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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 24 Dec 1914, p. 2

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tord wâst nut- -Beit four $999 ty t-hen aAddhllI iigbVsugari, s- te- *iangriente -are usuauîy ketï,ock in, virùrp*ntry. î1V can»bemade two weetitsbe-fore V ullg, ifdstored inia cldplace, a.nd '»ervet, six personis. Two'-eupso of en tire Wihea't flour, anecoup o! saour -- DI1k,,oase up o! 'Neiv Orleass m- sane eupe-of seeded raisins, onie .gg, -one teaipoonful e!fsait, on level teaspe-onful. cf soda dis- molved in, one tablispoonxful of wa- ter. jMixjal ingrediens tthoreugh-, --- ly, adding dissoived soa -et. team in a buttc-red cove red meîuld lb-nec hours. 'Sauce-Blifïene-î ha-if oup of es.gar, anc table i-nfu- seçh-. o! butter and flour, add e eu p cold wate-r, boul skuwlym- Bye mlniitef1,ftiieel add one-bal! te- i onul fvanilia. Ili Cs¶mtmasi Cake.-One saint cup- - fui1 uË-butter, tWso c spiula e!sugir, --thnec cLupfu.,e cf fleur .1! ted, t-hree S level 4te#.poonfuls -of baking pe'w- ider, i-çhites o! eight. eggs, haîf, a g las-, oe? milk, one 4teaepanftsl suie of! lerion, alnwuud andorange ex- -tract, bal! a pâcund -o! bilch al- x)donoe' c ~ffio hedce-c - cuanu-t, oee chifu1 ô! seéded roi- > s ins, quart-er jpou'wlo! citron cream, Ibut-bd-, and teng&r ,ad-cl iïsl-k'anid -- extra-ce s nçi. -Uthe'or;b-en-t -&l w4l> th.ss«M l 1iMY -bpe-Vn vi hitec'ý e sp' a4 rem ainder et flfV4 , to bi'cli b, bie»n sifte theb IC vwIT-, la tyadd 00-_ LU ked citton, iad - bake in leaf pan'in» moderate oe fotyfiî, munu-tee; ice iith bied -ia-ng ; trm wreathliareuid 'top e! - hin lêutves eut frein ojtron- andi wmmii red cîndles ta lo'rM hoUy j *ceof -one lemon, -and &mre-qus.r- lrs of *~ Pound of pat-ryfar -Fourm witih flôured Ihand* lint>o'smail bal.' i->cnint. e tre cf esc a émâll picce of,,crystalilized ginger. P'Ifte i» rowe in a greaud Ibakjng peau and Ïbeke tiwent-y minutes inaa quick aven. - 'Christmas Bread.-Twoýcupfuils of yes.st, two cupful. cf brotw-» sugar, two cupfui-s cf raisins, two cupfule of nuts of any kind o>r a-il, oe cup- -fuI of dried «apples, utewed juice and aIl, one ta.ble.pooaful cf cinn'ec», aone-ha,teapoc-nful of n-utmneg, and enough fleur te miake 4o for wbat bnci-c, and mould in boaves. t-t rime juet the une as wl-ite bread, and bake. Potite Dougimute. - Cream eone cupful cf c;ugêr wsth one teapoon- f ul of butter, mdd es gg well beuten, one cupful csf warm mîashed pela-tees, ene--haif cupful cf milk, e. Pinchh of ginger, two or ttiree grat- unge cf nutmné, ene-four&i t-sa- spoon-ful af sait, thre. teespoonfuls of! baking aower nd th-ree cup- f uIs ofc lu-.Ralquite thi, ase tley puif up cousiderably. Doughnuts.--One euipful cf stîgar, one cupfui of souir mlk, gne -egg, four t-ablespoonfluls o!fmited, lard, one even' tespoonfi4 cof "o .die- salved -in the niilk, oiW fourth tee. - spcanful cof grotind nutmeg, one- -h~f ta.spe f sait, a.nd flour cnough te -roll euasily. Confections.-A new and, dei-ic'ous confection nay be preparcd ai fol- loweg, Cut nioh îtôamed fruit, cake iuuto a inaull stars, - triangles, or ci-r- cles 'and dip into eweet chocolat. w-hich has been meited. Tihis makee a d-ainty adfditiQ» te the Christ-ma. candy -box. - Doistv Dishes. Boiled Apple RtoIy PoIy.-This is - cialy useful fer using up emall =pls Make a Iight cuet crust, rell Ît out vcry 'thin, and cover vith ,nh .jAa-rvla..