavy iife, with a peeliar- man i-n two, anti, iueredibie tubougli it aay>'eezo, a favorite feat at hi. -uativtde'tti valsa is to cutoeffthe head cf a bullck with oe blow o! tire kukri. COlese.-qnarter fight-ing i-is M& forte, an ihis impetosity to,' crop tee-l with tise foe will. u-ndonubtedlý' draw hlm in-to many a -h-ot or-uer. The Gurksha la the Jap. cf Indis, bard as nails,-tise listcf Gscouts, sud ae feer- les flghter. -H. earned our umdy- en.g gratiýtud-a in tise- daok days of tise Indiau Mntiny, w-h that FAn- pire seem~ed lkely te lie over- -whel med,.by tise autineus sepoys, 10,000 Gurkhas croe-iu-g over- frümt. Nopal te -àssi!et us. Andi ma la ttirring story ie tolti oisw tise "littie broawn men o! t-h. -hila" fluug t-hemielves at Lise treacherouis sepoys and 'ave-nged tise ghastly cri-me cof Cawnpore. Fighting je second nature Vo a Gurkha, andi gr at wa-s hi-s disa-p- .pifitment whe- lie was n-et ailoweti -o tespart lu Vhs Boer War. He 'as ways been loyal te Lise Bri- 'f%-eh, sud the Gurkhaa are tise oiy treops lu the wenid o!f'wuiim it ean b. eaid tiut they have nevqr, thevu panie in warfsre. As oue militai- autisority h-a, put it, "Pre>perl>' led and aruuned, 1,000,000 Guriý4Mâ, if obt,sùuble, ,would,,,-.walk 'througis Europe:'" Tlere are; , oewer, enlï, te-n regimets c d lerka in thIse u 4i-n army,. eaç oh.ces&eLng o! tw - 9 iiliusti bout 806' mip. ths'front st tisê prc"t'it time it le atifficut. o say. ]Bject'wliatever tise nu unber, tise>' nrav le iýckonedj upon to inuke the Kaise*r change hlis opinion e! Frencis'& éif-upl little arny.." Triedito.trim--!& wart wýth a razor and ~ee'da.ateeY-. TbQ only,wart cure io VI1utum Ë." hh ipeoe. a.r .corne, cdiiouae. tIn à'day. meât on ge.tViug Pultuam Corn anud 'Wartxtemoto«r, itLs the boit. Me. 'at aildealera. Évidence. Lawver-Wiisen did your husband firet show sigus of insanity, made, 'Wo«nan-The, dny hemiarried, me.' 1 theii-diScovered that lie was xa.k- irigonWv $10 awee-k. AR vas pue erible luzlbgib MINARD BLfllIMT. lMR. 8. MASTERS. *A.t anyrate love ineý ln. ,ft cm gdneraily deteet a flaw in an 'enLgagèineiit ring. MinardsLiniâtment curma Distssnper. Bridis olumia.The] If y6u'fW>âit r;inan to follýwv ycur- a ýé )- advice, tl-i~~deoas he leAstu 911, ~i'dn on ibe'Cïü'trary. ~ >atr-'s 'Did ts~ >d~s '~ atetcifiéeýbtro cîne -do yC~Ur li'iit âW'Y god 1" -h-mryik' "Me .,,ne lOn read'iugtise cir- - culartisa~~~e round i, s-ýîegeV Little Brawn le H yWe* 1 figtoýulïs~~ti en'5 to u igh. are flyiuýg sud tise steel is suing the Germaie nsl - ftise gaflnt unnlçh o, veformp part 'o titv- üp fô'r b>' a i irinessi, agVi is'l -j desdiuessa1o!, hie aimu viVis ,a-r*ie, iau&-~cis-deaded kiîI-hià - ---- favorite veapon. É. 4 Tise GurkAisunever to, apy miED j: ;' - t ner..'MaIry 1 a'Vgoing -to-be &-t! Noedinuer? le jail, sir, ai' a-te up-, gXAcgtofornpseTi&r ;ofi WCiflen,,nearlX &H ai !the-m ln deep uio-urning. MaiâY-ô4thecn .oeemsd ver! ging totheir cleee$<,r "Pier fa.ces, îbeautifubl wfiteo the. toil and thouglit of years, were shiguiaýriy. aipresive. They migbt ilîZbve-wtppe-from1 the wonderful Fiemitih canvases in thse Art Oa.l- lery of theircity. ."A fe.w days la er the*e