--i itase Fruit Cake (1)_-Shix ViiujqJtt'5 sie. wttDILDmgr uver mue' ,ur, thýee e! b utbe-r;-tub et andi fruit a-ad flavo r wiitîh a littic grated ip! sugar1 ene ounce o! mace, lemnoa-rind, a-nd,. if iked, Aa uspi. bosases of-wjne,.iwo glases _of cion cf gnound cinnamen. -IRoll up l, feur paund-È e ra-sins, haitthVie pfat-e, nmisten thbe ends, a-nd i ofcuî-nen,,ix eggs, on. pi piachu hem togethier securciy. Bell Lt, mmali teaspoonful of eoU InD lot-I for Vive heurs, or longer n at-lagt, moment-. Aft-er te-') if time permits. ç4. , ekeptone y'ite Plîtîn Pudding siithout Eggs- iégn e* ,, mlpiiceOne Poundo!foflu-r, t-hue-quarters t* -,and--aquart or j»ore o!f' of!a Pound, e! chepped guet, ha-If a âmmxlik.ê îbiscit, -the n-mix 1Pound lo! stoncd raisins, hlfaIa r and4 sugar, and &t- 9 e'eiclDk- pound of currants, a quarter of a e eveai»g il ,ufficie;Itiy1'iight, Peunad e! sugan, Vieocunees o! chop- >ne-I-ird of butter and'eugar; ped peel, and bal! a nutumeg, grat- leugh; aI-- 1- add anpfiuhcr t-ird cd, sàltspoonful ef mixed spîce, Vive sa-ny~~~~~~ lntl ena ten-J1ange-tablespoon!ul-s of dark trea- der.. about-4 il c'e'.ocik. if liwhte ce. Mix altegetIer with neanîy aij uaougî, bégin knead-ing and con- itie- for oesheur, addiag meau-1 - -wbile ail tube otier ingredients. This wî.l mn.ake se'-cn laves, and isecx- Christiîîas Frit Cake (2).-Thnee cupacff suga.r' (one brown, t-wo whuit-eýi, ceseup e!butter, -six eggs. Spices : One tea-upoonful o! alIspice, one teaupoonful e!f cloves, Vive te&- - poonfuhs e! cinnamea, 'aenc tea- sp4onaf ul c! nutmeg, one ponnd o! currants, Vive peunde e! secded rai- s in&, oespounci o! dates'or fîgs, anc leinesn, grabe ycllow înd use tbe j usce; thlres cupe cf cniekeru rolied flne,,one cnp o! cour mi-ik,on an d oas-bal! teas.peonfuî-e of isaleratue, omis bah! peund o! w-inuta; acd one cuip of fleur and ene-haîf peund, citrnon., Pour int<>-.a large zake Ii Sbake about- Vive lurs in -a N~ayoven.. This improves wit.h ago. Frost- wlcn -eady to use jV. Always put a piece of piper over the cake fer Itbe first thlre-quarteru ùf an bour to prevent lard cruel, ram fonming ou tep-cf-cake, 'bhetumaieSauce.-Beat- cumiant jeiîy iiti a silver fou-k end mca- sutre eut six tablespodu-fuls. To thile add I-Ires tablespoonfuis o! angar a-nd VIe grated-nind aof tiv or-anges. St<~ir until wsii n-ixed and let stand %-e -lainte-, ten ddtwo-tbirds vejietivetable- %)ýùnu,]sof lmon u,u4sirth -teaupeenful of a! -t-, amd one-el#u-tsu easpeonful o! cayenne. IV is dcli- cioua -pil tube t-urkcy dinner. Ten~r~don Ufeîîu---Wbcn dreseing a tu rkey -thbe tendons o! tise legs miay b, em.ilydrawn by usirug a key sueb te corne.with à;abk>o f senduiîé4 Put tube e-ad of t-be tendon ihrougÉh the @lot,,' wind r1mun-cituhe key and pull. You ili- bç surpnised- bcw quickly iI- ca» bs -drawh. Spjsettute for Dresising. .- Fon tduose- wbho 4csm t-be flavor of' a tur- -key- i ipaircd by stuffing il, an- untisual and delicione accompaui- m~nent wihe takes thc place of dress- ing', is !eund in ccîeRknt cakes. Beil ane pound cof seleld chesinuts i0 tuwo cupttils of soîip stock tîntil soft-; remove !rom t-le stock anci na.sh to a paste, tbea add four ounces o! bread erumbs, tînce ounces o! meit- cd butter, one-haif pound o! peu-k satisage, salt-, pepper, and poultry fcaeoning. -Mx thoroushly and milt-en. 1!iuecessa-ry iitI t-le oup stock. Form jutoe caai, 'round cakes, and wbentlfic turkce nan ly donc, place the cakes in t-he pan a-run bst-unkey and cook until -brc>wn.' Gai nisI tise platten wit-h Crnaberry Frappe. - Cook one quart of cranbennica in Vive cupfuls of watsr eight minutes, t-hen ferce th -lrayugli a leve. 'A&I Vive cupfuls o! cugpr ajid -julceso! twaIe-moîps. Freeze te a nmush. Cranbel'1y Pudding. - One-lal! cupful- of butVer, three and eue-ha-If piat of milk. Place in a* gneassd basýin.and bail fou- six bouris. ChiiMtinas t2uke.-Ilr-ee-quartenes o! -a peuÜnd o! fleur, bal! a peuad of butter, bal? a peund of castor su- gar, quarter o! a pound c! chepped aimonds, quarter of a pound o! glace cherries, quarter o! a pound cf sulianas, quarter of a pound o! citron pec g-ated rnad e! a large lemon, hlai a iinegi1-a-seful o! bran- dy, tour cggs, onc teaspoonful cf ba-king powdcn. Beat t-be but-te-r aad sîsgar te a- creaua5 add VIe eggs and tIheet of t-le ingredienute (the cherries -clould be deut in ha-If). Pour'the mixture into a paper- lincd tin, anad bake lna a veny mod- crabe- oven fer Vb-nee ihours. Turk'hy Git.-The gibletsara-e th I-beteck, feet-, live-r, gixzard and liert. Lay-t-hemn in warm ivat-er tili welI cleaased. Dry I-hem ad eut- in- pieces. Put t-hem in a etewpa-n wiVî about a quarter of a pound o? rnmp steak ont- into piece, and- -tioounces o! bacon la et-nips. Add tive ounce e! butter, and let a-I-I browa. Dncdgs in somne flou-r, and tibea add an onion, carnet and turaip, aIl eut se-Il, pepper and saIt te t-aste.' Stues geat-ly tili ten- der, reume<ing thse pieces as neady; bbc liver and pia-jons iili be ready finît, and tise giznard l.ast. Skia off ail thbe fat-, and serve. Babbit Pie.-This maltes an excel- pihtdiefis for the early dianer, anU eoocuiial ane, Vo. Chose a aice wiîd naîbit-, Ïkixu ià and eut- int joint-s, dividing t-be large piece. agmin a-ad rensoving ail thbs bons you ca-n. Ta-ke a deep pis-dial, lias it- with s sceso! bacon-- I-ben put.-i t-le ofei e rabbit, dippcd in flour, peipper ami uist. Mxuengst the joint-s ivîs eggs are .be-ap, set quaritens o! bard-bei-lsd egge, tiny balle o! veal stuffiag, and olle o! streaky bacon. F111 thbe diAâh ia - Vhie 'way and tIen pour ove-r a goad stock o!fivaten. Ceven iitI cruet-, crament aiceiy, and bake for one and a hlaI! o Vive houri. Situma-gem.-Mm-ke as foilows and yotu wil l e dsligb;ted itiIt-le ne- suite. Take tivo pouruds o! lean park, mince lb finely and remove al sik. Place- it la a basin and sea- son it- with ý-herbe, manjnani, Salt-, and a siuspicion cf pewdened sage. Work t-be ingredicute ivel teget-her and add onei-sixtl o! t-bs quantity o! breadenumbs. Have Feme ekins pcrfecbîy cheanu, mb them itiV lemon-juice anrsinegar, amd lay t-hem in coid ivater unîtil rcquuncd. Take'tisem out, fili t-lens wil- h tle mca-t, and i e ilu nengt-hs o!fbot- t h '. lohes The sausages are bIen r sdy to be caten, cithen fried or boýie, according t- tate. The-world is a cage in whieh lu- minit-y is t-amdd. Money may help a mpan Whoa lelpi hlînseif, 4,sof4 1; * atI 19 Garnett. Hie yolcewas bitter. He glanoed acrase at bis wife's white face, w j and blamed bimself for ever having T HE -PrUDDINerGSlav houni~ ~ me. She seemed ta read bis thoughts, fer she lient forward and ~ *- .~itm laid a band on bis, knee. f"Don't yaj Imagine I'mn ever sorry There won't be r-uch of the 'festive 1 married , Ted, whatever happens. season' about It with us this year," It a. a y that father und mother Edward Garnett sighed. "Wby, If we neyer likdflyou very mucb-said you have a Christmas.dinner at ail, It'1l be werenet well-off enougli, and quarelle< a mighty poor one." with nie about IL. 