mourn- !Dg 'women, oki an J1 yonng, bearing in primitive ;band frs ail that they rbM1ld ea.ve c4 their hOusehld'ilgodds, fonmied par.t of tshe procession froxu1 it en ire popuain #£-ttr, tllcan escrCeiy ofr p~r~ll1l e £e etn 60lesoCIa& >t~thU~ôsuife r ng.Five~< dre thous nd pe-4oeofuI ar< fending inhabhitant ý, homel u a lheipless, were fleei ig into t .edsrk27 n"r. Frm Ae1banki et --,the SlKiist flawihei§-cf fire t)hey, 4hdwbt for many 'ci theP'.,i* iteîriliý?Vision cl the, city'of- bheir PluiyPains! Vanisl N-fERVIL1NRHKNEVER FAILED TO CURE. --Don't suifer! Nervilluie la youjr reUs! . j Nervillln, met' rubbed on, lots of IV, wiii sase that cira-su, tlght feeling ovri-your niba, viii destroy Vhs pain, yull have yen smiing sud happy lune lime.- I cauglit colti luet weok w4lImo._ toring,' writes P. T. Malleu7..rn0 Lioden. "My chest was full olcues., tion, my throat wss migbty sors,, andi 1 - badtihs fiercest-etitch ln me side 4'ou culti Imagine,-, As a boy I vas accustomed tée have my, mother use Nervilins foraur miner alImenta, a4d remeibbs 'ring hat confidence sbe bud lu Nervlln\1 sent ont foui a bot- tie at once. Bet cen nocu and-'eight oclock I hati a whole bottie rubbed ou,' and, then got lute a perspiration under ths blaukets. This droye th4 Nerviline tu gooti sud;deepW, anti J woke- up 1uext xnornlug fresau asàadol- lar sud absointeiy cured. Nervîhine lN ucw aiways part of my travellng kit, sud I wiii neyer be wlthout It." Tl I'arge 60é. -fàml é: ebottiele a tho nost economlcal, or yen eau easlly get tise 25c. trial size froni suy iele. their means, anti some acerding Vo their meanness 1 LVC S %f- U. 6 8m a iffio ~-'-- juat Es Com or.f etvýýâ whai' alwa-ýy-s lî- ie tfled.. &elf. Wtbat.'I, want î ai'an wÃ" «Il gratify xny ibiggestise, : Ju" ieiLbàW« I1.GiIfbnÃŽ -u ideal wa.tering ) isee, p ~ogmiort».ly and convenlnty by' the ' 'l.igo aud North We.teu-fy. Four apieudid trains LirteL r-î 0 nehnj thli1 ul Mi ,-f ala g êsuEPoIjn'hd fIpab.tfcu- lU*i UM Lh'AL4ýl~E;~ Bennett, LIen. oral Agrent. 46 Yongre Street, ToroutoOut. When a doctor ilex<tsle it may - lie becana. he is 0oUi-'" -Paientsi 0. W. 'DAWSON, WMinet>?CI Toronto, IFruit, 8tock, Grain or ID write 11. W. »aw.lon, Brsrnpt b«osSt., Tc.ronto. of. W. DAWSON, Ceibeno s ciCLAIU s i New &U4 Second baud re c aud power rpo POLSON IROrWOI8TOE E1Elnsra and Bhipbuli Màoblnory For aIo- Engine, shaiting, belting,"pulleys, etc. f rom large.. fectory for sale. Whe.eiock engine, iS by 42 , &>ýmplete with cylinder fraie, flyWihe.l, bear- inga, etc.. ail in good odi4dition, Shafting f rom -one inch ti6 three -iùIIgey& thirty in'éhes to ~fity'n~hsbelting six-iniches to twelve inches. Wi il ienr o in part. NO Ê ,EASONKABLE OFFEmR REFUSES>. JS.. Frank NWilson & Sons. 78à Adélaide Street West, Toronto, Uflh8!