'd love te be "No pudding, l'm afraid." His wife friends witb them again; but stil-' shook ber head alowly. "They won't Hie face brightcned, and lie threw~ send us, one, of -course. MY folks, 1 off hie depression for a moment. mean, or yours." "And my people-it was my share "Not much fear of that." of the li-usekeeping money they mis- "My mother bas always made six or eed. They were against my gettIng eight. Sbe's well knawn for ber pud- married at ail. But a feliow can't stop dinge. And your mother, too, Ted- a oefree.H at~awf bers are rather nice." Peggy, and a place of bis own. It's "Beet I've ever eaten! " .declared Ed-! anîy natural."l ward Garnett rather gruffly. Do you remember last year, wben I took youI He drooped fo.'wards in -bis chair round there an Boxing Day to intro- again. duce you?" "A place of bis o*rx*" ý" echoed un- "It tasted very nearly as good as steadily. "Two rooef on the third the one we bad at home." floor, lni a ttrèet miserable enougl te "Better! There's na one te touch l iveySu -the blues!" -my mother at coaking." "Yorregoing te apply at Marx & Hie wfe smiled wearily. SoVer's to-marrow, Ted," his wite Te- "AnyhÏow, 'there'll be none for us mInfded hlm, with an effort at cheerful- this Christmas." j.iese. "Witb that letter of Introduction 'II met my aId dad last week In the ta Mr. Saper, you'll very likely geta Higb -Street. 1 don't know whetber 1 Job. Seeing it's the daybefore Christ- mentioned It ta you, did I? He jugt, mas, he'li very ilkely feel ln a gooc said it was a flne day;» and went on. h umour." Might have been speaktng teaia "l'm net counting on anything 111<4 stranger!" that. Luck's dead against me. l-ow- "And 1-1 saw mother about a fort.1 ever, better get ta bed, 1 suppose." night ago. She istopped and spolie ta'1In the morning bis wife woke hin me: but orily said she wondeied If I'd, ln good tlme, but ai irsi le would not had enough of inarrled lifeyet, and she move. suppoeed 1 was finding out the big 1"What's the use of going? 1 kno'w mistake .I'd nmade 1I didn't tell you very well what old Sopcr's answer will at the time, Ted, because she was be." qulte wrong. 1 haven't made a mis. "For ýmy sake, Ted!" take at Aîl!"I Shamefacedly lie roused liimseif "You etilU say that?" directly she bad left the room. Thei "0f course I do! You know bow breakfast was a scaflty anc. and h< happy we've been. Tliings have gone declared that he was not hungry, go badly lately, tbat's alI that she miglit have the larger portion. "Couldn't very well be worse! We've Hie wîfe, bowever. understood lis In- lardly a penny, awe rent, and I'm out tention, and Insisted on sharini of a Job. Seems as If none of the build- equally. ers want a clerk. Fact Io, trade'.Sgo With a new warmtl at lis heart he slack they're turiling their workmen set out for Marx & Soper's. The door- off. keeper. at the builder's yard received "Luck'Il change soon. It's bound hlm abruptly. te," bis wife declared stoutly. "And "Wbat a day to come worryin' thu there's your Invention. That's going guv'nor for a berili!" ta bring us a fortune, ane day," "It's aIl the same ta me wbat day lt He hunched bis shoulders resent. ls," Edward Garnett retorted. 'II only f ully. know I'm out of work. It niay be "Firme won't look at my caiculating Christmas to-morrow, but money's machine. Think of the hours I spent scarce, and I want ta get taken on so'î over It, Peggy-worked ail my spare I can start next week." lime-laie at niglit, often. I was g "Al right", you'd better watt. I dun- fool ever ta thlnk go."# no If 'e'll scc you, thougli." -"*Crossway's have the mode'I now,, The flrm's employees Joked and haven't they? Well, they mîglit buy chaffed anc another as they entercd. the patent, you'neiver know."1 Their wageso were due, and a small "Flow many people bave refused îul bonus would lie paid ta tbem to mark I forget the number of times It's been the season ',When Mr. Soper arrivec sent back. Wby shauld Crossway lie le was býeWXmng affably. Edward dîfferent from the rest? Tchal! I'm Garnett took Ibis for a good sign. sick of the gliht of the thing!" lf an -hou-r later. bowever, he wnî Misfortune lad ' soured Edward leaving WfthIP4lagig steps and beni HJe aU1celled the otïIi.ï et lest' and wsoUed, te ~ confess hiefaflures uti~1J BewstrylDg tW çomfort 11_m, when Wiat Slhall1 Giye "the ÛDgéÏ Wbendrý-p 4e 'au:ht eiglit cf a -bundle la the Wa iîoW1ro=V the corner, of the. room. tlrsnaQ d u e*o~~ '-Hallol What hàa you got there:, jinus,,B#e, PegyQvreup yith the table. -1 nîloeDthen Oj'II "Daa't teuch It, Ted," sherequested GRveEar - to ÈtS,ý&e Wiho 017 ,f ý eredë ~ihnszhi p a hI julko f 'no15.-PJea,,u eac panVwoeu'to ie.prsg o, ne-.y label.He l-ichrh ecaaincomea I hajflcup of orearnand one-hlf OuP sbowed that lie gueesed its signhifimm Gjve Rands -to th-e wone. o iiIk.. Bail until a solft balià ~c~ce 'u&er.-r îou 'tof ra',eýor formed when drôpped into Sda "'Ah, my calculatar bac'k=thrown on creed, nteBrejt-ierYiocd l a-Il iter. Rm i my hands once mare! No one wants wr cdî a hî nde eflV fo fr n e at's;9ù 0115i 1tL Of coursé not! cchyii o urd nto m ea~s;trutils elaughed harshIy. - This ýfinalýbîow "iovea th~ h anVe, aW'x~ our int l Te t I alpios t, ovdrwhèl1med hlmi. pIeô hi wuerd~~ad n d arIn t de-quYE;Th n~i "FIerg's a letier, taa. -You were try- fire' abovc th-, eriEp,,Decemnbèr« Ed; meats nleed not sbe added unlefP. ~ lng ta hide it, were you, Peggy-? r sa-s others go. -sirèe s a ry gomaed b i g b5tt2oYl Slr,'êregret that we are disînclined G j huh . h. yub~tmuesgrjemd yuigb'wi ta cohsider-'Whyý of cuscan do t~e,> heer - the ,hea,,rt- anïd-sugarand a fe-w -drops of MawPIe Crasway's ihlnk lt's-o goti at l' soothe tA1-3 mii ànd makd the ,vorld Ilivorin e tald you, se!" acF îîdgeI"-Mae thc ~salne -Hie wife stepped doôser, sîippIng lier seem goc.d ardkicl tt ihse èIcfascemntfd oladiÉJ, arm round-Is elioulders- feoîbwnat,- tian you. - -as eamn ur. ounce- ofly at.ding i "Don t take 4It ta heai, Ted. You jGîve SnmTiles 'tu a-Il who&e w-';erY <dtnfuroceofradch-.- muet try flot ta md." 1i adt briigs picjom an'i 1- pain an ola:ýe te the other ing1rediientà, andi - Tbey've even sent 1t back witthotth uscai>coite-fYuwb iheboxI mde or l! eII iftha gray de-spair, and bendcs- them jl h u-ecob oitc f o iI lsn't the limit! l'Il juet pay them a mo'er life-sE-.L.eèt) rcac; for SM a p!ain Coate ld e p - eaul presently, and l'Il ask them what wjtrh -th em -are rare.i ýFut brnîcs-Mit a tO they mean '-by taking some of my Give Khbewlcdýge teD the duli, un- ipcfbonsga-wthaltl proqperty!" taught, for £-)mc'the;eaewh lovinegar or* lenr juice, -and a heae- "I wouîdn't trouble. about that, Ted. noV know wi,'-h what -our Çhý-Fî~smaq- n lepon fltV; d c' It's not mucli lose." -ii-l t aes&frýbatmhý "l'Il bave my right, thougli! " le lad ide is fraUght; 'o~pc~ f Bîm, itut-il ito makesatr a-bi one- raised hie voice furiously. "l'ilgo and the manger-b.e- , bclneath the E.2,- dîop1lf d jo-to cof wate adaote taik ta them, you, see If I don't!" ern _Siar's paie glow. - hi ui'ac fdopddtu Laie ln the afiernoon Edward Give Courage to the fearing band Preels. Bea~ troýý n xd llouanie Garnett set off determinedly ta Messrs. bthat ne-eds the clasp cf, fric-xdlv apsee Bat ilve!-ticand roil out i[ite- Crossway & Sans' offices. hand and c'hezring ernile and ual setalnc h ik hn eP a a' "I don't sec wliy I s.iouldn't have my go-d-wil-i; give courage, tieil, t-o amai1 squares and wrap inpraffin box," lie repeated. "Tliey've nbereif su-h ks 's a to keep It. l'Il Just calln tee uhî ythlis dy. t-nii .