~PAUTS141.25 CAL C4 ram<p ofit. onr - t anVhs egular .11 t W" noW c --lrac, istir 0; DARU PAiNÇS Oarnt«d 1. gi id Write to.da ro ilr>a.»Garu à8 . liai IL Oret. * he-I -toki Pa you wanted tee She-IleealW.d fo'r yo to ebrme on; ----- - ne "a',w'i aza'LL aUor'V yà !ellev ,has-caiied il Il- 'i - - ': -'- '- t ISSUE Vê-'14. - i ARCHIVES 0FONTARIO TORONTO1 Thçre's money Inl~our file 'G ove - t'o t IL;weigiit -t goId no'W thst adultqators of Vure MaIPIO Syrnuare uinD'ut to flight by tbe'golverme"ntaue'w protectivo 1.glulation.l'armzera ww b. Ouro- oftgottins full value for the, geu- ý.ine,,.rticeeTo- get the. btrt re- siIi64trom your Frée s on iviline"d Our #00immplsft' Evaporator. Lot us know how anany trecs yen tap and wo will moud you- partiularo mi te couL, bo. Write for free book. let. THE biMM mFO, ., LJpITED U WOgin#i t. Que.r -l -il -L -1 ldd fi, Th ite nO da'y at rebi ýmou d iooked Ver>' keon-ly "He haiE one or î-wo new sud lie sang very badly. oeeoccasion Mid -wtuco Wth an angry- eweCC în<cked up.the lo'ni fromý '.I 11-'t uhlnk r-11 trou] * if M ii elair.' hoeaid.' liti jl ympathY" Thi n pand pullý wthiuhadoe aat trembleý M r.i tfammnond hati go; Piano, and n;ow-had eeq . '"Lok -here " he sa-id.' sqa>' rizht eui You thiuký Thte eior ftmed io ou -the spur of the Mme "I -sf11 if IL vili make He etired. ut ber ala for 'à moment; thOn he vo!is-- realizietIon camýe te MMi I ont like -yor fun,' to kut) ai hi. MUSIie J& Into 'theehanisome les EnI4 feit a litUo sourry 'verY Young, and she felt hl1m. After all e -sali inie uo one icid hetJt vih a litiie pang ait-bei bere4 'Manon Ijeurles i * As liPe pd iup hie.i âveki3atain. don*tkio. We nugt t rY 1 &ix oct goýng t0 lei anY more.* ho saud d' eiuiWé'well You;are mak whoie ime, Weil. yen somebody elq.. Yen mlii 11Yoell ffg entoon »aid- Eniti.' 1 'p4lat hardly coneeril Xr, Xamiuond stiffiy. "B if 1Ioay I'm torr ThI&Il vas empty. < cothe. bien prisent- En pea ' iu ths vay. IV * but tLiiianger «o! a y se injacis that vaë thMy Whats' the luse of et hat. -vent belp me te li'idpuiled -off bis do i be bat .and tic)t 'You knurw 1 amrnotc, as you thtnk I-a&m. M- mine tyou tain.1 _bave- enti ý aisd I kn<)w yen MY ' ¶fi>ing, N- i t "AlLer al. ishat dnee i Er.Ilaunond Iam co tirîlitbe> knw more t] "You're no istudent,' LS 1 fel*-he panieti phrase-"ai iifted Up'." Phrifgged hie aoulder lnindv perfectl>' sli -Wh -. ac4 niglit. It sas becal lyouar'I as jealons. -W.] but -noL in, tàa4avsgk tbinie m 1-~~-ut -I- du otbft pe& n îu;ihen ILaie Výhii.morn fng. I ivere to go b. k luto tbi 8obne tours came intc * Oow:5,h5 feit trniy sorr3 ."Ttan k yo, 3fr. Ham j Tigt vas very goç>4 oJ i7àl leL um Roover theoe . ie etoçVJW t-e piano sud bis exprersciu sas 1 **Oh. wbat'p'the use" nieyer fiuir. chai l I'f heauswered him prou Of coursie. yiu vonitié vor. To--do bizthinirs tori. You have a ëbai - ' yeon)ly want a iittie hi -\ yoiu whati 4a? Hïi. pau-'d anuYIat iemlhatiecally. "Ratber!i" t-h, chair whiere hlus bro=hth4 tc.mu.îc iark. Eàid apen; unbour ovei lin- im, - hi. ztake. -wliere he could ."&-0l11;ei advaniîge. -l ooi She flung hber.ifntt bier ht-art,,aîîd t-bey botb leegôn lbac!been moisit eue -Mo'.- do you Onows -se Mu: laniuuud, s Uxy go moeeuvery Young,.anduut' *1 bave oui>' nxy'mnîlct antswercd hlm. hârdly en huith vacoriecs inluth a ;se, WTt tS. herysýU t bat-Lo ber very Mzodfep- Lit-er iu the ufter4oe, rreiglnti- cinsd eyesa inog:te read.the iidi=30 he; f brop lit ilu a basket of1 Whieb vssattched B 1,ý

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