îîI aruai,îls.-Place i they've lest It tley'lI have ta tind It Give Hced ta,~ othe-rs arîd thei' Ficpnoecpo odncy again, tliat's aIi-4nd then we'll go out need, They know, they feel1, lhc y pan one cup o! lgolderon csu- for a bit of a walk, Peggy. Iow much have de&ire;- nor is it what ymou syrupa ne cup o! ght -brewn s- can we afford ta spend on aur Christ- think iE- beet, but ratiher whapt thiey gradac-îxp en d ml-. -ç - - mas shpig-h"until înixc.J. Bell un-tiI-Wh'n"drep "Trshping-h ' the most we most require that you shou!d give pdi mie coîl wa-t.er itWil form a. "T reellingm-that'sand do and aay on O-hrlstmaem Day. pe<)tbl ewe i.fne e le nodded ruefully, and turned Give Liughter-bot the Ee3rn!ul t ha-Ilfe feandV'ie filers. le- away. Hie wife felt a lump la ber sort, but Iau-ghter tihat aboun-de mee oîn f airea and pddnea table- tbroat as île watcîhed hlm wearLIy,,with- happy, vmholesc, E 1meanur-r.y.-hogi.iý depart. - sound-s -n<îd seinfect- oua g4atobri:i-g Eng lei antnai,-atog ht was perlaps .two houre after-a. îike retloit. -w'11l he verygroodýwitho in, thc -t, wards that lieeiame'back,- ftlying- up the -Pour itm b a tý,,red pan ahuu,- ,a-b siairs, burstinglan at the door se t iat Give Her---ehn-rt that bata inch thic!c, and imhen slîiily eooi ehe started up In aîarm. He was for aIl upon t.hi d-ay; the hceart ùhat mark . off intoE-mall square.9. Whem panting for breathl is u face was wark- greete the lc-wly and t4a high' tb-'nearny cool cul into suîuares'. Ing strangeliuand -hlu-eyes ahane. heart tihat gxro-w*awýitah- IFnpatby -and 1. Cbu>eolate ('araïUmms.Pu t ifi a. "You'Ili lardly believe ht!" lie began knows but love for thufe who pasp acpnîcttpau roîae u Jerkiîy. "Peggy, you've been crying, Yeu by. gr n-afpn fceman ie but you needa't cry atiy mare. Lîsten, Give Joy tb all-4t m-ay 'bc brcad g, oehalpn fcemadue my dear! Tbere's gaad news-good froe o u-,asie r ytaliai! clip of, milke»aod ene-fourtI of' news at lait! Cnossway's kept tbe froe rjstasnio e graicci unqweebened chocolate, sir box on purpase, because of the fasten. simple t'oy, or words o! praise or0<' nl- itltemitr om Ing. Remember 1tV" -evngld-but g've Ihen ail and cntnl ni h itr om even o 911a Qsufi hall w-hen drop-pcd into.coliC He cauglit lier slioulders, pullng bier you wi-ll give but Joy. - water. Pourin mb greaszd, pans, close. She stared 'in amazementý Give Pra.îýe:io Hlm, Ihat yon have, flrst lavoî-ing lb -ith vanfla; out- "That sort of catch you made o!fl?" "Ys!Ol Coswa-Isa hmma-ny things--goacd. fniende, a home' mb och squares. huiself-been talking ta him liest part a-nd health-and lifes long -pan. Puainit Nougaet. - Place '-in»a- of an liaur-aîd Crassway says its the Give Pr-aise ta Hlm for ail these F aite îî hl lp f'aerýt neateet arrangement he's ever seen thinge, and, best of all, theBrother- - ean fganif atce u cf and ne, It's gaI ta lie patented, lie says, Ibat hcod cf Man r - ableespooün if leinon juxce.- Boll un- Ilttie fastening. I neyer dreamed, - Andgiving these ,-ou wil1 have ii~ PJSatrdo a2 ad was any real use. Peggy.- Just thought h'rp of il anc day lait week, and fItted It ta given -mo-re, by far, t an prince or hall hetween the'fingens whendnp the box for my own coavenience." potentate or modern Midaàs--z ped intoccld wateî-. Pour this mover "And la it worth any mone V" You wil- have given better things a clipcf- -peanuits froni whi-ch the- "Worth? .I don't know wbat 1t's thai stocks and bonds or' lands or _kins have been'nemovei- and halv- wortb yet! le's going ta manufacture d5adins- ced. Spread smoothly and mark in- il and selI It. Tliey'll use-lt on trunke You will have given that ivhich tao squares. and. bags--ordinary -lingeand ladies' nihrpm o u-rnrhget 1.zlNi loft.Ml n-af handbags, - purses, and aIl sorts of ne-e em o -wrnnhgct iae ît'ùYe-etoehî thjnge. It can Déaîtcrcd a bit, you influence can comumand- cup of bultter in' a sailcepan,-add knaw, and made taelie used on pretty You will have given tha-t which one clip of m.olasses, one clip af ncarîy evcrytblng." gald, nor favor, nor fean can buy- bnown sutgar and une ta-bleFpoon Cf He fumled ln bis pocket.I You wll have given lIat which vinegai-. Boitk until it cracks brit- "Loekgasped He wvas *evcî' gîving le the lowl-y tic when dro--i-ped inIe coid watcr. "A flve-paund note, Ted!" and the pour. corofori and stne-ogth stir in a hli? up of chopped hazel' "MOrulCossway, lie gave il tae n and hope -alid reýsb nid courage an-d nist nients and 1. îahlespàon of va- accouai. '11 iea't business,' lie said, faith-fu- -of t-le-se t-bing-s aie thee nilla. P'î1iiîniîo a bubbercd pai- and it's aothing be do with tle flrm: Perfeet Cliilti-mas Gifts made. and eul ;iiito quaip-vîheui neýarlv but you lake this,' le said;, 'as i' Cbristmas-time, you niay find îî useful.' -w-l--- cold. Peggy, Peggy, we've tunned tle corner - .~iihj4 >'pu-?aeiucp ai lait!"mm SIAW l'1WO BRIDGIES IILOWN U P. i graniated sugar-iii a saicepan) !m Hie voice died away. Reaction lad and add t)ne-lialf cup-o? goLden cur- camle, and sle lielped hlm ta a scat. Fiîi'" rîli )-urutoloft-,rup. -a lalf--cup of Maber, and une- Presently wlien lie lad necovened, ihey- fourth bea.cpçon'of crcami-4f-tnn-t.r discuesed tbis totaliy unexpecled wind- iiiatti'r ta (<'I'ilils. 13,11 unhii h ni-iles .a fi-ni hall w-hen faîl ln excitement and joy. "Wc'ii have moaey la spare later Th,- New York, Anirican's ccrî'c droppred into uld wa-bes'. In the on!" lie exclaimed. "We won't. lie spo'dent in Paris wrbtes:manm- hptiîlwics<?t> liad-u ay mre. Myfols'i le Te Vrerie i~'1 la~cwp-kw-as C,".9 venY Stiff. JuisIbefore iem0v- " No, seems not. Andth iere wais't lie tthe aGrWl)ITIth -e -m tppi-es Stau wa-s zel-t-o-me-bya amrwI jTn th l- anotler delivery to-nigît. Your i5~~î1-v i -,s.-sriht- u oe ha n in a pudding, non mine t)î,v i àm malIe hasnî 5C TîC1 lavarinn and S-axoin lii- And l e fnc'-,ty &n--' et.s lotos', L- "'I'.ighi came lu tise snoniig, Ted." -gd's' l(I-n1 w hsuj-d-s<f.'-i I lii'i :, e!1r, greator, i liure nouita! Wouîdn'it-Le lis time cavalry e('f ýltC(i4th otini- - isitrsngt for dinner. No, no;,,îhey don't w-sut p-iC: rhy ic ed tîe eta lave anyihing more ta du vwith us, hrs'ci w re -arWhioc î4ie S'--nis 1<me cs1 i'ug ai-e fuser -dean. Neyer mind!" -<'hic &j3"rs lvw', ' 1 ("1i i Is- ".igil; "But 1 do mind." îlsfs iti-See- i.. it. i'i.: tings m-un 1.-sic-r i "*Sado 1, sonehow'» 1lir lusband incendiant si-i"l fiiC- 1)., 4)11 ' jH t ad mitteti. 'ildon'i Iei's tiîink- les-v feu!i'-î,thcISC 1 . 'sitmsngi about îhem. -Sec?" -'The*w-I-le ~~~ iif -'i-' rsstoi Me t' 1rbeil-s ring cle-nier y "ii's ioo ilad of your failser andt4i heasve. ' iis'wa, i.-i tFr--olV -'îumtheu-ir teplrs. lItis, ýneaner, ImaIen ta bear a grutige agalist you iuî e;'t. ig ù, < ~ Svm-îii- t--irn-et'ye wioe w-os-d's aIl this whiîe!" - j lear "Yes; and 1I(lo think 3ours n:îIgîtitand evelly bidiiing et t4l ) <îl Cu'isw-unili t - have sisowun a1bit of kindness, espe-iaI- g-iid e"Icdt'.b-d.<i-s r iy ai Christmas!" 'h;s li s-ed 11gib in-ii'.1-:r liv eïGloamily iley sel a-bout tileir îuel< j cle,<,:e o.)1of d c- rruke-Z n i m1a110 COAT HANGEIIS FOR X MAS. ' o:of puttlng (in thelisolly. They spuke Il l$rt ifvIing w-ilisîg axf-s'l e% 01455< rac;t ünerw 1.sîoc ni l. nsuilor ca4t sangen wel migit hae lcou lit liapiei ~ faht-d0W v 11- l Ii !lîs le i té killor î11111e ilgers - te 1- "Tbi mlg*o" haverapi ile lupglsîyLoolooi.sThiread gday of aur ]Ives, Ted." --! ' - fii ii i 04>lj- wm- is or(- I-;eecfilsga îl oruaan She broke dowii suddefiiy. lie crus- wihth ahi n es ed anti took lier li is lear'm,, try himg 1a'.-e i-1se is-t wl--c-s tIi-- eI.-'iîls<e - bîunîiile ie 1wnti-e frasneorui-It !a-* -to comfort lier. -t-iined 1 went wchtfi hui. \VI- udw1inî -ont limngeu' ii i sil a waIy wiat - ' I Arap atthie door rouectitheni Tluey hadi si~-e "h- -e-.-<i u!Cse s iaiiie of tise necogihiseu tIhe womnaenouthewlanding Iw-lic-e. Hun-dredis iay ds-v hinv-at,1-pimigi h -,Oc-thie boonk- eas one wlo lived an tIsa fon lielow. thbe wi'eekage. %Iaînv' ws-e stilli put tIse buttouluolo tcies 50 'close pakge.aive. pinn-ed by blocks oif m o- 1tIsai Ithe metai is caverot.. She hld oui two pacsages.-i T mifi n thueopessînigs, îîread a t "Sorny I 'aven'tb lrought these up o-r qim.in naoywb algrned y liefore, but I've ouly just gat liack fnom iIhigluaoy e aigonfo e wll a ciffercnt colon af ruphiia e my.sister'a. Tliey came for you M1E arm bloiwn off. Not a m.an e-scaped i and cnt-stilloli iraugli the butttonliôle sevening. I, took change of 'cm; an', desirucbion or montai htirt." -1I tîtchos utîtil lIhe space îs coves-et.i. Ssecin' as '0w you wenc out, I Put 'cm This a-vfui carnakge- nie.ilît t-le re- If Yfu 'aant the coat uaîugeî' sNeM- in m ownnoan fo safty." - ieat- cf -le Geriian lhue fronu Van- sceyutcd, malteIlittie hags &0111iî il> -- !'Thanks-t8.5kS vcny mucli!" b- n fte-ie-istvl d- ribbon foldcd acî'ass, thse. eags canes, boLenone oantietIc cutisetunnetvil. Pevenfhly iley selize peairceis, i-agesi n F-ran-ce le thle i'inls. casgt ads ee ndbaby nibbîîfo- mI. s- i guessing what tliey coniaisued.caigUs byrbofra 1 "Weil, gooti night, ail' a merry ----'-- trIng ant- i- nî eel h-ag ivitis coi toi ýl Chthickly sp Juk eti w iili sa bt lut. lai-.g c eprtas le-ting. igbor, Suued Ilea'the Trouble. -a bag frei-n eael end o! tIhe Iîm-Cigerx J They could scarcely answer I eft 1 alane, tbey looketi at anc anailer i0itiu Trasup-Youi' dog je-st -bit -a piece - -----'-~~- misty cye.sIclee. Il- !ofife-ah cuer rme eg, ifl4m. Yctîneyer oaa tell. A-gr-()"159 s 'Puddings!" seflee "One from Wcman-Glad you mentioneda it. nuumor ge-neralîy e c-'- lse Moi& t yaur moiler, anti onc from mine!" 1 wi&e juat- going bW !eed him, ,rund, naval raidaco poland W'itbh we-ê kiidam!d1 h-cii1d i expi ;i- n îl-'cc-ft caa peilni ' la. vn l'-ch t fi i---ci ioi t ghi. as 1<lis- c-ru twelmn aii- -s--(llt4t . - cu4 R ,- n t -. t c,' s-'th iee s'aPla '<s L--- a - ýrea - th-- iIle-e nian,--,L, a -'id t .tue @filjftiaY -Cuiers andil. ti aned tfsuffi te er nit:sh s-rîý il-at elcd . he- Iuea nîans,4ond dct île nigtui t a-t,, enuisentad r and lheyassuffered - f trmIho welse,,; J the Gerni-an ciis -rp4,i9 a suk ih -d f -de)r, 'C1- r w J. sie G. Tey b aud fee n tw-usunde i-eail caincer fltd -dancge*lutue arg - v-of - hlit rs-sm ed h tiilu -m i4-' Tniud - r, age agaisui- lie mon astdcf ue ,n - - 1 A nuajori- .- " ltei S tIfprWol wm- wville Fxftee n ýello4,li bc3ýs - î-gilieIl. auly ou -saping. T - srives '%%ben a bu ui had alzn-coii t tàeiÏýtUrd Kite ~Theyvtre '- t.wt- toa Matibe trffldbf-e ARC HI S~FOfi 7 f~II

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